Prenatal depression in pregnant women. Antenatal depression and emotional disturbances in expectant mothers

Very often, pregnant women are in such a state as prenatal depression. Let's try to figure out what it is and how to deal with it? Most often, prenatal depression appears in the last weeks of pregnancy. Well, this is understandable, a woman is anxiously waiting for the upcoming birth, the load on the spine is increasing, it is difficult to find comfortable posture during sleep, fatigue increases and you no longer want anything but to get rid of huge belly to feel a normal person. Relatives and acquaintances also add fuel to the fire with questions about who you expect, when to give birth, etc. This is how apathy arises. Bad mood and irritability, and all negative emotions pregnant women, for some reason, splash out on their husbands, because they abruptly began to annoy them. And as a result, family quarrels arise, which only exacerbate the situation. How to deal with it? Is depression dangerous? Prenatal depression is not particularly dangerous for pregnant women. But it can negatively affect the baby, gaining a foothold, as his usual state at an older age. As you know, scientists have not invented a pill that could help cure depression. It's a pity, but do not despair, there are many ways to eliminate your depression. Ways to treat prenatal depression First of all, people close to you. They need to surround you with care and warmth of communication. Relax, do not think about problems, about the upcoming birth, get distracted by other topics. Shopping helps a lot. There is nothing better than shopping. Buy the necessary things for yourself and your unborn child. Do this with your husband, but if you don’t feel like it with your husband (husband can’t), invite your friends, remember how carefree and happy you were before pregnancy. It is very good if you have a hobby, nothing distracts better than an exciting activity. If there are no doctor's contraindications, water aerobics for pregnant women can become excellent remedy treating your depression. Firstly, it maintains a great shape, secondly, it gives a lot of joy and pleasure, well, and thirdly, it prepares you for upcoming birth. Massage during pregnancy can help you relax, calm your nerves, relieve back and leg pain, and also improve your well-being and simply cheer you up. It, like a regular massage, helps to relax tense muscles, prenatal massage makes you forget about fatigue and depression, and also prepares the body for childbirth. Concentrate your attention on yourself beloved, you are now the protagonist novel. Take time for your baby, talk to him - he hears you, and in general, try to live your pregnancy brightly and cheerfully. Believe me, when your baby is born, when you hear and then see him, you will forget what depression is and will scold yourself for not trying to overcome it. Do not forget that your condition affects the child, but he is already loved by you, he is a part of you, the most expensive and important person in your life.

When a woman first realizes that she will soon become a mother, in most cases, she feels incredible joy and a surge of vitality. In isolated cases, pregnancy becomes an extreme test for a weak female psyche, which is typical for women with an unstable emotional background and an increased tendency to a dull state. This condition is very dangerous, therefore, at the first appearance of pathology, a woman needs adequate treatment. How to suspect this disease in yourself and how to deal with depression during pregnancy?

The term "depression" refers to a whole range of psychological disorders, which are accompanied by causeless depression, an oppressed and melancholy worldview, a complete loss of joy and any aspirations in life.

In addition, with the development of depression, low self-esteem is often stated, sharp reaction to external stimuli, unreasonable irritability or complete apathy to the surrounding world. Often, an undiagnosed pathology in time leads to the development alcohol addiction and suicidal thoughts. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of depression in a future mother plays a very significant role in the future of a woman and a baby.

Nature made sure that the entire pregnancy proceeded in harmony and tranquility. But the crazy rhythm modern life, rigid social standards and the many fears that they generate have led to more frequent occurrence of depression in expectant mothers.

An important factor in the development of the disease is internal state women. A lot of worries about the ongoing pregnancy, the moral perception of her role in the life of the unborn baby and many other aspects make a woman a hostage to her thoughts. And if at this moment stress tolerance is losing ground, the risk of succumbing to despondency instantly increases. And if a woman does not receive full moral support, then depression is guaranteed to her.

The main causes of depression during gestation are:

  • Severe stress on the background of an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Critical social and living conditions (for example, lack of housing, difficult moral situation at home, lack of support from her husband, etc.).
  • Financial insecurity (loss of work, existing large credit).
  • The disinterest of the husband or other relatives in the birth of the baby.
  • Complication of pregnancy (terrible toxicosis, the risk of developing pathology in the fetus).
  • Tendency to depression at the genetic level (if someone in the family has such a disease, then a pregnant woman is very high risk experience depression).
  • Exhausting infertility treatment or frequent miscarriage (if the first pregnancy ended in the loss of a baby, then in the second pregnancy depression will become a natural phenomenon against the background of fear of losing a child again).
  • Hormonal dysfunction, especially from the side thyroid gland (reduced function thyroid gland is often accompanied by panic attacks, blues, detachment).
  • The transferred severe psychological shock (loss loved one, cardinal change of residence not at will, etc.).
  • Long-term treatment with psychotropic or sedative drugs.

Depression during gestation may be due to bad heredity, psychological or physical abuse, or a wide variety of emotional factors. In each case, the pathogenesis of the disease is individual and, fortunately, perfectly amenable to correction.

Depression during pregnancy: symptoms of pathology

The first signs of illness during pregnancy are inexplicable mood swings, tearfulness, sleep disturbance and “weakness” in the morning, panic fears before childbirth. Against the background of such signs, the condition of the pregnant woman deteriorates sharply, and other symptoms of depression soon join:

  • Pathological appetite ( constant feeling starvation or complete refusal of food).
  • Chronic fatigue and irritability.
  • Loss of interest in the outside world complete absence joy.
  • Detachment from people, unwillingness to communicate even with loved ones.
  • Agoraphobia (fear of leaving the apartment).
  • Loss of self-confidence, feeling of guilt in everything that happens.
  • Constant drowsiness and a desire to close in on oneself (apathy).
  • Suspiciousness and lack of self-esteem.
  • Feeling of helplessness and uselessness, less often - a desire to commit suicide.

Of course, individual signs of this disease during pregnancy can occur in any woman, which is caused by a special relationship between the psycho-emotional background and the neuroendocrine system. But such phenomena are temporary. If such a picture is repeated from day to day, the woman is shown an examination by a psychologist.

A fairly common occurrence is depression during a second pregnancy. A woman, having learned that she is pregnant, especially if the conception has not been planned, succumbs to panic attacks. This happens if the this moment there is no way to have another baby or the first pregnancy was extremely difficult. As a rule, after a couple of days, adaptation to the new position occurs, and the symptoms of depression disappear on their own.

Features of the course of depression during pregnancy in different trimesters

During pregnancy, a woman's consciousness goes through several stages that help her accept her new position, prepare for childbirth and plan a new alignment of life with her baby. Throughout this period, uncertainty and various external factors may contribute to lung development despondency or panic, and sometimes result in real depression. Consider how depression can manifest itself in different terms, and how to understand when this can be taken as the norm, and when the help of a doctor is required.

Depression during pregnancy - first trimester

From the point of view of psychologists, the first three months is the stage of “complete denial” by a woman of her current position. While the embryo is growing rapidly, the woman continues to make her plans, not taking into account her pregnancy. For example, plans a world tour that coincides with last week pregnancy or the weekend is going to skydive. It's perfect normal phenomenon, which occurs unconsciously, however, if the pregnancy proceeds without toxicosis or any complications. And only with the beginning of the second trimester, a woman begins to perceive the world in a completely different way.

In the first weeks, the psycho-emotional background is greatly modified under the influence of hormones. A woman needs time to curb her fears and worries. In addition, a woman has to give up many things that are familiar to her, for example, horseback riding or sauna visits. And if, in addition to all this, her relationship with her husband and relatives is not very warm at home, then fall into deep depression any woman can.

However, one must clearly distinguish between mood swings and depression due to hormonal changes and a serious psychological problem. Indeed, after conception, a woman often becomes unrecognizable - she becomes hysterical, cries, suffers from insomnia, closes in herself. But after accepting her position, she again returns to her usual state.

But when such behavior drags on (more than a month), the mood becomes more depressing and pessimistic, and in the conversation you can hear speeches about a terrible future and unwillingness to change something, then this is a clear signal of growing depression. It's pretty anxiety state, so a woman should be gently referred to a specialist who will tell you in detail how to get rid of depression during pregnancy.

Important! Severe forms of depression are subject to correction only with the help of antidepressants, which during gestation on early dates very undesirable. But when contacting a doctor when the first alarming bells appear, it is quite possible to get by with physiotherapy.

Pregnancy and depression - second trimester

Starting from the second trimester, a woman enters a new period called "search for the lost object." The “lost object” can be understood as a promising job, study, favorite entertainment, and even friends. With the first movements of the baby, the expectant mother begins to worry about his future, and for the first time she realizes that her whole measured life will change dramatically after childbirth.

On a note! If a woman has a tendency to apathy and suspiciousness, then depression during pregnancy is later dates will greatly worsen with the appearance of increasing back pain, physical limitations due to the growth of the uterus with the baby, preeclampsia and other complications that reduce the comfort of life.

At this stage, a woman can go two ways: self-actualize in new areas, for example, enroll in courses foreign language or cooking class. Or undergo a colossal emotional storm and become depressed. How exactly a woman will behave will largely depend on her environment.

Depression during pregnancy in the third trimester

Psychologists often refer to the last weeks of gestation as the period of "prenatal depression". Panic attacks that cannot be curbed can occur even in the most balanced ladies. This happens for many reasons. Firstly, all women are frightened by the very process of childbirth, especially if there have been cases in the family with a not very favorable outcome. And, secondly, a big tummy, weakness and back pain make a woman helpless. This causes tearfulness, bad mood and a feeling of uselessness.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, prenatal depression is a harmless illness that a woman is able to cope with on her own, as soon as her hormonal background the field of childbirth is stabilized. But doctors do not cease to assert that stress, anxiety, tantrums before childbirth greatly affect the condition of the baby. And if you do not control yourself, there is Great chance the fact that the child will not sleep well, cry a lot and develop more slowly.

Diagnosis and treatment of depression in early pregnancy

There are two main reasons for visiting a psychologist:

  • A gloomy mood that does not change during the day, and has lasted for more than 14 days.
  • Indifference to everything around for the same time.

Of course, other symptoms of depression should also be in doubt, but they will always be accompanied by the two signs mentioned.

Once in a psychologist, the woman will be examined in terms of emotional stability, and genetic tests will be carried out to establish a predisposition to depression. To do this, doctors use various tests, and the results are compared with the Hamilton Scale and the Hospital Anxiety Scale.

After establishing the degree of the disease, the woman is prescribed adequate therapy according to her gestational age. Mild forms of depression are successfully overcome with the help of a hypnotic session or by the method of individual psychological study of the problem that contributed to this state of the woman. Recognizing and accepting one's fears often leads to a rational-positive perception, and a woman begins to notice the world around her.

More severe forms Depressions are corrected by drugs - antidepressants. This is shown only if a woman cannot achieve a stable remission, the woman does not want to admit the problem, or her mood is dominated by suicidal thoughts.

The choice of drugs, the calculation of the dose and the duration of treatment is established only by the doctor. Self-administration is absolutely unacceptable, since the improper use of antidepressants can cause heart defects in crumbs, hernia, severe complications in the postpartum period.

Depression during pregnancy: what to do?

When a woman realizes that her mood is not quite normal, she often has dangerous thoughts, or simply does not want anything, she can take action and prevent her condition from worsening. Of course, the right decision would be to talk with an obstetrician-gynecologist, and if necessary, with a psychotherapist. Then she will receive clearer recommendations that are relevant in her case.

But if the situation is not difficult, and the woman simply cannot overcome the protracted blues, experts advise the following ways how to deal with depression during pregnancy:

  • Stabilize your daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time, this will reduce mood swings.
  • Actively spend time in nature with loved ones: the flow of air and positive emotions will drive away depression.
  • Review your diet: give up tonic drinks and ensure a regular intake of vitamins and carbohydrates, fatty acids.
  • Take up a light sport like yoga or swimming. Such activities will contribute to the synthesis of the hormone of happiness.
  • Switch from dull bustle to an exciting activity: choose for yourself any hobby you like.
  • Get a pet if you don't have allergies. Caring for a pet will prepare you for future care of your baby.
  • Start thinking positively. At first, you will have to control every thought, constantly pulling your mind, but very soon you will turn from a terrible pessimist into a joyful optimist.
  • Do not close your emotions in yourself: feel free to cry, express your fears or grievances. If there is no one to support you at home, contact a psychologist.

Frequently changing mood during pregnancy is a normal condition for a woman. Therefore, when minor symptoms don't look for depression. But if you understand that life has lost its meaning and you are increasingly moving away from loved ones, seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Video "Why does depression occur in a pregnant woman?"

Prenatal depression - what every woman needs to know Pregnancy is an exciting period for every woman. It is characterized by the appearance of a wide palette of sensations. Of course, the expectant mother is happy about the imminent appearance of the child, but not in all cases it can be argued that this is absolute happiness. Sometimes there are situations when a woman feels completely unhappy. She blames herself for not feeling the proper happiness, and as a result, she sinks even more into depression ...

Why prenatal depression develops

There are many factors that trigger the development of prenatal depression. Among them are diseases during pregnancy, stress life circumstances(for example, moving house), previous lost or complicated pregnancies, past or present violence, financial hardship, and social insecurity. According to statistics, about eighty percent of prenatal depression is provoked by turmoil in the family and discord with the husband. A common cause of prenatal depression is the personality traits of women. Young mothers are quite often afraid of their emotions, lost in conflicting feelings. This is especially true at the moment when they are faced with the idealized concept of motherhood, accepted in society. “Motherhood is a responsibility…”, “ good mother should…", " loving mother owe..." etc.

Sometimes prenatal depression is caused by a pregnant woman's feelings about her sexual life. The husband, concerned about the well-being of mother and child, tries to disturb them as little as possible and restrains his sexual impulses. As a result, sex is not as frequent as before. It seems to a woman that she has fallen out of love, that her partner has lost interest in her. This leads to symptoms of depression.

Features of sexual life during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are periods of decline and rise in sexual activity. So, for example, in the first three months, sexual desire often decreases somewhat. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the presence of such signs of toxicosis as nausea, vomiting, intolerance to certain foods and odors. The changeable mood of a pregnant woman can lead to conflicts in the family. The woman has a feeling that it will only get worse.

However, this is not so, because already in the second trimester the state of health improves. The fears are gone. The child begins to push and this lets you know that everything is fine with him. A rounded tummy looks very beautiful. There comes a "flourishing" of sexual life during pregnancy. In the third trimester, the abdomen increases significantly in size and sex becomes difficult. In addition, unrest comes again, but they are already associated with an early birth.

The truth about prenatal depression

According to statistics, one in four pregnant women experience prenatal depression. This violation is dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for her child. Pregnant women who have experienced prenatal depression have an increased risk of preterm birth. This is explained by the fact that women who have observed during pregnancy depressive disorders, have a significant increase in the level of the stress hormone in the blood. This hormone is known to be able to provoke premature onset labor activity. That is why it is very important early detection prenatal depression and its timely correction. Especially because half of the women who survived it continue to suffer from depression after they have given birth.

Signs of prenatal depression:

Reduced work capacity;
- reduced attention, inability to focus on a particular matter;
- certain difficulties in decision-making;
- increased anxiety and irritability;
- tearfulness;
- insomnia, sleep disorders unrelated to pregnancy;
- increased appetite, or vice versa, its absence;
- speed dial or weight loss unrelated to pregnancy;
- constant sadness or guilt;
- Decreased interest in sexual relations;
- fear of being parents;
- Thoughts of death and suicide.

It is too difficult for a pregnant woman to determine the presence or absence of the mentioned symptoms. Important role this is played by her relatives who are nearby (husband, parents, brothers, sisters, girlfriends).

Treatment for prenatal depression

The difficulty of treating this type of depression lies in the fact that the list of medications and treatments for pregnant women is very limited. First of all, the relatives of a pregnant woman must create for her psychological and domestic comfortable conditions residence. You should talk openly with your spouse about problems. In case of ineffectiveness of independent conversations, conversations can be moved to the psychotherapist's office. Of the psychotherapeutic methods, a positive effect is exerted by: art therapy, auto-training, gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, etc. There is also evidence that mild exercise stress reduces manifestations of prenatal depression and normalizes the course of pregnancy.

According to the results contemporary research Almost one in ten pregnant women suffer from prenatal depression. This condition is caused by many changes during the period of expectation of the child. Prenatal depression in pregnant women is far from a harmless phenomenon, and has its own unpleasant consequences. But if you pay attention to anxiety symptoms and know how to deal with them, you can avoid emotional disorders completely changing the way of life.

Causes of prenatal depression

Since childhood, we are all accustomed to the rainbow pictures that we draw book covers and fashion magazines for expectant mothers. On them, well-groomed and joyful women lead their usual way of life, despite the growing tummy. And at the same time - no unpleasant companions of pregnancy. All this ends with the birth of cute peanuts that please their parents and cause a minimum of trouble. But great amount women, being in interesting position, they understand that everything is not so cloudless. Moreover, this applies to both planned pregnancies and those that came as a surprise to future parents. It suddenly turns out that toxicosis can not only bring discomfort, but also completely changes the way of life: due to the heightened sense of smell, it is impossible to cook food, go to public transport, and just work quietly. Attacks of weakness and drowsiness make you give up the usual pleasures: meeting with friends, going to the theater. Possible threats to the normal course of pregnancy put barriers to travel. Such things affect the psycho-emotional state of a woman, causing bouts of anger, resentment, despair. And if all this is compared with hormonal changes in the body, it becomes clear why the prerequisites for an unstable state of pregnant women arise.

What are the signs of prenatal depression?

Prenatal depression is an emotional illness. Do not confuse it with states of melancholy and melancholy. Depression affects every area of ​​life future mother and can lead to severe physical disorders. The main symptoms of the disease are considered to be:

  • feeling of anxiety, helplessness;
  • heightened perception of the surrounding world - increased resentment and aggressiveness;
  • insomnia, or vice versa - the desire to sleep all the time, as an opportunity to protect oneself from the environment;
  • headaches;
  • appetite disturbance: from complete refusal to uncontrolled absorption of food;
  • indifference to what is happening, including their condition.

In pregnant women, depression before childbirth is caused by fear. A person is always frightened by something with which he is not yet familiar and which he cannot yet influence. It is the feeling of helplessness and loss of control that leads to increased anxiety. Sometimes to such an extent that it develops into a panic. Different things can scare you - from financial issues to appearance during pregnancy and after childbirth. For example, a woman is used to watching her figure and being financially independent. And pregnancy changes her waist and affects her performance. Stepping out of your comfort zone is stressful.. If we take into account the almost constant presence of a large army of relatives near pregnant women, whose advice and stories are not always appropriate, then it is quite understandable why a stable emotional state is disturbed in women.

What can cause prenatal depression?

Since a strong emotional upheaval occurs during depression, it cannot pass without a trace. And it affects both the physical state women and those around her. How might this look in practice?

  • Stress affects the vascular system. Anxiety creates spasm blood vessels. The brain receives less oxygen and nutrients. Result - headache. But this is not the worst. Normal placental nutrition of the child depends on correct operation vascular system mothers. When vasospasm occurs during stress, placental metabolism is disrupted. Due to spasm, the baby receives less nutrients and may suffer from a delay prenatal development, as well as hypoxia;
  • Anxiety is accompanied by muscle tension. The uterus is the same muscular organ, which in pregnant women should be in a relaxed state until the moment of delivery. If premature occurs severe spasm the muscles of the uterus are a direct threat to the preservation of pregnancy;
  • Between the expectant mother and her baby there is a strong psycho-emotional connection even during the period of its intrauterine development. The child is sensitive to the sensations of the mother's body. Studies have shown that pregnant women with depression may also experience more emotional instability later in life.

Depression is curable

The first step towards getting rid of any disease is to admit that there is a problem. Then, accept yourself as you are. Understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but at the same time, a period that requires special attention. For normal psycho-emotional state a pregnant woman should surround herself with those people with whom she is comfortable. If the mother is ready to put her to bed with every “sneeze”, and the mother-in-law perceives fears as a whim and insists, “that before women there was no time to engage in stupid things ”- these are manifestations of two extremes. Which are contraindicated for pregnant women. Especially if a woman is an emotional person.

Don't suppress your fears. You can deal with them, initially "pronouncing" everything that worries. Anyone can be a listener - a husband, close girlfriend, psychologist. The main thing is that this person accepts the pregnant woman as she is - with understanding and support. Showing emotions is natural.

If the physical condition during pregnancy does not cause concern, you should not give up the usual things - interesting trips, going to the theater, meeting friends, favorite work. Positive emotions are one way to heal. Pregnant women are recommended yoga, long walks, breathing exercises. If no methods of getting rid of depression on your own help, you need the support of a specialist.

Prenatal depression can overtake almost any woman in an "interesting" position. Pregnancy is a difficult and energy-consuming period in the life of a future mother who is waiting for the birth of a baby. From the appearance of symptoms of fatigue, weakness, apathy, no one is immune. However, you can effectively deal with this difficult condition by knowing the causes, symptoms and treatments for prenatal depression.

Why a pregnant woman may experience depression

Among the many factors that affect the course of pregnancy and the mood of the expectant mother, psychologists identify the following reasons:

  • The presence of intractable problems in the family associated with the emotional situation, lack of support from relatives or spouse, due to which there is prenatal depression.
  • Financial difficulties, as well as unstable, dysfunctional relationships with the father of the unborn child, have a negative impact on the health and mood of a pregnant woman.
  • An unhealthy lifestyle, irregular diet, lack of an optimal daily routine allow symptoms of depression to appear quickly.
  • Smoking, alcohol, psychotropic drugs also make a considerable "contribution" to the development of a depressive state. Even if a pregnant woman smoked and drank strong alcohol six months or a year before conception, the risk of depression would be an order of magnitude higher than that of those who consciously prepared for the role of a mother.
  • Among the factors that cause depression before childbirth, experts identify the presence of stressful situations, instability at work, lack of social support.
  • Doubts about the correctness of the decision to give birth to a child, the desire to save a dysfunctional and decaying family by any means with the help of the birth of a baby can lead to serious adverse effects. In this case, stress and internal conflicts, despite a happy, in general, event, provided. If there is no love and mutual understanding in the family, a woman can get sick not only with prenatal, but also with postnatal depression.
  • Chronic and untreated diseases in time also do not contribute to the favorable course of pregnancy. Hormonal changes, increased load on the spine and internal organs provide the appearance of numerous symptoms of emotional distress, the result of which is prolonged prenatal depression in pregnant women.

When do you need specialist help?

The experience of each pregnancy is unique in its own way, but there are some signs of depression that disturb a woman physically and emotionally. These symptoms are associated with a certain trimester, when unexpected mood swings occur, sensitivity levels increase, irritability appears.

You should not worry if these feelings do not last long, without creating significant problems for either you or your family. It is necessary to pay serious attention only to the following alarming signs on the eve of childbirth, which indicate that prenatal depression has a place to be and must be dealt with:

  • Difficulty remembering, inability to concentrate, difficulty absorbing information;
  • Acute indecision in decision making;
  • Excessive anxiety about the current pregnancy, future motherhood;
  • Excessive irritability, tearfulness, a feeling of emotional devastation that is difficult to deal with;
  • Difficulty falling asleep, any sleep problems that did not bother you before pregnancy;
  • Constant fatigue, weakness even in the morning, inability to fully rest for a long time;
  • Unjustified guilt, feeling of own uselessness, helplessness;
  • Loss of interest in the intimate side of life, the apparent cooling of one's feelings towards her husband;
  • Sudden weight loss or its rapid increase;
  • Significant changes in habits;
  • The appearance of disturbing thoughts of suicide, persistent and persistent apathy for everything.

If all these symptoms are observed, we are talking about pathological condition whose name is prenatal depression. When the state of depression, anxiety, emotional distress lasts more than three weeks, this means that you cannot do without a qualified psychological help. In case of ignoring the problem, refusing to contact a specialist, severe postpartum depression can adversely affect both the condition of the mother and the health of the child.

Treatment and care of loved ones

In the decision similar problems excellent method of family or individual psychotherapy. Since the essence of the difficulties that arise is not related to the character traits of the spouses, but to a misunderstanding difficult period life and their roles, only a specialist can find correct solution and effectively help the family.

Depending on the degree of the disorder, prenatal depression is treated with the latest pharmacological preparations safe for the health of the expectant mother and child.

Select appropriate medications and determine allowable doses Only a doctor can take medicine.

What can be done to prevent depression in the expectant mother or to pass very quickly? The most efficient and effective method this psychological problem the sincere love and help of the spouse will become. A man, daily demonstrating to a woman his willingness to help, to share with her all her problems and difficulties, taking part in the life of the family, provides powerful and invaluable support to the expectant mother. This contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the family, unity of spouses, enhances mutual love and affection.

Many couples who are expecting a baby sign up for special courses. Such classes can be very useful in terms of preparing for the role of future parents. There you can learn about all the nuances of the condition of a pregnant woman, get the most reliable information about the course of childbirth, the features of the postpartum period.

A man can also accompany the future mother of his child for consultations with doctors, carefully ensure that the atmosphere in the house is as comfortable and calm as possible.

A man can do a lot to improve the condition of the expectant mother if he often and willingly discusses with her the changes in family life associated with the appearance of a child. If the spouses share their experiences, speak on topics that are relevant for young parents, an optimal environment is created for the birth of a baby.

The expectant mother herself can do a lot in order to avoid depression. This is an accurate understanding of one's role, focus on a successful outcome of childbirth, taking care of one's health and the future baby, creating conditions for a comfortable placement of a child at home.

Don't forget the simple available joyshealthy sleep, proper nutrition, chatting with friends, attending pleasant events. Fill your life with ordinary favorite activities, do not refuse to satisfy even the strangest desires. Sign up for a pool or decoupage courses, go to hiking to parks and recreation areas, do light exercise if your condition allows. Joy and positive attitude will allow you to adequately survive any problems.

All these measures will help a woman to effectively cope with temporary difficulties and maintain emotional balance!