Frequent urination in men - the main causes and treatments. Causes of frequent urge to urinate in men: a list of pathologies that provoke negative symptoms and rules for the treatment of diseases

The average daily rate of urine, secreted by the genitourinary system of an adult healthy man, ranges from one to two liters. The number of trips to the toilet is from 2 to 8 times a day. Such a wide range of values ​​is due to the fact that each human body is unique.

In addition, there are a number of factors that are not associated with diseases, but affect the change in the daily volume of urine (diuretic drinks or lack of fluid, severe stress, etc.).

Amount of time, through which a person urinates, is also an individual feature of the body. It may depend on the volume of the bladder, on the functioning of the nervous system, on the functioning of adrenal and pancreatic hormones.

Shortage of drinking water leads to an increase in the time interval between “peeing” trips, and, for example, the consumption of alcohol, especially beer, reduces this interval.

Frequent urination in men

When a man has frequent urination, he, most often, does not attach any importance to this, referring to the large amount of fluid drunk, excitement and cold. This condition may remain unattended for a long time. The male half of the population begins to think about problems in their body only when going to the toilet becomes exhausting or when urinating pain sensations appear.

However, an increase in the number of urges to "urinate", lasting a week, even without pain, should alert. Under the guise of frequent emptying of the bladder, many diseases can be hidden, the prevention of which at the initial stage will help complete recovery. Any delay is fraught with the fact that the disease becomes chronic and difficult to treat.

Causes of frequent urination in men

Reasons for shortening time between trips to the toilet a lot. They can be harmless or require serious treatment. A one-time increase in urination, as a rule, does not require medical attention and is the body's response to an external stimulus.

They may be:

  • Large volume drunk liquid;
  • Drinking with a diuretic effect;
  • Chills caused by sharp lowering the street temperature or clothing "not for the weather";
  • Long stay in a cool room;
  • decline immunity;
  • congestion in the pelvis with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • severe stress, excitement or tension;

One of the reasons frequent urination, which is not associated with diseases, is age. As we get older, the human body undergoes changes. Not only the skin loses its elasticity, the violation of tone occurs in the internal organs. The walls of the bladder lose elasticity and tension, which leads to an increase in the urge to "urinate".

Other causes of frequent urination are associated with diseases of the genitourinary system and require qualified examination and treatment.

These include:

Symptoms that may accompany frequent urination in men

Most dangerous diseases the male genitourinary sphere begins with a harmless increase in urination. Every day the time interval between trips to the toilet is reduced. Nighttime emptyings of the bladder are added to the daytime emptying of the bladder.

Gradually, depending on the disease that caused the disorder of the genitourinary system, other symptoms begin to appear in a person:

  • There are urges without excretion of urine;
  • There are swelling on the legs;
  • There is a headache due to increased blood pressure;
  • A person feels an unreasonable chill;
  • Thirst;
  • There is itching and redness in the genital area;
  • Performance decreases, causeless fatigue appears.

Increased urination sooner or later leads to the appearance of severe pain. It can be either pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, or unpleasant cramps in the process of emptying the bladder.

Diagnosis of frequent urination in men

Any abnormality in the body requires careful examination. To begin with, you should pay a visit to the local doctor, who will get acquainted with the patient's complaints and, based on them, will give a list of necessary diagnostic tests. After collecting laboratory tests, the therapist will prescribe treatment or give a referral to a specialist (urologist, andrologist, nephrologist, venereologist, endocrinologist or surgeon).

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The general list of diagnostic studies looks something like this:

  • General analysis of urine + urine according to Nechiporenko
  • Complete blood count + blood for sugar
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder
  • Smears for STDs

If the urodynamic examination did not reveal any abnormalities and did not confirm diseases of the genitourinary system, and the glucose level is within the normal range, the patient is referred to a neurologist.

Can't deal with prostatitis?

Popular drugs often relieve only the symptoms of prostatitis for a while. The disease does not go away, but continues to progress and reduce sexual desire and cause accelerated ejaculation!

The tool will help not only improve urination, reduce swelling of the prostate, but also restore potency and strengthen the immune system.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates inflammation and pain
  • Eliminates burning sensation during urination
  • Relieves swelling of the prostate gland
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Frequent urination in men: treatment

Treatment of speeded up urination depends entirely on the cause of which it is caused.

At diabetes a dietary adjustment is prescribed to help lower blood glucose levels. In addition to nutrition, the endocrinologist may add insulin tablets.

If the urge to "urinate" linked to urogenital infections , in particular STD, then the venereologist prescribes treatment with antibiotics and antimicrobials.

Pyelonephritis and infectious diseases of the bladder including cystitis, are treated with antibiotics in combination with antimicrobials and diet. In the absence of the desired effect from home treatment, a person is hospitalized in a hospital in the department of nephrology.

For treatment detrusor hypertonicity use anticholinergic drugs.

If the cause is nervous diseases , a neurologist, or maybe even a psychotherapist, will select the appropriate drugs. These can be both ordinary sedatives, and serious drugs from a number of antidepressants, antipsychotics or tranquilizers. It will not be superfluous to take a vacation and fully relax.

With any deviation in urination, you should pay attention to your drinking regimen and lifestyle. Conscientious performance of Kegel exercises helps to strengthen the walls of the bladder at home.

Prevention of frequent urination

Compliance with simple rules, which are mandatory for everyone, will help reduce the occurrence of frequent bladder emptying by almost 99%.

If pyelonephritis or cystitis you were once overtaken, then, in order to avoid relapses, try not to stay in the cold unnecessarily and follow the drinking regimen and diet. These are very insidious diseases that are difficult to completely cure.

acute form, as a rule, quickly turns into a chronic one, which accompanies a person all his life. It is difficult to achieve a stable remission, because even a sharp drop in outdoor temperature can provoke an illness. There is only one conclusion - to prevent cystitis and pyelonephritis!

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A purely male disease, inflammation of the prostate tissue, can occur in acute or chronic form. Prostatitis begins with frequent trips to the toilet, which do not bring relief. Sharp sudden urges"urinating" is reminiscent of those that occur when drinking a large amount of liquid. At the same time, diuresis does not differ in increased volume, but, on the contrary, a decrease in the portion of urine is observed.

For frequent urination other symptoms are added: a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, sexual dysfunction, pain in the perineum and scrotum, cramps occur during urination.

Treatment is carried out by complex therapy: antibiotics, immunomodulators, physiotherapy, prostate massage and a radical change in lifestyle.

Prostate adenoma

This is an age-related disease in men., which is benign
a natural tumor that has grown from the periurethral glands. Prostate adenoma interferes with the complete emptying of the bladder. Since some volume of fluid remains in the bladder, it fills up faster, therefore, the number of trips to the toilet increases.

One of the first symptoms tissue hyperplasia is an increase in nocturnal painless urination. Gradually, urinary incontinence appears.

Medical treatment with adenoma, it is rarely used, it is usually prescribed at the initial stages of the disease in the form of drugs that help relax the muscles of the urethra. Most often, surgery is performed. If the size of the gland is not large, then a transurethral resection is performed, with a large size of the tumor, an open operation is performed.


Increased urination
one of the symptoms that accompanies kidney inflammation. In addition to it, there are other criteria by which a doctor can determine pyelonephritis: fever, chills, swelling in the legs, blue under the eyes. Inflammation of the kidneys causes back pain, which can be moderate to severe.

Laboratory diagnostics detects the presence of protein in the urine, an increase in the number of leukocytes. When conducting an ultrasound examination, changes in the kidneys are observed.

Treatment may be both outpatient and inpatient. Preference is given to hospital therapy, because pyelonephritis can provoke renal colic - a deadly condition that can only be prevented in a hospital setting.

Patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics, antimicrobials and diet. Dairy products, fried, spicy, smoked products are completely excluded, the use of salt is limited.


Cystitis always accompanied by cutting when urinating, especially at the end of the act. In addition to frequent trips to the toilet, a person is tormented by aching pains in the lower abdomen, urine becomes cloudy with an admixture of white flakes and pus. The debilitating pain of cystitis makes men see a doctor.

The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, pain pills or suppositories and diuretic drugs. You can help yourself with cystitis by drinking a large amount of clean drinking water, cranberry juice and a decoction of lingonberry leaf. Lingonberry leaf is a good natural diuretic, and cranberry is a natural antimicrobial and immunostimulating agent.


male urethra is a very thin and long channel. If in women infections immediately enter the bladder, then the special structure of the urethra in men allows infections to spread to the urethra without reaching the bladder.

Many factors can lead to a disease of the urethra:

  • viral infections;
  • bacterial infections;
  • STDs;
  • Candidiasis caused by taking antibiotics;
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the canal with congestion in the small pelvis;
  • Irritation to chemicals (soap, spermicidal lubricants);
  • Mechanical damage to the penis (trauma, masturbation, rough intercourse).

Increased urge to urinate accompanied by sensitivity and soreness of the penis, it may even swell. In the genitals there is itching and an unpleasant odor.

After lab results urine and urethral swab, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics or topical treatment with ointments and solutions.

Urolithiasis disease

The presence of stones and sand in the kidneys do not manifest themselves for years until they begin to move along the urinary tract. The first thing that makes a person pay attention to problems in the urogenital area is pain. It can be both in the lower back and in front along the ureter.

If the stones have descended into the bladder, then there are cramps in the lower abdomen, which can be confused with cystitis. When stones move from the bladder through the male urethra, severe pain occurs, up to loss of consciousness. This is due to the structure of the urethra.

Ultrasound and diagnostic renal urine tests can detect the presence of stones in men and conduct appropriate treatment.

With urolithiasis various painkillers and medications are used to speed up the process of stone passage. Large stones that are not able to pass through the urinary tract are crushed by shock wave lithotripsy.

Urogenital infections or STDs

The occurrence of frequent urination without pain can be a sign of latent infections in the body. STDs may not manifest themselves for months or proceed with one or two non-acute symptoms: a change in the frequency of going to the toilet, the appearance of a discharge that looks like a wet dream, a small urticaria that is not accompanied by itching.

About the presence of a urogenital infection in a man, most often, they begin to suspect when other symptoms appear: itching of the genitals, unpleasant discharge and painful rashes on the glans penis.

To detect the presence of an STD, you need to visit a venereologist, take PCR tests and blood for antibodies of infections.


Treatment will depend on what pathogens have been infected. Most often, they resort to broad-spectrum antibiotics, to which the pathogen does not have resistance.

Taking care of your health is everyone's responsibility! If you notice unusual symptoms in yourself, you should not ignore them and delay treatment. Timely medical diagnosis will help to recognize the onset of a serious disease in time and prevent it at the stage of formation, until it becomes acute or chronic. Advanced diseases are difficult to treat and complicate the usual rhythm of life.

Many men believe that medical help should only be sought if there is a pain syndrome. Especially when it comes to such a delicate problem as urination. They do not go to the clinic until dysuric disorders begin to limit them in their personal lives and in social adaptation. Unfortunately, in these cases, the pathological process often goes so far that the treatment is delayed and complicated.

When painless frequent urination is natural

There are many situations in which frequent urination develops in men without pain. In particular, the so-called natural states are distinguished, when an increased amount of urine is formed and, consequently, an increase in the urge to empty the bladder. At the same time, the man does not experience not only pain, but also burning or itching and no discomfort at all. The color and transparency of urine do not change, no impurities appear, and the urine stream remains even and strong.

All factors leading to naturally frequent urination can be represented as follows:

  • taking medications or herbal remedies that have a diuretic effect;
  • the use of food products, juices or compotes from fruits or diuretic berries;
  • increase in the daily amount of fluid you drink (for example, with colds);
  • addiction to beer and other alcoholic beverages;
  • hypothermia or stressful situation.

The result of stressful situations can be frequent urination

These factors can be called temporary, after the cessation of their influence, all functions of the urinary system are restored. The frequency of going to the toilet also normalizes: during the day - no more than 10 times, at night - 1-2 times.

What warning signs may appear

If a man treats his health carefully, then he will immediately notice the appearance of signs that can in no way be attributed to natural manifestations. In addition to pain, frequent urination can be combined with pathological symptoms from both the urinary tract and other internal organs. So, the excretion of urine may be accompanied by discomfort or a burning sensation, mucus, blood or pus appears in the urine, its quantity changes, and there is a feeling of an incompletely empty bladder. In addition, the general condition of the patient may change due to weakness and fever, increased thirst, itching of the skin or mucous membranes.

A man should definitely take care of his health and seek medical advice if he notices the following negative signs:

  • the urge to urinate becomes imperative (strong and sudden);
  • painless emptying of the bladder increases up to more than 10 times a day;
  • frequent awakenings at night due to urges;
  • urination becomes difficult, it is necessary to strain to remove urine;
  • urine is excreted in drops or small portions.

Frequent urges with fever are an indisputable reason to see a doctor

In these cases, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, during which serious pathologies are often detected that require urgent treatment.

Pathological conditions in which urination becomes more frequent

Frequent urination in men without pain is a consequence of the following diseases:

  • chronic cystitis;
  • urethritis, acute or chronic;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • prostate cancer;
  • diabetes and diabetes insipidus;
  • neurological disorders.

Inflammation of the bladder wall, or cystitis, in the acute stage proceeds with vivid clinical manifestations. Among them is a fairly severe pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by the excretion of urine. But the chronic form of the disease is characterized by smoothed symptoms and the absence of pain in periods of remission (between exacerbations). There remains frequent urination, urine may be cloudy, and a slight intoxication syndrome is also possible.

Cloudy urine can indicate many diseases.

Urethritis, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, in acute or chronic form, does not necessarily occur with severe cutting pains when urine is excreted. This symptom may be replaced by intense burning. In addition, the characteristics of urine are bound to change. It becomes opaque, it is possible to distinguish streaks of mucus or pus, blood clots in it.

In acute urethritis, an intoxication syndrome may appear in the form of malaise and irritability, an increase in body temperature is rarely observed. Depending on what pathogenic microflora caused the inflammatory process in the urethra, the nature of the impurities also differs. The final answer about the nature of the pathology is given by a microbiological or microscopic examination of urine and a smear from the mucous membrane of the urethra.

With age, every man has a benign growth of the prostate gland, which, as it were, covers the urethra in its upper part, when it exits the bladder. The resulting adenoma increases slowly and compresses the urethra, passing through several stages, therefore, the dysuric syndrome, the violation of the frequency of urination in particular, increases and does not appear immediately. The first stage of adenoma, which lasts up to 10 years, causes only a slight increase in urination, compared with the individual norm. Particularly characteristic are frequent night trips to the toilet, in which a man may notice a slight weakening of the urine stream. Pain syndrome is not observed.

The gradual development of adenoma is characterized by an increase in urination disorders.

At the second stage of prostate adenoma, intermittency of the urine stream is added to these signs, a feeling of not completely excreted urine, the man tries to strain to empty the bladder. But this cannot be done, and because of the remaining urine, bacterial microflora often attaches, which leads to inflammation in the urethra and bladder. Therefore, at this stage, a burning sensation or pain in the urethra may occur, up to the development of a pain syndrome.

In the third stage of adenoma, it is no longer necessary to talk about frequent urination as such. Urine is excreted constantly, in drops, or flows out in small portions, and involuntarily. In such patients, it becomes necessary to use a urinal.

With chronic prostatitis, characterized by an erased clinical picture, a man complains of almost constant malaise, lethargy, irritability. There are no pain sensations noted in the acute form of the pathology, but there is an increase in urges. During urination, urine is excreted in small portions, the patient is forced to strain the muscles of the perineum and abdominals. Sometimes men complain of a burning sensation in the urethra.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common causes of death in older men

Prostate cancer can also be attributed to diseases characterized by frequent painless urination, especially in the initial stages. This insidious pathology, diagnosed in every eighth man over the age of 60, at the beginning of its development has symptoms similar to those of other diseases. So, it can manifest itself with frequent urges, night or day, the appearance of blood impurities in the urine. But in many cases, the initial stage of prostate cancer does not make itself felt by any signs, and its detection occurs too late.

Abundant and frequent urination always develops with endocrine pathologies, such as diabetes and diabetes insipidus. Due to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus and the inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine in patients with diabetes insipidus, thirst increases dramatically. As a result, the daily fluid intake increases (with diabetes insipidus up to 10-15 liters), the frequency of urges also increases. Acts of urination are not accompanied by painful sensations, but dryness and itching of the skin, irritability and fatigue, changes in blood tests are characteristic.

Along with increased urination, diabetes mellitus is manifested by changes in blood characteristics.

There are also conditions in which frequent painless urination is one of the many signs of neurological disorders or changes in the psycho-emotional area. These pathologies are very diverse and include many mental illnesses, psychopathic conditions, as well as organic lesions of the nervous tissue (diseases of the peripheral nerves, brain and spinal cord). As a result, the frequency of urination changes due to a violation of the nervous regulation of various parts of the urinary system.

What diagnostic methods exist

In order to timely and correctly recognize the disease, in which urges and acts of excretion of urine become more frequent, it is not enough just subjective complaints of the patient. They serve only as a basis for making a preliminary diagnosis. To clarify it, it is important to conduct a differential diagnosis of many pathologies. Therefore, patients always additionally consult with narrow specialists, such as a nephrologist, urologist, andrologist, venereologist, endocrinologist, oncologist.

Microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra is very informative

Laboratory diagnostics are also prescribed. Along with the generally accepted general blood and urine tests, blood sugar is examined, PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is determined, and a smear from the urethra is examined. Of the instrumental methods, ultrasound, TRUS of the prostate, the study of urodynamics (characteristics of urine excretion), radiographic or fluoroscopic examination are used.

How to Treat Painless Frequent Urination

The diverse causes of frequent urination in men without pain mean that there is no single approach and identical treatment regimens. It all depends on which disease has become the main one and led to dysuric disorders. The age of the man also plays a role, as well as the presence of other pathologies, acute or chronic.

So, with adenoma or prostate cancer, the stage of the process is very important. The choice of conservative or radical methods of treatment will depend on this. With cystitis, urethritis or prostatitis, the most important is to determine the type of microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process, and, therefore, the appointment of the correct antibacterial agent.

Drug therapy is used for many pathologies manifested by frequent urination.

With neurological or mental disorders, drug therapy for these conditions is the basis. If it is effective, then it is possible to get rid of frequent urination. Endocrine diseases require hormone replacement therapy. If it is adequate and correctly selected, then normalization of urination and elimination of dysuric syndrome occurs.

In all cases, when a man notices an increase in going to the toilet, albeit without pain, it is still advisable to consult a doctor. It is possible that this symptom is the first manifestation of a serious pathology. Early detection can save health, and sometimes life.

At night I often go to the toilet, usually in a small way, if I am a man, what does this mean? Those who are afraid to go to the doctor to consult a specialist write this. This leads to the progression of the disease. At best, this is a physiological process that occurred due to drinking large amounts of liquid. Therefore, it begins to want to visit the toilet more often than usual.

Frequent urination or pyluria occurs in most men. Especially affects the adult representatives of the stronger sex. The daily rate of fluid excretion is considered to be 1.5 liters. In the course of a disease or infection, this indicator has an increased level. Because of this, a man often goes to the toilet.

Causes of frequent urination

Frequent urination for men is divided into 2 types:

Always want to go to the toilet

  • physiological nature.
  • Pathological character.

The physiological type implies changes in the diet. Together there is a use of water in large quantities. This can be influenced by fruits and vegetables (without starch). A strong influence is exerted on urination, coffee or alcoholic beverages.

If frequent visits to the toilet are associated with food and diet, then after the appointment of a diet, urination is restored and returns to normal. When this method does not help, and diuresis is accompanied by discomfort in the form of pain and pain, this means the presence of diseases.

Constant urination at night

Causes may not be infectious diseases. So prostatitis occurs due to the inflammatory process of the prostate gland. This happens during a bacterial infection.

The disease can manifest itself at a young age. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms of prostatitis, then it can become chronic. Then the man will be accompanied every night by unpleasant sensations for a long time. Patients sometimes complain of little urine output. The urge to go to the toilet will be frequent, but the action will be unproductive.

Piluria can occur due to pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys occurs, which disrupts the formation of urine. If you do not start timely treatment, it can go into the form of renal failure. During pyelonephritis, swelling, pain and are observed. Diagnosis of the disease occurs with the help of general tests. They detect changes in urine and blood.

Another disease associated with frequent urination is cystitis. This causes inflammation of the bladder. The occurrence of this disease in a man is rare. Cystitis develops after hypothermia of the body or infection in the genitourinary system. Together with frequent going to the toilet, formations from the urethra may occur. Infection of the body is accompanied by a general painful condition and a rash may appear in the inguinal region.

Salt diuresis or urolithiasis can force a man to frequent the toilet at night. Calculi in the urine lead to irritation of the urethra. They cause a false urge to urinate. Drinking plenty of water helps to remove the formed stones.

Pyluria occurs due to nervous or psychological factors. This urge develops in the course of severe stress or excitement. They affect the receptors of the nervous system, which are responsible for the urinary system.
Sexually transmitted infections can cause inflammation. The urethra is especially affected. There are secretions coming out of it. Inflammation causes frequent urination, pain and cramps. Infections can progress to urethritis, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia.

In addition to infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, the age of the man can serve as the cause of pyluria.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate during the day

genitourinary system

The norm for visiting the toilet is 5 times a day. At night, no more than once. If a man has consumed a large amount of liquid and has become agitated or overcooled the body, then he often goes to the toilet. These causes are considered a physiological process and do not apply to pathologies.

A man constantly wants to empty his bladder when he has cystitis. This process can take place frequently within an hour. This means the course of the disease in an acute form. go to the toilet not only during the day, but also at night.

A man can write very often during the day because of prostate adenoma. The acute form is manifested in small amounts of urination, but frequent visits to the toilet. They can vary from 15 to 20 times day and night.

Frequent visits to the painless toilet

Frequent urination without pain occurs due to prostatitis. At the beginning, there may be no obvious signs and symptoms. They can arise under favorable circumstances. Another feature is the age category of men. The production of urine in the elderly often occurs at night or in the morning.

Occurs painlessly in the case of an emotional factor. The reason for this is the usual excitement.

Symptoms of frequent urination in men

The physiological factor acts in the frequent emptying of the bladder, if there are no other symptoms.

Otherwise, a man may complain of a desire to urinate frequently with the following symptoms:

Pain in the groin
  • Soreness and pain during the act of emptying the bladder;
  • The occurrence of interruption of the jet, and its resumption after a change in body position;
  • False urge to urinate;
  • Detection of formations from the urethra;
  • General malaise;
  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Itching and burning;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • Discoloration of urine with impurities of blood and pus.

These symptoms warn of an indispensable appeal to a specialist for help. The appearance of severe pain above the lower back requires an ambulance call. Delay can be fatal.

Carrying out diagnostics by specialists

Diagnosis of diseases occurs after the collection of anamnesis. Next, an external examination is carried out. The specialist will ask several questions about lifestyle, diet, the amount of liquid consumed and the possible use of medications.

An accurate diagnosis is made according to the following examinations of a man:

Analysis of urine
  1. General blood and urine tests - detects the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes, dehydration and internal bleeding.
  2. Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder - allows you to detect stones, inflammation and other unhealthy changes in these organs.
  3. A swab from the urethra - reveals the presence of infections of the genitourinary system.
  4. Tomography - helps if ultrasound does not cope with an accurate diagnosis, detects the exact number of stones, their composition and size.

Treatment for frequent urination

The prescribed therapy by the attending physician will have a beneficial effect on the body if it is considered a reliable symptom. The specialist recommends changing the diet and even makes a diet to cure diseases that cause constant emptying of the bladder.

To do this, use the following medications:

Types of active funds
  • Diuretic drugs - help increase diuresis, and the stones can safely leave the body.
  • Medications that change the pH of urine help break down kidney stones so that they can be naturally excreted from the body.
  • Uroantiseptics - help get rid of microorganisms that cause diseases.
  • Antiprotozoal drugs - used to treat diseases caused by chlamydia and ureaplasma.
  • Antiviral agents - help if frequent in men, caused due to viral infections.
  • Alpha-adrenergic blockers - treats prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

To cure the disease, due to which there is an increased urge to urinate, conservative and surgical methods are used. In some cases, a course of exercises is prescribed to strengthen the muscles. Along with this, drugs are recommended against inflammatory and infectious diseases. Specialists issue referrals for physiotherapy procedures. They improve blood circulation.

Operative methods for the treatment of frequent urination suggest:

  • Sling recovery methods;
  • Suprapubic intervention to improve urination;
  • Laparoscopic operations;
  • Injections.

The doctor should carefully approach the diagnosis and prescribe subsequent treatment.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures should be taken if persistent urination is considered a symptom of the disease.

So that urological diseases do not develop or there are no reasons for their occurrence, it is necessary to apply simple rules:

Conversation with the doctor
  1. Having sexual intercourse using contraceptives will help you avoid getting infections.
  2. It is necessary to have the right diet to reduce the likelihood of stones.
  3. Preventive examinations by a doctor will help to detect diseases at an early stage and quickly cure them.

If there are sensations that were not there before during the emptying of the bladder, then the man wonders; Why and why is this happening? The reason for this is a disease or infection in the genitourinary system. Some diseases affect the organs, which is why you often run to the toilet. In some cases, delaying treatment can aggravate the state of health and discomfort during urination will haunt for a long time.

If a man, in normal health, has frequent urination (more than 10 times a day), the reasons can be varied: from diabetes to prostate cancer. But do not immediately sound the alarm, because in some cases this may be an adequate, healthy reaction of the male body to some factors.

Frequent urination is a normal reaction of the body

The average bladder size of a man is 250-300 ml. Normal is 4-5 episodes of urination during the day and one at night.

In some situations, frequent urination is a normal physiological reaction of the body due to:

  • hypothermia;
  • drinking large amounts of liquids;
  • stress, anxiety, chronic overwork;
  • the use of diuretic drugs (as well as drinks, foods);
  • age-related changes after 40 years: in adulthood, more urine is produced at night, which leads to multiple visits to the toilet.

When is it time to see a doctor?

Pollakiuria - the official name for frequent urination - is a symptom of certain diseases of the genitourinary system, endocrine and cancerous diseases.

Pollakiuria is not a pathology and is not treated separately, only in complex therapy. The disease is diagnosed by a doctor on the basis of tests and examination of the patient.

The causes of repeated urge to urinate (about 12-15 episodes per day) can be very serious diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diabetes (diabetes and insipidus);
  • urogenital infections;
  • tumors.

Treatment for frequent urination can be prescribed only after determining the disease that causes it. The doctor, after a preliminary examination and tests, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe conservative treatment.

If the diagnosis is correct and the treatment was successful, after a course of medication, unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace.

Diseases affecting urination

Urolithiasis disease

  • uncontrolled emptying of the bladder;
  • unbearable pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning when urinating.

prostate cancer

A cancerous tumor releases metastases, spreads through the lymphatic fluids.

With a cancerous tumor, blood is excreted along with the urine.


The most common problem for men after 40. Acute inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, if left untreated, becomes acute.

With prostatitis, emptying the bladder is so painful that dizziness and nausea appear.

All diseases that cause frequent urination pose a serious danger. Only a qualified urologist can diagnose and treat such a disease.

For more information about the causes of frequent urination in men, see the video:

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Diseases of the genitourinary system can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. One of them is the frequent urge to urinate in men. Such a problem not only interferes with the normal way of life of a person, but also indicates the presence of serious pathologies from which the urinary system suffers. If a man notices frequent copious urination or, on the contrary, poor urination, you should seek help from a specialist and start treatment as soon as possible.

General information

Frequent urination is a constant desire and need to cope with a small need. Such urges occur many times a day and in the middle of the night. The amount of liquid released will be insignificant, in the amount of a few drops. In the event that the problem is not caused by any pathologies, they can be provoked by a large amount of liquid drunk the day before. But then the amount of urine should correspond to this volume.

When the amount of urine excreted increases, exceeding 3 liters per day, this indicates the development of a man. In diseases of the genitourinary system, frequent painful urination occurs, and the urge to urinate does not disappear after emptying the bladder. If a man gets up more than 1 time to go to the toilet at night, he is considered to be suffering from frequent nighttime urination. In addition, such a problem has a bad effect on the physical and mental state of a person due to the constant interruption of sleep.

Reasons for the development of frequent urge to urinate in men

Protracted stress can provoke malfunctions in the genitourinary system.

The causes of frequent urination in men are varied. Sometimes such a problem does not arise due to a pathological process in the body. There is a list of cases in which the frequent emission of urine does not indicate the presence of an ailment:

  • abundant fluid intake;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged exposure to stress.

If the urge and frequent urination are caused by these reasons, the man should not worry, because the problem will go away on its own. But in addition to harmless root causes, diseases of the genitourinary system can provoke such a condition. In this case, an important factor is the presence of pain during the act of urination. This additional feature determines the nature of the disease.

Painless urination

With an inflamed prostate, frequent urge to urinate occurs at night.

Frequent urination in men without pain may indicate one of the diseases associated with impaired function of the urinary organs and urinary excretion. The problem may be caused by:

  1. Prostatitis is an inflammation that affects the prostate. The act of urination is very poor, a few drops of liquid are released. Usually provokes frequent nighttime urination in men.
  2. Sexually transmitted infections.
  3. A change in the acidity of urine - a change in the composition of urine irritates the vascular walls, which causes a desire to relieve the need.
  4. Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the bladder.
  5. - narrowing of the urethra, acquired or congenital nature. There is a feeling of difficulty in the act of passing urine.

In addition to pathological conditions, excessive consumption of certain drinks can cause problems with urination. These include tea, coffee, and alcohol, which is a diuretic. The patient may refuse to use them for a while, and if the unpleasant symptoms disappear, then everything is in order, there are no pathologies of the urinary organs. A person can only use these drinks with caution.

Frequent urination with pain

Bladder stones cause painful urination.

Frequent painful urination is provoked by the same list of diseases as painless. The intensity of any manifestations directly depends on the type of pathology, the stage of development and the individual characteristics of the man. Most often, pains that radiate to the lower abdomen are felt during the formation of stones in the cavity of the bladder. Stones damage the mucous membrane of the organ, and when broken into small fragments, they can collect at the back wall of the urethra. This provokes a strong desire to urinate. When the organs of the genitourinary system are infected, cystitis develops, which in its advanced form causes frequent urination in men during the day and sometimes at night. The act of urination and ejaculation passes with pain. There is also a specific color and smell.

Frequent urination with prostatitis is accompanied by pain. Often there is pain in the testicles (or in the testicle), pain in the lower abdomen and burning sensation that accompanies the act of passing urine. Another common cause of frequent urination with pain is an adenoma (benign tumor) of the prostate. But this pathology is diagnosed mainly in men after 40 and in the elderly.

What happens in the urinary organs?

If the urge to relieve the need is not accompanied by the release of urine, then this may be a sign of a pathology of the organs of the genitourinary system.

The urge to urinate is formed due to irritation of the urethra and bladder receptors. When the bladder fills with urine, its muscles stretch. Information about this through receptors enters the brain. After that, the person feels that he needs to urinate. But with the development of any pathologies of one of the urinary organs, the receptors do not function correctly. The brain receives false information. The man feels that it is necessary to empty the bladder, although at this time it may be empty.