Russian newspaper. legal advice for citizens

Western bbusiness plan for opening a homeless shelter

The business plan below is devoted to the development and search for funding of a non-profit organization, which, in order to reduce crime and help homeless people, plans to open a short-term shelter for all those in need.

National trend among organizations providing support various groups people, consists of consolidating the services offered and programs implemented in large centers financed and managed by the city authorities. In Denver, where a new homeless shelter is planned, the situation is the same as in other American cities. The mayor of the city announced that three local assistance centers will operate for homeless people. Thus, Patrick House was the only shelter that was not included in the city's charitable organizations.

Organizations that issue federal grants for this type of activity have stopped accepting applications from independent shelters. The company has to reconsider its long-term strategies and make significant changes to its structure in order to remain competitive.

Ignoring national trends will inevitably lead to a decrease in the number of services offered and the curtailment of the company's activities due to a reduction in funding. At a time when so much is happening in this industry significant changes and innovation, stagnation is tantamount to bankruptcy. In order for Patrick House to continue its work, it provided vital important help homeless people, it is necessary to make a realistic assessment of the current situation, consider development options and make decisions that will allow the company to move forward.

The high demand for homeless shelters ensures the relevance of such organizations. Every year, 600,000 people are released from prison, and statistics show a recidivism rate of 66%. Moreover, more than 70% of all repeat offenders are former prisoners who have nowhere to live after release. Thus, homelessness and reoffending are interrelated social phenomena that have serious consequences.

Previously, the level of private donations to Patrick House exceeded $100,000 per year. An additional $25,000 came from charity fundraisers held at golf clubs.

Although the foundation is now shifting its focus from helping women and families to supporting released prisoners, people still appreciate the organization's services and show a willingness to continue to support it.

How to open an animal shelter?

People from different cities of our vast Motherland ask me this question very often, because indeed the problem of homeless animals in our country is very acute.

Today, returning home from a short vacation, which I was lucky enough to spend in Adler, where the number of stray dogs per square meter shocked me, I decided to write accessible instructions on how to open a shelter. Every day we meet on our way a stray dog ​​or cat, and more often not even one, that we really want to help. Unfortunately, even with a private shelter, it is impossible to accommodate all the animals in need there.

I would like to immediately warn those wishing to undertake this noble, but incredibly difficult and thankless task, that you will have to devote almost all of your time to the shelter. For those who think that this could someday become a profitable activity, do not flatter yourself, it will not bring you anything except costs and problems.

Now to the point.

First of all, you must have some kind of permanent income in order to ensure a decent existence for the animals that will be in your shelter. Moreover, you must understand that you will have to provide for their needs not just for one day, but for at least a couple of months in order to be able to improve their health and appearance clean up and find owners for them.

Next, you need to decide on this quantity. I would recommend starting small - let it be a few dogs and cats, so that you can get used to it and adjust your schedule to suit. new image life, and also learn how to care for not just one lap dog, but a small flock. The experience gained will be very useful to you at the next stage, when you hire someone to help you. However, assistants are not a completely correct definition, since it is better to attract people for a fee, because in this case you will be able to control the process much better, and the work will be done without various kinds surprises. But we'll talk about this later.

At the same time, all animals, except absolutely healthy ones, must sit in separate enclosures and not have contact with each other.

I immediately want to decide on cleaning. Enclosures and cages are cleaned twice a day after feeding and treated with disinfectants daily.

Next, we need a warehouse for feed, a warehouse for equipment, a veterinary office and a place to store medicines, of which we will need a lot, because there is practically no such thing as a “healthy homeless animal”. And of course, amenities in the form of a toilet and a room for staff, where you can change clothes, have a snack, and also exchange information about the condition of each animal.

Let's get back to your employees. The minimum staff must include at least one veterinarian with higher education, or better yet two, so that they can work in shifts, because animals get sick seven days a week. In addition, it is impossible to do without two technical specialists who will also clean the enclosures in shifts.

A mandatory condition when recruiting staff is love and compassion for animals, but love that does not border on madness.

Five (you are the fifth) people should be enough for 10-20 animals, provided that you simultaneously become a dispatcher, economist, sponsor and manager of your shelter. Then, with the inevitable increase in the number of animals that will begin to be thrown at you, shoved through blackmail, brought by people whom you cannot refuse, etc., you will need to hire people who will help you publicize the activities of the shelter, search for owners for animals, and also find additional funds for their maintenance.

Regarding attraction additional funds, then there are several simple rules that must be followed. First of all, the activities of your shelter should be as transparent as possible. This applies to both open access for visitors to animals and financial transparency with possible sponsors. Be prepared that you will encounter people who today brought you 400 grams of Chappie, and tomorrow 10 cats that lived in their yard. I assure you that they will be very indignant that you refuse to accept them, because they helped you... But fortunately, such people do not come across every day; nevertheless, those who help sincerely are more common. And in order for there to be more such people, you need to be known about you.

As already mentioned, the problem of homeless animals is very acute, so any media, be it TV or newspapers, will be happy to cover your activities, you just need to find contacts and make friends with them.

And now the first article in the newspaper is published about your shelter. It’s too early to rejoice - for 100 calls asking to adopt an animal best case scenario there will be 10 with an offer to help. However, this is the most The best way find helpers.

In addition, you can look for like-minded people in in social networks and place advertisements on information boards.

Also try contacting your administration asking for help. This can be done at the very beginning of your journey, when there is nothing yet, but it’s still better to already have at least a small shelter, then the chances will increase noticeably.

To be taken seriously, the right thing to do is to register as a legal entity. In my opinion, the most convenient form is autonomous non-profit organization, but the choice is yours. It is better to involve a lawyer who will help you choose the right organizational and legal form and register the enterprise.

Let’s say the administration agrees to help, what can we forgive?

Firstly, you don’t have to ask for everything at once. First you need to identify your primary problem, and this will most likely be a banal deficiency Money. It is better if the assistance provided is, albeit small, but regular. The second problem is the place, that is, the land. The most convenient option is a contract for free use of a site that will be located somewhere away from a residential area, but not very far from the city and transport, so that it would be easy for people to come to the shelter, for example, to choose a pet.

So, we come to the topic of adopting shelter animals. Finding potential owners is no less difficult a task than finding funds for their maintenance, but it is carried out approximately according to the same scheme: TV-Internet-ads-newspapers. If you have any doubts about giving an animal to a particular citizen, it is better not to give it away.

Draw up a sample agreement with future owners with their full name, passport details, telephone number and address and be sure to fill them out. In this way, it is possible to track the fate of “formerly sheltered” animals. Feel free to call and ask about the condition of the animals, normal people will understand your concern. Animals must be given away healthy, vaccinated, sterilized and with a veterinary passport.

Regarding health, this is a separate issue. As already mentioned, almost all stray animals have health problems, so it is necessary for the newcomer to be examined by a veterinarian, after which he is placed in a quarantine enclosure. Quarantine must last at least two weeks. During this time, the pet is treated for fleas, worms, ticks, then vaccinated, and then sterilized (in the absence of viral and skin diseases). Treatment of the latter can last from a month or more. You also often have to deal with the problem of feeding, which can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, avoid feeding cereals; within the shelter it is best dry will do food, even if not super premium quality.

And the last, but perhaps the most important thing I would like to write about is sterilization. The ultimate goal of any person who is involved in animal rescue is to ensure that there is no one to save, or, simply put, to reduce the number of stray animals. Therefore, every female individual is subject to mandatory sterilization (with the exception of individuals who have not reached 6-7 years of age). one month old). Ideally, in order to reduce your costs, this should be done by a full-time veterinarian, since the clinic plus travel costs are much more economically expensive.

Well, instead of brief instructions I have created a short article on the opening of the shelter, and I really hope that it will be useful for those who still dare to take this action.

Ecology of life. Business: An animal shelter makes the world a little better, and if you have the opportunity to open one, you should definitely do it...

Organizing your own animal shelter is a social and useful endeavor.

The maintenance of a shelter almost never brings profit to its owner; this area can hardly be classified as a business, it is more of a charity.

Be that as it may, many people want to open their own shelter, but you need to understand that they have the opportunity, if not to make a profit, then at least to significantly reduce their expenses, and in some cases even develop their enterprise, because an open shelter turns out to be of interest to patrons of the arts and sponsors, who are wealthy or famous personalities.That is, with proper organization, you can really do what you love without investing too much money in it.

And, of course, the maintenance of a shelter can be combined with purely commercial activities, this includes the opening of a veterinary clinic, as well as the opening of a hotel for animals that provides foster care.

In other words, you can run an animal shelter as an additional organizational unit on the basis of an existing business.

Let's take a closer look at the work of the shelter itself.

The first issue that needs to be resolved is registering your business. If you are not planning to engage in commerce, then it makes sense to register as a non-profit organization, and it is better to choose the form of an autonomous NPO, but it is worth thinking about the organizational and legal form in order to be able to receive any subsidies from local authorities.

Of course, you shouldn’t count on this; today the state doesn’t really support people, let alone animals. But if suddenly the activities of the shelter begin to be covered in the press, if they start talking about it, then politicians may get involved and provide small funding and material support.

If the entrepreneur has no experience in registration legal entity, then you can contact a competent lawyer who will help you choose the form.

It makes sense to think about opening a shelter and in order to officially engage in charity, and this allows you to receive tax deductions. For individual entrepreneurs This may be relevant, after all, there is some kind of savings, considering that he is involved in the shelter at the behest of his soul.

A lawyer will help you draw up documentation correctly and will be able to advise on such complex issue charity. According to current Russian legislation, the system of tax deductions for charity is very complex, amendments are constantly being made to the law, some types of activities do not qualify as de jure charity (and an animal shelter may fall into this category), and you need to correctly classify your activities.

Without a lawyer, an ignorant person is unlikely to figure this out on his own, and although there is no point in hiring such a person, you should have him as an assistant. Moreover, his help will be needed in some organizational matters, because the animal shelter must also be equipped and furnished in accordance with certain requirements. Additionally, legal advice will be useful for those who want to organize veterinary clinic. Resolving all bureaucratic issues can take a lot of time, so you should initially count on several months.

The next question is finding a place to work, and here the first difficulties begin. According to the law, the place where animals are kept, regardless of its intended purpose (be it a veterinary clinic or even some private zoo), must be located no closer than three hundred meters from the nearest residential building; it is prohibited to place such institutions on the territory of residential areas. Also, the interior of the institution must be equipped with cages and fences; the height of the fences must be at least two and a half meters.

That is, you have to find some site, if not outside the city, then at least in some vacant lot. Moreover, one must count on the fact thatso that the territory is, if not owned, then at least in long-term lease,so that there are no prerequisites for the construction of residential buildings nearby. It's simple practical advice, taking into account the realities of Russia.

A banal example is a certain Building company decided to build several high-rise buildings on the territory not far from the shelter, she will not be interested in the fact that the buildings should be far from it (after all, corruption has not yet been defeated, and for money you can get permission for any project), and when the residential buildings will be built , it is the shelter, as the least protected institution from a legal point of view, that will be forced to change its location.

Territory size is determined by the capabilities of the entrepreneur; in general, ideally, you need several acres of land, as well as at least a small area for walking animals.

Plot cost varies greatly depending on the city of work and location in it, but you still need to count on several million.

Additionally, buildings need to be erected, and here an entrepreneur can, to save money, choose non-permanent structures or prefabricated buildings, contact a company that deals frame construction. Of course, there are options to save money, but even for a small prefabricated building you will have to allocate at least a million, and this is without finishing and additional services, such as insulation, laying utilities and the like.

That is, if an entrepreneur does not have a suitable building with a territory, he needs to have at least 2-3 million to purchase the territory and build it. This is generally a very modest figure; usually much more is required.

Of course, you don’t need to make a very high-quality interior or invest too much in finishing, but in any case, constructing a building and improving the territory is not a cheap pleasure. Some funds will be needed for asphalt paving, here the bill amounts to several hundred thousand rubles, but a hard surface on the territory of the shelter is really needed, this is one of the requirements for keeping animals.

Already at this stage, you can start looking for patrons of the arts who may have old and unnecessary buildings somewhere on the outskirts of the city. Of course, you shouldn’t think that sooner or later you’ll be able to find such an option, but sometimes some entrepreneurs are very lucky. It makes no sense at all to count on the support of the common population at this stage.

The next point is the purchase of the necessary equipment. Here you need to accurately decide on the format of your work, because depending on what animals will be kept, equipment will also be purchased.

Typically, shelters are focused on stray dogs and cats; it is unlikely that you will find a stray hamster or turtle, so there is no point in targeting other animals besides the two main animals.

Although the shelter sometimes expects to accept other animals, because in its work it not only picks up strays, but also those who were not brought in very well. good hosts who have decided to give up their pet.

Let's take a closer look at the shelter that works with dogs and cats.

All incoming animals are divided into several categories:

  • sick,
  • healthy,
  • vaccinated,
  • well-groomed (these are almost always those brought by the owners themselves).

Moreover, even depending on the type of disease (skin or infectious), animals are divided into groups.

Animals from different groups are kept in different blocks, they do not contact each other.

Breeds, behavioral characteristics and many other factors are also taken into account.

To receive animals, the shelter must have a veterinarian, and a full-time one at that. Ideally, if the entrepreneur himself is a veterinarian and can do without outside help. However, there should still be assistants, because sometimes one person cannot cope with an animal, especially a wild one. Moreover, if you come across very dangerous specimens, for example, patients with rabies. By the way, such animals, alas, have to be euthanized (rabies in even a little neglected form and there is no cure in humans). And here you need to think about how to get rid of the bodies, because they also need to be buried only in accordance with sanitary requirements.Alternatively, you can find a cemetery for animals or a crematorium for them (but even in big cities it is a rarity).

You need to buy everything necessary for a veterinary clinic, at least the simplest equipment. A good veterinary office with all the equipment will cost an entrepreneur about 2 million rubles.

It's rare that an animal shelter can afford this, so they usually save on everything. No matter how sad it is, it will not be possible to help all animals; some of them still die from disease, and veterinarians can at least simply end the suffering of the unfortunate person.

Next you need to buy equipment for keeping animals, These are special cages for cats and dogs. The cost of a small cage is about 25 thousand rubles, a rather large enclosure for keeping dogs is about 60 thousand, here the final amount is calculated depending on the size of the shelter.

Small shelters are usually designed for no more than ten animals (but there is no point in creating less), and vaccinated and non-dangerous animals can be kept simply in a fenced area, which significantly reduces costs.

If the shelter expects to accept small animals ( guinea pigs, turtles and the like), then you can buy a special stand with terrariums, which will cost 10-30 thousand rubles. If you need to buy as many cages as possible, then one rack will be enough even for a relatively large shelter, because such animals are not brought in very often, and one rack can provide housing for about 10 animals.

To summarize, we can say that to equip your shelter you need to have a sum of about a million rubles, most of these funds will be spent on the purchase of veterinary equipment and medicines, and the calculation does not take into account the maximum equipped clinic, but a certain minimum.

The next point is the search for personnel. You need a veterinarian with a higher education, and you will have to pay him quite a lot. In an average city this is about 30 thousand rubles, although the amount wages can change a lot. In addition to the veterinarian there is at least one more assistant. His salary is from 15 thousand rubles.

At the same time, you need to understand that veterinarians must be ready to come to the shelter if necessary. That is, you need to look not just for professionals, but specifically for those who love animals and are ready to devote themselves to their work. Fortunately, usually people who really care about animals go to study to become veterinarians.

Next, you need at least two more people who are engaged in cleaning the territory and enclosures, these are simple service personnel, but you cannot take the first ones you come across, they also must love the pets that end up in the shelter, and this is much more difficult. You shouldn’t count on volunteers, but sometimes they appear, and this greatly simplifies the work.

The entrepreneur himself can (and should) take part in the work process; if he is not a veterinarian, then he should deal with all administrative and organizational issues.

In general, in such an enterprise you need to look for a team of like-minded people, maintain good relationships in the team, but no matter what the desire of people to help animals, no one will work for free. The wage fund usually lies within 100 thousand rubles per month, and although this is not a very large figure for the same veterinary clinic, it may be unaffordable for a shelter. After all, in addition to salary there will be a lot of expenses:

  • feed,
  • medicines,
  • public utilities.

The amount of these expenses is determined depending on the type of animal, its condition, and the number of animals. But even one thousand rubles a month may not be enough to maintain one pet, especially if you have to deal with very sick animals. Medicines can be very expensive, and some drugs sometimes have no analogues.

In summary, a lot of money is needed to maintain the shelter, so it is necessary to look for sources of funding. If an entrepreneur does not receive hundreds of thousands of rubles a month from the main source of income (and it is advisable to have passive income, because running a shelter takes a lot of time and effort), he needs to look for sponsors. You shouldn’t save on everything, otherwise the point of organizing a shelter is completely lost.

But who is ready to help in such an endeavor? Many people, having learned about the organization of the shelter, are ready to support it, but their support ends where actions are needed, not words.

From the experience of many shelters we can say that certain part food, medicine and some other things will come from the population. There are some movements that constantly organize fundraisers, and among them there are those who are not indifferent to animals, they will provide some kind of help, but there is no need to talk about the normal amount of funds or even materials.

Therefore, the shelter should think about promoting its activities, conveying information about itself, causing a resonance in society, making people care about such a problem. You need to contact the press, maintain your pages on social networks, and attract volunteers. If no one knows about the shelter, then it will remain a place where its organizer brings selected homeless animals that cannot receive any special help.

The fame of the shelter may not be very useful, because the flow of people carrying all the animals indiscriminately will increase, but there will not be much more people wanting to take the animals. However, sooner or later, the shelter that has become popular, which is talked about and which attracts many sympathizers, will be able to accept enough a large number of pets, nurse them and immediately hand them over to good hands. Thus, there will be no acute problem with placements.

In general, there is serious organizational work ahead; as soon as non-poor people are involved in this problem (or better yet, several enterprises and/or politicians, because then it will be possible to receive funding from everyone), the affairs of the shelter will improve significantly.

When opening your shelter you need:

  • or, as early as possible, look for sponsors,
  • or have a considerable passive income (and work solely to satisfy your desire to help unfortunate animals),
  • or open a foster care center and veterinary clinic together with the shelter.

An animal shelter is a very good, useful direction; if more attention was paid to this problem, there would not be so many abandoned pets and poor wandering animals.

An animal shelter makes the world a little better, and if you have the opportunity to open one, you should definitely do it. At least for the sake of karma.

A good example is contagious, and as soon as you find someone who cares, others will also follow suit.

This line of work is not suitable for everyone, because it is often thankless and very hard work. And it is worth showing respect to all those who run shelters and are really involved in the fate of abandoned animals. published

In urban environments, stray animals often become a big problem, which socially enterprising people help solve active people. How to open a shelter for homeless animals and how much does it cost? Step-by-step instruction proposes an action plan with financial calculations.

The business of fostering stray dogs and cats cannot be super profitable. For a businessman who decides to launch such a difficult project, the main concern will be creating conditions for comfortable living for animals. Additional types of services can generate income - a hotel, a veterinary pharmacy, a clinic.

Business plan

To open your own business, you need to draw up a business plan for an animal shelter:

  1. Determination of the range of services.
  2. Registration in government agencies.
  3. Selection of premises.
  4. Hiring workers.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Purchase of feed and care products.
  7. Advertising.
  8. Economic calculations.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Range of services

Before opening an animal shelter, you should determine the goals and objectives of the project. The basis is the need to provide temporary shelter and care for animals that find themselves on the street:

  • placement of an animal in a shelter;
  • examination by a veterinarian;
  • sanitization;
  • sterilization;
  • feeding;
  • treatment;
  • keeping warm;
  • search for owners.

To receive stable income, you need to organize additional services:

  1. Hotel for pets. Many people have no one to leave their pet with during vacation or for other reasons, but a pet hotel will take care of it.
  2. Paid clinic. Pets are accepted at reasonable prices.
  3. Hairdressing salon for animals. A popular service among owners purebred dogs and cats.
  4. Petting zoo. Usually children are brought here when it is not possible to have a pet at home.
  5. Store of pet supplies and veterinary drugs.

How more services provides shelter, the more opportunities for self-sufficiency.


Shelters are registered in several ways:

  • Public organization. Exists on subsidies budget resources and sponsorship fees, receives tax benefits and orders from local authorities. The proceeds have the right to be used only for the needs of the shelter.
  • commercial organization. The commonly used form of society is limited liability, since the founders of the project are several people, funds from third-party organizations are attracted, and hired labor is used.

The provision of veterinary services is subject to licensing. There are municipal services that provide advice on how to open a shelter for homeless animals.


If you plan to keep dogs and cats in the shelter, you need large territory. Large dogs placed in open fenced areas with booths, small individuals are placed in enclosed spaces. Certain categories of guests must be kept separately:

  1. Quarantine animals.
  2. Sick animals.
  3. Those who are recovering.
  4. Kittens and puppies.

A spacious area is equipped for daily walking of dogs, and individual compartments for cats.

The premises must comply with established standards:

  • the distance between the shelter and residential buildings is at least 300 meters;
  • working plumbing, heating, sewerage, ventilation;
  • fencing around the perimeter of the territory 2 m high;
  • in rooms where animals are kept, concrete floors.

Separate rooms or buildings are equipped for a veterinary clinic and a hotel.

Businessmen who open a shelter for homeless animals solve social and humanitarian problems, so city authorities can allocate a site or premises on preferential terms.


People who care about the fate of animals come to work at the shelter. To staff the staff you need to hire:

  1. Administrator for general management, reporting, interaction with various structures and the population.
  2. Veterinarian to provide medical care animals, inspections, surgical interventions, vaccinations.
  3. Service staff for feeding and caring for animals.
  4. Cleaners to maintain cleanliness and sanitary conditions in the premises.
  5. Security guards.
  6. Driver and assistant for catching stray animals.

The organizers are trying to attract volunteers to the establishment to help care for the pets and look for new owners. Another option for saving on wages is to provide homeless people with food and a roof over their heads in exchange for cleaning or caring for animals.


The veterinary compartment is equipped with couches, tables, scales, cabinets and shelving, and medical equipment. Deceased guests are stored in a special refrigerator until they are sent for disposal or burial.

Animals are washed regularly, for which a tiled shower is equipped. If food will be prepared on site, then you will need a kitchen with a stove, running water, large pots, bowls and utensils.

The shelter must have a reliable fence to prevent animals from escaping outside the territory.

To catch stray animals, a car equipped with cages is used.

Food and medicine

The issue of animal nutrition can be approached in several ways:

  • Buy ready-made food, dry or wet. It is expensive, but manufacturers include vitamins and microelements in the composition, which is useful for keeping pets in good shape. In addition, when purchasing in bulk, the cost will be lower than retail.
  • Cook on your own. On the one hand, it is cheaper to purchase food, on the other hand, you need cooks, you need to monitor the quality of the products, and include healthy supplements in your diet.

Stray dogs and cats often end up at the shelter weakened and sick, they need to be vaccinated, treated, and operated on. Required list drugs:

  1. Vaccines for common diseases.
  2. Anthelmintic drugs.
  3. Flea and tick remedies.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.
  5. Antipyretic.
  6. Antibiotics.
  7. Anesthetics.
  8. Antiseptics.
  9. Syringes, droppers, dressings.

If you additionally conduct a paid veterinary appointment, then the need for drugs increases and you can make purchases in large quantities with discounts.

In order for pets to not only be well-fed and healthy, but also to look attractive, it is necessary to take care of their fur, keep it clean, regularly bathe and comb it. For care you need:

  • shampoos;
  • combs and combs;
  • scissors;
  • cotton swabs;
  • detergents and disinfectants.

A beautiful animal is more likely to attract attention and find an owner.

It is important to draw public attention to the problem of animal homelessness. Then the chances of sponsorship will increase. Volunteers are animal lovers who usually visit:

  1. Zoos.
  2. Circuses.
  3. Exhibitions.
  4. Pet stores.
  5. Veterinary pharmacies and hospitals.

In these places you need to place advertisements with information about the shelter. People actively respond to announcements on social networks and messages on specialized forums. The shelter’s own website with photos of pets and their characteristics will help you find new owners for lonely animals.

Another option is to enter into agreements with schools to conduct excursions for children as part of a program for developing compassion and caring for our little brothers. Kids will be happy to take home a kitten or puppy.

Video: shelter for homeless animals.

Economic calculations

Cost planning will allow you to determine how much it costs to open a shelter designed to house 200 animals per month:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Documenting 10 000
2 Site rental 45 000
3 Arrangement of territory and premises 200 000
4 Medical equipment and drugs 100 000
5 Ready-made feed or products 60 000
6 Advertising 25 000
7 Staff salaries 60 000
8 Other costs 100 000
Total 600 000

This amount can be reduced by allocating a municipal site, saving on volunteer salaries, and providing equipment, feed, and medications from sponsors.

Monthly costs for running the shelter:

Disposal costs are a separate item. Half of the stray dogs and cats caught per month have to be euthanized. It is too expensive to purchase and obtain permits for your own disposal equipment, so shelters hand over animal corpses to special enterprises for the disposal of biological waste. Acceptance is carried out at a price of 12,000 rubles. per ton.

The company receives revenue from the provision of paid veterinary services and hotel activities:

Net profit is 23,000 rubles, investments in the project will pay off in 2 years and 2 months.

When opening a shelter, it is important to involve caring people who can provide good conditions accommodation and care for animals in trouble.

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Unfortunately, modern people Rarely are they responsible and kind, so the streets are gradually filled with abandoned and stray animals. Given such unpleasant circumstances, there are still citizens who show sympathy for lost or abandoned pets. Anyone can help several cats or dogs individual, but for a larger-scale project it is necessary to study in detail the question of how to open a shelter for homeless animals.

Kind of activity

Before opening an animal shelter, you should decide what services it will provide. Since the shelter itself makes virtually no profit and is maintained at the expense of concerned citizens and sponsors, the opportunity to earn money on your own will not be superfluous.

At the shelter you can open:

  • veterinary clinic;
  • hotel for animals;
  • cynological courses;
  • grooming and so on.

All commercial species activities must be carried out in parallel with the direct responsibilities of the organization, which include providing animals with:

  • housing;
  • food;
  • treatment;
  • vaccinations;
  • sterilization;
  • searching for the owner.

If desired, as, for example, many animal shelters in Moscow do, you can organize the capture of stray pets.

Finding funds

Regardless of the choice of operating a shelter, opening it requires a starting amount, and a considerable one at that. During the construction and organizing stages, ordinary citizens rarely donate their funds, complaining about the dishonesty of others. You can start construction from your own funds, if you have a sufficient amount at your disposal, or you can involve famous personalities, local politicians or other wealthy citizens as sponsors of charitable activities.

Many people are interested in how to open an animal shelter with government support. This can be done simply by contacting local authorities with the appropriate request, but the municipal shelter option will always be far from ideal maintenance. The fact is that the source of its financing is the state, which allocates too little funds for the normal maintenance of animals.

Team selection

Before opening an animal shelter, even if there is already money for this, you need to select the future staff of the organization. In any case, one person cannot cope with all the responsibilities, and for animals it is important to be loved and understood, especially for those who have already experienced betrayal. All shelter workers should treat their residents warmly, regardless of their position.

Usually the shelter staff always has:

  • manager;
  • vet;
  • veterinary assistants;
  • employees providing day-to-day care for animals;
  • people cleaning premises after animals;
  • night watchmen.

Also, depending on the extent of the activity, the staff may include a dog handler, a driver, a person who catches animals from the street, and so on.

Registration of activities

So, how to open an animal shelter, where to start, what documents to collect and who to contact? The first thing you should do is visit local department public organizations city ​​or region and register. You can choose several options for this.

Selfless option

For a municipal shelter, a non-profit form is best. It implies a ban commercial activities on the territory of the organization, but at the same time expands the opportunities for receiving various benefits from the state. Animal shelters in Moscow operating under this system receive subsidies, pay reduced taxes and receive additional funding from charitable donations. Unfortunately, this form of organization will pay for itself only after ten years, given that 80% of the incoming funds should be spent exclusively on the needs of the shelter.

Additional profit

How to open an animal shelter that will bring in money or at least recoup its investment in a short time? To do this, it is legally necessary to immediately register the organization as a commercial one. This form allows for the provision of additional services on the territory of the shelter. paid services. The list of such services is not limited in any way, since the amount for paying salaries to employees does not have a clear framework.

Such a shelter can support itself by receiving money:

  • from providing veterinary care pets;
  • cosmetic procedures for animals;
  • conducting cynological courses and so on.

Commercial organizations do not receive funding from the state and do not have any benefits.

In fact, the question of how to open an animal shelter in Russia is very complex, and without legal assistance specialist in correct design Few people can cope with the organization and its further maintenance. If you really want to help our little brothers and keep the shelter on long years, you should have a personal legal consultant who can defend the interests of the charitable organization in any situation.

Choosing a suitable location

The main rule that you should know before opening an animal shelter is that it should be located no closer than 300 meters from the nearest residential building. You should also pay attention to the area of ​​the territory, which ideally should be at least a hectare of land with the possibility of organizing a walk for animals. Considering this, it is best to choose a place outside the city or in a vacant lot, within settlement. Land outside the city will cost an order of magnitude cheaper both when purchased and when rented.

Cost of necessary facilities

For accelerated process For the installation of buildings, you can use frame construction, but even without special finishing, this stage will take several million rubles, because heating, water supply, drainage, electrical wiring and much more will be required. An important condition for shelters there is a hard floor covering in the premises and throughout the entire organization to make it easier to monitor cleanliness. This leads to the need for asphalting or concreting, and therefore additional costs. The shelter must also have a perimeter fence at least 2.5 meters high.