Dmitry Hvorostovsky: latest health news. Will Dmitry Hvorostovsky be able to defeat cancer? Why did Hvorostovsky change so much during his illness?

“A person is exposed to radiation while sitting at a computer and going to bed with a mobile phone”

Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away. The opera singer was only 55 years old. Hvorostovsky died in London from brain cancer.

Why in last years Are you hearing more and more about brain tumors? Friske, Zolotukhin, Zadornov, now Hvorostovsky... Have there been more such diseases?

We addressed this question to a professional, an oncologist who has worked in this field for decades.

Georgy Mentkevich, Deputy Director for Scientific and Medical Services, Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

If there is a disease of the central nervous system(brain tumors) more, it’s not catastrophic. There are no exact statistics on this matter today; they are floating. In any case, in adults this tumor grows, in my opinion, no more than before.

It’s just that cancer was diagnosed worse earlier, they talked and wrote less about it, although the mortality rate was also terrifying. Judging by brain tumors in children, leukemia is in first place (40%), and malignant tumors of the central nervous system are in second place (23% - almost every fourth). Children in this case respond better to treatment; 75% of those sick recover. It's more difficult with adults. But in both cases, the treatment of such patients is quite complex and multidisciplinary. If you suspect a brain tumor, you need to very quickly apply the most accurate test to date - do an MRI. And if everything is confirmed, quickly refer the patient to surgery department, quickly and efficiently perform the operation. And after that - radiation or radiation and chemotherapy. In such cases, we give high-dose “chemistry”, more than once and using autologous stem cells.

Probably everyone did this to Dmitry Hvorostovsky after he was diagnosed with cancer in London. Why didn't chemistry help him?

Firstly, it is very important early detection brain tumors. Secondly, it all depends on the type of tumor, its size, location, etc. Moreover, there are tumor locations where it is impossible to give a high dose of radiation. But the main problem is that the disease manifests itself very late, when the tumor is already pressing very hard on the brain, it is large, which makes both surgical and therapeutic assistance. I'm sure there are in England good specialists in this area, there is modern equipment, modern specialists, but tumors of the central nervous system, especially more malignant ones, alas, are practically incurable today.

In your opinion, the prevalence of various gadgets today, mobile phones, computers can affect the occurrence of brain tumors? And if so, how to save yourself?

I don’t know how to save myself. Progress cannot be stopped. You don't want to ride a cart and not use modern means connections? And I do not want to. Today people eat differently, communicate differently, live differently, the environment is different. Evolution! The only thing I can say is that if a person sits at a computer for 20 hours and goes to bed with a mobile phone under the pillow, this is definitely not good for health. He is irradiated.

In June 2015, a doctor from one of the world’s best clinics located in the USA did not hide the truth from the great opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky: “You have no more than 18 months to live,” he stated.

This period expired exactly a year ago, at the end of 2016. Gorgeous physical form actor, the titanic efforts that he opposed to the disease in an unequal battle with it, the will to live and, of course, the love of millions of Russian viewers helped him live another year. Whole year, during which he gave concerts and... said goodbye to the audience who loved him.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

IN live of his program on the RTR TV channel, Andrei Malakhov said: “Dmitry was devoted to sports. Almost every meeting we had started with a conversation about training and healthy eating.”

Lawyer Pavel Astakhov also spoke about Hvorostovsky’s love for a healthy lifestyle: “When meeting with Dmitry, we could arrange a competition to see who could do the most push-ups on one arm. Or they swam in a race.”

An ominous coincidence! Mikhail Zadornov, who passed away two weeks ago, also led healthy image life, did not eat meat and surprised his fans by doing somersaults or standing on his head at the end of many of his performances.

Mikhail Zadornov. Photo:

What's the result? “Zadornov could not be saved,” says his close friend Joseph Kobzon today. “From the very beginning, both hemispheres of his brain were affected.

And Zhanna Friske? The singer left in the prime of her life 2 years ago after a difficult struggle that changed her beyond recognition.

Zhanna Friske. Photo: 24SMI

Boris Notkin, one of the most gallant presenters on our television, chose to “avoid” a painful and debilitating battle with cancer by purchasing a gun and shooting himself in the head at his dacha. He left a note admitting that he had run out of energy.

Boris Notkin. Photo: rg. ru

The death of stars resonates, but let's not forget that the silent killer is cancer! - takes the lives of not only those who have the opportunity to oppose the disease with serious financial resources. 8 million people die from cancer every year, making cancer the “world leader” in terms of mortality among the world’s population.

The data regularly published by the Russian Ministry of Health is very alarming. Today, 2.8 million citizens of our country suffer from cancer. Doctors do not hide: this figure tends to increase!

Chief oncologist medical center Office of the President of the Russian Federation Mikhail Davydov, 4 years ago, stated the unsatisfactory state of affairs in terms of diagnosing cancer in early stage V Russian Federation and noted the imperfection of the domestic anti-cancer service.

Cancer is a fatal disease, said Mikhail Ivanovich, who dedicated his life to the fight against oncology, in one of his interviews. But if it is diagnosed in a timely manner and treated correctly, patients live with this diagnosis for decades.

How do you know if you have cancer? An oncologist of the highest qualification category Anton Mikhailidi.

Russian Planet (RP): Anton Evgenievich, many associate the onset of cancer with weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue...

Anton Mikhailidi (AM): No matter what happens in your body, you should never panic. Many factors, like the weight loss you mentioned, can, of course, indicate cancer. But sometimes tiredness is just tiredness. At the same time, a person’s healthy attention to his well-being, to some strange changes occurring in the body, will never hurt. Sometimes it helps to go to the doctor on time, get examined, find out the truth about your health condition, no matter how terrible it may be, and receive appropriate treatment. But you shouldn’t be horrified by a mole that you haven’t noticed before.

RP: What exactly should alert a person? What are the first symptoms of cancer?

AM: In case of defeat malignant tumor different human organs primary symptoms vary. For example, the usual color of nails changes. Sometimes this is how melanoma manifests itself (author’s note – skin cancer). Patients with lung cancer have thickened fingertips, which, even at a doctor's appointment, can be mistaken for arthritis. Or it happens that a person’s gums suddenly begin to bleed and hurt.

RP: Isn't this a dental problem?

AM: Not always! Sometimes it's very clear symptom leukemia. I repeat, the same symptoms can be both a sign of cancer and “manifest” other health problems. For example, back pain can be a consequence of careless overexertion or heavy lifting. But if they don’t go away for a long time, you should definitely get checked.

RP: How does your back hurt if it’s cancer?

AM: You shouldn’t think that if it hurts “just like that,” then this is a “sentence.” No! Only examination, biochemistry, consultation with specialists can confirm or refute fears. But you need to understand that lingering pain in the upper back occurs with lung cancer. And if it hurts in its lower part, this is how a prostate tumor sometimes manifests itself. Banal shortness of breath should also be a concern. It’s not always “heart” or “age”! Sometimes this is a sign of lung cancer, as, in fact, continuous for a long time cough.

RP: It's cold season. People cough in public transport, on the street, at work. How to distinguish a cold cough from a cough due to oncology?

AM: In oncology, the cough can be dry or wet, with sputum production. But most often there are no other cold “phenomena” with cough, which is characteristic of lung cancer.

RP: A smoker colleague in the editorial office has been coughing for several days – is it time for him to “give up”?

AM: Get examined. At a minimum, undergo fluorography for free at any district clinic, go to a therapist, take biochemical analysis blood. Similar measures must be taken if it does not last for the first week. low temperature 37.1-37.3º. And, of course, you need to act if general analysis shows a jump in ESR.

RP: In just one month, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Mikhail Zadornov left us; not wanting to fight the disease, Boris Notkin committed suicide. Two years ago we watched terrible disease Zhanna Friske. These people died from cancer of the brain. What can you say about the causes and symptoms of this form of cancer?

AM: Imagine the situation. Now it’s slippery, a man is walking down the street, he fell and broke his leg. They took him to the ambulance, put him in a plaster cast, time passed, his leg was healing, everything was fine. But there are “breakdowns” at the genetic level that lead to cancer. These violations are invisible to humans. And when a tumor appears in the brain, a person does not suspect it. Continues to live as he lived. There are no symptoms for a small tumor! But it grows, pain comes. Will you go to the doctor with a headache?

RP: I don't. It hurts - and that’s okay. But the matter is not limited to “migraine”?

AM: It happens that sensitivity is impaired. The person did not complain about the digestive processes, and then suddenly - vomiting in the morning. Mikhail Zadornov's illness manifested itself during the concert seizure, although it is known for certain that the person has never suffered from epilepsy. And for others, changes in behavior patterns may occur.

RP: For example?

AM: Everything, again, is dual. In depression, a number mental disorders and brain tumors are “crossing points.” A person may become untidy. Some changes in character may appear. Of course, all this can be situationally determined: problems at work, in the family, lack of mood, or simply tired of everything. But, unfortunately, it happens that this secondary symptom brain cancer.

RP: Is the brain tumor not operable?

AM: Why? US Senator McCain underwent surgery in the summer. But about returning to old life after such an operation there is no question.

John McCain. Photo:

RP: That is, complete healing can not be?

AM: No. But there is always hope for a miracle. And in my practice there were cases that I still cannot explain to myself. Probably many doctors had them.

RP: Cancer in a smoker is understandable. And what happened to Zadornov and Hvorostovsky, who went in for sports and were real adherents of a healthy lifestyle? Does a person's lifestyle influence the appearance of a tumor?

AM: It's a question of chances. The phrase “Life is a game” is usually perceived as a kind of metaphor, an abstraction. But in fact, with our lifestyle, we constantly reduce or increase the chances of staying healthy! This is true! Of course, those who smoke like a locomotive increase their chances of getting sick tenfold. But the truth is that huge probability A person who is genetically predisposed to cancer and lives absolutely healthy life. After all, what Angelina Jolie did (author’s note - the famous American actress had her mammary glands removed) is not a whim, not madness, but a completely justified reason. scientific point view step. Her risk of developing breast cancer was prohibitively high.

RP: There is an opinion that brain cancer is a disease XXI century, they say, there were no tumors in the last century, but now this disease is caused by mobile phones and their harmful radiation...

AM: The number of cancer diseases is growing. But the influence high voltage lines gears and cell phones the occurrence of brain tumors has so far been refuted, although the issue continues to be studied. I can cite as an example the results of a study by Australian scientists who last year in the authoritative journal Cancer Epidemiology published the results of a study refuting this connection.

RP: Can you comment on the experiment with mice with cancer that were exposed to doses of radiation similar to the radiation from mobile phones?

AM: As far as I know, research and experiments are ongoing.

RP: Are you an active user of cellular communications?

AM: Certainly!

RP: Thanks for your answers!

According to Yan Vlasov, tumors of the central nervous system, as well as the head, in particular the brain, are very difficult to diagnose. “There are cases when a tumor “hangs” for years, and then one day it grows three times, and the person can die,” quotes the specialist.


In turn, Konstantin Titov spoke about the most common and aggressive brain tumor - glioblastoma. He noted that almost always malignant tumors are initial stages are asymptomatic.

“Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it. Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushing the tissue apart,” explained the oncologist surgeon.

He added that it is important not to miss warning signs from the body that may indicate problems. These are headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait. According to Titov, such signs are typical for inoperable tumors.

The doctor recalled that singer Zhanna Friske, actor Valery Zolotukhin, satirist Mikhail Zadornov and opera performer Dmitry Hvorostovsky suffered from this disease. “A brain tumor is a fatal tumor. The patient has virtually no chance of a complete recovery. Even surgery often does not provide any guarantee - the tumor can grow again. Unfortunately, there is no prevention for this disease,” Titov concluded.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died after a long battle with a brain tumor. The famous artist’s family left an official message on his Facebook page: “On behalf of the family, we announce the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - a beloved opera baritone, husband, father, son and friend - at the age of 55 after a two and a half year battle with brain cancer. "He died peacefully this morning, November 22, surrounded by his family, near his home in London. May the warmth of his voice and his spirit be with us always."

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, terrible news about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky spread in the media. Later, it was refuted by the opera singer’s relatives - the director, friends and wife. The artist’s wife was outraged by the false information that the journalists reprinted. Hvorostovsky himself, as artistic director of the Helikon Opera theater Dmitry Bertman told reporters, did not start a scandal over the publications.

Very soon Hvorostovsky will celebrate his birthday. On Monday, October 16, the People's Artist of Russia will turn 55 years old. In anticipation important date Dmitry shared his plans with journalists and spoke frankly about ordeal which befell him. Since the spring of 2015, he has been courageously fighting a serious illness - brain cancer. Hvorostovsky tries not to give up and admits that he has stopped being afraid.

“It’s difficult [to live]. Very. But I noticed that the feeling of fear in such circumstances completely atrophies. The understanding comes that no one will help you. Only you are yourself. And the main thing here is not to give up. Here only will and patience are your faithful allies,” the singer shared.

Before the New Year, Hvorostovsky hopes to give a concert in Moscow. The artist is going to go on stage with romances of “amateurs” together with pianist Ilya Ivari. According to Dmitry, he has “the most wonderful memories of the 90s” associated with these compositions. “Black Eyes” became one of the first recordings of the music star.

“Then I had a wonderful accompaniment - the Osipov Orchestra with Nikolai Kalinin. The orchestra sounded like the ocean! He inspired me, and then I believed in this program, believed in myself. It was an amazing time! And now I chose this program also because my parents love this music very much. Therefore, I treat her with special reverence,” the artist said.

Hvorostovsky said that he does not stop doing what he loves. The singer noted that the voice is “not always a predictable thing,” but in Lately he didn't let him down. The artist calls his performances a test.

“I study every day, overcoming difficulties and doubts: will I be able to start working again? And I tell myself: I CAN! I'm not giving up yet. Today, for me, every performance in front of an audience is a litmus test, a test of myself, my voice, which can sound new even despite yours. physical condition", the man said.

The famous singer no longer sings in opera. Hvorostovsky hopes that his health will allow him to give master classes in London and continue performing, but sometimes a serious illness still takes its toll, and the artist temporarily gives up.

“Although sometimes the illness comes on so bad that I can’t do anything, I don’t like it and it seems like I don’t want anything. Therefore, now for me every concert is a summing up,” he noted.

Previously, Dmitry was planning to go on tour around Russia and the world. However, illness put his plans into question. Hvorostovsky intended to present to the public new version"Rus' Set Away" by Georgy Sviridov. The artist also admitted that he had argued with the composer’s nephew. A relative of Sviridov is publishing his memoirs, which seems unacceptable to Hvorostovsky. The singer himself does not keep personal diaries.

"For what? If there’s one thing I want, it’s for people to know and remember my voice, and not read the fables and gossip around my name,” he is confident.

According to Hvorostovsky, recently his circle of contacts has narrowed significantly. Colleagues who rarely meet with a man because they are so busy try to support him from a distance. They leave the star warm regards. However, Hvorostovsky himself is also not always willing to make contact. “Now I don’t want to see a lot of people, especially when I feel bad. True, I have never been inclined towards large companies. And now I have become an absolute introvert,” the artist added in an interview « Rossiyskaya newspaper» , noting that “only children” make him happy. Nevertheless, it is very difficult for Hvorostovsky to be at home. The singer shared that he needs work and “his own space.”

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a legend of the opera stage who was simply adored by his fans, has passed away. The best singer in the world, the most refined baritone - what titles he has not been awarded during his brilliant career! He was only 55. Hvorostovsky struggled with a serious illness for two and a half years. He fought with all his might. But she prevailed.

Today, when he passed away, on his page in social network an entry appeared on behalf of the family. Farewell, beloved opera singer, husband, father, friend. Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away this morning in London, surrounded by his closest loved ones. But the memory of him and his soulful voice, flowing from the depths of our souls, will forever remain with us.

He really wanted to sing here, in his native Krasnoyarsk. Dmitry Hvorostovsky gave all of himself to his fellow countrymen. At the last concert, he managed to once again confess his love to the audience. They, as always, reciprocated.

“I had to go back. I returned to you because I love you, because this is my hometown,” said People’s Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

IN hometown he spent only a few years after graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Already at 27, the stately and charismatic Hvorostovsky was sent to an opera singing competition in Cardiff, also called the Olympics of Musicians. Soviet Union took part in it for the first time. And immediately a resounding success: Hvorostovsky received the title of “Best Singer in the World.” And since then he has been torn between the main opera stages: Covent Garden, La Scala, the Metropolitan.

He was given the best roles: Germont in La Traviata, Rodrigo in the opera Don Carlos, Don Juan, Eugene Onegin. And from the age of 20, he himself dreamed of playing the clumsy and limping jester Rigoletto in the opera “Verdi”. And of course, business card Hvorostovsky - the role of Count di Luna in the opera “Il Trovatore”. His favorite, but also the most difficult to perform. After her, foreign critics awarded the singer another title: the most refined baritone.

And as soon as he had a free week, he rushed to Russia, to the Mariinsky Theater or the cozy hall of the capital’s conservatory. Here he often performed songs to the music of Georgy Sviridov. The composer treated Hvorostovsky like a grandson and always repeated that only a single singer could perform his works so poignantly.

Success loved him, but failure seemed to pass him by. That’s why it was so impossible to believe the doctors’ diagnosis made two years ago: brain cancer. Three months of pain radiation therapy and a ban on his main medicine - the stage.

“I don't remember what I said. I said that, in principle, I had achieved everything in life, I had done everything: I planted trees, raised children, I had a wonderful career. What else? And fuck you all - that's what happened. And then everything went. I have no right. I must live not for myself, as always. Not for myself,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

When doctors allowed him to sing again, he organized a charity concert in Ufa together with Rusfond to raise money for treatment of sick children. Patients, including oncological diseases. During the intermission, I wanted to encourage everyone, because he, like no one else, knew what this daily fight against the disease costs.

“People here are seriously ill. We need very real and serious help. We need to help, we need to forget about everything, all our ambitions. This is the most important thing we have - our children,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

The father of four children, he never showed that he was hurt. Hvorostovsky rehearsed on stage until the last minute and was afraid to slow down. So that fans remember him like this, with irrepressible energy and that wide smile.

“Every year I gain two more, because the speed and intensity of living time is very, very high,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.