Is it possible to pump out fat from the abdomen with a regular syringe on my own? Liposuction: types, stages and complications The price of liposuction of different areas of the body.

The beauty industry does not stand still, regularly offering new ways to lose weight. Fat removal (liposuction) was first performed 40 years ago. This method is constantly being improved, which allows today to maintain a leading position in the ranking of methods for modeling a slender figure. But when is it effective? What are the "pitfalls" hidden under the term liposuction? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, compare it with the traditional natural method of losing weight. Then it's up to you.

The essence of the procedure and modern methods of pumping fat

The operation of liposuction is recommended for people in whom excessive accumulations of adipose tissue noticeably violate the contours of the figure. General essence The method consists in pumping out fat from problem areas - the abdomen, hips, buttocks and even the chin using cannula tubes and a vacuum apparatus. One procedure can save from 1.5 to 7 liters of fat (depending on the type of liposuction performed), but experts recommend pumping out no more than 2.5 liters at a time. The optimal volume for one procedure is considered to be up to 3% of the patient's weight. The effect becomes noticeable only after the recovery period, i.e. after 1.5 - 2 months. The final result of figure modeling is achieved after six months, because fat cells continue to decay for another for a long time after the procedure.

The following types of liposuction are used today:

  1. Classical (vacuum). The traditional and very first method is considered the most traumatic and radical. During the procedure, it is allowed to use local or general anesthesia. On the patient's skin, incisions up to 1.5 cm long are made, through which fat deposits are pumped out.
  2. Laser. The laser beam is fed through a cannula with a diameter of about 1 mm and has a complex effect on adipose and connective tissue, which contributes to more efficient fat burning. The contents of the cells are released through excretory system or incisions made. Surgeons use local anesthesia. During the procedure, collagen is produced, and the adjacent skin areas are tightened. Requires a minimum recovery period.
  3. Ultrasonic. Painless and less traumatic method. A probe is inserted into the problem area through an incision up to 2 mm long, and the ultrasound delivered through it destroys the cells of adipose tissue, which are then sucked off with a vacuum. Local anesthesia is used for the procedure. This pumping out of fat improves the relief of the skin, making it more even and smooth. One procedure is often not enough, a course of 3-7 sessions is required. There is a non-surgical ultrasound liposuction, but it is used much less frequently.
  4. Radio wave. Uses current that is imperceptible to the patient high frequency. It is carried out under local anesthesia. Low-traumatic method with a short rehabilitation period.
  5. Non-surgical (non-invasive). It implies a long cosmetic course. This includes: cosmetic baths with various additives; wraps with honey, chocolate and seaweed; massage procedures.

The main advantages of the procedure:

  • liposuction operation is guaranteed to remove enlarged deposits in problem areas;
  • restoration of normal body proportions, a more beautiful figure;
  • the ability to combine fat pumping with other corrective operations;
  • removed fat cells are not restored.
Liposuction is not suitable for every person who wants to gain a slender attractive figure. It is used to destroy deposits in the subcutaneous fat layer. Against increased deposits in the deep and inner fat layers, this procedure is powerless. The effectiveness of liposuction is known when modeling a figure after childbirth in order to restore beauty, remove accumulated body fat or hanging belly. But in this case, the procedure is often combined with abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

Liposuction is used to eliminate deposits that could not be dealt with through diet and exercise. Pumping out fat - aesthetic surgery, which does not lead to changes within the organism itself. By itself, liposuction is helpless against obesity, cellulite or stretch marks. Therefore, you should resort to this procedure when you have already got rid of extra pounds thanks to effective fat burning, have learned to keep weight, but in some areas the deposits stubbornly refuse to disappear, which spoil the aesthetic beauty of your body.

Contraindications to the procedure

Like any operation, pumping out fat has its contraindications. You should not treat it too carelessly, because this is not an ordinary cosmetic procedure, but a serious intervention in the body. Before deciding on the procedure, it is highly desirable to show the plastic surgeon for review your medical card and see if you can do it.

Fat pumping is prohibited for people with:

Even non-surgical liposuction has contraindications. Among them are also liver and kidney diseases, blood clotting disorders. This type of liposuction is contraindicated for people with rashes and lesions on the skin, with hernias, muscle discrepancies in the abdominal cavity, the presence of metal implants in the heart and joints.

Risks and side effects

The risk of developing some side effects after surgery, liposuction reaches 2.5% in Western countries, in the CIS, this figure is somewhat higher. To some, the numbers will seem small, but you should think a hundred times whether you want to be among them because of medical negligence or the characteristics of your own body. Some of them are purely aesthetic in nature, while others can pose a danger not only to health, but also to life.

The most common aesthetic risks of the procedure are:

  • tuberosity and uneven contour - the so-called washboard effect (if the fat was pumped out unevenly); swelling and bruising due to impaired blood circulation;
  • seroma - accumulation of fluid in tissues (caused by excessive use of the solution during surgery, its entry into lymphatic system);
  • bruises, which can also flow to neighboring parts of the body;
  • sagging skin in case of its low elasticity;
  • asymmetry of the area that has undergone liposuction (with an unsuccessful procedure).
Side effects of body modeling by liposuction, which directly affect the health of the patient:
  • the risk of infection and inflammation of tissues due to non-compliance with the sterilization of instruments and the procedure;
  • blockage of blood vessels by blood clots (thromboembolism) or fat;
  • loss of skin sensitivity at the site of liposuction (should recover in a few months);
  • local tissue necrosis with excessive use of lidocaine;
  • anemia in case of a large amount of pumped fat;
  • risk of nerve damage and internal organs due to an incorrectly installed cannula;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disorders, which can interfere with effective fat burning in the future.

Recovery after the procedure

To minimize the risks of side effects, it is necessary not only to trust the operation to highly qualified surgeons, but also to strictly adhere to all recommendations for preparing for liposuction and recovery during the rehabilitation period. Although patients, as a rule, leave the clinic the very next day after the procedure, and return to work after 2-5 days, the total rehabilitation period lasts from several weeks to six months. Its duration depends on the type of liposuction, the size and location of the treated area.

If sutures were applied after the fat removal operation, then after a week they are removed. Compression garments and bandages must be worn for about a month to avoid swelling and bruising. Often, patients are prescribed painkillers, which makes it easier to endure painful tissue fusion. Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics, refer to physiotherapy (darsonval, ultrasound, phototherapy). During the month, physical activity should be avoided. Also, patients should avoid bad habits for the entire healing period.

The Benefits of Losing Fat Naturally

Liposuction surgery is a complex procedure that removes some of the fat deposits, but it will not help you change the quality of your life, develop good habits, become more active and better. The "Be in shape" weight loss camp, located in the vicinity of Feodosia on the Black Sea coast, offers a complete alternative to liposuction - fat burning in a natural way. Its advantages:
  • normalization of digestion and metabolism;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • recovery of the body;
  • the possibility of losing weight to the desired mark with further weight retention;
  • protecting the body from stress;
  • rejuvenation and beautiful appearance;
  • absence absolute contraindications;
  • production good habits;
  • increase self-esteem, self-confidence.
Natural weight loss and figure modeling is the right way to health and normalization of weight. It does not provide for the torture of one's own body - strict diets and starvation, lethal physical exertion. Everything should be balanced and in moderation. Of course, to achieve the cherished goal, you will have to work hard, but the result is worth it.

Features of the camp for weight loss "Be in shape"

The effect of liposuction is equivalent to 2 - 3 weeks of rest in the "Be Fit" weight loss camp. Our team stands for healthy and effective fat loss combined with a healthy lifestyle. The developed program easily adapts to representatives of both sexes. different ages. Adhering to the recommendations of our experts, you can lose up to 7 kg in two weeks. If you put into practice the recommendations received after returning home, you can continue losing weight and consolidate the results achieved.

We are working all year round on the system "all inclusive". Therefore, while relaxing with us, you can fully concentrate on the experience and desired results. And no fat removal surgery. In the camp "Be in shape" you will find:

  • balanced fitness nutrition 5 times a day;
  • accommodation in a comfortable villa 80 m from the seashore;
  • alternating sports training (strength and dance classes, Pilates and yoga, cardio training, cycling, swimming, boxing and self-defense, team games);
  • excursions and hiking around the Crimean peninsula, adapted to the level of physical fitness of the participants;
  • massage and cosmetic procedures;
  • talk about proper nutrition and necessary aspects of a healthy lifestyle;
  • new acquaintances, active pastime in the company of like-minded people;
  • psychoemotional rehabilitation.
The main thing is that you combine traditional rest with weight loss and recovery of the body. Make sure that perfecting your body can be a great pleasure. Rest in the “Be Fit” weight loss camp is an exciting adventure in search of yourself, where you can not only change your appearance, but also radically change the quality of life, opening up new facets of your own soul.

Liposuction is a highly demanded procedure, during which you can get rid of excess fat and get the perfect fit. It is impossible to give a specific cost for full body liposuction, because the price varies depending on the treatment method and how much fat is pumped out to the patient.

Whole body liposuction: what is the cost

To understand how the price of liposuction is calculated, you need to know what steps the procedure includes:

  • Initial consultation.

At the first visit and examination, the doctor will determine how much fat needs to be removed for the procedure. To do this, you need to conduct not only a physical examination, but also the collection of anamnesis.

Before performing liposuction, the doctor will initial consultation

The specialist needs to understand what lifestyle the patient leads and whether he has any contraindications for the procedure. In most cases, the consultation lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, its cost varies between 1000-2000 rubles. (depending on the qualifications of the doctor).

  • Diagnostics.

Despite the fact that liposuction is a relative operation, in some cases it can cause significant harm to health. To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, also pass general analysis blood and urine.

If contraindications are suspected, additional examination measures may be prescribed. The cost of such a diagnosis is usually about 2500-4000 rubles.

After consulting with a doctor, you will need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and pass tests.

If these stages are successfully completed, liposuction itself is prescribed. The price of the operation varies depending on the following factors:

  • Anesthesia.

How much liposuction of the whole body costs depends largely on the anesthesia used. Doctors say that general anesthesia not only has maximum cost, but also poorly tolerated by the body. But, despite this, most patients refuse local anesthesia due to the psychological factor.

Depending on the drug used and the duration of the procedure, the price of anesthesia can range from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles.

  • Cutting tissue and further pumping.

To pump out fat, special tools are used - cannulas, the quality and manufacturer of which also affect the cost of liposuction

The surgeon carefully makes tiny incisions on the patient's body, where cannulas are inserted to suck out fat. It is impossible to give an approximate price for this stage, since everything depends on the quality and production of the equipment.

  • Rehabilitation.

After the procedure, you will have to spend 2 days in the clinic. The cost of spending a day in a hospital can be either 1,500 rubles or 10,000 rubles. If the accommodation includes meals and dressings, the price may be even higher.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, after liposuction, additional skin tightening procedures may be required, which are also not carried out for free.

How much does liposuction cost depending on its type?

How much does whole body liposuction cost, the specialist will tell you after the type of fat pumping is determined. Currently, clinics offer various ways to eliminate extra pounds, which differ in the equipment used and, accordingly, in price.

Traditional (vacuum) liposuction

In medicine, such pumping of fat is called classical.

This procedure is performed strictly under general anesthesia and is considered the most dangerous.

Its essence is as follows: a special cannula is inserted into the problem area, which has a detrimental effect on fat cells and contributes to its pumping out.

Since fat is pumped out with the help of vacuum exposure, it is possible to eliminate up to 13 liters in one session (in this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body).

Despite the fact that such treatment is very effective, it should not be carried out:

  • on the back, especially in the upper part and middle;
  • on certain parts of the legs (shins, thighs).

The average price of such a procedure is about 40,000 rubles. (of course, this must take into account where the fat is removed from, the type of anesthesia and the reputation of the clinic).

Allows you to achieve significant improvements with minimal impact.

The treatment is carried out with a special nozzle that delivers ultrasonic pulses that destroy fat deposits.

In most cases, several sessions are required, each lasting about 15 minutes. The approximate cost of processing is 3,500–4,000 rubles. in 15 minutes.

Syringe liposuction

Suitable for removing fat deposits only in local areas. It is the best way to correct the neck or chin.

Since fatty tissue is removed through a syringe, up to 0.5 liters can be extracted at a time. Since the fat is pumped out in minimal portions and the skin is practically not injured, the method is ideal for women with thin and sensitive skin.

The approximate cost of correcting one zone is about 20,000 rubles.

The cost of full-body liposuction by radiofrequency is quite high, but no matter how much money is spent on the session, the procedure is extremely effective and almost painless. In one session, it is possible to eliminate about 5 liters of fat.

The procedure is carried out using 2 nozzles, one of which acts on the surface layer, and the second on the deep one. The approximate cost of processing one zone is 20,000–23,000 rubles.

Most experts recognize this technique as the most optimal, since it is safe and has a number of advantages:

  • the procedure is carried out using cannulas of the minimum size, due to which the skin is practically not injured;
  • the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia;
  • the recovery period lasts about 5-7 days.

Due to the specific physical and warm action, pathogenic fat cells are destroyed, and the figure is transformed. The price of such treatment is high enough to eliminate fat deposits from a 10 × 10 cm area, you will have to pay more than 20,000 rubles.

Vibration liposuction

This procedure is fundamentally different from the rest and is carried out by introducing a special pharmacological solution. Further, the fat that has changed its structure is excreted by small cannulas.

The event is quite laborious and requires great experience and care of the surgeon, due to it, large areas can be corrected, minimally injuring the tissue.

The price of liposuction for different areas of the body

To have a more accurate idea of ​​how much you will have to spend, you need to consider which zone needs correction.

  • Liposuction of the abdomen

If you remove fat from the abdomen with laser liposuction, you will have to pay about 75,000 rubles, and vacuum about 60,000 rubles. If the choice falls on ultrasonic treatment, one session will cost 7,000 rubles.

  • Liposuction of the thighs

The approximate cost of processing this area with a laser is 80,000 rubles, with a vacuum - 50,000. A session of ultrasonic correction of the hips costs about 5,000 rubles.

  • Liposuction of the buttocks

The average cost of vacuum correction is 45,000 rubles, laser - 60,000, ultrasound - 4,000 (per session).

  • Chin Liposuction

Regardless of which method is chosen, at least 20,000 rubles will be charged for the procedure.

  • Whole body liposuction

Only a specialist can calculate the approximate cost of such a service, the price for the most part depends on the amount of excess fat and the equipment used. The average cost of the procedure in Russia is about 300,000 rubles.

Liposuction of the whole body: what result to expect

Experts warn that liposuction of the whole body is quite problematic.

It must be understood that it is impossible to process all areas at the same time, such an intervention would be too dangerous.

But if the patient with a frequency of several months will correct various zones, excess fat will go away almost completely, the figure will take on an ideal shape without exhausting workouts in the gym and following strict diets.

In order for the result to be preserved, in the future you need to change your diet and lead a more active lifestyle, otherwise the extra pounds will return again.

The cost of full body liposuction can vary significantly depending on the type of clinic and how much the patient weighs. But if a decision is made to undergo such an operation, it is necessary to find out everything about its advantages and possible complications and find an experienced surgeon.

How much does full body liposuction cost and how does it work:

We offer you to watch a video about liposuction:

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Cosmetology -~- Plastic surgery -~- Syringe liposuction: scope

One of the most quick ways get rid of excess body fat - liposuction.
There are several types of procedure. The choice often depends on the budget, but to a greater extent - on how much fat you need to pump out. To remove small deposits, for example, in the double chin area, syringe liposuction is used. Through a syringe, you can pump out up to half a liter of fat.

Lightweight liposuction

Syringe is actually a lightweight, "miniature" version of liposuction. No incisions are made on the skin, vacuum liposactors and long cannulas are not used. The main tool is a syringe through which fat is pumped out. This type of liposuction is offered to patients with thin skin and small fat layers, when it is necessary to correct uneven body contours. If you use a vacuum liposactor with thin skin, then there may be irregularities in the places where the cannula was inserted ....

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Is it possible to draw fat from the abdomen with a syringe?

No. Unfortunately no. Oh, if only everything was so easy! then millions of women (and men too) would not have to suffer because of excess weight. Naturally no You can.
Theoretically, you need to warm up in the bath, take a syringe with which your ears are washed and try, and suddenly go! No, you can’t, you can, you need to inject a solution of saline solution of ludocaine and adrenaline soda buffer subcutaneously, wait 15-20 minutes, and you can take it with a syringe, the most suitable needle from the blood transfusion system or the needle from the largest catheter for blood transfusion. http: //

Are you crazy? Fat in the body is not in the form of a jelly or liquid, but in fat cells held together connective tissue.
So in order to suck fat, you need to destroy the adipose tissue with a surgical instrument or ultrasound and then pump out the resulting thick bloody fat mass vacuum suction.

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Liposuction at home and features of its implementation. The main types and methods of liposuction at home.

What it is

Liposuction at home is one or more procedures that are aimed at reducing fat masses in certain areas of the body, including the abdomen.

In fact, such liposuction is not at all what is usually done in beauty salons And certainly not surgery.

This concept provides for more gentle types of body shaping.

Is this possible

First of all, it must be said that none of the currently existing classical types of liposuction can be done at home by yourself.

For example, traditional liposuction would require a real surgical intervention, anesthesia, availability of special equipment and doctors.

It is simply not realistic to do this at home on your own, unless of course you want to risk your health.

The same goes for ultrasonic as well...

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Body features - a given, laid down by nature, and even the owner slender figures forced to work hard on their problem areas. A strict diet and intense sports are not always able to cope with body fat in the "riding breeches" zone and on the sides. And the treacherously protruding tummy is a sore spot for most girls.

Laser liposuction of the abdomen: is there an alternative?

Fat deposits form in the abdomen first. This is the so-called "airbag", which protects the vital internal organs of the abdominal cavity from damage. In women, the accumulation of "reserves" on the stomach is also due to childbearing. The adipose tissue of the abdomen is actively involved in hormonal processes and serves as a soft buffer, additionally protecting the unborn child from external environment. The body is in no hurry to part with these strategic reserves even when the total percentage of subcutaneous fat ...

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The fight against excess weight is a rather difficult task. Some go easy ways and rely on the help of doctors who will help them cope with the task. And someone fights on their own, since it is impossible to turn to specialists when your pockets are sparse, if not completely empty. It is very difficult to fight fat without the most elementary knowledge and skills, because it is theory and practice that make the impossible real. Is liposuction possible at home and what are its types? Indeed, many consider this method one of the most effective in the fight against extra pounds.

Liposuction is a surgical or cosmetic operation, the action of which is aimed at the destruction, decomposition or removal of fatty compounds that are excreted from the body on their own (after splitting), or mechanically. You can get rid of a little extra weight, significantly adjust the lines of the figure, make a person visually much slimmer and ...

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The operation to remove fat from the sides and abdomen is a popular method of getting rid of excess weight, allowing you to become slim in short terms. diet, different kind restrictions, sport is long haul to a dream that not everyone is capable of. Many men and women do not withstand the strict regime and break down at the beginning of the journey. How effective is the surgical method, what types exist and what to expect after such an intervention?

How to remove the stomach surgically

If you decide to remove the belly and excess from the sides with the help of liposuction, you should know that in the first 3-4 weeks you will have to wear special underwear with a high degree compression, come to the clinic for dressings and examinations, take medical preparations. For several days, weakness is felt, pain is present, the temperature rises. Within 4-6 weeks, bruises, swelling, slight numbness may remain on the skin.

Removal of a small amount of subcutaneous fat is carried out under the local ...

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"Lifebuoy" or an insidious friend?

Belly fat is the most persistent. But talking about him as a long-standing and implacable enemy is still not worth it. Visceral fat, that is, the one that surrounds the internal organs, and the supply of which is almost completely localized in the abdominal cavity, our body needs!

It ensures the correct location of the internal organs and protects them from possible injuries. Its excessive thinning increases the risk dangerous diseases, however, as well as abundant growth.

If the waist circumference in men exceeds 94 centimeters, and in women - 85, you need to take action as soon as possible. And you should start with confident steps towards a healthy lifestyle.

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If nothing helps in the fight against excess adipose tissue, help will come the medicine. The article clearly describes the possibilities plastic surgery in the correction of obesity: what is liposuction of the abdomen, types of operations, pros and cons, complications and contraindications. Using this information, each person with overweight can make an informed decision - is it worth contacting a plastic surgeon?

Surgical removal belly fat

The essence of the operation

One of the most commonly used plastic surgery operations involves the aspiration removal of fat cells from subcutaneous tissue problem areas. Regardless of the method, fat is suctioned only from certain areas of the body where hard-to-remove adipose tissue accumulates (thighs, abdomen, buttocks). Liposuction solves a specific aesthetic problem, but does not eliminate obesity.


Conventionally, all liposuction techniques are divided into mechanical, ultrasonic, vibromechanical, ...

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Lipofilling (fatgrafting) - fat grafting

The essence of fat injection (lipofilling, the term fatgrafting is also used) is the transplantation of fat from areas of its greatest accumulation, such as outer surface hips - in places that lack volume. These include the face, arms, chest, or buttocks. The advantage of this procedure is that it is completely safe and well tolerated by patients, in addition, the result has a long-term effect and looks natural. Every year, thousands of people choose lipofilling as effective method improve your look.

The content of the article:

Fat transfer: pros and cons

If sunken areas or deep wrinkles appear on your face;
to obtain a longer effect from the operation than temporary fillers can offer;
to improve the contours of your body, hide scars, fill in hollows on the body or rejuvenate the hands and face;
in breast reconstruction to hide contour irregularities or...

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Liposuction is an operation that allows you to remove excess fatty tissue from problem areas. Such areas can be the abdomen, buttocks, shoulders, back and even knees. In addition, using this procedure, you can correct the oval of the face by removing excess fat from the cheeks and neck.

Liposuction is performed as an independent operation or in combination with other procedures. It can be carried out on several parts of the body at once.

Who is the operation for?

Liposuction is the ideal option if the patient's excess fat is not being removed. alternative ways such as diets and physical exercises. The operation is performed on patients only from the age of eighteen, if the body weight is 30% higher than the norm, the skin is elastic enough, and the muscles are in good shape.

Liposuction is performed using a special, hollow, elongated surgical instrument called a cannula. The diameter of the tube is small, so that the skin and blood vessels are minimally injured.

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The problem of excess belly fat worries many not very athletic inhabitants of the planet. Does it exist magical remedy to quickly get rid of it at home, without food restrictions and exhausting sports?

Today, it is much easier and more effective to correct the contours of the body through a special area of ​​plastic surgery - liposuction.

What is liposuction

Liposuction of the abdomen, in fact, is a splitting and "pumping out" of the subcutaneous fat in small areas of the body. Unpleasant and unaesthetic fat deposits cause a desire to get rid of them on the hips, knees, chin. But the most popular tummy tuck.

For one procedure, getting rid of 2 liters of fat is available. The waist immediately narrows by 5-6 centimeters. The overall effect is visible after the recovery period, that is, after 2-3 months, and the final look is achieved after 6 months.

The process continues from...

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How to get rid of belly fat Traditional options for getting rid of subcutaneous fat
How is it carried out laser liposuction
The effectiveness of the procedure
Contraindications for laser liposuction

Fat deposits in the abdomen for both men and women are not only cosmetic defect. Of course, first of all, the owners of a large tummy suffer because of an unattractive appearance. But patients also complain of a certain difficulty in movement, shortness of breath and fatigue.

Traditional options for getting rid of subcutaneous fat

Coaches of sports clubs claim that the "fat depots" located in the abdomen can be eliminated with the help of special physical activity. This is not entirely true. Fat in the abdomen leaves our body last. Therefore, even with intense systematic training, it is possible to part with it only with insignificant initial volumes.
For a long time the most effective way...

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There is a boom in the world for a new procedure of aesthetic surgery - lipofilling ("lipos" from Latin - "fat", "filling" - "filling"). Such operations are also carried out in Kyrgyzstan. Director of GREEN CLINIK, plastic surgeon Sultan Tukeshov, at the request of the WB, spoke about this procedure in more detail.

What problems can be solved with such an operation?

Lipofilling is the filling of problem areas own fat. For example, wrinkles on the face. You can also fill the chest, lower leg, calf muscles, buttocks.

Compared to a traditional silicone filling or facelift, which is better to give preference to?

Lipofilling is the most natural method plastic surgery today. It is possible that such operations will replace silicone implants.

After a facelift, the face looks too stretched. And here the physiological contour of the face does not change. Remains in natural form. At the same time, the skin is stretched and rejuvenated, wrinkles ...

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Liposuction began to be actively used at the end of the last century. She quickly became a kind of indulgence against any crimes associated with weight gain. Now you can safely skip the lesson in gym and there is everything. So what, that a couple of kilograms were added, and the dress became cramped? After all, everything can be corrected with liposuction.

However, you should not treat that operation as a regular brushing of teeth or a cosmetic procedure. After all, this is a surgical intervention, which always represents stress for the body. Yes, and somehow forgotten quick deliverance from extra pounds about a long rehabilitation period with possible complications.

Many of those who have prepared for liposuction have no idea at all what exactly the doctor will do. Although fat removal surgery has become quite popular today, there are still many myths around it.

Liposuction allows you to get rid of obesity. If an honest surgeon comes across, he will explain that liposuction allows you to correct local figure flaws. Surgery is used when diet or exercise no longer helps. After all, with its help, some reserve fat is removed. These special cells easily tolerate lack of nutrition, and in the presence of glucose multiply rapidly. The operation will be effective in those people whose weight is close to normal or slightly exceeds it. But for patients with general obesity, liposuction will not be an option. The hips, especially their inner part, buttocks, lower abdomen and the “breeches” zone, are especially actively resisting general weight loss. Liposuction will help correct them, giving problem areas an ideal shape. However, do not expect that this will solve the general problem of obesity. So it is necessary to prepare for such an operation already in the case when weight loss has taken place, and it remains only to get rid of the most stubborn fat deposits.

Liposuction helps to get rid of cellulite. In this case, we should speak about two mutually exclusive statements at once. Some say that liposuction can remove cellulite, while others say that the opposite - the operation leads to the appearance of " orange peel". Practice shows that fat suction has nothing to do with this problem at all. After all, liposuction is engaged in the removal of fat, which is located in the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue. And cellulite appears due to fatty lobules that are located directly under the skin. That is why liposuction cannot improve the condition of the skin with cellulite, but it cannot worsen the situation either.

Ultrasonic liposuction is less traumatic than other methods. There are quite a few varieties of liposuction, but they all pursue the same goal - to help the doctor, and not alleviate the suffering of the patient. Indeed, to remove subcutaneous fat, the surgeon resorts to certain efforts. Fat is not some kind of unnecessary extraneous liquid that can be poured out of a person anywhere. This is the part of the body where each cell firmly clings to its neighbors. So the puncture of the skin does not mean that the unnecessary tissue itself will pour out from there. That is why doctors seek to destroy intercellular tissues before surgery. Usually, for this, the zone is treated with a special composition, Klein's solution. It helps in half an hour to liquefy the fat, which will help to remove it more easily. But surgeons believe that this method is still time-consuming, and therefore there are more and more new types of liposuction.

Ultrasonic liposuction involves piercing the operating areas with a solution, after which they are exposed to ultrasonic waves. It should be noted that this method is perhaps more traumatic than others. After all, the devices of the first generations gave a large heat flux, which led to the appearance of an internal burn. This only delayed postoperative healing. But now doctors have learned to avoid such an effect.

Liposuction methods do not exist. In addition to the already mentioned ultrasonic technique, there are several more basic ones. So, syringe liposuction is carried out manually. Fat is pumped out not with vacuum pumps, but with syringes. Vibration is carried out using the Lipomatic apparatus, which makes it easier to move the cannula in the tissues. Tumescent liposuction makes it possible to perform the operation under local anesthesia. To do this, a special solution with an anesthetic is injected into the operating areas. Lipoelectromodeling uses a special apparatus that generates a special current of a given frequency. It destroys fat cells.

Liposuction is a safe procedure. It should not be assumed that no one has died from such an operation. Although liposuction seems to be something simple on the outside, there are many nuances in it that can lead to the most deplorable results. After all, the risk of unpleasant complications is always there. Patients die on operating tables, and liposuction is no exception. Naturally, such cases occur when pumping out adipose tissue much less often than even with appendicitis. However, statistics inexorably show that there is one operation for every five thousand. deaths. The statistics seem to be not frightening, but in absolute terms, everything is not so rosy. Every year in prosperous America alone, from attempts operational way get rid of excess fat dies 75 people. In Russia, such statistics are not even kept.

Liposuction is harmless to health. We must understand once and for all that plastic surgery do not always proceed as the doctor and patient would like. There may be many reasons for this. This includes increased bleeding of tissues, poor skin elasticity, cicatricial changes in tissues at the site of surgery, and much more. All this can affect the final result of the operation. But in general case Complications after liposuction are rare. Only 2.5% of patients have increased painful sensitivity at the site of surgery, 1% change skin pigmentation, another 1% develop chronic pain syndrome. Every 200th gets some kind of septic phenomena, for example, blood poisoning. In the event of unfavorable circumstances and bad work a doctor, you can get necrosis of the tissue and skin, and operations on the lower extremities are fraught with a violation of the outflow of fluid. If the diameter of the cannula is chosen incorrectly, this will lead to an uneven body contour, the “washboard” syndrome will appear. If the operation affects large areas, then this is fraught with anemia, because blood loss will be large. But all this refers more to medical errors than to the shortcomings of the operation itself. Competent work of the surgeon usually avoids these problems, however, in any case, there will be significant blood loss, which will not pass without a trace for the body. Another point that will also not add health is anesthesia. For the liver, it is more dangerous than a week-long binge, and nerve cells are at risk.

Liposuction can be done at any age and regardless of health status. Theoretically, there are no obstacles, but practice often diverges from this. If you start to remove dead deposits, then there will be an excess of skin. It should shrink on its own over time. That is, successful rehabilitation provides for the elasticity of the skin. But only over time it worsens, unable to respond to such a large and rapid weight loss. Therefore, carrying out liposuction to an elderly woman, who, moreover, has recently lost weight, can lead to sagging skin that has not been able to recover. In general, such an operation is contraindicated for people with circulatory disorders, with diabetes, as well as for those who have recently undergone surgery on parts of the body where it is planned to pump out fat.

After the operation, fat will begin to grow at double the rate in other places. Human fat cells can multiply only before the onset of puberty. As a result, in an adult, their number remains unchanged until the very end of life. Therefore, nothing can restore the removed cells, but the remaining ones in the body will begin to accumulate more and more fat. So it turns out that after liposuction, you can gain more fat both in the operated areas and in the neighboring ones. So those who are predisposed to fullness should not relax. It is necessary to give up food at night, as well as sweets and other harmful foods.

You can remove as much fat as you like. In fact, there is a record, which is still not worth chasing - 9 liters. The operation is often referred to as liposculpture, so you should carefully consider the normal amount of fat to be removed. On average, it is considered safe and normal to pump out up to 3 liters of fat at a time.

There are areas that are best left untouched. But this is the truth. Liposuction is best not performed on the forearms and lower legs. It is believed that such an operation will not be effective in the places of the menopausal hump, shoulder area, upper back. But this is debatable, as well as talk about this technique in general. It is best to consult a doctor when choosing a method for pumping out fat, tools for this, places and volume. You should trust an experienced and reputable doctor, and not rush to beautiful signs.

Liposuction is the usual pumping out of fat. In fact, you need to think about how the body will react to the removal of a significant mass. Yes and appearance The operation site must remain beautiful. Therefore, liposuction should not be considered an ordinary pumping of fat, rather, it is liposculpture.

Fat is a very convenient material for modeling. In fact, adipose tissue, like any other, has a rather complex system of lymph and hemomicrocirculation. It is possible to violate its integrity only being completely sure of the need for such intervention.

The puncture sites on the skin and their location can be arbitrary. This is incorrect, the number of punctures for each zone, as well as their location, is predetermined.

The amount of fat removed can be arbitrary. In fact, in this regard, the laws of symmetry must also be taken into account. The amount of fat to be removed must be predicted in advance and be the same in symmetrical zones. Otherwise, the operation site will become undulating.

Liposculpture can be superficial or deep. During the operation, the tunnels in all layers of the subcutaneous tissue are evenly distributed. Sometimes, however, they allow a more superficial location of the tunnels, which is associated with an increased effect of skin tightening.

The result of liposuction is clear already in the first days after the operation. Any operation of this kind entails rehabilitation period at 2-3 months. If work was carried out from the front abdominal wall, then we can talk about 4 months. In the first couple of weeks, only post-traumatic edema. It resolves only in the next month and a half, which is accompanied by the formation of an infiltrate. That, in turn, disappears after 3-4 months.

To achieve the final result, it is necessary to go through post-operative procedures. Liposuction does not require any special accompanying procedures - massage, lymphatic drainage, ultrasound exposure. The initial result, like the final result, is entirely based on the quality of the operation. And these procedures are offered by the clinics and salons themselves in order to earn on a gullible client.

It is impossible to predict the results of liposuction. In fact, a favorable outcome can be predicted. The patient only needs to comply with all the indications for surgery, and the doctors evaluate the necessary and sufficient intervention, as well as own different ways carrying out such a procedure.

After the operation, you can immediately go home. According to this myth, after pumping out fat, nothing bothers a person anymore. Only small swelling will remain, which will quickly pass. And in a month the person will return to full life. First of all, it is worth noting that after the operation, you will have to stay in the hospital for at least a day. After all, the surgeon needs to observe his patient. At the same time, the temperature is likely to rise, and a feeling of discomfort will appear. Swelling and bruising are the inevitable price of pleasure. They will last for about three weeks. It is also worth saying that for a whole month after liposuction, a person will have to wear compression underwear. It will help the skin shrink better. And only after three months it will be possible to really evaluate the result.

After liposuction, you can forget about diet, sports and expensive cosmetics. To consolidate and even improve the result obtained, use special diet, massage and exercise is welcome. It must be remembered that the operation is not a way to reduce weight, destroy cellulite or stretch marks. Of course, removing fat will also lead to weight loss. But if you leave the diet the same, then the fat will return. And in order to understand which technology is suitable, the specialist conducts a preliminary examination. If the fat deposits are small, then all methods of liposuction will give the result. Here the skill of the surgeon is already important.

Liposuction is performed exclusively as an independent operation. In fact, this body shaping procedure is often carried out in combination. Liposuction can be part of the correction of age-related changes in the body, plastic surgery of the front of the abdomen or recovery from injuries.

Liposuction saves from psychological problems. In conditions of psychological pressure, many are looking for a solution to this problem in liposuction. This is especially critical for overweight patients. Sometimes the operation really helps the psyche. Patients increase self-esteem, they have positive emotions regarding their improved appearance, the complexes disappear. However, this is true only if the condition was mild or moderate. If the patient had deep depression or even appeared serious problems in the perception of food (bulimia, anorexia), then the operation will not help either. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist or even a psychiatrist directly. So do not assume that liposuction is the way to solve nervous disorders and serious psychological problems.

After liposuction, typical traces remain - postoperative scars and scars. Usually, they try to make puncture sites in natural folds or in places that are then hidden by linen. Their diameter usually does not exceed 8 millimeters. After a couple of months, traces of surgical intervention will be difficult to find even with close attention to these places. There are no scars or scars after liposuction.

The fight against excess weight is a rather difficult task. Some go easy ways and rely on the help of doctors who will help them cope with the task. And someone fights on their own, since it is impossible to turn to specialists when your pockets are sparse, if not completely empty. It is very difficult to fight fat without the most elementary knowledge and skills, because it is theory and practice that make the impossible real. Is liposuction possible at home and what are its types? Indeed, many consider this method one of the most effective in the fight against extra pounds.

Liposuction is a surgical or cosmetic operation, the action of which is aimed at the destruction, decomposition or removal of fatty compounds that are excreted from the body on their own (after splitting), or mechanically. You can get rid of a little extra weight, significantly adjust the lines of the figure, make a person visually much slimmer and fitter. Unfortunately, its use to get rid of large amounts of body fat is impossible. Too sharp, unnatural weight loss is detrimental to health.

Most often they resort to liposuction when there are certain areas on the body from which it is very problematic to "drive" those extra pounds. The most popular areas for women are hips, abdomen, buttocks, arms, neck, waist, knees. In men, problem areas are an order of magnitude smaller: abdomen, waist, back, chest.

Liposuction, as such, is not one of the methods of dealing with excess weight. This is explained by the fact that it is only able to remove certain consequences of obesity, but in no way affects the root causes and is not a guarantee that the re-accumulation of adipose tissue in problem areas will not follow. Therefore, for a complete cure, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem and combine liposuction with diets, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle (first of all, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, and secondly, physical exercise and proper nutrition).

Liposuction will help you get a perfect figure

Worth paying attention!
Maybe, overweight not associated with inactivity, inactivity and malnutrition, but is a consequence of any disease or change hormonal background organism. Therefore, a doctor's examination and a thorough diagnosis will be required, which will help identify problems, if any. Accordingly, the required treatment is then prescribed. After completing the course, you can begin to fight unwanted body fat.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of liposuction

There are four main types of liposuction: ultrasonic, laser, vacuum and lipomodelling. Each of these methods has its pros, cons and certain nuances, which we will consider in more detail.

  • Lipomodeling

It refers to liposuction only because during the operation, excess adipose tissue is removed from problem areas. But after the end of the fence, the material is not thrown away anywhere, but is used to correct certain areas, for example, chest, lips, cheekbones, buttocks. Using this method, you can improve your figure in two ways at once: take fat where there is too much of it and increase with fat those parts of the body that need it.

Excess fat deposits are removed using syringes that do not leave significant marks on the patient's skin.

  • vacuum

Vacuum liposuction is also known by such names as classical and tumescent. In fact, vacuum and tumescent liposuction are not quite the same thing. These operations have differences, and very significant ones. During the first, small incisions are made on the patient's body with a surgical scalpel. A cannula (hollow needle) is inserted into these incisions, which is connected to a vacuum apparatus. By moving the cannula under the skin, the doctor removes fatty compounds, and they are absorbed into the device.

During the second, before proceeding to mechanical removal, a special Klein solution is injected into the places of fatty deposits. This drug is made up of several medicines with anesthetic and vasoconstrictive action. In addition, the composition includes the usual physiological solution. Under the action of the drug, fat cells increase in size, and the vessels and capillaries, on the contrary, decrease. This action greatly facilitates the process of removing adipose tissue and makes liposuction less traumatic. To remove fat from the body, not a cannula is used, but needles of small diameter (no more than 3 mm), therefore, surgical opening of the skin is not required. Vacuum and tumescent liposuction are similar in that both of these operations are performed under deep anesthesia and are fraught with serious complications in cases where the volume of removed adipose tissue is very large (up to 10 liters).

Vacuum liposuction method

  • Ultrasonic

It is used in cases where it is necessary to get rid of a small amount of body fat. During one session it is impossible to destroy more than 0.5 l of fat with ultrasonic waves. To achieve a visible result, you need to go through at least three procedures. The time interval between them is two weeks. This is explained by the fact that just during this period the body will have time to process and expel the entire volume of destroyed tissue. To enhance the effect, you need to do physical exercises daily (at least for half an hour), drink plenty of water (not carbonated) and go to massage sessions, or do it yourself. Ultrasonic liposuction can be performed and surgically, during which (under anesthesia) the emitter is injected directly into the patient's adipose tissue. But such a procedure threatens with internal burns and bleeding.

Procedure ultrasonic liposuction will not cause you discomfort and pain

  • laser

It is carried out as follows: in the area problem area a small incision is made and a laser probe is inserted into it. The action of the laser is aimed at splitting fatty compounds, which are independently separated from each other and, getting into the bloodstream, are sent to the human liver. There they are completely naturally neutralized and completely eliminated from the body. This method is good because it does not require serious surgical intervention, it has much less negative consequences, and the incision site heals and becomes completely invisible.

The long needle is the conductor of the laser beam. She delivers it exactly to the fat layer

Is it possible to perform liposuction at home?

Neither of existing species Liposuction can in no way be performed at home. If we talk about classical liposuction, then everything is obvious here, because this is a real surgical intervention. It requires the presence of a doctor, the presence of special equipment, a sterile room and tools, it also requires the introduction of anesthesia and much more, which is simply unrealistic to do outside the hospital.

Ultrasonic liposuction at home - clean water fiction. It is impossible to carry out such a procedure without expensive equipment. Unless you find some source of ultrasonic waves at home, which is also very doubtful and even slightly absurd.

Laser liposuction is no different from other types of fat removal. It is not performed at home on your own and with the help of improvised means.

To complete any of known methods liposuction will require the assistance of a qualified doctor and clinic conditions. Don't be fooled by those who say the opposite and insist that you can do any of these surgeries at home.

Video set of exercises: flat stomach for dummies

Methods that can be used at home are not related to liposuction, but have a similar effect. These include wearing special clothes for weight loss, dieting, exercise, wrapping, taking special baths, massages, and more. For example, liposuction of the abdomen at home is well performed by a complex of wearing a neoprene belt, wrapping and massage.

You should not buy clothes for weight loss a few sizes smaller, taking into account the upcoming weight loss. Buy it always size in size.

Diets and physical activity are selected taking into account the characteristics of the body. Various intolerances or, conversely, predispositions are taken into account. You can choose the right diet and exercise on your own, but try to focus on those that do not have special contraindications and are neutral.

When making a wrap, you should not extend the procedure for more than an hour and a half

A bath of soda for weight loss should not be done for those who suffer varicose veins veins

Thus, liposuction can only be performed in clinics with the direct participation of doctors. It is impossible to carry out this procedure at home. But there are other methods of dealing with extra pounds that are no less effective, on the contrary, even more useful, because thanks to them, the root cause of excess weight is eliminated.