Cheap and effective calcium preparations: a list with prices. Calcium preparations with vitamin D - an overview of pharmaceutical products

To maintain normal bone density, it is necessary to consume calcium, but calcium is very poorly absorbed by the body and this is a whole problem - calcium metabolism, etc. But it is known that in order for calcium to be assimilated, it is best to use it together with magnesium in a two-to-one perspective, then the absorption of calcium is noticeably improved. Also, for even more effective assimilation, phosphorus and vitamin D are needed.

The effect of more than 90% of absorption is provided by the simultaneous intake of all four components, and now there are preparations containing all the elements + calcium in a more digestible form of calcium citrate for the body. Therefore, the question arises which calcium preparations are better absorbed in order to choose the most effective and quickly cope with the lack of calcium in the body.

Calcium is a macroelement, 99% of it is found in bone tissue in the form of hydroxyapatite, and about 1% is found in the extracellular fluid and soft tissues, where calcium is involved in the regulation of the most important physiological processes that form the basis of the functional activity of cells in the human body.

Calcium balance in the body is maintained and regulated by two main hormones - calcitriol (an active metabolite of vitamin D) and parathyroid hormone (PTH).

The only source of calcium is food. At the same time, dairy products, fish (dried, canned food), nuts, dried fruits, greens are the richest in them. However, less than half of the dietary calcium in an adult is absorbed in the intestines. In children during a period of rapid growth, as in women during pregnancy and lactation, calcium absorption increases, and in the elderly it decreases. This process is entirely under the influence of active vitamin D metabolites.

It should be noted that most studies have shown inadequate dietary intake of calcium. Worldwide, real dietary calcium intake has been declining in recent years: in the United States, for example, it decreased from 840 mg in 1977 to 634 mg in 1992.

Pharmaceutical companies offer many different calcium preparations. However, there is a problem of choosing the most effective and safe, especially when it comes to prescribing them to children and pregnant women, as well as with a long course of administration. It has been proven that calcium is absorbed only in combination with the active form of vitamin D, therefore, the combination of calcium salts with vitamin D 3 is optimal. Therefore, it is worth understanding which calcium preparations presented in pharmacies are best absorbed by the body.

These are all those preparations that contain calcium citrate, it is this salt that ensures its best absorption in the body. Modern preparations contain calcium citrate in the form of calcium citrate tetrahydrate, they also contain calcium carbonate (chalk), vitamin D 3 (colcalciferol), manganese in the form of manganese sulfate. The presence of manganese and vitamin D 3 significantly increases the absorption of calcium by the body.

How to take calcium supplements?

The daily dose of calcium should be no more than 1500 mg and no more than 600 mg at a time, taking into account its content in the food taken. Calcium preparations with vitamin D are considered more effective and safer, which improves calcium absorption and reduces the risk of thromboembolism. But if the treatment is carried out with monopreparations, then vitamin D should be taken 1-2 hours before the calcium preparation for greater effectiveness.

Folk remedy: crushed eggshells are sprinkled with lemon juice and taken with food. But even at the same time, it is absorbed by 50-60%, respectively, it is necessary to take such a "grandfather's calcium preparation" 2 times a day for 2 months.

Modern calcium preparations

Calcium D3 Nycomed(calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - contains 200 IU of vitamin D 3 per tablet. The most prescribed drug due to its good tolerance. There are practically no side effects. Available in the form of chewable tablets, with a fruity taste;

Calcium D3 Nycomed Fort e (calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - contains 400 IU of vitamin D3 in one tablet. Designed for more intensive therapy;

Complivit Calcium D 3(calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - a similar drug, but cheaper.

Calcium Sandoz Forte(calcium lactogluconate + calcium carbonate) - effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste. Due to the special composition, when dissolved in water, a form well absorbed in the body is formed - calcium citrate. Suitable for people with low acidity. Vitamin D 3 is additionally prescribed;

Calcemin Advance(calcium carbonate + calcium citrate + vitamin D 3 + copper, boron, manganese, zinc, magnesium) - has a complex effect in the treatment of osteoporosis due to the optimal composition;

Vitrum-calcium-D 3(calcium carbonate of oyster shells + vitamin D 3) - is intended for early prevention of calcium deficiency. (Author's notes: more like a publicity stunt, calcium carbonate is chalk, and chalk is already a mineral from the shells of various mollusks)

Calcepan(tricalcium phosphate + vitamin D 3 and C + extracts of St.


If you take only calcium supplements, then, indeed, you risk wasting time and money. And all because this element is absorbed only when vitamins C, D, E, vitamins of group B, as well as minerals magnesium and phosphorus enter the body in sufficient quantities. All of them help the absorption of the macronutrient you need. Without them, calcium becomes insoluble and accumulates in soft tissues and joints.

To competently compensate for the lack of calcium, you can take vitamins and minerals in various forms along with calcium preparations. However, drinking many different pills during the day is inconvenient, and unprofitable. A vitamin complex can solve the problem.

Until the age of 20, our body absorbs calcium from food quite well: there is a lot of gastric juice and it is of high concentration. And then ... no matter how much calcium we put in our mouths, less and less will get into the body over the years, and our need for calcium increases with age.

There is a lot of calcium in milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, fish, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, even in drinking water, but in food it is in molecular form, and a person needs it in ionic form, otherwise it is not absorbed.

In order for calcium to be better absorbed by the body from food in adulthood, the normal state of the intestines, bone tissue and kidneys is necessary. Simultaneously with calcium, there should be: vitamin D, phosphates, magnesium, fats (and all this in certain ratios, for example, about 10 mg of calcium is needed per 1 gram of fat obtained from food, no more, no less).

The need for calcium may increase with fractures to accelerate callus formation.
In the first 1-3 weeks (depending on the severity of the fracture), easily digestible meals should be included in the diet, eat often (5-6 times a day), in small portions. Excluded are foods and dishes that increase intestinal discomfort, as well as strong vegetable, meat and fish broths and gravies.

In severe and complicated fractures, salt is excluded or sharply limited during the first 1-3 weeks (so as not to increase swelling) and easily digestible carbohydrates. Bran is used in the form of decoctions. The basis of nutrition is dairy products, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, turnips, beets, potatoes, cabbage, green peas, beans), fruits (apples, citrus fruits), berries (red currants), raisins. Such a diet is anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and alkalizing.

When the process of active bone fusion begins and there is a need to strengthen the repair processes, they switch to acidotic diet. It is based on rice, millet or oatmeal porridge in meat broth, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, boiled or stewed fish, meat (beef, veal), cranberry jelly or cranberries. The jelly is very useful.

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Which calcium is best absorbed?

The human body must receive Calcium (Ca) in the required amount. The mineral is needed by the child's body in order to properly form teeth and the skeletal system. When there is a significant lack of an element, a dangerous disease develops - rickets. And in adulthood and advanced age, calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis. To prevent this, a person needs to receive a mineral every day. What calcium is better absorbed by the body, everyone needs to know.

Most digestible form

There are several useful forms of Ca. Chelate is one of them, the most demanded in the world market. It is this calcium that is better absorbed by the body, has no side effects, in particular, does not contribute to the appearance of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder. Note that its digestibility is 90-98%. Chelate-based medicines do not require the presence of vitamin D3. The form is equally useful for women, men and children. The most absorbable Ca does not irritate the gastric mucosa, and it does not need stomach acid to dissolve. Amino acids are 100% soluble in water. There is another significant advantage: ions are quickly released, so the blood is not oversaturated with them, the risk of blood clots is minimal.


Which calcium is better absorbed in the dosage form - the doctor will decide. Be sure to consult with a specialist before you start taking the drug. Ca in tablets is provided by various pharmaceutical companies. To date, the following drugs are in great demand:

  • "Calcium Sandoz Forte" - effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste. The composition, soluble in water, contains a form that is remarkably absorbed into the blood.
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed" - combines vitamin D and Ca carbonate. Doctors often prescribe it, because it does not give side effects, it is easily tolerated.
  • "Calcepan" is a wonderful drug, the intake of which normalizes the reserves of the necessary active substance.

natural food

Many people think that the mineral should not be drunk in tablets, but to saturate the diet with natural products - this is how calcium is better absorbed. Note that, for example, milk and dairy products contain a large percentage of a useful element. The diet should include cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, whole milk, natural yogurt, yogurt. which is small, very rich in calcium.

Don't forget the fish. Both marine and river fish are useful and rich in Ca.

The second place in terms of the amount of such an important constituent element belongs to plant products. If you want to saturate yourself with calcium, you should start eating garlic, white cabbage, fresh herbs, legumes, onions. If you're sure you don't have a hint of it, include them in your diet. The danger of this product is that an allergy to it develops rapidly and often takes a very dangerous form.

It is important to define a list of foods that inhibit absorption of the element. If you use them in large quantities, without appropriate control, calcium will be absorbed into the blood in very small doses. And the body, in turn, can enhance the excretion of an already existing mineral. First of all, you need to limit yourself in the use of edible salt. It has been proven that Ca is excreted in significant amounts in the urine if there is a lot of sodium chloride in the food. Also in limited quantities it is necessary to consume strong tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, fatty foods.

Which calcium is better absorbed is up to everyone to decide for themselves. You can drink pills or diversify your food with food. But only a doctor with a lack of a mineral in the body will be able to choose a complex that will replenish its amount to normal.

The most effective tool in the fight against smoking

Calcium is an indispensable substance for our body. Calcium is involved in the construction of the skeleton and teeth and ensures the normal functioning of the human body. In addition to the main function - strengthening the skeletal system, this element:

  • has an excellent hypnotic effect, thanks to which calcium helps fight insomnia;
  • is an excellent means of preventing endometrial cancer and oncological diseases of the pancreas and intestines;
  • is an indispensable substance during pregnancy;
  • reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy;
  • slightly lowers the pressure;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis.

To treat or prevent different diseases, different dosages of calcium are needed. It should be remembered that calcium does not accumulate in the body, but in large doses this substance blocks the normal absorption of elements such as magnesium and zinc.

Everything you need to know about the drug

Calcium deficiency is more common in women than in men.

For good absorption of calcium, vitamin D3 is necessary, and magnesium is necessary for the strength of the skeletal system. Magnesium helps control excess calcium. Eating predominantly foods high in carbohydrates (flour, sweets) leads to calcium deficiency, while reducing bone density.

Painful sensations in women during menstruation are associated with a lack of calcium. A week before the onset of menstruation, the level of this element is intensively reduced, so painful uterine contractions are the result of calcium deficiency.

Bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine - reduce the body's ability to effectively absorb this element.

Daily rate

The required amount of calcium is determined by age, gender and the presence of any diseases. The exact daily rate of this substance can be determined by the doctor, after conducting appropriate tests. On average, you need to take:

  • 400-600 mg for children from birth to 1 year;
  • 800 mg - for children 10 years old;
  • 1200 mg of calcium is the daily requirement for children from 12 to 25 years old;
  • for men aged 25-65 years, the daily allowance is 800 mg;
  • for women aged 25-50 years - 800 mg;
  • for lactating and pregnant women, the required amount of calcium varies from 1500 to 2000 mg, the required rate is selected by the doctor on an individual basis.

To prevent or treat insomnia and sleep disorders, it is recommended to take calcium before bedtime.

Calcium is an indispensable drug for children, so it is important to monitor the child's diet and, if necessary, drink the drug in tablets. For children, it is very important to provide the necessary daily intake of this element. 1200 mg of calcium per day helps prevent the development of cancer.

It is very convenient to drink the drug in the form of tablets. The most popular drug is Calcemin and Nycomed. These drugs are perfectly absorbed by the body, and due to the convenient form, it is easy to calculate the required daily number of tablets.

Scientists have revealed an interesting pattern: calcium is better absorbed by the body if the intake of this element is accompanied by increased physical activity, especially strength exercises. Therefore, it is recommended that athletes drink calcium.

calcium deficiency

The body is a very smart system that will tell you which vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy functioning. For example, a characteristic sign of a lack of calcium in the body is the desire to eat chalk, which is especially common for pregnant women.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency include:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent cramps and joint pain;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • nails break and exfoliate;
  • hair growth slows down;
  • heavy menstruation in women.

If a person has similar symptoms, then it's time to reconsider your diet and ask yourself which calcium is better among the variety of drugs presented in pharmacies and how to take it.

All vitamins are best absorbed naturally through food. Calcium-rich foods will help you adjust your diet so that more of this substance enters the body with food. Dairy products: cheese, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, natural yogurt and kefir. The highest amount of calcium is found in cheese.

Calcium is found in large quantities in fish, so it is recommended to consume canned fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna. This substance is better absorbed if the fish is cooked or canned with bones. Among vegetables, preference should be given to legumes, cabbage, spinach, beets and garlic. There is a lot of calcium in nuts, so it is recommended to consume almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios more often.

Calcium obtained from food is absorbed better, besides, the necessary vitamins are included in such a diet. However, to cover the daily norm of this element of the correct diet is not enough. In addition, it should be remembered that for the full absorption of calcium, additional vitamins, such as D3, are needed. This is where calcium tablets come to the rescue, which are very convenient to drink.

Calcium preparations

Such pills are very popular, and sometimes you can get confused in a pharmacy among a variety of medicines with a similar composition. So what is the best calcium to drink? Vitamin D3 ensures good absorption of calcium, so when choosing tablets, preference should be given to those preparations that contain these vitamins.

Calcemin and Nycomed, calcium tablets with a high content of vitamin D3, have gained particular popularity. Both drugs are well absorbed by the body and compensate for the deficiency of trace elements, calcium and vitamin D3. Calcemin or Nycomed calcium tablets are recommended to drink:

  • with osteoporosis;
  • for the prevention of osteoporosis in women after 40 years;
  • to strengthen the skeletal system and teeth;
  • to strengthen nails and hair;
  • as maintenance therapy for fractures.

The doctor will help determine the required dosage. It should be remembered that an excess of calcium leads to a violation of the absorption of such useful trace elements as magnesium, zinc and iron, which is especially important during pregnancy.

How best to use the drug

In order for the drug to be well absorbed, the daily rate should be divided into several doses of 500 mg each. This is the amount of calcium the body can absorb at one time.

When purchasing tablets, you should make sure that they are not compressed too tightly. It is not recommended to drink the dense structure of the tablet, since the stomach will not be able to digest, this may cause gastrointestinal problems. A good choice is Calcemin and Nycomed. For the prevention of sleep disorders, it is recommended to drink the drug before bedtime.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a very important component of the health of the child are vitamins and minerals. To provide the body with everything you need, you should carefully choose the menu. In the diet of a woman, foods rich in calcium should be present - milk, cheese, nuts, vegetables. Often this is not enough, therefore it is recommended to use tablets with calcium and vitamins.

The necessary dosage of Calcemin or Nycomed will help you choose a doctor. Taking calcium during pregnancy will help:

  • avoid tooth decay
  • avoid brittle nails and hair loss;
  • reduce the risk of preterm birth;
  • avoid manifestations of toxicosis;
  • reduce nervousness and sleep disturbances;
  • prevent frequent cramps and joint pain.

Calcium preparations for pregnant women are selected by the doctor on an individual basis. According to experts, the best drug for women is Calcemin. This medicine is better absorbed by the female body, largely due to the low amount of calcium in one tablet (250 mg), which is why Calcemin is often recommended for women during pregnancy.

For children and men, Nycomed is perfect, the calcium content in one tablet of which is higher. Both Calcemin and Nycomed are perfectly absorbed by the body, make bones stronger, and well-being - better.

Many people have heard of osteoporosis, a disease that develops due to a lack of calcium in the body. The content of this element in the bones decreases, they become more porous, and therefore not so strong. With fairly ordinary, everyday loads, bones break ... But it won’t work like that ?! Of course not! So you need to look for ways to return the bones to their former fortress. The thought immediately comes to mind that you need to add calcium-rich foods to your diet. It can be cottage cheese, or it can be chicken egg shells. Yes, the question is, will calcium be absorbed from the hard shell? Will it digest, will the body assimilate ... So let's talk about the calcium element, which calcium is better absorbed in the human body. How to protect yourself from a deficiency of this mineral? Is food the only helper in this? Current issues, because in fact it is - not all compounds of this element are equally well absorbed in the intestines.

Pathology of calcium metabolism

First of all, it is necessary to identify signs of the pathology of calcium metabolism, an increase in its content (hypercalcemia) and a decrease (hypocalcemia). Both conditions are equally dangerous to human health.

Calcium deficiency can be manifested by the following fairly typical symptoms:

Increased bone fragility;
Numbness of the limbs;
Frequent convulsions;
fluctuations in blood pressure;
Child growth retardation;
Increased fragility of hair;
Pain in joints and bones.

There are frequent headaches.

Treatment of pathology of calcium metabolism

Without a doubt, self-medication is dangerous to health. Guided by the symptoms mentioned above and suspecting the presence of a pathology of calcium metabolism, you do not need to try to heal yourself.

With the exception of rare cases, usually associated with errors in nutrition, any deviation of the mineral content from the norm is the result of the presence of some primary ailment, treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor.

Treatment of diseases leading to calcium deficiency is best left to specialists. Next, I will consider ways to correct the content of this mineral when there are no primary diseases, but only malnutrition and your understanding of the need to take care of your own bones.

Calcium: which calcium is better absorbed in humans?

calcium in foods

Without a doubt, food should be considered an effective and safest source of calcium. By the way, in some of them, for example, in dairy products, this mineral is contained in significant quantities.

The safety of treating hypocalcemia with diet therapy has been experimentally confirmed. When an excess of an element arrives, they simply will not be assimilated. The appearance of hypercalcemia is completely excluded.

In addition, natural sources contain a significant amount of ionized calcium, which is easily absorbed, has biological activity and is safe for the body.

Consuming foods high in bound calcium is not very helpful. The mineral is not in a bioavailable form. Simply put, everything that will be eaten will pass, as they say, in transit and will not linger in the body.

In the old days, crushed eggshells were used to correct hypocalcemia. This method is still practiced, but rather out of ignorance. The human body is not able to process the strong chemical compounds of calcium and change its content in the blood plasma.

The leaders in the amount of calcium, no doubt, are dairy products: whole milk, cheeses, cottage cheese, in addition, sour cream, curdled milk, natural yogurt and so on.

In second place are plant foods: nuts, seeds, sesame seeds, fresh herbs, white cabbage, legumes, garlic and onions.

Animal products, with the exception of dairy, do not contain too much calcium. The leader in this group is fish, both river and sea.

It is very important to identify foods that are calcium antagonists. When used in a significant amount, either the absorption of the mineral from the intestine is suppressed, or the excretion reactions are enhanced.

First of all, you should limit your consumption of regular table salt. It has been proven that the processes of excretion of sodium chloride entail significant loss of calcium in the urine.

Secondly, you need to limit the consumption of coffee and strong tea, avoid fatty foods. It is also important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Medical treatment of hypocalcemia

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a great variety of calcium preparations for the treatment of hypocalcemia. Unfortunately, those of them that can boast of a democratic price, in fact, have a very low bioavailability coefficient.

More expensive analogues contain a significant amount of ionized calcium, as well as bioavailable salts of the element. Of the latter, citrate and calcium carbonate should be especially noted.

To normalize the processes of calcium absorption, one should remember the need for an integrated approach. The processes of assimilation of the mineral will be carried out in full only if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D, as well as magnesium and phosphorus.

In the light of the foregoing, the use of multivitamins and multiminerals looks especially promising. In good preparations, corresponding to age and other criteria, there is a balanced and carefully selected number of elements. They always contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and other important substances for humans. True, their cost can be a significant drawback.

General recommendations that do not directly affect the calcium content in the body, but allow to reduce its loss or improve its absorption. Dosed physical activity has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, but it is especially useful for bones and muscles. You should stay in the fresh air as much as possible, oxygen normalizes the metabolism of minerals. Stress factors should be eliminated or minimized.

Calcium, obtained by our body naturally from food, is extremely beneficial, but due to the deterioration in the quality of food, we do not receive even half of the daily allowance, which can lead to more than 150 different diseases.

Calcium is not only about the health of our bones, teeth, hair and nails. 1% of calcium is found in the blood and is involved in various processes that allow our body to function properly. If calcium is not enough, our body begins to malfunction and often quite serious. Since the majority of people do not get the proper amount of calcium from food, we come to the understanding that it is necessary to add it to your diet. So, let's look at the various forms of calcium, their advantages and disadvantages, and finally choose the best for ourselves.

Forms of calcium

This form of calcium has the lowest percentage of absorption - about 3% and has a number of contraindications and side effects. Calcium gluconate preparations are produced without the addition of vitamin D3, which practically reduces the degree of its absorption to zero. One of the worst effects of prolonged use of this form of calcium is the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Should be the only advantage of calcium gluconate is its low price, but due to the extremely low degree of absorption and the large number of negative consequences from its use, even a low price is not able to attract a knowledgeable client.

Calcium Carbonate (Calcium Carbonate)

This is a much more attractive form of calcium than the previous one. Such calcium is assimilated by the body by 17 - 22% with normal acidity of gastric juice, while with reduced acidity, the degree of its absorption drops so much that it is practically equal to zero. You should not get carried away with preparations based on calcium carbonate, because. it is also fraught with the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys. A large amount of calcium of this type taken at a time can significantly reduce the acidity of the gastric juice and cause side effects such as flatulence, constipation, nausea, allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

This form of calcium is quite widespread and is in great demand due to its greater bioavailability than calcium gluconate. However, there is a more interesting variation on the form of calcium, which we'll look at below.

Calcium citrate (Calcium citrate)

This form of calcium is absorbed by the body 2.5 times better than calcium carbonate, naturally in combination with vitamin D3. The degree of absorption of calcium citrate is 44%. Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is not required for its absorption, preparations based on calcium citrate can be taken on an empty stomach. The use of calcium citrate does not cause deposits in the kidneys in the form of stones, so this form of calcium is safe for health. People with low stomach acidity and those who are already over 50 should stop at calcium citrate, because the degree of absorption in this case will be 11 times higher than calcium carbonate.

Calcium citrate is good for diseases of the urinary tract. It shifts the pH of urine to the alkaline side, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for the development of genital infections and inflammation.

Calcium amino acid chelates are by far the best form of calcium products on the market today. Often this form of calcium can still be found under the name "Ionic calcium". Although its price is really high, this is justified by the high degree of absorption and the absence of side effects, in particular, it does not allow the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder. Calcium chelates are able to be absorbed by 90 - 98%, while there is no need to add vitamin D3 to preparations of this type.

Calcium amino acid chelates do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and do not require stomach acid for absorption. They are 100% soluble in water, which is 400 times higher than the dissolution of calcium carbonate. Another advantage of calcium chelate is the ability to quickly release calcium ions, which prevents calcium supersaturation of the blood, thereby eliminating the possibility of its increased clotting, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots. One of the best calcium products of this form is Forever Calcium, USA.

So let's sum it up

Of the many forms of calcium on the world market, Calcium Citrate and Calcium Chelate proved to be the best in terms of absorption and lack of side effects. The latter has twice the percentage of digestibility compared to calcium citrate. But due to the fact that the price of calcium chelate is usually three times higher than the price of calcium citrate, not everyone can afford it. After a brief review, the question of which calcium is better to answer is still up to you.

Calcium is required by people throughout their lives, so quite often there are situations when a person begins to frantically look for the most effective and useful vitamins with calcium. After all, often many symptoms of the body indicate that it lacks this element and needs to be replenished urgently - these include hair loss, foliation of nails, the appearance of pain in the teeth, and so on. Important: these signs are only visible, while inside the body there are still many problems associated with a lack of a substance, because it is vital for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.

Why do you need calcium

The human body contains a large number of useful substances, the main of which is calcium in its quantity. Many doctors still cannot overestimate its importance for the body, because the lack of this mineral can lead to various health problems.

The human body needs calcium:

  • teeth;
  • hair;
  • bones;
  • a heart;
  • brain.

He also takes part in the transmission of impulses, which are important for the normal functioning of nerve cells, and is also actively involved in metabolic processes. The lack of this important mineral is dangerous for the body, as it leads to the death of the patient, so its level must be constantly monitored.

Calcium has a lot of useful functions for the body, as it is able to:

  • almost completely block the absorption of unhealthy fats that are absorbed into the body in the digestive tract;
  • reduce the "bad" cholesterol in the blood - this function occurs as a result of taking an additional dose of this element;
  • get rid of hypertension - patients who took vitamins with calcium suffered from this pathology several times less often;
  • keep the “youth”, health and mobility of the bones (to keep them healthy for as long as possible, you need to start taking care of them early, by taking special vitamins).

The greatest human need for this element is observed during the first 10 years of life, when there is an active formation and strengthening of the skeleton. In the future, taking medicinal formulations that contain calcium is recommended to continue until about 25 years of age.

Modern doctors say that you can start taking vitamins with calcium regardless of age, since in any case they will benefit the body by reducing bone fragility and disease.

Indications for use

It is not difficult to identify a lack of calcium in a person - and external signs and a general deterioration in health can help in this.

These include:

  • hyperactivity;
  • nervousness and constant irritability;
  • brittle nails;
  • stunting in a child;
  • tooth decay;
  • fragility of enamel;
  • soreness and constant bleeding of the gums;
  • periodic numbness of the limbs;
  • tingling sensation at the fingertips;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • increased heart rate;
  • high blood pressure, which is difficult to bring down even with modern drugs.

All these symptoms may indicate a lack of an element that must be replenished in a short time so as not to harm the body.

The main indications for the use of drugs with calcium are:

  • acceleration of bone healing after dislocations or fractures;
  • treatment of osteoporosis (bone and joint disease).

Taking calcium without a doctor's prescription can cause allergies or side effects. The main contraindication to taking this drug is individual intolerance, as well as high levels of calcium in the blood stream and urine.

Types of calcium supplements

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of drugs on sale that contain a large dosage of calcium.

It is worth noting the following vitamins with calcium, which today enjoy particular success and are considered the most effective:

  1. Calcium D3 Nycomed. This is a modern drug, produced in the form of large tablets that can be sucked or chewed, after which you can drink the drug with water. For children 5-12 years old, the recommended dose of the drug is no more than 2 tablets per day, over 12 years old - no more than 3. Such vitamins containing calcium do not cause harmful effects and side effects in people.
  2. Calcemin. This is a specially designed complex containing calcium citrate, vitamin D and other components. The drug has the form of small capsules, on which the notch is located. For children under 12 years of age, the recommended dose of the drug is one capsule per day, for adolescents - 2 tablets per day. Calcemin can also be used during pregnancy and lactation. Calcemin can be taken with or after food. With excessive use of the drug, it can cause unpleasant side effects that disrupt the functioning of the body.
  3. Calcepan. These are special "female" tablets, which are produced in the form of small dragees, covered with a thin shell. In addition to calcium, extracts of medicinal herbs can be seen in the composition of Calcepan. With a lack of this substance, it is recommended to take 3 capsules daily at the same time for 1 month. After some time, the course of taking vitamins can be repeated.
  4. Complivit Calcium D3. These tablets have a pleasant sweet taste reminiscent of fruit. Complivit is available in the form of tablets that can be chewed when taken. The main components that make up dietary supplements are calcium and D3. Allowed to take from 3 years of age. Side effects of the drug include problems with the gastrointestinal tract and allergies to the components of the drug.
  5. Vitrum Calcium + D3. The main active ingredient is calcium salts, which are extracted by isolating the element from oyster shells. When using the drug, the tablets should be swallowed without chewing. Patients should take the drug from the age of 12. For preventive purposes, you need to drink 2 capsules daily.

If these calcium-rich vitamins are to be taken in the treatment of disease or deficiency of the element, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

When choosing such drugs, many people think about the question of which vitamins contain it in the maximum amount and how to take it correctly so as not to harm the body.

Therefore, you should use the following tips:

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that calcium is an essential element for the body, which is found not only in food, but also in the form of vitamins.

In order for it to be beneficial, you need to follow the rules for taking this useful element and then you can not worry about the health of bones, teeth and other internal organs.

If we compare the human body with a building, then microelements will be bricks to it. One of the most significant and necessary for the full functioning of the trace element is calcium. If, suddenly, it turns out that it is not enough in the body, then this will affect the condition of bones, nails, hair and, of course, teeth.

But, before prescribing a course of calcium supplements for yourself or your child, do not forget to consult a doctor, because an excess of a substance in the body is also harmful. Everywhere there should be a measure. And only when the doctor prescribes a calcium intake, you can study the rating of quality vitamins to choose the most suitable complex for you.

The benefits of this mineral are so great that it helps a person even before his birth, or rather, contributes to the birth of a child. How does this happen? The fact is that the tip of the sperm aspiring to the egg has a point of calcium and it is thanks to him that it penetrates the cherished shell. And as soon as the baby is born, this element is also required for its development, and it receives it from the mother's breast milk.

Calcium is one of the main elements for the "building" of our skeleton. But the substance easily leaves the human body when natural processes such as sweating or defecation occur. If after this no additional intake of the microelement into the body is provided, then the removal of calcium from the bone tissue begins.

As a rule, after the age of 35, people experience bone loss. A natural aging process takes place, the element is excreted from the body slowly, but constantly, and as a result, this can backfire with health troubles. For example, the arrival of diseases such as osteoporosis or arthritis does not bode well.

In modern megacities, the level of air pollution is high, in some places radioactivity is increased, which is fraught with cancer. Calcium ions also play their beneficial role here, as they resist the settling of strontium in the bone tissue.

In addition, calcium should be credited for helping with digestion, participating in the work of digestive enzymes, resisting allergic reactions, regulating blood pressure, creating conditions for normal blood clotting and normalizing the functioning of the brain.

10 facts about calcium - in the video:

Daily rate

Our body cannot produce calcium. We get it exclusively from food or in the form of drugs.

  • Babies receive their micronutrient norm (about 200 mg) along with mother's milk.
  • Children under three years old need about 500 mg. Children under eight - it is advisable to use up to 800 mg.
  • Adolescents under 13 are advised to take up to 1300 mg.
  • The norm for adults is 1000 mg.

An adult can get his element rate by drinking a liter of milk, but at the same time he will be provided with extra calories, get too much saturated fat and milk sugar. You can try to get your norm of the substance with the help of sesame or poppy seeds, which are rich in calcium, but the gastrointestinal tract may not respond well to this, because everything is good in moderation. That is why it is often easier to get your daily allowance with the help of special preparations.

So, for example, being an avid lover of the healthiest dairy products, the consumption rate can be safely halved.

Which one is better absorbed

Pharmaceuticals offer an abundance of calcium preparations, and one can get confused wondering which company is better to choose and which one will be absorbed as much as possible.

The most important thing is to understand that calcium intake should occur simultaneously with vitamin D, otherwise there will be no sense. It is vitamin D that is a conductor of calcium in the human body, it allows the intestines to absorb the microelement and ensures its full absorption by bone tissue.

Medicines that contain calcium can be divided into three types:

  1. Monopreparations. These are products where the trace element is found without additives (calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate and others)
  2. Combined. These products include vitamin D, which is very convenient, as it eliminates the additional purchase of the element.
  3. Multivitamin. These are preparations containing a whole complex of vitamins.

To find out which company is better to buy the drug, study our rating of quality medicines with calcium.

Rating of the best vitamins with calcium for children and adults

11th place. "Calcium glucanate"

These tablets are designed to fill the lack of a mineral in the body, reduce intoxication, fight inflammation and resist allergies. It is better to take "Calcium glucanate" when the meal is already completed, and at the same time, do not forget that after chewing the tablet, you should drink a glass of water. Children from 3 years of age are allowed. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Price: about 200 rubles.

calcium glucanate


  • Large scope;
  • Treats various diseases;
  • Rebalances an element.


  • May cause constipation;
  • Prohibited with a tendency to thrombosis.

About the benefits of the drug in pediatrics:

10th place. Complivit Calcium D3

The vitamin-mineral complex Complivit Calcium D3 is very popular with buyers. These vitamins are recommended by dieticians to maximize calcium and phosphorus metabolism. They are made in the form of fruit lozenges that are chewed or absorbed during meals. The calcium content is 500 mg. Suitable for people over three years old. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from taking such a drug, and if they do, then only with the permission of a doctor. Average price: 250 rubles.

Complivit Calcium D3


  • Relieve the symptoms of osteoporosis;
  • Compensate for the lack of Ca or D3;
  • Price.


  • Possible manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • There are contraindications.

9th place. "Kalcepan"

For women who want to alleviate the symptoms of osteoporosis and regulate the hormonal background that has changed after the age of forty, the combined substance with calcium "Calcepan" is suitable. It contains not only Ca, but also various herbal extracts, as well as microelements B2, B6, D3 and C. The release form is in the form of dragees. Cost: about 450 rubles.



  • Due to the rich content of the drug, normalization of calcium metabolism occurs;
  • Takes care of the beauty of hair and skin;
  • Helps to synthesize collagen;
  • Restores bone tissue.


  • Not suitable for children.

8th place. "Vitrum Calcium + vitamin D3"

"Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3" can be called a family complex, as it is suitable for different age categories and will be equally good for children (with the exception of age up to 8 years), women, men and the elderly. The drug perfectly compensates for the lack of Ca and establishes the full functioning of calcium metabolism. The average price is 250 rubles.

Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3


  • Containing both Ca and D3;
  • Serves for the treatment of osteoporosis;
  • Suitable for elderly patients.


  • Children under 12 years of age are prescribed only after consulting a doctor;
  • There are contraindications;
  • In case of kidney disease, the reception is prohibited.

7th place. "Calcemin Advance"

The combined vitamin and mineral composition of the drug is designed to compensate for the lack of vitamin D3 and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Tablets "Calcemin-Advance" have an oblong shape and pink color. The active substances contain 500 mg of calcium and 200 IU of vitamin D3. It is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to replenish the supply of a trace element, as well as for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and for the treatment of osteoporosis. The approximate price depends on the form of release of tablets and varies from 400 to 900 rubles.

Calcemin Advance


  • Suitable for teenagers;
  • Quickly fills the lack of an element;
  • Enhances nail growth.


  • Unacceptable for urolithiasis;
  • Age restriction;
  • There may be individual sensitivity.

6th place. Calcium D3 for children, manufacturer "LUMI"

This vitamin-mineral complex has proven itself as an additional source of calcium and vitamin D, and is well tolerated by children. The course of taking the drug promptly compensates for calcium deficiency, which ultimately contributes to the full growth and development of the child, strengthens bones, and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and learning ability. The drug is recommended for children from 3 years. It is produced in granules for the preparation of a suspension, in sachets of 2.15 g. The price in pharmacies is about 8-9 rubles per 1 sachet.

Calcium D3 for children, "LUMI"


  • convenient packaging: one sachet at one time;
  • pleasant taste that the child likes;
  • price.


  • possible individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • age limit (from 3 years).

5th place. "Calcium D3 Nycomed"

Having studied the recommendations of consumers, we place "Calcium D3 Nycomed" in fifth place in our rating of quality drugs. This is a vitamin-mineral complex containing both Ca and vitamin D3. Available in the form of round snow-white tablets with mint or citrus flavors. Its main purpose is to regulate the exchange of trace elements and eliminate their shortage. Suitable for children over 3 years old, teenagers and adults. Dosage 500 mg of elemental calcium. The average price of a package is 285 rubles.

Calcium D3 Nycomed


  • Improves the external condition of the skin;
  • Fights brittle nails;
  • Suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Normalizes the activity of the heart.


  • Not suitable for small children;
  • There may be an allergy to the ingredients.

4th place. Calcium Sandoz Forte

The French preparation Calcium Sandoz Forte, which is a combination of macro and microelements designed to stimulate phosphorus-potassium metabolism, has proven itself well. Outwardly, they are white effervescent tablets with a barely pronounced citrus aroma. Dosage 500 mg calcium ionized. Suitable for adults and children from 2 years old. The price is 330 rubles.

Calcium Sandoz Forte


  • Perfectly proved itself in osteoporosis of various origins;
  • A good helper for allergic reactions;
  • Liquid form of application, suitable for patients with swallowing problems.


  • Possible problems with the stool;
  • Migraines may occur.

3rd place. "Multi-tabs Baby Calcium"

If you have a small child from 2 to 7 years old, then a great option for a balanced vitamin combination will be the Multi-Tabs Baby Calcium package. This drug ensures the proper formation of bone tissue, helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent insidious caries. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. The average price is 500 rubles.

Multi-tabs Kid Calcium


  • Variety of tastes;
  • Remarkable composition;
  • Like children.


  • Perhaps the appearance of an allergy;
  • Price.

2nd place. "Vitacalcin"

The composition of the drug includes the active substance calcium carbonate. Assign to patients suffering from hyperacidity of gastric juice and associated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Designed to neutralize hydrochloric acid, and thereby reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Also indicated for use in osteoporosis, childhood rickets, tooth decay and other health problems. It costs about 100 rubles.



  • Wide range of applications;
  • Price availability;
  • Efficiency.


  • Allergic reactions may occur;
  • Difficult to find for sale.

1 place. "Calcemin"

Often consumers ask themselves, what is the difference between "Calcemin" and "Calcemin Advance"? The answer is simple. The difference lies in the amount of the trace element. In Calcemin, it is half as much, only 250 mg. This has a certain advantage, since when a person consumes a decent amount of dairy products per day, a large dosage of Ca is completely useless to him. In addition, "Calcemin" can be used by children from 5 years. The duration of the course of admission is determined by the attending physician. The price varies from 300 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.



  • In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it ensures the absorption of the Ca element;
  • Helps slow down the process of bone tissue destruction;
  • Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.


  • May cause nausea and vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.


The trace element Ca occupies one of the key roles for human health. It is important that there is a full intake into the body, because then many troubles that entail diseases will disappear. But, saturating yourself with a vitamin, you should not forget about sports, since without physical activity, performance will be low.

How to take calcium supplements correctly - in the video:

Calcium is necessary for the health of any person, and especially for the fair sex. This is due to the fact that sex hormones are actively involved in the circulation of Ca in the body, and after menopause their number decreases. Following it, bone density also decreases, and there is a tendency to fractures. How do we know if we are getting enough of this mineral?

The norm in a woman's body depends on age and varies depending on the needs of growth or changes in bone tissue. Experts recommend the following average amounts per day:

  • 0.7 g at the age of 1-3 years,
  • 1 g at the age of 4-8 years,
  • 1.3 g for ages 9-18,
  • 1 g at the age of 19-50 years,
  • 1.2 g for ages 51 and over.
During pregnancy and lactation, the norm increases to 1.5 g.

deficiency symptoms

After the age of 30, the female body gradually begins to lose bone density due to decreasing physical activity and hormonal changes, which is aggravated during menopause. The lack of Ca in a woman's body can manifest itself in different ways. For example, tingling and numbness of the fingers may indicate a mild degree of hypocalcemia, and with a more serious deficiency of the mineral, involuntary muscle twitches and cramps are possible.

Chronic deficiency can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, poor memory, thinking problems, and insomnia.

Deficiency can adversely affect the electrical conduction of the heart. Symptoms may include arrhythmias (a feeling that the heart is skipping beats or beating too fast), shortness of breath, and swelling.

Ca deficiency is sometimes clearly visible in the condition of the skin, nails and hair. On the part of the skin, dryness, itching can be observed. Brittle nails and deteriorating teeth are also symptoms of its deficiency. With a significant violation of assimilation, osteoporosis and a tendency to fractures develop, especially in older women.

5 calcium supplements that are good for women

Of course, the main amount of Ca we must consume with food. However, it does not always remain in the body even with sufficient consumption. Moreover, it can be excreted faster than it should, so calcium preparations should also contain additional substances - regulators of its metabolism. Consider a few popular drugs that can make up for the deficiency.

There are contraindications, use after consulting a doctor

  1. Calcium Sandoz Forte

    Ca in nature exists in the form of salts, which have different bioavailability. Calcium Sandoz Forte effervescent tablets not only have a pleasant orange taste, they are specially thought out for the chemical composition of salts and excipients so as to ensure high absorption in the human intestine.

    The drug is produced in France. There are tablets with dosages of the equivalent of 0.5 and 1 g, which contain two calcium salts:

    • carbonate (0.875 or 1.75 g),
    • lactogluconate (1.132 or 2.263 g).

    Packing price 20 pcs. tablets of 0.5 g - from 311 to 365 rubles.

  2. Calcium-D3 Nycomed

    A well-known supplement based on a combination of Ca salt and vitamin D3. This vitamin is called "solar" because its synthesis occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Its main function is to maintain optimal levels of phosphorus in the blood. This combination of active substances allows the body to effectively absorb the incoming Ca.

    Carbonate in the preparation is 1.25 g, which is equivalent to 0.5 g of "pure" Ca, cholecalciferol (D3) - 200 IU. The drug is produced by the Norwegian company Nycomed in the form of chewable tablets with mint and orange flavor. The cost of packing 20 tablets is in the range of 222-253 rubles. The company also produces Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, in which the concentration of vitamin D is increased by 2 times.

  3. Calcium+Vitamin C

    For the prevention of osteoporosis and other age-related disorders, not only calcium is needed. Vitamin C is not synthesized in the human body, so the need for it is great. To replenish the normal balance of the vitamin and reduce the risk of calcium "starvation" will help this drug from the Dutch company Natur Product.

    It is available in the form of soluble effervescent tablets with a pleasant orange aroma, contains 0.18 g of vitamin C and 0.5 g of Ca carbonate. Pack of tablets 12 pcs. costs from 141 to 147 rubles.

  4. Ostalon Calcium-D

    According to experts, for women after 50, calcium-containing supplements should be prescribed in combination with regulators of bone tissue metabolism. In the modern pharmaceutical industry, there are just such combined drugs. One of them is Ostalon, which is produced by Gedeon Richter. The drug contains tablets of two types:

    • Ca carbonate (1.578 g) + Vitamin D3 (400 IU) + excipients,
    • alendronic acid (70 mg) + excipients.

    Normally, there is a dynamic balance between the processes of bone formation and its resorption (resorption). Alendronic acid belongs to bisphosphonates, substances that slow down the rate of bone resorption. The process of bone formation that continues against this background leads to an increase in its density, therefore Ostalon Calcium-D is prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis. The cost of packaging is from 789 to 805 rubles.

  5. Veprena

    Another type of antiresorptive drugs needs to be considered. These are drugs with thyrocalcitonin, which stimulates the uptake of Ca by bone cells.

    Age-related deficiency of calcitonin can also cause Ca deficiency in women. The domestic drug Veprena (Nativa LLC) will help replenish its supply. It is available as a nasal spray and contains 200 IU of salmon calcitonin and excipients. The cost of one bottle is from 1050 rubles. Veprena should be taken with other Ca-containing drugs.

comparison table
A drug Active ingredients: What is produced: Manufacturer:
Calcium Sandoz Forte Carbonate, lactogluconate 500mg or 1000mg each (calculated as pure Ca) Effervescent tablets in a case of 10 or 20 pieces France
Calcium D3 Nycomed Carbonate + Colecalciferol (in 1 tablet 500 mg + 0.005 mg (200 IU) of vitamin D) Chewable tablets (orange or mint) per: 20, 30, 50, 100 pcs per jar Norway
Calcium + Vitamin C Carbonate + Ascorbic acid (in 1 tablet 500 mg (pure) + 180 mg of vitamin C) Effervescent tablets in a case of 10 or 12 pieces Netherlands
Ostalon Calcium-D Carbonate + Colecalciferol (in 1 tablet 1500mg (pure) + 400 IU of vitamin D) + Alendronic acid (in 1 tablet 70mg) Tablets of 2 types, 32 or 96 pcs. Hungary
Veprena Calcitonin (200 IU) Nasal spray Russia

Of course, this is not a complete list of drugs that can normalize the Ca balance in your body. However, it must be remembered that despite the importance and necessity, with an overdose or improper intake, it can cause complications. It is believed that the upper limit of the daily dose for people over the age of 50 is 2 g. Exceeding the dosage increases the risk of kidney stones. Medicines containing calcium metabolism regulators must be taken under medical supervision.