Complete set of dominoes. How to play dominoes: rules, tips and secrets

Rules of the game of dominoes

Each of us held dominoes in our hands. They are wooden or plastic, usually black or white with white/black dots. Everyone used to love playing dominoes.

Nowadays, of course, children play more often, but you can also see old people and adults laying out the dice in the correct order on the flat surface of a table, bench, or board. It would seem that there is no difficulty in correct location numbers? Let's look at the rules of the game of dominoes.

The domino set includes 28 rectangular pieces divided in half by a line. On each square half there are dots whose number can be a number from zero to six. By the way, why the knuckles?

It is believed that this name comes from the word bones, that is, cubes. And each plate symbolizes the throw of two dice. Some domino sets may include tiles with more than six dots on one half, up to eighteen.

Also in China there are duplicate dominoes, and none of them have empty squares. In addition, there are children's dominoes, where there may be children's or exclusive dominoes, where pictures are used instead of dots.

The reverse side is usually flat, but can be covered with some identical pattern.

Now we know what the set consists of. Let's get started with the game. There are usually two or four participants. If you play with two players, you need to deal seven chips, if you play four, then five. The rest must be put aside (in the "house", "bazaar", "reserve").

The first move belongs to the one who got two zeros or two sixes (depending on how it was agreed or what game you are playing). If no one has these dice, then you can start with any other double chip, according to seniority (that is, two twos, two fives and so on).

If suddenly no one has doubles, they start with dominoes with the largest sum of numbers. The first chip is placed in the center of the playing field. Then, one by one, they begin to line up the rest.

You can continue in both directions, adding according to the rule identical numbers(six to six, five to five, etc.), but sometimes they use another method, when the sum of adjacent numbers must be equal to six (that is, a six must be answered with a zero, a five with a one, and so on according to this principle). Be sure to remember these domino rules.

If you have nothing to post, you should take it from “home” until you have something to post. However, a situation may arise where there is absolutely nothing to put on the table, and everyone has chips in their hands. This is called "fish".

The winner is the one who puts his last domino on the table first (or who has the smallest amount of chips in the “fish”). The rest count the amounts on their chips and write them down on a sheet. The game is repeated again until a predetermined limit is reached (one hundred, two hundred points).

There are many types of games using dominoes. For example, in China their number reaches forty. In Russia, the following options are known: 1. Goat. There are two, three or four participants in this game.

The game starts with the smallest double. In the next game, the winner of the previous round goes first. Losers write down the number of points, but only if it is thirteen or more. The game is played to 101 points, and the loser is declared the “goat.”

There is a team game option where four people are divided into pairs of two. In this case, players of one team sit opposite each other.

2. Variety of Goat. Sea Goat. This game is longer and more difficult than the previous one. There are two or four players (four are divided into teams).

The game also starts with the smallest double, but now the winner scores the points. He counts the sum of the remaining numbers in the hands of the losers; if it is more than twenty-five, then it can be written down.

But if the winner in the next round is different and he also has at least twenty-five points, your points are written off. The game is played for 125 points. Now a few subtleties.

If you have two takes in your hands and you can post them at once, then you have the right to do so. If the player who started recording points has the right to start the game with double sixes. If he wins, he wins the game, but if he loses by more than 25 points, he is eliminated from the game.

The one who ends the game with two zeros also wins (such a “goat” is called “bald”). If the last chip was a double six, then this is either a win (with the total in the loser’s hands being 25 points or more), or the next round starts with two sixes.

When calculating points, they take into account following rules domino If you have only two zeros in your hand, then that's 25 points. If there are only two sixes, then 50 points.

If there are only zeros and sixes - 75.

In the case of “fish”, the steps are as follows. The player who placed the last chip (except for a double) is considered a “fisherman”. If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points and the other one has more, then the “fisherman” wins and starts with sixes.

If the “fisherman” is in the losing position, then you can try to write off the “fish”, continuing the game from any domino. If the “fisherman” wins, and the second player has more than 25 points, then the “fish” is written off.

If it was not possible to write off in three runs, then the “fisherman” loses, and the winner still starts the game with sixes. If with “fish” the sum of points in the hands of all players is equal, then “eggs” are obtained. They are written off from only two units.

If it is not possible to write off the “eggs” three times, a draw is declared. The game ends.

3. This is also a variety of Goat, but this time it is sporty. There are four players (again in two teams). Chips are placed on special stands. The right of the first move passes from team to team in turn. The number of rounds is a multiple of four.

Points are recorded according to the principle of the Sea Goat, that is, the score is kept by the winner. The winner is the couple who gets the largest number points.

4. Donkey. The differences from the Goat in the Donkey are as follows. The game goes not in two, but in four directions. Doubles can be set in any number, at least two, at least four.

Doubles can be closed, that is, turned points down. In this case, you cannot place chips in that direction. If the beginning was not with a take, then before the first open take you can set only a couple of takes closed. Scoring, as in the Goat, goes up to 101.

If the points are less than 13, then they are remembered and crossed out only after the next round, if nothing was written down in it.

5. Another type of Goat is the General. The players are again two teams of two. Distribution goes on seven knuckles. To tell your teammate that you have two zeros in your hand, you need to wink, and if there are two sixes, you need to puff out your cheeks.

The chip with two units is laid out first on the table. If a “fish” occurs, the game does not count. The chips are laid out only in two directions.

If a player manages to finish with two zeros or two sixes, then he is declared a “general”. The game will still end if someone does not have chips in their hands.

Here the score is not based on points, but on the “generals” in the team. The game is limited by time - half an hour or an hour. It's about time lunch break. To make it more interesting, you can play with four, six, or eight.

Two teams still play, and if one loses, a third team takes its place. If one team immediately received a “general”, then it is worth giving way to another.

6. A slightly different game. Telephone (sometimes called Domiki). Players from two to four.

The first chip is “house”; chips are placed on it on four sides. The game goes up to 72 points.

The scoring rules are as follows. When the sum of the numbers at the ends of the tracks is a multiple of five, the player is awarded this amount divided by five. Double equal to the sum your glasses.

The winner divides the amount remaining in the hands of the losers by five and writes it down for himself. If not divisible by a whole, round up.

As a variant of the rules, you can set up to four takes at once. There are still many games. Finally, it is worth mentioning the English version of dominoes, which has taken root in Russia. This game is called "Miggins". Two, three or four play.

If there are two players, then seven chips are dealt, if there are more, then five. The first player is determined by lot. You can start the game with any domino. After laying out the first take, the game develops in four directions.

Points are awarded when the sum of points at the edges of the lanes is a multiple of five. Each five earns the player five points. A win brings ten more. When there is a “fish”, the winner will be the one who has fewer points in his hands.

In this case, the points won are calculated as the difference between the points of the winners and all losers. The count is kept up to 200.

At first, you may think that the rules of the game of dominoes are complex and confusing, so we recommend that you print this page and keep it in front of your eyes for the first time as a hint. Learn the rules of dominoes and play for fun!

The history of dominoes goes back to ancient times. For the first time, dice with dots on them originated in China and India. After that, in the 18th century, it was brought to Europe, namely to Italy. After that, many variations of this game arose. I will now introduce you to the rules of the most famous and popular options!

General rules of dominoes

Play from two to four people. For two, seven dominoes are dealt, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve (“bazaar”). The player who has “double six” or “double zero” (0-0) in his hands starts, depending on the rules of the game. The following players place stones with the corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3... or 0-1; 0-2; 0-3...). If suitable stones no, then you have to get it from the reserve.

If neither player has a 6-6 double in hand, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If there is not a single double on hand, they start with the stone that has the largest number (for example, 6-5).

The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. It is possible to end the game with a “fish” - this is what is called blocking the layout when there are still stones in the hands, but there is nothing to report. If you get a die with two zeros, you are awarded 25 points. The one who went last ends the game.

The winner receives the sum of the points of all stones in the hands of the losers as their winnings. When blocking (“fish”), the win belongs to the one who has the fewest points in his hands. The difference in points is recorded as a win for him. The game continues until a predetermined amount - say, one hundred or one hundred and fifty points.

Domino rules "Goat"

Goat is one of the most popular types of dominoes.

The game is played by two to four players. Each player receives 7 tiles. The player starts the game with a 1-1 double when playing with four players, or the smallest double in other cases. The last stone from the reserve is not taken. The next round starts with the player who won the previous round or declared the fish. The losers of each draw write down the amount of points on their remaining dominoes to their account. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

The player who first scores 101 points is declared the "goat" - the loser. Sometimes 4 players play in pairs. In this case, players sitting diagonally opposite each other play on the same team.

“Sea goat”

This is a variation of the game “Goat”, which is rightfully considered more dynamic. Just like in a regular “Goat”, the game involves 2-4 people. In the case of four people, they play in pairs.

The game differs from goat in the following ways:

  • The winning player writes down the sum of the losers' points.
  • The minimum number of points you can start recording is 25.
  • Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player scores more than 25 points, all points are “written off” - all players have 0 points.
  • The player who scores 125 points is declared the winner
  • If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side, then he can place two doubles at the same time.
  • The player who started the “record” has the right to start the rally with 6-6. This move is called “one hundred”. In case the player who gets to 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, but if he loses and has 25 points or more left, the player is considered the loser ("brother-in-law").
  • The one who finishes the rally at 0-0 automatically wins the game, such a “goat” is called “bald”.
  • The player who finishes the rally on 6-6 is considered the winner if the losing player has 25 points or more, if less than 25 points, then the player who finishes starts the rally on 6-6 (the “one hundred” move).
  • If at the end of the rally the player only has a 0-0 double, it counts as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points.
  • If the game is over and both players have dominoes left, this situation is called a “fish”.
  • The player who placed the last domino and made a “fish” is called a “fisherman” (a double is not considered the last domino).
  • If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points, and the other one has more, then the “fisherman” is considered the winner, and he makes his move “one hundred”.
  • If the “fisherman” has more points than another player and more than 25, then the “fisherman” has the right to write off the “fish”, and he is the first to enter the game with any domino that is most profitable for him.
  • If the “fisherman” wins and the opponent has 25 points or more left, such “fish” is considered written off.
  • If after three attempts the “fisherman” fails to write off the “fish”, he is considered a loser and his opponent makes the “one hundred” move.
  • The situation when, with a “fish”, both players have an equal number of points, is called “eggs”.
  • “Eggs” are played starting from 1-1.
  • If the “eggs” have not been played after three attempts, they are considered rotten.

Sports domino

By sports dominoes competitions are held. Including world championships.

The game is played by 4 players in pairs.

Main differences:

  • Entries take turns.
  • The knuckles are placed on stands.
  • A certain number of hands (mixes) is played, a multiple of four (4,8,12, etc.).
  • The pair with the most points for their opponent wins.


A dynamic game for 2-4 people. Outwardly it may resemble the telephone mentioned below, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

The game differs from Goat in the following ways:

  • You can place dominoes on all four sides of the first double you play.
  • If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 doubles), then he can place them simultaneously.
  • The player placing a double has the right to “close” it (the domino is turned face down). At the same time, further placing of the dominoes on this side is prohibited. When placing several doubles at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of doubles.
  • If the first move was not a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The drawing ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

Scoring is like in Kozl - a game up to 101, to record you need to score 13, everything that is less than 13 is “remembered” and reset only if nothing is recorded or remembered for this player in the next draw.

Telephone (Houses) (Flea)

A game that is very different from other varieties in the way it scores points.

The game involves 2 players. Or 4, a team game 2 on 2. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The first take, covered on both sides, is declared “home.” You can attach bones to it from 2 more sides and as a result the game goes on 4 sides. The party starts with the one who has 3-2 .

In subsequent games, the one who finished the previous one starts the game and so on until the end of the game, besides, you can not necessarily move a double, you can put a stone 6-4 or 3-2 and immediately add 10 or 5 points to your asset, respectively. Points are awarded as follows:

  • Every time the sum of points at the ends of the chips placed on the board is a multiple of 5.

For example:

  • first overlapped double 4-4, 6 on one end and 3 on the other end.
  • The first player sets up a double 6-6. He writes down 15 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 = 15).
  • The second player puts up 4-5 to the house. He writes himself 20 points (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20)

The player who remains with the stones writes off the points scored. For example:

  • there are two stones left 6-4 and 5-3 in total 18, which means 15 is written off (rounding down), if the points were not previously scored, then there is nothing to write off, there are no debts in this game. IN team game, 2 by 2, points are collected and debited for two.
  • Variant of the rules: it is allowed to place up to four doubles simultaneously (one on each side) in 1 move.

The game goes up to 225 points and consists of several games, usually 10-15. If both players scored 225 or more, it is considered a draw. In this game, it is convenient to use accounting abacus.


This English version domino Two players each take seven stones. If three or four players are playing, five stones are distributed. The person who enters starts with any stone. The first double that appears in the layout opens a four-way chain. Further bones are added not only to the right and left, but also to the top and bottom.

Points in this game are awarded when the total on the empty halves is a multiple of five. For every five, the player gets 5 points. The player arranges the doubles, except the first, lengthwise and crosswise in a way that suits him. For finishing the game he receives 10 points. With a blocked layout, the one who has the fewest points in his hands wins. The player wins the number of points equal to the difference between his points and the sum of the other players' points, rounded to five. Usually they play up to 200 points.

General (General's goat)

The game is played by 4 people, arranged in teams diagonally (A, B and B, D). Everyone is given 7 dominoes. Players of the same team can transmit information to each other about the presence of 0x0 and/or 6x6 dominoes in their hands (0x0 winks, 6x6 puffs out his cheek.) In any case, the game starts with 1x1. "Fish" is not allowed, that is, a round that ends in a "fish" (stalemate) does not count. The game is played at both ends (in both directions without closing). The goal of the game is to end it with doubles of 0x0 and/or 6x6. The game ends in any case if one of the players runs out of dominoes. The loser interferes with the dominoes as a loss. When the game ends with 0x0 and/or 6x6 dominoes, the loser is declared “General”. The loser is the one whose turn is next after the one who finished the game. There is no scoring. Only the number of “Generals” in teams is counted. The game lasts from 30 to 60 minutes (lunch time at the company). The game can also be played by more than 2 teams, that is, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, etc. Team A, B and B, G plays, and team D,E waiting for his turn. If one of the teams loses 2 times, it gives way to other players. If one of the teams gets the “General” at the very beginning, then it gives way to the next team. In fact, the “General” is considered to be the loser who is given both 0x0 and 6x6 at once. In another version of the game, you only need to finish the game with a 0x0 hollow - “naked” or “bald”. The losing team is also called “naked”. At the same time, it is not allowed to show your partner that you have 0x0 or 6x6 in your hands, and the “general” rule also works - if you have 0x0 and 6x6 together in your hands, then they tend to end with these two doubles at once - the “general”.


The game is played by 2 people. Everyone takes 14 closed dominoes and places them in a line. The beginner takes the first domino in his line and places it on the table (sometimes they start with a snipe to familiarize the player with his tiles). The game is played in two parallel (from the starting domino) lines. In the absence of the correct domino, the domino taken from the right is placed on the left. If there are two lines consisting of at least one chip each, the player gets the right to cut sausage, that is harm the enemy and supplement his line with cut-off knuckles. Suppose there are two parallel lines of three dominoes each on the table and at the ends of the lines, for example, five and empty. If a player takes out a 5-0 domino, he places it across the lines and cuts off everything that was before this place. The enemy shifts the cut off sausage to the left of his bones. Cut off sausage it is possible along the entire length of two lines, namely at the junction of the first and second dominoes and at the end of the line (as in the example). If a player takes out a hollow, for example, 1-1, then he has the right to insert it anywhere where there is a junction of bones 1-1, moving the entire line, or placing it at the end of the line. This way the joints are updated and it becomes possible to use other bones for “cutting” sausages. The game ends when one of the players runs out of chips or fish. Up to how many points the game is played is specified at the beginning. Experience shows that it is possible to achieve 101 points in 1-2 draws (the total number of points for all dominoes is 168).

I have listed the main varieties of this wonderful board game. Try playing all the variations, and then decide which one you like best!

Previously, neighbors often spent their evenings in their yards playing dominoes. Today this game is with simple rules became less popular. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard shouts of excitement from the yard, and many people don’t even know what dominoes look like. However, in hobby clubs you can still find avid players who bang their knuckles on the table, organizing entire tournaments.

The history of dominoes

The board game called Dominoes originated in China around the second century AD. Earlier, the game of dice came to this country from India, which became the prototype of dominoes.

Interesting! If we translate the name of the game from French, it means winter clothes priest, which was white on the inside and front side black color.

The domino tile looks like a rectangle. Its length is equal to its width multiplied by two. The domino piece is divided into two parts, each of which has dots from one to six. However, the halves of some rectangles do not have such marks.

Previously, domino bones were made of ordinary or ivory or stone. However, these materials are quite expensive. To make the game accessible to poorer sections of the population, dice began to be made of plastic, metal or wood.

A standard domino set contains 28 dice. Some hold 32 dominoes, including doubles (dominoes with the same value on both halves).

Classic rules of the game of dominoes

You can play with two, three or four players. Rules for playing dominoes classic version involve dealing 7 dominoes per hand for two or 5 for three or four players.

The first move rightfully belongs to the one who has the double 6-6. Other players must attach other “stones” to this die, which have the values ​​6. In the case when the double 6-6 does not fall to anyone, the game begins with other dominoes with the values ​​5-5, 4-4 and others. If none of the players has doubles, the dice with the highest value starts moving.

IN general outline The principle of the game is to place dominoes with the same values ​​next to each other. If you don’t have such “stones” in your hands, you need to get them from the remaining bones or skip a move.

The game of dominoes ends when one player runs out of dice. After this, each participant counts the points on the “stones” remaining in their hands. The winner receives the sum of all points. If one of the players ends up with a 0-0 double, it is equivalent to 25 points.

On a note! Another way to complete a domino game is to make a fish. This is a situation when each player has dice in their hands, but there is nothing to make a move with. In this case, the winner is the one with the fewest points. He receives the difference in the points of the other players.

Play dominoes classical rules quite simple and interesting. The overall winner of the tournament is the player who scores 100 points in the total of all rounds.

Not only adults, but also children can play dominoes. Moreover, the rules remain unchanged. There is a special children's domino, on the dominoes of which, instead of dots, various colored pictures are depicted. These can be animals, letters, numbers and all kinds of objects.


"Goat" is the most famous game in dominoes, which also has simple rules. Often they try to play it with four people (in pairs), but two and three players are also allowed. Each participant is given 7 dice. If less than 4 people take part in the game, the remaining dominoes form a “bazaar”. If there are five or more doubles per player, a mulligan occurs.

The player with the lowest value domino begins to play (double 1-1 and so on). When playing dominoes, the same rules apply as in the classic version - dominoes are applied with the same values ​​to each other.

If the player does not have a dice that can continue the game, he will have to "go to the market." There, bones are chosen at random, turned face down, until the one you need is found. When one player runs out of dominoes, the game round is over.

After this, points are calculated. You can open an account only when you have a total of 13 points or more. The participant who scores 101 points in all rounds will be considered a loser. It is he who receives the title of “Goat”.

During the two-on-two “Goat” game, according to the rules, the points of both losing players are summed up.

On a note! If one participant has left in his hands a large number of points, but his partner was the first to get rid of all the dominoes, these values ​​are not taken into account and are burned out. This player is also considered the winner in this case.

Do not forget that according to the rules of the game “Goat”, “fish” is also allowed. The player who makes it must pay attention to the number of dice his partner has. After the fish, points are counted for all participants. The winners are the couple who scored the least points in total.

Video: how to play dominoes correctly?

Thus, playing dominoes is exciting and interesting. In addition to the game of “Goat” and according to the classical rules, there are other varieties of it. For example, “Donkey”, “General” and others. True, they are less known. Each company has the right to independently decide by what rules to play dominoes. They can even be invented by the participants themselves. The main thing is that the evening is fun and interesting.

On a note! Before proceeding directly to the process of playing dominoes, it is advisable to first discuss the rules and also record them on paper.

Today it is possible to play dominoes via the Internet with virtual or real participants. Regardless of how the game is played, you will be able to have a good time with friends or just acquaintances.

To better familiarize yourself with the rules and understand how to play dominoes correctly and win, videos are presented.

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Don't know what interesting and exciting things to do with your friends? Dominoes are great fun for company. Dominoes were invented back in 1120 BC. in China. And Marco Polo brought it to Europe. This popularity board game received at the beginning of the 18th century. If the game has not lost popularity over the centuries, it is definitely interesting.

Don't know the rules? Read the guide, today we reveal to you all the secrets of the game of dominoes.

You will need:

Where to begin

The first thing to do is turn all the dominoes right side up and mix.

Each player must take five or seven dominoes. If you play dominoes together, you need to take 7 chips. If a couple plays dominoes – 5 chips.

The remaining dice are “bazaar”, they do not open and lie separately from the players.

There are different domino sets with different numbers of dominoes. The most popular: standard and Chinese. The first set of dominoes has 28 tiles. In Chinese there are 32 chips.

The one who pulled out the double with the largest equal number of points on both sides should start the game.

If no one has pulled out a double, the game starts with the one who pulled out the highest stone with a different number of points, that is, 6-5 or 6-4.

Domino game tactics

When the player placed the first die, the game began.

The turn is passed to the next player clockwise. He must place his stone near his partner’s piece. But this can only be done when he has a domino with the same number of points.

For example, if the first player in the game placed a domino with a number of dots of 5-5, then the second player can place a stone that has 5 dots on at least one side. He “attaches” it to the previous piece with the side that corresponds in the number of points to the previous bone.

One move allows only one domino to be placed, unless the player has two doubles. He can place them on both sides of the line at once in one move.

You can “attach” on both sides, adhering to the “same numbers” rule.

Rules of the "bazaar"

If one of the players has no stones left, he goes to the “bazaar” to get them.

That is, the player takes stones from the remaining dice after distribution. Stones are taken until the player finds the one he needs. But all previously taken stones remain with him.

How to determine the winner

The game will end when one of the players runs out of dice or no fish appear.

“Fish” in dominoes is a game situation in which it is impossible to move, that is, not a single stone fits.

The winner in classic dominoes is the one who plays his last domino first.

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Dominoes are a game that came from ancient times, in which you need to build a chain of dominoes (also “bones” or “stones”), putting them together with sides with the same point. In some countries in Indonesia, dominoes are national species sports.

Description of the domino set

A typical domino set contains 28 dominoes, which are rectangular tiles. Their obverse is divided by a line into two identical ones, each of which contains from six to zero dots. There are special domino sets in which the number of dots can be nine, twelve, fifteen or eighteen. The reverse of the bone usually has some kind of design on it.

The dominoes themselves are made of bone (ivory or bone), plastic or wood, and sometimes a deck of cards is used instead. In addition to traditional dominoes, there are other varieties of this game.

The number of bones in dominoes is calculated by the number of combinations of the number of dots using the formula (n+1)×(n+2)/2, where n - maximum amount points. Thus, a typical domino set contains 28 tiles.

There are also other variations of dominoes. For example, in the Chinese set, which is the ancestor of the “Western” one, there are 32 dice, but there are no “empty” parts in it, but it contains several duplicates of paired dice.

The history of dominoes

The predecessor of dominoes was an Indian game in which each tile represented the result of throwing two dice. Initially, this game was intended for the nobility and the dominoes were made of ivory with ebony inserts. Nowadays, dominoes are usually made of black material with white accents.

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

In the 1st-2nd centuries BC. the game was imported to China, and over time, about 50 more variants appeared based on it - both with black and white dominoes and with multi-colored ones. The games themselves have incredibly poetic names: “gazelle jump”, “enter the pagoda”, “carnations in the fog” and so on. Also, Chinese dominoes later developed into the game Mahjong, popular in the USA in the 20s of the last century.

In Korea and India, dominoes are still used for fortune telling. Such dominoes are considered sacred and have no other use.

In the 18th century, thanks to Marco Polo, dominoes appeared in Italy, where the dominoes were shortened a bit, got rid of different classes of tiles and duplicates, and instead acquired seven additional tiles with “blank” halves.

There is a version that the creation of dominoes belongs to the Dominican monks, since “domino” was the name of the clothing of members of this order - a black cloak with a hood, and also the name of the game of dominoes is an “offspring” of the Latin root “dominans”, meaning “dominant, chief,” and which is the beginning of the address in Catholic worship: “Dominus vobiscum” (“The Lord be with you”).

There is a hypothesis that the main system of the world order is encrypted in dominoes - the Universal Law of Harmony of the macro- and microcosmos: the game of dominoes has seven numbers (from 0 to 6), which, in particular, symbolizes the sevenfold structure of the Universe and the seven planes of existence.

Rules of the game

The game is intended for two to four players. If two people are playing, they deal seven dominoes each, and if there are three or four, they deal them five, while the rest remain in reserve (“at the bazaar”). The player who receives a double of 6-6 or 0-0 (depending on the variation of the rules) begins the game. If none of the players received a 6-6 double, they are allowed to start playing with a 5-5 double and so on. If the players do not have a single double in their hands, they are allowed to start the game with a domino that has greatest number points (for example, 5-6).

The next player must place a domino whose points on one half of the tile coincide with the points already laid out. If he does not have suitable dominoes, he needs to take them “from the market”.

When one player places the last domino, the game ends. Such an end is also likely - despite the dominoes remaining on their hands, the players cannot pick up anything to the existing chain. This is called a "fish" and the last player to move wins.

Then the points of the remaining dominoes in the hands are counted, and the winner receives the sum of all points. If the game ends with a “fish”, the winner is the player who left the dominoes with fewer points in his hands, and the difference in the sum of the points of the other players and his own is recorded as his winnings. You can play up to a predetermined number - one hundred or two hundred points.

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Varieties of the game

Several variations of the game have become widespread in Russia, with the same variety in different areas and regions as well as in different strata of society may have different names and nuances of the rules.

I will outline the most common variations of the game of dominoes.


The most popular type of game, designed for two to four players. Everyone is dealt 7 dominoes, and the right to make the first move is given to the player who receives the 1-1 double or other smallest one. It is prohibited to take the last domino “from the market”. The next round starts with the winner of the previous one, or the one who made the “fish”, and everyone else writes down the sum of points on the dominoes they have left, and you can only start recording with 13 points. The one who first scores 101 points is declared the loser - the “goat”.

A common version of the game is “pair-on-pair” - 4 players are divided into 2 teams sitting diagonally opposite each other.

Sea goat

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

A complicated version of a regular goat. The game also involves 2-4 players, but four people must play in pairs.

The winner of the round writes down the sum of the domino points of all other players.

The number of points with which you can start recording must be at least 25.

If someone else scores more than 25 points, then everyone’s score in the round is reset to zero.

The player who scores 125 points wins.

A player can place two doubles on both sides of the chain at the same time.

If the player who started recording points for himself starts the round with a 6-6 (“100”) double and wins it, he automatically becomes the winner of the game, but if he loses and has more than 24 points left in his hand, then he receives the title of "brother-in-law" and loses the entire game.

The player who ends the round with a 0-0 double wins the entire game and is called the "bald goat."

The player who ends the round with a 6-6 double wins the game if the loser has more than 24 points. If the loser has less than 25 points, then the player who finished the round starts the next one with a double of 6-6 (“one hundred”).

The player who at the end of the round has only a domino left with a 0-0 double scores 25 points; domino with double 6-6 – 50 points; if he has two dominoes left with doubles 6-6 and 0-0, then he gets 75 points

The player who bet the fish is called the fisherman, and the double with the last domino does not count.

If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points in his hands, and other players have more, then the “fisherman” is the winner of the round, and in the next round he has the right to make a move “for 100”.

If you win with a “fish” and if other players have 25 points or more left on the dominoes, then this is called a “written off fish”.

If the “fisherman” has more than 25 points in his hands and more than other players, then he can “write off the fish” and in the next round has the right to go with any domino.

If the “fisherman” failed to write off the “fish” after three attempts, then he is considered a loser, and the right to move “100” passes to the other player.

If during the “fish” both players have the same number of points in their hands, then the situation is called “eggs”.

- “Eggs” are played from a 1-1 double.

If, with “eggs”, it was not possible to play them in three attempts, then they are considered “rotten” and the round is not counted.

Sports domino

Another variation of the Goat for two pairs of players. Differences:

The rounds start in sequence.

The knuckles should be placed on stands.

The number of rounds must be a multiple of four (4, 8, 12, etc.) and is agreed upon in advance.

The winner is the pair that scores more points for their opponents.

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Domino: let's rattle the bones?


Goat variation for 2-4 people. Differences:

Dominoes can be attached to the first double placed on four sides, forming a cross and not a chain.

The player can place several doubles on each side of the “cross”.

When placing a double, you can “close” it, that is, by turning the domino upside down, you can prohibit the continuation of this side of the “cross”. If a player places several doubles in one move, then he can open or close several ends of the “cross”.

If the first domino placed is not a double, next player can complete two doubles at the same time, which usually ends the game and scoring begins.

The actual scoring is similar to the “goat” game - the game lasts up to 101 points, to start recording, you need to score at least 13. If a player scores less than 13, his score is “remembered” until the next round. If nothing is recorded or remembered for this player, the score is reset.

Telephone (Flea; Houses)

This variation of the game differs from the others in the way it scores points.

The game involves either 2 players or 2 teams of 2 players, each given 7 dominoes. The first double, which was closed on both sides, is called a “house”, and now you can attach dominoes to it on four sides. The first round begins with the player who received dominoes 2-3, the subsequent rounds begin with the player who won the previous one, and he has the right to start the game with any domino.

Points are awarded when the sum of points at different ends of the “cross” is a multiple of five.

The player left with the dominoes deducts the remaining points (also if they are a multiple of five, rounded down).

If playing in teams, points are scored and deducted from both team members.

The game goes up to 225 points and usually consists of 10-15 rounds. If both players/teams score 225 or more points, it is declared a draw.

There is an option when in one move you are allowed to place up to 4 doubles - one on each side of the cross.

Domino: let's rattle the bones?

Domino: let's rattle the bones?


Variation of dominoes from England.

For two players, 7 dominoes are dealt, for three or four - 5. The first player can start with any domino. The first take opens the "cross", or four-way chain. Then dominoes can be added at all four ends.

Points are awarded when the sum at the ends of the “cross” is a multiple of five.

The player who completes the game receives ten points.

When finishing with a fish, the winner is the player with fewer points in his hands. The difference between the total points of other players and his points (rounded to the nearest five) is recorded for him.

The game goes up to 200 points.

General's goat

Variation for two teams of 2 players, which are located diagonally from each other (1.3 and 2.4). Each player is dealt 7 dominoes, the round begins with a 1-1 double, the game is played in a “chain”. The goal is to finish it with doubles 6-6 and/or 0-0, and players of the same team can give each other signals about the doubles they have in their hands (for example, with 0-0 you need to wink, with 6-6 you need to puff out your cheek).

You cannot end the game with a “fish” - this round will not count.

The game ends if one of the players runs out of dominoes.

The loser is the player whose turn must come after the player who placed the last domino or double 0-0/6-6. He interferes with the dominoes for the next round and is declared General.

It is only considered total"generals" per team.

A game option for three or four teams is possible - the team that received the “general” gives way to the waiting one.

There is a variation in which you can only end the round with a 0-0 double, and it is forbidden to prompt your partner.


Variation of dominoes for two people. Each player receives 14 dominoes, placed face down in a line. The first player takes one domino to the right from his line and places it on the table. It is possible that the game starts with a double, and players can thus familiarize themselves with their dominoes.

The point of the game is that you need to build two lines from the first domino according to the rules of classic dominoes. When two lines match the number of dominoes, the player has the opportunity to “cut the sausage”, or, in simpler terms, close his line with a cross domino.

If the domino taken from the right is not suitable for the sausage, it is placed in the line of the player on the left and the turn passes to the other player.

The round can end with a fish or when one of the players has no dominoes left, and the other player is given the number of points he has remaining.

It is necessary to agree in advance how many points the game will go to.

Domino principle

This is a chain propagation ( chain reaction) a certain phenomenon under the influence of some factor that affects the first element of the chain.

Special domino falling demonstrations are held, usually to coincide with Domino Day, which has been held annually in the Netherlands since 1986. There they organize competitions to build the longest demonstration chain possible; whole pictures are “painted” with colored dominoes!