"Causes of frequent urination without pain, especially in women." Frequent painful and painless urination

Painless frequent urination may be a variant of the norm or indicate various pathological processes in the body. How to distinguish the norm from the disease?

Frequent urge to urinate often occurs with the onset of menopause, which is also associated with hormonal changes in the body.


Increased thirst against the background of frequent urination is one of the first symptoms of diabetes. Why is this happening? The thing is that when the level of sugar in the blood rises, it begins to be filtered in the kidneys and penetrate into the urine. But sugar passes into the urine in a water-bound state. Thus, the body begins to intensively lose water. The patient often has dry mouth and intense thirst.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Frequent and painless urination may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by swelling. So, after taking certain drugs (in particular, diuretics), there may be a massive disappearance of edema. When creating conditions for a formed diuresis, a patient can lose up to 15-20 liters of fluid in just a few days, which has stagnated in the body due to weakness of the heart muscle.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello. I'm 25. Over the past 2 weeks, I began to notice difficulty in urination. It is necessary, as it were, to push, to squeeze out so that the process begins. After the start of the process, the jet seems normal to me. At the moment when I try to squeeze out urine, it feels like something is holding back urine under the testicles and gradually releases it with short pulsations, and then the process of urination is, in my opinion, normal. Advise what it can be and whether it is worth worrying? Still, at the age of 25, as I heard, prostatitis does not happen!

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overactive bladder

It is a clinical syndrome, which is characterized by the appearance of an urgent urge to urinate, including at night. Often with an overactive bladder, incontinence is noted.

This problem can be neurogenic in nature, such as with certain brain tumors or Parkinson's disease. Often there is an idiopathic overactive bladder, the causes of which are unknown.

What to do with frequent urination?

First of all, all physiological factors contributing to the development of this symptom should be excluded. If there are no such reasons, then it is necessary to undergo an examination. Initially, you should visit a general practitioner who will prescribe you the appropriate examinations, and, if necessary, refer you to other specialists (endocrinologist, neurologist, gynecologist, and others).

Arkady Galanin

In a healthy adult, 5-9 urges to urinate per day are considered normal, subject to the usual, not increased, drinking regimen. However, frequent urges are often observed, in some cases accompanied by painful sensations. It always causes physical and psychological discomfort. For example, when you often have to get up at night, in the morning a person feels sleepy, overwhelmed.

If there is a constant feeling that you want to pee in the toilet, the bladder is full, the urge to urinate occurs 15 times a day or more, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the problem. Today on www.site we will talk with you what this phenomenon may be connected with.

Why do you always feel like you want to go to the toilet?

Increase in daily fluid intake. This is especially true for tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.

Taking drugs with a diuretic effect. Usually they are prescribed in the treatment of kidneys, liver, heart.

Violation of the acidity of urine when eating a large amount of meat, salty foods, spices, hot spices.

Pathological causes

When you constantly want to pee in the toilet, there is often a feeling of fullness in the bladder, this may be a symptom of some diseases. Let's take a look at the most common ones:

Inflammation of the urethra (urethra). The disease can be of a microbial nature, or is formed due to mechanical stress, for example, when wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear, especially from synthetic fabrics. It is characterized by frequent urges, a feeling of fullness of the bladder, pain during urination.

A very common disease associated with the inflammatory process of the bladder mucosa. Has a microbial nature. Most often appears after severe hypothermia of the lower body. It is characterized by a small amount of urine, soreness with frequent urges.

Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory kidney disease. In addition to the above symptoms, there is a fever, fever, pain in the lumbar region.

The presence of stones or sand in the bladder, urinary tract also causes frequent urges, pain in the lumbar region, and the presence of blood in the urine. When the stones move, irritation of the mucous membranes occurs, which provokes this symptomatology.

Overactive bladder. This is a congenital or acquired feature of the bladder, in which there is a constant tone of the detrusor.

The presence of this pathology is indicated by involuntary excretion of urine from straining, laughing, coughing, etc. The cause may be a neurological disease, or a weakening of the pelvic muscles.

Diabetes. Due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, there is a constant thirst, which often makes you want to go to the toilet, there is a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder. In addition, the patient is concerned about itching, especially the genital area.

The described symptoms are also characteristic of this condition. With a lack of iron in the body, the vulnerability and weakness of the bladder mucosa increase.

Feeling of constant bladder fullness in women

Since all processes in the body are interconnected, frequent urination in women can be associated not only with the above reasons. In particular, this symptomatology may occur against the background of gynecological problems, and may also be associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause.

Why do men get the feeling that they constantly want a little?

In addition to the general causes described above, frequent urges in men may be associated with some diseases inherent in the stronger sex:

Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). The most common men's problem is frequent trips to the toilet. In this case, the urges are false, and the process itself is accompanied by unpleasant, painful sensations.

Pathology associated with the narrowing of the walls of the urethra, in which complete emptying becomes difficult. This creates a feeling of constant fullness in the bladder.

It is most common in older, older men. A tumor located in the prostate prevents the normal outflow of urine, causing a feeling of fullness in the bladder.


If these phenomena are not associated with increased fluid intake or medication, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Especially if there are additional symptoms: pain, burning, blood in the urine. These symptoms may be associated with a specific disease, which can only be detected by a doctor. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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Frequent urination is defined as if a person has this process at a higher frequency than usual.

How does frequent urination manifest itself?

The formation of urine in the human body occurs due to the functioning of the kidneys. Under normal conditions, urine is clear and is excreted every day. from 1 to 1.8 liters. The process of urination in the body is controlled by both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Young children learn to control this process gradually, as they age. 2 to 5 years.

Frequent urination without pain is expressed by the need to empty the bladder many times a day. Sometimes urination occurs several times in a person and at night. This phenomenon in medicine is defined as nocturia .

This phenomenon is characterized a small amount of urine: sometimes with frequent urination, only a few drops are released. In some cases, with frequent urination, a person may feel pain. With increased urine output, a person can go to the toilet until 20 times a day.

Very frequent urination can be considered completely normal if a person drinking large amounts of liquid . In this case, frequent urge to urinate is accompanied by the release of an amount of urine adequate to the amount of liquid drunk. At the same time, frequent urination in girls and men, in which more 3 liters of urine, is defined as polyuria . This phenomenon can sometimes be the result of taking lots of coffee, alcoholic beverages. But still, frequent painful urination indicates that a serious illness develops in the body. In some cases, this symptom is a warning sign, even if frequent urination occurs without pain.

Polyuria often manifests as painful frequent urination in women and men. At the same time, profuse urination can also be accompanied by discomfort which manifests itself in the region of the bladder. Often noted severe burning in women, an unpleasant sensation in men. Signs of frequent urination should not be confused with urinary incontinence when it comes to the effects of involuntary bladder activity. However, polyuria sometimes occurs in parallel with urinary incontinence. A similar phenomenon can be observed even at night in women and men, mostly the elderly. Therefore, if the patient complains of very frequent urination, the doctor should initially find out whether this phenomenon is painful or painless, and also determine whether nighttime frequent urination is taking place ( nigrating ). Depending on the characteristics of this symptom, as well as on why it manifests itself, the doctor determines how to treat such a condition.

In order to determine the severity of urinary disorders that a person initially considers minor, he must first understand whether they affect his quality of life in general.

It is very important to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment for frequent urination if the symptom is accompanied by back pain, chills, weakness, nausea. Should also alert the discharge from the genital organs and turbidity of the urine.

Why does frequent urination occur?

Frequent urination is the result irritation of the urethra and bladder neck . Frequent urination in men at night and during the day is most often manifested due to infectious urinary tract ailments. Under the influence of an infection that irritates the genitourinary system as a whole, painful profuse urination occurs, there is a constant burning and discomfort. Very frequent nocturnal urination in infectious diseases is noted not only in older men. Such symptoms occur regardless of the place where the infection is localized. It can be an infectious lesion of the bladder, urethra, kidneys, prostate, etc. Therefore, the prevention of these diseases is an important condition for good health at any age.

Excessive and frequent urination is observed in people suffering from chronic renal failure . With this disease, there is a violation of kidney function. This symptom also appears in diabetes insipidus , as a result of which the functions of the neuroendocrine system are disturbed in the body. As a result, there is an active loss of fluid, which leads to constant thirst. However, the cause of frequent urination at night and during the day can be. The manifestation of frequent daytime and nighttime urination is considered one of the important signs of this disease, which is also characterized by intense thirst, increased appetite, weakness. Girls with diabetes often inflamed genitals .

The urge to urinate frequently at night and during the day can occur as a result of the so-called " bear disease ”, that is, due to the strong unrest or stressful situation. The fact is that in the human body with severe stress, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system occur, which provokes too frequent urges. A similar phenomenon can be observed in people of any age. Often stress provokes frequent urination in young people, both boys and girls.

The reason for frequent trips to the toilet may be stones in the bladder or kidneys that do not allow the bladder to empty completely. As a rule, in the presence of stones, frequent urination is mainly observed during the day, and at night, at rest, the person does not feel the urge.

In men, frequent urges may be associated with a tumor or an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate gland can interfere with the normal passage of urine and put pressure on the urethra.

Also, this symptom manifests itself if a person takes certain drugs that have diuretic effect. Has a diuretic effect alcohol, as well as caffeinated drinks. When the patient has no urination at night, and during the day there are very frequent urges.

Very frequent urination during pregnancy is absolutely normal for a woman with carrying a baby. Such a symptom in this case is a consequence of drastic changes hormonal background , as well as the ever-increasing pressure of the growing uterus on the internal organs of a woman.

Frequent urination and nocturia are common menopause in women . The main causes of nocturia in this case are - ovarian dysfunction that occur during . Symptoms of nocturia during menopause are one of the signs of age-related changes. According to medical estimates, this symptom during this period is observed in approximately 40% women. Nevertheless, nocturia in menopausal women often becomes a factor that significantly affects the quality of life, delivering both physiological and psychological discomfort. In this case, you should tell your doctor about your problems, who can prescribe symptomatic treatment. nocturias.

The urge to urinate at night can also indicate gradual aging of the body . And if nocturia in children is most likely a symptom of impaired kidney function, then in older people this phenomenon is natural aging symptom.

The causes of frequent urination in children can also be varied. First of all, painless frequent urination in a child can occur due to changes in his diet, severe nervous tension. However, it is possible that this symptom in a child is a consequence of the development of serious diseases - diabetes, infections. Therefore, in no case should you give your baby medicines or use any folk remedies without consulting a doctor. Treatment is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis.

How to get rid of frequent urination?

Initially, it is necessary to establish the reason why a person has this symptom. In the process of establishing a diagnosis, the doctor must establish all the features of this phenomenon in the patient. It's presence accompanying symptoms,the amount of liquid you drink, taking medications etc. Further, analyzes and studies are carried out, which are prescribed by a specialist.

Further therapy is carried out depending on the detected causes of frequent urination. At diabetes it is important to constantly monitor and normalize the level of sugar in a person’s blood. The presence of infectious diseases implies a course of treatment.

For diseases prostate in men, drugs are prescribed that have a tonic effect, as well as agents that promote the resorption of stagnant zones. Sessions are scheduled prostate massage . It is important to always remember about the methods of preventing prostatitis - physical activity, the absence of hypothermia.

In the presence of kidney stones, it is important to correctly diagnose and determine the nature of the formed stones. Based on the individual characteristics of the disease, the doctor decides on the method of treatment urolithiasis .

In addition, if necessary, the doctor may advise to radically revise the diet to reduce the number of foods and drinks that provoke more frequent urination. Don't drink large amounts of liquid before bed.

In some cases, a good preventive measure is Kegel exercises , with which you can significantly strengthen urethral muscles, pelvis, Bladder. Such exercises need to be done daily several dozen times.

Any changes in the habitual functioning of the human body need a thorough assessment by a specialist. Even those moments that do not cause significant discomfort can be a sign of a malfunction in the body systems. Frequent urge to urinate can bother people regardless of gender and age. Often they are a consequence of the influence of physiological factors and are considered the norm, but the likelihood of developing the disease cannot be ruled out.

Urination in adults and children - normal indicators

The body of each person is individual, but experts still distinguish the limits of the norm for the daily volume of urine and the number of visits to the toilet. The data depend on basic factors (age, gender) and additional indicators (drinking regimen, season, environmental conditions). The values ​​will be informative only if the subject does not have fever and shortness of breath, and if he consumes a sufficient amount of liquid. The presence in the diet of coffee, beer and green tea, taking diuretics can significantly affect the results of the study.

Indicators of the frequency of urination are normal in adults and children are shown in the table:

To independently evaluate the work of the kidneys, you can conduct a simple home test: notice how much fluid was drunk per day, collect and calculate the amount of urine excreted over the same period. Normally, the amount of urine is about 75% of the volume of water consumed.

At night, neither the child nor the adult should feel the need to empty the bladder. In the elderly, one trip to the toilet at this time is considered the limit of the norm.

Causes of frequent and painful urges

If urination happens a little more often than indicated in the table, do not panic. According to statistics, a woman can go to the toilet up to 10 times a day without any health problems. Some note an increase in urges during the period of ovulation, before or after menstruation. In cases where the emptying of the bladder occurs more often than usual, and the person experiences pain of various localization, an immediate consultation with a urologist is required.

Pain in the lumbar region

Soreness in the lumbar region often indicates that the kidney is affected. In this case, you should not do anything on your own, but urgently visit a urologist or therapist. The combination of the two symptoms may be the result of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. With both pathologies, the brightness of the clinical picture will not allow ignoring the condition. Pyelonephritis is characterized by an increase in the daily volume of urine with a noticeable decrease in its single doses. Urine retains its clear appearance, but acquires a more intense color. Urolithiasis is accompanied by cloudy urine and fever.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Increased frequency of trips to the toilet, combined with pain in the lower abdomen, can be a sign of a variety of pathologies. First you need to find out why the body failed, and only then begin to fight the problem. Before the diagnosis is made, it is not recommended to take painkillers, antibiotics and other medications. Even such a proven folk way to deal with discomfort as a warm bath can do more harm than good.

The combination of two symptoms often indicates such diseases:

Urethritis An inflamed urethra causes a lot of inconvenience. Urine becomes cloudy, often there are traces of mucus, pus or blood in it. The patient constantly feels the mood to urinate, although the process itself gives him severe pain
Cystitis This term means inflammation of the bladder. The disease is characterized by constant discomfort in the lower abdomen, there are symptoms of intoxication. The number of trips to the toilet can reach 20-40 times a day
Tumor formations When they hit the walls of the bladder neck, pain occurs, which is accompanied by increased urination. The clinical picture is similar to cystitis, but signs of intoxication are extremely rare.
Stones in the bladder Formations block the outflow of urine, so urine is excreted in small portions. The bladder remains full, which makes the patient constantly want to go to the toilet
Prostate adenoma and prostatitis in men Manifestations of diseases are not particularly specific, so the diagnosis can be made only after a thorough medical examination.
Bladder overactivity The quality of urine does not change, the general condition of the person does not suffer. A prerequisite for emptying the bladder is the presence of a strong, even painful urge.
Narrowing of the urethra Soreness occurs only when urine is excreted. The process itself is difficult and slow. Liquid comes out under strong pressure or drops
Venereal diseases The clinical picture depends on how the disease will be called. Most of them are characterized by itching and burning in the genital area.

Under these conditions, it is not enough to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to stop the development of the disease itself. Increased attention to the combination of the two manifestations should be given to young girls. Ignoring the problem is fraught with serious consequences for the state of the reproductive system.

Frequent urination without pain

Only by establishing the causes of frequent urination, you can count on the restoration of the normal functioning of the excretory system. Do not think that a painless scenario for the development of events poses a lesser danger to the body. The absence of pain often indicates the physiological origin of the symptom, but sometimes it turns out to be a harbinger of serious pathologies.

Physiological condition provocateurs

The persistent desire to urinate, which occurs within a few minutes or a couple of hours after emptying the bladder, is often the result of a violation of the regimen. An organism that finds itself in uncomfortable conditions for it begins to independently regulate its internal processes. Sometimes frequent urination is a signal of physiological changes in the human body.

The number of trips to the toilet becomes more frequent under the influence of such moments:

  • Abuse of spicy, salty or sour foods, alcohol. Such an unhealthy or extremely large meal is accompanied by the use of large volumes of fluid. As a result, urine becomes very light or even colorless, is excreted in large portions and more often than usual.
  • Stressful situation, strong excitement, neurosis. The quantity and quality of urine does not change. Sometimes a person wants to urinate immediately after going to the toilet.
  • Pregnancy. At an early stage, it is accompanied by a delay in menstruation and a number of other manifestations characteristic of the state. The last trimester in half of the women is also characterized by physiological dysuria.
  • Beginning of menstruation. A few days before the start of the cycle, many women notice an increase in the need to empty the bladder.
  • Beginning of the climax. Dysuria is considered one of the earliest harbingers of the restructuring of the female body. If you take it into account, you can start preventing other unpleasant symptoms in a timely manner.
  • The number of trips to the toilet can become more frequent under the influence of external conditions. Cold forces the body to warm up on its own, which starts metabolic processes. The condition returns to normal within a few hours after the body warms up.

The physiological causes of frequent urination do not need to be treated, but this does not mean that they should be ignored. At the initial stage, such failures cause only discomfort, but over time, the condition can become a habit. This negatively affects the functionality of organs and the immune defense of the body.

Common Pathological Causes

Even in the absence of pain, frequent urination can be a sign of a serious illness. Most pathologies are accompanied by a number of additional symptoms, but you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself. An incorrectly selected pharmaceutical preparation or an untimely taken folk remedy increase the likelihood of fixing and aggravating the disease.

Dysuria in the form of frequent urination may indicate the following processes:

  • Damage to the heart and blood vessels. Accompanied by drops in blood pressure, the appearance of edema. The need to empty the bladder occurs at night and in the morning.
  • Diabetes. It is characterized by thirst, dry mucous membranes, the formation of cracks in the skin, night visits to the restroom.
  • Diabetes insipidus. Unlike the previous state, only thirst is present.
  • Cancers of the prostate. Often, the male body signals a disease of the gland only with this single symptom.
  • Diseases of the spinal cord. Injuries and tumors of the organ can cause various manifestations, including malfunctions of the excretory system.
  • Myoma of the uterus. With this pathology, it can strongly pull the lower abdomen during menstruation. The bleeding lasts a long time, the discharge is unusually copious.
  • Omission of the bladder. The female body is prone to this disease after childbirth. Depending on how serious everything is, the process is accompanied by false urges and involuntary release of urine.
  • Muscular weakness of the walls of the bladder. It develops in childhood, usually manifests itself in adolescents. Girls are slightly more likely to suffer from pathology than boys.
  • Recovery after surgery, childbirth. Most often, women who have had an abortion or caesarean section complain of dysuria. The symptom must be reported to the attending physician.

The rate of urination per day is not maintained if a person has a cold or flu. Aches all over the body, fever, runny nose and cough join the symptom. With the help of frequent trips to the toilet, the body tries to get rid of pathogens and their toxins. To enhance this healing effect, the patient should drink plenty of fluids and eat well.

Some people do not pay attention to the fact that they have pollakiuria, what it is becomes clear after deciphering the name of the disease. In Greek, "pollakis" means "often" and "uron" means "urine". The condition is characterized by frequent trips to the toilet, while the volume of urine remains within the normal range. The phenomenon may be the result of the action of the above physiological or pathological factors, but the symptom in any case requires an assessment by a specialist. Even when the patient does not feel pain and discomfort, and the quality of the discharge does not change, it is better to undergo a full diagnosis and make sure that everything is normal.

Principles of dealing with dysuria

Treatment of frequent urination is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You should not wait until it gets really bad, you need to respond to any changes in your condition quickly. In this case, most of the problems listed above will be solved by medication and other conservative treatment options. Sometimes, in order to get rid of the pathological condition, it is necessary to carry out sparing or intracavitary operations.

It is important to remember that malfunctions in the excretory system cannot be eliminated by reducing the volume of fluid consumed. The concentration of urine will rise sharply, because of which the urge will only become more frequent. The composition of the urine will change, which will create a risk of inflammation and infection.

You caught yourself thinking: "I often go to the toilet in a small way." This is a reason to listen carefully to yourself - if anything has changed in this important process and in general well-being.

  • urination has increased significantly;
  • the volume of urine has become much larger or smaller;
  • the color and consistency of urine became different (it became thicker, stained);
  • urination became painful;
  • there is an increased body temperature;
  • health worsens (headache, weakness, thirst, nausea, vomiting, etc.);
  • there is pain in the back, lower back.

If at least one of the above symptoms is noticed, then there is reason to worry, as this may well indicate the course of a dangerous disease.

Let's rule out the most obvious causes of this symptom. After all, if you often go to the toilet in a small way, and a few hours ago you drank more coffee, tea, beer, alcohol and other similar liquids, then what else was to be expected? This is a completely expected and normal reaction of the body.

When the ambient temperature is low or you have an alarming condition, it is quite normal to constantly want to go to the toilet in a small way.

Pregnancy is the very first thing a woman of reproductive age should check if her trips to the toilet have become more frequent.

When a patient says: “I often go to the toilet in a small way,” the doctor immediately checks to see if he has a “weak bladder” diagnosis and conducts an infection test.

If, shortly before the onset of an unpleasant symptom, there was a medication (diuretic, vitamin complexes, hormonal drugs or antibiotics), then a slight change in the frequency of urination and the appearance of this physiological fluid is quite natural.

In case you catch yourself thinking that I don’t just often go to the toilet in a small way, but I’m also thirsty, an inexplicable weakness, fatigue appeared, itching occurs on the mucous membranes (nose, eyes, genitals), unexpected, that is every reason to get tested for diabetes and diabetes insipidus.

Pain when urinating, cramps, frequent urge, but small volumes, most likely, signal inflammation or cystitis.

Urine of a strange color, the frequency of going to the toilet has changed dramatically, the whole process is accompanied by strange pains - it would be desirable to exclude a tumor in the genitourinary system (kidneys, bladder, all channels and vessels), inflammation of the prostate.

If you say at the appointment: “I often go to the toilet in a small way and I had diarrhea,” the doctor will reassure you and advise you to wait a while so that normal urination is restored. If this does not happen, then the cause is not dehydration.

Unusual can also tell a lot:

  • red, pink, brown, cloudy - the presence of blood gives a similar shade and may indicate that there is severe inflammation or even a neoplasm in the urinary system;
  • orange, rich yellow - this phenomenon can be observed after significant dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, or taking certain medications (antibiotics, vitamins, etc.);
  • brown of different shades, but transparent - there is an urgent need to exclude hepatitis;
  • blue, green - most likely, this is a reaction to what was drunk or eaten. Change the diet, cancel the drugs for a while (if possible) in order to know exactly the cause of the staining.

If the frequent urge to urinate has not gone away, the alarming symptoms have not disappeared, it's time to ring the bells and save your body. It is not worth joking with urinary, prostate and kidneys at all. Delay can even cost your life!

In no case should you self-medicate and waste precious time. And only when all the results of the tests are received, an accurate diagnosis is made, the recommendations of the doctor are listened to, it will be possible to decide whether to give preference to folk or drug treatment.