The bladder often hurts. Disorders in the work of the female reproductive system

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How the bladder hurts in women symptoms

Bladder inflammation symptoms - in women and men, treatment, video

If during a trip to the toilet you are visited by such unpleasant sensations as pain and burning, then this characteristics cystitis. it inflammatory process flowing in the bladder. Contributes to the development of cystitis Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms of inflammation of the bladder depend on its form. Primary cystitis is distinguished - this is a disease that began to develop in a healthy organ, and secondary - this is a consequence of a certain pathology. If a severe form of the disease is observed, then the infection can spread to the submucosal layer.

What are the symptoms of cystitis in women and men

Absolutely all people are affected, regardless of their age and gender. But more often female cystitis is diagnosed than male. It is connected with anatomical features buildings genitourinary system. Women aged 20-45 are more prone to developing cystitis. The acute form of the disease can occur no more than once a year. It is necessary to be very careful about the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder. Otherwise, it will not take long to earn a chronic form of the disease.

This symptom is characteristic of inflammation of the bladder. In addition, the disease is characterized by frequent trips to the toilet, and urine is separated in small quantities. The patient feels severe pain in the abdomen, lower back and pain when urinating. They can occur both during a trip to the toilet, and after. A sudden unpleasant sharp pain and burning during urination are the first signs of cystitis, which occurs in an acute form. To establish the diagnosis, the patient is taken an analysis of urine, blood, an ultrasound of the bladder is performed.

Blood and discharge from cystitis

If the bladder hurts, and during the trip to the toilet you find blood and discharge, then this is a clear symptom of hemorrhagic cystitis. For acute form disease, such a symptom does not occur immediately. Several hours pass from the onset of the disease to this point. Sometimes in the urine there is blood in such in large numbers that the blood clots formed from it clog the urethra, preventing urine from escaping on time. For chronic form inflammation symptoms are less pronounced, but a complication such as anemia may occur. It develops against the background of constant blood loss.


The considered symptom of inflammation is observed not so often. The rise in body temperature occurs only when the disease progresses or occurs against the background of a cold (cold urinary canal possible with prolonged exposure to the cold). This sign indicates that the infection has begun to spread beyond the affected organ, hitting upper paths. The temperature rises with an acute form of cystitis. Moreover, it is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. Inflammation urinary tract on the initial stage has a temperature of 37-38 degrees.

If your temperature has risen to 37 degrees, then no action is needed. You can bring down the heat only at 38 degrees and above. If you immediately direct all your strength to bringing down the temperature, then the disease will be undertreated. Then it will go into a latent form. At the same time, the temperature will remain at 37 degrees. As a result, the disease from an acute form will turn into a chronic one.

Feeling of a full bladder

For acute cystitis, its sudden formation is considered characteristic. This can happen right after an unprotected sexual contact, hypothermia or other provoking factor. The patient complains of frequent urination, because there is a feeling incomplete emptying. In the lower abdomen, he feels severe pain. Moreover, the stronger it is, the more often a person will go to the toilet. Feels like a full bladder.

If the disease is severe, then the patient will visit the bathroom every 20-30 minutes. Pain at the end of urination is not the only sign of pathology. A small amount of blood is also released. These symptoms can disturb the patient even at night. Permanent pain lead to a contraction of the muscles of the affected organ and an increase in pressure inside it. Therefore, even a small portion of urine causes the urge to go to the toilet, which can lead to incontinence.

Earlier in medical terminology there was such a thing as pyelocystitis. This disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process that affects the kidneys and bladder. Today there is no such concept. Distinguish separately pyelitis - defeat renal pelvis and cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder. The development of pathology is often influenced by infection. These include staphylococcus aureus, E. coli. They can get in from the outside or from the inside. Therefore, the inflammatory process itself cannot occur. The following factors come into play here:

  • infections resulting from the ingestion of E. coli or staphylococcus aureus;
  • you can chill the urinary canal with prolonged exposure to the cold;
  • long-term diet
  • stressful situations;
  • fatigue;
  • internal damage Bladder.

In women, inflammation of the bladder is very often diagnosed in the first months of pregnancy. The reason is that the body of the expectant mother adapts to a new life within herself. So he tries to protect the immune rejection of the unborn child. For this reason, bacteria that infect the bladder receive little resistance and are easier to cause disease.

How to relieve the symptoms of acute cystitis

If you have an attack, then you should not panic, but you must immediately calm down. Be sure to wear warm socks, pants and lie under the covers. If the pain is strong, then it is better to drink an anesthetic. Pills such as No-shpa, Papaverine, Atropine will help you cope with the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder. If we turn to folk remedies, then the bladder can be warmed up if a warm heating pad is placed on the stomach. But this is allowed only on the condition that there is no blood discharge in the urine.

When the attack subsides, you will need to go to the hospital so that the doctor can prescribe effective treatment with the use of antibiotics ("Levomycetin", "Monural", "Furagin"). But they should be taken only under medical supervision. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove only the symptoms of the disease, but not the cause. Over time, cystitis from an acute form is transformed into a chronic one. It is worth forgetting about smoked, salty and sour dishes. They will further irritate the mucous membrane of the affected organ, which will only worsen the course of the disease.

Video about the signs of a disease of the urinary system

The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only. Site materials do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

How to treat pain in the bladder?

Pain in the lower abdomen may be a symptom various diseases in men and women. Here are concentrated various bodies urinary and reproductive systems, diseases of which can cause similar ailments and sensations. Women who take care of their health know that it is better to initially prevent hypothermia and infections than to be treated for a long time and endure inconvenience.

The bladder (MP) is located behind the pubic bone, and serves to store urine and then drain it. It can hurt with inflammatory processes, problems with the genitals, coccyx, ureter, kidney stones. In men, these may be manifestations of prostatitis. Except drug therapy very good help folk methods and remedies, herbal infusions, decoctions, baths and oils.

Symptoms and treatment for bladder pain

Much depends on our lifestyle: women often experience stress, they can catch a cold, they do not eat well, they drink little water, or they do not care about its cleanliness. Cause pain in MP various ailments the symptoms will be different.

At urolithiasis these will be sharp acute pain manifestations associated with the release or movement of stones. Sensations are intensified when moving, changing the position of the human body. It is not always easy to distinguish it from cystitis, since in both cases the stomach hurts below, there is a feeling of a full bladder, frequent call urinate. But with urolithiasis, there are often situations when it is impossible to urinate.

Symptoms of cystitis - a feeling of pain with a full urinary organ and urination. It often happens that the process itself causes a strong burning sensation, which increases towards the end. It happens that women do not focus on the first symptoms, causes, do not take any medications, in the hope that a slight ailment will pass by itself. However, this is not always justified. If you do not understand the causes and do not solve the problem, the sensations and symptoms will progress, the organ will hurt more and more.

With cystalgia, the MP also hurts, as with cystitis, in the process of passing urine, but there is no inflammatory process. This disease is peculiar to women. The reasons are sedentary work, a minimum of daily movement, as a result - stagnation and poor blood supply. In addition, symptoms can occur due to stress, hypothermia, during menstruation, abuse of spicy and salty foods, and alcohol.

Gynecological causes can also occur when the urinary organ hurts. Symptoms may be sharp pains radiating in men to the back and penis area, in women to the lower back, lower abdomen. It is worse when things take a serious turn, and the condition reaches a serious, life-threatening one. These signs need to be known and act quickly.

Most severe symptoms(the entire peritoneum constantly and severely hurts, blood is released when the urge to urinate), may be due to rupture of the bladder, tumors. When such pains occur, it is urgent to call an ambulance, without relying on pills.

Unpleasant sensations, heaviness, pain syndrome, can also cause gas formation, this must also be borne in mind, it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish intestinal problems from others.

Only a specialist can and should deal with the diagnosis of diseases, because the symptoms are similar, but the causes differ. It is often impossible for a non-professional to distinguish diseases. And prescribing pills and medicines for yourself, not knowing exactly why the bladder hurts, you can only worsen the condition (sometimes the doctor cannot distinguish the symptoms without an examination). good effect have physiotherapeutic measures, they are prescribed by a doctor. All About Bladder Symptoms and Treatment

What causes bladder pain in women?

A woman’s bladder can hurt due to infections and colds, pregnancy can be another reason. The uterus, increasing, puts pressure on the surrounding organs, and on the excretory organs. At first, this only leads to more frequent urination. But the further, the stronger this pressure, the blood supply also worsens. Therefore, pain in the bladder may appear, during pregnancy, urinary retention is also possible due to hormonal imbalance.

The situation when full MP hurts is a feature of various diseases, and appears in many situations: from banal urinary retention, to oncological processes. Tablets can not solve this, you need to be examined.

Feeling of a full bladder without pain

The reasons for feeling a full bladder without pain can be different: violation of the outflow of urine, chronic inflammation, female diseases, problems spinal cord, hypotension of the muscles of the organ, constipation (when masses in the intestines press on the organ, creating the illusion full bubble).

These feelings are psychologically and physically very exhausting person.

What is the treatment for pain in the bladder?

For successful treatment a woman needs correct diagnosis, which means you need to visit a urologist, take tests. The main method of examination is ultrasound, possibly smears, urinary analysis.

After the diagnosis is clarified, the doctor prescribes medications, sometimes in combination with folk remedies. You can not take unassigned pills for pain in the bladder: the medicine may not improve the condition.

Anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, antibiotics - ciprofloxacin, and others of this series are also good means in more serious cases. The doctor can prescribe painkillers: baralgin, papaverine, pentalgin and others.

In addition to tablets, you can use folk remedies: herbs, infusions, use sitz baths, apply dry heat to eliminate discomfort. When the bladder hurts, tea from a vegetable vegetable helps. You can relieve the symptoms of inflammation if you drink a course sea ​​buckthorn oil.

How to distinguish pain in the uterus from pain in the bladder?

The picture is not always clear, and in case of any ailment, it is not customary to run to the doctor. But when the lower abdomen hurts, it is most often difficult for a woman to determine the essence of the problem on her own. For example, it is difficult to distinguish pain in the bladder from pain in the uterus. If a woman is familiar uterine contractions, then she roughly understands the location of the organ, focuses on own feelings. But only a doctor can say for sure after an ultrasound.

Why does the bladder hurt?

Diseases in which the bladder hurts can have a different etiology.

The most common causes of this symptom are:

If you experience pain, be sure to seek medical attention.

Other causes of pain in the lower abdomen are:

  • in women - diseases of the internal genital organs (salpingoophoritis, endometritis, endocervicitis, ovarian apoplexy, tubal pregnancy, etc.);
  • in men - diseases of the prostate gland (prostatitis, prostate adenoma);
  • diseases of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis, tumors of the sigmoid and rectum);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • appendicitis.

Symptom characteristic

Pain in the bladder with cystitis has a aching, dull character. In acute inflammation, cramping, jerking pains may occur. By the way the bladder hurts (symptoms associated with pain are also important to consider), a diagnosis of the disease can be assumed.

Pain may be accompanied by changes in urine. It may have an admixture of pus, blood. Sometimes the urine becomes cloudy, or, conversely, discolored.

Differential diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs

With cystitis and pyelonephritis, urination becomes frequent, painful, when emptying the bladder, there is a burning sensation, pain.

Another disease of the bladder is cystalgia. Unlike cystitis, in this disease there is no pus in the urine, and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is absent or slightly expressed. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to use cystoscopy.

With appendicitis, pain is localized mainly in the right iliac region, may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, tension of the anterior abdominal wall, fever.

At ectopic pregnancy, in addition to a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, there are symptoms of blood loss:

  • pallor of the skin,
  • dizziness,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • tachycardia, etc.

If the bladder hurts in women, you need to find out if there is a delay in menstruation or other signs of tubal pregnancy, discharge from the genital tract. An ectopic pregnancy can lead to significant blood loss and even death.

Important: Most of the diseases that cause this symptom require urgent, sometimes surgical treatment and delay can lead to serious complications.

Another cause of pain may be stones in the bladder that have formed in it or moved from the renal pelvis. In this case, the pain occurs periodically, it is quite acute. Pain usually occurs after physical activity, riding or cycling.

Why do bladder pain occur during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the most common cause of pain in the lower abdomen is cystitis. At the same time, urination becomes painful and frequent, brownish clots appear in the urine, which are a desquamated stratified squamous epithelium. Sometimes there is pus in the urine.

Another cause of pain in pregnant women is the onset of childbirth. If the gestational age is short, then the pain may indicate the onset of abortion. It is important to take into account the discharge: during an ectopic pregnancy, they are brownish, scanty. With the onset of a miscarriage - bloody.

Pain in the bladder during pregnancy does not always mean the onset of a disease

In the body of a pregnant woman, there are always changes in the genitourinary system. Most often they consist in increased urination, but sometimes an enlarged uterus leads to stagnation of urine in the bladder. In this case, you just need to go to the toilet more often and not tolerate the urge that arises, as an ascending infection may develop.

Gestational pyelonephritis is not uncommon during pregnancy, the cause of which is physiological urinary disorders. With stagnation, bacteria have time to penetrate up the urinary tract and cause cystitis and inflammation of the kidneys.

Important: if during pregnancy you experience pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by discharge from the genital tract or fever, urgently call ambulance.


To identify the etiology of pain in the lower abdomen, it is important to use ultrasound. In this case, appendicitis, adnexitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs can be determined. If the symptoms of blood loss come to the fore (with an interrupted tubal pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy), perform vaginal examination and digital examination of the rectum. In this case, you can make a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina and evaluate the fluid obtained during aspiration. If the punctate has a purulent character, then we can assume perforative appendicitis with the onset of purulent pleurisy. If the aspiration fluid is blood, then it is necessary to exclude hemorrhage from the ovary (apoplexy) and rupture fallopian tube(with tubal pregnancy). If the effusion is a serous fluid, then pelvic peritonitis (especially in women), which often has a tuberculous etiology, may be a possible cause of the symptom. In men, in the absence of other symptoms of bladder disease, an ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed. Often with prostatitis, pain is associated with stagnation of urine, against which the bladder can become infected, and after it the upstream parts of the urinary system.

If there are significant or long-term pain in the bladder or lower abdomen, but conventional methods examinations do not reveal the cause, laparoscopy is performed.

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Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the bladder

The bladder, vesica urinaria, is a hollow muscular organ flat-rounded, located in the cavity of the small pelvis, directly behind the pubic fusion. The size and shape of the bladder changes depending on its filling with urine. The filled bladder is pear-shaped. Its wide part is turned up and back, and the narrow part is turned down and forward. The emptied bladder, when its walls collapse, is saucer-shaped; its capacity is on average 750 cm 3. The bladder consists of several departments that pass one into another. The main part is the body of the bladder, corpus vesicae. The upper anterior part of the bladder forms its top, apex vesicae. well distinguishable with a filled bubble; it goes up towards the navel into the median umbilical ligament, ligamentum umbilicale medianum, connecting the bladder to the navel; this ligament is an overgrown urinary duct, urachus. The posterior lower part of the bladder, directed towards the rectum in men, and towards the vagina in women, represents the bottom of the bladder, fundus vesicae, the least mobile part of the bladder. The anteroinferior elongated part of the bladder makes up its neck, cervix vesicae, this part contains inner hole urethra, ostium urethrae internum.

Pain in the bladder can be a manifestation of the disease of this organ or be reflected in diseases of the kidney, ureter, prostate, urethra, female genital organs, coccyx. Therefore, if with pain in the bladder it is not possible to find its cause from the side of the bladder itself, then it should be sought in the above-mentioned organs.

In chronic diseases, depending on the degree of damage to the bladder, pain in the bladder can be constant, sometimes with painful urge to urinate; localized in the pubic region or in the depths of the small pelvis. Pain may appear or increase in connection with the act of urination. In the latter case, it occurs either before the start of urination due to stretching of the walls of the bladder, or during the act of urination, but most often at the end of it. In the latter case, the pain is due acute inflammation Bladder. Pain that occurs in the bladder during movement and subsides at rest is most often caused by stones in the bladder and is explained by a change in their position in the bladder with trauma to the usually inflamed mucosa.

What diseases cause pain in the bladder:

Pain in the bladder can be observed with the following diseases:
- Diseases of the bladder
- Kidney disease
- Diseases of the ureter
- Inflammation of the prostate gland
- Inflammation of the urethra
- Inflammation of the female genital organs. Pain in the bladder with impaired urination can also occur with inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. If a woman addresses such and complaints to a urologist, she is referred for a consultation with a gynecologist in order to exclude the possibility of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.
- Inflammation of the coccyx.

Symptoms of pain in the bladder.

Pain, independent of the act of urination, appears when driving on a bad road, during physical work. The pain that occurs in the bladder area during movement is characteristic of bladder stones and is explained by their movement in the bladder cavity. Pain with bladder stones in men, especially in children, radiates to the head of the penis. Therefore, if a child complains of pain in the glans penis in the absence of local changes (balanoposthitis, phimosis) that could explain this pain, he must be examined in a hospital to determine the possible presence of a calculus in the bladder. With bladder stones, erythrocytes and leukocytes are usually found in the urine. At acute delay urine, which can complicate the course of prostate adenoma or urethral strictures, or occurs due to the calculus getting stuck in the lumen of the urethra, the pain in the bladder is acute, unbearable, the patient tosses about in bed and willingly agrees to any manipulation, up to surgery, only to take away the pain. Usually the patient indicates that he cannot urinate despite the persistent urge. Above the bosom, a distended bladder is determined. Constant pain in the bladder area may be caused by infiltrating growth malignant neoplasm. This pain sharply increases with the phenomena of tumor disintegration with secondary cystitis.

Pain in the bladder when urinating is typical of various forms cystitis. With diffuse inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, pain occurs as urine accumulates in it. It intensifies at the end of urination and immediately after it, and then subsides until the bladder is filled again and a new urge to urinate appears. At severe forms cystitis this occurs at short intervals and the pain becomes almost constant. In cases cervical cystitis, when the inflammatory process is limited mainly to the area of ​​​​the exit from the bladder, pain occurs at the end of urination and lasts for some time after its completion. This is due to convulsive contractions of the sphincter of the bladder, which continue after the removal of the last portion of urine from the bladder and injure the inflamed mucous membrane. Cystitis is characterized by a triad of symptoms: frequent urination, soreness, and the presence of pus in the urine.

Bladder pain associated with urination also occurs with cystalgia. The subjective symptomatology of the latter largely reproduces the subjective symptoms of cystitis, but inflammatory changes in the bladder mucosa are either completely absent or negligible, and there is no pyuria. However, with cystalgia, the pain can be quite intense. The diagnosis of cystalgia is made on the basis of complaints typical of cystitis, in the absence of pyuria and changes in the mucous membrane of the bladder characteristic of cystitis, which is detected by cystoscopy.

Often, acute pain in the bladder, accompanied by urination disorders, occurs when pathological processes in the female genital organs. This occurs with adnexitis, para - and perimetritis, and inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the bladder are often found, caused by the spread of infection from the organs of the female genital area.

In most cases, acute pain is bladder stones and acute cystitis. At the end of urination, these pains increase. If a child (boy) complains of pain in the head of the penis, and before urination they squeeze the head to reduce pain, they diagnose stones in the bladder. Due to the passage of a stone or salts through the canal, inflammation develops, which provokes pain in the urethra.

Pain in the bladder is also characteristic of tumors of the bladder, especially with their infiltrating growth or as a result of their decay, when secondary cystitis joins.

One of the most common causes painful sensations in the bladder area is prostate adenoma, rarely urethral stricture. With acute urinary retention, the pain is sharp, unbearable. The patient notes that he cannot urinate with uncontrollable urges. The bladder is distended, protrudes considerably above the womb, very painful at the slightest touch. Painful sensations are so pronounced that the patient insists on any manipulation.
A peculiar feature of pain in the bladder area is their intensification as urine accumulates in the bladder and during the act of urination. After urination, the pain temporarily subsides and resumes again when urine appears in the bladder. If at the same time urination becomes more frequent (pollakiuria), it becomes painful, and leukocyturia is detected in the urine. All this is characteristic of both inflammation of the bladder and diffuse or cervical cystitis.

If the patient on the background traumatic shock there are pains in the lower abdomen with an almost continuous urge to urinate, but urine is not excreted, and when straining, droplets of blood appear from the urethra, this is a typical sign of a bladder rupture.
The appearance of signs of peritonitis indicates an intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder.

With inflammation of the perivesical tissue, blunt constant pain in the bladder, often at the same time, a swelling is felt above the pubis (especially with inflammation of the pre-bladder space), often mistaken for an enlarged bladder. Conventional catheterization of the bladder; easily resolves the issue of the cause of palpable formation.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the bladder:

Are you experiencing bladder pain? Do you want to know more detailed information Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have bladder pain? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date latest news and updates of information on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

The bladder is not immune from infection by infections, bacteria and viruses. Pain localized in the bladder indicates a developing inflammatory process. Inflammation must be treated promptly. Delaying the process leads to irreversible consequences.

The infection can move up and cause kidney dysfunction. To frequent urination added bloody issues, mucus, pus, urine stained in dark color and see the residue. In especially severe cases, a woman's body temperature rises.

Causes of pain in the bladder in women

Pain that appears in the bladder in women occurs due to ailments of the genitourinary system:

  1. The presence of stones. While the calculi grow and gain in size, they do not manifest themselves. Filling out most bladder, with physical activity The patient is characterized by pain. But the worst thing is when the stones move into the urethra. The woman experiences a state of shock, weakness, nausea, inability to move. Help must be provided urgently, without physicians can not do.
  2. Cystitis - caused by inflammation of the bladder mucosa due to infection. In the human body there is a huge number of bacteria that are harmless in normal amount. With a decrease in immunity, in the autumn-winter period, with an unbalanced diet, stress and chronic diseases, bacteria begin to multiply actively and enter the urethra and bladder. The act of urination becomes unbearably painful, the pain can be acute, and the frequency of urges exceeds daytime days 8 times.
  3. Inflammation of the appendages and diseases associated with the lining of the uterus. The sexual infection migrates from the bladder to the uterus and back, this process can be endless and cyclical, until effective antibiotic therapy is carried out.
  4. Bladder rupture. Occurs when a woman endures for a long time and does not go to the toilet for a small need. The walls of the organ gradually stretch, as they stretch, they become thinner. In this state, falling, pushing, shaking is dangerous - the bubble can burst or be injured. Arises internal bleeding, worries strong pain, blood flows out of the urinary canal.
  5. Neoplasm found in the bladder. Scientists have not yet been able to identify the exact causes of cancer, it can only be cured by early stages. Unpleasant signs testify to cancer drawing pains lower abdomen. The age of women who suffer from bladder cancer is from 45 years.
  6. Inflammatory process affecting the perivesical subcutaneous fat. The pains are dull and constant. There is swelling above the pubis, skin covering like it's going up.

As you can see, pain in the bladder can indicate in women various pathologies. It is impossible to determine the diagnosis on your own, even a doctor without research can only assume the disease.

Why does the bladder hurt in a pregnant woman

Carrying a child is a real stress for the female body. The bladder can hurt during pregnancy when the fetus grows and compresses the organ:

  • in the third trimester, the ureters are clamped;
  • leaves much to be desired blood supply to the bladder.

Consider change hormonal background, this factor exacerbates the situation even more. If the pain brings anxiety and grows, it is not worth enduring. Consult a gynecologist, you may have cystitis. Of course, you can’t drink antibiotics, but no one has canceled anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that increase immune strength, homeopathy.

How to cure pain in cystitis with pills

To treat the genitourinary system, you first need to find out exact reason soreness. Submit the following tests:

  • culture of urine for bacteria;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • urogenital swabs for infections;
  • sowing on Candida fungi and flora.

If there are no serious chronic diseases and the woman is not in interesting position, the doctor prescribes a complex of effective drugs:

  • antibiotic a wide range actions - Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Kanefron;
  • diuretic teas and herbal infusions;
  • painkillers - Analgin, No-shpa, Papaverine.

Kanefron is well suited for pregnant women, the tablets have no contraindications. Buy a warm camel hair lumbar belt or wrap yourself in a downy scarf. If the pain in the bladder is caused by injury, surgical intervention is necessary.

Folk recipes

To alleviate the condition with pain in the urinary system, such decoctions of herbs made at home are added to the medicines:

  1. Harvest mint leaves during flowering. 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Let it simmer on fire for 10 minutes. Wait for cooling and drink 250 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of dill seeds with 400 ml of boiling water. The infusion is insisted for half an hour. Single dosage of 80 ml, three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course includes taking a decoction of at least 2 weeks.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of knotweed with 250 ml of boiling water. Close the pan with a lid and wrap it with a blanket for a couple of hours. Reception is 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon of decoction.

The bladder is one of the main organs of the excretory system of the body, which is a kind of bag with liquid. Pain in it can arise due to many different factors. Such as, for example, kidney disease, malfunctions of the genital organs, inflammatory processes in the coccyx. Such pains indicate the presence serious illnesses not only in the bladder itself, but also in nearby organs.

Description of the disease

Pain in the bladder – pathological symptom characterized by pain different nature in lower sections abdomen and is always accompanied by qualitative and quantitative disorders of urination. All this together allows us to call it pain syndrome, since it has certain characteristics, the detailing of which allows you to determine the cause of its occurrence. After all, pain in itself is not a separate disease and can occur in many diseases, being an alarm signal. The adequacy of treatment will depend on how correctly these data are interpreted. An important point is the possibility of reflected pain in the projection of the bladder, which can simulate its disease.

Characteristics of pain in the bladder include: nature, intensity, conditions for occurrence and what provokes, when they decrease, how long ago they occurred, exact localization and distribution, which accompany accompanying manifestations. It is also necessary to take into account the existing pathology and previous diseases, medical and other manipulations.

Bladder inflammation symptoms

Among women. According to statistics, such pains are more common in women, which is associated with a certain structure of the body. The location of the urethra in the body of women is such that various infections easily linger in them. Especially often diseases of this nature occur in pregnant women, since in this condition there are significant changes in the body's defense system, and it becomes very difficult to fight the infection.

Usually cystitis is provoked by various staphylococci and bacteria, or the bladder becomes inflamed due to damage to the membrane. Pain may result from medical manipulations, chemical or thermal nature. Pregnant women may have acute or chronic cystitis. If left untreated, the inflammation spreads further, affecting the ureters and kidneys.

In men. In men, such pains are the result of problems in the work of the reproductive and excretory system. In the presence of stones or inflammation in the kidneys, it can be noted additional features- a feeling of chills, fever and. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination. If the presence of kidney stones is not detected, then the cause of the pain is urinary retention. To solve the problem, it is necessary to identify the factor that caused such a delay.

Often in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, prostate adenoma manifests itself. Usually men do not immediately notice the presence this disease, because it flows in latent form. For problems with vascular system, deviations in the circulatory system, the disease begins to disturb. Pain can appear both in the lower abdomen and in the groin, in the testicles, and urination is always accompanied by pain. In this case, urgent diagnosis and appointment is required. right methods treatment.

Why does the bladder hurt? Main reasons

It is not always possible to get a specific answer to this question at the first visit to the doctor. A huge number of diseases can be hidden under this symptom.

Among the causes of pain in the bladder are the following diseases:

The bladder is the organ that receives urine produced by the kidneys through the ureters. It then exits through the urinary canal. When it fails, pain may occur. different intensity that indicate disorders and pathologies.

Causes of discomfort in the bubble? quite a lot and depending on them, the nature and intensity of pain can vary. Localization, as a rule, is one - the lower abdomen, but it must be taken into account that this place can hurt not only because of diseases of this organ.

It is necessary to understand how to classify symptoms of bladder pain in women :

  1. Discomfort that increases as the organ fills with urine, reaching its peak in the process of emptying, after which it subsides. This type of pain indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane - cystitis. In addition, the disease is signaled by poor urination, pus in the urine.
  2. If the same symptoms occur, but without impurities in the urine, we are talking about cystalgia.
  3. The feeling of pain that occurs during activity - walking, running, bending - indicates the presence of stones in the bladder. When moving, they can move, irritating the mucous membrane, which causes pain. At the same time, the color of urine changes (due to an increase in leukocytes and erythrocytes in the blood).
  4. When the urinary organ is ruptured (due to trauma or overflow), the pain in the lower abdomen is very sharp and strong character. There is an unbearable desire to urinate, which cannot be carried out due to damage to the organ.
  5. With hypothermia, there are cutting pains in the lower abdomen.
  6. Burning accompanies the pathology of the urethra - inflammation, damage - and is also a sign of irritation of the external genital organs.
  7. Soreness of a pressing nature is a symptom of disorders in the work of the kidneys, injuries of the bladder. Often accompanied by fever and general weakness.
  8. The lower abdomen can be pulled in case of diseases of the reproductive system, kidneys, or when a salt deposit occurs in the bladder.
  9. Spasms can indicate the presence of neoplasms, injuries, renal colic.
  10. Discomfort and burning sensation in women may indicate pregnancy. At the very beginning of the term, the uterus begins to increase in size, putting pressure on neighboring organs.

The same pathologies can manifest themselves in different types of pain. In no case should you engage in self-diagnosis, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Main reasons

Women are much more prone to inflammation of the bladder than men. This is due to the fact that the structure of the genitourinary system is different for them, namely, the length of the male urethra is several times larger than the female one. The infection, having penetrated the male urinary canal, is likely to remain there without having time to spread to other organs. Pain in the urethra in men is sharper, which helps to recognize inflammation earlier.

It is important to treat urethral pathologies in time so that they do not lead to complications in the work of neighboring organs.

In the female body, the distribution process is much faster due to small size urinary canal, through which the inflammatory process quickly disperses.

There are common reasons that lead to the fact that after urination the lower abdomen hurts:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases);
  • neoplasms.

But there are also gender differences that are inherent only to one sex.

In men

Among women

The causes of pain during urination in women are as follows:

  • ovarian apoplexy - rupture of organ tissues;
  • endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus;
  • salpingoophoritis (adnexitis) - inflammation of the appendages;
  • endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervix;
  • parametritis - inflammation of the periuterine connective tissue;
  • perimetritis - inflammation of the serous layer of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

In both sexes, the cause of pain may be that another part of the body projects unpleasant sensations to the bladder area. “Give away” to other authorities can great amount pathologies.

Causes of pain not related to the urinary system:

  • spinal injury;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intestinal pathology (colitis and so on);
  • defeat of the pubic articulation of the bones - the place where the pelvic ring closes.

What tests should be done

When discomfort in the lower abdomen, you should contact the appropriate doctor as soon as possible. Men should visit a urologist, and women a nephrologist, or first go to an appointment with a general practitioner who, after an examination, can refer you to the right specialist.

Tests prescribed to clarify the diagnosis:

  • ultrasound ( ultrasound procedure) organs of the small pelvis and urogenital system;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the same organs, if a more accurate picture is required;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urine tests according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky;
  • bacteriological culture of urine;
  • cystoscopy - examination internal state bladder with special instruments;
  • smears from the urethra, vagina;
  • uroflowmetry - measuring the rate of urine flow during urination;
  • X-ray of the bladder with contrast;
  • examination by a gynecologist / proctologist.

In some cases, a situation may arise that requires urgent action when you can’t or don’t have the strength to endure until you go to the doctor.

When to call an ambulance:

  • acute colic;
  • suspicion of rupture;
  • lack of urination;
  • a large amount of blood in the urine.

Treatment in men

Depending on the causes of pain:

  1. Cystitis. Antibiotics and herbs are prescribed. For pain relief - antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. . Antibiotics, painkillers, bed rest and plenty of fluids are prescribed.
  3. Tumors are treated with medication and radiation therapy. It is recommended to eliminate the neoplasm surgically.
  4. Injuries. For mild injuries, a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed, and a catheter is installed in the bladder for a temporary outflow of urine. If the injury is serious, then surgery is necessary.

Treatment in women

Medical help for pain in the bladder:

  1. Cystitis. Treatment with individually selected antibiotics. Additionally, you can take decoctions of recommended herbs. Need to drink more water to reduce the acidity of urine. Warm-ups work well - sitz warm baths, foot baths, heating pads on the lower back and in the perineum.
  2. cystalgia. The main emphasis is on the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Recommended complexes of gymnastics, active sex life. Severe pain is relieved by antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, and so on). Heat has a beneficial effect.
  3. Urethritis. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce inflammation. To eliminate STDs - doxycycline and similar drugs.
  4. Urolithiasis is removed surgically. Crushing stones with medicines is possible only at the earliest stage of the disease.

Possible additional measures in the form of funds traditional medicine- decoctions, compresses - but strictly with the approval of the attending physician.


To prevent the occurrence of pain in the bladder, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Uncleanliness leads to the development of inflammation of the external genital organs, which easily affects the urethra, spreading to the bladder.
  2. Consume enough liquids.
  3. Limit salty, spicy, fatty foods in your diet.
  4. News active image life, move more, walk.
  5. Avoid hypothermia. Everyone knows the pain in the lower back from what "blew". This cannot be allowed.
  6. Avoid stressful situations and timely rest. Fatigue and nervous exhaustion lead to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.
  7. Get regular check-ups with doctors to check for possible diseases early stages and successfully eliminate them.


In this video you can watch a fragment of the TV show by E. Malysheva dedicated to cystitis.