Rules for contacting a doctor in the event of papillomatosis. Which doctor to contact for different papillomas Which doctor deals with HPV

The appearance of various growths, papillomas or warts on the human body is associated with the penetration of the papillomavirus into the body. Neoplasms occur on the surface of the skin, mucous membranes, intimate areas. A benign change in the epithelium can become malignant over time. The detection of such growths gives reason to immediately consult a doctor who will help clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment regimen.

If the patient first encounters the appearance of growths of an incomprehensible nature, it is important to get qualified help from a specialist. Self-removal of formations with the help of folk remedies or treatment with pharmaceutical preparations without a doctor's appointment is fraught with aggravation of the patient's condition. There is also a high probability of further spread of papillomas throughout the body and mucous membranes.

Diagnosis of the disease

Which specialist treats HPV in women and men depends on the location, as well as on the threat of malignancy of the neoplasms. During the visit, the doctor will conduct a visual examination of the papillomas, listen to the patient's complaints about the soreness of the growths. To identify HPV in the body, diagnostic measures are carried out, including histological and cytological examination of tissues to exclude oncology, polymerase chain reaction analysis to determine the type and concentration of viral cells. A woman needs an examination by a gynecologist, which includes scraping the vaginal mucosa, colposcopy and a possible biopsy of the cervix if cancer cells are suspected.

Women are more susceptible to the disease, but the risk of developing tumors due to the development of HPV also exists in the opposite sex. Men need to see a doctor if the neoplasms grow on the genitals, while they have the shape of a cockscomb or cauliflower.

General principles for visiting doctors for HPV

For an initial examination of papillary growths on the body, patients of either sex should visit a general practitioner or dermatologist. These specialists will visually inspect the formations, make a primary diagnosis and refer them to highly specialized doctors: an ophthalmologist, a dentist, an oncologist, a surgeon.

Localization of genital warts in the female intimate area gives grounds to consult a gynecologist. If the anogenital zone is affected in men, HPV is treated by a urologist, andrologist or proctologist. It must be remembered that the appearance of genital warts in the vagina, on the penis or in the anus area indicates that the infection has occurred sexually. In this case, it is advisable for the sexual partner to contact a dermatovenereologist.

Since the activation of papillomavirus occurs against the background of weakened defenses, the patient is additionally referred to an immunologist. This specialist prescribes treatment aimed at strengthening the body and preventing the spread of HPV in the blood of a person.

Examination by narrow specialists

Successful treatment of papillomavirus depends on the practical experience and qualifications of doctors who are treated by patients with detected papillomas, warts or condylomas. Therapy consists in removing external growths and taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Indications for the removal of neoplasms depend on the place of their localization and the risk of injury, the degree of oncogenicity of the strain. Incorrectly selected procedures and medications can lead to incomplete recovery from the virus and possible relapses.


The area of ​​responsibility of a dermatologist includes skin diseases. This specialist selects treatment for patients with HPV if the growths are located on the face, neck, under the armpits, palms, feet, abdomen or back. The doctor determines the necessary diagnostic procedures, and can also independently remove the wart by cryodestruction or the radio wave method with its small size. If papillomavirus manifests itself on the genitals or in the oral cavity, the dermatologist does not determine the treatment regimen, but only performs a superficial examination.


Genital warts or papillomas in women in intimate areas are often found during a routine examination by a gynecologist. The doctor examines the external and internal genital organs, takes the necessary smears to determine the type of papillomavirus and identify the risk of oncogenicity. The appearance of formations on the vaginal mucosa can provoke the development of dysplasia, and subsequently cervical cancer. In order to prevent the degeneration of pathological cells, the gynecologist may decide on the need for complete removal of growths. Additionally, the doctor has the right to prescribe drug therapy.


If papillomavirus growths in a single or multiple quantity are formed on the male genital organ, in this case the urologist treats the papillomavirus. After the examination, the necessary tests are scheduled, after receiving the results, a decision is made on the method of removing neoplasms and preventive medication. In addition to the urologist, an andrologist deals with issues of men's health and the diagnosis of diseases of an intimate nature.


The treatment of papillomavirus, which manifested itself in the anus zone, is carried out exclusively by the proctologist. The specialist conducts an examination by the method of colposcopy of the rectum. Based on the results of the procedure, the doctor receives information about the degree of damage to the anus, the size and number of neoplasms that have grown.

A few hours before visiting the proctologist, the patient needs to cleanse the intestines through an enema or by taking laxatives. If bleeding occurs from the anus, preparatory procedures should be canceled due to the high risk of injury to the rectal mucosa and aggravation of the patient's physical condition.


In addition to traditional dental treatment, the help of a dentist is necessary if HPV in the form of growths is localized on the inside of the cheeks, on the tongue or under it, in the oral cavity, on the gums. Papillomavirus is able to settle on the palatine uvula and in the larynx. The doctor, after a visual examination and tests, confirms the diagnosis, prescribes treatment. The danger of this localization of HPV is that the resulting growths often bleed. To remove papillomas, you may need the help of a surgeon who can perform the necessary manipulations without side effects.

In the case of a deep location of neoplasms (with damage to the respiratory tract), a preliminary examination is carried out by an otolaryngologist.


If the papillomavirus manifests itself as single or multiple warts on the eyelid, a doctor specializing in eye diseases is consulted for advice. The operation is performed in the ophthalmology department, if there is a need to remove the build-up.

A doctor of this specialization helps to remove papillomas that are benign in nature. If a patient is scheduled to have a wart removed, it is essential to find a doctor with good practical experience to minimize the risk of wart reappearance. Depending on the place of removal of growths, the doctor uses one of the following hardware techniques:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • laser removal;
  • cauterization with chemical compounds.


Treatment by an oncologist is carried out when a highly carcinogenic HPV strain is found in the body of a man or woman and if there is a risk of the neoplasm degenerating into a cancerous tumor due to trauma, discoloration, severe bleeding or growth. In this case, a serious operation is required, which consists not only in getting rid of the external manifestation of HPV. The only possible method of removing carcinomas and adjacent tissues affected by papillomavirus is excision with a scalpel. After surgery, the oncologist also conducts observation and further treatment of the patient.

In order to prevent the reactivation of papillomavirus, men and women need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly take vitamin complexes, keep bed linen, clothes, shoes clean, streamline their sex life and avoid frequent changes of sexual partners. Such measures help to restrain the pathological effect of the virus and protect the body from the manifestations of HPV.

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Which doctor removes papillomas that have appeared on the body and cause discomfort, this is of interest to everyone who has encountered a similar infection that is of a viral nature.

Before contacting a medical institution, it is necessary to determine the location of the neoplasms. Papillomas and condylomas can be found on the external and internal genital organs, in the rectum, around the anus, on the feet and palms, in the folds of the human body. They grow in places where there may be microtrauma and moisture is stored for a long time. Doctors are aware of several hundred types of human papillomavirus, which can manifest themselves in different places in the human body.

They are treated by many specialists who can be consulted according to the principle of the site of the lesion. You can always decide which doctor to contact to remove warts that have grown on the body, but they will not always be able to effectively help.

Removal and treatment can be entrusted, if necessary, to several specialists who are familiar with the problem of HPV and have practical experience in dealing with these neoplasms.

Why a doctor is needed for treatment

Whatever doctors a person who has papillomas and condylomas on the skin turns to, he must understand that he needs a specialist who would remove the neoplasm. After that, you will need another doctor who would competently stimulate the immune system so that the disease does not return. The main specialists for this are surgeons and immunologists.

All other doctors can treat and even try to remove warts, but most often such therapy leads to relapses. The virus remains in the cells and after a while begins to germinate again.

It is important to find a doctor who has practical experience in treating this viral disease, because if not properly treated, the disease can progress and turn into oncology.

This usually occurs with people who have significant immune problems. These most often include HIV-infected patients, patients with impaired functioning of the immune system, children and the elderly. In these groups of patients, there is a strong defeat of the body by the human papillomavirus. They require only a specialist who has an idea about this disease.

All other patients who observe a small number of neoplasms in themselves can go to the local clinic and make an appointment with a narrowly specialized doctor who treats the place where the growths appeared. It could be:

  • dermatologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • andrologist;
  • oncologist;
  • surgeon;
  • immunologist.

They must examine the patient and then either prescribe treatment or refer to a specialist who is more familiar with the problem.

Doctors of various specializations in the fight against HPV

When deciding which doctor to contact, you need to remember that many narrow specialists can remove a neoplasm, destroying it from the root. They will not only cut out the papilloma, but also send the resulting biological material for laboratory examination.

If papillomas have grown in open areas of the body and during a preliminary examination it was found that this neoplasm is benign, a vascular surgeon can remove papillomas on the face and body using a laser beam. The advantage of this method is that the instrument is able to seal the small blood vessels that grow into the wart, and this reduces the risk of bleeding. Vascular surgeons are well acquainted with this instrument and perform such surgeries on an outpatient basis.

If there are many small growths, you will have to visit this doctor several times. After removal of papillomas, a small but deep burn remains on the skin, which requires care and heals within 2 weeks. The laser beam completely removes small neoplasms, and after its use there are no relapses.

With neoplasms on the genitals in men, you can contact a urologist or andrologist, and women - to a gynecologist. They will examine the site of the lesion, prescribe a laboratory examination and, after the results obtained, remove small warts using the Surgitron apparatus. This is a method of radio wave surgery, with the help of which neoplasm cells are destroyed. They are subjected to evaporation, and the injury after such an operation is not formed. After healing of the treated area, no scar formation is observed, and the papilloma no longer grows, because radio waves have a sterilizing effect. They completely kill the human papillomavirus, which has settled in the deep layers of the epidermis.

Radio wave surgery is used not only in urology and gynecology; dermatologists and ophthalmologists own this method of dealing with papillomas and condylomas. An eye doctor, after contacting him with a problem of wart growth on the eyelids, refers to an ophthalmologist - a surgeon who specializes in such operations.

When you need an oncologist

It is known that some types of human papillomavirus can cause malignant neoplasms on mucous tissues. If condyloma or papilloma is found in the mouth, on the lips, tongue, you should immediately contact a surgeon who works with malignant tumors.

He will examine the neoplasm and carry out preparatory work for their removal. Warts on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity are dangerous because they can bleed heavily, and only a specialist with extensive practical experience will remove the neoplasm without side effects.

In men, huge warts, similar to cauliflower, can grow on the genitals. If a person could not apply with a small growth at the beginning of the disease, then over time, his wart in the intimate area increases significantly in size, bleeds, and causes a feeling of discomfort. With such a perennial growth, it is best to also contact an oncologist. In this case, a serious operation will be required with excision of tissues and their further processing in order to remove all tissues affected by the virus.

The same surgeon works to remove papillomas that caused cancer of the cervix, colon, penis.

What kind of doctor is needed for children

Children often develop warts on the hands and soles caused by human papillomavirus infection. Parents asking which doctor treats such skin lesions should first contact a dermatologist for removal and treatment. He specializes in therapeutic measures aimed at suppressing the growth of infections that affect the skin.

With non-dangerous types of virus, this doctor will help remove growths from the skin using the hardware techniques that he owns. After removing all the growths, the child will need competent treatment that will help the body fight the human papillomavirus.

Which doctor treats papillomas? A child whose skin is severely affected is referred to an immunologist for the appointment of therapeutic measures.

Modern medicine uses various immunoprotectors and immunostimulants that help a person cope with an aggressive virus and raise the protective functions of the body. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and lasts about six months.

Some parents believe that warts are a cosmetic defect and go to a beauty parlor to remove them. There they are offered to remove neoplasms using liquid nitrogen treatment. Such a procedure does not completely kill the viral neoplasm, and it grows back over time. When using liquid nitrogen, only the upper visible part disappears, and the viruses that have entered the cell, changed its DNA, remain alive and continue their work. However, they can become more aggressive and cause skin cancer.

It is not recommended to destroy warts on your own, so as not to injure them. After improper intervention, they are reborn, increase in size. The virus, making its way into nearby injured cells, can significantly spread throughout the body.

HPV affects 70% of the world's population. Women are more susceptible to the disease. At the first rashes on the body in the form of papillomas, you should immediately contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

When to go to the doctor

In the event that a person notices the rapid growth of unusual growths on the body, while uncomfortable reactions are felt when touching them, one should immediately consult a doctor. Especially dangerous are the rashes found:

  • in the armpits;
  • in the groin;
  • under the folds of the kneecaps;
  • on the hands;
  • in the skin folds of the chest;
  • in the neck area.

Having found papillomas in such tender places, you should not self-medicate, as you can seriously harm your health. In addition, the growths are so traumatic that the slightest wrong touch to them can cause bleeding. Through the blood, an infection can easily penetrate into the wound and inflammation will occur.

In the event that there are a lot of papillomas on the body, then a doctor is simply necessary. Multiple papilloma skin lesions are treated more difficult and longer, therefore, it requires a special approach to this process. Only a doctor can provide an appropriate approach to treatment.

Why you should see a doctor

It is important to consult a doctor immediately at the first suspicion of papillomas. The need for this is that only a specialist can provide proper control over the problem. Possessing all the necessary skills and qualified education, the doctor will quickly identify the problem and prescribe the appropriate diagnosis.

After the results of the tests passed, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and study the cause of the disease. If necessary, he will conduct a series of additional examinations and, on their basis, will make an adequate treatment.

You need to contact the doctor at the earliest stages of development of growths. The sooner the doctor manages to draw up an accurate picture of the formations, the more successful further treatment will be.

If the patient has already begun to self-medicate and could not get rid of the disease, while turning to a specialist for help very late, then such a patient still has more chances for a cure with a specialist than without him.

Which doctor to go to

Depending on the location of papillomas, the patient should contact the following specialists:

  • Dermatologist. Treats skin problems on any exposed parts of the body, except for the groin area (if you find a growth in the fluff, it is better to immediately go to the gynecologist).
  • Gynecologist. If papillomas are found in the inguinal region, both the man and the woman should immediately visit the gynecological cabin.
  • Andrologist, urologist. Men should contact him with growths on the penis and on the skin around it.
  • Dentist. If the problem occurs anywhere in the oral cavity, then a dentist will come to the rescue. He himself does not conduct surgical treatment, but only gives a referral to a surgeon.
  • Ophthalmologist. Directly you need to contact in case of formation of papillomas on the eyelids.
  • Oncologist. The doctor accepts patients who have a risk of degeneration of benign formations into malignant ones. Thus, the help of an oncologist is resorted to in the later stages of HPV, when there was a risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  • Immunologist. To this doctor go with the symptoms of reduced immunity. He prescribes a complex of vitamin procedures.
  • Surgeon. Doctors of a narrow specialty are referred to this specialist.

If papillomas begin to bother you a lot, then you can go through an initial examination with your therapist. This doctor must understand the essence of the problem and appoint the right specialist.

How to get rid of papillomas

Treatment of HPV should take place in the complex. He is appointed by a specialist after the patient has passed all the required tests. It is required to use the appropriate drugs prescribed by the doctor. Pharmaceutical acids for cauterization and freezing with nitrogen help well. Special plasters are also sold that are glued to the affected areas and dry out the growths.

Be sure the patient must take antiviral agents (Panavir, Indinol, Isorinosil), as well as drugs to increase immunity (Cycloferon, ginseng root, eleutherococcus and rosehip).

Doctors resort to surgical intervention quite often. The reason for this is the late treatment of patients. Patients, as a rule, hope for a quick self-treatment and, having not received the desired effect, go to the hospital for help.

Modern treatments include the following list of interventions for the problem:

  • radio wave method;
  • interferon blockade;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • resorting to high temperatures;
  • cryodestruction;
  • a liquid nitrogen;
  • laser.
  • the use of celandine juice to lubricate the affected areas of the epidermis (several times a day it is important to apply a cotton swab soaked in juice and lubricate the skin);
  • lotions based on mixing vinegar and crushed garlic (it is enough to carry out the procedure once a day, while not keeping the tampon in one place for a long time to avoid burns);
  • with the help of iodine and kerosene, it is easy to get rid of even large papillomas;
  • before the onset of the inflammatory process, grated laundry soap helps well (it is applied in a thin layer to the skin and washed off with warm water after 15-20 minutes);
  • Lemon and castor oil, in combination with each other, perfectly burn out sores (you need to apply the composition pointwise so as not to injure the adjacent healthy area).

With the formation of papillomas, a doctor should be contacted immediately. It is important not to delay the trip to a specialist, so as not to get complications. The fact is that if HPV is not cured in time, then there is a high probability of degeneration of benign growths into a malignant tumor. It is a narrow-profile specialist who is able to correctly diagnose HPV, establish its cause and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.


Scientists claim that the human papillomavirus is found in every second inhabitant of the planet. Women suffer from it more often than men.

The main symptom of the problem is small and harmless formations on the body, they can carry a serious danger.

People with papillomavirus become patients of oncologists, these neoplasms can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Treatment of papillomavirus should be handled by a qualified specialist

When to go to the doctor?

A visit to the doctor does not need to be postponed if there are growths on the skin. Even if they are small, do not cause pain and discomfort, but a specialist consultation will not hurt.

Should be alert:

  1. Papillomas on the body.
  2. Warts (may vary in size).
  3. Condylomas (they are growths on intimate places in patients of either sex: in the area of ​​the anus or genitals).

Which doctor should I contact with papillomas, condylomas and warts? In the city polyclinic, you need to make an appointment with a therapist. And this doctor will determine the problem, and then refer you to a specialist who will help cure the disease.

After an external examination of the papilloma, the doctor will prescribe diagnostic measures. Only their results will help to make an accurate conclusion.

You will need to pass PCR and undergo a cytological examination. If necessary, additional methods will be prescribed to help assess the clinical picture. Only by determining the type of virus, the attending physician will prescribe therapy.

Why should you see a doctor?

Which doctor to contact with papillomas will tell the therapist. The fact is that one specialist will examine the patient, the other will remove the growths, and the third will become an assistant in the recovery period. Just don't self-medicate.

Incorrect procedures for HPV can lead to:

  • the spread of papillomas to other parts of the body;
  • inflammatory process;
  • serious health problems;
  • oncology.

To understand which doctor to contact with papilloma, you need to determine where the neoplasms are located.

Warts are usually diagnosed by a dermatologist.

You will need to consult a specialist who treats specific areas of the body.

And you can find outgrowths in various places:

  1. In the mouth - one of the unpleasant.
  2. On the face - aesthetically ugly.
  3. On the limbs - interfere with the inclusion of fine motor skills.
  4. In the intimate area.

Regarding HPV, it is better to consult with qualified doctors. This should be a specialist in their field with experience in treating the problem.

Which doctor should I go to?

papilloma appeared. Which doctor should be consulted?

There are several options:

  • Dermatologist. Examines the patient if papillomas have appeared on the body. As a rule, the specialist will refer to the histological and cytological examination. This will determine the specific type of HPV. With the help of special methods, a dermatologist can remove the papilloma or prescribe conservative treatment.
  • Gynecologist. A specialist consultation is needed if a woman has papillomas in the genital area. The doctor conducts an examination, takes a smear to send for analysis. After receiving the results, antiviral therapy will be prescribed. If necessary, the gynecologist will perform a cauterization procedure for papillomas.
  • An andrologist or urologist examines papillomas in men in intimate places.
  • A dentist is needed if papillomavirus manifested itself in the oral cavity. This specialist does not remove the growths themselves. For this, he refers patients to the surgeon.
  • The ophthalmologist deals with patients who have growths formed in the eyelid area.
  • The surgeon accepts patients referred from narrow specialists. It removes papillomas. It must be a professional. So you can avoid complications and relapses after surgery.
  • An oncologist is necessary if there is a risk of degeneration of a benign formation into a cancerous tumor.
  • An immunologist is required for patients with papillomavirus. After all, such people have weakened immunity. The doctor will select special medications, the intake of which will increase the protective level of the body. The virus will weaken and stop spreading.

Which doctor removes papillomas? There are several specialists who can specialize in this.

Firstly, a dermatologist is able to carry out such a procedure in simple cases. Second, the surgeon. In case of serious complications in the form of malignant cells, an oncologist can connect. The rest of the specialists deal with the problem.

First of all, you should contact a therapist who will refer you to the right specialist.

How to get rid of papillomas?

HPV treatment should be comprehensive. First of all, the doctor will prescribe a number of drugs. You will need antiviral medications. They are aimed at fighting HPV. Immunomodulators are prescribed to help strengthen the protective functions of the body.

It is necessary to remove formations on the body. Otherwise, there is a risk that papillomas spread further. Other people are at risk, who can become infected by contact with infected areas.

If the growth is damaged, then there is a high probability of infection.

The doctor will choose one of the appropriate removal methods for a particular patient:

  • radio wave technique;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • interferon blockade;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser.

Only papillomas are removed, no surrounding tissues are affected during the operation. The removed build-up turns into a dry crust, which disappears on its own.

The quality of the operation depends on the professionalism of the doctor. After all, the specialist selects the device, its power, controls the time of exposure to the affected tissue.

You need to know which doctor treats papillomas if you want to cope without surgery. The doctor will prescribe procedures using special ointments, gels or creams.

All of them are based on interferon. This substance increases immunity, which allows the body to get rid of neoplasms.

Any growth that appears on the skin is a problem, you need to see a doctor. It is strictly contraindicated to carry out any procedures on your own, otherwise you can get a bunch of unpleasant consequences.

The worst of them is blood poisoning and death, entrusting health to a true professional.

Today, few people know which doctor to contact with papilloma on the body. A similar neoplasm occurs on the skin of many people and there is nothing critical in this, but it is important to start the right treatment to remove it.

Which doctor treats papillomas depends on their location and the gender of the person. For example, these neoplasms in intimate areas in men and women are treated by different specialists. To quickly get rid of the pathology, it is better to contact highly specialized doctors.

When to go to the clinic?

It is important to know not only which doctor to contact if the human papillomavirus develops in the body, but also when to do it. Many people, finding these neoplasms on the body, self-medicate, and they make an appointment with the doctor only if discomfort or even pain occurs. In fact, papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes are sometimes injured and bleed, and also become inflamed. Damage to the growth increases the likelihood of a secondary infection or even its degeneration into a malignant neoplasm.

With HPV in men and women, we will still figure out which doctor to contact, but first we will analyze situations in which immediate specialist help is required:

  • papilloma began to grow;
  • the growth is sick;
  • there is redness around the neoplasm or it has changed color;
  • papilloma bleeds;
  • the number of neoplasms began to increase.

Having found such signs, you need to quickly find out which doctor treats HPV and contact him in order to avoid life-threatening consequences.

How is the consultation in the clinic?

Having figured out which doctor treats human papillomas and making an appointment, you will have to undergo a consultation. The specialist will examine the neoplasm, ask about the symptoms and send it to laboratory tests. Based on the results of the tests, a complete picture will be compiled and the strain of the pathogen will be identified, after which the doctor will determine an effective therapy.

Usually a dermatologist does all this, and if necessary, he redirects to a surgeon to remove the growth. In this case, clinical studies will be required first:

  • cytological and histological studies;
  • biopsy;
  • detailed blood test;

After studying all the results, the surgeon will be able to proceed with the removal of the papilloma.

Who treats HPV and removes papillomas?

Which doctor treats this viral infection in men and women depends on many factors. To begin with, it is better for you to go to a therapist who will write a referral to another specialist. It could be:

  • dermatologist;
  • andrologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • oncologist;
  • surgeon and other doctors.

As you can see, in some cases, you may even need to consult doctors such as dentists and ophthalmologists. This is due to the localization of papillomas.

How Dermatologists Help

When papilloma occurs, many go to a dermatologist, who is also called a dermatovenereologist. He helps both men and women. First, the specialist examines the affected areas and advises the patient on further actions. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe histological and cytological examinations to determine the type of HPV. It all depends on the degree of risk of cancer.

Many dermatologists themselves undertake the treatment of human papilloma using modern hardware techniques: radio wave surgery, laser treatment. Also, these doctors usually prescribe pharmaceutical products for the treatment of papilloma on the skin.

When is the help of a gynecologist needed?

Who deals with you should be obvious - this is a gynecologist. The doctor begins with a standard gynecological examination, identifying papillomas and other neoplasms on the mucous membranes and skin.

Usually gynecologists do a smear for cytology and are sometimes sent for a PCR study. Based on the data obtained, the doctor prescribes antiviral therapy, and sometimes removes the papilloma by cauterizing it or using radio wave surgery.

Andrologists against HPV in men

As you understand, male papilloma in intimate places is treated by andrologists. HPV can show up in these areas as large, nasty growths. Also in this case, you can consult a urologist.

These doctors diagnose and treat all diseases of the male reproductive system, so therapists refer men with papillomas to them. This is not surprising, but finding an experienced andrologist who treats HPV can be very difficult.

Who removes papillomas?

Now let's figure out which doctor to contact to remove papillomas? This is mainly done by surgeons with high qualifications and experience in the fight against similar pathologies.

When the benign nature of the origin of the papilloma is confirmed, the surgeon simply removes the neoplasm using one of the available methods: laser surgery, excision of the affected tissues with a scalpel, etc. If there is any suspicion of oncology, the patient is sent to an oncologist.

Oncologists and papillomas

If there is even a slight risk of turning a benign growth into a malignant one, you need to go to an oncologist. The specialist treats cancerous growths in different areas of the skin. We note right away that this rarely happens, but it is impossible to exclude such a possibility and it is better to play it safe in order to avoid serious complications.


Which doctor is consulted after removal of papillomas on the neck, face, hands and other parts of the body? For this, there are immunologists who help strengthen the defense mechanisms of the human body. Such assistance is especially important for people with immunodeficiency.

The doctor selects a course of immunomodulatory drugs that help increase immunity. Thanks to this, the body begins to fight the virus, suppressing it and preventing the development of HPV.

Dentists and ophthalmologists

It may seem strange to you, what do these doctors have to do with papillomas on the human body? In fact, a therapist or dermatologist can refer to dentists,. He can only prescribe treatment, and surgeons and oncologists are involved in the removal of such neoplasms.

As for the ophthalmologist, this doctor is contacted upon detection. After an examination and consultation, he may refer you to a surgeon working in an ophthalmological clinic, who will remove the neoplasm.