What vitamins does green peas contain. What vitamins are in fresh green peas

Peas are one of the most ancient crops. Scientists believe that it was first grown about 8,000 years ago in the Middle East (on the territory of the Fertile Crescent). Evidence of this was found in Iraq during excavations of settlements dating back to the Neolithic era. Later, about 6000 years ago, peas began to be cultivated in continental Europe, in India and Afghanistan. After 4,000 years, this culture reached China, and in the 8th century AD it was brought to Great Britain. Peas came to America thanks to Christopher Columbus. There is historical evidence that in 1493 famous explorer first sowed it on Isabella Island.

Until the middle of the 17th century, people ate only fully ripe peas. It was used to make porridge lard, simple, but very satisfying and nutritious bread. However, in 1660, the court cook of King Louis XIV introduced a fashion in France for the consumption of unripe seeds of this plant. Soon, green pea dishes became popular all over the world.

Today, peas are grown in most countries with a temperate or warm climate. The fruits of this plant are used in the preparation of cereals, salads, soups and fillings for pastries. In Asia, they are salted, seasoned with spices and fried in in large numbers oils. In addition, peas and decoctions prepared from its fruits are used as aids in the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies.

Botanical description of the plant

Peas are a plant of the legume family, which has a winding tetrahedral stem up to 100 cm high. At the tips of bright green parotid leaves, tendrils grow, which allow the culture to cling to other herbs and shrubs. Peas bloom in the first half of summer with bisexual single flowers of white or pink color.

The plant begins to bear fruit in the second half of July. Its fruits are flattened bivalve beans, inside which are spherical green seeds. As the valves of the pod and pea ripen, they turn yellow.

Nutritional value of peas

Information about the nutrients contained in a 100-gram serving of peas is presented in the table.

Also, this product contains almost full set essential amino acids.

Vitamins in the product

Peas are a rich source of vitamins. The table provides data on how many of them are contained in a 100-gram serving of this product.

Also in the edible part of the fruit of the plant there is a rare vitamin H - biotin. The content of this compound in dry peas is 18.732 μg per 100 g, in green - 5.291 μg per 100 g.

Useful elements in peas

Both green and dry peas contain a whole complex useful substances, without which it is impossible to complete and right job organism. The list of these nutrients is presented in the table.

Nutrient in 100 g of dry peas 100 g green (unripe) peas
Chlorine 136.514 mg 34.248 mg
Potassium 872.509 mg 284.773 mg
Magnesium 106.883 mg 37.904 mg
Sulfur 189.719 mg 47.474 mg
Calcium 114.893 mg 25.964 mg
Phosphorus 328.606 mg 121.034 mg
Silicon 82.464 mg 21.511 mg
Sodium 32.414 mg 1.999 mg
trace elements
Cobalt 13.094 mcg 3.268 mcg
Iodine 5.078 mcg 1.271 mcg
Fluorine 29.066 mcg 7.448 mcg
Aluminum 1179.576 mcg 294.798 mcg
Molybdenum 84.163 mcg 20.981 mcg
Zinc 3.162 mg 0.794 mg
Vanadium 149.788 mcg 37.466 mcg
Nickel 246.487 mcg 61.647 mcg
Selenium 13.002 mcg 3.269 mcg
Manganese 1.748 mg 0.438 mg
Tin 16.172 mcg 4.048 mcg
Chromium 8.176 mcg 2.243 mcg
Bor 669.047 mcg 168.007 mcg
Copper 749.112 mcg 187.446 mcg
Iron 6.792 mg 0.688 mg

Sometimes small doses of titanium and zirconium are found in the chemical composition of fruits.

Product calorie content

The energy value of 100 g of dried peas is 297.814 kcal. A full glass of this product contains 684.972 kcal, a tablespoon - 74.454 kcal, a teaspoon - 29.781 kcal. Calorie content of 100 g of boiled peas - 59.883 kcal, green (unripe) - 72 kcal.

The benefits of peas

  • Peas - valuable product nutrition, containing a whole range of vital necessary for a person nutrients. Therefore, dishes from it are useful for people recuperating after long illnesses, severe mental and physical activity. Regular consumption of this product helps to avoid beriberi.
  • The protein present in the composition of peas is practically not inferior in its properties to animal proteins. In addition, it is much easier to digest in the human gastrointestinal tract.
  • Substances that enter digestive tract when eating pea dishes, they accelerate lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • A decoction prepared on the basis of the mature fruits of the plant has diuretic properties, helps to remove stones and sand from the urinary system. For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to drink half a glass of this drink every 4 hours.
  • The beneficial nutrients found in peas help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • The liquid remaining after boiling the seeds of this plant has astringent properties. Therefore, in traditional medicine it is used to treat diarrhea, bloating and flatulence.
  • Saturated pea decoction has antiseptic properties. In alternative medicine, it is used to treat areas of the skin affected by dermatological diseases(psoriasis, eczema, pityriasis versicolor, etc.).
  • Useful nutrients contained in pea dishes strengthen the heart muscle, normalize heart rate, give elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, and help remove excess cholesterol from the body. Therefore, with their regular consumption, the likelihood of developing cardiac diseases is sharply reduced.
  • Unripe peas contain compounds that provide complete and proper nutrition brain cells.
  • Peas contain a complete set of B vitamins that strengthen the nervous system. This product helps to remove psycho-emotional stress, reduce bad influence stress on the body, improve mood, prevent the development depressive states cope with somnological disorders.
  • Pea dishes are useful for people suffering from hemorrhoids. They contain substances that can slow down the spread of the inflammatory process, reduce discomfort and pain, and stop rectal bleeding.
  • boiled peas - effective remedy from heartburn. In order to get rid of discomfort, it is enough to eat 1-2 tbsp. spoons of this product.
  • The liquid that remains after boiling peas helps to get rid of a strong dry cough. After each cough attack, it is enough to drink 2 sips of the remedy.
  • A decoction of pea shells helps reduce the risk of developing disorders in the prostate gland. For preventive purposes, the remedy should be drunk 1/3 cup a day.
  • Warm dough made from flour obtained by grinding dried peas helps to get rid of boils, abscesses and carbuncles. A cake made from it is applied for an hour to the problem area.
  • Traditional healers use unripe peas to treat festering wounds and erysipelas skin. The fruits of the plant are ground into gruel, combined with egg white and treat the problem area with the resulting composition. The remedy prepared according to this recipe helps to quickly get rid of bruises and bruises.
  • Substances that enter the body when eating peas activate the production of hemoglobin, prevent the occurrence of malfunctions in the hematopoietic system. Therefore, cereals and other dishes from this product are useful for people suffering from anemia.
  • Cosmetic masks based on ground peas help get rid of unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Pea flour is bred boiled water, after which the resulting mass is applied to the problem area for 20 minutes.
  • Masks of mashed green peas with the addition of whey help to smooth out wrinkles, make the skin velvety, matte and supple.

Contraindications and harm of peas

  • Peas can provoke the appearance allergic reactions. Therefore, people who have previously been diagnosed with legume allergies should eliminate it from their diet.
  • Abuse of peas can lead to the development of diarrhea, flatulence, bloating.
  • Dishes from this product are contraindicated in nephritis and inflammatory lesion organs of the digestive tract.
  • Peas are rich in purines - compounds that increase concentration uric acid in the body and the accumulation of its salts in the joints. Therefore, doctors advise people suffering from gout to refuse dishes prepared on its basis.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend drinking cold water immediately after eating peas. Failure to comply with this rule increases the risk of intestinal colic.

Green peas is a plant of the legume family. Dense grains are located in double-leaf pods (see photo), which are used for food. Recent studies have shown that green pea does not accumulate nitrates.

This plant is one of the most ancient vegetable crops that are grown by mankind. Grains were included in the diet of the inhabitants ancient egypt and Greece. Today, this crop is grown all over the world.

How to choose and store?

To select high-quality green peas, you should carefully examine the pods of the plant. They should be a rich bright green hue, dry, without dark spots, mold and rot, with a fresh stalk. Peas, like pods, should not be wet and should be colored green. In addition, good fruits are smooth or wrinkled, depending on the plant variety.

There are several ways to store fresh green peas: in the freezer, in the refrigerator, in canned form.

In the refrigerator, green peas are stored for twelve days. To do this, the fruits should be folded into an ordinary bag and placed on the lower shelf of household appliances.

If canned, peas can be stored in a pantry, cellar, refrigerator for at least a year.

But you can freeze green peas both in a purified form (only fruits) and in the wings.

To freeze the product in the wings, two plant varieties are most suitable - "sugar" and "snow", since these types of peas are characterized by soft and edible (after cooking) pods. Each pod is carefully inspected for damage. If there are any, the sashes must be discarded. Next, rinse the sorted pods well, and then cut off the edges, since they are inedible. After that, you need to boil water. When the liquid boils, lower the colander with pods into the container for several minutes (“sugar” for two minutes, and “snow” for sixty seconds). Then, immediately after blanching, the pods should be dipped in very cold water with ice. Once the pods have cooled, they need to be dried, transferred to an airtight container and put in the freezer.

Peeled fruits can be frozen in three ways. The first method involves freezing peas in a plastic bag. To do this, wash the green fruits, dry them, pour them into a bag and put them in the freezer. According to the second method, green peas should be washed, poured into a colander and dipped in boiling water for about three minutes, and then dipped in very cold water. When the peas have cooled, they should be dried, transferred to an airtight container and sent to the freezer. For the third method, you will need an ice mold, into which washed pea seeds should be poured, and then poured with water and put in the freezer for about twelve hours. After the lapse of time, transfer the ice cubes with peas to a container and send them back to the freezer.

Frozen green peas can be stored for about nine months at a temperature of minus eighteen degrees.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of young green peas have been known to folk medicine since ancient times. Does not deny their presence and official medicine.

The components of peas have the ability to block the entry of various toxins and radionuclides into the body. This reduces the risk of oncological diseases and heart attacks, as well as slowing down the aging process.

The composition of fresh green peas includes protein and carbohydrates, which are easily and quickly absorbed by the body. They make it possible to quickly get enough and not overeat. Thanks to this, the vegetable can be used in diet food patients and people who want to lose weight.

Vitamin A, which is in the grains, contributes to the normal flow metabolic processes in the body. Vitamin C participates in recovery processes, and vitamin K promotes the absorption of calcium and improves kidney function. Most of the beneficial properties are due to the ideal ratio of micro and macro elements. For example, zinc and selenium help in the fight against oxidative stress, which negatively affects the lens and retina of the eye.

Frozen green peas winter period simply irreplaceable. It is no less useful than fresh! In this form, grains retain almost all useful substances.

So, thanks to the use of young peas digestion improves, strength appears, fatigue disappears and the overall tone of the body increases.

Use in cooking

In cooking it is customary to use peas in fresh, canned, boiled and frozen form. Thanks to delicate taste and amazing aroma of grains are perfectly combined with other food products. Green peas are added to first courses, salads, stews, side dishes. The menu of many restaurants includes delicate and very tasty pea puree or crepe soup. In addition, the vegetable is used as a filling for various pastries.

Green peas not only diversify the taste of the dish, but also improve its appearance!

Groats and flour are made from green peas, which are then used to make various pastries.

Dishes that use fresh or frozen peas have an incomparable taste. To date, there are a lot of recipes for delicacies. They describe both how to cook the product deliciously, and how to fry or bake.

For example, from green peas you can cook a side dish. Take leeks and carrots, cut into small pieces (carrots into rings, and onions into half rings) and fry in a pan for about five minutes, pouring thirty-four milliliters of sunflower oil. After that, pour about five hundred grams of fresh peas (or frozen ones) into the pan, make the fire medium, close the container and simmer for four minutes. Then add twenty-five grams of butter to the dish, salt to taste and simmer again under a closed lid for about seven minutes, occasionally stirring the contents of the pan. Green pea garnish is ready. This dish goes well with baked potatoes and chicken.

From green peas mash. Pour twenty milliliters of olive oil into a saucepan and heat slightly. Then put about five hundred grams of ice cream green peas into a container (after washing and drying) and fry for a couple of minutes. After that, pour a little water into the saucepan so that the liquid does not completely cover the peas, and simmer for seven minutes, and then add a little more than ten grams of salt and add fifteen grams of butter. As soon as the butter has melted, the peas must be crushed with a blender to a mushy consistency, and then pour in twenty milliliters of cream, mixing well. Pea puree can be served at the table along with sausages, fish or chicken.

Cooking green peas is also very easy, and most importantly - quickly. To do this, fill a small saucepan halfway with water, boil, salt, add a pinch of soda and pour the washed peas into a container, boiling over high heat for about five or ten minutes (cooking time depends on the size of the peas). After that, put the boiled fruits into a bucket and rinse under water.

In addition, green pea pods can be used for cooking. The sashes need to be washed, cut off the hard edges and transferred to a container, soaking completely in water for an hour. Pour water into a shallow saucepan, boil, add salt to taste, pour the pea pods into it and boil until the green peas become softer. After that, transfer the boiled leaves of green peas to a colander and let them dry a little.

Shutters of green peas are recommended for cooking soups, frying omelettes, stewing with vegetables, or simply baking with tomatoes in the oven. To do this, the leaves after the peas should be washed, dried and cut into slices, and then proceed to cooking the main dish, where this ingredient is used.

It is better to fry green peas with spices. Rinse and dry fresh peas. Pour fifty milliliters of sunflower oil into the pan and heat it well, then add an unpeeled clove of garlic, add a couple of pinches of salt, half a teaspoon of cumin and paprika, two teaspoons of mustard seeds and fry it all for twenty seconds. Then put three hundred grams of fresh green peas in a pan and fry for fifteen minutes over medium heat.

Many chefs advise trying green peas, baked in the oven. Grease a baking sheet with butter (melt a little) and lay out four hundred grams of green peas. In a separate container, beat six eggs, adding a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of sour cream, three tablespoons of water. Pour the egg mixture over the peas, add a pinch of thyme and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake for no more than fifteen minutes.

In cooking, overripe green peas are also used. For example, it can be dried and then cooked like regular dry peas. Also, such peas can be boiled and then frozen, so that in winter you can add it to soup or salads.

What is combined with?

Green pea puree or fried peas goes well with meat products (sausages, chicken, meatballs), as well as with fish and seafood.

Also, the product (boiled, baked) is eaten with jacket-boiled potatoes, cucumbers, eggs and cheese.

In addition, green peas go well with leafy greens, nuts, non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, bell peppers, green beans) and fragrant spices (mint, basil and ginger).

How to save for the winter in blanks?

Harvesting green peas for the winter at home is quite simple. It is best to try the product canned or dried.

You can preserve green peas for the winter as follows. Sort the pea seeds, discarding the spoiled ones, rinse and distribute into three half-liter jars (two centimeters should remain to the edge). Then pour the peas into a saucepan, pour five glasses of water, add thirty grams of salt and thirty-five grams of granulated sugar. Place the container on the stove for boiling. When the liquid boils, boil the peas for thirty minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour ten grams into the broth citric acid. After that, pour the peas into a colander, and filter the broth. Arrange the fruits in a sterilized container, boil the strained liquid, and then pour into jars. Then the jars of peas must be sterilized for another sixty minutes, and then preserved.

Many are interested in the question: “How to prepare green peas for the winter without sterilization? Very simple and even faster than with sterilization. Green peas (it will take three hundred and fifty grams), rinse, dry, pour into a saucepan and pour two glasses of water. Boil for twenty minutes over low heat, periodically removing the foam. Arrange boiled peas in sterile jars. Now we need to make the marinade. Pour two and a half glasses of water into a container, add ten grams of sugar, five grams of salt and boil for about three minutes. Pour two teaspoons of nine percent table vinegar into each jar, then pour the marinade and cork. Canned peas should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar for a year.

You can harvest green peas for the winter by drying. Sort the peas and wash. Pour water into a deep container, add ten grams of soda, boil, and then pour the peas and boil for ten minutes. At the end of cooking, cool the peas, put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of eighty degrees. After sixty minutes, lower the temperature to sixty-five degrees and dry the peas for another three hours. Pour the finished product into an airtight glass container.

The benefits of green peas and treatment

The benefits of green peas are due to the fact that it contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Doctors recommend that people with diabetes include in their diet, canned peas. However, it can be consumed both fresh and thermally processed. The fact is that peas have a low glycemic index, which allows you to enter it into the diet of diabetics. In addition, this product reduces the rate of absorption of glucose by the intestines, and it is also able to lower blood glucose levels. Also he will useful in various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Green peas can lower blood cholesterol levels.

In folk medicine, green peas have also found their application. For example, a decoction of grains is an excellent diuretic and it dissolves kidney stones. Lotions are made from pea flour, which are used to soften boils.

The benefits of green peas for the human body are multifaceted. It helps to strengthen bones, since it contains vitamin K, which is responsible for the production of calcium. And thanks to vitamin B contained in peas, osteoporosis can be prevented.

Also, young green peas in pods are of great benefit to the heart and blood vessels, contribute to the normalization blood pressure.

Some scholars claim that daily use peas help reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Thanks to nutritional value green peas are recommended to eat during pregnancy, but not more than once a week. And a couple of weeks before the birth, the product should be discarded so as not to overload the intestines.

At breastfeeding green peas can be eaten, but only a few months after childbirth. Doctors advise breastfeeding mothers to use green peas as an additional ingredient for stews or baked dishes.

As for children, it is best to introduce green peas into complementary foods for a child, and then dry peas. Very often, young mothers ask: “At what age can I give green peas to a child?” Pediatricians say that children under one year old are recommended to eat green peas after ten months in boiled or stewed form. It is better not to give fresh green peas to babies, as they are poorly digested and assimilated. Also in stores for kids, you can buy ready-made vegetable purees with the addition of peas or cook it yourself. When the child is ten months old, only half a teaspoon of puree is allowed to be tasted. If the baby does not show an allergy to green peas, then the dose can be gradually increased. The daily volume of puree should not exceed fifty grams. Doctors strongly recommend eating green peas no more than twice a week.

For men, green peas are useful in that they increase sexual attraction and also prevents the development of prostatitis.

At chronic gastritis green peas can be eaten, but not during an exacerbation of the disease. The most optimal dish for people with this diagnosis is soup with fresh green peas.

In folk medicine, green peas are used for heartburn. To get rid of burning pain in the stomach, you need to eat three fresh peas.

To get rid of eczema or festering wounds, green peas should be chopped to a puree state, and then mixed with egg white in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area of ​​the skin, apply a bandage on top and secure. Change the bandage every morning and evening. The course of treatment lasts until the disease disappears.

If you have skin problems, green pea masks can also help. To do this, mix mashed peas with cream or sour cream (in a ratio of 1: 1). Apply the mask on the face, and after fifteen minutes wash in warm water. This procedure will help restore the previous tone, as well as whiten the skin.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of green peas.

Harm of green peas and contraindications

Green peas can harm people who suffer from diuretic diathesis and gout because it contains purines. In addition, the grains of this vegetable can cause bloating and increased gas formation .

The use of such a product in food is contraindicated if an individual allergic reaction is detected.

With a stomach ulcer and with pancreatitis, eating green peas is strictly prohibited, because this product can cause flatulence and stomach pain.

Diarrhea from green peas is very possible, so the product is not recommended for those people who have intestinal upset, as well as hemorrhoids, as it can cause inflammation of the node.

Species and varieties

Green peas are divided into three types: peeling, sugar and brain. In turn, they have varieties that differ in color, taste and cooking method.

The peeling species includes the following varieties:

    "vinko", "asana", "abador" - peas appear after forty-six days from the moment the first shoots appear;

    "Matrona", "twin", "Nikolas" - peas fully ripen on the sixty-first day from the moment the first shoots appear;

    "resal" - harvesting occurs sixty-eight days after the peas are ripe;

    "Hezbana", "Misti", "Korvin", "Zamira" - the fruits ripen after forty days, sometimes after thirty-eight days;

    "Ashton", "Sherwood" - the period of full maturation occurs in fifty-five days.

This type of green pea is used in cooking for making soups and cereals.

Among the sugar species, the most popular varieties of green peas are the following:

    mid-season: "Zhegalova 112", "cascade", "Ilovets";

    late-ripening: "inexhaustible 195".

Sugar green peas can be eaten with the pods or canned. It is not very suitable for drying, because the peas shrivel when dry.

To brain mind belong to the following varieties:

    mid-season: "urbana", "maxdon", "legacy", "sweet friend";

    late ripening: "omega".

These varieties of green peas are great for conservation, as well as for fresh consumption. Brain varieties are not suitable for cooking.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow green peas both in the country and at home on the balcony. To grow given plant in the garden, green pea seeds should be planted at the end of April, when the air temperature is above ten degrees Celsius. Also, before planting peas, the seeds should be warmed up. To do this, you just need to spread the grains in the open air so that they fall on Sun rays. In this form, the seeds should lie for about four days. In addition, before planting in the ground, you need to apply fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate, as well as mulch from dry grass or humus.

Plant care is not very difficult. It needs timely watering, loosening the soil and weeding. You also need to fertilize green peas. The first time feeding should be done when the plant reaches eight centimeters in height, and the second - after fourteen days.

You also need to know that when the plant sprouts reach twenty centimeters, green peas need to be tied up. To do this, you can use branches, wooden pegs, mesh or trellises.

Also, green peas can suffer from diseases such as powdery mildew, root rot, bacteriosis, anthracnose, which must be fought. To do this, remember a few important rules:

    Plant only those varieties that have previously been planted and have not been invaded by pests and diseases.

    Observe the timing of planting peas.

    Before planting the plant, the soil should be dug up.

    Remove infected parts of the plant, weeds, pests in time.

    Clean and calibrate pea seeds.

If you follow all these rules, green peas will not be exposed to diseases, which in turn will contribute to a high and stable yield.

Green peas ripen in June-July, depending on the variety grown. Harvest the fruits of green peas in the morning, when it is still not so hot outside.

If you don’t feel like buying seeds in the store, you can independently collect green pea seeds for the next harvest. To do this, you should wait until the bushes are completely dry, and the pods turn brown. After that, you need to pluck those pods that contain the largest number grains, and squeeze peas out of them. If there are rotten or damaged fruits, they must be discarded. Next, the grains need to be laid out on paper and allowed to dry for about seven days at room temperature. After a week, dry peas should be transferred to an airtight glass container and taken to a place where the temperature will not fall below fifteen degrees Celsius and there will be no strong moisture.

If you do not have a summer residence, then you can grow green peas at home on the balcony. Seeds should be planted in wooden boxes with sufficiently moist and loose soil. If the sprouts do not grow well, the plant needs to be fed with a solution of urea (one gram is required per liter of water). Exactly one month later, seedlings can be planted on permanent place. To do this, the seeds should be planted in boxes, after making grooves in the soil at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other. Each seed should be planted at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other. After the seeds are planted, they need to be pressed down a little, and then watered. Seal the edges of the grooves with earth. When the plant reaches fifteen centimeters, it is necessary to install a grid over it, along which it will curl.

Care for indoor peas in the same way as for country peas (regularly water and loosen the soil). In addition, occasionally holes should be made in the soil with a fork so that oxygen comes out better to the roots.

During the period of flowering and the formation of peas, the plant needs frequent watering and fertilization in the form of a phosphorus-potassium solution. Sugar peas are harvested sixty days after germination at intervals of two days, if the weather is dry and warm. If it is cool outside, the frequency of collection should be four days.

When the growing season is over, the plant is cut and used for compost.

About such a representative of the plant kingdom as peas, which belongs to the legume family, it became known back in the Stone Age. It was at that time that people learned that the vitamins in peas are the main reason for the benefits they bring to the body. After the legume passed the cultivation procedure, it began to be widely used as food in India, China and Tibet.

In Russia, peas became known at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when from France this vegetable came to the tables of people belonging to high society in raw, canned and cooked according to special recipe form. Given the fact that this crop is resistant to cold weather, the country quickly learned how to grow it correctly.

The nutritional value of vegetables

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh vegetables is 55 kilocalories, which makes it indispensable in the diet of people seeking to lose weight. As regards the content of the main chemical elements, their number is equal to:

  • proteins - 5 g;
  • fat - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.4 g.

The rest of the product is filled with vitamin and minerals, causing it beneficial effect on the human body.

Vitamin composition

The benefits of the product are due to the vitamin substances that make up its composition. They are groups of vitamins:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A67 mcg
Vitamin B10.34 mg
Vitamin B20.19 mg
Vitamin B450 mg
Vitamin B50.8 mg
Vitamin B60.17 mg
Vitamin B920 mcg
Vitamin C25 mg
Vitamin E2.6 mg
Vitamin H5.3 mg
Vitamin PP3 mg
  • A, involved in the normalization of metabolism, correcting the number of fatty abnormalities, strengthening cells and tissues internal organs that reduce the risk of developing cancer contributing to the reduction cholesterol deposits;
  • PP, normalizing metabolic, redox processes, contributing to the restoration of energy and strength, reducing the risk of thrombosis, leading to stroke and heart attacks;
  • K, involved in the elimination of toxic substances that enter from the outside, slowing down the aging process, preventing increased bleeding at the time surgical interventions, wounds;
  • E, contributing to an increase in the activity of erythroid cells, restoring the normal amount of components of the genetic material;
  • C, Eliminating inflammatory processes activating activity immune system contributing to the improvement of well-being;
  • B1, eliminating the risk of developing diseases nervous system that improve mnestic processes, promote the removal of cholesterol deposits, slow down the aging process;
  • B2, which prevent the development of eye diseases, improve a person’s resistance to stress and depression, strengthen muscle tissues, and reduce the harmful effects of nicotine on a person;
  • B4, contributing to the activation of male seminal cells, improving the absorption of nutrients in the blood, activating the brain;
  • B5, preventing the development pathological conditions associated with aging, involved in the production of new cellular structures;
  • B6, contributing to the activation of protective forces, restoring blood pressure indicators (blood pressure), participating in metabolic processes, creating new erythroid cells;
  • B7, stabilizing glucose levels, necessary to normalize the condition in diabetes mellitus;
  • B8, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Mineral composition

Being interested in what vitamins are contained in peas, people quite often forget about the minerals contained in it, which become the reason for the benefits brought by a vegetable to a person. The main minerals present in the product are:

All of them help to improve the state of the body by normalizing hemoglobin levels, improving the functioning of the nervous system, activating the immune system, strengthening bone tissue, better absorption of the vitamin.

Useful properties of the product

Main useful properties leguminous plant, becoming the reason for its widespread and constant use, are:

  • improvement in the presence of convulsive syndrome;
  • elimination of the causes of the appearance of diseases of a skin nature;
  • protection from exposure to harmful environmental factors, absorption of radioactive metals;
  • impact on the body as an anti-carcinogen;
  • removal of helminths, antiseptic effect;
  • elimination of edema;
  • improvement of the functioning of the organs of the "cardiac" system;
  • reducing the risk of developing urolithiasis;
  • reduction in the amount of cholesterol deposits;
  • cleansing the digestive tract from toxins and other harmful elements;
  • increase the amount of energy produced in the body;
  • activation of thought processes;
  • rejuvenating effect on external and internal organs;
  • participation in normal formation skeleton.

However, not everyone is shown the use of a vegetable in canned, raw, cooked form. There are certain groups of people for whom this product is prohibited.

Groups of people at risk for eating vegetables

The presented plant of the legume family is not recommended for people suffering from:

  • various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis;
  • jade;
  • gout.

It is not recommended to give vegetables in any form to children in the afternoon. It is believed that its use after dinner can cause night colic, bloating, gas formation, which interfere with sleep not only for the child, but also for his parents. Children under the age of one, but using peas as one of the complementary foods, are recommended to give it along with dill to reduce negative impact on the organs of the digestive system.

Many people do not even think about the fact that they contain a unique range of vitamins and minerals while eating green peas, which have a positive effect on human health. Green beans contain vitamins A, B, C, and K. Mineral composition includes potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc.

Good metabolism and vitality

Peas are one of the few plants that are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6). They play an important role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the human body. Besides fresh peas helps to produce more energy, which supports numerous reactions in the body. Also he is good source iron, which helps prevent anemia and fatigue.


Peas are a good source of pyridoxine and folic acid. These nutrients help improve health of cardio-vascular system person. They protect the heart harmful effects toxins. Vitamin K supports healthy blood clotting, thereby avoiding cardiovascular disease and reducing the risk of stroke.


Green peas are great for bone health. It is a good source of vitamin K1, which activates the protein collagens in bones and supports the supply of calcium to the bones. One cup of boiled peas provides about 50% of the recommended daily allowance vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 deficiency interferes with bone mineralization. Peas are also rich in vitamin B6 and folic acid that strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


Green beans are a good source of vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. 100 g of peas contain 40 micrograms of vitamin C. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C are used in cancer prevention, helping to prevent cancer of the cervix, ovaries and pancreas.


As mentioned earlier, peas are rich in vitamin C, which helps protect body cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Moreover, it enhances general level body immunity. Foods rich in vitamin C and iron help the body fight various diseases. This vitamin also reduces the risk of many infections.

Proper functioning of the stomach

Green peas are very rich in fiber. 100 g contains 5 g of fiber. It's vital important component which promotes proper digestion. Eating fiber helps cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and carcinogens, thereby reducing the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and colon cancer. Also, fiber helps prevent constipation, and being low in calories, helps fight excess weight.

Vitamin content in peas (per 1 cup 137.75 g):

Peas are a well-known garden plant from the legume family, which is grown in the beds of cottages and household plots. Fresh - children love it very much, but canned peas are an indispensable ingredient in everyone's favorite New Year's salad "Olivier". In our article, we will tell you what vitamins and other substances are found in peas and how useful it is for our body.

Most vitamins, minerals and other beneficial trace elements found in green peas. They are the same, but somewhat in smaller quantities, and are preserved during its conservation.

The chemical composition of peas provides it with the same vitamin value as plants such as bell peppers, lettuce and other "home healers" from the garden bed.

In a smaller number of microelements are preserved during its conservation

Peas contains vegetable fiber, dietary fiber, several types of different sugars, as well as vitamins and minerals in large quantities which makes it useful all year round. Their content in it is so high that it allows you to replenish the reserves of our body and improve your health remarkably. In his chemical composition includes:

  • Vitamin A - it ensures the normal passage of all metabolic processes, regulates body fat, strengthens skeletal system, improves eyesight;
  • Vitamin B1 - regulates the functioning of the nervous system, improves memory, prevents viral diseases and removes “bad” cholesterol from the body;
  • Vitamin B2 - prevents the development eye diseases and nervous disorders, regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Vitamin B4 - improves brain function, regulates metabolism, supports normal hormone synthesis, work reproductive system and functioning of the liver;
  • Vitamin B5 - it is necessary to prevent the development of anemia, diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints, and also prevents the appearance of the first signs of aging on the skin and restores sleep;
  • Vitamin B6 - takes part in the normalization of the hematopoietic system, supports in our body right balance minerals;
  • Vitamin B7 - regulates carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the risk of developing diabetes;
  • Vitamin B8 - improves concentration and memory, fights disorders in the nervous system;
  • Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system and increases the resistance of our body to pathogenic microbes penetrating into it;
  • Vitamin E - has a powerful antioxidant effect, renews the blood and regulates the reproductive system;
  • Vitamin K - neutralizes toxins and free radicals, takes part in the normalization of metabolism and protein synthesis;
  • Vitamin PP - reduces the risk of thrombosis, reduces blood cholesterol levels, increases hemoglobin, supports the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels.

Reduces the risk of developing diabetes

Improves eyesight

Regulates the functioning of the nervous system

Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels

The nutritional value of peas is very high, so it, along with foods such as onions, garlic, radishes and other vegetables rich in vitamins, should always be on your table.

Beneficial features

With such a unique composition, it is not surprising that peas have a number of properties that are beneficial to our body. It prevents the development

  • anemia;
  • overweight;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • clusters excess fluid in tissues.

Young green peas have deworming properties in children

Slows down the aging process and maintains the beauty of our skin

And young green peas have the properties of removing worms in children and have antiseptic action.

Nicotinic acid, which is also found in this plant, protects our body from cancer and lowers blood cholesterol levels. And the hormones, proteins and amino acids included in it slow down the aging process and maintain the beauty of our skin.

The benefits of sprouted peas

A huge amount of vitamins is also found in sprouted peas. Its young sprouts have a pronounced antiseptic effect. They are able to disinfect wounds and stop bleeding.

sprouted peas

The ointment prepared from them is effective for many skin diseases

Sprouted peas are used to treat diseases of the kidney and urinary system. And the ointment prepared from them is effective for many skin diseases. Its properties are identical to Vishnevsky's ointment.

And, finally, masks from young sprouts of sprouted peas perfectly rejuvenate the skin, slow down the aging process and smooth out the manifestations of the first age-related changes on her.


Like any other plant with a rich vitamin composition, peas have their own contraindications for use. Since this is a garden plant, as well as leguminous and black Eyed Peas belongs to the legume family, its excessive consumption can cause increased gas formation, as well as severe discomfort in the intestines.

It is not recommended to eat it for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from gout, ulcers and gastritis. It should also be avoided during indigestion, as it can aggravate it.

In general, peas are a tasty and healthy garden vegetable, which contains great amount vitamins. In season, it is recommended to eat it for both children and adults.