Natural anesthesia during childbirth. Massage as a method of natural pain relief during childbirth

Preparations for pain relief of childbirth really bring relief to the woman in labor. However, it should be remembered that they are prescribed strictly according to indications, since they affect the whole body in a complex way, and not only mothers, but also the child, have side effects and in some cases can lead to complications. That's why expectant mothers should not rely on a miracle shot or a magic pill. Fortunately, today there are many opportunities for obtaining information on how to make the birth of a baby as comfortable as possible for both him and his mother: training manuals and courses for pregnant women talk about effective self-help techniques in childbirth, one of the most effective methods among which is massage during childbirth. It can significantly reduce pain. And all this - without the use of medicines and medical interventions!

Why is there pain during childbirth?

  • pain is provoked by intense contractions of the muscles of the uterus,
  • stretching of the birth canal and perineum,
  • muscle spasms,
  • compression of large vessels in the area small pelvis,
  • individual characteristics, such as the structure of the pelvic organs or the low pain threshold of a woman, when it is very painful even with a slight impact.
  • psychological reasons: fear of childbirth, expectation of something unpleasant and unknown, general tension.

It is important for every woman preparing to become a mother to remember: in childbirth there is no constant pain. And in fights, and in attempts, unpleasant sensations increase gradually, and also gradually subside, giving way to periods of rest. And properly carried out in right time massage during childbirth will completely reduce pain to a minimum.

How does birth massage work?

Massage during childbirth has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system, and through it - on the entire body of a woman: it allows you to relax, relieve nervous tension and fatigue in the muscles, distract from painful sensations and even anesthetize contractions. The mechanism of such a beneficial effect of massage during childbirth is quite complicated.

Its first stage is the excitation of skin receptors in the massaged area. Then the impulse is transmitted throughout the central nervous system, in which a favorable response is formed. Massage during childbirth activates the production of natural stimulants - hormones and enzymes that play the role of natural adaptogens that contribute to the rapid adaptation of the body to a stressful situation.

In addition, massage improves blood circulation and better saturation oxygen to the tissues and organs of both the woman herself (which also has an analgesic effect during childbirth) and the fetus, which prevents the development oxygen starvation.

7 types of massage during childbirth

It is possible for both the woman in labor and her assistant (husband, mother or midwife) who is present during childbirth to do analgesic massage during childbirth.

Follow simple rules:

  • You can massage during childbirth with dry hands (the main thing is that they are warm, since a feeling of cold can provoke a reflex muscle spasm) or with the help of special creams and gels that improve gliding over the skin and may contain pain-relieving contractions components. Do not be discouraged if you forgot the massage cream during the preparations for the hospital. You can always ask the midwife for some Vaseline oil.
  • It is possible to use aromatic essential oils - they contribute to deeper relaxation. But at the same time, you should find out in advance whether the expectant mother has them allergic reactions and whether they cause an increase in blood pressure.

Which birth massage is right for you?

1. Acupressure during childbirth

Until the contractions are in full force, you can limit yourself to acupressure during childbirth. It is useful for the expectant mother to remember where there are two important points that will need to be influenced during childbirth. The first is located on back side brushes in the recess between the thumb and forefinger (it is clearly visible if the fingers are spread wide apart). The second one is on inside shins four fingers above the ankle (this is the area of ​​​​the ankle, where the bones protrude from the outside and from the inside). Apply continuous pressure to these points, keeping your finger perpendicular to the surface of the body. Movements should be short, pulsating, and last no longer than a minute. Then you should take a break for a couple of minutes and continue the impact in a given rhythm. It is clear that both the woman in labor and her assistant can do such a massage during childbirth. The correct effect on the active points contributes to the intensification and pain relief of contractions, the cervix opens faster, and all this happens without increasing pain.

2. Stroking the abdomen during a contraction

At the beginning of each contraction, you can gently stroke the lower abdomen. To do this, place your palms on its lower part and with light movements massage the stomach with your fingertips in the direction from the center to the sides and back. At the moment of intensification of the contraction, the intensity of pressure can be increased, but only slightly. If an assistant does massage during childbirth, then it will be more convenient for him to sit behind her.

3. Massage of the sacrum during childbirth

Women who are familiar with menstrual pain often note that the sensations in the first stage of labor are similar to those that occur in " critical days": aches in the lower abdomen and ache in the lower back. In this case, massage in the sacrum (this is the area that is just below the waist) helps a lot. What is special about this area? The secret of the pain-relieving childbirth effect when exposed to it is simple. The fact is that the sacral nerve plexus associated with the pelvic organs and responsible for their innervation. When this zone is stimulated, the transmission of a nerve impulse to the uterus and other organs is blocked, thus, it is possible to reduce pain.

Massage of the sacral region can be done with one hand or both at once, with the pads or knuckles, the base or edge of the palm, a fist or a manual massager. The main thing is that the impact is intense enough: pressure, active rubbing, patting and tapping are acceptable. If desired, you can cover not only the sacrum, but also a wider area around it.

A powerful, pain-relieving contraction effect can be achieved by pressing on the dimples above the buttocks - the exit points of the sacral nerve - the impact on which brings noticeable relief.

4. Massaging the iliac bones during contractions

This method is based on the principle of transferring the source of pain. Just as we three whiskey to make it easier headache, during contractions, you can rub and massage the iliac bones of the pelvis, which are located below the waist on both sides of the abdomen. You need to stimulate them both at the same time, using active rubbing. This type of massage during childbirth can be combined with the stroking of the lower abdomen already described above (in this case, hand movements should come from ilium to the center and back), as well as with the movements of the hands along the inguinal fold from the ilium to the perineum - this improves blood circulation in the uterus.

5. Massaging the buttocks during childbirth

Important reflex zones are also located in the buttocks area - at the exit point sciatic nerve. To find them, you need to mark an imaginary center on each buttock (as a rule, there is a small hole there, when pressed on which mild pain can occur). Rolling the center of the buttocks with fists or pressing on these points thumbs helps relax muscles pelvic floor- this is a great way to distract a woman from labor pains.

6. Massaging the thighs during contractions

palm rubbing inner surface hips is an excellent technique, anesthetic contractions. To do this, lie on your side and, pressing your palm tightly against the skin of the inner surface of the thigh, stroke it from the groin to the knee and back. As the intensity of the contraction increases, the pressure on the thigh should also increase.

7. Massage between contractions

In the period between contractions, it is not recommended to touch the skin of the abdomen, as this is fraught with too intense an extraordinary contraction. However, this is where massage really comes in handy! The assistant can stretch the woman neck-collar area, upper part back, make a general light relaxing massage of the whole body so that the woman in labor can calm down and recuperate before the next contraction. It is important to remember that lying on your back is undesirable, since the inferior vena cava can be clamped and blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed.

Anesthetize contractions with massage: alone or with an assistant?

The choice of postures for massage during childbirth depends on individual features every expectant mother: the body itself tells you exactly how it is more convenient for him to position himself during the massage: on his side, standing on all fours, lying or sitting on a fitball, in a knee-elbow position - it all depends on you.

If you have an assistant, then the choice of possible poses will be wider. For example, postures in which a woman in labor, kneeling or on straightened legs, seems to hang on her assistant, holding her hands on his neck - while the lower back relaxes well, and the partner can additionally massage her sacrum. The convenience of childbirth with an assistant lies in the fact that in this case it is possible to combine different types massage during childbirth, for example, the woman strokes her stomach and rubs the iliac bones, while the partner acts on the sacrum.

However, the absence of an assistant does not at all mean that the anesthetic contraction of massage should be abandoned. After all, only the woman herself can know what kind of impact and on which zone she is in. this moment necessary. So listen to your body and, focusing on your feelings, you will surely be able to choose the types of massage that are most effective for you, and help yourself to endure the period of contractions more easily.

When should you not massage?

Despite the fact that anesthetic massage during childbirth is indicated for almost all women, it is worth mentioning separately the possible obstacles to its implementation. Directly during childbirth, any touch can be extremely unpleasant for a woman. In this case, the massage will have to be abandoned.

Deviations from normal flow childbirth (for example, weak generic activity, stop the progress of the fetus along birth canal, acute fetal hypoxia, bleeding, etc.). You will also have to refuse massage during childbirth during the installation of CTG sensors, as well as in the second stage of labor, when attempts begin.

In the arsenal modern medicine There are many remedies that reduce or eliminate pain during childbirth. But many of them have a significant drawback - the possible adverse effect on a child. One of the most effective non-drug methods pain relief during childbirth, along with breath control and choice comfortable posture, is a massage.

In addition to the beneficial effect on the area massage movements, massage has a general beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and through it - on the whole organism as a whole, therefore it is one of the most effective ways anesthesia and self-anaesthesia of childbirth.

Massage improves blood circulation, nutrition of the massaged area and (reflexively, through the nervous system) of the organs associated with it, promotes muscle relaxation and rest, soothes, etc.

The massage effect is due complex mechanism, the initial link of which is the excitation of numerous receptors of the massaged area, which is transmitted to the central nervous system. It forms a response that causes various favorable changes in organs and systems. In addition, under the influence of massage, various biological stimulants (hormones, enzymes, vitamins, etc.) come into active state, the appearance of which contributes to the adaptation of work. internal organs to the situation. The chain of these reactions that occur in response to a dosed massage effect leads to an increase in blood flow to the organs, an increase in metabolism, tissue cleansing, and ultimately provides the desired healing effect consisting of general and local changes.

Massage against pain

The feeling of pain in childbirth is due to a number of reasons: impulses from the contracting muscles of the uterus; stretching the tissues of the birth canal, perineum; spasm and vasoconstriction. However, nature provides for a significant suppression of such sensations. main reason The intense pain of childbirth is fear-induced tension.

Such a massage technique as stroking - an effect on the skin of low intensity - helps a woman relax between contractions, distracts her from disturbing thoughts. Massage or self-massage during childbirth helps not only to effectively relax in the period between contractions, but also plays a distracting role during the next contraction: with the help of massage techniques - intensive stroking, rubbing, pressure - a woman or her assistant, irritating one or another area, as if disperse pain in the lower abdomen, and it becomes less intense.

During contractions, massage movements should be quite intense. Only in this case, the impulses from the receptors of the skin, muscles, and bones irritated during massage will compete with the pain impulses coming from the uterus, birth canal, perineal tissues to the organs of the central nervous system(head and spinal cord) to reduce pain. In the period between contractions, it is not recommended to touch the skin of the abdomen, as this can provoke an excessively intense extraordinary contraction. In the period between contractions, you can massage the shoulders, the cervical-collar zone, the inner surface of the thighs, calf muscles(especially with a tendency to cramps in them). It is better if the massage during this period is carried out by an assistant who is present at the birth.


One of the varieties of massage is acupressure (or shiatsu massage). Of course, it is best if such a massage is carried out by a specialist, well location-aware biologically active points on the surface of the human body. Impact on these points contributes to the release of biologically active substances, which have a calming, analgesic, blood circulation-improving effect. However elementary ways acupressure you can learn on your own.

Hands and fingertips should be warm during shiatsu. The impact is carried out continuously (without lifting the finger) strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Usually, pressure is applied with the pads of the thumb and middle fingers. The two most commonly used methods are:

1) soothing - the effect is smooth, slow, the movements are circular, gradually increasing, the duration of pressure on the point is 3-5 minutes;

2) tonic - short, pulsating pressure, carried out sharply and strongly for 0.5-1 minute.

In childbirth, acupressure (point pressure) is most often used on two points: haigu and the sixth splenic.

The Haigu point is on dorsal surface brushes in the depression where the metacarpal bones of the large and index finger. In order to find it, you should spread your fingers as much as possible: under a well-contoured tendon thumb and the desired recess is determined. The sixth splenic point is located on the inner side of the lower leg, 4 fingers above the inner ankle. The impact on these points intensifies contractions without increasing pain, that is, the neck opens faster, therefore, a tonic pressure method is used to massage them.

This allows the woman in labor to completely relax and rest as much as possible between contractions. Massage movements during relaxation massage should be soft, stroking, of light intensity, their direction should be from the periphery to the center.

There are several methods of anesthetic massage during childbirth. They can be carried out by assistants present at the birth (husband, midwife) or the woman in labor herself (self-massage).

With a helper or on your own

Massage can be done with dry hands, but for better glide often use various creams, gels, oils, which may include various painkillers. Wash hands before massage warm water. You can rub your hands together for warmth (touching with cold hands can provoke reflex muscle tension).

During the fight, especially at its beginning, the lower half of the abdomen is stroked. To do this, place your palms on the lower abdomen, as if supporting it, and stroke the lower abdomen with your fingertips in the direction from the center upwards, to the lateral surfaces of the abdomen. If the massage is carried out by an assistant, then it will be more convenient for him to sit behind the woman in labor. The intensity of the massage movements is light at first, and should also increase with the intensification of the contraction.

The nerves to the skin of the lumbosacral region of the back run alongside the nerves to the uterus. Therefore, massage of this zone has a significant analgesic effect. The intensity of massage movements in the lumbosacral region may be higher than when stroking the lower abdomen. Rubbing with the palms, circular stroking movements and light pressure with the fists can be used here.

Significantly reduces pain impulses during a contraction and often has a pronounced analgesic effect by pressing the skin in the lateral corners of the sacral rhombus. It is necessary to press on the skin in this area, pressing it and the nerves passing in this area to the bones: the dimples above the buttocks serve as a guide. You can press the skin with your fists, and if the massage does future dad, then it is enough to press the massaging effect on the indicated points with the thumbs. The impact on the skin of the lateral angles of the sacral rhombus should be quite intense.

Another area, massaging which has a good analgesic effect, is the anterior superior iliac spines of the pelvis. These bones usually protrude from thin women. They can be felt in the lateral sections of the lower half of the abdomen, slightly above the upper end of the inguinal fold. They are located symmetrically.

Pressing the skin in the region of the anterior superior iliac spines is easier to carry out with the thumbs. The intensity of the impact and the mechanism of the analgesic effect of massage in this area is similar to the massage of the sacral rhombus.

Only with an assistant

Bilateral pressure on the thigh. The woman is on her knees, leaning on her hands. During the entire fight, the assistant presses on the protruding part of the buttocks with the whole palm towards the center of the woman's pelvis.

Knee pressure. The woman in labor sits on a chair, leaning her back on its back, knees slightly apart. An assistant, for example, a husband present at the birth, covers the woman's knee with his palms and exerts pressure with the supporting part of the palm on the front surface of the knee towards the hip joint. Pressure is applied in turn to each knee. This technique can also be performed if the woman is lying on her side; the leg on top should be bent in knee joint. One hand of the assistant rests on the sacrum of the woman in labor, and the other presses on the knee towards the back.

The listed methods of massage should not cause discomfort; if necessary, the woman in labor herself can adjust the place and intensity of exposure. Such a direct participation of a pregnant woman in the process of pain relief in childbirth is very important, because. it helps her feel not like a passive object of manipulation, but like a mother helping her baby to be born.

The process of childbirth, although physiologically determined, is still stressful for female body. The most debilitating during labor are painful contractions, which can last quite a while. long time. At the same time, a woman, feeling pain, can also succumb psychologically, which, of course, affects the duration of the birth itself and the recovery period after them. That is why it is very important to know several techniques, thanks to which you can reduce pain during contractions and save strength for the upcoming attempts. Learn how to relieve pain during contractions in today's article.

Many women are very afraid of the upcoming birth precisely because of the inevitability of pain during labor. Some even decide to cesarean section to avoid pain during contractions. But it is always important to remember that natural childbirth- this is a physiologically determined process for which the body of a woman is preparing for the entire period of bearing a baby, and the accompanying pain is always subject to your body. Let's look at the nature of the occurrence of pain during the birth process. In general, childbirth can be divided into two periods.

  1. contractions. At this time, the cervix opens, which contains a lot of pain receptors. In addition, the uterus itself begins to contract, the ligaments, the peritoneum are stretched, the pressure inside changes abdominal cavity and in the retroperitoneum. The pain that a woman feels during this period is called visceral. It does not have a specific localization and is characterized as dull. Many women compare such pain with cramps in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
  2. Attempts. After the contractions, the pushing begins. At this time, the fetus moves along the birth canal, stretching the tissues of the lower part of the birth canal. Such pain has an exact localization: in the rectum, in the vagina and perineum. Pain during attempts is considered somatic, and women describe it as sharp.

It is also worth noting that nervous tension, fears and negative emotions before childbirth can reduce the pain threshold. Sometimes this is what causes severe pain during contractions, that is, it is not the pain itself that causes nervous exhaustion, but its perception. Besides, severe pain during contractions may be due to:

  • premature birth;
  • first birth;
  • at the birth of a large child;
  • if painful menstruation has been observed before;
  • with prolonged childbirth;
  • if oxytocin was used;
  • after the discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • with insufficient psycho-emotional preparation of the woman in labor.

How to relieve pain during labor and childbirth

How to relieve pain during contractions? For this, there are several recommendations of doctors who, in varying degrees help different women during childbirth.

Postures to relieve pain during contractions

During contractions, it is very important to choose the optimal posture, due to which the sensitivity to pain will decrease. There are about 10 such positions, depending on the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus, the position is selected individually.

Postures to relieve pain during contractions in a standing position:

  • rest your hands on the headboard or any other surface of a suitable height. With your legs slightly apart, relax your stomach and back so that the weight of the body is redistributed to the limbs. In this position, make swaying movements to the right-left, back-forward;
  • squat down. Spreading your legs as wide as possible, lean on a full foot. In this case, the back should rest against a fixed support;
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, grab your hips with your hands. In this pose, make swaying movements.

Postures to relieve pain during contractions in kneeling positions:

  • kneel down, put your hands and head on a fixed support so that the body sags, and the weight is redistributed to the limbs;
  • in a kneeling position, lean on the fitball with your chest and arms, make swaying movements.

Poses to relieve pain from contractions on the bed:

  • on the bed, get on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees. In this case, the legs should be slightly apart, and the woman, as far as possible, arch her back from the bottom up;
  • on the bed, get on all fours, leaning on your knees and elbows. With legs slightly apart, sway left and right;
  • on the bed, get on all fours and shift from one knee to another. At the same time, you need to kneel, and rest your hands on the back of the bed.

Postures that relieve pain during contractions, lying on your side:

  • lie on the bed on your left side, bend your knees and hip joints. Place a pillow between the legs if desired.

It is worth noting that if you had painful periods before pregnancy and the pain was localized precisely lumbar, then during contractions it is not recommended to lie - from this pain will only get stronger. It is best to spend the entire period before the start of attempts on your feet, walking or taking the postures described above.

Also, it will not be superfluous to squat. This position will speed up the opening of the cervix.

Massage during contractions? to ease the pain

According to the reviews of many mothers on how to relieve pain during contractions, it was massage that became the salvation from debilitating pain during labor. This method of anesthesia works especially well if the pain is localized in the lumbar region. True, to perform massage during labor, you must have a partner with you. Ask him to massage your lower back, shoulders, head, neck, the area around the protruding pelvic bones.

If you have a non-partner childbirth, then you can try to perform self-massage. For this:

  • clench your hand into a fist;
  • rub the lumbar area with it during contractions;
  • between contractions, knead the protruding pelvic bones from the side of the abdomen.

Such manipulations will allow the muscles to relax after a sharp tone.

Water treatments to ease contractions

In many modern maternity hospitals practice new methodology easing pain during contractions - a warm shower. The bottom line is that a woman from time to time own will stands under flowing warm water during contractions. As women in labor note, such manipulation is very relaxing and allows you to relax a bit.

Music and relaxation to ease contractions

It is not for nothing that modern maternity hospitals offer future mothers to take a player with recordings of soothing music or sounds of nature and the sound of water for childbirth. Such a seemingly simple thing as music can significantly calm a woman in labor and help her relax between contractions.

It is also worth noting that during labor, you need to relax as much as possible in between contractions. In addition, it is very important mental attitude. Think of childbirth itself not as a test, but as a necessary step towards the baby. Remember that at this moment it is even harder for the child, because the little lump goes through a difficult path to meet his mommy.

How to breathe during contractions to ease the pain

The ability to breathe properly during contractions and attempts can greatly simplify the process of childbirth and relieve pain.

At the beginning of the attempts, we breathe like this:

  1. Inhale through the nose for four counts.
  2. We exhale in six counts through the mouth, lips folded into a tube.

The inhalation should be much shorter than the exhalation.

During intense contractions, we breathe like a dog:

  1. Open mouth.
  2. Take deep breaths in and out.

Acceleration of breathing during intense contractions significantly reduces pain and helps to endure it without compromising the emotional state.

During the opening of the cervix, we breathe like this:

  1. Take a quick, shallow breath through your nose.
  2. Putting your lips in a tube, just as quickly exhale through your mouth.

The breaths should be very fast and not deep, then the pain subsides a little.

How to breathe while pushing:

  1. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  2. Singing any vowel, exhale through your mouth as long as you inhaled.

It is important that you exhale as if you were blowing out a candle.

During labor, it is very important to remember that the long and exhausting process of contractions and attempts is only the final step towards meeting your baby. Stay calm, learn to relax at the right time and be sure childbirth will take place easily and quickly, and the unforgettable first meeting with the little one will remain in your memory for the rest of your life as the warmest memory.

How to relieve pain during contractions. Video

Fear of upcoming birth every pregnant woman experiences to a greater or lesser extent.

We listen to or read all the existing stories about childbirth, we ask our relatives and girlfriends, and we all come to the conclusion that childbirth is painful. But do not worry too much and think about it a lot, because mother nature should have taken care of us.

We must not forget that childbirth is also a completely natural process, and in our arsenal, in the end, there will surely be several ways to avoid the worst emotions at this crucial moment in our lives. So, there is a natural pain relief, which is provided expectant mother with the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness during contractions. But that is not all. Every woman can help herself survive the difficult moments of labor if she has an idea about proper conduct massage during childbirth.

Agree that it is always better to postpone the use of medicines as a last resort, and first of all it is worth using natural methods pain relief, possible due to the natural mechanisms of our body.

Do not be skeptical about massage, because it can significantly reduce pain during contractions.

And you can learn it quite simply, you just need to carefully study its types and methods of implementation. In this we will gladly try to help you in this article.

How and why does massage help?

Pain during childbirth begins with the first contractions and gradually increases. It is known that it is caused primarily by contraction of the uterus, dilatation of the cervix and stretching of the birth canal. And the closer to the time of birth, the more painful.

But already before the birth of a child, when it comes time to push, the pain changes its character. It is already associated with pressure on the vagina, rectum, and some women find it no longer so painful. Yes, and at this time there is no time to relax and tune in, but only a few minutes of hard work remain.

Therefore, our article is devoted to massage precisely in the first stage of childbirth, when the birth canal is being prepared for the passage of a child through it, and the mother requires maximum patience and the right psychological attitude.

In this period, oddly enough, little depends on doctors. And best of all, mommy can help herself. Her mood should be the most calm and confident in the success of the upcoming enterprise.

Periods of contractions alternate with periods of absolute rest, and the pain is not constant. There is time to relax and have a massage that affects the entire nervous system.

You transmit information through the skin to the brain, which should form the right reaction for you and alleviate the condition. The brain begins to stimulate the release of the necessary enzymes and hormones into the bloodstream, which adapt the body to stress and act as a natural pain reliever. But not only in this effect of massage. It enhances blood circulation in organs and tissues, which in itself is an anesthetic and at the same time prevents oxygen starvation in a child.

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Types of massage during childbirth

You can do massage yourself, or you can ask your husband or midwife about it. When massaging, the hands should be warm, you can apply on the skin suitable for relaxation essential oil, or just ask the midwife for ordinary Vaseline.

Massage of special points on the body

There are two points, the stimulation of which intensifies contractions and the opening of the cervix, without provoking an increase in pain. Firstly, these are the points on the back of the hand between the large and index finger. The second point is located 4 fingers above the bone on the ankle, on the inside of the lower leg.

It is necessary to evenly press on these points for a minute, then take a break for a few minutes and repeat the movements again.

belly massage

It is performed during labor and helps with less painful uterine contractions.

Gently move your palms and fingertips along the lower abdomen from its center to the sides and back. You can ask your husband about this, then he needs to stand behind you and, as it were, hug in the abdomen. You will feel not only pleasant strokes, but also feel comfortable and calm in the hands of a loved one.

Massage in the sacrum

This type of massage is the most effective, and therefore the most popular.

Below the waist you have the sacrum, in which all the nerve endings associated with the pelvic organs are concentrated. At the very beginning, the pain during contractions, while it is not yet strong, is similar to the sensations during menstruation, namely, it hurts and twists in the lumbar region.

If you massage this area, there is a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses from the uterus and back, and the pain recedes a little.

Massaging can be carried out with one hand with any convenient part of it: knuckles, palm, base of the hand. The main thing is to provide intensity and some pressure, you can also rub this area. Of course, it is more convenient for a husband or another person to do this.

Also in this area there are 2 points, pressure on which brings great relief. These are the so-called dimples above the buttocks, they contain the sacral nerve, and its pulsating stimulation leads to a real analgesic effect.

Pelvic bone massage

Its effect is similar to that which occurs when massaging the temples during a headache. going on psychological effect transferring the source of pain. It is necessary to massage the iliac bones, these are the bones of the pelvis, located on the sides below the waist. Use both hands to rub these areas, and also run your hands from the ilium to inguinal region, all this will improve blood circulation in the uterus.

Buttocks massage

There are very important points on the buttocks - the exit points of the sciatic nerve. They are located in the pits in the very center of the buttocks. If you massage them in the form of scrolling with your fists or simply pressing with your finger, then this will relax the muscles of the pelvic floor. And, as you know, from them proper relaxation depends on the speed of the entire process of childbirth.

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thigh massage

There are a lot of nerve endings on the inner side of the thigh. During the fight, stroke this area from the groin to the knee, it is most convenient to do this while lying on your side and pressing your palm to the inside of the thigh. These sensations will give both an analgesic and relaxing effect.

Features of massage during childbirth

Massage of the abdomen and all areas associated with the uterus should not be carried out outside of contractions. This can provoke tension and, as a result, a new fight, and you will certainly need rest. Therefore, in between contractions, it is better to relax completely. And if someone is nearby, let him give you a general relaxing massage in the cervical region.

During childbirth, it is undesirable to lie on your back, this compresses the inferior vena cava and reduces the supply of oxygen to the child.

As you know, doctors pay great attention to breathing during childbirth. It is not surprising, because it can greatly facilitate and speed up the process, while improper breathing can even harm the child.

At the very beginning of labor and between contractions, breathing is necessary. full chest, using a diaphragm that fills your lungs to the maximum. And shallow breathing "like a dog" helps pain relief and increases the threshold of sensitivity to pain. This breathing should be practiced during strong contractions.

There are cases in which massage cannot be performed. These are weak labor activity, stopping the progress of the fetus through the birth canal, fetal hypoxia, bleeding and other cases of deviation from the normal course of childbirth.

Modern medicine has a significant arsenal medications helping to reduce the pain of a woman in labor during labor. In our country, every woman has the right to labor pain relief. Of course, there are situations when drug anesthesia is simply necessary. However, it should be remembered that drugs that are absolutely harmless to the mother and baby do not exist.

Any drug acts on the entire body as a whole, and, in addition to helping, causes so-called side effects, and sometimes complications. Therefore, any medical intervention during childbirth should not be caused by a whim, but by a strict necessity. Such a need arises, for example, with various deviations from the physiological course of childbirth or with a pathologically low threshold of pain sensitivity of the woman in labor.

Labor pains are often identical to the sensations that most women experience on “critical” days”: the same “nagging” in the lower abdomen, the same ache in the lumbar region. As the contractions intensify, so do the pain, but the nature of the pain does not change.

There is no acute, unbearable pain at any time during childbirth. Feelings during the fight would be more correct to describe as pulling, aching. In addition, each fight develops in waves. With its onset, the woman in labor experiences minimal discomfort, as the contraction develops, the sensations gradually increase, and then just as smoothly decrease.

In the second stage of labor during labor instead of pain the woman in labor is experiencing desire to push, caused by the pressure of the baby's head on the wall of the rectum. And at the moment when the baby is born, the tissues of the perineum stretch so much that sensitivity completely disappears in them: that is, the mother does not experience pain at the time of the birth of the child.

And most importantly - there is no constant pain in childbirth! Both contractions and attempts alternate with intervals during which the woman does not experience anything except, perhaps, the accumulated fatigue!

In order to feel good during normal, uncomplicated childbirth, the expectant mother should learn self-pain relief techniques. These methods are simple to implement and do not require special training. It's about about massage.

Massage of the sacral zone

Assuming the possibility of a popularity rating massage points used during fights, then the first place, of course, would belong to the area of ​​the sacrum. This zone is located slightly below the lower back and is a projection of the sacral section of the spine of the same name. It is in this department that the sacral nerve plexus is located - a powerful ganglion responsible for the innervation of the pelvic organs.

These organs include, among others, the uterus. By stimulating the area of ​​the sacrum at the time of the contraction, we seem to block the transmission of the pain impulse. This area can be affected different ways, but in any case, the strength of the stimulation of the sacrum should be significant. These can be pressing movements made with one or two hands, simultaneously or alternately.

The stimulation itself can be done with the fingertips, knuckles, the whole palm, the base of the fist. The area of ​​influence can be limited only to the area of ​​the sacrum or spread much wider - depending on which version of the impact provides maximum relief to the woman in labor. To prevent irritation on the skin at the site of exposure, you can first apply a cream or massage oil to it.

red herring

This method is, in fact, the transfer of the source of pain. Remember how we three whiskey with a headache, creating an artificial source of discomfort and distracting from the real. In childbirth, we will entrust the role of the “imaginary patient” to two pretty bones, which are called the ilium. These are the very bones of the pelvis that, before pregnancy, protruded forward in the lower abdomen when you lay on your back.

They should be stimulated during the fight, simultaneously from both sides, using the same force and the same techniques as during friction. temporal region. You can work on the entire area of ​​the lower abdomen. In this case, simultaneous stroking movements should be made with the palms on both sides, directing them from the bones to the pubis and back.


This is the name of the next version of anesthetic massage, which is most convenient to use in the supine position on your side. Place your palm on your inner thigh. During the fight, press your palm to the skin of the thigh and drive it without interruption, like an iron, from the groin to the knee and back. Such an impact will both anesthetize and make you relax as much as possible.

The main thing - do not expect pain and do not be afraid of it. Remember that childbirth physiological process, and nature, which prepared such a test for us, took care of help in it. Summarize:

  • Massage of the sacral region is the most effective method of pain relief of contractions.
  • Stimulation of the ilium is also an effective distraction.
  • Massage of the inner thigh provides pain relief and relaxation.
  • Relax and rest between contractions.