Which foods are alkaline? Complete list of alkaline foods

Which foods are called acidic and which are alkaline, what is the difference between them, and how do they affect human health?

Human blood is alkaline. To maintain blood alkalinity, we need 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. After going through the full cycle of digestion and metabolic processes in the body, some foods leave behind alkaline waste, while others leave behind acidic waste.

We can call such products alkaline-genic and acid-genic, respectively.

Typically, acids synthesized during the metabolism of foods (for example, uric acid, lactic acid, etc.) enter into chemical reaction with alkalis of blood, lymph, bile, etc., ultimately being neutralized. But if acid-genic foods predominate in the diet, the body cannot cope with all the acids it receives, and then symptoms begin to appear: fatigue, headache, loss of appetite (anorexia), insomnia, nervous tension, hyperacidity, runny nose, etc.

There are other important side effects arising as a result increased acidity blood. The body uses sodium as a buffer to maintain homeostasis and return the acidic pH to normal level, causing sodium reserves to be depleted. When sodium can no longer buffer the accumulated acid, the body begins to use calcium as a second buffer. Calcium is leached from bones and teeth if there is not enough of it in the diet. This leads to weakened bones, which become porous and brittle. This state is on medical language called osteoporosis.

Chronic hyperacidity is an abnormal condition in which the processes of degeneration and aging of the body are accelerated. All toxic substances in the body are in the form of acids and to prevent or counteract the accumulation of acids in the body, we must consume foods that are primarily alkaline in nature.

Therefore, it is important to know which foods are acidic and which are alkaline. Depending on the effect of food on urine, they are divided into acid- or alkaline-gene. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese and potassium in food create alkaline effects. Sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, carbon dioxide and coal, dairy and uric acid create a sour effect in products.

List of sour foods

1. All food products of animal origin: meat, eggs, fish, poultry, etc.
2. Dairy products: sterilized and pasteurized milk, cheese, cottage cheese and butter.
3. Dried peas and beans.
4. All grains and legumes: wheat, corn, rice and beans.
5. All nuts and seeds (dried): peanuts, Walnut, cashew nut, sesame, sunflower, melon seeds.
6. All finished products and semi-finished products: White bread, buns, bakery products, white flour, polished rice, white sugar.
7. Toxic products: tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks.
8. All fats and oils.
9. All fried and spicy foods.
10. All sweet foods and candies (containing white sugar).

List of alkaline foods.

1. All fruits (fresh or dried), including citrus fruits.
2. All fresh vegetables and green root vegetables (except peas and beans).
3. Sprouts of beans, peas, cereal grains and seeds.
4. Sprouted grains and legumes??

Partially alkaline foods

1. Fresh raw milk and cottage cheese.
2. Soaked nuts and seeds.
3. Fresh nuts: almonds, coconut, Brazil nuts.
4. Fresh green beans, peas, grains and millet.

Some useful notes

1. As can be seen in the table, wholemeal wheat flour, brown rice and other cereals in in kind are moderately acid-forming, but become more acidic after processing or purification.

2. Almost all grains, beans, all types of meat, eggs, fish are acidic in nature, while almost all fruits and vegetables are alkaline.

3. All citrus fruits (lemon, orange) initially seem sour, but their final effect in the body is alkaline. This is why they are classified as alkaline foods.

4. Legumes, which are difficult to digest, belong to the category of acidic foods, but when sprouted, they become more alkaline and less acidic.

5. There is virtually no doubt about the acidic or alkaline nature of milk. In this regard, it must be noted that fresh raw milk is alkaline, while heated or boiled milk is sour. Various products Products derived from milk such as cheese, butter, etc. are also sour in nature.

6. Among nuts, peanuts are the most acidic, while almonds are the least acidic. Coconut, on the other hand, is alkaline in nature.

The division of food into acidic and alkaline was made by yogis a very long time ago. All animal products, including many cereals, are considered sour.

Anastasia Solovyova

For the body to function, certain conditions must be met, without which many processes are impossible. One of these conditions is maintaining the acid-base balance (pH). Although many have heard of this option, few understand its aspects and realize its importance.

Minor pH disturbances can lead to severe illness and even death. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with it by regulating your own. But what is this balance?

The body is mostly made up of water. It contains special substances that take or donate hydrogen atoms. The first substances fit the definition of alkali, and the second - acids. Therefore, to maintain the condition of the body, it is necessary to maintain their ratio, called acid-base balance.

If this balance is disturbed, it experiences significant stress. Excess acids in the body are especially dangerous, because this leads to acidification. This impairs the transfer of oxygen through the blood, which leads to partial oxygen starvation.

The acid-base balance standard, called pH, varies between 6.5-7 units. With a lower value, acids predominate in the body, and with a higher level, alkali predominates. This balance is measured by simple test, which requires a urine or blood sample.

Although acidic environment and is harmful to the body, increasing the level of alkali is also harmful to it. This disease is called alkalosis and often occurs due to poor absorption minerals. It is quite rare, since natural processes cannot lead the body to such a state.

It is important to maintain pH, because this will allow the body to function normally and absorb substances.

To do this, you should eat food rich in alkali, and also drink sufficient quantity. Although the body is capable of establishing this balance itself, it does not always cope with this task. Therefore, it is recommended to help him with this with an appropriate diet.

Acid- alkaline balance body - the optimal ratio of acids and alkalis, which allows the human body to function normally. Violation of this balance affects many vital processes and leads to various diseases. Although the body itself stabilizes the ratio of acids and alkalis, it is necessary to help it with this accordingly.

Learn about acid-base balance in this video.

Why is it important to eat acidic foods?

After food passes through the body, it leaves behind acidic and alkaline breakdown products. It is these products that create pH. The optimal ratio in the diet is 80% alkaline foods to 20% acidic, which allows you to maintain a normal balance. But when does a person need to change this ratio?

Although people rarely become deficient in acidic foods, they sometimes experience an increase in alkalinity. This state of the body is called alkalosis.

It is often caused by taking various medications based on alkaline foods. Alkalosis rarely manifests itself, but when it appears, severe symptoms may occur.

Other symptoms include:

  • Increased neuromuscular excitability
  • Decreased coronary blood flow
  • Decline
  • Development of muscle hypertonicity
  • Convulsions

With alkalosis, you need to increase the amount of acidic foods in the diet. There is no need to take drugs and potent substances for small deviations, because the optimal pH ratio is achieved through diet.

If alkalosis occurs, it is worth increasing the amount of acidic foods in the diet to 40%.

You cannot completely exclude alkali from your diet; it is necessary for the body. It is better to contact a nutritionist who will create the optimal diet for you. current state body.

Acidic foods should always be in. However, they make up only 20% of the diet healthy person. If the alkali in the acid-base balance is exceeded, it is worth increasing their share in the diet. Although the balance can be stabilized with medication, this should not be done, preferring acidic foods.

When are alkaline foods needed?

Alkali is the basis of the body, so alkaline foods should dominate the diet, accounting for 80% of the entire diet. But sometimes the acid-base balance drops, which leads to an increase in acid in the body. In these cases, you need to increase the proportion of alkaline foods in the diet.

There are not many reasons for increased acidity. Often this is due to consumption and poor diet. Excess of acidic substances in the body leads to acidosis - increased acidity. This dangerous condition body when the pH level drops below 6.5 units.

As a result, acidification of the body occurs, during which the transfer of oxygen through the blood deteriorates, the functioning of organs is disrupted, and a favorable environment is created for the development of fungi, etc.

Symptoms of acidosis are difficult to notice due to their similarity to many diseases. The initial form of this condition may not be accompanied by symptoms at all, limited to only mild fatigue.

The second food option is fruit salad. For it you need to take a pear, an apple, 10 dates, several walnuts and yogurt. It is better to take yogurt pure, because flavorings can ruin the taste of the salad.

Apple, pear and dates need to be cut into small pieces. You can moisten the knife with lemon juice - this will protect the fruit from darkening. chop and mix together with other ingredients. Add a few spoons of yogurt on top.

These dishes can be complemented with a special drink called “Sassi Water” on behalf of its inventor. For it you need:

  • Cucumber
  • Grated ginger
  • Lemon

The cucumber needs to be washed and peeled, then cut into thin circles. The lemon needs to be cut the same way. Ginger needs to be peeled and grated. After this, all components (including mint) are poured with two liters of water and left for 12 hours.

There are many other dishes made with alkaline foods. You just need to remember that best effect provide fresh and boiled, because they are more easily absorbed by the body. It’s worth looking for suitable options on the Internet and creating your own alkaline diet.

Acid-base balance is the optimal ratio of acids and alkalis in which the human body can operate. To regulate it, diets with appropriate products are prescribed. The optimal pH value is about 7 units, so if you deviate from it, you should change the diet, achieving the optimal ratio of substances.

Alkaline foods are foods that, when taken into the body, produce an alkaline reaction, raising the pH, which helps balance acid-base balance. For human health, it is not at all necessary to give up acidic foods, but there should be less of it in the diet.

Acidic foods contain acid-forming substances that neutralize the pH in the body. That's why proper nutrition should consist of 70% alkaline foods and 30% acidic.

What foods are alkaline? Why does the body need such food? What causes acid-base imbalance? What to do to maintain the acid-base balance without harm or damage to health? Read on!

Food: acids and alkalis

All food is divided into acidic and alkaline. A sign of this division are the final substances produced during the digestion of food. Acidic foods include food of animal origin, except for some dairy products (amino acids are produced during its digestion).

To alkaline - vegetables, fruits, etc. plant food, as well as yogurt, milk, yogurt (the final products are salts formed as a result of the synthesis of organic acids, these acids themselves and sugar).

Below is a more detailed table diagram with information about which foods acidify and which alkalize the body.

Consequently, products that acidify the body are predominantly animal foods, and products that alkalize the body are primarily plant foods. For the full and healthy functioning of vital systems, it is important to maintain a balance of acids and alkalis that come in with food intake.

Why are alkaline foods needed?

Oxidation of the body through intake of acidic foods leads to diseases internal organs caused by the formation and accumulation of toxic substances, and premature aging. In addition, oxidizing foods are difficult to digest. Alkaline foods are easier to digest and help speed up the process for acidic foods.

In addition, the end product of alkaline food promotes the breakdown excess quantity acids, preventing intoxication of the body, helps.

So, we figured out what alkalization of products is.

Yogis and Vedas who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition generally refuse sour foods, believing that in this way they rid their body of clogging. Today, the alkaline diet is recognized by leading nutritionists as effective method ridding the body of toxins and preventing unwanted acid processes.

Table of products that alkalize the human body
Weak alkalization of the body Average alkalization of the body Strong alkalization of the body Very strong alkalization of the body
Pork lard Fresh apples Whole milk Fresh vegetables and green roots
Dried apples Milk serum Vegetable juices
Ripe bananas Fresh and dried fruits Fruit juices without sugar
Grain, fresh green beans, fresh green pea Lemons, oranges
Oat groats Green tea
Fresh nuts: almonds, coconut, brazil
Greens: parsley, dill, cilantro

Acid-base balance: how to maintain

From a scientific point of view, the optimal proportion of alkaline and acidic foods is 3:1. The fact is that initially our body produces much more acid than alkali, which is why it is so important to include foods with high degree alkalization to neutralize the resulting acidic environment and maintain your internal balance of acid and alkali normal.

Experts say that the only truly reliable way maintain a normal acid-base balance - combine proper nutrition with an active and healthy lifestyle, do not disdain physical activity and monitor the proportions of substances consumed by the body with food.

Table of alkaline products by degree of alkalization

1 - weak

2 - average

3 - strong

4 - very strong


Degree of alkalization

Green peas

Fresh apples

Milk serum

Oat groats

Potatoes with skin


Fresh beans


Black currant


Various berries

Dried figs

Video about alkalizing products and their effects

Finally, watch a useful video by Dr. Skachko with a detailed story about the processes in the body: alkalizing properties of breath, products that alkalize the blood, acidification through physical activity, alkalinization of urine.

Remember: it is important to correctly combine products for alkalization of the body and for oxidation. Eat right, exercise and be healthy!

Violation of the acid-base balance in the body is a serious problem in modern world. Biologist Otto Warburg was the first person to link the acidity of the blood with the likelihood of cancer diseases. It was thanks to him that oncologists around the world began to use alkaline chemotherapy, which effectively destroys cancer cells. Products that alkalize the body have a similar effect. The scale of the problem is easy to imagine when you know that a shift in blood pH by just 0.1 reduces its ability to carry oxygen by 7 times! You can easily find out the acid-base balance of your body if you buy litmus papers at the pharmacy. During your second trip to the toilet, measure the pH of your urine; if its value is less than 7, your body is acidified; if it is above 7.5, it is alkaline. Obviously, the acidity of the medium will be between 7.1 and 7.4 units.

Living in megacities, we are exposed to negative factors environment, pesticides contained in food, as well as the polluted atmosphere that have become part of our existence. In pursuit of slimness and beauty, we go on poor diets that lead to disorders internal functions body and individual organs. Many illnesses lead us down a path of life full of pain and discomfort. There is a way out of all this - change your bad habits And misconceptions O healthy eating- eat alkalizing foods.

We present you a list of products that acidify and alkalize the body, in the form of tables.

Fruits and vegetables

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Cranberry- 1
Ripe banana- 2
Grape- 2
Cherry- 2
Raisin- 2
Date fruit- 2
Fresh apple- 2
Dried apple- 2
Other berries- 2-4
Avocado- 3
Orange- 3
Watermelon- 3
Melon- 3
Other fruits- 3
Peach- 3
Plum- 3
Currant- 3
Cherries- 3
Prunes- 3
Grapefruit- 4
Figs- 4
Lime- 4
Lemon- 4
Papaya- 4
Banana green2 -
Sweet plum2 -
Fruits in jam1-3 -

Vegetables, greens

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Green peas- 2
Onion- 2
Fresh beans- 3
Broccoli- 3
Potato- 3
Pepper- 3
Parsley- 3
Radish- 3
Asparagus- 3
Cauliflower- 3
Spinach- 3
Carrot- 4
cucumbers- 4
Tomatoes- 4
Beet- 4
Celery- 4
Baked beans3 -
Dried beans1 -
Dry peas2 -

Cereal products

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
White rice2 -
Starch2 -
Corn flour2 -
Wheat flour2 -
Corn2 -
Rye2 -
Rye bread1 -
White bread (loaf)2 -
Bran bread1 -
Barley1 -
Oat groats- 3
Amaranth- 1
Brown rice- 1
Quinoa- 1
Millet- 1


NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Cream2 -
Butter2 -
Hard cheese2 -
Soft cheese1 -
Whey- 3
Cottage cheese- 3
Soy milk- 2
Kefir- 1
Curdled milk- 1
Goat milk- 1
Goat cheese- 1
Milk- 1

Nuts, eggs, oils

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Peanut3 -
Walnut3 -
Peanut2 -
Almond- 2
Cashew2 -
Linseed oil- 2
Rapeseed oil- 2
Olive oil- 2
Sunflower oil1 -
Seeds1 -
Egg white4 -
Whole egg3 -

Meat and seafood

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Boiled lamb2 -
Lamb stew1 -
Bacon1 -
Ham2 -
Beef1 -
Game1-4 -
Turkey2 -
Chicken2 -
Beef liver3 -
Pork2 -
Pork lard- 1
Chickens3 -
Fish2-3 -
Mussels3 -
Cancers4 -
Oysters4 -

Drinks and sweets

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Alcohol (any)4 -
Green tea- 2
Coffee2 -
Lemonades4 -
Herb tea- 3
Black tea1 -
Sugar2 -
Honey1 -
Cocoa3 -
Chocolate3 -
Sweeteners3 -

How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body

Stick to it simple rules in order to acid-base body balance returned to normal:

  1. Drink more drinks with lemon added. Add in the morning lemon juice V plain water, and warm up in the evening with lemon tea. Although lemons are an acidic food, they are metabolized and release alkaline agents into the blood.
  2. Pay attention to Aloe Vera juice. This juice recently appeared in stores across the country, the price is only 40 rubles, and the benefits are enormous. In addition to a portion of the rejuvenating carageenan contained in the pulp, you will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Baking using baking soda- The easiest way to alkalize food. You will get a quick effect in the form of getting rid of heartburn, which means that the acid-base balance will reign in the stomach. If you are committed healthy image life - just sometimes mix soda with water - just don’t overdo it.
  4. Greens and sprouted foods will directly improve your well-being. Make salads and fresh juices from them. In addition to helping your body fight for pH balance, chlorophyll-rich products supply calcium to the body and increase bone mass.
  5. Coconuts are a wonderful food due to their ability to strongly alkalize the blood. Many products can be prepared from this nut: coconut juice, milk, butter or simple pulp. They are an excellent source of energy, improve digestion, intestinal functions, support tissue repair, dissolve kidney stones, promote weight loss, enhance immune system and much more. They are a popular ingredient.
  6. Reduce your stress levels. Stress intensively damages our body. When you're nervous, your digestive system shuts down and the elimination of toxic acids stops. Practice yoga, meditation, deep breathing and any other anti-stress activities to help your body release harmful acids from adipose tissue.
  7. Acupuncture. In Russia, only 4 years ago, the practical benefits of acupuncture were recognized by introducing a new medical specialty - acupuncturist. One of the editors of the site underwent acupuncture during the treatment of exacerbation of pancreatitis and shared with us information that they greatly help to calm down and normalize the digestive system.
  8. Create the right balance of acidifying and alkalizing products: 20:80. Don't forget that most products are neutral, which means this goal is very easy to achieve.
  9. Physical exercises are good for removing all toxins from the body. Make sure your level physical activity normal, otherwise case, try to conduct more active image life, which may involve increasing household loads: hiking, climbing stairs, cycling to work.
  10. Taking bioavailable multivitamins. Pharmacy shelves are saturated various types vitamin complexes, each of which is extremely beneficial for the body. Their use will ensure that

According to some celebrities, doctors and self-proclaimed health experts, the alkaline health system eliminates the need for any medical treatment. According to scientific research, everything is much more complicated. Although an alkaline environment does in fact promote health, it should not be considered a panacea for all ills. Try the alkaline health system, and you can decide for yourself how effective this diet is.


Alkaline diet

    Drink alkaline water. Doctors and nutritionists advise drinking a lot of water. Nutritionists who recommend the alkaline diet recommend drinking alkaline water. Some studies show that alkaline water may help slow bone loss, but are necessary additional research to confirm this fact.

    • Alkaline water will not harm your body, so give preference to such water.
  1. Include a variety of alkaline foods in your diet. The above tips are the fundamental principles of this nutritional system. In addition to the products mentioned above, include the following options in your diet:

    • nuts and seeds: almonds, chestnuts, Pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
    • protein sources: tofu, soy, millet, tempeh, whey protein;
    • spices and seasonings: sea ​​salt, chili pepper, curry, mustard, ginger, cinnamon, stevia;
    • dried fruits: dates, raisins, figs.
  2. Reduce your intake of oxygen-containing foods. While many people avoid meat, dairy and eggs immediately when they start following an alkaline diet, there are a number of other foods that should also be eliminated. In addition to meat, dairy and eggs Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

    • grain products: pasta, rice, bread, cereals, crackers, spelled and so on;
    • processed foods: sweet/fatty snacks, sodas, desserts, jams, jellies, etc.;
    • some fruits and vegetables: store-bought juices, blueberries, coconut flakes, olives, plums, prunes.
  3. 80/20 is the formula for success with an alkaline diet. This means that 80 percent of your diet should be alkaline and 20 percent acidic. You don't have to eat only alkaline foods if you're following this diet. Stick to an 80/20 ratio in your diet; 80% of the foods should fit into your alkaline diet plan, the remaining 20% ​​can be “off-limits” foods.

    • You can choose the products for your diet yourself. For example, you can try planning each meal so that about 20% of your calories come from alkaline foods. Alternatively, you can try sticking to this diet most of the time, taking a “break” only every fifth meal.
  4. Don't fall into the trap of scammers. Often, scammers claim that in order to properly follow an alkaline diet, it is important to buy special (usually expensive) products. This is a fraud. When creating a menu, be guided by the list of products mentioned above. Buy regular products in stores instead of dubious substitutes.


    1. Try to minimize stressful situations. Stress is either a cause or a consequence of high acid balance. However, this connection has not been confirmed by science. Nevertheless, we can say with confidence that living a stress-free life is healthy life. If you try to reduce the level of stress in your life, you can prevent the development of many diseases, such as heart disease.

      Rest after your workout. Classes physical exercise extremely important for wellness. However, if you experience muscle pain after exercising in gym, reduce the intensity of your workouts, as intense exercise can cause lactic acid to build up in your muscles. Reduce your workout intensity if you begin to experience painful sensations in the muscles. The body needs time to remove lactic acid breakdown products and restore damaged tissue; If you do not give the body enough time to recover, painful spasms cannot be avoided.

      • If you are following an intense workout schedule, try working out various groups muscles in different days. This is necessary so that each group has the opportunity to relax. For example, if you are working on a muscle group upper limbs on Monday, Tuesday you can work out the lower part of your body.
    2. Limit your use of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drugs. Nutritionists say that these substances increase acidity. This may be true, but when it comes to caffeine, this statement sounds very dubious. Nevertheless, this advice is worth listening to - surely following this rule will have a beneficial effect on your health. By consuming the above-mentioned substances, you may face serious health problems.

    Common Misconceptions

    1. Some nutritionists believe that an alkaline diet can prevent serious health problems such as cancer. There's no less on this moment Not There is scientific evidence for this statement. if you have serious problems with health, Not Consider the alkaline diet a panacea for all ills. Get qualified medical help.
      • As confirmation of the above hypothesis, nutritionists cite the fact that some Cancer cells grow faster in acidic solutions. However, these studies were conducted in test tubes and not in human body. Agree, there is a huge difference between conditions in a test tube and in the human body. Therefore, it is impossible to say with complete certainty how it will behave cancer tumor in an alkaline environment in the human body.
    2. Be aware of the dangers of alkalosis. As noted above, alkalosis is an increase in the pH of the blood (and other body tissues) due to the accumulation of alkaline substances. This state of the body indicates the presence of a disease, damage to internal organs, mountain sickness or poisoning. Considering this, never try to raise the blood pH level yourself (by injection, alkaline solution and so on) This mistake can cost you your life.

    • Make a grocery list and hang it on the refrigerator. This reminder will make it easier for you to stick to your diet.
    • Don't worry about your urine or saliva pH results; these liquids have a pH level that is not overall indicator your health. The only way Find out about your health by taking a blood test. The blood pH of a healthy person is 7.4.