Symptoms of muscle hypertonicity in newborns up to one year: we remove the increased tone with the help of massage and exercise therapy. Hypertonicity of the uterus at different stages of pregnancy: why is it dangerous, how to relieve it? What causes uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy?

The ability of the uterus to contract muscle tissue is an important mechanism created by nature to speed up the birth of a child at the right time. By various reasons sometimes this process occurs at the wrong time, acquiring hypertrophied forms.

If a antenatal clinic doctor detects uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy, he understands that his patient and the fetus are at risk. It is important to know how to avoid the manifestations of pathology, and what measures to take to prevent it.

About hypertonicity

The uterus consists of three layers: endometrium, myometrium and outer serosa. The myometrium is responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus performing these functions during childbirth or the gestational period.

Light muscle contraction during coughing, sneezing, orgasm, ultrasound and gynecological examination is a standard physiological process, provided that it occurs for a short time and does not cause any negative sensations.

Smooth muscle is unable to contract or remain relaxed at will. Its tone increases under the influence of hormones and nerve impulses sent by the brain. In fact, increasing the tone of the uterus is a physiological reaction of the body to the release of biologically active substances into the blood.

From the very beginning of gestation, the intensity of contractions decreases, protecting the fetus from damage. With increasing gestation and the transition to the second trimester, the number of contractions increases.

After 20 weeks, they are accompanied by short-term symptoms in the form of mild pain, discomfort above the pubis and a feeling of thickening of the uterine walls.

These phenomena are also safe for mother and child, since they represent the physiological activity of the uterus in response to mild stimuli. The pathology is considered frequent intense contractions, accompanied by pain and atypical discharge.

Types of hypertonicity:

  • Total - all the muscles of the uterus are involved in the process;
  • Local – increased tone Fixed only on the front or rear wall.

It is important to distinguish hypertonicity from training contractions that prepare the uterus for childbirth and make it soft and elastic. These contractions last no longer than 2 minutes, the time interval between them is variable, and the intensity does not increase.

Why is uterine tone dangerous at different stages of pregnancy?

Hypertonicity of the uterus cannot be ignored. Timely correction under the guidance of a doctor will help maintain pregnancy and avoid negative deviations in the development of the unborn child.

Risks and features of pathology on different dates:

Miscarriage before 28 weeks.

It is preceded by nagging pain above the pubis. Occurs due to genetic abnormalities early toxicosis, hormonal imbalance, inflammation of the pelvic organs, increased peristalsis intestines. Hypertonicity of the uterus is dangerous because it provokes the development of hypoxia, which impairs fetal breathing.

Premature birth after 28 weeks of gestation.

Hypertonicity in this period is provoked by pathologies endocrine system or pelvic organs, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, chronic fatigue, stress, exposure to alcohol and nicotine.

Increased tone of the uterus when it appears on later causes pregnancy severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, the abdomen becomes very hard. When contractions appear and amniotic fluid is released, labor begins.

Fetal hypoxia.

A relaxed state of the muscles of the pregnant uterus is necessary so that adequate blood flow occurs in the placenta. When uterine hypertonicity occurs, the vessels become pinched, limiting the flow of blood to the placenta and the fetus.

Hypoxia and insufficient blood supply negatively affect the development of the unborn child. As a result of lack of oxygen and deficiency nutrients the parameters of the fetus do not correspond to the gestational age, the structure of its tissues is disrupted.

Premature placental abruption.

Normally, this important structure separates from the walls of the uterus after the birth of the fetus. Placental tissue cannot contract, therefore, with increased tone of the uterine wall, it is predisposed to exfoliation long before birth. Detachment is accompanied by massive internal bleeding, threatening the lives of mother and child.

Causes of hypertension

The problem is based on increased pressure in the uterine cavity, a displacement of its structures relative to the child's place. This condition is due to many reasons, some of which are completely preventable.

Why does hypertension occur, which causes uterine contractions during pregnancy:

  • Hormonal imbalance, most often progesterone deficiency. Causes: hyperandrogenism, hyperprolactinemia caused by diseases of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, disorders of the endocrine system;
  • History of diabetes mellitus, hypo- or hyperfunction thyroid gland;
  • Genetically determined disorders of the anatomy and functioning of the reproductive organ;
  • Pathologies of the female genital organs: fibroids, endometriosis, inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Autoimmune diseases, Rhesus conflict;
  • Adhesive process;
  • Stress factor, sleep disorders, physical activity;
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • Pregnancy pathologies: polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, gestosis, large fetus, autonomic disorders nervous system;
  • Magnesium deficiency, provoked by stress, nutritional deficiencies, disorders of the digestive system;
  • First pregnancy occurring before 18 and after 30 years of age;
  • Presence of lesions chronic inflammation(tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, rhinitis, sinusitis);
  • Acute viral diseases.

For increased uterine tone to occur in pregnant women, one of the above factors or a combination of them is sufficient.

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

If women experience increased uterine tone at different stages of pregnancy, this condition is difficult to miss. They note that the stomach tenses up and, in a figurative expression, becomes “stony.” This condition manifests itself as contractions that last several minutes.

Features of symptoms depending on gestational age:

First trimester.

If uterine tone occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, it is manifested by the following symptoms: pain in the pubic area, radiating to the groin, sacrum, lower back, a feeling of overwork, the uterus quickly thickening within a few minutes, bloody vaginal discharge.

Second trimester.

Intensive and long-term pain in the spine, in the lower back. Bloody vaginal discharge.

Third trimester.

Regular and prolonged contractions of the uterus, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and spine. Vaginal bloody issues. Hypertonicity back wall uterus appears during pregnancy frequent constipation, false urge to defecate, a feeling of pressure on the perineum, the appearance of loose stools.

Hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus repeats the general symptoms typical of pregnancy, but can additionally be expressed by increased pressure on the womb and groin, frequent urination, and false urges.


To identify signs of increased uterine tone during pregnancy, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Taking anamnesis;
  • Palpation of the uterus through the peritoneum;
  • Ultrasound to determine the condition of the myometrium and the degree of hypertonicity;
  • Tonuometry, recording the contractile activity of the myometrium.

Based on the research results, the diagnosis of “uterine hypertonicity” is confirmed or refuted.

Typically, the tone of the posterior wall of the uterus does not manifest itself with pronounced symptoms during pregnancy. To diagnose it, you need to carefully analyze the results of an ultrasound examination, pay attention to atypical vaginal discharge and the appearance of pain.

How to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy?

The strategy for correcting hypertension is determined solely by the doctor. He takes into account the degree of pathology, gestational age, and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Medication correction

The main directions of drug correction are maintaining pregnancy and eliminating the negative manifestations of hypertonicity. Types of drugs used:

  • No-spa is used for uterine tone as an antispasmodic and an effective pain reliever. It relaxes and softens the myometrium, relieves discomfort;
  • Infusion (drip) administration of magnesium;
  • Papaverine for uterine tone in combination with Analgin is used as an antispasmodic;
  • Duphaston and Utrozhestan are taken to compensate for progesterone deficiency, hormone therapy prevents miscarriage;
  • Vaginal suppositories Viburkol relieve pain, inflammation, spasm of the uterine muscles;
  • Motherwort tincture, multivitamin complexes, Panangin, Magne B6 stabilize the psycho-emotional state;
  • Nifedipine normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, helps reduce blood pressure, relieve spasm of the uterine muscles;
  • Cerucal, Benedictine are used against the background of hypertension accompanied by pregnancy toxicosis and frequent vomiting.
Any drug is taken on the recommendation of a doctor, who will take into account all contraindications and calculate the required dose.


The use of physiotherapeutic procedures to correct hypertension can reduce drug load on the body. Basic methods of physiotherapy:

Electrophoresis or endonasal galvanization.

The method involves passing a low power current through the patient’s skin. The woman feels only a slight tingling sensation. Simultaneously with the action of the current, the drug is administered.


The method consists of influencing the myometrium through reflex reactions of the peritoneal skin in the projection of the uterus.


The use of pulsed currents is used as a sedative and analgesic.

How to relieve uterine tone at home?

If there is a need to independently relieve the negative manifestations of hypertonicity, you need to master simple techniques without stopping taking antispasmodics and sedatives recommended by your doctor.

Exercises to use at home:


Standing on all fours, you need to arch your back, fixing this position for a few seconds. Repeat several times, then lie quietly for 45-60 minutes.

Relaxation facial muscles.

Relax the muscles of your neck and face by lowering your head and breathing through your mouth.

Creating a “suspended position” for the uterus.

Get on your elbows and knees, maintaining this position for 20-30 seconds.

If you cannot get rid of negative manifestations on your own, you need to discuss the need for hospitalization with a gynecologist.

Optimal lifestyle for the correction and prevention of hypertension

Exist simple methods, allowing to reduce the risk of developing hypertension and prevent its occurrence. Tips for women at risk:

  • Do not be nervous over trifles; it is advisable to avoid stressful situations and psycho-emotional shocks;
  • You need to spend at least 2 hours a day in the fresh air, devoting this time to walking;
  • Comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics will help you stay in your comfort zone;
  • Not worth it long time to be in stuffy room, it is important to avoid sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), poor nutrition are completely unacceptable;
  • Adequate sleep and timely rest will help a pregnant woman feel good.
Women often ask whether it is possible to have sex with increased risk hypertonicity. If there is such a diagnosis, sexual intercourse in the first trimester can lead to miscarriage. If the condition of the uterus improves, the restriction on intimate contacts from 4 to 6 months is lifted.

If the uterus becomes toned during sexual intercourse, it is recommended to maintain sexual rest until childbirth. When the uterus contracts during intimate contacts in the third trimester, placental abruption may occur, the risk of premature birth increases.

If the risk of uterine hypertonicity is increased, it is important to immediately consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to rest more often and strive to receive positive emotions.

Hypertonicity of the uterus is called pathological condition, which is characterized by a long tension in the muscular layer of the uterus before the onset of labor.

Unfortunately, while carrying a child, many women hear the phrase “hypertonicity of the uterus.”

This pathology is not a separate disease, but is regarded as a threat of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, that is, miscarriage, so you need to immediately go to the hospital and start treatment.

In the early stages of the appearance of hypertonicity, it prevents the embryo from implanting into the uterine wall; in later stages, when the placenta has already formed, it appears Great chance its detachment. In addition, with this pathology, the blood vessels that connect the body of the woman and the child are compressed, as a result the fetus lacks oxygen and nutrients.

The most dangerous thing is when hypertonicity is observed at the beginning of pregnancy, since during this period there is a high probability of miscarriage due to it. And later, this condition can also lead to negative consequences. In II and III trimester it can be used with training or false contractions.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

It is very important to find out the reason that provoked uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy, since treatment tactics depend on it.

This condition may be caused by a violation hormonal levels female body, for example, deficiency female hormones or an excess of males.

There are cases when a woman’s body perceives the fetus as foreign body and begins to reject him. This is possible when individual genes of the parents coincide.

The cause of hypertonicity can be any infection, pathology of the development of the uterus, somatic diseases that are in no way related to genitourinary system. Quite often, uterine tone appears due to stress.

To summarize, we can name the following reasons leading to uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy:

    Progesterone deficiency;

    Excessive physical activity;

    Severe stress;

    The presence of malignant and benign neoplasms, hormonal and infectious-inflammatory diseases;


    Exacerbation chronic diseases;

    Bad habits(alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking);

    Lack of sleep;

    Genetic factors;

    Lack of microelements: magnesium, calcium and iron;

    Multiple pregnancy, large fruit;

    Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;

    High blood clotting, as a result of which blood flows heavily through the vessels, and this can lead to increased tone.

If a woman has had an abortion several times, the risk of uterine hypertonicity in subsequent pregnancies increases. Although the reasons for this have not yet been studied. Also, if a woman’s previous pregnancies ended in miscarriages due to tone, then there is a serious chance that she will have the same problem in her next pregnancy.

Therefore, if a woman has already lost a child because of this, before a new pregnancy she needs to undergo a thorough examination and find out exact reason, leading to a miscarriage.

In addition, a woman should set herself up for a positive outcome of pregnancy and select a competent and attentive gynecologist in advance.

Diagnosis of uterine hypertonicity and associated diseases

Signs of uterine hypertonicity During pregnancy, a woman may experience lingering pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes the pain can radiate to the lower back, frequent urination and defecation, and bloody discharge from the genital tract. In the third trimester, a woman can not only feel the tone, but also see it: the uterus becomes hard, the stomach retracts and changes shape.

But it happens that a woman does not have any symptoms of hypertonicity at all, and she feels well.

Quite often, muscle tension in the uterus is determined only during a regular examination by a gynecologist or an ultrasound scan. It is possible that hypertonicity is observed as a result of the nervous tension of the pregnant woman before the examination. But be that as it may similar condition, requires additional research to clarify the reasons that provoked the pathology.

Hypertonicity can be determined in several ways:

1. Palpation method informative in the last months, when the uterus is already localized above the small pelvis and is easily palpable. A pregnant woman should lie on her back and bend her knees. In this position, involuntary tension in the anterior abdominal wall is relieved, and it is easily palpated.

2. Ultrasound more exact method diagnosis, especially when a woman has local tone of the uterus along one of the walls. If there is hypertonicity in the front, then on an ultrasound you will be able to see how the front wall bends inward. If the muscles of the back wall are tense, it will be concave.

3. Another method for detecting uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy is tonusometry. The essence of this method is that sensors are applied to the woman’s stomach, and they send a signal to special device, which shows the result.

    General analysis blood and urine;

    Blood test for hormones;

    Determination of blood clotting;

    Examinations for urogenital infections.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

If hypertonicity is detected, the woman is prescribed bed rest. As a rule, doctors suggest hospitalization, since in the hospital the pregnant woman will be under the supervision of medical staff around the clock and they will be able to provide her with peace there. While at home, she will most likely have to carry out daily activities. If the doctor allows you to stay at home, then the pregnant woman must strictly adhere to the regime and follow all the doctor’s instructions.

If hypertension is detected, a woman is prescribed:

    Sedatives herbal preparations, such as valerian or motherwort.

    Allowed antispasmodic products (suppositories with papaverine, no-shpu tablets).

    Magnesium preparations. With hypertension, Magne-B6 significantly alleviates the condition. This is a combination medicine containing magnesium and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Magnesium prevents calcium from entering the uterine cells, resulting in the removal of muscle spasm and thrombosis is prevented. And pyridoxine has an anti-stress effect. In the hospital, if necessary, magnesium sulfate is prescribed to relieve hypertension, which is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Further tactics for treating uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy depend on what caused the muscle tension.

In the case where the cause of the pathology hormonal disbalance, then the patient will be prescribed pharmaceuticals to normalize it. If there is a lack of progesterone, its analogues, such as Duphaston or Utrozhestan, are prescribed. Also, among hormonal drugs for hypertension, Dexamethasone and Metipred are often prescribed. Shots well muscle tension Ginipral, but it must be taken into account that it can cause placental abruption and is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Some women are afraid to take hormones while pregnant. But currently the pharmaceutical industry produces medications with the least amount of hormones, and they cannot harm the child. Moreover, if the cause is not eliminated, the uterus may become toned again and then the pregnancy may end in miscarriage.

If the cause of hypertonicity is infectious or somatic diseases, then drug therapy will be aimed at eliminating them. The treatment regimen in this case is selected individually depending on the specific disease.

So, for urogenital infections, a woman will be prescribed antibiotics. You shouldn't be afraid of it either. Today there are broad-spectrum antibiotics that do not penetrate the placental barrier and, therefore, cannot negatively affect the child. While pathogenic bacteria penetrate into all organs through the bloodstream and can cause miscarriage or lead to congenital deformity of the fetus.

In case of increased blood clotting, drugs are prescribed to thin it, including Curantil, Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo ACC, CarliASK, Phlebodia 600, Fraxiparine.

The doctor must select the medicine.

When hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy appears due to the fact that the fetus is perceived as a foreign body, then one of the treatment options would be to introduce the spouse’s leukocytes into the wife’s body.

If the reason for the increased tone is purely psychological, then it makes sense to make an appointment with a psychiatrist.

If hypertonicity is detected, a woman will have to change her usual rhythm of life. Various stress, physical activity, long periods of standing are contraindicated for her. intimacy.

At home, having felt the tone of the uterus, a woman can get on all fours in the “cat pose.” Then slowly raise your head and bend over lumbar region. After slowly counting to 5, lower your head and at the same time arch your back upward. Repeat the exercise several times.

Having heard the diagnosis of “hypertonicity of the uterus,” a woman should not ignore the doctor’s prescriptions and self-medicate, otherwise this can lead to complications including:

    Miscarriage or premature birth;

    Disturbances in uteroplacental blood flow, which can cause fetal developmental delays or death;

    Delay intrauterine development fetus;

    Premature placental abruption.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

Prevention of uterine tone is as follows:

1. Planning the birth of a child: preventing unwanted pregnancy, undergoing examination before conception, timely treatment infectious and somatic diseases.

2. Early registration for pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).

3. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic: in the first trimester - once a month, in the second trimester - 2 times a month, in the third trimester - 3-4 times a month. Of course, the doctor can prescribe more frequent consultations.

4. Changes in lifestyle and working conditions: increasing the duration of rest and sleep, work in a hazardous enterprise requires replacement with easier work.

5. Elimination of excessive physical activity and stress.

6. If necessary, consultation with a specialist in the field of psychology and psychiatry.

Most women are skeptical about this diagnosis. Of course, this is understandable, because almost 50% or even more have uterine hypertonicity. But the modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions, and often a pregnant woman has to stay late at work, and when she comes home, she has a lot of things to do. Experiencing constant stress, the body simply cannot cope with such loads, so it reacts in this way.

A pregnant woman must remember that she is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of her child, therefore, at the slightest problem, she should contact a specialist.

Expectant mothers are often diagnosed with “uterine tone during pregnancy.” Those who are carrying their first child do not recognize this danger and often do not understand how everything can end. But even more “experienced” pregnant women are usually afraid of tone in the 1st trimester and mistakenly believe that nothing bad will happen in the later stages.

Why does uterine hypertonicity occur, how to recognize it, why pain cannot be tolerated, what medications can be taken to get rid of it? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Female organ reproductive system– uterus – consists of outer and inner mucous membranes, between which there is a muscular layer (myometrium). Like all other human muscles, the myometrium has the ability to contract and relax. But while a woman can “control” the muscles in her arms and legs, she cannot control the muscular layer of the uterus. For example, the uterine muscles contract when a woman laughs, coughs or sneezes.

This process occurs unnoticed and painlessly, but until the woman becomes pregnant. When the fertilized egg begins to grow inside the uterus, female body tries to reject it as a foreign (as it seems to him, completely unnecessary) body. The myometrium contracts, and the expectant mother experiences pain at this moment. This is called hypertonicity of the uterine muscles.

Painful sensations can be weak or strong, last a few seconds or minutes, appear a couple of times or bother you constantly. If a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy, she often does not understand the danger that threatens her and the baby. And if the gynecologist knows and has already managed to scare her that there should be no pain during pregnancy, she begins to worry, and thereby only makes things worse.

In a woman who was absolutely healthy before conceiving a baby, during pregnancy the uterus becomes toned for the following reasons.

  1. “Sedentary” work or the need to stand on your feet for several hours, travel on public transport.
  2. Stressful situations.
  3. Failure in work hormonal system in the 1st trimester: deficiency (it is produced by the ovary to relax the myometrium; in the 3rd trimester, this task is performed by the placenta) or excess of male hormones.
  4. Toxicosis, which is accompanied severe vomiting(in the 1st trimester). Increased myometrial tone occurs because the muscles of the organ tense during gagging. Toxicosis is considered normal occurrence in the first trimester. But if a pregnant woman constantly feels nauseous just by looking at food, if she loses weight, the baby will not receive the necessary nutrients. This will not have the best effect on his development.
  5. Fetal movement in the late term (in this case, hypertonicity of the uterine muscles should not be feared).

Expectant mothers who have:

  • harmful (tobacco smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages);
  • a large number of abortions;
  • multiple pregnancy. A large load is created on the walls of the uterus. In some cases, she has to stretch to enormous sizes;
  • special structure of the reproductive organ (bicornuate, saddle-shaped, children's uterus);
  • negative Rh factor. If a pregnant woman has a blood type with a negative Rh factor, and the biological father of the child has a positive blood type, the mother’s body tries to reject the fertilized egg as a foreign body. But the first such pregnancy usually proceeds well;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • viral and infectious diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted (ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, viruses);
  • myoma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Hypertonicity of the uterus appears with severe gas formation.

Some diseases, such as sexually transmitted infections, can only be treated in the third trimester, since antibiotics must be taken. It is also impossible to refuse treatment: the placenta protects the child, but some substances can penetrate through it and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Hypertonicity of the uterus manifests itself in different ways throughout pregnancy. In the 1st trimester this is:

  • dizziness, nausea;
  • a dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, in the lower back or perineum (it can be of equal strength or “roll up”, intensify, then weaken).

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, a “fossil” of the abdomen is added to them. A tense uterus can be felt by placing your fingers on your abdomen.

Another sign of increased tone is bloody discharge from the genital tract. They may be copious or spotting, beige, brown, pink or streaked with blood. Normally only observed light discharge. In all other cases, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

At a later stage, when there is little room for a large baby in the womb, you can see how the baby “stretches out.” At this moment, the muscles of the uterus tense, and the woman clearly feels the fossilization of the abdomen, sees how it changes its rounded shape (one side of the abdomen seems to sink in, while the other, on the contrary, begins to protrude more). This lasts literally a few seconds and does not pose any danger to either mother or baby.


In order to understand whether the patient’s uterine muscle tone is increased, doctors use three methods:

  • palpation (palpation with fingers);
  • tonusometry.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the doctor can “grope” the tone of the uterus with his fingers through the front wall abdominal cavity. During the examination, the woman lies on her back and keeps her legs bent at the knees. In this position, the abdominal muscles relax, and the uterus, if it is dense, can be easily felt.

Ultrasound examination is used as an auxiliary diagnostic method. The results obtained allow us to understand the degree of threat (complications, miscarriage) and the need for hospitalization.

During tonuometry, muscle tension is detected using special sensors. This method is rarely used because the other two provide comprehensive information.

Elimination methods

Increased uterine tone is treated in outpatient setting and in the hospital. The first option is chosen when the expectant mother is bothered by mild pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. However, she has no bleeding, and up to this point the pregnancy has been uneventful. Hospitalization is recommended in cases where the increased tone cannot be relieved for a long time.

At home, a woman should rest more, forget about sexual activity for a while, take antispasmodics (No-shpu, Drotaverine, Papaverine - solution for intramuscular injections or rectal suppositories), sedatives (motherwort, valerian) and gestagenic (Utrozhestan) agents, as well as Magne B6.

Medicines have contraindications. You cannot prescribe medications for yourself. The doctor must do this. He selects the dosage individually in each case.

  • "Cat". It is performed as follows: kneel down, place your palms on the floor, carefully bend your back, then arch it. Repeat 5-10 times. After this, it is better to lie down for half an hour or an hour, especially if the exercise is performed in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
  • Tense facial muscles can cause uterine contractions. By relaxing the facial muscles, you can eliminate uterine hypertonicity. To do this, a pregnant woman needs to get on all fours, lower her face down, and relax her facial muscles. Breathe through your mouth.
  • Knee-elbow pose. This exercise is performed as follows: a woman needs to kneel and rest her elbows on the floor, stand like that for 1-10 minutes. In this position, the uterus will be in a suspended position and will be able to relax.

The exercises must be performed carefully, at a slow pace. If the pain intensifies, you need to stop, rest, lie down. In case of severe, persistent pain, it is better to call a gynecologist, consult or call immediately ambulance.

If a pregnant woman’s high muscle tone cannot be relieved for a long time or bloody discharge appears, doctors will insist on hospitalization. In the hospital to the expectant mother You will have to stay in bed.

In the 1st trimester, she will be given intramuscular injections of No-shpa, Papaverine, vitamins, sedatives, and Utrozhestan. If there is bleeding, it will be stopped with Dicinon or Tranexam.

But all these remedies relieve symptoms and do not solve the main problem - eliminating the cause.

In the 2nd trimester, a pregnant woman’s doctor may prescribe:

  • electropheresis with magnesium;
  • droppers with Ginipral;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

In the 3rd trimester, the same drugs are used to treat increased uterine tone. If, based on the results of the ultrasound, it becomes clear that the tone is strong and the child is receiving little oxygen and nutrients, the expectant mother is prescribed Curantil or Trental.

These drugs are allowed to be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. For example, Chimes can cause a severe headache. But if a woman takes several drugs, she will not be able to understand what exactly caused adverse reaction. You need to tell your doctor about your condition. He will decide which medication to remove.

Possible negative consequences and prognosis

Contraction of the uterus is a pain that cannot be tolerated in the hope that it will go away on its own over time. The tone carries a great danger, first of all, for the developing fetus.

In the 1st trimester, spontaneous miscarriage may occur (detachment ovum). Pregnancy may not be interrupted, but may freeze due to the fact that the fetus did not receive oxygen and nutrients. In both cases, it is not possible to maintain the pregnancy.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, placental abruption does not occur, but another problem appears: the uterus, contracting, compresses the amniotic sac, as a result of which the cervix opens and premature labor begins. In some cases, even if the cervix is ​​closed. It is most often possible to save the baby if the gestational age is 36-38 weeks.


To prevent increased uterine tone, pregnant women are recommended to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Get tested to detect sexually transmitted infections at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  2. Register in a timely manner, regularly go to “appearances” with the gynecologist, and follow his recommendations.
  3. Sleep 8-10 hours a day.
  4. Be sure to breathe fresh air, but from long hiking It's better to refuse.
  5. Avoid stressful situations.
  6. Do not create excessive physical stress for yourself.
  7. Avoid drinking alcohol while still planning pregnancy.
  8. Stop smoking.
  9. Avoid lifting heavy objects, especially in the 3rd trimester.

A pregnant woman should eat properly. Her diet must include foods rich in magnesium:

  • vegetables, greens (cabbage, basil, spinach);
  • cereals (wheat, barley, buckwheat);
  • dairy products (cheese, natural yogurt).

This trace element helps relax the smooth muscles of the intestines and myometrium (muscle tissue of the uterus). In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.


Uterine tone during pregnancy is a diagnosis that gynecologists make for 60% of women. Symptoms of hypertonicity are pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, “fossilization” of the abdomen, spotting. Muscle spasms can cause placental abruption (miscarriage) or premature birth.

There are many reasons for the appearance of increased tone, but you can prevent its occurrence if you do simple rules prevention: rest more, be less nervous, eat right and listen to the doctor’s recommendations. Self-medication can lead to dire consequences.