What is castor oil for hair used for? Beneficial effects on hair

Burdock and castor oil for hair growth in any condition can solve the vast majority of problems. But we will pay all our attention to castor oil. Do we know everything about its use in traditional medicine? Nosov’s book about Dunno, familiar from childhood, told all the kids that doctors treated all little people with honey and castor oil. But, if everyone has heard about the benefits of the first, then few have heard about the second. But it is used for constipation, for colds, against wrinkles, to strengthen nails, and to remove warts. This is far from full list. And we will learn in more detail about castor oil for hair growth, and talk about the amazing effect it has on a woman’s main adornment.

This remedy can be found in every pharmacy. Using castor oil for hair growth became possible because our great-grandmothers knew its value and preserved centuries-tested recipes.

What it is?

This product is obtained from castor bean seeds. The oil was used in medical purposes three thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt.

Many people find its smell unpleasant. But castor oil contains some acids that make it an excellent cosmetic product.

Useful “actions” of castor oil for hair

They are numerous:

  • nutrition, restoration, prevention of fragility;
  • enriching them with oxygen;
  • increased growth;
  • prevention of loss;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • reduction in fat content.

Methods of application

If you still have no idea how to use castor oil for hair growth , maybe it's time to find out?

One way to use castor oil for hair growth is to use it as a stand-alone remedy, the other is mixed with drugs that can improve its effect. Whatever you choose, castor oil helps with hair growth.

Various masks for hair growth with castor oil can relieve many problems. For your hair, it can act as a natural conditioner if you add one drop to your shampoo when washing your hair.

Castor oil is often used without any additives. It is rubbed into the hair roots. This the simplest way Apply castor oil for eyelash and hair growth. If you rub it into your bald spot regularly, hair will begin to appear. If you are affected by this problem, experience for yourself how castor oil for scalp hair growth effective.

Of course, you can use it this way, but there are a lot of recipes where castor oil is mixed with different medicinal drugs, which enhance its effect.

But first about important rules use of masks:

  • it should be rubbed into the skin;
  • It is not recommended to leave it on for a long time if the mask was applied to the entire length of the strands;
  • use twice a week, no more often, for a couple of months.

Recipes for the most popular masks

Almost always, the oil (mask) is rubbed into the scalp with your fingers, massaging for about half a minute. By the way, it’s better to heat up the castor oil. Usually the bottle is placed briefly in a cup of hot water.

Castor oil For rapid growth hair, their cure is used in many recipes. Every woman can choose any one, perhaps more than one, and then use it periodically. It is difficult to wash off hair, so it is better to use shampoo.

  • With honey and aloe juice. Take 1 teaspoon of castor oil and aloe, and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mixture is applied to the skin and strands and left on for 40 minutes.
  • With a decoction of herbs (you can use parsley or nettle. For half a glass of liquid you need 1 tablespoon of cast oil and an yolk. Rub into the skin, or on the hair. Leave for an hour.
  • With garlic. Take finely chopped garlic - half a teaspoon and 10-15 drops of castor oil. It is rubbed into the skin and lasts for half an hour.

Masks with castor oil for hair growth, according to reviews, are successfully used to strengthen hairline, as well as with intense hair loss.

  • With 90% alcohol. Take according to Art. spoon cast. oils and alcohol. Rub into skin. It is recommended to wrap your head in polyethylene to prevent the evaporation of alcohol and leave for 4 hours. Get rid of the smell by rinsing after washing in water with vinegar or lemon juice.
  • With onion. You need castor oil and juice squeezed from onions, 2 tablespoons each. Rub into the roots and leave for half an hour. Rinse off as described above.
  • With henna. You will need 1 tbsp. spoon cast. butter and 3 tbsp. spoons of henna). Apply to scalp. It is better to wrap it in cellophane and keep it for 40 minutes.

With this universal remedy split ends will no longer bother you. Usually this result is achieved with a compress, but masks are also used.

  • WITH vegetable oil. Take according to Art. spoon of each oil. Rub it into your skin and apply the remainder to your hair. This is washed off with a couple of eggs.
  • With glycerin and egg yolk. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons cast. oils, a teaspoon of glycerin and yolk. Rub it into the skin and distribute the residue through the hair. Leave for 40 minutes.

A mask that contains castor oil for hair growth, recipe could be anything. What’s remarkable is that even the first use brings an effect. Does castor oil help hair growth? Certainly.

Castor oil for hair growth in the photo:

How does castor oil affect hair? Castor oil has a beneficial effect on hair growth, since the composition of castor oil includes various beneficial components, including:

When using castor oil for hair at home, fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the scalp:

  • ricinoleic acid softens it, nourishes and heals minor injuries;
  • oleic and linoleic acid create a natural barrier on the skin that prevents infections and relieves inflammation;
  • palmitic acid helps the skin and bulbs recover faster.

Thanks to these properties, the scalp stops flaking (dandruff goes away), and various inflammations go away.

Hair follicles become more active and hair grows faster thanks to the application of a warm mask and massage movements, as these actions improve blood flow.

In addition, the oil nourishes the hairs themselves, “glues” split ends and prevents their reappearance, so they become silky, shiny and manageable.

How to use it?

How to use castor oil for hair growth? As masks, spray, serum. We'll talk about masks later. The spray gives your hair a vibrant, healthy shine and helps it grow. It's easy to prepare:

A serum made from castor and almond oils helps fight split ends. To do this, the components need to be mixed in equal proportions, heated in a water bath and applied to the ends. After half an hour, wash off.

This mixture “glues” the split hairs together and gives them shine.

Many girls wonder whether to apply castor oil to dry or wet hair? Simple and ancient way Using castor oil for hair growth - apply to dry hair. You can keep it on for as long as you like, but if you decide to use castor oil on your hair at night, it is better not to apply it to your skin, as it may clog your pores.

How to apply castor oil to hair? It’s better to make a tail, coat it with castor oil, wrap only that in a bag and go to bed like that. It is best to repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week.

IMPORTANT: Oil does not dissolve in water, so it is difficult to wash off. To do this, you need to be patient and try to first rid your hair of it using hot water, then use shampoo. After washing, rinse your hair cold water- this way the scales will “slam shut” and the hairs will be smooth.

Hair growth masks with castor oil at home

Here are some recipes with castor oil for hair growth that you can use at home.

It is optimal to use the oil and all presented castor masks for hair growth 2 times a week. Better not more often.

ATTENTION: You may be allergic to some elements, so before applying it is better to do a “test” on your wrist and wait at least 10 minutes.

How much will your hair grow? controversial issue. In the usual rhythm, hair grows by 1 centimeter per month. With the help of castor oil, growth can accelerate 2-3 times, for some even more. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Photos of application results

Using castor oil for hair growth - before and after photos:

So, castor oil is a proven remedy. This is not to say that it helps everyone, but you should definitely try recipes with castor oil for hair growth! Moreover, this miracle remedy costs a penny. In any case, you won't regret it.

Chic long hair- the dream of women and the object of attention of men. In the age of advertised salon procedures castor oil is superior in benefits to hair lamination, keratinization and botox. Masks based on castor oil attract at an affordable price and lack of a long list side effects. This grandmother's remedy has been around for centuries female beauty and has no intention of retiring.

Benefits of castor oil for hair

Speaking about castor oil, you need to note it vegetable origin. The oil is obtained from castor beans. It contains a mixture of triglycerides ricinoleic, linoleic and oleic acids. Complex composition oil allows it to have a comprehensive effect on hair, namely:

  • protect from negative impact environment;
  • influence the structure of the hair, making it dense, elastic and smooth;
  • saturate hair follicles vitamins and minerals;
  • restore after chemical exposure and prevent the appearance of split ends (as castor oil promotes the formation of keratin);
  • accelerate hair growth by activating blood circulation and intensively nourishing curls;
  • normalize the condition of the scalp, get rid of dryness and flaking.

Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor bean plant.

Thanks to wound healing properties and the shape of the castor bean leaf, similar to five, castor oil is also called the “palms of Christ.”

Ways to use castor oil

Castor oil will be more beneficial if you take into account the specifics of its use when deciding different problems hair condition.

For hair loss

In the fight against " seasonal molting» Castor oil can be used independently or as part of a mixture. ethnoscience offers the following application technology:

  1. Heat castor oil in a water bath to 37°C.
  2. Distribute it over the surface of the head and rub in with massaging movements.
  3. After application, you need to put a plastic bag on your head and wrap it in a scarf or towel for an hour and a half.
  4. It is recommended to wash off the oil 2 times with shampoo.

Mixtures for hair loss (applied to the roots):

  • 5 ml castor oil, 5 ml honey, juice of 1 onion, 1 yolk;
  • 20 ml castor oil, 20 ml lemon juice, 20 ml alcohol;
  • 20 ml castor oil, 20 ml olive oil, 1 yolk.

Video: restorative mask with castor oil at home

For dandruff

The racinolenic acid contained in castor oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which explains its effectiveness against dandruff. Heated castor oil should be applied and rubbed into the scalp. You can make the application process easier by mixing castor oil with less dense oils: olive or coconut. The procedure should be repeated twice a week. Keep the mask on your head for at least 20 minutes.

Anti-dandruff products (applied to the scalp):

  • 20 ml castor oil, 20 ml olive oil, juice of half a lemon;
  • 20 ml castor oil, 20 ml calendula tincture;
  • 5 ml castor oil, 5 ml sour cream, 5 ml honey, 2 cloves of grated garlic.

For split ends

There are two ways to use castor oil to restore damaged and dehydrated ends:

  1. First, the wrap: castor oil is applied to pure form using a comb over the entire length of the hair. It is important to coat every strand. You need to keep the oil under cellophane and a warm towel for at least an hour.
  2. Secondly, as an ingredient in a mask: using different components in a mixture will allow you to adapt to your hair type. The results will become noticeable after a month's course.

Remedies for split ends (apply only to the ends of the hair):

Applying a mask with castor oil will get rid of split ends

For hair growth

If your goal is to speed up hair growth, make it strong and healthy, it is better to leave castor oil overnight. Apply heated oil to dry hair, rubbing it into the head, thereby stimulating blood circulation.

By repeating the procedure 3 times a week, you will be able to significantly reduce the percentage of hair loss. When combined with rosemary oil, castor oil can stimulate hair growth of 3–5 cm per month.

Recipes for mixtures for hair growth (apply to the roots and along the entire length):

  • 40 ml castor oil, 20 ml honey, 1 egg;
  • 40 ml castor oil, 20 ml mustard oil, 20 ml olive oil;
  • 40 ml castor oil, 20 ml olive oil, 20 ml apple cider vinegar, 1 egg, pulp of half an avocado.

A mask based on castor oil, yolk and honey will enhance hair growth

With gray hair

Castor oil will only be effective when used in small amounts. gray hair. On late stages natural remedies useless. In terms of its effect on gray hair, a one-component castor oil mask is inferior to multi-component mixtures, the results of which will be noticeable after three months of regular use.

Mixtures for gray hair (should be applied to the hair roots):

  • 60 ml castor oil, 20 ml honey, 20 ml lemon juice;
  • 60 ml castor oil, 40 ml spoon of cognac, 40 ml honey, 60 ml pepper tincture, 1 yolk.

Video: properties and uses of castor oil

For baldness in men

You shouldn’t sound the alarm when you see a single hair on your pillow in the morning. However, if hair loss is more than 100 per day, you should be concerned. Men suffering from baldness can wipe their bald patches at night with a cotton pad soaked in castor oil or apply oil to the hair roots with massaging movements. For better effect It is worth adding dairy products or yolk to the mask. At an advanced stage of baldness, castor oil is used with alcohol and lemon juice. There will also be castor oil a great assistant in growing a beard.

Castor oil will allow those with sparse stubble to grow a beard

In the early stages of aviation, castor oil was used to lubricate aircraft engines. Today castor oil is used mainly for medicinal purposes.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can use castor oil to reduce hair loss. Check before applying allergic reaction: Apply oil to the crook of your elbow and wait 10 minutes. If itching or redness occurs, refuse the procedure. Do not use castor oil in a mixture with aggressive ingredients: onions, lemon, pepper.

Taking castor oil internally is dangerous for the health of expectant mothers.

Adding to Shampoo

Castor oil is difficult to wash off. By adding castor oil to your shampoo, you will get rid of this problem. To improve your curls, mix equal parts of shampoo, castor oil and burdock oil. For those with dry hair, the mixture can be used every time you wash your hair as it gets dirty. When washing oily hair It is better to do an interval of 3 days to reduce the work of the sebaceous glands.

Castor oil for different hair types

When choosing a mask recipe based on castor oil, pay attention to your hair type. Excessive enthusiasm in treating hair with castor oil can cause side effects.

For oily hair

Despite all the benefits of castor oil, people with increased fat content hair should be used with caution. Regular use of this folk remedy may lead to increased oil production by the sebaceous glands. Those with oily hair should use castor oil mixed with kefir for preventive purposes.

For those with oily hair, castor oil should be mixed with kefir.

For dry and brittle hair

People with dry hair can safely use masks based on castor oil. The procedures will strengthen the hair, give the hair the missing shine, and improve the structure. Castor oil will allow girls with dry brittle hair grow to the desired length. Works great in tandem with parsley juice.

For colored hair

Castor oil satisfies the need for color-treated hair to moisturize and nourish. Castor oil allows you to retain moisture in the structure of the curl. Returns fragile hair vitality without weighing them down. Castor oil can also be used in combination with henna for safe coloring. It is recommended to update the color no more than once a month.

Recipes with castor oil for hair.

Shiny and healthy hair shine is a “wealth” that not every girl can have for one reason or another. What beauties do to make their hair healthy and beautiful. Expensive cosmetics and procedures with cosmetics made using the latest technologies. But we must not forget about folk ways time-tested hair strengthening.

Castor oil has been famous since time immemorial therapeutic effect for weakened hair. Ancient recipes masks and rubs find their niche in modern cosmetology, despite the widespread introduction of innovative cosmetic products.

  • Castor oil (castor oil, castor oil) is a herbal gift for healthy hair. Weakened, falling out, dull hair under the influence of castor oil acquires beauty and well-groomed condition. Rubbing makes the curls shine and shine
  • Castor oil is a natural product without preservatives or artificial additives. It is extracted from the seed of a poisonous herbaceous shrub - castor bean with decorative leaves and fruits of extraordinary beauty, resembling prickly balls. Ricin, a poison found in the plant, is completely destroyed during the oil production process. Therefore, it does not have toxic properties, but on the contrary is effectively used in pharmaceuticals, in the production of cosmetics and in technology
  • Castor oil is the number one component in a variety of cosmetics. Anyone can improve their hair health at home, and castor bean oil will be an indispensable assistant.

Castor oil - affordable and cheap over-the-counter drug any pharmacy

It is introduced into the root hair zone and saturates the scalp with vitamins and compounds that help start the processes of renewal and growth.

Enriching hair follicles with nutrients and moisturizing hair are the main functions of castor oil.

Castor oil for oily hair, application

Rubbing a mixture of castor oil with warm kefir eliminates excess oil and regulates the functioning of hair follicles.

Recipe 1

The roots are treated with castor oil and low-fat kefir, taken in equal proportions, 30 minutes before washing the hair. The procedure removes oily hair.

Recipe 2

Castor oil with marigold tincture heals oily seborrhea. Calendula dries out the root zone and reveals antiseptic effect. The oil nourishes and prevents hair from drying out.

  • castor oil
  • marigold alcohol solution

Beat the mixture into the root zone 2 hours before washing.

Recipe 3

Rubbing according to this recipe normalizes the functioning of the glands of the hair follicles, removes oily shine, and makes hair healthier.

  • oatmeal powder - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  • yolk
  • juice from a lemon slice
  • vodka - 1 table. spoon
  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon

The rub ingredients are mixed. To give the composition the desired consistency, add warm mineral water as needed. Continue the procedure for half an hour.

Castor oil for dry hair, application

Recipe 1

  • castor oil - 1 tablespoon
  • raw yolk
  • juice of a small lemon

The root area is treated with the rubbing mixture. Tie your hair and let it sit for about an hour.

Recipe 2

  • chicken yolk - 2 pcs
  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon

The root zone is treated with a mass for rubbing, insulated and left for two hours.

Recipe 3

A mixture consisting of shampoo and healthy ingredients will help eliminate dryness and nourish your hair.

  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 teaspoon
  • shampoo - 2 teaspoons
  • juice from one small onion

All components of the mask are mixed and beaten in massage movements in the hair. The head is wrapped for an hour. The hair is washed and dried.

Recipe 4

Castor oil for split ends, application

Castor oil heals the ends of hair, especially split ends. It saturates the hair, giving it integrity and uniformity.

Treatments with castor oil will help restore split ends of hair after curling, using hot hair dryers, curling irons, straightening, dyeing and lightening hair

Raw egg yolks go well with oils: castor, olive, burdock, almond. Amino acids and vitamins of egg yolks (A, E, D) nourish and promote hair renewal, and oils restore its structure.

Recipe 1

  • olive oil - 1 table. spoon
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

All components are thoroughly whisked and applied warm to the hair. Cover with an insulating cap. The insulation effect can be enhanced by warming the head through the cap with a hot hairdryer. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 2

The mask according to this recipe strengthens, moisturizes and restores split ends of hair.

  • low-fat yogurt - 2 tablespoons
  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • lemon, orange or grapefruit zest - 1 teaspoon. spoon

Finely grate the citrus zest and add it to a well-beaten warm mass of castor oil, yogurt and raw yolk. The hair restoration session lasts 40 minutes under a warm towel.

Recipe 3

The mask evens out the thickness of the hair, restores damaged areas, and nourishes the hair follicles. This mask gives your hair shine, shine and a well-groomed appearance.

  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon
  • banana - half of the fruit
  • beer - 100 ml
  • raw yolk - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 teaspoon spoon

Beat the components of the mask into a homogeneous mixture (you can use a blender). The paste is rubbed into the hair and covered with something warm. After an hour, rinse off and lightly wash with shampoo until the beer smell disappears.

How to use castor oil for hair growth?

Environmental factors bad habits, unhealthy diet, frequent hair coloring, daily washing followed by drying with a hot hairdryer - all this has a detrimental effect on hair health.

Hair loss is the first sign of “unhealthy” hair. A complex of multivitamins and a course of masks will help strengthen, nourish and moisturize hair

Favorite recipes with castor oil for hair

A classic recipe for strengthening and restoring hair

Lubricate the hair and roots with heated castor oil, wrap it with a plastic cap and towel. The procedure is carried out before washing your hair, about an hour. The head is thoroughly washed with shampoo and dried without using a hairdryer.

An effective recipe for hair loss

In this mask, garlic and aloe leaves enhance the effects of castor oil on hair. Garlic increases blood circulation in the root zone and stimulates the appearance of new hair. Aloe leaves moisturize hair, nourish it with vitamins and regenerate damaged parts.

  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon
  • garlic clove paste
  • crushed aloe leaves (which have undergone two weeks of biostimulation in the refrigerator) - 1 table. spoon

The oil (warm) is mixed with chopped garlic cloves and finely chopped aloe leaves. Rub into hair roots and leave for 30 minutes, avoiding severe burning.

An effective way for hair growth

This “working” mask is very popular.

  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon
  • burdock oil - 1 table. spoon
  • cognac - 1 table. spoon
  • honey - 1 teaspoon
  • raw yolk - 1 pc.
  • colorless henna - 1 table spoon

A warm mixture prepared from the ingredients according to the list is used to treat the root zone of the hair, then all the hair. Wrap up in a warm cap. After an hour, wash it off.

Castor and almond oil mask, benefits

Dryness, brittleness and split ends of hair can be removed by doing a course of masks made from castor and almond oils. Almond oil will dilute the viscosity of castor oil, in addition, it will saturate the hair with vitamins and other useful components. Such masks produce a simply fantastic visual effect. become thick, voluminous and radiant.

Recipe 1

A mixture of castor and almond oils, taken equally, is distributed evenly over the entire head. Special attention Pay attention to applying the mask in the root zone and on split ends. The mixture is applied two hours before washing your hair.

Recipe 2

  • kefir - 1 glass
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • cocoa powder - 3 tables. spoons
  • almond oil - 1 table. spoon
  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon

The mixed components of the rub are evenly distributed over the head. First, the root area is treated, then the entire hair. Wrap your head and wash it off after an hour of exposure.

Recipe 3

  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • almond oil - 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • cognac - 1 table spoon
  • pharmaceutical preparation Dimexide - 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • raw yolk - 1 pc.

Beat the mixture until smooth and distribute over the roots. The recipe is universal for any hair type. Dimexide promotes rapid penetration of the mixture components into the hair follicles. After this procedure, the curls acquire a bright and shining color, become soft, and fit into any hairstyle.

The benefits of castor oil and kefir masks

To make your hair soft, shiny and strong, you need a course of treatments with castor oil, cognac and kefir.

Recipe 1

  • castor oil
  • kefir
  • cognac

An hour before washing, the hair is wiped with a mixture made from kefir, cognac and castor oil, taken equally.

Recipe 2

Cocoa contains many essential natural substances: vitamins, minerals, amino acids. In combination with castor oil, there is a positive trend in improving the hair structure and the appearance of new hair follicles.

  • kefir - 100 ml
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon
  • cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon. spoon

The components are whipped into a homogeneous paste and rubbed into the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse with water.

Recipe 3

The mask is suitable for all hair types. The procedure strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, gives shine and well-groomed hair.

  • low-fat kefir - 1 glass
  • castor oil - 1 table. spoon
  • honey - 1 teaspoon spoon

Half an hour before bathing, apply a warm mass of whipped rub ingredients. The hair is washed, dried and combed.

Castor oil with pepper for hair. Benefits and harms

Combination of castor oil and alcohol solution hot pepper- this is a “bomb” for increased growth and renewal of hair follicles. Herbal ingredients complement and enhance each other's effects.

Recipe 1

  • castor oil
  • pepper spray
  • marigold alcohol solution
  • squeezed onion juice
  • cognac

The components used are taken equally. Stir in raw yolk. The cosmetic mass is distributed over the hair and the roots are treated. Cover with a plastic cap and tie with a towel.

The procedure takes place within an hour, then the composition is washed off. A session of two rubs per week will restore hair renewal.

Recipe 2

Rubbing has a strengthening effect on the hair. Capsicin in pepper is irritating hair follicles, increasing blood circulation and “launching” the mechanism of renewal and appearance of new hair.

  • red pepper tincture - 1 table. spoon
  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • burdock oil - 1 teaspoon. spoon

Carefully treat the root area with the prepared solution and leave the procedure for up to half an hour.

An alcohol solution of red pepper has a strong burning and irritating effect. To avoid getting burned, it is recommended to use the tincture with caution. cosmetic procedures, maintaining the proportions of preparing the mask and the duration of the session

The use of castor oil in cosmetology is multifaceted. Availability and low price allows you to use this natural cocktail useful substances at home, without resorting to expensive cosmetics. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Inna: I have been using castor oil for more than two years. I massage my hair, treat my eyebrows and eyelashes with oil at night. I even add castor oil to face masks. The hair turned into “silk” and stopped falling out. My eyelashes have become thicker and my mascara covers them better. Castor oil vitamins improved facial skin.

Catherine: Castor oil for me is a storehouse of useful substances. I use it for hair loss with cognac and egg yolks. Simply - super! Castor oil for eyelashes is also indispensable and available home cosmetics. Satisfied!

Oksana: Procedures with castor oil, sunflower and camphor oils saved my curls from falling out and excessive dryness. I didn’t even expect to get such an effect!

And at the end there are some useful tips.

  1. Castor bean oil should be used for cosmetic sessions only after making sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction to the scalp
  2. The oil for rubbing should be transparent with a slightly yellowish tint.
  3. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to warm it up a little to a comfortable temperature. Warm oil becomes less thick and penetrates the hair follicles better. The heated medicinal mass begins to “work” faster
  4. Hair treated with a cosmetic cocktail with castor oil should be covered with a plastic cap and insulated.
  5. It is recommended to finish the procedure by rinsing your hair with a mint decoction to moisturize and shine your hair.
  6. Hair is characterized by its long-term growth, so it is possible to observe positive dynamics in hair health only after several healing sessions

At the end of the article you will find a pleasant bonus - a recipe for a spray to shine and protect your hair from negative factors.

Shake a glass of mineral water with two tablespoons of castor oil, saturate with 5 drops of your favorite essential oil(lemon, bitter orange, jasmine, rosemary). The lotion is placed in a container with a spray bottle.

Video: How to properly use castor oil for hair?

Castor oil is one of the leaders in its effectiveness in combating hair problems. Masks with castor oil help restore damaged hair structure, restore lost shine and silkiness, and eliminate dry scalp.

Action of castor oil

Castor oil is obtained by cold pressing from castor bean seeds, which contain up to 60% fatty oil. Castor bean oil is also called ricin oil. Latin name castor bean - Ricinus. Ricin oil is mainly composed of glycerides fatty acids: ricinoleic, linoleic, oleic. It also contains proteins.

Initially, castor oil was used in medicine as a laxative, as well as in the manufacture of ointments, liniments, and balms. Castor oil is practically no longer used as a laxative, but as a means to strengthen hair it is becoming increasingly popular.

Castor oil has the following properties:

  • absorbs well;
  • does not dry out;
  • does not create a film on the surface of the skin and hair;
  • has good softening and lubricating properties;
  • does not harden at room temperature;
  • does not have a pronounced odor;
  • deeply nourishes and moisturizes skin and hair.

Indications for using castor oil on the scalp and hair:

  • split ends of hair;
  • hair loss;
  • dry scalp and hair;
  • slow hair growth;
  • dandruff, flaking of skin;
  • weakened, thinning hair;
  • frequent hair coloring, perm, heat styling;
  • dull color, loss of shine of hair.

Castor oil is mainly used to prepare masks for dry hair, but sometimes it is necessary to restore the growth of hair that is prone to oily hair. In this case, components that reduce the activity are introduced into the mask composition. sebaceous glands: lemon juice, alcohol.

  1. To enhance penetration active substances into the hair and scalp, oil and other ingredients warm up slightly in a water bath.
  2. Apply a castor mask to dry hair If your head is wet, the mask will not be able to fully penetrate the hair structure.
  3. Hair should not be too dirty, but not perfectly clean either.; best option, if the hair was washed a couple of days before the procedure.
  4. After applying the mask, cover the head with cellophane, or put on a plastic swimming cap; a terry towel can be placed on top to enhance the thermal effect.
  5. The average exposure time of a castor mask on dry and normal hair is 60 minutes, some formulations are applied overnight.
  6. Wash off the mask with hot water and shampoo, soap your hair several times.

Mask recipes

For dry and normal hair

  • Classical. Heated castor oil is evenly applied to the hair and rubbed into the roots. You can make it easier to distribute the oil through your hair using a comb.
  • To enhance shine:
    • Beat the raw yolk with two tbsp. l. castor oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil.
    • Combine equal amounts of oils: jojoba, grape seed, castor.
  • For hair growth:
    • Mix ricin and burdock oils in half.
    • In one art. l. castor oil add two drops each of rosemary and orange oils.
    • Mix a tablespoon of crushed dry dandelion roots, burdock, sage herb, and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 60 minutes. After an hour, the infusion is filtered through gauze, the remaining medicinal raw materials are transferred to gauze and squeezed thoroughly. The resulting infusion is combined with 2 tbsp. l. castor bean oils.
  • Nutritious. Beat the raw yolk with 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tbsp. l. ricin oil.
  • Moisturizing. 2 tbsp. l. homemade curdled milk is mixed with a tablespoon of castor oil, egg yolk and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed onion juice.
  • For split ends. Castor oil is mixed 1:2 with olive oil, rub into the ends of your hair at night.
  • For dandruff. Grind a tablespoon of parsley seeds in a coffee grinder, pour in 3 tbsp. l. castor oil, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes in a closed container, then leave for 30 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into a dark glass bottle, and stored in the refrigerator. Every three days the product is rubbed into the scalp.
  • For hair loss:
    • One teaspoon of honey is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. ricin oil, 100 ml of onion juice, 3 drops of pine essential oil.
    • 3 tbsp. l. tinctures capsicum mixed with 2 tbsp. l. castor oil
  • For increased fragility:
    • The pulp of one avocado is ground into puree, combined with 3 tbsp. l. ricin oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.
    • Combine 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, honey and onion puree from fresh onions with 2 tbsp. l. crushed aloe leaf.
  • Vitamin. To 1 tbsp. l. Add three capsules of castor bean oil to the “Aevit” solution (sold in a pharmacy; the solution must first be squeezed out of the capsules).
  • Restorative. A tablespoon of pressed yeast is diluted warm water until creamy consistency, combine with 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tsp. honey, raw chicken yolk.

For hair prone to oiliness

Masks with castor (ricin) oil on hair prone to oiliness are used once a week, after application they are kept for no more than half an hour.

The water for rinsing off the mask composition should not be too hot, the shampoo should be selected according to your hair type; at the end the hair is rinsed cool water or decoction oak bark, nettle, yarrow.

  • Combine castor oil, lemon juice, vodka 1:1.
  • Grind fresh parsley in a blender (or grind it in a meat grinder). 3 tbsp. l. chopped greens mixed with 1 tbsp. l. ricin oil and a teaspoon of cognac.
  • Combine a tablespoon of castor oil, burdock oil and lemon juice.
  • 100 ml (half a glass) of sour kefir is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. castor oil.

The effect of masks with castor oil is visible after the first use: hair becomes softer and easier to comb. Lasting result of use castor masks appears after 2–3 weeks: hair begins to grow faster, acquires a healthy shine and smoothness, and the hairstyle becomes fuller.