Everything you need to know about lip care! Moisturizing for lips: vitamins, care and home cosmetics.

This vitamin is especially important for lips. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the skin becomes dry and rough, loses elasticity. Vitamin A helps to improve the regenerative abilities of the skin and stimulates the production of collagen. If you feel that your lips have become dry, then buy a solution of vitamin A in oil from a pharmacy and apply it instead of a balm several times a day. This is very good remedy which will help to quickly restore the skin of the lips.

But a lot also depends on nutrition. The daily requirement of vitamin A for an adult is 1 mg. It is contained in in large numbers carrots, cabbage, bell pepper, pumpkin and greens. Pro-vitamin A is rich in red fruits and orange flowers, black currant and wild rose. Include these foods in your diet and soon you will notice that the lips have become softer and no longer flake so much, and the skin of the face will certainly improve noticeably.

It is also important in what form you use the products. It is desirable that they not be subjected to heat treatment, during which most useful substances disappear. AT winter time to replenish vitamin A in the body, you need to eat iso-buckthorn or currant jam, eggs and homemade butter.

B vitamins against irritation

Due to a lack of B vitamins in the body, inflammation may appear in the area of ​​the lips and on the lips themselves, the skin becomes irritated, and redness appears. That is why, usually when sores and sores appear on the lips (they are also called jams), it is very often advised to drink a course of brewer's yeast, because they are the richest source vitamin B. It is recommended to drink brewer's yeast in spring and autumn, when the body is weakened and a lack of vitamin B can be felt quite acutely.

In addition to brewer's yeast, B vitamins are also rich in fresh fish, liver, oat flakes and flour, cheese, pumpkin seeds, sour cream and kefir. Pro-vitamin B5, especially important for lips, is rich in peas, milk, cauliflower and hazelnuts. This vitamin (its second name is panthenol) promotes the healing of cracks, removes inflammation and redness. Panthenol can also be found in the composition of many medical and cosmetic products (balms, masks, etc.).

Vitamin E for youthful lips

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, many even call it the "fountain of youth". What is it good for the skin of the lips? First, it normalizes water balance preventing dryness and flaking. Well, and secondly, it increases the elasticity of the skin and stimulates cell renewal, thanks to which the lips become soft and smooth very quickly, cracks and other microtraumas stop bothering you.

To replenish this substance, eat cold-pressed olive oil. It is a generous source of not only vitamin E, but also vitamin A. Moreover, it is best to use oil in its natural form, adding it to salads, since most of the nutrients disappear during frying. Vitamin E is found in slightly smaller amounts in sunflower and corn oil, as well as in eggs, green onions and legumes.

Vitamin C for lip firmness

Vitamin C, like vitamin E, is an antioxidant. Onem is generally often referred to as the most important vitamin for the health and beauty of not only the skin, but the whole body. Due to a lack of vitamin C, the lips become dry, even a little flabby, often chapped, you feel that the skin in this area is not at all as soft as before.

In order to make up for the lack of vitamin C in the body, drink rosehip broth, because it contains several times more than citrus fruits. This element is also included in large quantities in black currants, oranges, lemons, grapefruits and red sweet peppers. Since vitamin C quickly begins to break down in the air, dishes should be prepared immediately before consumption. If you are a fan of herbal medicine, then we advise you to pay attention to nettle, as it contains a lot of not only vitamin C, but also iron.

In this article, we talked only about the most important vitamins that are simply necessary for the health and beauty of your lips. But only they should not be limited, because our body regularly needs good nutrition. In addition to vitamins, other elements are also needed for healthy lips. For example, lips really need ceramides, which are contained in large quantities in soybean oil. They eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, so they are often found in the composition of medical and cosmetic products.

Many have jams, cracks on the lips, they bother at any age. Sometimes the wounds are so deep that they begin to bleed. Because of this, it becomes difficult to speak, eat food, once again it is difficult to open your mouth. Draw your attention to, this problem not so much cosmetic as internal. Some begin to lubricate them with cream, thinking that everything is due to frost, wind, heat. In fact, problems with the lips indicate malfunctions in the immune system. It is worth noting when a red border appears on the lips, while they crack very strongly, peel off - this indicates that it is time to be examined by a doctor.

Why do lip problems occur?

Can be distinguished external factors that negatively affect the lips: bad weather, dry air in the room. As a rule, in winter, heating negatively affects the skin of the lips.

Lips suffer the most from dust, chlorinated water, which flakes the skin. Bad habits also have a negative effect, for example, girls who smoke, are fond of spicy, sour foods, and hot, icy drinks often have problems with their lips.

Almost all external causes are closely related to internal ones. If a person does not drink enough water, his skin is severely dehydrated, and the liver, stomach, and intestines also suffer. An allergic reaction can lead to poor-quality cosmetics, unbalanced nutrition, hypovitaminosis.

The main blow is experienced by the skin after the experienced stress. Surely you have noticed when you are very nervous, your lips begin to crack, blush, peel off.

vitamin deficiency

Most often, lips suffer when there is not enough vitamin B, A, E, C. It is worth noting that vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is especially important, as well as B3 ( a nicotinic acid). These substances are found in dried white mushrooms, kidneys, liver, as well as egg powder, milk powder. There is a lot of vitamin B2 in cream, almonds, feta cheese. Vitamin B3 is part of sunflower seeds, peanuts, wheat bran, tuna, as well as rabbit meat, turkey, mackerel, soy, sesame.

There is a lot of vitamin A in carrots, beef liver, red mountain ash, egg powder, as well as in parsley, dried apricots, and unsalted butter.

Vitamin E is essential for the body. Sufficient quantity substances are found in nuts, sunflower oil, wheat bran, as well as in canned fish - sprats, mackerel. In order to avoid problems with lips, you need to enrich your body with foods with vitamin C. There is a lot of it in sea buckthorn, rosehip, blackcurrant, watercress, parsley, and also in fruits - in cherry plum, apricot, orange.

Separately, it must be said about vitamin F, it is essential for normal metabolism. In the event that the vitamin is not enough, eczema, acne, blackheads appear on the skin, the lips begin to dry out, cracks appear on them. You can buy a special balm, hygienic lipstick, which contains vitamin F. Cosmetics have an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly heal wounds, cracks, ulcers. A sufficient amount of the substance is found in nuts, linseed, rapeseed oils, as well as in sea fish, dried fruits. Additionally, you can take drugs with vitamin F: Zinaxin, Norvesol, Omacor.

A popular drug that is used for beriberi, hypovitaminosis is Aevit. This is enough effective remedy, you can additionally use it with Aevit lipstick.

Vitamins for meals

- a common ailment in which the corners of the mouth become inflamed. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, red spots will go all over the face. In addition, the problem arises not only due to hypovitaminosis, but also due to an allergic reaction, mechanical irritation, fungal infection, and diabetes mellitus. Therefore, in case of a disease, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, as well as an endocrinologist.

With frequent it is necessary to analyze your diet. Try to enrich the menu with zinc, iron. To do this, include in the menu seaweed, lentils, high-quality cheese, Pine nuts.

In an advanced case, it is necessary to use creams, ointments, pastes. Synthomycin is especially helpful, Zinc ointment, with its help you can relieve inflammation, heal wounds, get rid of fungus, microbes.

You can quickly remove inflammation, moisturize your lips, and also improve the metabolic process with Bepanten. Cream Boro-plus contains extracts medicinal plants heals wounds quickly.

A safe drug that has an analgesic effect is Solcoseryl. It can be used by pregnant women and small children.

Folk remedies

Lot different vitamins found in vegetable oil - in olive, sunflower, as well as in lemon, fatty sour cream. Additionally, prepare yourself a lip mask: lemon juice(3 drops) + sour cream (teaspoon) + oil (5 drops). Mix everything thoroughly, apply on wet lips, hold for about 15 minutes.

Prepare a gruel from a green apple, mix it with butter, ghee. Thus, it will turn out to quickly get rid of peeling, cracks. Try to apply the product in the morning and evening.

Honey heals lips very well. It is especially useful to use it with fresh fruit, vegetable juice. If the mixture is applied before going to bed, it will become easier in the morning.

So, cracks on the lips - common problem. To keep your lips soft, first of all, take care of your health. Also use all kinds of external means. You should not save on cosmetics, it is better to have one high-quality lipstick than a cheap product that can lead to allergies and irritation. Stay always the most beautiful!

Cracks and jams on the lips bother and torment so many people: they happen to men and women, teenagers and children of any age. Sometimes they are quite deep and can bleed: it is uncomfortable to eat, it is difficult to talk, and sometimes you don’t even want to open your mouth “once again”.

These problems are by no means cosmetic: as a rule, the lips first begin to dry - we attribute this to the weather (wind, frost, heat), lubricate them with cream and try “not to sharpen them - it will pass by itself”. Indeed, weather phenomena affect the condition of the skin, including lips, but now dryness, cracks and seizures are very often the result of pathological conditions and serious disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.

Lips with a red "border", cracked and flaky - this is an alarm signal: you need to urgently figure out "what, why and how", and be treated as soon as possible.

What badly affects the condition of the lips

Lips perceive absolutely everything that affects them from the outside and from the inside.

To the main external reasons include the already mentioned weather, which changes especially sharply, and dry air in offices, apartments and other premises - in winter, central heating dries the skin more than summer heat.

Drying dust has a negative effect on the lips - in the city it is felt more strongly; frequent washing with chlorinated tap water - the skin quickly begins to peel off; bad habits - now they often smoke even young girls; addiction to sour and spicy foods, cold and hot drinks and malnutrition generally.

External causes are closely related to internal ones.

If we drink little water, the skin of the whole body becomes dehydrated; most various diseases- affects the gastrointestinal tract and the liver, kidneys and thyroid develop anemia, diabetes, and allergies ( toothpaste and low-quality cosmetics are also often the cause allergic reactions); malnutrition, coupled with bad habits, leads to hypovitaminosis, sometimes severe.

Stresses, from which you can’t hide, strike at our skin constantly (and the skin of the lips is thin and vulnerable): from “shakes” and “shocks”, cells lose vitamins and minerals in huge quantities and very quickly, in a few hours.

Vitamins for youth and beauty of lips

Everything in your diet should be necessary substances, but lips react most acutely to a lack of vitamins A, E, C, F and group B.

Let's start with vitamin B

From group B, riboflavin - vitamin B2, and nicotinic acid - B3 (PP) are especially important. Both the first and the second are rich in dried white mushrooms, beef liver and kidneys, milk powder, egg powder; also B2 is cream, feta cheese, almonds; B3 - peanuts, sunflower seeds, tuna, wheat bran, turkey meat (chicken, rabbit), mackerel (mackerel, salmon, herring, squid), sesame, soybeans, etc.

Where to get vitamin A

A “storehouse” of vitamin A is cod liver oil (2500% of the daily requirement in 100 g) and its liver itself, beef liver, carrots, red rowan, eel, egg powder and yolk chicken egg, parsley (celery, dill, spinach), melted and unsalted sweet butter, dried apricots.

Highly important vitamin E for youthful lips

Vitamin E - sunflower oil, seeds, many nuts, wheat bran and some canned fish (mackerel, sprats); vitamin C - great amount berries (rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant), herbs (parsley, dill, watercress), vegetables (sweet peppers, cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)), herbs (dandelion), fruits (apricot, quince, cherry plum, pineapple, orange) and dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

Without vitamin F, lips dry and crack

Of particular note is vitamin F. This is the name of essential fatty acids, or PUFAs: normal metabolism is impossible without them. If this vitamin is not enough, the skin suffers noticeably (acne, acne, eczema, etc.), and the lips dry and crack. There are even lipsticks and balms with vitamin F - for example, the Russian company Librederm. Products are sold in pharmacies; have an anti-inflammatory effect, heal cracks, wounds and sores.

Vitamin F enters the body from outside; rich in vegetable oils (sunflower, linseed, soybean, rapeseed), nuts, some cereals and dried fruits, fish oil and fatty (bold) sea ​​fish. If necessary, add vitamin F preparations: Omacor, Zinaxin Omega-3, Norvesol, Ajivita, etc.

If prescribed by a doctor, you can and should take pharmacy vitamins for lips, but you should not do it only with them: remember that the substances received by the body with ordinary food are absorbed much more fully and better. However, among women, the drug Aevit is popular, usually prescribed for hypo- and avitaminosis A and E. It is very cheap and quite effective, but overdoses should not be allowed: many side effects, including dangerous for health and life. There is also Aevit lipstick - you can use it in combination or separately.

Generally important right choice any lipstick: it should be as natural as possible, moisturize in summer, and protect from frost and wind in winter.

Which vitamin deficiency causes seizures

Experts call the disease angulitis, which means inflammation of the corners of the mouth (angulus oris - the corner of the mouth in Latin), and note the necessity of treatment: the disease can “go further” and red spots will cover the entire face. In addition, the causes of the problem can be not only hypovitaminosis, mechanical irritation or oral allergies, but also the effects of drugs, fungal infection, diabetes. Therefore, the disease is treated different doctors, from dermatologist to endocrinologist.

If no special problems are found, the diet should be analyzed: lack of vitamin B2 (it is mentioned above) is the most common cause jam on the lips. The lack of zinc and iron can also cause the formation of jam. Drink cocoa, eat sesame and wheat bran, seaweed, morel mushrooms, lentils, pine nuts, and quality cheese (Dutch, Swiss, cheddar, gouda, etc.).

With pronounced angulitis, in parallel with natural vitamins needed and pharmaceutical products: ointments, creams, pastes. Ointments like zinc and synthomycin are simple and effective: they eliminate inflammation and heal, protect against microbes and fungus.

What creams will help lips?

Bepanten has not only anti-inflammatory, but also moisturizing and regenerating effect, improves metabolic processes. It is widely used to treat skin diseases on any part of the body, including the lips.

Boro-plus is a cream with extracts of medicinal plants, an excellent antiseptic that quickly heals wounds. Ideal for treating problem lips.

Solcoseryl, safe drug in the form of a paste with analgesic effect, suitable even for small children and pregnant women.

Folk vitamin recipes

Almost all of the listed lip vitamins are found in vegetable oils (preferably sunflower or olive), fatty sour cream and lemon. Lip mask: sour cream (1 tsp), lemon juice and oil (3-5 drops each) are thoroughly mixed, applied to wet lips and kept for 20 minutes. Remove with a slightly damp warm cloth.

Green apple gruel (1/2 tsp) mixed with melted butter relieves peeling and heals cracks. Apply (to the corners of the lips when seizing) for 15 minutes in the morning and evening.

Honey is an excellent medicine for lips, alone and in mixtures. Mix it with freshly squeezed juice of any fruit or vegetable and apply it on your lips at night - it will be noticeably better by morning.

Beta-carotene - provitamin A, rose hips, apricots, black currants, orange and red fruits are rich; Vitamin A is fat soluble and is abundant in animal products such as liver, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, butter, and fish oil.

All these products are best eaten fresh, and not subjected to heat treatment, if you can do without it. Of course, in winter we have little fresh berries, so eat homemade jam - from currants, sea buckthorn, etc., fresh butter, cook dishes from offal and eggs.

Vitamin A is essential for lips to keep them soft and supple.– it stimulates collagen synthesis and regeneration processes in skin cells; nutritionists warn that excess vitamin A can lead to the same problem - lips will be rough and chapped, but this applies pharmaceutical preparations of this vitamin - get an overdose from food when balanced diet hardly possible.

B vitamins for the beauty and health of lips

Lack of B vitamins causes inflammation and irritation of the skin of the lips, and cracks and sores appear in the corners - the so-called jams. There are many vitamins of this group, and a variety of products are rich in them, so a varied menu will quickly help to fill their deficiency. Pay attention to fresh fish, cheese, eggs, liver, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, oat flour, wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, brewer's yeast.

Panthenol, provitamin B5, is considered very important for lips from this group.. It is often added to lip balms and other medical cosmetics for the lips, as it relieves redness, irritation and inflammation, heals cracks, accelerates cell regeneration processes and moisturizes delicate skin. There is a lot of panthenol in peas, hazelnuts, cauliflower, buckwheat, oatmeal and milk.

Vitamins F, E and C - active antioxidants, and are needed not only by the lips - they are necessary for the entire body to maintain complete health.

Vitamin F for the beauty and health of lips

Vitamin F is a set of unsaturated fatty acids , and his daily rate- 5-10 mg. In case of metabolic disorders (and this often happens with us), it needs 5-10 times more, so you should try to include different vegetable oils in the menu, alternating them in the diet - this is linseed oil, cedar, soybean, olive, sunflower, peanut, corn - they have more vitamin F; in smaller quantities it is found in sesame, safflower, rapeseed, hemp oils. It is necessary to use these oils without heat treatment - otherwise there is no point in doing this at all, since vitamin F will be destroyed. Drizzle them over salads, appetizers, cold sauces and dressings, and don't keep oils in clear plastic bottles in the light - store in the refrigerator, or in a cool dark place, in dark glass bottles.

Sources of vitamin F are also: fish fat and fatty sea fish; from herbal products- nuts, seeds, brown rice, oatmeal, avocados, corn; herbs - borage, evening primrose, hodgepodge.

Vitamin E for the beauty and health of the lips

Vitamin E not only protects cells, but also long time maintains water balance in the skin- it does not allow moisture to evaporate through the outer layer of the skin. Like vitamin F, it is found in oils - sunflower, corn, soybean, cottonseed; soy, nuts, legumes, cereals, eggs, liver, wholemeal bread, green onions, apricots, peaches. Many cosmetic companies now produce lipsticks and balms with vitamin E, and these are also worth using - they protect the skin of the lips, soften it and smooth it.

Vitamin E and Vitamin C work very effectively together., so it is good to combine products containing them when cooking.

Vitamin C for the beauty and health of lips

Vitamin C is talked about as the most important, but all vitamins are important; we just need a lot of vitamin C - much more than others. In the body, it is not synthesized, but is destroyed quickly - especially during stress, stress and disease, and in products it does not last long. That is why all experts recommend eating fruits and vegetables as raw as possible, and best of all - freshly picked, because vitamin C is "afraid" of light, and heat, and cold, and open air, and metal, and water - in general, everything. Do not prepare salads in advance, and never cut fruits at all - let everyone cut them himself, if necessary, right at the table.

There is no need to eat synthetic ascorbic acid - there is a lot of vitamin C in products, and in winter you can eat dried fruits, brew rose hips, other dried berries, herbs - this vitamin is preserved in dried form, and besides, in natural products he is not alone - there are many useful substances.

Rose hips, black currants and red bell peppers contain the most vitamin C; then come horseradish, green peppers, cauliflower, sorrel and strawberries, citrus fruits and radishes. In other fruits, berries and vegetables - peaches, bananas, apricots, cherries, cranberries, lingonberries, melons, raspberries, apples, gooseberries, red currants, zucchini, green salad, cucumbers, turnips, radishes, peas, onions, tomatoes, spinach, white cabbage, potatoes - this vitamin is less, but if you constantly use them, alternating and combining in your menu, then there will definitely not be a lack of it. Of herbs, nettle is very rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C, like vitamins A and B, stimulates collagen synthesis. Why is it so important for the skin of the lips, as well as for the health of the whole organism, its “cooperation” with vitamin E? Vitamin C is the main antioxidant of the aqueous phase, and vitamin E is the main antioxidant of the lipid phase. What does this mean?

It is known that vitamin C is water-soluble, and vitamin E is fat-soluble, so the former cannot protect cell membranes from free radicals - because they are fatty. AT cell membranes vitamin E works, but there it manages to oxidize itself, fighting radicals, and vitamin C restores it safely - that's why it is so important to combine these vitamins in the diet.

Excellent free radical protection with a combination of stabilized vitamin C- ascorbyl palmitate, with vitamin E, and today many cosmetics manufacturers use this combination as an antioxidant, preservative, whitening and nutritional component. Such cosmetics actively protect the skin and prevent UV radiation from destroying cells, therefore, when buying lip care products, you should look for ascorbyl palmitate in their composition.

We have only talked about some vitamins here, but lips need them all - way and in small quantities, but regularly. Along with vitamins, our skin should receive micro and macro elements, proteins and fats - for example, ceramides that protect the skin from drying out, prevent flaking and sagging - there are a lot of them in soybean oil, and cosmetics with them are also useful for the lips.

Love your lips - don't bite or lick them; use home care products regularly; feed them properly - eat well and buy only natural and high-quality cosmetics, but do not forget to take it off at night. Remember that no normal man can resist the soft and tender female lips.

With the onset of cold weather, our lips have a hard time. They do not tolerate a constant temperature drop, exposure to cold winds and heated rooms.

Not on the lips sebaceous glands, which could soften and moisturize the skin, so when we are in the cold, the skin of the lips begins to lose its moisture, blood circulation slows down and dryness appears, and with it, peel off. We also call this phenomenon -.

And when the lips become dry, many people have an irresistible desire to moisturize them, and they begin to diligently lick them, which only exacerbates the problem. The lips begin to dry even more, the cracks get bigger, and we also try to bite off the lagging pieces of skin with our teeth, causing even more suffering to the lips, as the wounds get deeper and deeper. And the further we pull, the more difficult it will be to cure chapped lips.

To prevent chapped lips...

  • Try to get rid of this bad habit like lip licking.
  • During the heating season, use indoor humidifiers;
  • During a cold, with nasal congestion, try to keep the nose always clear, as breathing through the mouth also dries the lips;
  • - one of the signs of vitamin deficiency. If you have this particular problem, include foods containing vitamin B in your daily diet.
  • Before going outside, lubricate your lips with a special moisturizing balm or cream, and in warm weather, use sunscreen lip balm.

If prevention does not help, and your lips are already chapped, suggests folk recipes treatment.

Chapped lips care

First of all, it is necessary to remove pieces of lagging skin from the surface of the lips, which are terribly irritating, and you want to chew them with your teeth. But you shouldn't do it. There is a softer way -:

  • Lip peeling with honey.

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with a pinch of sugar, apply on the skin of the lips and begin to slowly massage for 2 minutes. You can take pure honey and make a 2-minute massage with patting movements of your fingers on the lips.

  • Peeling lips with Vaseline.

We apply a little Vaseline on the skin of the lips and with patting movements of the fingers we make a small massage for 1-2 minutes. Then wipe the Vaseline with a cloth dipped in warm water.

After you have cleansed the surface of the lips, you can apply a moisturizing lip mask.

1 st. spoon fat cottage cheese dilute a little with cream and put the resulting slurry on the lips. Keep the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • Olive oil lip mask.

After you have cleaned the surface of the lips, lubricate them olive oil(or any other vegetable oil). After such a mask, the skin of the lips becomes very soft and supple.

  • Cucumber lip mask.

Can be a great lip moisturizer. It is enough to grate it on a fine grater and apply gruel on the skin of the lips for 10-15 minutes.

  • Vitamin E for lips.

Buy vitamin E in capsules at the pharmacy and lubricate the surface of your lips with it daily and then no cold and frost will be terrible for you.

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