What is insulin resistance, what are the causes, signs and ways to deal with it. Genetically modified soybean oil is less likely to cause obesity and insulin resistance

Excess weight, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high pressure are links in a chain. The cause of these diseases is often metabolic disorders, which are based on insulin resistance.

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Literally, this term means “does not feel insulin” and is a decrease in the response of muscle, fat and liver tissues to insulin in the blood, as a result of which its level becomes chronically high. People with reduced sensitivity are 3-5 times more likely to suffer from atherosclerosis, in 60% of cases they have hypertension, in 84% they get sick diabetes 2 types. It is possible to recognize and overcome insulin resistance even before it becomes the cause of all these disorders.

The main reasons for the development of insulin resistance

Exact reasons insulin resistance is unknown. It is believed that it can lead to disorders that occur at several levels: from changes in the insulin molecule and lack of insulin receptors to problems with signal transmission.

Most scientists agree that the main reason for the appearance of insulin resistance and diabetes is the lack of a signal from the insulin molecule to tissue cells, which should receive glucose from the blood.

Diabetes and high blood pressure will be a thing of the past

Diabetes is the cause of almost 80% of all strokes and amputations. 7 out of 10 people die due to blockage of the arteries of the heart or brain. In almost all cases, the reason for such a terrible end is the same - high blood sugar.

It is possible and necessary to knock down sugar, otherwise there is no way. But this does not cure the disease itself, but only helps to fight the effect, and not the cause of the disease.

The only medicine that is officially recommended for the treatment of diabetes and is also used by endocrinologists in their work is Ji Dao Diabetes Patch.

The effectiveness of the drug, calculated according to the standard method (the number of recovered patients to the total number of patients in a group of 100 people who underwent treatment) was:

  • Normalization of sugar 95%
  • Elimination of vein thrombosis - 70%
  • Elimination of a strong heartbeat - 90%
  • Getting rid of high blood pressure92%
  • Increase energy during the day, improve sleep at night - 97%

Ji Dao Producersare not commercial organization and financed with state support. Therefore, now every resident has the opportunity to get the drug at a 50% discount.

This violation may occur due to one or more factors:

  1. Obesity- combined with insulin resistance in 75% of cases. Statistics show that a 40% increase in weight leads to the same percentage decrease in insulin sensitivity. A particular risk of metabolic disorders is with abdominal obesity, i.e. in the abdomen. The fact is that adipose tissue, which is formed on the front abdominal wall, is characterized by maximum metabolic activity, it is from it that the most large quantity fatty acids.
  2. Genetics- genetic transmission of predisposition to insulin resistance syndrome and diabetes mellitus. If close relatives have diabetes, they are much more likely to develop insulin sensitivity problems, especially if they lead a lifestyle that is not healthy. It is believed that earlier resistance was designed to maintain human population. In a full time, people accumulated fat, in a hungry time, only those who had more reserves survived, that is, individuals with insulin resistance. Consistently abundant nutrition in our time leads to obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
  3. Lack of exercise- leads to the fact that the muscles require less nutrition. But exactly muscle consumes 80% of glucose from the blood. If muscle cells require very little energy to maintain life, they begin to ignore insulin, which conducts sugar in them.
  4. Age- after 50 years, the likelihood of insulin resistance and diabetes is 30% higher.
  5. Nutritionoveruse foods rich in carbohydrates, the love of refined sugars causes an excess of glucose in the blood, active production of insulin, and as a result, the reluctance of the body's cells to identify them, which leads to pathology and diabetes.
  6. Medications- some medications can cause problems with insulin signaling - corticosteroids (treatment of rheumatism, asthma, leukemia, hepatitis), beta-blockers (arrhythmia, myocardial infarction), thiazide diuretics (diuretics), vitamin B

Symptoms and manifestations

Without tests, it is impossible to reliably determine that the cells of the body began to perceive the insulin that entered the bloodstream worse. Symptoms of insulin resistance can easily be attributed to other diseases, overwork, the consequences of malnutrition:

  • increased appetite;
  • detachment, difficulty remembering information;
  • increased amount of gases in the intestines;
  • lethargy and drowsiness, especially after a large portion of dessert;
  • an increase in the amount of fat on the abdomen, the formation of the so-called "lifeline";
  • depression, depressed mood;
  • periodic rises in blood pressure.

In addition to these symptoms, the doctor evaluates signs of insulin resistance before making a diagnosis. A typical patient with this syndrome suffers abdominal obesity, has parents or brothers, sisters with diabetes, women have polycystic ovaries or.

Main indicator the presence of insulin resistance - the volume of the abdomen. In people with overweight evaluate the type of obesity. The gynecoid type (fat accumulates below the waist, the main amount in the hips and buttocks) is safer, metabolic disorders are less common with it. Android type (fat on the abdomen, shoulders, back) is associated with a higher risk of diabetes.

Markers of impaired insulin metabolism - BMI and waist-to-hip ratio (W/H). With BMI > 27, WC/VR > 1 in males and VR/VR > 0.8 in females, it is highly likely that the patient has an insulin resistance syndrome.

The third marker, which with a probability of 90% allows you to establish violations - black acanthosis. These are areas of the skin with increased pigmentation, often rough and tight. They can be located on the elbows and knees, on the back of the neck, under the breasts, on the knuckles, in the groin and armpits.

To confirm the diagnosis, a patient with the above symptoms and markers is prescribed an insulin resistance test, on the basis of which the disease is determined.


In laboratories, the analysis required to determine the sensitivity of cells to insulin is usually called the “Insulin Resistance Assessment”.

How to donate blood to get reliable results:

  1. When receiving a referral for analysis from the attending physician, discuss with him the list of medications, contraceptives and vitamins taken in order to exclude those that may affect the composition of the blood.
  2. On the day before the analysis, you need to cancel training, strive to avoid stressful situations and physical activity Do not drink drinks containing alcohol. Dinner time should be calculated so that before taking blood 8 to 14 hours have passed.
  3. Take the analysis strictly on an empty stomach. This means that in the morning it is forbidden to brush your teeth, chew gum, even without sugar, drink any drinks, including unsweetened ones. You can smoke only one hour before visiting the laboratory.

Such strict requirements in preparation for analysis are due to the fact that even a banal cup of coffee, drunk at the wrong time, can drastically change glucose levels.

After the analysis is passed, in the laboratory, based on the data on the levels of glucose and insulin in the blood plasma, the index of insulin resistance is calculated.

  • More study:- why to take and the rules.

Insulin resistance index

Since the late 1970s, the hyperinsulinemic clamp test has been considered the gold standard for evaluating insulin action. Despite the fact that the results of this analysis were the most accurate, its implementation was laborious and required good technical equipment of the laboratory. In 1985, a simpler method was developed, and the correlation dependence of the obtained level of insulin resistance with clamp test data was proved. This method is based on the mathematical model HOMA-IR (homeostatic model for determining insulin resistance).

The insulin resistance index is calculated using a formula that requires minimal data - basal (fasting) glucose level, expressed in mmol / l, and basal insulin in μU / ml: HOMA-IR \u003d glucose x insulin / 22.5.

The level of HOMA-IR, which indicates a metabolic disorder, was determined on the basis of statistical data. Analyzes were taken from a large group of people and index values ​​were calculated for them. The norm was defined as the 75th percentile distribution in the population. For different groups population indicators of the index are different. The method of determining insulin in the blood also affects them.

Most laboratories set the threshold for people 20-60 years of age at 2.7 conventional units. This means that an increase in the insulin resistance index above 2.7 indicates a violation of insulin sensitivity if a person does not have diabetes.

How insulin regulates metabolism

Insulin in the human body:

  • stimulates the transfer of glucose, amino acids, potassium and magnesium into tissues;
  • increases glycogen stores in muscles and liver;
  • reduces the formation of glucose in the liver tissues;
  • enhances protein synthesis and reduces their degradation;
  • stimulates the formation of fatty acids and prevents the breakdown of fat.

The main function of the hormone insulin in the body is to transport glucose from the blood to muscle and fat cells. The former are responsible for breathing, movement, blood flow, the latter store nutrients on the hungry time. In order for glucose to enter the tissues, it must overcome cell membrane. Insulin helps her in this, figuratively speaking, it opens the gate to the cell.

On the cell membrane is a special protein, consisting of two parts, denoted a and b. It acts as a receptor - it helps to recognize insulin. When approaching the cell membrane, the insulin molecule binds to the a-subunit of the receptor, after which it changes its position in the protein molecule. This process triggers the activity of the b-subunit, which transmits a signal to activate enzymes. Those, in turn, stimulate the movement of the GLUT-4 carrier protein, it moves to the membranes and merges with them, which allows glucose to be carried from the blood into the cell.

In people with insulin resistance syndrome and most patients with type 2 diabetes, this process stops at the very beginning - part of the receptors is unable to recognize insulin in the blood.

Pregnancy and insulin resistance

Insulin resistance leads to elevated blood sugar, which in turn provokes an increased work of the pancreas, and then diabetes. The level of insulin in the blood rises, which contributes to the increased formation of adipose tissue. Excess fat reduces insulin sensitivity.

Interestingly, insulin resistance during pregnancy is the norm, it is completely physiological. This is explained by the fact that glucose is the main food for the baby in the womb. The longer the gestation period, the more it is required. From the third trimester of glucose, the fetus begins to lack, the placenta is included in the regulation of its flows. It secretes cytokines, which provide insulin resistance. After giving birth, everything quickly returns to its place and insulin sensitivity is restored.

In women with excess weight body and complications of pregnancy, insulin resistance may persist after childbirth, which further increases their risk of developing diabetes.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Institute of Diabetology - Tatyana Yakovleva

I have been studying diabetes for many years. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to announce the good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has managed to develop a drug that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At present, the efficiency this drug approaching 98%.

Another one good news: The Ministry of Health has achieved the adoption of a special program that compensates for the high cost of the drug. In Russia, diabetics until April 17 (inclusive) can get it - For only 147 rubles!

How to treat insulin resistance

Diet and exercise help treat insulin resistance. Most often, they are enough to restore cell sensitivity. To speed up the process, sometimes they prescribe medicines capable of regulating metabolism.

Soybean oil is a vegetable edible oil and its popularity is growing all over the world. But rich unsaturated fats, especially linoleic acid, soybean oil causes obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice.

Materials and methods of research

Researchers at the University of California at Riverside tested a genetically modified (GMO) soybean oil released by DuPont in 2014. It has low level linoleic acid, resulting in an oil similar in composition to olive oil, which is the basis mediterranean diet and is considered healthy. The researchers compared traditional soybean oil and coconut oil rich in saturated fatty acids with GMO soybean oil.

Results of scientific work

“We found that all three oils raise cholesterol levels in the liver and blood, dispelling the popular myth that soybean oil lowers blood cholesterol levels,” said Frances Sladek.

“In our experiment, olive oil caused more obesity than coconut oil, although less than regular soybean oil, which was surprising since olive oil is considered the healthiest of all. vegetable oils,” said Poonamjot Deol. Some of the negative metabolic effects of animal fat may actually be due to high levels of linoleic acid, given that most farm animals are fed soy flour. That's why the diet high content fat enriched with regular soybean oil has almost identical effects to animal fat based diets.

Researchers believe that increased consumption of soybean oil may be a factor contributing to the obesity epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35% of adults are obese, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

“Our findings do not apply to other soy products such as soy sauce, tofu and soy milk,” Sladek said. "Needed additional research amounts of linoleic acid in these and other foods.

Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid. All people and animals should get it from their diet. "But that doesn't mean we need to have more of it in our diet," Deol said. "Our body only needs 1-2% linoleic acid, but some people get 8-10% linoleic acid."

The researchers recommend less consumption of conventional soybean oil. Sladek says: “I have used olive oil exclusively, but now I am replacing it with coconut oil. Of all the oils we've tested so far, coconut oil has the least negative metabolic impact, even though it's made up almost entirely of saturated fat. Coconut oil raises cholesterol levels, but not more than regular soybean oil.”


Deol, Poonamjot, et al. "Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins are implicated in soybean oil-induced obesity in mice." Scientific reports 7.1 (2017): 12488.

Insulin resistance in your cells is probably the most common hormonal failure and one of the most common causes of chronic fatigue. The vast majority of people who use carbohydrates as their main source of calories have insulin resistance of varying severity. And the older they are, the more insulin resistant their cells become.

Don’t even think about thinking that if your fasting sugar and glycated hemoglobin are normal, then you “have no problems with insulin resistance.” This is how endocrinologists interpreted my situation many years ago and I had to pay for their stupidity with years of insulin resistance and hypothyroidism. If I had the brains to listen to their bullshit nonsense, take insulin on an empty stomach and compare its values ​​\u200b\u200bwith healthy ones according to experts, I would be cured much earlier. A more or less healthy insulin on an empty stomach is 3-4 IU / ml, where 5 IU / ml and above is different degrees Problems. And don't be surprised if "for some reason the deiodinases don't want to convert my T4 to T3 even though my fasting insulin is only 9 IU/mL (2.6 - 24.9)". This range (2.6 - 24.9) has nothing to do with health and you may think that your fasting insulin of 6 IU/ml or even 10 IU/ml is "good".

Insulin is one of the three most important hormones in the human body (along with T3 and cortisol). Its task is to inform cells when nutrients are present in the bloodstream: sugars, amino acids, fats, micronutrients, and so on. After that, special proteins inside the cell, called gluco-transporters, approach the surface of the cell and begin to "suck" all these nutrients into the cell. Cells do not have eyes and therefore they need to somehow be told at what time and at what speed they should “take away” nutrients from the bloodstream. What kind of cells? - All. Muscle, liver, fat, endocrine, brain cells and so on. If we simplify it a lot, then the insulin signal in Russian sounds something like this: “Cell, take nutrients!”. Therefore, insulin is often referred to as the “energy storage hormone” or “transport hormone,” as if it “transports” nutrients into the cell, although nothing of the kind happens in the truest sense of the word, hormones just transmit messages from one cell to another. I prefer to call it the “hormone of energy supply”, and T3 is the hormone of energy consumption. Insulin signals regulate the rate at which nutrients/energy enter the cell, and T3 signals regulate the rate at which this energy is subsequently burned within the cell. For this reason, the symptoms of insulin resistance are very similar to those of hypothyroidism. And, probably, therefore, with deep insulin resistance (receptors do not hear the signal from insulin well and nutrients enter the cell more slowly / in smaller quantities), deiodinases slow down the conversion of T4 to T3 and increase the conversion to reverse T3. If energy enters the cell more slowly, then it is reasonable to burn it more slowly, otherwise you can burn everything and leave the cell “without energy” at all. These are just my guesses and it could easily have nothing to do with reality. But for us, only one thing is important - insulin resistance leads to a decrease in the conversion of T4 to T3 and an increase in reverse T3. And this is a fact confirmed by research, not my speculation. Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas on request from above.

Causes of insulin resistance.

When you eat something, your stomach breaks down food into its smallest components: it breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars, proteins to amino acids. After that, all the beneficial nutrients from food are absorbed in the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream. Already half an hour after eating a meal, the blood sugar level soars several times and in response to this, the pancreas immediately produces insulin, thus signaling to the cells: "take nutrients." Moreover, the amount of insulin that the pancreas will release into the bloodstream will be approximately proportional to the amount of sugar in the bloodstream + "0.5 times the number of amino acids (protein) in the bloodstream." After that, insulin sort of “distributes” these sugars, amino acids and fats through the cells and then their level in the bloodstream drops, followed by a decrease in the level of insulin. Sugar / amino acids in the blood take off -> insulin takes off -> insulin distributes sugars / amino acids throughout the cells -> sugars / amino acids in the blood decrease -> insulin decreases. The whole cycle takes 2.5-3 hours depending on the amount of carbohydrates and protein in the meal.

As long as homo sapiens feeds on food to which it has adapted like a biological machine in the course of millions of years of evolution, this system works like clockwork. As long as he consumes fruits in moderation (which only have about 8-12 grams of carbohydrates (read: sugar) per 100 grams), which also comes with a lot of fiber that slows down absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, no problems arise. Problems start when we regularly consume carbohydrate (sugar)-laden foods: rice (80 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams), wheat (76 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams) and all its derivatives, oatmeal (66 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams), sugary drinks \juices (stuffed full of sugar), sauces\ketchups, ice cream, etc. Apart from the high content of carbohydrates (sugar) in these products, their glycemic index differs little from the glycemic index of table sugar. Eating these foods leads to a huge spike in blood sugar and, consequently, a huge surge of insulin.

The second problem is that today people listen too much to incompetent nutritionists and strive for "fractional nutrition", the essence of which is that you need to eat "small portions, but often", ostensibly to increase the metabolic rate. Over a short distance, no increase in metabolic rate, of course, occurs. Regardless of whether you broke the daily amount of food into 2 servings or 12. This issue has been well studied in research and there are even video by Boris Tsatsulin. And it’s not entirely clear why on earth the body should speed up metabolism simply from the fact that we split the entire daily volume of food into more meals ?? In the long run, smaller meals will create chronically high levels of insulin and leptin and move you towards insulin resistance and leptin resistance (which in turn lead to obesity and a number of other problems) and actually lead to a slower metabolic rate. Even over a short distance, studies show that people who eat fractionally (3 large meals + 2 snacks) overeat quite imperceptibly compared to those who eat 3 times a day. It is much easier to overeat quietly if you eat 5-6 times a day than if you eat only 3 times a day, even if in larger portions. A person who eats 3 meals a day has elevated levels insulin for about 8 hours a day, and the remaining 16 hours are minimal. A person who eats 6 meals a day has elevated insulin levels all waking day(16-17 hours a day), because he eats every 2.5-3 hours.

For the first months and years, such a sugary and fractional diet will not create problems, but sooner or later, in response to chronically superphysiological levels of insulin, the receptors will begin to develop resistance to it. As a result, the cell ceases to effectively hear the signal from insulin. Chronic supraphysiological levels of virtually any hormone will lead to the development of receptor resistance to that hormone. No one really knows why this happens, but there are various hypotheses. For us, they are not important, the only important thing is that there are five main reasons for the development of insulin resistance:

1) High levels of insulin.

2) Persistent high insulin levels.

3) High percentage of visceral fat.

4) Deficiencies: hormone/vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, chromium, or vanadium. These deficiencies interfere with the proper functioning of insulin receptors.

5) testosterone deficiency in men. The sensitivity of cells to insulin directly depends on the level of testosterone and its deficiency (below 600 ng / dl) automatically creates insulin resistance.

The first is created by a diet rich in carbohydrates (i.e. sugars, since a carbohydrate is just a chain of simple sugars that breaks down under the action of hydrochloric acid). The second is being created fractional meals.

When a person develops mild insulin resistance and the cell stops effectively hearing the insulin signal, the pancreas tries to regulate the situation on its own, producing a little more insulin. In order to still convey the signal to the cell, the pancreas does exactly the same thing that we do when the interlocutor did not hear us the first time - we just pronounce the words again. If he did not hear from the second, we repeat the third time. The more severe insulin resistance, the more insulin the pancreas has to produce on an empty stomach and after eating. The more sensitive the receptors to insulin, the less insulin the pancreas has to produce in order to convey the signal to the cell. Therefore, fasting insulin levels are a direct indicator of the degree of insulin receptor resistance. The higher insulin on an empty stomach - the more resistant the receptors to it, the worse the signal passes into the cell, and the slower and worse cell It is provided with nutrients: sugar, proteins, fats and micronutrients. With the development of insulin resistance, deiodinases begin to convert less T4 to T3 and more to reverse T3. I suspect this is an adaptive mechanism, but I could easily be wrong. For us it doesn't matter. Insulin resistance creates symptoms on its own: reduced level energy, endogenous depression, weakened libido, weakened immune system, brain fog, bad memory, poor tolerance exercise, frequent urination, nighttime awakenings with a desire to pee, abdominal fat deposition (around the waist) and so on.

Therefore, we should always strive to ensure that the receptors are as sensitive as possible to insulin.

In the early years, it is the carbohydrate diet that propels you towards insulin resistance, but along the way, the pancreas is already joining this process (producing more insulin in response to resistance). It creates vicious circle when, due to insulin resistance, the pancreas is forced to produce more insulin to reach the cells, which in turn will lead to greater insulin resistance over time. After which she will produce much more insulin, and then this will lead to even more insulin resistance. The only person I've heard of this idea from is Canadian doctor Jason Fang, author of Obesity Code. In the early years, carbohydrate eating moves a person in the direction of insulin resistance, and at this stage, a change in diet will be effective as a treatment: a strong reduction in carbohydrates in the diet and the addition of fats (any but trans fats). Then comes the second phase, when the pancreas itself will aggravate insulin resistance and at this stage a simple change in diet will be ineffective or completely ineffective, because now, in a situation of deep insulin resistance, even food with a low insulin index will force the pancreas to produce superphysiological levels of insulin and from this the sucking quagmire is not so easy to get out.

Doctors divide all fat into subcutaneous and visceral (envelops internal organs and tissues). Quantity manipulation subcutaneous fat showed no change in insulin resistance. One study took 7 type 2 diabetics and 8 non-diabetic controls and liposuction removed an average of 10 kg of fat per person (which averaged 28% of their total fat). Fasting insulin and fasting glucose were measured BEFORE and 10-12 weeks AFTER liposuction and there was no change in these indicators. But reducing visceral fat in studies clearly improves insulin sensitivity and reduces fasting insulin. It doesn't make any practical difference to us which type of fat exacerbates insulin resistance: it's still impossible to force the body to burn directly. visceral fat, it will burn both and mainly subcutaneous (because it is many times more).

4) There is also a fourth reason for the aggravation of insulin resistance - these are deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin D, chromium and vanadium. Although it is the least significant of all, I recommend that everyone eliminate these micronutrient deficiencies, if any. And the point here is not even insulin resistance, but the fact that you will not be able to function optimally as a biological machine, having deficiencies of some trace elements, especially vitamin D and magnesium.

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

There are two types of diabetes: first and second. Type 1 diabetes accounts for only 5% of total number diabetes and develops as a result of an autoimmune attack on the beta cells of the pancreas, after which it loses the ability to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. Such diabetes develops, as a rule, before the age of 20 and therefore it is called juvenile (youthful). Other commonly used names are autoimmune or insulin dependent.
Type 2 diabetes (95% of all diabetes) is the end stage of progressive years and decades of insulin resistance and is therefore called "insulin resistance". It is diagnosed when the resistance of your cells' receptors becomes not just disgustingly terrible, but so pathologically terrible that even removing all excess glucose (not distributed to cells) through the kidneys with urine, the body still fails to stabilize blood glucose. And then they see elevated blood glucose or glycated hemoglobin in you and report that from now on you are a type 2 diabetic. Of course, your insulin resistance and symptoms developed decades before this diagnosis, and not just when "sugar got out of hand." Falling energy levels, falling libido, rising reverse T3, excessive sleep, endogenous depression, brain fog are created by insulin receptor resistance and falling sugar levels within the cell, and not by rising sugar in the bloodstream. When you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it translates into Russian as follows: “We screwed up as doctors and healthcare because your problem and symptoms slowly developed decades before today and we didn’t have the brains to measure your insulin on an empty stomach 20 years ago and explain in which direction carbohydrate nutrition is moving you. Sorry."

Frequent urination and insulin resistance.

Excess sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream long time toxic to cells, so our body tries to keep its level in the blood in a very narrow range. When you wake up in the morning, only 4-5 grams of sugar (glucose) circulates through the bloodstream, where 6 grams is already type 2 diabetes. 5 grams is just a teaspoon.
What happens when receptors develop insulin resistance and sugar cannot be quickly and efficiently distributed to cells? Do cells begin to become toxic to high blood sugar levels? The fact is that, unlike many endocrinologists, human body not so dumb and when the insulin distribution system is not working properly, the body quickly removes all excess sugar from the bloodstream through the kidneys in the urine. He has two main excretory systems (through the stool and through the urine) and when he needs to get something out of himself “quickly”, he drives this “something” through the kidneys into the bladder, after which there is an urge to urinate, even if the bladder is not yet full enough. The stronger the insulin resistance, the more often a person will run to pee => lose water because of this => after which thirst will force him to drink more and restore the amount of water in the body. Unfortunately, people interpret such situations in exactly the opposite way, swapping the cause with the effect: “I drink a lot and therefore I pee a lot!”. The reality goes something like this: “My body can’t stabilize blood sugar due to insulin receptor resistance, so it tries to do so by quickly removing all undistributed sugar through the urine, and so I feel frequent urges to urinate every 2.5-3 hours. As a result, I pee frequently, lose a lot of fluids, and then thirst is activated to force me to replenish the water lost in the body. ” If you often pee, and especially if you wake up in your sleep at least once a week from the urge to pee, then, in the absence of urological symptoms(pain in bladder, burning, etc.), you have a 90%+ chance of profound insulin resistance.

The term "diabetes" itself was introduced by the ancient Greek physician Demetrios from Apamania and literally this term is translated as " passing through«, « pass through“meaning that patients pass water through themselves like a siphon: they increased thirst and increased urination (polyuria). Subsequently, Aretaeus from Cappadocia for the first time fully described the clinical manifestations of type 1 diabetes, in which a person constantly loses weight, no matter how much food he takes, and eventually dies. Type 1 diabetics have an underproduction of insulin (due to an immune attack on their own pancreas), and without enough insulin, nutrients cannot be efficiently distributed to cells, no matter how much you eat. Therefore, insulin is the number one anabolic hormone in the body, and not testosterone as most athletes think. And the example of type 1 diabetics shows this perfectly - without enough insulin, their muscle and fat mass melts before our eyes, regardless of the amount of food consumed or sports. Type 2 diabetics have a fundamentally different problem, some of them maintain adequate weight, but many gain excess fat over the years. American doctors now introduced the word "diabesity", which is glued together the words "diabetes" (diabetes) and "obesity" (obesity). An obese person always has insulin resistance. But a person with insulin resistance will not always be obese. And this is important to remember! I personally know people with an adequate percentage of body fat, but with high levels of insulin on an empty stomach.

I am deeply convinced that such a diagnosis as “type 2 diabetes” should be removed from medicine, because it is rubbish and does not tell the patient anything about the causes of the disease, people do not even know what the word “diabetes” means. The first associations that they have in their heads when voicing this term are: “some kind of problem with sugar”, “diabetics inject insulin” and that’s it. Instead of "type 2 diabetes" the term "insulin resistance" should be introduced different stages: first, second, third and fourth, where the last will correspond to the current value of type 2 diabetes. And not "hyperinsulinemia", namely "insulin resistance". Hyperinsulinemia is only translated as "excess insulin" and says absolutely nothing to the patient about the origin, causes and essence of the disease itself. I am convinced that all names of diseases should be translated into a simple and understandable language for all non-medical people, and at the same time, the name should reflect the essence (and ideally, the cause) of the problem. 80% of the efforts of medicine should be directed to regulating the food market and educating the population in matters healthy eating and lifestyle, and only the remaining 20% ​​of efforts should be directed to disease control. Diseases should not be cured, but prevented through the enlightenment of people and complete ban junk food in the food market. If the healthcare system is pushing the situation to the point where many people have to be treated, this healthcare system has already screwed up completely. Yes, there is a small percentage of people in society who will ruin their health with various “tasty” products, even realizing their serious harm. But the vast majority get into problems with chronic diseases not from weak willpower, but from banal ignorance in matters of healthy nutrition.


If you understand that the body is able to quickly and easily stabilize blood sugar through urine excretion even in the case of profound insulin resistance, then you will also understand why fasting sugar or glycated hemoglobin (reflects the average blood sugar concentration over the past 60-90 days ) is useless and confusing garbage. This analysis will give you false sense of security if sugar in the morning will be normal. And this is exactly what happened to me 4 years ago - the doctors measured my fasting sugar and glycated hemoglobin and convinced me that there was no problem. I specifically asked if I should take insulin, to which I received a negative answer. At that time I had no idea about sugar or insulin, but I knew that insulin is one of the most important hormones in the body.

Remember, after your dinner, it will take about 10 hours or more before the fasting sugar test is taken. During this time, you go to pee 2-3 times and the body has plenty of time to stabilize sugar. But most endocrinologists sincerely believe that if fasting sugar is normal or the glucose tolerance test shows the norm, then the insulin distribution system is working properly !! And they will vehemently convince you of this too! Actually this does not mean absolutely nothing and the only diagnostic test which should be used is fasting insulin, because only it will reflect the degree of real resistance of receptors. Fasting glucose (sugar), glycated hemoglobin, and glucose tolerance test are three garbage tests with negative utility, because they will show the existence of a problem ONLY when everything will be worse than ever and it will be clear even to a blind person that you are deeply ill. In all other cases, they will give you a false sense of security. Remember, it is insulin resistance itself that creates the symptoms, not rising blood sugar levels!

Imagine an insulin resistance scale from zero to ten, where zero is ideal insulin receptor sensitivity and 10 is type 2 diabetes. When you move from zero to 1-2 points = you are already functioning sub-optimally as a biological machine and your energy level will already be lower than intended by evolution. But at this stage, you won't even suspect it. Even when you have insulin resistance of 4-6 points, you will still consider yourself healthy. When insulin resistance increases to 8 points, you will understand: “Something is clearly wrong with you,” but fasting sugar and glycated hemoglobin will still be normal! And they will be fine even when you get close to 9 points! Only at the mark of 10 points will they expose the problem with which you have actually been living in an embrace for decades!! Therefore, I consider fasting sugar and glycated hemoglobin to be tests of negative utility in diagnosing insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes. They will only reflect the problem when you are close to 10 points of insulin resistance, and in all other cases, they will only confuse you, giving you a false sense of security that "the cause of your symptoms is something else!".
As a diagnostic, we use only fasting insulin. The analysis is simply called “insulin” and is given in the morning on an empty stomach (you can’t use anything but drinking water). Healthy fasting insulin according to good doctors is in the range of 2-4 IU/ml.

Get rid of insulin resistance.

Let me remind you once again the main causes of insulin resistance:
1) High levels of insulin - created by a diet rich in carbohydrates and animal proteins (they are also insulinogenic and especially whey milk protein). We are switching to a diet based on fats + moderately protein and moderately carbohydrates.
2) Constancy of high levels of insulin - is created by fractional meals 5-6 times a day. And you need 3 maximum.
3) Excess visceral fat
4) Deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin D, chromium and vanadium.
Carbohydrates and proteins (especially animals) raise insulin levels decently. Fats practically do not raise it.
Study and memorize this chart carefully. A diet based on carbohydrates is driving people towards insulin resistance. FATS are the optimal source of energy for homo sapiens!! It is they who should provide under 60% of daily calories, about 20% proteins and about 20% carbohydrates (ideally, carbohydrates should be taken from fruits and vegetables or nuts). The biological machines most similar to us, chimpanzees and bonobos, in the wild consume about 55-60% of their daily calories from fat!!

Fiber and fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract and therefore they help keep insulin from spikes. As Jason Fang says, in nature, poison comes with an antidote—the carbohydrates in many fruits and vegetables come with enough fiber.
The above recommendations will help you avoid insulin resistance, but what if you already have it? Would it be effective to simply switch to fat as the main source of energy and reduce the number of meals to 3 times a day? Unfortunately, this is not very effective for getting rid of already decent insulin resistance. Much more effective method- just give the receptors a break from insulin AT ALL. Your body is constantly striving to be as healthy as possible, and the receptors will restore insulin sensitivity without any pills or supplements, if you just stop bombarding them with insulin and give them a "rest" from it. the best way intermittent fasting is when your sugar and insulin levels drop to a minimum and the sensitivity will slowly recover all this time. In addition, when glycogen stores (sugar reserves in the liver) are depleted, it forces the cells to go into hypersensitivity to insulin and slowly removes resistance.

There are many ways of intermittent fasting: from complete fasting for several days in a row to daily fasting only until lunch, i.e. completely skipping breakfast and leaving lunch and dinner.

1) I think the most effective and fastest scheme is “two days of hunger - one (or two) full” and the cycle repeats. On a hungry day, we eat just before bedtime 600-800 grams of lettuce (14 kcal \ 100 grams) or 600-800 grams of Chinese cabbage (13 kcal \ 100 grams) just to fill the stomach with low-calorie food, dull the feeling of hunger and sleep peacefully. On a full day, we don't try to fill up and catch up, but just eat normally like on a normal day and do not consume any high-carbohydrate foods like rice, wheat, oatmeal, potatoes, sugary drinks, ice cream, etc. No milk, because. it is extremely insulinogenic, despite low maintenance carbohydrates. While we restore the sensitivity of insulin receptors, it is better not to use these products at all. You can eat vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, poultry, some fruits (preferably low glycemic index, apples, for example)
According to patients, only the first two days of fasting are psychologically difficult. How longer man hungry, the better organism is rebuilt for the breakdown of fats, the less hunger remains and the more energy appears. This approach is the most effective and in just a couple of weeks you will notice a big difference in energy levels. Full normalization of insulin sensitivity can take a month or two, and for people with particularly deep resistance - about 3-4. As I said before, you will notice a difference in energy and mood levels in a couple of weeks and this will motivate you to keep going. You need to retake insulin only after full days and in no case after a day of hunger, otherwise you will see a distorted better side picture. Fasting morning insulin levels are affected by the volume and glycemic index of yesterday's dinner.
Remember, the longer you fast, the more insulin sensitivity is restored. And it is especially actively restored on the second day of hunger in a row, because. glycogen stores are depleted only towards the end of the first day.
2) You can alternate one hungry day - one full and this will also work, though not as well as the first method.
3) Some choose to eat only 1 meal a day - a hearty dinner, but without insulinogenic foods like wheat, rice, oatmeal, milk, sugary drinks, etc. All the time before dinner they are starving and at this time the sensitivity of receptors is restored.
4) Another scheme is the so-called "warrior diet" - when you fast every day for 18-20 hours and eat only in the last 4-6 hour window before bedtime.
5) You can only skip breakfast, 8 hours after waking up there is a hearty lunch and then a hearty dinner, but this scheme is much less effective.
As you can see, intermittent fasting has great amount variations and you need to select a scheme that the best way matches your motivation and willpower. It is clear that the fastest you will restore insulin sensitivity and burn more fat on the first scheme, but if it seems too difficult for you, then it is better to stick to the 5th scheme than to do nothing at all. I personally advise everyone to try the first scheme or “hungry day-full day” and hold on to this for 4-5 days, you will be surprised how easy it will become for you to continue to starve. The longer a person fasts, the easier it becomes.
Will hunger slow down metabolism and cause any metabolic disorders?? The first 75-80 hours of complete hunger, the body does not consider it a cause for concern at all and does not even begin to slow down the metabolism. He will begin to do this on the 4th day, spinning up the production of reverse T3 and complete this slowdown on the 7th. Moreover, he does not care whether it was a complete hunger or just a reduction in the caloric content of the diet by 500 kcal. On the 4th day, he will begin to adapt to the lack of calorie intake from food and readjust in such a way that calorie expenditure now coincides with their intake from food. Therefore, I do not recommend anyone to fast for more than two days in a row. The meaning of a well-fed day is to prevent the body from slowing down metabolism and going into emergency economy mode. And then the cycle repeats.
You can hear a lot of scary tales about intermittent fasting from various non-developing nutritionists and doctors. In reality, intermittent fasting will only improve your metabolic rate by removing insulin resistance. remember, that complete absence eating for a couple of days is an absolutely normal situation for homo sapiens, it is for such scenarios that our body stores fat. In fact, the body does not even go without food, it’s just that if you stop throwing external food into it, it will begin to spend those many kilograms of “food” that it always carries with it on a rainy day around the waist, hips, buttocks, etc. .
And always remember to consult your doctor! There is a small layer of people who, due to the presence of certain problems in the body, should not starve. But these are a tiny minority.

In working with patients, I increasingly encounter impaired insulin sensitivity. As it turned out, this hormone is the very red button that opens the door to many diseases. No wonder insulin has captured my attention lately. To be honest, I myself sometimes fell under its influence. That's why I decided to "dot the e".

Studies show that just one tablespoon of sugar for four hours lowers immunity. Decreased immunity makes the body more susceptible to infections and viruses, which can also reduce fertility.

Metabolic syndrome or prediabetes

According to statistics, one in four adults suffers from this syndrome.
How to identify?

  • blood test for fasting sugar 4.1-6.1 mmol / l
  • insulin 2.6-24.9 mcU/ml
  • glucose tolerance test
  • HOMA-IR index ratio between insulin and fasting glucose
  • decrease in cortisol levels, closer to the lower limit of the norm, in the morning and in the evening.

Before performing the study, strictly follow the recommendations so as not to distort the test results.
Do not drink alcohol 10-15 hours before the study.
Do not eat 12 hours before the study.
Read the instructions for the drugs you are taking: do they provoke an increase in sugar or insulin.
Contraceptives increase glucose levels.

But you can do a simpler test at home - measure your waist. The fact is that insulin resistance leads to the formation of fat deposits at the waist. This is the so-called type of obesity like an apple. The larger the waist circumference, the more likely the presence of insulin resistance.
Waist circumference should not exceed 80 cm for women and 90 cm for men.

Insulin resistance: what to do?

    1. Reduce the amount of fruit in your diet.Fructose reduces insulin sensitivity , reduces liver function, asfructose breakdown does not occur in the muscles.
    2. Skip desserts, cakes, pastries, fruit juice, sweetened yogurt, breakfast fast food, dried fruit, honey, agave, maple syrup, “natural fruit sugar”, pale desserts. Replace sweets. Keep an eye on the levels of protein and fat in the diet, with enough of which sugar cravings will decrease.
    3. You can get a safe 30g of fructose per day from 1 appleor a couple of pieces of another fruit. Do not combine fruit intake with the main meal, as this will increase intestinal fermentation and bloating.
    4. If your tests are normal and symptoms are present, reduce the consumption of fruits to 1-2 times a week. Starchy vegetables can be omitted.
    5. Complete the level. Magnesium deficiency may lead to decreased insulin sensitivity.A diet rich in magnesium reduces process risk. Magnesium is quickly depleted during stress, physical exertion, alkalization of the body. Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts will help replenish magnesium from food. regulates the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, improves sleep, increases progesterone levels, reduces cravings for sweets and inflammation.
    6. Dream. A study published inAnnals of Internal Medicine, shows a direct link between sleep disturbance and the body's ability to control energy, but also to regulate metabolism. Fat cells also need to rest.If you stay awake nights in a row, insulin sensitivity increases by 30%.
    7. Physical activity,according to research,can reduce the manifestations of immune inflammation by reducing the level of cytokines. Here, do not rush to immediately run for a subscription to the gym: climbing the stairs and hiking- this is what you need, without wasting time and magnesium. Contraceptives reduce muscle growth and increase cortisol levels when exercising.
    8. Availability enough intestinal bacteria Helps eliminate waste estrogen and maintain thyroid hormone levels.
    9. Supplements - taurine, myoinositol, chromium, copper, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E (tocopherols), magnesium (very important!).
    • Berberine - to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, helps to reduce weight.
    • Alpha lipoic acid to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation and preventperipheral neuropathy in the development of diabetes.
    • Chromium increases insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    • Curcumin - the use of this substance reduces the risk of developing diabetes, reduces inflammation and improves pancreatic function.
    • Spices and herbs - fruits of garcinia cambogia, stem of hoodia gordonii, leaves of gymnema sylvestre.

What should be removed from the diet, and what should be left?

  1. Foods with a high glycemic index and sugars: honey, corn syrup, as it is high in fructose, cane sugar, brown sugar.
  2. Refined products - white flour pastries, fast food, pasta, muffins, chips, cakes.
  3. Beer and.
  4. Reduce portion size. My guideline is the Ayurvedic principles for measuring portions: 2 palms - everything that is on your plate.
  5. Don't count calories, listen to your body, and use medium to low GI foods.
  6. Three meals a day - with dinner until 20.00.
  7. Learn to listen to your body and distinguish between hunger and thirst.
  8. - at least 100 g of protein food per meal.
  9. One fruit, not combining with the main meal.
  10. Nuts: 4-5 pieces per reception.
  11. Nut butters: 1-2 tablespoons.
  12. Vegetables: 1 handful.
  13. Healthy - 1 tablespoon.

We sometimes hear “remove the high GI carbs and that will be enough,” but proteins can also stimulate an increase in insulin, so it is important to monitor the level - both carbohydrates and proteins. It is best to concentrate on fats and make your diet something like this - 50-70% fat, 20% protein, 10-20% carbohydrates.

Insulin is very closely associated with excess weight and appetite. The hormone responsible for appetite is produced in adipose tissue. And the growth of adipose tissue occurs with the development of insulin resistance. Deficiencies contribute to this important substances-, iron, vitamins.
High level leptin blocks sex hormones.

Metformin helps to remove only an isolated cause of insulin resistance, but does not remove the real causes - an imbalance of other hormones - leptin and sex hormones, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

Physical activity - to whom and why?

Lack of physical activity as well as excessive exercise against the background of a high levelstress and cortisol may exacerbate the onset of insulin resistance.10-20 minutes of moderate exercise is better, but every day than 60 minutes of intense exercise every other day. On the one hand, you need to increase the amount of muscle mass and increase energy expenditure in order to improve insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, the load should not be too high, so as not to stimulate excessive production of cortisol and adrenal fatigue.

In this sense, walking, swimming in a calm mode is better than Treadmill or aerobics.

All this together will help restore the body and remove all backfire decreased sensitivity to insulin. I am glad that I figured out the problem, thereby protecting myself from insulin resistance. I hope this article will help you to notice your problems with insulin in time.

There will be questions, write - I will share a scheme of several drugs to restore insulin sensitivity. As a thank you, you can order the drugs at my link and get recommendations on how to take them for you.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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Insulin resistance occurs in people with diabetes or overweight. Several studies have found that proper nutrition and physical exercise can change how the body responds to insulin. In recent years, the number of people with diabetes has increased significantly, so we need to pay close attention to how we eat. An insulin resistance diet is like a diabetic and helps you lose extra pounds and regulate your blood sugar levels to reduce your risk of developing status diabetic and diabetes.

Insulin resistance is caused by being overweight, especially excess fat around the waist. Fortunately, weight loss can help your body regulate insulin. Perhaps thanks to proper nutrition prevent or slow down the development of diabetes.

Basic diet rules

In fact, there is no exact diet, we will rather explain why you should exclude certain foods from your menu and which ones should be emphasized in your diet.

Limit carbs

Exist big difference whether you are taking carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or with added fat or sugar. When it comes to flour, it is best to consume whole grains. The best option is to use 100% wholemeal flour or almond and coconut flour for best results.

Avoid sweetened drinks

All types of sugars can raise blood sugar levels and contribute to worsening insulin resistance. But there are some sources of sugar and carbohydrates that are more harmful than others. Avoid soft drinks sweetened with sugar, fructose corn syrup, iced tea, energy drinks, and those containing sucrose and other artificial sweeteners.

Instead of drinking sugary drinks, look for water, soda, herbal or black tea and coffee. If you need to add some sweeteners to your food or drink, use natural ones like honey, stew, dates, maple syrup, or molasses.

Eat More Fiber

According to many studies, whole grain consumption is associated with a lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes, but people need to limit the amount of processed (packaged) whole grains.

Consumption of high fiber foods such as artichokes, peas, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beans, flax-seed, cinnamon and cinnamon, help regulate insulin resistance. These vegetables are high in fiber and have fewer calories and also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Eat Healthy Fats

Avoid eating unhealthy fats such as trans fats and saturated fat, instead in your menu desaturated. Increasing fat is important for people with insulin resistance and diabetes due to the reduction in carbohydrates.

Eating foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids improves glycemic control when fat replaces carbohydrates. Foods you can consume to increase healthy fats, is olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.

In addition to increasing the amount of unsaturated fats, you should increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which means eating fish at least twice a week. Suitable mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna and white fish. Omega 3 fatty acid can be obtained from walnuts whose flaxseed, hemp seeds and egg yolks.

Get enough protein

The study found that increasing protein intake helped shed more pounds. Protein intake is important for people with insulin resistance because proteins are relatively neutral in terms of glucose metabolism and conserve muscle mass, which may be reduced in people with reduced insulin sensitivity.

Proteins such as chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt, almonds, and lentils help regulate blood sugar levels.

Eat dairy

Calcium, vitamin D, milk fat and, in particular, transpalmitoleic acid reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

When buying dairy products, choose those labeled "bio" and not regular products from a cow. Sheep and goat milk - more best options, kefir is also suitable.

Plan Your Meals

When it comes to controlling insulin resistance, weight loss is key. You can lose weight by following weight loss guidelines to reduce insulin sensitivity, but you also need to cut calories. Studies have shown that growing portions have great importance for the development of obesity. Eat more often, but in smaller portions and never be too hungry, because this increases the chances of eating for next move food. Start small and discard if necessary, but never overfill your plate.

Proteins, fats and vegetables (fiber) should always be on your plate.

An insulin resistant diet is balanced between pure protein, healthy fats, high-fiber foods, and high-quality dairy products. People with this condition should avoid packaged foods, sweetened drinks, and refined carbohydrates.