Mediterranean diet menu for the week, recipes for weight loss.

The Mediterranean diet for weight loss is more than just a diet, it is a full-fledged lifestyle characteristic of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. There are many myths in the world about a proper, healthy diet for the body. Nutritionists are constantly developing new schemes, and culinary specialists are constantly developing dishes and food menus for a month or week according to the rules of new diets.

The principles of the Mediterranean diet, its essence and advantages over other diets

However, as is known, the result of a diet directly depends on many individual factors of a person’s health, genetic predisposition to weight gain and the efficiency of the digestive system.

What is the essence of such a diet?

60% of the diet consists of: fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, 30 percent is the share of vegetable fats (olive oil), 10 percent is proteins (seafood, fish, lean meat, cheese).

The process of losing weight occurs due to low consumption of unnatural and starchy foods, fatty foods, flour, sweets and carbonated drinks.
It is especially pleasant to follow the Mediterranean diet on a seaside vacation. But for city residents, such a diet will not be a problem, because stores offer a good variety of natural products.

Mediterranean diet. Menu for the week, recipes you will find in our article

To evaluate the results of a balanced diet for residents of Italy, Spain or France, no additional research will be required.

Statistics show that the Mediterranean diet has a positive effect on the body as a whole, is an effective prevention of various diseases, and most importantly, has a positive effect on a slim figure and muscle growth.

Interesting fact! Following the Mediterranean diet has no strict contraindications. An exception is an allergic reaction to a certain ingredient or medical prohibitions due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The principles of dieting include 3 key points:

  • choose the correct (allowed) products to form the menu;
  • eat food at a strictly defined time;
  • exercise to activate metabolism and energy hunger.

The main advantage of this type of nutrition is a wide variety of dishes. Unlike strict mono-diets, the Mediterranean diet includes a lot of different foods, and the body does not experience “dietary” stress.

A combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, legumes and dairy products contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It should not be overlooked that all of the above is easily adaptable to the Russian population, from the Caucasus to Siberia.

Mediterranean diet rules

  • Eat vegetables every day. Fresh, boiled, stewed - very healthy. Keep potato consumption to a minimum. Eat more cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and olives. By the way, nutritionists say that olives speed up metabolism.
  • Seafood and fish are very healthy, but the fish should be low-fat varieties. Choose a dietary cooking method: boiled or baked fish and seafood.
  • Try to consume 1-2 jars of fermented milk product every day. It could be kefir or yogurt. They promote better intestinal function and speed up metabolism. In addition, fermented milk products contain calcium, which helps strengthen bones.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates only at breakfast. This is buckwheat, rice, wholemeal bread, pasta. Complex carbohydrates help you gain energy in the morning and throughout the day, and those eaten in the morning do not have time to be stored as excess weight.
  • Olive oil is a fat that will not make you fat! Dress salads with olive oil. Avoid mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Mediterranean people love cheese. Give preference to low-fat varieties.
  • Meat is an important component of nutrition. Steam or boil the meat.
    Replace sweets with fruits. But be careful with bananas. They are very high in calories.
    Replace sugar with honey.
  • Try to exclude potatoes, cottage cheese, pastries, sweets, alcohol, and carbonated drinks from your diet. You can only afford a little red or white wine.

Health benefits of diet and what results can be achieved

The main questions: what are the benefits of Mediterranean cuisine, what results can you expect? A balanced menu is based on regular consumption of fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables and fruits, grains, and moderate amounts of meat. The beneficial microelements contained are more than enough to maintain the health and performance of all body systems.

According to medical research, the benefits of such a diet include the following:

  • blood pressure and sugar levels are normalized;
  • eliminating swelling and stabilizing kidney function;
  • prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • prevention of the development of vascular and heart diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • correct and stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The last point is one of the key ones. According to highly qualified nutritionists, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system is an important component when losing weight. It is with cleansing that any proper nutrition system begins. Many people who are losing weight exclude this stage, sincerely surprised that the chosen diet does not bring results.

By sticking to Mediterranean cuisine, weight loss is observed within a week and a half. Moreover, losing weight does not imply a sharp loss of kilograms; “proper weight loss” means slowly losing excess weight throughout the diet.

Prohibited Products

It is difficult to strictly distinguish between “right” and “wrong” foods, because Mediterranean cuisine is very diverse, but there are a number of foods that should be completely avoided.

Prohibitions and restrictions in the Mediterranean diet menu (a guide for preparing recipes for the week)
Forbidden Allowed with restrictions
ButterGame: three times a week
PorkMutton, beef, lamb meat: once a week
Sugar, confectionerySalt
Cheeses with a high percentage of fatSweet juices
Fast food, baked goods, white flour productsGrapes, bananas - in limited quantities
Sweet carbonated drinks
Refined fats and sugars
Whole milk

Sample Mediterranean diet menu for a week

When compiling your weekly diet, it should be varied as much as possible. By eating different foods, the body will receive the maximum amount of vitamins, the nervous system will be strengthened, and the rejection of prohibited ingredients will go unnoticed.

Interesting fact! The order of dishes can be changed, the main thing is to follow 3 rules: carbohydrates before lunch, proteins after lunch, main course at lunch. Vegetables are allowed at any time of the day, but their total volume should not exceed 1 kg.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day #1two sandwiches with onions, pickles and sardinesseafood soup with vegetablesGreek salad with beans, celery, olives and chopped herbs
Day #2two ham sandwiches, low-fat yogurt or kefir.rice, salmon in sour cream sauce with chopped herbs.tomato soup with fried slices of bread and fresh herbs.
Day #3muesli with nuts and fruits (dried fruits).grilled vegetables (red and green bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant).boiled shrimp, toast or cheese sandwich.
Day #4sandwiches with mozzarella cheese and fresh tomato slices, banana or kiwi, fresh carrot juice.pasta with lamb meat stewed with vegetables (bell pepper and zucchini).vegetable salad with olive oil (radish, pickled gherkins, red and green bell peppers, olives, tomatoes, leeks).
Day #5fruits (papaya, melon, pineapple, banana, kiwi).stewed vegetables with mozzarella, seasoned with nutmeg.salad with shrimp and avocado.
Day #6ham sandwich, rice cake with low-fat butter.light vegetable soup with chicken cutlets, boiled buckwheat, cherry tomatoes.
Day #7sandwiches with salami, slices of sweet bell pepper, and lettuce.risotto with shrimp.baked chicken meat with fresh vegetable salad and Feta cheese.

A weekly or monthly Mediterranean diet menu does not imply strict prohibitions between meals. Snack recipes (lunch and afternoon snack) should consist of light dishes: fruits, vegetables, life-giving drinks.

Nutritionists recommend limiting them to fresh fruit, natural yogurt or low-fat kefir. Each meal should be at a certain time, this is the key to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Priority drinks – filtered water, natural juices. Drink coffee, green or black tea without sugar, 3 to 4 cups per day are allowed. Dry wine is recommended for lunch or dinner, no more than 100 - 150 ml per day.

Sweets are allowed once a week, these include dried fruits, honey, homemade cakes or desserts, for example, jelly, mousse, smoothies. It is better to opt for fresh fruit, but rarely eating homemade cookies is quite safe.

It is important to know! If the weekly menu looks too exotic, Mediterranean diet recipes can be adapted. It is allowed to replace the main dishes with porridge, wholemeal pasta, and vegetable stews.

Recipes for the Mediterranean Diet

When preparing first or second courses, olive oil is always added; it is best to choose cold-pressed oil. Its quantity should be moderate.

The Mediterranean diet menu should be composed of natural cuisine products.

The diet includes all types of dishes: first course, second course, desserts. The most difficult thing to cook is soups and side dishes, especially if they are included as a regular dish in a weekly or monthly diet menu program.

Desserts, as a rule, are fruits (dried fruits), yogurt, dietary homemade baked goods, adapted to the daily diet.

Soup Ministrone

Main ingredients for soup:

All vegetables are fried in olive oil in a pan, spices are added. The broth is added several times in portions and the soup is cooked for 50 minutes.

Vegetable risotto

Main ingredients:

All vegetables are cut into small cubes, placed on a greased baking sheet and placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Onions and garlic are stewed separately in a frying pan with high walls, adding rice and then broth, and simmer for another 15-20 minutes (the water should evaporate and be absorbed). Place the baked vegetables in a frying pan with rice and stir.

Baked fish

Main ingredients:

Sea fish fillets are placed on a baking sheet greased with oil. Mix lemon juice, kefir, herbs and salt, put the resulting mixture on the fish meat. The top layer is grated cheese. The dish is prepared for 15-20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180°C.

Vegetable salad with avocado and shrimp

Main salad ingredients:

The dressing is traditional - olive oil; the salad is seasoned with basil, cilantro, lemon juice and pepper.

The shrimp are cleaned, lightly salted and fried in olive oil on all sides. Avocado is cut into slices, cubes or cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice. Place lettuce leaves on a plate and place chopped avocado on top. Next comes a layer of shrimp.

Cherry tomatoes are cut into four parts and placed on top. Fresh basil and cilantro should be coarsely chopped, pepper and salt to taste.

Rules for quitting the diet

Despite the fact that this nutrition program is not a diet that must be strictly followed, the transition to a normal diet must be properly organized. It is not recommended to suddenly return to consuming large amounts of sugar, fatty meat, potatoes and alcohol.

When leaving the diet, you should gradually introduce familiar dishes into your daily diet, cook red meat more often, and add potatoes to vegetable dishes. You can add butter little by little to the porridge; in the first days, limit it to the minimum amount. They also increase the volume of fruits and vegetables, consuming bananas and grapes more often.

Completing the diet will take 4 weeks, during which time the body will gradually rebuild. If you switch to fatty foods prematurely, you may have an upset stomach or heartburn.

Before you start changing your nutrition system, it is useful to spend 2-3 fasting days. To do this, it is not at all necessary to starve; usual dishes are replaced with stewed or fresh vegetables, drink kefir, carrot juice. Then you can begin to change your diet; after several fasting days, the transition will be unnoticeable.

The main mistakes of losing weight and how to avoid them

Key diet mistakes are not fully understanding which foods are allowed and which should not be included in weekly recipes. The diet allows you to include bread and pasta in the menu, but they should not be made from white flour.

Regular consumption of olive oil can be a big problem when losing weight on the Mediterranean diet, because it contains a large number of “useless” calories.

According to nutritionists, “a small portion of olive oil will not harm a healthy and active person.” A sedentary lifestyle or abuse of vegetable fat can minimize the result.

Breakdowns are one of the biggest mistakes of any diet.. Since Mediterranean cuisine is varied, a daylong breakdown and one-time overeating will not block all the efforts made. It is enough to spend 1-2 fasting days and return to the correct nutrition program.

To avoid breakdowns, you should clearly plan your menu; a properly balanced diet will ensure that the body is fully saturated with useful microelements.

Opinions of doctors and nutritionists about the Mediterranean diet

Experts believe that the Mediterranean diet can be considered the standard diet for a healthy person.

A properly composed menu for a week, a month or a longer period of time, with recipes for healthy dishes, and regular exercise guarantees the normal functioning of the digestive organs, maximum absorption of nutrients due to increased metabolism, and excellent human condition without bad habits.

The program prevents the development of various diseases and heals the body as a whole. Reducing cholesterol levels, normalizing pressure and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the complete digestion of food; feeling great allows you to exercise more often or introduce it into your lifestyle.

This nutritional system has no age restrictions and is allowed during pregnancy or lactation.

An important aspect is physical activity, which is mandatory when following the Mediterranean diet. An active lifestyle keeps the entire body in good shape, promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

It is not necessary to engage in sports professionally; the standard minimum is daily exercise in the morning and evening. And the Mediterranean diet is simple, pleasant, and at the same time, very effective!

Mediterranean diet. Menu for the week, recipes in this useful video:

Mediterranean diet menu for the week:

The Mediterranean diet gets its name from the basic nutritional principles of the Mediterranean peoples. Residents of this region eat healthy food, which has a beneficial effect on all body systems and helps prolong youth and life. The peoples of the Mediterranean region have a minimal mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases.

Basic principles of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss

It should be mentioned that the Mediterranean diet is not really a diet, but a principle of everyday nutrition. It is aimed at improving the health of the body first of all, and then losing weight. This principle of nutrition will not give quick results, but will improve your well-being for many years. In addition, if you adhere to the Mediterranean diet, it will allow you to monitor your weight and prevent the occurrence of many dangerous diseases.

The Mediterranean diet involves the following nutritional principles. In the morning for breakfast It is best to eat cereals and fruits. Carbohydrates contained in flour products and cereals give the body a boost of energy for the whole day. Carbohydrates eaten for breakfast are not stored in the form of unpleasant kilograms.

At lunch you need to eat plant and protein components. This includes vegetables, meat or fish.

For dinner It is best to prepare low-calorie vegetable dishes.

If you feel hungry between meals, you can snack on vegetables, fruits or yogurt.

You can eat those dishes that DO NOT contain animal fats, preservatives and sugar. Fast food and processed foods need to be removed from your diet. You should eat in a calm environment and leisurely, so the food is better digested and has a positive effect on the body. During the Mediterranean diet, small portions are eaten, which is more than compensated for by a large number of dishes.

Nutritionists focus their attention on the pyramid of the Mediterranean diet. It consists of carbohydrates (60% of the total caloric intake), fats (30% of the total caloric intake), proteins (10% of the total caloric intake).

Carbohydrates can include unrefined cereals, pasta made from durum flour, legumes, wheat, and wholemeal bread.

Olive oil, sesame and soybean oils, walnut and peanut oils are used as fats. Corn and sunflower oil are used much less frequently. Lard, animal fat and margarine are NOT eaten.

Proteins include cheese and yogurt, fish and lean meat. You can eat about 4 eggs per week. Moreover, this amount includes eggs for baking.

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

Contraindications for the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet, unlike other diets, has no contraindications. We can safely say that the Mediterranean diet brings incredible benefits to the human body, since the products consumed according to the Mediterranean principle of nutrition contain a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, as well as the amount of calories necessary for a full life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest and most balanced for the body. All nutritionists note the particular benefits of such a diet. Vegetable oils and fish oil, contained in large quantities in the menu, promote the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for regulating cellular metabolism and are necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks, as well as other diseases.

Dry red wine, found on the menu, provides preventive measures to strengthen arteries and protect the body from Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, hypertension, as well as to prevent the development of viral infections and diseases of the nervous system.

The Mediterranean diet menu contains many monounsaturated fats, which help with type 2 diabetes. These fats control blood sugar levels.

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of antioxidants, which help slow down aging and prevent the onset of cancer.

Olive oil contains many monounsaturated fats, which control the process of deposition of extra pounds in the body and help prevent cancer. Extra virgin olive oil is especially beneficial.

The fish we eat contains huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They have a positive effect on brain performance, help get rid of depression, stabilize the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of diabetes and skin diseases, and alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Thanks to the Mediterranean diet, iodine deficiency in the body is reduced and mood improves. Feminine beauty remains fresh.

The only disadvantage of the Mediterranean diet: it does not provide rapid weight loss, in particular, in a week of diet you may not feel the result at all. The result of the diet will be visible only if you strictly adhere to it for at least a month, but this weight loss result will last for a long time, again, provided that the diet is not violated.

Products for the Mediterranean diet, their preparation

During the Mediterranean diet, you need to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, fish and other seafood. The menu should not contain starch, fatty dairy products and animal fats.

A prerequisite for the Mediterranean diet is the consumption of large quantities of vegetables. They can be eaten raw, baked or stewed. According to nutritionists, you need to eat at least one kilogram of vegetables in any form per day. The exception is potatoes, as they contain a lot of starch and are very high in calories.

Olives will be beneficial if they are added to almost all prepared dishes of the Mediterranean diet. In addition, garlic, basil, parsley, marjoram, dill, celery, tarragon, and cilantro are often added to Mediterranean diet dishes.

Olive oil is considered the main dressing for all salads, and almost all dishes need to be cooked with it. Please note that fried dishes in oil are excluded from the diet; only boiled, steamed or grilled dishes are allowed.

The peoples of the Mediterranean practically do not consume fresh milk. They consume fermented milk products. This includes yogurt, feta cheese, kefir, and low-fat cheeses. These products can be consumed as independent dishes, or can be added to various salads and snacks.

The basis of the Mediterranean diet is fish. It should absolutely not be cooked with flour, eggs, or fat. The fish is usually stewed with tomatoes or grilled. Salads of fresh vegetables or rice are served with fish. You need to eat fish dishes four to five times a week.

The peoples of the Mediterranean also eat pasta. For Italians, pasta is a traditional daily dish. You need to buy pasta only from good durum flour. In this case, pasta is perfectly absorbed by the body without depositing kilograms of fat. The Mediterranean diet allows you to eat only lean meats. Usually it is lamb, veal, and very rarely chicken. You should cook meat dishes no more than 2-3 times a week and eat them only in small portions. Serving size is supposed to be no more than 100 grams.

A special place in the Mediterranean diet is given to wine. Dry grape wine contains many sugars, minerals and vitamins. Naturally, the wine should be of high quality, but you should also not abuse wine - no more than 2 glasses a day as an aperitif.

Duration of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss

There is no duration for the Mediterranean diet. You can stick to it for the rest of your life. To lose weight, they mainly follow a seven-day Mediterranean diet with a special calorie-restricted menu (shown below). It is advisable to spend several fasting days before the diet to prepare the body.

Sample Mediterranean diet menu for a day or week

Example Mediterranean diet menu for one day

Breakfast: you can eat bread, pita bread with jam (or other pastries), several fresh fruits, drink green tea or fruit juice.
Lunch: prepare a light salad of tuna, anchovies and olives. Season it with olive oil. Drink a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: prepare stewed vegetables or salad dressed with olive oil. You can eat a small amount of lean meat. The side dish can be rice or pasta. You can cook vegetable stew.
Dinner: Steam or grill fish. Fish should be served with vegetables cooked in any form. Fish can be replaced with bell peppers stuffed with rice, vegetables and minced meat. A glass of dry wine is allowed.
Dessert: you can eat any fruit, low-fat fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cheese, feta cheese).

Seven-day Mediterranean diet menu

First day

Breakfast: one grain bread with jam or butter and tea.

Lunch: cook pasta with vegetables. Per serving: 1 carrot, 4 tbsp. canned peas, half a pod of hot pepper, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 3 tbsp. vegetable broth, 120 g pasta, salt.

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of low-fat milk, white from one boiled egg.

Dinner: cook spaghetti with cheese. For one serving you need 40 g of spaghetti, 1 tsp. olive oil, ¼ onion, ¼ cup milk, 2 tbsp. grated cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream. 100 g sweet pepper, 100 g zucchini, 3-5 olives, salt, pepper.

Second day

Breakfast: half a glass of milk 0.5% fat, half a glass of muesli without sugar.

Second breakfast: drink a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: cook lentils with vegetables. For one serving you need: 0.5 tbsp. olive oil, 4 tbsp. peeled lentils, 1 medium onion, 0.5 tbsp. tomato paste, 2 medium potatoes, 1 medium carrot, 1 tsp. vinegar, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: 1 grain bread with diet cheese and drink half a glass of low-fat milk or kefir.

Dinner: cook pasta with fish. For one serving you need: 40 g pasta, small onion, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 6 tbsp. sour cream, juice of half a lemon, 50 g pink salmon, salt, pepper.

The third day

Breakfast: eat one grain bread with melted cheese and drink tea with honey.

Second breakfast: drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: cook periu the Italian way. For one serving you need: 1 clove of garlic, 45 g of ground beef or chicken, bell pepper, 0.5 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tomatoes, 30 g pasta, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural apple juice.

Afternoon snack: drink herbal tea and eat 3 tbsp. nut-honey muesli.

Dinner: prepare bows with minced meat. For one serving you need: 30 g of ground beef or chicken, 1 tbsp. olive oil, small onion, 1 tsp. tomato paste, 40 g bows or horns, 2 cloves of garlic, a pod of hot red pepper.

Fourth day

Breakfast: 1 grain bread, 1 tbsp. dietary cottage cheese, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: dumplings with vegetables. For one serving you need: 100 g dumplings, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 200 g vegetables, 1 tsp. pine nuts, 5 olives, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of yogurt.

Dinner: chicken with rice. For one serving you need: 40 g rice, 100 g chicken fillet, 1 tsp. olive oil, ground black pepper, 1 medium apple, half a glass of olives.

Fifth day

Breakfast: 2 grain breads, jam, diet cheese, tea with honey.

Second breakfast: one glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: pea soup. For one serving you need: 1 cup of peas, 1 medium onion, 1 potato, 4 champignons, 2 medium carrots, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of yogurt.

Dinner: spicy goulash. For one serving you need: 50 g beef meat, 200 g white cabbage, small onion, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, olive oil, hot pepper, salt.

Sixth day

Breakfast: one grain bread, 1 tbsp. dietary cottage cheese, herbal tea.

Second breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: spaghetti with milk sauce. For one serving you need: 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. flour, half a glass of milk, 50 g spaghetti, 10 g ham, 5 olives, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: granola bar. 1 glass of kefir.

Dinner: spaghetti with vegetable sauce. For one serving you need: 70 g spaghetti, a small onion, 0.5 tsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, herbs, salt.

Seventh day

Repeats one of the previous days as desired.

Forecast for weight loss on the Mediterranean diet

You can lose 2.5-3 kilograms in a week. It is worth considering that the diet is quite balanced and not strict, so you should not expect more results.

The Mediterranean diet allows you to eat foods familiar to you from childhood. Since the diet is quite healthy and wholesome, not strict and balanced, it will help improve the health of the body and prevent the occurrence of many diseases (provided that you adhere to this principle of nutrition all your life).

If you have tried the Mediterranean diet, write your review about it in the comments: how long did you stick to the diet, how many kilograms did you manage to lose, is the previous weight back now?

Every woman at least once in her life has had the thought that she is not thin enough. To achieve your dream figure, medications, constant strength training and food restrictions are used. The Mediterranean diet is an incredible method of keeping the body in beautiful shape, which is sure to appeal to the fair sex.

The wonderful secret to losing weight

Residents of the Mediterranean have been practicing a special way of eating since ancient times, but the term “Mediterranean diet” was introduced no more than sixty years ago. Ansel and Margaret Case noted that the French, who eat high amounts of fat, are less susceptible to cardiovascular problems than Americans. More seafood, fruits, vegetables and olive oil - this is the Mediterranean diet for weight loss. A menu of such products does not seem boring at all, because they can be used to prepare excellent salads, soups, casseroles or pasta.

Residents of the Mediterranean prefer to eat eggs and meat almost every day, because this is protein, which is the most important building component of the body. This type of nutrition is recommended for people with a high risk of developing cancer, Alzheimer's disease, obesity, and diabetes. Even though Mediterranean people are big fans of olive oil, you will have to reduce the amount in your diet. Those wishing to lose a few extra pounds will also have to give up frequent consumption of honey and starchy foods. The Mediterranean diet, whose menu is distinguished by sophistication and sophistication, will appeal to even the most demanding gourmets. Now you will forget what fasting is. Treat yourself to delicious and original dishes and lose weight at the same time.

Mediterranean diet

Women all over the world dream of losing excess weight without exhausting themselves with thin soups and seafood. The culture of eating food of some peoples has become popular in Russia. The term “Mediterranean diet” refers to the nutritional system characteristic of countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Malta, France, Monaco, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia. Despite some differences in the cuisines of the peoples living in these territories, there are common features. The Mediterranean diet is unthinkable without vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Along with the constant consumption of fish and other seafood, the menu may consist of meat and poultry.

The diet should be balanced and contain approximately 60% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 10% proteins. Most often, women try to minimize bread and pasta in their diet, but with a balanced diet no one runs the risk of gaining excess weight. The Mediterranean diet for weight loss is relevant for people who do not want to temporarily get rid of extra pounds, but to stay in great shape forever. A small amount of fat, represented mainly by olive oil, is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. By consuming everything in the right quantities, you do not risk gaining weight.

The benefits of olive oil

Make it a rule to use only high-quality fats for frying and salad dressing. Olive oil has been proudly called “liquid gold” since Homeric times. Its benefit lies in the high content of vitamins, phenols and acids, which help remove toxins and radicals from the human body. If you don't want to overeat during the day, take a spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach. Its aroma will lift your spirits and provide you with vigor for the whole day.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists recommend olive oil to women who have begun to show the first signs of aging. It saturates cells with vitamins and minerals, strengthens hair and nails, and resolves the first wrinkles. Thanks to its miraculous ability to strengthen muscles, you can always boast of a toned body. If you want to always look beautiful and young, you should learn about the positive aspects that the Mediterranean diet helps achieve. Photos of dishes prepared with the addition of olive oil demonstrate that they are pleasant to look at, so no gourmet can resist them.

It is worth giving preference to unrefined oil, since it contains more useful substances due to its low thermal effect. It can be cake, purified and natural - the latter option is the best. Keep in mind that stale oil has a less pleasant taste. And the shelf life of this product is no more than five months. The Mediterranean diet, whose recipes feature extensive use of olive oil, helps any woman lose extra pounds. It is noted that this method of eating is easily tolerated, and those losing weight do not forget about the culture of eating even after achieving the desired result.

Allowed products and options for dishes with them

Are you interested in the Mediterranean diet? The menu for every day may consist of complex carbohydrates. For breakfast you are allowed to eat a slice of wheat or rye bread, for lunch and dinner - rice or pasta. Develop the habit of flavoring your dishes with garlic, herbs and aromatic herbs, which not only give the food a pleasant aroma, but also slow down the aging process in the body.

Fish should make up the bulk of the diet. Preference can be given not only to dietary, but also to fatty varieties. The products of the Mediterranean diet do not end there: lean or fried meat is allowed to be consumed every other day. Give up the habit of having an omelet for breakfast every day - you are allowed to eat no more than four eggs per week. Eat fruits and vegetables three times a day, with your main meals or in between. Wine lovers are in luck - you can drink a glass of this drink before lunch or dinner. Replace whole milk with kefir, cottage cheese and cheese. If this method of eating seems very expensive to you, try giving up sweets, and the financial difference with your regular menu will not exceed twenty rubles daily.

Mediterranean diet: weekly menu for rapid weight loss

Dishes for daily consumption should consist of cereals, meat (mostly white), fish, vegetables and fruits. Special attention should be paid to dairy products. Give preference to cheese and kefir. Accompany each meal with juice or green tea; at lunch, you can drink a glass of red wine.


Breakfast: two boiled eggs, a sandwich with cheese.

Lunch: boiled rice, vegetable salad with herbs.

Dinner: boiled rice with aromatic herbs.


Breakfast: oatmeal, orange.

Lunch: sea cocktail, vegetable soup.

Dinner: steamed fish, green salad.


Breakfast: Italian omelet with tomatoes, herbs and olives.

Lunch: spaghetti with cheese.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lentils.


Breakfast: vegetable salad with olives, sandwich with lean meat.

Lunch: baked squid, salad with seaweed.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with chicken.


Breakfast: oatmeal or muesli topped with yogurt, apple.

Lunch: low-fat fish with baked vegetables.

Dinner: green salad, cheese.


Breakfast: fruits dipped in kefir or yogurt.

Lunch: spaghetti with seafood, mixed vegetables.

Dinner: lean meat with olives.


Breakfast: milk porridge, sandwich with cheese.

Lunch: tomato and egg salad, dressed with olive oil, boiled rice.

Dinner: fish baked with herbs.

As you can see, the menu can be very varied. Vegetables, seafood, cereals and grains make up a balanced nutritional system, so the human body does not accumulate substances that are difficult to digest. The Mediterranean diet, reviews of which are left not only by women who are losing weight, but also by nutritionists, remains relevant regardless of the time of year - all products are available both in winter and summer.

Soups are the best on the menu

The diet of any person is unthinkable without liquid dishes. Dietary cuisine can consist of cream soups, vegetable purees and light stews. The Mediterranean diet consists of three great dishes: gazpacho, pesto and minestrone. By preparing these soups for lunch or dinner, you will add variety to the menu. The weight loss method is designed for three weeks.

To prepare Spanish soup you will need half a kilo of tomatoes, one green pepper, cucumber and onion, a few cloves of garlic, wine vinegar, olive oil and salt to taste. All ingredients must be cut with a knife and then chopped in a blender.

A Mediterranean diet for weight loss is unthinkable without aromatic minestrone soup. To prepare it you need one onion, a couple of celery stalks, potatoes, carrots, eggplant, two zucchini, green peas, spinach and garlic to taste. As for the spices, you can’t do without chili pepper, basil, and cumin. Heat the oil and fry the vegetables in it, pour in vegetable or meat broth, add salt to taste and cook for an hour over low heat.

Pesto belongs to the category of puree soups, for which the ingredients are ground in a blender. Main components: daikon, carrots and celery - 250 grams each, onions and leeks. The side dish is prepared from green beans and zucchini in equal proportions with the addition of tomatoes. Pesto is, first of all, the name of the sauce that is served with soups and main dishes. It is prepared from pine nuts, basil and olive oil in equal proportions, two cloves of garlic and grated cheese, which must be crushed in a blender until smooth. The main ingredients are boiled and combined with a side dish and sauce before serving.

Italian pasta for weight loss

Nutritionists unanimously talk about the dangers of pasta, but in moderation they will not harm your figure. In the Mediterranean food system, carbohydrates make up 60%, which means that women are allowed to eat rice, flour products, cereals, and spaghetti. Pasta should be made only from durum wheat. Sometimes it is permissible to combine spaghetti with a small flatbread in one meal.

The Mediterranean diet, along with other intangible objects, has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Her merit lies in her enormous help to women who are constantly struggling with excess weight. Britney Spears, Monica Bellucci and Cindy Crawford cannot imagine their lives without such a food system. The secret to keeping Hollywood stars slim is the proper consumption of bread and butter. Pasta can be cooked with vegetables, meat or simply seasoned with sauce. It is preferable to serve spaghetti for lunch so that the food eaten has time to be absorbed before the evening.

Mediterranean diet: lose weight in a week on vegetables and fruits

Many women do fasting days on weekends so that the excess weight gained during the week evaporates. However, not everyone can resist the temptation to try a piece of sweet pie or fragrant casserole. The Mediterranean diet is a balanced diet, which means you can eat almost any food in moderation. Meals can be taken up to five times a day. Light snacks should consist of fruits, vegetables or drinking yogurt. A person loses the maximum amount of weight by consuming them. Dishes made from these products only at first glance seem similar and unoriginal, but in fact, real masterpieces can be prepared from them.

Greek salad can be found on the menu of all restaurants, but not every housewife makes it at home. The Mediterranean diet consists primarily of vegetables and herbs, olives and olive oil - just what you need to prepare this light snack. For it you will need tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese or fetax cheese, green salad leaves, olives and olive oil. The proportions can be arbitrary. The ingredients are cut into large pieces, and the pits are removed from the olives. Next, vegetables and cheese must be combined in one container and poured with a small amount of olive oil and seasoned with spices. Everyone's favorite Greek salad is ready!

The best option for breakfast may be a fruit mix. To prepare you will need strawberries, apples, orange, canned pineapples and drinking yogurt. All ingredients are mixed and filled with milk product. The salad is moderately sweet, so you don't need to add sugar. A large amount of vegetables and fruits is what the Mediterranean diet mainly consists of. Recipes for dishes made from similar ingredients will appeal to anyone who wants to lose a few kilograms in a week.

The role of seafood in the diet

Dishes baked in the oven are deservedly recognized as the best option for the holiday table. They always look great, and most importantly, they are easy and simple to prepare. Baked fish is a delicacy that no one can resist. The Mediterranean diet relies heavily on seafood. For baking, it is better to choose large fish without bones, such as sterlet, pike perch, sturgeon, and pike looks especially impressive.

Before starting to prepare the dish, seafood must be doused with boiling water, scaled and gutted. For better results, the insides can be removed using a hard sponge. Next, the fish must be rubbed with salt and other spices so that the dish is not bland, and to enhance the taste, you can sprinkle the carcass with lemon juice. Place foil on a baking sheet, grease it with sunflower oil, and place the fish on top. It is better to stuff it directly in the baking container so that it does not fall apart during transfer. Fill the inner free part of the fish with potatoes, vegetables and herbs, make cuts on top and insert garlic, onion and lemon into them. The dish is baked at 200 degrees for 45 minutes. Convince yourself of how vibrant and original the Mediterranean diet can be: menus, recipes and methods of preparing dishes will certainly delight even the most sophisticated gourmets.

What could be tastier than aromatic seafood from the oven? These dishes can add more variety to the Mediterranean diet. Spanish paella is prepared from sea cocktail and chicken fillet in equal proportions, four cloves of garlic, one onion, two tomatoes, two glasses of dry rice and green peas. In addition to the main ingredients, you will need a liter of chicken broth and olive oil. The dish may seem complicated at first, but it will take you no more than an hour and a half to prepare. Fry the chicken in flour and olive oil, add garlic, onion and chopped tomatoes. As soon as the food is covered with a golden crust, pour the rice into the pan. Separately, fry the seafood cocktail, combine everything and pour in the broth. The dish is stewed for several minutes and left for half an hour. Real Spanish paella is ready!

Yogurt at home

Fermented milk products are the favorite treat of all women on a diet. Yogurts and curd cheeses, cocktails and mousses can be found in any store, but if you have free time, you can prepare all this at home. This way you can save money and get a natural product. The Mediterranean diet, whose recipes include dairy products, will seem less boring if you diversify it with fruit yoghurts. You can make them in two ways - completely on your own or from kefir. Real yogurt is made from milk, thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Yogurt starter is sold at any pharmacy, and a small flask will be enough for you to prepare several liters. Boil and cool a glass of pasteurized milk, combine it with the starter and place in a warm place for eight hours. All this can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. Yogurt is prepared from a tablespoon of starter and a liter of warm milk. The product can be stored for a week. If you don’t have free time for preparation, you can combine kefir with fruit syrup, jam - and quick yogurt is ready!

Experts conducted studies that confirmed that the Mediterranean diet has a good effect on all processes in the human body. First of all, this diet helps prolong human life. It has long been known that fried and fatty foods increase the risk of heart and stomach diseases, so life expectancy may be reduced. The Mediterranean diet completely excludes the consumption of these foods, so it is considered quite safe.

If we talk about exact calculations, nutritionists have found that people on such a diet reduce the risk of heart disease by 33% and the likelihood of developing malignant tumors decreases by 24%. In addition, the Mediterranean diet can protect a person from the development of hypertension, diabetes and senile dementia.

Detailed description

The Mediterranean diet does not require accurate calorie counting. Moreover, there is no need to calculate the proportional ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You need to eat slow carbohydrates every day in the form of various cereals, durum wheat pasta and whole grain bread. The Mediterranean diet pyramid is based on these foods.

Above grains in the food pyramid are fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to consume up to 6 servings of vegetables per day and 3 servings of sweet fruits. Vegetable salads can be seasoned with olive oil - an ideal source of fat for the human body. This oil is rich in fatty acids that prevent problems with blood vessels and the heart.

Also, daily consumption of nuts, dried fruits, seeds, dairy products and cheeses is allowed. But it is important not to overdo it with their consumption, since these products contain a large amount of fat.

Mediterranean diet limits the use of the red month. People sitting on it should eat such meat only 4 times a month, and the portion of meat should not be more than 100 g. As for sweets and chocolate, they can be eaten from 1 to 6 times a week, but in very small portions so that do not provoke the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

It is important to select only fresh food suitable for this diet. They contain the maximum possible amount of healing substances that are quickly absorbed in the human body. It is advisable to consume vegetables and fruits raw, since prolonged heat treatment destroys vitamins and some microelements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Mediterranean diet undoubtedly has many benefits. It helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which helps protect the human body from the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, such a diet prolongs life, so with its help you can live to a ripe old age.

In addition, it fills the human body vitamins and beneficial microelements, which can only be obtained from natural products that have undergone slight heat treatment. Gradually, the body becomes healthier and the immune system is further strengthened.

Unfortunately, not everyone can follow such a diet. Some products are difficult to buy in the CIS countries, so they have a high cost. Also, seafood has become much more expensive lately, so before you go on this diet, you need to calculate your financial resources.

This diet is not suitable for combating severe obesity. It weakly reduces the amount of calories consumed, when to treat obesity they need to be reduced by almost half.

Diet menu

You should start your day by eating yogurt with fresh fruit or eating whole grain toast with sugar-free nut butter. A protein omelet with vegetables can replace these products. Lunch follows tomorrow a couple of hours later. For it you need to prepare a vegetable salad or eat a small handful of walnuts. As a replacement, you can take a fish sandwich or processed low-fat cheese.

For lunch, it is recommended to eat pasta made from durum wheat, vegetable salad, hard cheese or chicken breast with vegetable salad. After lunch, as soon as you begin to feel hungry, you can eat any sweet fruit or some nuts.

For dinner, you are allowed to eat lean meat, vegetable salads, low-fat cheese or stewed vegetables with small pieces of meat. Sometimes you can add sweets to your diet, but you need to eat them in limited quantities at the beginning of the day.

Dish recipes

The main ingredients of the Mediterranean diet are salads dressed with olive oil and soups. For cooking gazpacho soup You will need half a kilo of tomatoes, a cucumber, bell peppers, onions, 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil to taste, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar and a little salt. It is necessary to finely chop the vegetables, onions and garlic. Everything is put into a blender container and ground until smooth. Then oil and vinegar are added to the resulting mass.

Another popular dish is considered minestrone. It is prepared from carrots, onions, cabbage and celery fried in a frying pan. The olive oil is poured into a large saucepan and heated slowly. Then fried vegetables are added and the dish is cooked for 50 minutes. The result is a flavorful and healthy soup.


The Mediterranean diet is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers or allergies to olive oil. Mediterranean foods should be consumed with caution during exacerbation of intestinal and stomach diseases.


The Mediterranean diet is not a strict diet, so it is easy to get out of it. If for some reason a person is tired of eating this way, then he can simply stop eating Mediterranean dishes. Gradually, they are replaced by familiar foods, but it is important not to overindulge in sweets and fatty foods, as you can quickly ruin your figure.


The Mediterranean diet for weight loss is a balanced diet. It does not apply to short-term diets, since its effect occurs only after several months of proper nutrition. Body weight will gradually normalize and the risk of cardiovascular diseases will decrease, and life expectancy will increase. However, such a diet will not allow you to quickly lose excess weight, so for serious weight loss it is recommended to use other diets.

If you look at the inhabitants of such Mediterranean countries as Spain, Greece and Italy, the first thing that catches your eye is their beautiful blooming appearance, cheerfulness and fit figure. What is the secret of this condition that helps them stay cheerful and healthy for many years? Nutritionists are firmly convinced that the special Mediterranean diet is to blame. Today, the Mediterranean diet, menus and recipes for delicious dishes prepared in these countries are very popular. By and large, this is not a diet at all, but a collection of special eating habits and principles that allow you to eat tasty, nutritious and without compromising your figure and health.

Food Pyramid for the Mediterranean Diet

When nutritionists, interested in the Mediterranean diet menu, carefully studied the lifestyle and nutrition of the peoples of the Mediterranean, they noticed that their food system was surprisingly organic and incredibly simple. Based on the data obtained, they built a food pyramid, which is the basis of the Mediterranean diet. This pyramid essentially depicts all the basic principles of the diet.

At the base of the food pyramid are carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index, including wholemeal bread, corn, pasta and rice. On the steps above are located and, even higher above them are fish, seafood and dairy products. At the very top of the pyramid are sweets and red meat.

This arrangement of food products in the pyramid is not accidental. It is recommended that the products listed in the base be included in the Mediterranean diet menu for weight loss and consumed daily. Those located above, i.e. vegetables and fruits should be alternated every 2 days, foods from the third stage are recommended to be eaten once a week, and foods from the top of the pyramid 1-2 times a month.

People who adhere to the Mediterranean diet menu for a long time, over time, notice that the craving for eating various types of fast food, cakes and other unhealthy foods is significantly reduced. Habit plays a huge role here; as soon as a person gets used to eating in a special way and feels the first signs of weight loss, he simply does not want to return to his former diet and shape.

In addition to the products indicated in the pyramid, it is imperative to include wine in the diet menu. The body needs water for normal functioning and full metabolism; at least 2 liters must be drunk. As for wine, it should be consumed for purely therapeutic purposes - a glass of red wine with lunch (if work allows) or dinner. The permissible norm for drinking wine is one glass per day for women and two glasses for men.

Mediterranean diet rules

In a simplified way, all the basic rules are set out in the food pyramid, but if we look at them in more detail, we can highlight the following fundamental rules:

  1. Introduce into your diet as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, both in pure form and in the form of salads. Particular attention should be paid to fruits and vegetables in red, green and orange colors;
  2. You also need to eat enough fish and seafood, which are a valuable source of useful minerals, vitamins and microelements;
  3. All Mediterranean diet recipes require the use of vegetable oil. It is advisable to season all salads and other dishes only with olive oil; in extreme cases, you can use unrefined sunflower oil;
  4. 1-2 glasses of red wine a day is the norm, it is pleasant, tasty and healthy, provided that you eat properly during the day;
  5. Sugar should be excluded from the menu; honey can easily replace it; salt can be replaced by spices and herbs;
  6. You can drink water, without sugar, fruit drinks and compotes.

It is also necessary to completely abandon the consumption of processed foods and fast food, alcohol, non-natural sauces and carbonated drinks. It is best to use the healthy and proven Mediterranean diet recipes below.

Losing weight on the Mediterranean diet: menu for the week

What foods can be included in the seven-day Mediterranean diet menu in our country and how many times should you eat? The recommended number of meals is five, this number includes three main meals, i.e. breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two additional ones - second breakfast and afternoon snack. The same amount of time should pass between these meals; an interval of 3 hours is most often used. As a snack in case of acute hunger, it is allowed to consume low-fat milk, some nuts, kefir or natural yogurt.

In addition to the composition of dishes prepared according to Mediterranean diet recipes adapted to Russia, the method of their preparation is also important. Experts recommend that everything that can be eaten raw should be consumed that way. All cereals must be pre-soaked in water for 10-12 hours.

If you cook vegetables, fish and meat, it is best to do it grilled or steamed. In this case, to implement the Mediterranean diet recipes, photos of which are given below, purchasing a double boiler would be quite justified.

Due to the fact that the list of allowed foods is very wide and varied, if you decide to use Mediterranean diet recipes for a week, two weeks or a month, you can rest assured that the feeling of hunger will not be your constant companion. However, despite the fact that the list of permitted products is wide and varied, certain restrictions on the menu still exist and they relate to consumption volumes.

The table below shows the consumption standards for foods that can be used when creating a Mediterranean diet menu for every day:

For convenience, such a list can be placed directly on the refrigerator and you can easily create your menu.

Seven-day Mediterranean diet for every day and menu for a month

The approximate menu of the Mediterranean diet for a week should be compiled taking into account personal taste and gastronomic preferences. The Mediterranean diet menu will help you lose weight by 2-3 kg in a week, provided that it is strictly followed. It may look like this:

unsweetened cottage cheese casserole with fruit, green tea

vegetable stew, juice, banana

shrimp, glass of red wine

oatmeal cooked with milk, herbal or green tea

gazpacho soup, tea, apple

stewed vegetables, cheese 50-80 g, glass of red wine

light fruit salad, toast with tomato and ham, green tea

spaghetti with tuna, tomato, tea, kiwi

grilled or steamed fish, a glass of red wine

cottage cheese casserole with vanilla, green tea

chicken fillet baked in the oven, vegetable salad, tea

salad with spinach and arugula, 100 g lean ham or chicken, a glass of red wine

egg, 100 g whole grain bread, slice of lean ham, 50 g cheese, herbal tea

vegetable stew, juice, apple or banana

rice with vegetables and chicken, unsweetened tea, pear, glass of red wine

omelet and herbs, 50-80 g cheese, juice

spaghetti with tuna and vegetables, tea, 2 kiwis

eggplant baked with cheese, green apple, glass of red wine

light fruit salad with yoghurt dressing, toast with lean ham and tomato, green tea

salmon cooked in wine, boiled rice, juice

stewed vegetables, hard cheese 50 g, glass of red wine

The Mediterranean diet menu for every day can be adjusted to your taste, the most important thing is that it fits into the general requirements of the food pyramid. This nutrition system is one of those few that have virtually no contraindications. Moreover, following it is useful not only for combating excess weight, but also for normalizing well-being in general.

Due to the fact that foods allowed for consumption are rich in fiber, proteins, starch, vitamins and minerals, you can safely extend adherence to the Mediterranean diet menu for a month.

Mediterranean diet recipes adapted for Russia

Using the recipes below for the Mediterranean diet menu for a week, you can easily make your diet varied.



  1. Grate the garlic, mix with salt, add dried bread and olive oil, grind until smooth;
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion, core the red pepper and grind in a blender;
  3. Peel the tomatoes and stems, peel the cucumber, add everything to a blender and chop;
  4. Combine the bread and garlic mixture with wine vinegar, pepper and salt to taste.

Gazpacho should be served with herbs, white bread and slices of finely chopped cucumber and pepper.

Spaghetti with tuna


  1. Peel and chop the onion and garlic, wash the tomatoes, cut into large pieces and fry in a frying pan with some oil;
  2. Remove the seeds from the chili pepper, finely chop it, add it to the pan with the onion and garlic;
  3. Drain the oil from the tuna, mash the fish meat with a fork, mix with vegetables, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat;
  4. Wash and chop the greens;
  5. Cook the spaghetti, add the prepared mixture and herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Arugula and spinach salad


  1. Wash and dry the arugula leaves, spinach and lettuce, cut the lettuce, leave everything else whole;
  2. Wash cherry tomatoes, cut in half, cut cheese into cubes;
  3. Peel the pomegranate, extract the seeds, add them to the salad.

Now all the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, season the salad with 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, add seasonings to taste.

The above recipes can be safely used in the menu while following the Mediterranean diet for weight loss for a week or longer.

Even more on the topic