Increased intestinal motility. How to improve intestinal motility with nutrition, exercise and medications

Intestinal peristalsis is one of the main physiological elements in the process of food digestion. Under the influence of internal and predominantly external factors peristalsis can slow down, and it is within the power of any person to restore it independently.

What are the main causes of motility disorders, how to improve intestinal motility by adjusting nutrition, physical exercise, folk recipes and modern pharmaceuticals.

What is peristalsis

Peristalsis or intestinal motility is wave-like contractions of its walls, which are activated by smooth muscle fibers located perpendicular to each other. The purpose of peristalsis is to move the bolus of food away from upper sections intestines to anus, so contractions occur immediately after food enters the stomach.

Along the entire length of the intestine, the rate of contractions may be different. There are abbreviations:

  • very slow
  • slow,
  • fast,
  • swift.

Moreover, the higher the intestinal section is located, the more active its peristalsis. Therefore, in the colon, contractions occur the slowest, and only a few times a day they intensify when a person feels a strong urge to defecate.

The maximum speed of contraction of intestinal smooth muscles is 12 times per minute (in the duodenum), the minimum is 3 contractions per minute (in the large intestine).

In addition, the absorption process is also disrupted. useful substances obtained from food, that is, the human body begins to suffer from a lack of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Reasons for weakened peristalsis

Before we consider in detail the question of how to strengthen motility, it is necessary to find out the main reasons for the weakening of intestinal motility.

The two most common reasons are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

An unhealthy, unhealthy diet means an unbalanced diet, a predominance of fried, salty, smoked foods, fast food and carbonated drinks. But even if a person does not use harmful products, his nutrition may be incorrect if the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not maintained, the menu does not contain fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, the cause of slow peristalsis is an incorrect diet, for example, when a person is starving most day, and in the evening he consumes a large portion of food.

Less common motor skills intestinal tract suffers due to various internal factors, that is, diseases. It is noteworthy that the list of reasons includes not only somatic diseases and consequences surgical operations, but also psychogenic disorders. For example, chronic stress or depression can negatively affect the digestion process. This happens because during worries and experiences the vegetative nervous system, work manager organs, activates its sympathetic division, while the parasympathetic department, during which the process of food digestion occurs, turns out to be inactivated.

Sometimes the digestive tract may be disrupted temporary nature, for example, if the medications you are taking have this by-effect on the body. In this case, it is necessary, after consulting with your doctor, to either replace the medicine with a more safe analogue, or use the tips described below.

How to improve intestinal motility

Improving peristalsis is a whole complex of various measures aimed at:

  • developing the right menu;
  • treatment of chronic diseases;
  • avoiding stress;
  • performing a set of exercises.

Proper nutrition

Considering the fact that poor nutrition is main reason violations intestinal peristalsis, it is best to consider the question of how to improve intestinal motility by developing the right menu.

  1. First of all, it is important to learn to eat fractionally, that is, in small portions every 3-4 hours. At the same time, the consumption of foods should also be correct, for example, it is better to eat meat with fresh vegetables to improve the digestion process.
  2. Secondly, it is important to remember the balance of nutrients. Carbohydrates should make up at least half of the daily diet, and it is better to choose cereal porridges rather than baked goods. Proteins should make up about 30% of the diet and come from low-fat varieties meat and dairy products. Fats are allocated 20% of total number nutrients, and it is better to give preference to fats of vegetable rather than animal origin.
  3. In addition, the menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber, and sufficient quantity liquids - from one and a half to 2 liters.

Such rules are universal, but each person should receive personal recommendations from their attending physician, taking into account their age, health status, and level of physical activity.

Drugs to stimulate peristalsis

Any medications that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Laxatives help restore intestinal motility. 2 drugs have a positive effect on the motility of all parts of the intestine:

  • magnesia ( Epsom salt);
  • sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt).

Salts have a stimulating effect on peristalsis in the following way: they provoke growth osmotic pressure, as a result of which fluid from the intestines begins to be absorbed into the blood more slowly. The abundance of fluid in the intestines causes increased motility, and a person feels the urge to defecate within 1-2 hours after taking these drugs.

There are also agents that act selectively on the intestines: only on its thin or, on the contrary, thick section.

Medicines that affect the small intestine

The most famous and effective means to stimulate intestinal motility Castor oil. Once ingested, it is converted into ricinoleic acid, which has an irritating effect on the small intestine, causing its walls to contract faster.

The cost of castor oil is from 40 to 120 rubles per 30 ml bottle.

Drugs that activate colonic motility

To enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine, not only tablets and solutions are used, but also suppositories.

Known drugs that have the claimed effect include:

  • Guttalax - price about 400 rubles per bottle of 30 ml drops;
  • Bisacodyl - price about 30 rubles for 30 tablets, 40-50 rubles for 10 suppositories;
  • Laxigal - price about 250 rubles per bottle with 25 ml drops.

Any laxatives should not be used continuously. For safe treatment you need to visit a therapist or gastroenterologist who will draw up a therapeutic plan.

Gymnastics to improve peristalsis

You can choose exercises to improve intestinal motility for yourself, taking into account your level of physical fitness, age, and the presence of contraindications. Even regular exercise or a brisk walk already has a positive effect on work digestive system.

But most strong impact Exercises are performed on peristalsis to develop muscles abdominals. These include:

  • twisting the torso in a lying position;
  • swing your legs in a lying position or “bicycle”;
  • moving the leg bent at the knee back from a standing position on all fours.

Exercises should be performed in a mode that is comfortable for you, choosing the right number of approaches and repetitions for yourself. It is best to complete gymnastics with squats.

Traditional methods and remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is popular in almost any branch of medicine, but specifically for enhancing intestinal motility they are the safest and most effective, and sometimes can eliminate the need to take medications.

Intestinal motility is the systematic contraction of the smooth muscles of the organ, which allows food to move through the gastrointestinal tract and ultimately remove undigested debris from the body.

Motor skills are also necessary for efficient digestion: due to contraction internal muscles Enzymes from the gallbladder and pancreas are delivered to the hollow organs.

Correct functioning of the totality of all systems human body directly related to gut health. A person’s immunity, well-being and performance depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, malfunctions in the digestive tract become the basis for the development of other diseases.

IN in good condition the hollow organ contracts systematically. Muscle fibers The inner walls are lined with two layers: in the first they are located longitudinally, in the second they are ring-shaped.

The amplitude of the wave-like movement of the muscles varies depending on the region of the intestine: the small intestine contracts at both a slow and fast pace. Besides, in this department Several contractions can occur simultaneously.

The food bolus moves much more slowly through the large intestine. The intensity of the peristaltic impulse increases several times a day at the time of the urge to defecate.

The frequency of contractions is considered normal: for duodenum- 1-12 per minute, for straight - 9-12, for thick - 3-4 and 6-12, for straight - 3.

What happens if intestinal motility increases or, on the contrary, decreases? The process of passage of a bolus of food through the intestinal tube is complicated, as a result of which digestion suffers: beneficial substances from incoming food are absorbed more slowly and not in the required volume, undigested food stagnates in the body, releasing toxic toxins.

Impaired motor function leads to the development of a number of diseases that manifest themselves intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea or constipation, increased gas formation, abdominal pain, inflammation of the mucous membrane, ulcerative damage to the walls internal organs.

Factors contributing to the development of pathology

The main reasons for weakening motor function are:

  • unhealthy diet, consumption large quantity simple carbohydrates, high-calorie foods;
  • eating disorders: long intervals between meals, overeating;
  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed; dehydration;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas;
  • infection of the body;
  • malignant neoplasms in the intestines;
  • complications after surgery surgical intervention on the abdominal organs;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue, constant stress, depression;
  • side effects of medications;
  • heredity and characteristics of old age;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

Weak peristalsis, most often a consequence of proper nutrition, leads to constipation. Snacks on the go unhealthy food(fast food, sweets, flour products, coffee, carbonated drinks) cause digestive disorders.

Constant fermentation and rotting of undigested and unremoved food leads to intoxication: the destructive effect is first on nearby organs - kidneys, liver - then harmful substances other systems are affected.

A high level of slagging and the formation of fecal stones negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane. Persistent constipation contributes to the development of hemorrhoids, the formation of polyps in the intestines, which can develop into cancerous tumors.

Another less common variant of peristalsis dysfunction is increased muscle contractions. The following factors can enhance the motor activity of the digestive organs:

  • consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membrane: sour, spicy foods;
  • oncology;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • taking some medicines(for example, antibiotics).

In this case, the patient is tortured severe pain, diarrhea: stool is very liquid, foamy consistency. Frequent diarrhea lead to dehydration. Therefore, if motor skills increase, especially in children, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Symptoms of impaired intestinal motility

Signs indicating dysfunction of the digestive tract are:

  • pain having varying degrees severity - from imperceptible discomfort to sharp spasms. Painful sensations decrease after going to the toilet and passing gas. They can also subside at night, and with food intake (with a morning cup of coffee or strong tea) they intensify again. Negative emotions can provoke increased pain;
  • Difficulty defecating (constipation). Over time, constipation becomes chronic. Empty your bowels naturally becomes almost impossible;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • bloating, increased gas formation;
  • bad breath;
  • loss of appetite due to weight gain;
  • pale skin;
  • signs of general malaise: lethargy, fatigue, fast fatiguability, headaches, insomnia, irritability;
  • dizziness: with anemia developed as a result of lack of nutrients;
  • signs of poisoning: allergies, deterioration of skin and hair.

Dysfunction, characterized by an increase in contractile movements of smooth muscles, is accompanied by:

  • acute pain in the intestinal area;
  • frequent diarrhea with mucus or blood particles;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • lack of relief after defecation, false urge to defecate;
  • signs of dehydration are observed: dry mouth, weakness, drowsiness, chills, increased heart rate, decreased immunity.

The listed symptoms are warning signs that should not be ignored. To prevent severe consequences you need to go to the clinic, where specialists, based on the results of tests and studies, will be able to determine accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.


During examination and palpation, bloating and pain when pressing on the abdominal area already manifests itself.

Effective laboratory research There will be a coprogram - a stool test for the presence of blood and pathogenic microflora.

Among instrumental methods the most informative:

  • endoscopy - examination of the intestine with optics;
  • colonoscopy - using a special tube with a probe inserted into the anus, the doctor will assess the degree of patency of the organ, the condition of the mucous membrane, and take a sample of material for histological analysis;
  • irrigoscopy - x-ray with simultaneous administration of a contrast suspension;
  • Pelvic ultrasound and MRI are performed in difficult situations.

Treatment of intestinal motility disorders

To restore the functioning of the digestive organs, it is used A complex approach which includes dietary changes and exercise. When chronic constipation, petrification feces drug therapy is indicated.


First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the digestive tract of stagnant feces. For this purpose, laxative medications are prescribed (Guttalax, Phenolphthalein, Duphalac), presented on the pharmaceutical market in various forms- in the form of tablets, drops, rectal suppositories.

Natural laxatives are rhubarb roots, licorice, buckthorn bark, and senna leaves. To drugs for plant based include Regulax.

Potent agents used when it is impossible to empty are Epsom and Glauber's salts. They affect the entire intestine, producing the desired effect within a couple of hours after administration.

Softens the food bolus, facilitates its movement towards anus Castor oil. The effect is usually observed after a few hours.

You should not get carried away with laxatives: they are addictive, digestive organs can “unlearn” how to work independently, without external incentives.

Proserin, Vasopressin, Aceclidine have a strengthening effect on the intestinal muscles. They enhance motor activity, stimulating the passage of food through the digestive tract.

Digestion is aided by Mezim, Festal, Creon, which are not recommended to be taken for longer than 10 days.

For adjustments psychosomatic disorders Prescribe sedatives and antidepressants.

All medications, their dosage and treatment regimen are prescribed by a specialist. Replacing the medication or stopping it early is possible only after a re-examination. Independent use of any pharmaceuticals forbidden!


An active lifestyle helps restore the motor skills of internal organs. Running, swimming, hiking, horse riding, exercises to pump up the abdominal press will bring the intestines back to normal.

Regarding physical activity that is unusual for you, please consult with a physical therapy specialist first!

A set of exercises to strengthen motor skills:

  1. from a lying position (you can lie in bed immediately after waking up. It is important that the surface is not too soft!) lift your body;
  2. lying on your back, raise your knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees and perform the exercise “riding a bicycle”;
  3. remaining in the same position, grab your bent knees with your hands and pull them to your chest;
  4. lower your bent legs to your feet and lift your pelvis;
  5. in a kneeling position with emphasis on your palms, alternately move your legs back;
  6. from a kneeling position with emphasis on your elbows, alternately sit on your right and left buttocks;
  7. from a standing position, slow squats with the pelvis moving back;
  8. jumping with or without a skipping rope (in the absence of pathologies of the pelvic organs).

To reduce intestinal motility, abdominal exercises should be avoided. In this case, stretching will do.

Daily abdominal massage will also stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Has a beneficial effect on the body and cold and hot shower or dousing with cold water followed by vigorous rubbing with a terry towel.

Necessary and effective method Treatment of the disease is to follow a diet based on the inclusion of plant fiber in the diet and reducing the consumption of high-calorie carbohydrate foods.

Basic rules for impaired dysfunction:

  • It is better to eat more than 3 times a day (4-5) in small portions. Food must be chewed thoroughly;
  • drink enough fluid (at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight in the absence of kidney problems). Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water at room temperature in the morning: this method will help the intestines start working;
  • exclude foods rich in simple carbohydrates(sweets, especially chocolate, flour, fast food), starch (potatoes, rice, semolina), as well as irritating mucous membranes (carbonated drinks, fatty and fried foods, pickles, smoked meats, canned foods, sour fruits);
  • use with caution butter, boiled eggs, legumes, which increase gas formation;
  • you will have to limit the intake of strong tea and coffee, hot drinks;
  • to enhance motor skills, fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets) and fruits (green apples, apricots, plums), bran, cereals, flax seeds, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, herbs, berries are shown;
  • use for cooking vegetable oils(preferably cold pressed): olive, flaxseed;
  • freshly squeezed juices (especially carrot, cabbage and beetroot, as well as berries), compotes, dairy products, dried fruits;
  • If possible, eat more seafood and seaweed.
  • pureed soups;
  • porridge from barley, rice, semolina;
  • dishes from lean meats, eggs;
  • vegetable purees;
  • astringent fruits and berries (quince, pear, bird cherry, chokeberry).

In any case, you will have to give up cigarettes and alcohol.

Traditional medicine

Non-traditional methods can effectively complement the main treatment: cleanse the clogged intestines, restore it motor function, stimulate the healing of damaged tissues and get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

Before use folk remedies specialist consultation is required!

Recipes for constipation:

  • bran, fiber, which can be eaten separately or added to various dishes(salads, soups, cereals, jelly) 1-2 tablespoons per day;
  • beet salad with prunes or garlic;
  • a mixture of prunes and dried apricots. Grind 400 grams of seedless dried fruits in a meat grinder, adding 2 tbsp. propolis tinctures, senna leaves (1 pack) and 200 ml of fresh, not candied honey. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Take 2 tsp. at night, with water at room temperature;
  • A decoction of buckthorn bark is drunk instead of tea;
  • crushed plantain seeds: 1 tsp. before eating.

Disease prevention

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore execution the following recommendations will make a significant contribution to the health of your intestines:

  • stick to the basics balanced nutrition: the diet should be varied, including vegetable fiber and protein. Don't allow yourself to overeat excessive hobby sweets, flour products, smoked, salty and fatty foods;
  • keep your body in good shape: do morning exercises, go for a walk fresh air, ride a bike, ski, swim in open water or in a pool;
  • maintain a work and rest schedule: sleep 7-9 hours, avoid psychological stress and negative emotions;
  • visit a gastroenterologist regularly (1-2 times a year) for preventive examinations and timely detection of abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Paying close attention to your body will help you avoid many troubles. Be healthy!

Most people who have crossed the thirty-year threshold are faced with such a problem as dyskinesia, otherwise - poor peristalsis intestines. This problem brings a lot of inconvenience and therefore people are increasingly wondering how to improve intestinal motility? We will tell you about this in the article.

The concept of peristalsis

The intestines are the most large organ The gastrointestinal tract, in which the final processing of food products occurs, their neutralization and absorption into the blood useful minerals. If peristalsis (motility) is impaired, then all these processes are inhibited. This process causes harm to the body and inconvenience to the person.

When stool stagnates in the intestines, toxins begin to enter the bloodstream and poison the body, causing side symptoms.

Symptoms of intoxication and decreased intestinal motility include:

  • frequent headaches;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • heaviness and pain in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a person gains weight, although he eats the same as usual, or even less;
  • the appearance of a rash on the face, possibly on the body;
  • sleep problems;
  • bloating that worsens after eating;
  • changes in stool, there are fewer of them, they take on a denser shape;
  • frequent and painful constipation, which can in rare cases be replaced by bouts of diarrhea;
  • general malaise and even fever.

Neither an adult nor a child will be happy with such symptoms of intestinal arrest. Therefore, you need to force your intestines to work on their own, or seek help from a doctor.

Moreover, the second option will be much better, because Absolutely any disease can cause poor motor skills, or normal functional state body. But to figure out what exactly caused the intestinal stoppage can only be done by conducting an examination and passing tests.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use various medications . To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Causes of weak peristalsis

Many factors influence intestinal function, and now we will try to find out which of them slow down and even completely stop peristalsis, and which can stimulate intestinal motility.

Causes, slowing down peristalsis:

  1. Not balanced diet, when the diet is dominated by foods with high calorie content, products of artificial origin (fast foods with big amount spices and sauces and products with added chemicals - chips, crackers), lack of regularity of meals, its speed (eating a sandwich on the way to the office).
  2. Treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that reduce the balance of intestinal microflora.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract all departments, including the stomach, liver, gall bladder.
  4. Tumors in the intestine, both small and large.
  5. Behavior of surgical intervention on the intestines.
  6. Inactive lifestyle, constant sedentary work, frequent change climate.
  7. Predisposition to constipation, their.
  8. Frequent stress, negative experiences.
  9. Disturbance in the functioning of nerves, improper innervation of the intestinal walls.

Factors enhancing intestinal motility:

  1. Constant walking and exercise.
  2. Maintaining a balanced diet.
  3. Compliance drinking regime, very important for constipation, to soften the masses and improve their passage through the intestines.
  4. Using intestinal stimulation - massages and morning warm-ups.
  5. Normalization of lifestyle, regular and sufficient sleep, adherence to a schedule.
  6. Passing an ongoing annual medical examination and timely treatment intestinal diseases.

If your life mostly or even completely consists of items on the first list, then do not be surprised that intestinal motility weakens.

To prevent and correct this, live according to the points in the second list and then intestinal problems will leave you for a long time.

But if peristalsis is already impaired for some reason, then there are means to improve intestinal motility in adults and children.

How to improve peristalsis?

Restoring intestinal function and enhancing peristalsis is possible only by using several types of treatment simultaneously, namely:

  1. Folk remedies. This is the first thing that is better to try than to swallow advertised pills, which can only cause harm if the diagnosis is not established.
  2. Drugs that stimulate bowel function can also be purchased at the pharmacy, but before doing so, you should consult a doctor so that he can select them for you individually and also prescribe the required dosage.
  3. An excellent remedy to enhance peristalsis -. It helps increase blood flow to the intestines, as well as the pelvic organs, thereby helping to move feces forward through the intestines. Helps strengthen the walls of the colon and small intestine.
  4. You can increase peristalsis by following a certain diet. Her main rule- We eat and drink everything that is healthy, we don’t even try anything that is not healthy.

Improving peristalsis will largely depend on how the person himself feels about solving his problem.

If he carelessly does gymnastics, washes down pills with coffee after lunch at a pizzeria, then he will not be able to improve his bowel function.

In this case, the intestines did not work, do not work, and will not work. But for those who want to normalize the functioning of their intestines, we will tell you in more detail about each point in the treatment of weak peristalsis.


Before drinking pharmaceutical medicine, try these methods to enhance peristalsis:

Wheat bran
  • Take two apples and grate them. Add to them a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of oatmeal. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it and a couple of spoons warm water to the mixture. Eat it throughout the day.
  • Grind plantain seeds and take a teaspoon of them with meals.
  • A couple of tablespoons wheat bran washed down with a small amount of water or mixed with it and eaten for breakfast.
  • Take ten grams of buckthorn root and pour half a liter of boiling water over it. Let the broth brew and drink it throughout the day instead of tea.
  • Take two glasses of dried apricots and prunes and grind them in a meat grinder. Add to them a package of senna and two tablespoons of propolis. Pour in liquid honey, approximately 200 ml. Take this mixture before bed in the amount of a couple of teaspoons.


In order to increase intestinal permeability, laxatives are released. These can be tablets, powder, syrup, drops. All laxatives should be divided into three groups:

Effect of drugsDescription
Drugs that affect peristalsis of the entire intestine.Here you can use sodium sulfate or magnesium. But you should pay attention to the fact that these substances, increasing the osmotic pressure in the intestines, increase peristalsis. The process goes quite quickly, and the medications take effect after two hours, or even earlier. Therefore, you should not take them before your trip.
Laxatives acting in the small intestine.These medications include oils. They envelop feces, facilitating their easy passage through the intestines. At the same time, they also speed up motor skills themselves. The effect of a laxative occurs within two to six hours.
Laxatives acting in the large intestine.These are drugs from a group of irritants. They tone smooth muscles, toning the intestinal walls. You cannot use them yourself, as addiction and intestinal atrophy may occur. Only a doctor should prescribe such laxatives. These drugs include:

Any malfunction of the digestive system can lead to the development serious illnesses other organs. At the same time, immunity decreases and the general condition of the body worsens. That is why, to get rid of a wide variety of diseases, many experts recommend immediately changing your eating habits and following a diet.

The condition of the digestive tract itself directly depends on intestinal motility. Any of its disorders, called dyskinesia, lead to unpleasant consequences, which will be described in detail below. At the same time, they can be easily eliminated, thanks to which the normal operation digestive system.

Determination of intestinal motility

What is intestinal peristalsis? Have you ever wondered what happens in the body with any food a person eats? First, it enters the stomach, where it is digested using the mucous membrane produced of hydrochloric acid and turns into a so-called food bolus. At the last stage, this same lump moves into the rectum through wave-like contractions of the intestine.

It is these movements that are called peristalsis. In the walls of the intestine there are smooth muscles located in two layers, perpendicular to each other. Their coordinated contractions form a “wave” that brings the food bolus to the anus. The speed of its movement can be completely different depending on the circumstances. For example, along small intestine the lump moves either very slowly, or, on the contrary, very quickly. This mainly depends on the characteristics of the food consumed. In the colon, wave-like contractions slow down, but powerful movements occur several times during the day, which help move the lump towards the outlet.

Peristalsis occurs immediately after gastrointestinal tract any food gets in. The frequency of smooth muscle contractions depends on the specific part of the intestine and can be:

  • up to 3 within a minute in the rectum;
  • 3 or 4 contractions per minute in the large intestine;
  • 9-10 in the small intestine;
  • about ten contractions in the duodenum.

When smooth muscle function slows down, serious problems with bowel movements (constipation), and metabolism also worsens. Because of this, the entire body suffers. First there is weakness and feeling constant fatigue, and then any diseases of the digestive tract and other organs may develop.

How to recognize slow intestinal motility?

Reveal incorrect operation intestinal smooth muscles can be determined by a number of signs. The most important of them include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen. They may resemble contractions (women will understand), or they may be mildly aching in nature. The bolus of food begins to decompose, which leads to. They can prevent a person from falling asleep and cause serious discomfort. The pain is felt especially acutely after eating, as well as after drinking drinks containing caffeine;
  • constipation already mentioned above, which can only be relieved with the use of an enema. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, after a while the intestines will generally stop emptying on their own;
  • bloating, which is a consequence of increased gas formation;
  • the appearance of problems with excess weight;
  • intoxication of the body. The food bolus quickly decomposes, releasing toxic substances that lead to poisoning. At the same time, the person begins to suffer from severe allergic reactions, the oiliness of the hair sharply increases, the condition of the skin worsens;
  • deterioration general condition body. It is expressed in sleep disturbances, lethargy and apathy, a person begins to rage with or without reason.

All these phenomena can be eliminated if you immediately seek the help of a gastroenterologist. The specialist will conduct necessary research and will appoint correct treatment, which will bring peristalsis back to normal.

Why does intestinal motility slow down?

Before treating any disease, you need to get to the bottom of the causes of its occurrence. The same applies to problems with peristalsis. Too slow contraction of intestinal smooth muscle may occur in the following cases:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, which allows
  • constantly maintain muscle tone;
  • consumption of foods that are high in calories. They are much less digestible, which slows down the progress of the food bolus;
  • any chronic diseases digestive tract;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • genetic predisposition to intestinal diseases;
  • both benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • consequences of surgery.

Regardless of why you have problems with smooth muscle contraction, the first step is to change your eating habits. Without a balanced diet, it is not possible to accelerate peristalsis. Over time, toxic substances can penetrate into other organs, causing serious intoxication. In addition, in the intestinal cavity there appear fecal stones, which damage the walls and muscles, leading to cracks and bleeding.

Metabolic deterioration is also a serious problem. It brings about changes hormonal levels, causes exacerbation and rapid development of any chronic diseases.

Accelerating intestinal motility: drug treatment

Any medications listed below can only be used after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing irreversible damage to both the intestines and the entire digestive tract.

To speed up peristalsis, the doctor may prescribe several varieties medications, which we will discuss in detail below.

Medicines that increase muscle tone

These include drugs such as Prozerin or Vasopressin. They are prescribed to improve motor skills. As a result, the rate of contraction of smooth muscles increases, which contributes to the normal removal of the food bolus from the body.


These medications are developed for different parts of the intestine and are divided into several groups:

  • drugs for the small intestine, the most common of which is castor oil. It not only improves motility, but also softens stool, due to which their elimination is significantly accelerated;
  • drugs for the large intestine. Strengthens smooth muscle tone to improve gastrointestinal function. An example is buckthorn bark and other medicines of natural origin;
  • Guttalax and others synthetic drugs. They must be taken with extreme caution. The thing is that such drugs are addictive. After a long period of use, the patient simply cannot empty his bowels on his own.

There are also laxative medications that have beneficial effect simultaneously to all parts of the intestine. These include preparations based on senna leaves, as well as some synthetic products. You should drink them only as prescribed by your doctor.

Foods that improve peristalsis

As mentioned above, to accelerate the wave-like contractions of smooth muscles, you need to completely change your eating habits. It is best to completely exclude from the menu or significantly limit the consumption of fatty, salty and smoked foods, refuse drinks with high content caffeine The following products have a beneficial effect on peristalsis:

  • dried fruits. Figs, dried apricots, prunes and others should be in your daily menu;
  • fermented milk products – kefir, fermented baked milk, high-quality yoghurts;
  • freshly squeezed juices of cabbage, carrots, potatoes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • flax seeds, all types of nuts, sprouted cereals;
  • porridge. To prepare them you need to use buckwheat, oatmeal and millet. Semolina and rice should be excluded from the diet for a while, as they “strengthen” the stomach;
  • lean meat with the addition of plenty of vegetables.

In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. Avoid carbonated drinks completely. You should not remove hot and spicy dishes from the menu, as they stimulate the intestines.

It is better to exclude eggs in any form, pomegranates, pastries, potatoes, strong black tea altogether. The thing is that these products slow down peristalsis and can create serious problems with bowel movements.

In case of intestinal diseases, it is highly advisable to completely avoid foods containing sugar. The whole point is that it intensifies putrefactive processes in digestive tract and often turns out to be the main cause of intoxication. We recommend replacing it with fresh vegetables and fruits or natural sweeteners.

An excellent solution to the problem of defecation - fractional meals. Food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. By following this regimen, you can get rid of the most various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

In no case should the urge to defecate be ignored, as this leads to a gradual relaxation of smooth muscles and often causes undesirable consequences.

We supplement proper nutrition with physical activity

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you urgently need to increase physical exercise. Start with light exercises in the morning, gradually introducing exercises such as “bicycle”, raising and spreading your legs to the sides from a supine position. They increase muscle tone and have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.

It is also possible to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is capable of renewing the body in a very short time, cycling or exercise special simulators. Remember that physical activity is one of the prerequisites for accelerating peristalsis. If you cannot exercise due to a simple lack of time, try to walk as much as possible.

There are many ways to enhance intestinal motility. This is perhaps the case when it is better to try traditional methods of treatment before using medications. Improving intestinal motility allows you to get rid of constipation and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, and gain a feeling of lightness.

How to improve intestinal motility?

The variety of methods and preparations that can be used to improve intestinal motility is great, but all of them, first of all, involve adjusting the diet and increasing the amount of water consumed.

To enhance intestinal motility, an integrated approach is required, consisting of proper nutrition, exercise, and in some situations, medications. Positive result can be achieved using folk remedies - various decoctions and mixtures that improve the movement of feces through the intestines.

Drug treatment

To improve intestinal motility, medications are successfully used that enhance the motility of the organ, have a stimulating effect on the smooth muscle fibers of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate its emptying.

It is important to understand that regular uncontrolled reception medications can lead to reverse effect– achieving regular bowel movements without using medications will be problematic, so the choice of medications and the regimen for use is prescribed by the doctor.

How to improve intestinal motility with medical supplies? Laxatives will come to the rescue. Under their influence, muscle contractions are activated and feces are excreted. Currently, there are many types of drugs that affect the motility of different parts of the intestine.

Laxatives that improve intestinal motility can be divided into three groups.

Medicines that affect the entire intestine

Sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt) and magnesia (Epsom salt) work on this principle. These substances are the strongest and most effective, but their frequent use threatens the development of intestinal atony and dehydration of the body.

When consuming salts, osmotic pressure increases, which causes a disruption in the mechanisms of absorption of the liquid part of semi-digested food and improves peristalsis. Defecation after taking the drugs occurs 1-2 hours later, which allows you to quickly get rid of the problem.

Drugs that affect the small intestine

The most famous medicine in this group is castor oil (castor oil). It works in the lumen of the duodenum, where, under the influence of bile, ricinolic acid is formed from active ingredients medicines. The substance leads to irritation of receptors located on the walls of the entire intestine, which causes their contractile activity.

In addition, the oil retains fluid in the intestinal lumen and does not allow electrolytes to be absorbed, which also leads to easier bowel movements. The effect of the product is observed after 4-6 hours and is accompanied by tenesmus.

Medicines that activate colon motility

This group of drugs includes laxatives of both natural and synthetic origin.

Natural products contain extracts medicinal herbs and plants. Rhubarb and licorice root, buckthorn, and senna leaves help to quickly increase intestinal motility and are suitable for treating constipation in adults and children over 3-4 years of age.

Action similar means tones the smooth muscles in the large intestine, which stimulates its contraction and leads to bowel movements. This group includes such popular drugs as Regulax, which contains senna, figs, prunes and paraffin, as well as Senadexin, consisting of senna leaf extract and auxiliary components.

Synthetic drugs that enhance intestinal motility are produced in the pharmaceutical industry in the form of suppositories, tablets and solutions (Bisacodyl, Guttalax, Laxigal). Thanks to their action, colon motility is activated, which helps eliminate constipation not only caused by hypotension, but also by surgical interventions.

The negative side of these drugs is that the body becomes addicted, painful urges in the stomach and allergic reactions.

Traditional methods

To improve intestinal motility, it is not always necessary medication assistance. Proven methods traditional treatment will help you get rid of a delicate problem.

Here are simple recipes:

  1. Dried fruits . Take 350 grams of prunes and dried apricots, rinse well and chop. To the resulting gruel, add a package of pharmaceutical senna, 200 grams of liquid honey, two tablespoons of propolis and mix well. Eat 30 grams daily at night before bed, washed down with water.
  2. Buckthorn . Pour 10 grams of tree bark into a container and pour half a liter of boiling water. After the decoction has infused, it should be strained and drunk as tea.
  3. Plantain . The seeds of this plant are good remedy to improve intestinal motility. Before use, grind them in a coffee grinder and eat 3 grams before meals.
  4. Wheat bran . Coarse fibers swell when they enter the intestines, which improves intestinal motility and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Use 2 tablespoons, after mixing with a small amount of liquid in the form of a paste.
  5. Laxative mixture . Mix chopped apples with two tablespoons of honey and oatmeal, add a little lemon juice and sprouted wheat grains. The resulting mixture can be eaten without restrictions during the day.

As can be seen from the listed methods, intestinal motility can be improved not only with the help of medications, but also with traditional methods. If the expected effect is not achieved, consult a doctor for help.


Food plays a leading role in normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because some of them contribute to increased motility, and this, in turn, improves intestinal motility.

To bring the digestive system back to normal, you need to follow some rules and eat foods that improve intestinal motility:
  • eat fresh vegetables or fruits every day;
  • eat sprouted grains, as well as bran, because they are rich in fiber;
  • when choosing porridge, give preference to buckwheat, pearl barley or barley, reduce the consumption of rice and semolina;
  • if you are prone to constipation, include prunes, figs, fresh plums and grapes in your daily menu;
  • do not limit the amount of liquid you drink, the daily minimum is 2 liters;
  • before going to bed, drink a glass of yogurt or any other fermented milk product;
  • flavor your food with spices and spices, because they stimulate the intestines;
  • limit the amount of sweets and baked goods;
  • Eat vegetables as a side dish for meat to improve its digestion and passage through the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • exclude coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks;
  • Avoid fried foods and smoked foods.


Intestinal motility is directly related to physical activity, therefore, daily exercises, like nothing else, can stimulate the intestines to work and improve their emptying.

Before taking medications to improve intestinal motility, try a simple set of exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, place your palms under your buttocks and alternately rotate your legs, as if pedaling a bicycle. Toning the abdominal muscles and increasing blood circulation in the pelvis have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Bend both legs at the knees and press them tightly to your stomach, clasping them with your arms. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. Get on all fours. Alternately straighten your legs at the knees, moving them back, while bending your back.
  4. Perform any exercises that involve the abdominal muscles - this helps remove excess gases and stimulates intestinal contractions.
  5. Do 10-15 squats as the final element of gymnastics.

It is not always possible to resort to medications to improve intestinal motility; in cases of acute constipation, traditional methods and active physical activity. In addition, products that enhance peristalsis will help improve intestinal function.

If after all the measures taken there is no relief, seek help from a doctor so that he can prescribe you a laxative that will eliminate the difficulties.

Useful video about foods that enhance intestinal motility