Construction technology of frame houses. Frame houses: the pros and cons of frame construction

Managers of construction companies engaged in the construction of frame and frame-panel houses give some arguments in their favor. The first is the high environmental friendliness of frame construction, since the construction uses new modern technology and environmentally friendly natural material - wood.

90% of the frame house materials are wood.

The second is the speed of construction of frame houses and their durability. The third and perhaps their main argument is the low cost of construction and, as a result, significant cost savings in the construction of such a house. It is for this reason that in all developed countries - the most popular. Does the frame method of construction really have only pluses, or are there also minuses of houses?

Scheme of the device frame house.

It is generally accepted that Canada is the birthplace of a frame house, although in the countries of the former USSR they are more often called Finnish houses. The technology of their construction is only considered new, but the prototypes of frame houses were built in Canada about 300 years ago, when the question of the rapid construction of inexpensive housing arose in this country. The idea of ​​frame construction of houses, brought to life, made it possible to significantly save both time and building materials.

Over the past time, this technology has been significantly updated, and today most private cottages in America, Canada and Western Europe are built using frame technology. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, this technology was used mainly to build barracks, dormitories and Finnish country houses, in which, due to poor materials and construction imperfections, it was very cold in winter and hot in summer. Therefore, the frame-panel method of building such houses is sometimes called frame-slot. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space are still skeptical about such construction technology.

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High environmental friendliness of a frame house: is it really so?

Scheme of overlapping frame house.

The basis of a frame house is a frame. The material for the frame is wood. This tree must be fastened as securely as possible. And in the case of frame-panel houses, wooden shields must also be securely fastened. So, 90% of the material in frame-panel and frame houses is wood. It is potentially prone to rot and mold in excess moisture. It would seem that the solution to this problem lies on the surface: the tree must be well dried.

It is clear that the less moisture remains in the wood, the better for the house under construction. But in reality this is not entirely true. According to current building codes, the moisture content in the wood used for housing construction should not exceed 25%. Construction companies will readily show you a document in which the moisture content of the wood will be 20%, 14% and even 9%. But the problem is that in the documents there may be one percent, but in reality it is completely different.

After all, it is impossible to trace how correctly this wood was dried and stored. Now let's look at another aspect. It is well known that wood is a combustible material. Therefore, houses built of wood will be a source of increased fire hazard. To reduce its level, the whole house will have to be treated with special fire-fighting mixtures - flame retardants. What is the result? The tree needs to be treated with special compounds to protect against fungi and rot (antiseptics). Special impregnation and treatment of wooden structures with fire retardants is also required. In addition to all of the above, when fastening in wooden panels, adhesives are used.

What is included in the composition of the same fire retardants? If these are salt-based flame retardants, then they contain salts of mineral acids: carbonic, phosphoric or boric. If non-salt fire-fighting mixtures are used for impregnation, then they are all produced on the basis of organophosphorus compounds. The fact that phosphorus is toxic is known from the school chemistry course. And although flame retardant manufacturers claim that their products are non-toxic and do not harm human health, it is up to everyone to believe these statements or not. Moreover, there are also antiseptics and adhesive mixtures. And among them there are many such, which include toxic substances.

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The durability of a frame house

Panel structure diagram.

Construction firms engaged in the construction of houses using frame technology claim that houses built using this technology will last up to 100 years, and in support of their correctness, they refer to the experience of foreign colleagues. But much more important is not “before”, but “from” (although it is worth noting that the same brick or stone houses stand for several hundred, or even a thousand years). Western construction firms strictly adhere to all details of construction technology, from drying and wood processing to finishing work.

Is this not always possible for us? If the wooden structures used for are not properly or insufficiently dried or treated with an antiseptic in violation of the technology, the result will quickly manifest itself in the form of a fungus or mold. It would be useful for future developers to know that the white house fungus is capable of completely disabling an oak floor made of 40 mm oak planks in one month!

But even if everything is done exactly according to the technology, we must not forget that the period of action of the antiseptics with which the wooden panels are impregnated is mainly 15-20 years.

Further, the tree remains defenseless, because there is no way to disassemble the house in order to re-treat it with an antiseptic. Even in order to process the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, you will have to remove and then reinstall the drywall finish. And these are additional costs and time, and labor, and funds that are not taken into account in the initial cost of the house. Therefore, it would be quite logical to set the period of functioning of frame houses from 30 years. Therefore, the statement that such a house will be inherited by your grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, sounds somewhat exaggerated. At best, your children will live in it.

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The cheapness of building a frame house

Model of wall insulation of a frame house.

In terms of the cheapness of construction work, the method of frame construction of houses is really out of competition. To build such a house, a deeply buried foundation is not needed, and the savings in wood due to the small thickness of the walls is 40-50% compared to a conventional log house. But this is ideal. In practice, everything turns out a little differently. Since, for a number of objective and subjective reasons, it is not yet in great demand in our country, finding really high-quality building materials at affordable prices is a big problem.

It is very difficult to find a high-quality wooden board, it is almost impossible to find tile insulation under the 16-inch (407 mm) rack spacing provided for during the construction of a frame house. And the prices for domestic high-quality materials (for example, OSB for the outer skin of a house or plywood sheets of the tenon-groove type) are 1.5-3 times higher than the cost of foreign analogues. In addition, unlike timber or log buildings, a good ventilation system is required in frame houses. In addition to this, unlike abroad, where holes and cuts are made for the wiring device in the frame racks and self-extinguishing electrical wires are used, everything is exactly the opposite with us.

According to the current rules for the installation of electrical installations, hidden wiring in residential premises should be carried out in special metal pipes, and junction metal boxes and socket boxes should be used for wiring.

Therefore, in our conditions, it will not be possible to do the finishing work as they do in Western Europe and Canada, attaching drywall directly to the racks of the frame house, which ensures high construction speed. In addition, in the West, frame houses are assembled from strictly calibrated planed boards.

In our conditions, this board is taken at a nearby construction market, it is good if it is cut off. Therefore, when finishing the interior of a frame house with drywall (and this is a prerequisite), you must additionally purchase and install metal profiles for fixing drywall.

With careful consideration of this issue, such an initially cheap house in the end turns out to be much more expensive. Although it must be said that this is due not so much to shortcomings as to the lack of a proper construction culture and the human factor in our country.

Turnkey frame houses are offered by many construction organizations, but what is a prefabricated structure? The future owner of a low-rise building would like to know in more detail the pros and cons of a frame house. We will try to gradually determine the effectiveness of the construction and identify shortcomings. We will understand the applied heat-insulating materials and construction technology.

In recent years, a residential building called “ frame house" is becoming more and more popular. Installation organizations have in their arsenal standard projects of frame houses, and also offer individual development. At present, there is no perfect construction technology that would be superior to others and would not itself have obvious shortcomings.

However, according to statistics, most often they build houses from a frame. In the domestic (and not only) construction market, the obvious advantages could ensure demand for frame houses, even despite some minor drawbacks.

Quickly built houses are attracted by the fact that on a ready-made basis it is possible to build in record time. Only two people, having a frame house project in their arsenal, are able to independently build a frame house in about a month. Given the fact that it will be built by inexperienced builders.

Do-it-yourself frame house without lifting mechanisms

And all thanks to the step-by-step assembly - the repetition of simple steps. Only one thing is important - to know how to properly assemble each of the nodes. With instructions and an understanding of the principle of construction, anyone can assemble a house from a frame.

Construction frame house also attracts with its cheapness. The specific amount depends on the size of the house and the building materials used (types of wood and finishes). One way or another, this option is rightfully considered one of the affordable and financially budgetary ones.

What are frame houses?

Frame houses are a special type of construction, where all load-bearing parts are closely interconnected. This kind of construction of low-rise buildings has gained great popularity in America, Germany and the countries of the East.

It is noteworthy that in the cities of Germany, frame buildings began to be built nine centuries ago. To date, some details have undergone many changes, but the basic principle of operation has remained the same as centuries ago.

At the very beginning, the main structure is built from a bar, which is gradually filled with heat-insulating materials and sheathed with protective elements.

Technology and construction of frame houses

The basic principle of the technology for the construction of frame buildings is a stable frame and fillers with a low price and thermal conductivity. Basically, such a structure is made of wood or metal.

Accordingly, beams, boards or zinc-coated steel are used for this. And to sheathe the walls, they usually take oriented or

Used thermal insulation components:

  • wood fiber wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Cellulose ecowool.

Typical, multilayer scheme for the insulation of frame houses

The most common option for builders of private houses in the Russian Federation is basalt. It has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Long service life;
  • incombustibility;
  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • Moisture repellency.

"Silver medal" honestly deserved. It is used for the production of sandwich panels, for the construction of frame-panel houses using Western technology. The top three is closed by eco-friendly cotton wool made from cellulose.

There are only three methods for the construction of low-rise buildings:

  • . The plant produces the same type of boards, consisting of a pair of sheets of oriented strand boards and a layer of expanded polystyrene between these boards. Shields are cut out already at the site of the proposed construction. Houses made of sip panels often become an alternative, displacing frame-panel houses.
  • . OSB is cut into panels of the required size at the factory. Already at the place of construction, they are sewn onto the frame and insulation is carried out.
  • German. Frame-panel houses are made up of panels prepared at the factory. They are brought to the construction site already with glazed window frames and ready-made door panels.

The first couple of options can completely do without unnecessary equipment - several people can handle them. As for the assembly of the building from huge shields, here you will already have to involve a crane.

Panel house on a screw foundation

Frame house insulation

As for the internal arrangement of the walls, frame houses are panel or frame. The first type is a kind of constructor, made up of parts made up in production, which you just need to assemble into a single whole. Frame frame houses involve the installation of a skeleton made of metal or wooden profiles, as well as cladding and thermal insulation.

Frame houses are subject to mandatory insulation

Using the latest technology allows you to fully control the quality of materials and the entire assembly process. Each of the stages. In contrast, the construction of panel houses takes much less time. The only thing worth carefully monitoring is the quality of the purchased shields.

The walls of typical private houses consist of many layers, including:

  • OSB or DSP boards on both sides;
  • A special lattice that forms;

The frame with internal insulation can be single or paired. In areas with a mild climate or for a summer residence that is not intended for permanent residence, the first option is quite suitable.

The thickness of such walls is up to ten centimeters. In areas with cold winters, it will be better to get thick walls - fifteen centimeters or thicker.

SIPs are filled with polystyrene foam, and at the ends - bars. Their presence will allow in the construction process to do without such a powerful foundation. Partially, the load is taken by SIP shields.

The main advantages and disadvantages of low-rise frame houses

Currently, frame buildings are very popular, and all thanks to the short construction period, reliable construction and relatively low costs for building materials. Nevertheless, frame houses include the pros and cons of which the owners' reviews tell.

frame house on stilts - photo of staged construction

Such a house, with a great desire and the presence of the necessary skills, can even be built independently. Of course, all these undeniable advantages inspire many enthusiasts to lean towards this particular option of a private house.

But we must not forget that frame buildings, for all their quality, have some disadvantages that should not be ignored. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this building in more detail.

Frame houses pluses:

1. An excellent prospect to hide and lay electrical and plumbing communications right in the walls;

2. Great pace of building construction;

3. Low level of thermal conductivity - frame houses are very warm and lose, perhaps, to a log house;

4. Finishing can be started immediately after roofing;

5. Small weight of the structure, p the building does not shrink;

6. Cheap construction work. Panel cladding of the frame will cost several times cheaper than brick walls.

7. Lack of seasonality. Frame houses can be built all year round.

8. Improved wall insulation. The cavity between the wooden studs provides enough space for insulation.

9. Speed ​​and budget construction. Timber-framed walls are built much faster and, in the case of complex buildings and window configurations, they are much cheaper. Among other things, laying engineering communications through the wall is much easier.

The basic advantage of this design lies in the overall lightness of the whole house. This, in turn, allows in most cases to carry out construction work without the availability of special equipment.

the frame house is indistinguishable from ordinary buildings and is suitable for year-round use

Frame houses do not require a massive foundation, there is no need to lay it as deep as under a brick house. In a similar ratio, only aerated concrete blocks compete with frame houses sheathed with insulated wooden panels.

Frame houses cons

Now about the disadvantages of frame houses. Although they are relatively few, they are still worth mentioning:

  • The project proposal must necessarily come from organizations with extensive experience. Otherwise, you can not even think about the durability and strength of the frame, which is the "skeleton" of your home;
  • If the house does not have forced ventilation, be prepared for the fact that the room will be quite stuffy;
  • Expanded polystyrene, like polyurethane foam, are not environmentally friendly materials;
  • Lumber is flammable and this is also worth considering;
  • Frame buildings are much less resistant to snowstorms and strong winds than concrete. Wooden frames, like concrete structures, must be tested for compliance with the same sustainability building code standards. And yet buildings made of wood are lighter.
  • You will often have to deal with termite and ant attacks, because they have a much higher wood content. Prevention in the form of special traps, baits and antiseptics will help protect your building from pests.
  • A frame house is not as resistant to water penetration. The outer layer of a wooden frame building is covered with a moisture-resistant shield, which carefully hides all openings. But if water penetrates a wall made of wood, it will cause much more damage to it than a wall made of concrete or brickwork.

Video review - the pros and cons of a frame house:

If we talk about the fire safety of wood, this can only apply to untreated frames. If the wood is impregnated with a special substance, it will be too tough for fire.

In most cases, all the disadvantages of frame buildings are attributed, mainly due to the gross errors of the builders. Or because of inexperience in the details of construction technology. There are even far-fetched ones among such minuses.

The main problem that residents of frame houses face every now and then is stuffy rooms. The walls of such a house, indeed, almost do not let air through. On the one hand, this is a significant savings on heating. On the other hand, the need to install forced ventilation.

The main threat to the frame building is called:

  • wood rot;
  • termites;
  • Hurricanes.

In the last few decades, fires have also been added to them. Including cases when the fire happened in the forest, not far from residential buildings.

Modern technology in the construction of frame buildings

The technique of erecting frame structures allows you to build a house in the shortest possible time, with a relatively small estimate. If you build the same house from concrete, beams or brickwork, the same building will end up being an order of magnitude more expensive. But you can live in such a private house for up to a hundred years!

frame panel houses construction technology

On the other hand, a lot here may depend on the details, among which are the quality of the material and the climatic conditions in the construction area.

It is worth remembering that the main danger for a frame house is water. No matter how hard you try to protect the wood from water, doing it 100% will not work.

photo of frame houses using Canadian technology from sip panels

Advanced frame houses are always the best engineering design. It fully meets the intended goal of reducing the amount of lumber used and generates the least amount of waste during construction.

wood frame house

Modern construction methods that use frame houses improve energy efficiency by replacing lumber with insulation while maintaining the structural integrity of the house.

Insulation of a frame house made by technology improves the thermal conductivity value by reducing the thermal bridge through the framing and maximizing the insulated wall area.

With a limited budget, many decide to build a house on their own. We will not dissuade you from such a decision. This is really a bold step that will require a lot of strength and knowledge from you. Well, if construction is not just a hobby for you, and you are familiar with most of the operations. But what if this is your first experience? What technology to choose for construction? Where to begin? What elements of the house require special attention? Frame structures are perfect for building a house with your own hands. We will try to figure out how to build such a frame house with our own hands, step-by-step instructions will help you with this.

This is a building whose walls are built on the basis of a wooden frame. The walls, floor and ceiling of such houses are made up of dissimilar materials, which is also called "pie" by experts.

The frame structure has many advantages, such as high energy efficiency, environmental friendliness of the construction process, low weight. But why do we recommend this particular technology in the case of building a house with our own hands?

  • Firstly, if the question arose in favor of building on your own for financial reasons, then a frame house will help you save a lot of money. After all, such a building of a similar area and purpose will bypass 35-40% cheaper than a log house made of logs or timber and almost 2 times cheaper than a brick structure.
  • Secondly, the low weight of the house will require a less complex foundation. Even in the case of pouring a strip foundation, you can do all the work yourself. The light weight of the house as a whole also indicates the low weight of individual structures. In the case of assembling the frame on the building site, you only need a pair of auxiliary hands to install the building under the roof.
  • Thirdly, the construction of such houses will require only a standard set of tools for carpentry work: a saw, a level, a hammer, a screwdriver or a drill, a construction stapler. In the case of work with some types of finishes, an additional tool may be required, but we have already named the main set for you. The construction of a frame house does not require the involvement of heavy special equipment.
  • Fourth, even without special skills, but carefully following the installation instructions for each element of the frame, you can build a reliable and comfortable home for both summer and year-round use.

Building a frame house: step by step

Before proceeding with construction, it should be mentioned that frame technology is conditionally divided into North American and Scandinavian types. At some stages of work, these types of frames are almost identical, and at some they require special attention.

The Finnish house is assembled on the basis of a timber frame. The walls are sheathed inside and outside with finishing or rough finishing materials. The wall is filled with mineral insulation.

The Canadian house is also built on a timber frame (sometimes without a frame). The key difference is the insulation used: these are polystyrene-based organic insulation. It is a mistake to say that the Canadian frame house is built only on the basis of SIP panels. This is just one of the options for the construction of such frames.

So, you can start building a frame house step by step.

Design work

First of all, you should spend time drawing up a detailed project of the future home. It is important to discuss with each of the household elements of the house, necessary for convenience and comfort. It is also necessary to draw up a project for the location of the building on your site.

Design work can be divided into several stages:

  • Selection of building site.
  • Choosing the destination of the future home and a preliminary calculation of the dimensions. It is necessary to decide whether it will be a country house or a place of permanent residence. It is necessary to calculate the approximate financial possibilities. In the case of building a residential building with your own hands, its turnkey cost will be from 15,000 rubles. per 1 square meter (depending on technology, number of floors and finishing options).
  • Selecting a project for construction. A lot of projects of frame houses can be found on the Internet. Most developers' websites also indicate the cost of building a turnkey project. If you are satisfied with the indicated cost and the project as a whole, then you can take it into service. We do not recommend redrawing the project on your own without knowledge in the construction business. It is important to understand that the construction of a large house will require not only a facade project and building layout. Prior to construction, it is necessary to have a set of drawings for each element of the building and communications. It is important to have a project of engineering systems at home, because most of their elements are laid inside the walls, floor and ceiling even at the stage of wall construction.
  • Estimate the necessary materials and search for suppliers. Continuous work on the site will require a stable supply of materials. It is better to conclude the necessary supply contracts even before the start of work. This will allow you to avoid many problems.

In addition to work with the project and the purchase of materials, we recommend that you conduct a geological survey of soils. This is necessary for the correct choice of the type of foundation. It is also important to solve problems with sewerage and water supply. The arrangement of the septic tank is often carried out before the start of other work. The water supply of a private house is often solved with the help of a well, for this it is also necessary to survey the site by specialists. You may have to move the location of the house.

So, you have in your hands a project and a clear drawing of all the elements of your home. The layout of the arrangement of your site is marked. Problems with the supply of materials were resolved. You can consider yourself ready to start work on the site.

Foundation installation

Having a detailed project and estimate for materials, you can calculate the approximate weight of your building. This is important for the correct calculation of the foundation. The foundation is one of the most important stages of work, the life of your home will depend on its reliability. Therefore, it is important to know the bearing capacity of soils. Depending on it and the total weight of the house, the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe support of the building is calculated. After that, it remains to choose the type of foundation: columnar, pile, tape, base on screw piles, monolithic slab. Consider the order of work on each of the options.

Column Foundation

The columnar foundation is used for one-story houses on solid ground. The basis for the grillage are concrete pillars or asbestos-cement pipes.

Work order. The site is cleared, markings are made with the help of twine and pegs at the installation sites of the pillars. Depending on the length of the post, pits are dug, on the bottom of which a sand cushion with a thickness of at least 15 cm is filled up and rammed. Now you can fill up and compact the soil around the post. A grillage for a columnar foundation is usually the lower trim of a house made of timber. Before laying the timber, a layer of waterproofing is laid on each post: roofing material or glassine.

Pile foundations

Pile foundations are conditionally divided into bored and reinforced concrete. In the case of work with factory-made reinforced concrete piles, the installation procedure does not differ from the construction of a columnar foundation.

The procedure for working with bored piles. Preparatory work also consists in clearing and marking the pile field. In places where piles are poured, pits are dug or holes are drilled with a diameter of at least 250 mm. Sand is also poured into the holes and primed. After that, formwork is assembled from edged boards, plywood or roofing material. Concrete is poured into which pre-bonded reinforcement is immersed. The ends of the reinforcement rods usually protrude above the plane of the piles for the subsequent fixing of the wooden grillage. In the case of mounting a reinforced concrete grillage, the reinforcement of the horizontal grillage is tied to these pieces of reinforcement. Formwork is also mounted under the grillage. Concrete is poured into the already connected reinforcement. A layer of waterproofing is also laid between the wooden grillage and the pile plane or between the concrete grillage and the Mauerlat.

Foundation on screw piles

The foundation on screw piles is a young technology for the construction of foundations, previously it was used only for military temporary buildings, the construction of marinas and other surface facilities. The essence of the technology lies in the screwing of special hollow pipes with blades at the end, which makes it possible to equip the foundation on any soil. There are screw piles of different diameters and lengths, which makes it possible to use them for almost any building, especially frame houses.

The procedure for working with screw piles. We carry out all the same preparation of the site and its marking. To simplify the start of screwing, pits are dug in at the pile installation sites, removing the sod. Further, with the help of a special head for fastening the levers, these levers are installed and the pile is screwed with constant control of its verticality. A metal platform is welded onto the base of the pile for ease of fixing the grillage. A grillage can serve as the lower trim of a house made of timber or metal.

Strip foundation

Strip foundation means pouring reinforced concrete tape around the entire perimeter of the house and under all supporting structures. For frame houses, a shallow foundation is usually used with a basement height of 200 mm.

Work order. After marking the foundation, they dig a trench with a width of at least 250 mm. At the bottom of the trench, sand is poured and rammed. Next, the formwork is mounted and pre-bonded reinforcement is installed, which is responsible for the bending and breaking strength of the tape. Then the concrete is poured. After the final maturation of the concrete, a layer of waterproofing is laid and the mauerlat is laid.

slab foundation

A monolithic reinforced slab is poured under the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. It is applied only on superdifficult floating soils.

Work order. A pit is dug according to the markup, a sand cushion is filled up. Reinforcement or a metal mesh is laid, concrete is poured with laying holes for communications.

As you have already noticed, after installing the foundation, a layer of waterproofing and the lower trim of the house are laid, which must be treated with deep penetration antiseptics.

Installation of the lower trim, floor joists and subfloor

Another feature of frame structures is the installation of the floor before the walls are erected. We have already laid the lower trim of the house from the timber on the finished foundation. Now you need to install the floor beams. For this, a bar with a section of 50x150 or 50x200 mm is used. The logs can be sawn into the lower trim beam, installed on top of the lower trim using mounting brackets, or mounted in the same plane with the lower trim (spread out) using special beam supports.

In the case of floor insulation with mineral heaters, the logs are installed in increments of 1.5-2 cm less than the overall dimensions of the heater. In the case of insulation with sheets of expanded polystyrene or extrusion - strictly a multiple of the overall size of the sheet. If the floor is covered with floor SIP panels, the step between the joists must be equal to the width of the panels, which must be joined strictly on the joist.

First, extreme lags are installed. The level of the lag itself and the plane between them is controlled. After the level is “caught”, the twine is pulled between the beginning and end of the lag and diagonally between them. Intermediate lags are installed along this twine.

After installing the log, it is necessary to install the subfloor, which serves as the basis for insulation. In the case of installation of floor panels, there is no need for a rough coating. The draft floor can be mounted on top of the log - a board or sheet material (OSB, plywood, chipboard) is laid. In this case, another row of logs is installed on top of the subfloor across the primary floor beams.

Most often, the draft floor is mounted between the floor lags. To do this, a bar with a section of 50x50 or 40x50 mm is fixed to the side surface of the log. It is floored with boards or sheet material. Regardless of the method of laying the subfloor, a vapor-permeable membrane is laid on top of it to remove dew point vapor from the thickness of the insulation (in the case of insulation with mineral heaters) or the joints are sealed when insulated with polystyrene foam.

Floor insulation and flooring

Insulation can be laid in the finished base between the lags (primary or secondary). In the case of mineral insulation, each layer is laid with a shift in the joints of the insulation to avoid cold bridges. When insulating with polystyrene, all joints are foamed. A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of any insulation. After that, you can immediately mount the finishing or rough floor covering: solid or parquet board, plywood, chipboard, OSB, etc.

Construction and insulation of walls

Walls are a key difference between Finnish and Canadian frame building technology. Therefore, we will consider them separately.

Finnish technology

For the construction of the frame, it is very important to have a strict drawing of each of the walls of the future house. Without this, it is impossible to strictly place all the elements of the frame and trim (window and door openings, communication elements). Each post and horizontal header (reinforcement of openings) must be located in its place. All elements of the framework of load-bearing and intermediate walls are fixed to the floor and to each other with the help of mounting brackets and self-tapping screws. Installation begins with load-bearing racks, intermediate racks are installed between them in a strict plane, controlling their verticality.

After mounting the frame, the inner or outer skin is produced. There are a lot of options for this, and each has strict installation instructions. We will not consider each of them. It is only important to observe the correct "pie": outer skin - vapor-permeable membrane - frame with insulation - vapor barrier film - inner skin. Sometimes a counter-lattice with a thickness of at least 20 mm is laid between the outer skin and the membrane for better ventilation.

Canadian technology

In the case of the construction of a Canadian house based on a frame, no films are laid. Extrusion plates are mounted between the beams, all gaps and joints are carefully sealed with mounting foam.

Separately, it is worth considering the installation of SIP panels. In this case, a cranial block is sewn onto the finished flooring in strict accordance with the drawing of the panel arrangement. The bar has a section that strictly corresponds to the groove on the underside of the panel. Mounting foam is applied to the surface of the bar and panels are installed. From one of the corners of the house, the installation of panels begins, temporarily securing them with props. The side surface of the panel is also pre-foamed for a snug fit of each element. The final fasteners are made during the installation of the upper trim and ceiling beams.

In the case of installation, ready-made walls are brought to the facility, which are mounted using lifting equipment. The walls are fixed to each other by the upper strapping and ceiling beams.

Ceiling beams and ceiling insulation

The pitch and section of the ceiling beams are selected according to the principle of floor lags. Ceiling logs are also installed according to the floor principle. The ceiling of the first floor serves as the basis for insulation. It is also important to observe the correct "pie" of insulation.

For a house with a cold attic: ground floor ceiling sheathing - vapor barrier - ceiling beams with insulation - vapor-permeable membrane - attic flooring.

For interfloor overlapping: ceiling sheathing of the first floor - vapor barrier - ceiling beams with insulation - vapor barrier - floor covering of the second floor.

Installation of rafters and roofing material

The roof is one of the most complex elements of a frame house. But if you have a detailed and clear drawing indicating the size and location of the puffs, supports and rafter legs, you can completely carry out the installation with your own hands. On the rafters, the lathing is sewn from edged boards or sheet materials, depending on the selected roofing material. Installation of the finishing roof must also be carried out in accordance with the instructions. We will not consider this technology for each roofing material.

Finishing work

After finishing work on the roof, you can start finishing. Frame houses have a high level of preparation for finishing, because often the walls inside and outside are already finished with finishing material, and most of the communication elements are already embedded in the walls.

One of the disadvantages of frame houses is the effect of a thermos. They do not have gas exchange and vapor exchange with the environment, so it is very important to mount ventilation: under the floor, in the walls and under the roofing material. You can find the rules for arranging ventilation for each type of frame on the Internet with detailed drawings of the location of each element.


Of course, a frame house cannot be built based only on this article. We have given you only a direction to study the issue. It will take more than one hour to sit for literature, to study the experience of those people who have traveled this path from beginning to end. But the very fact that there are such people speaks of the possibility of implementing your project.

Frame construction has gained popularity due to its price and technological accessibility. This technology allows you to build quickly. At the same time, simple available materials are used in construction and light warm walls are obtained. However, there are some rules that must be observed when working with this technology. They help to build a frame house reliably and correctly, choose the right panels and boards, insulate them with high quality, complete the sheathing, and assemble the roof. So, how to build a frame house?

Correct frame house

Frame construction is a new technology in which the sequence of work can be different. For example, you can first assemble the frame, then hang the roof and assemble the walls. Or you can do the work in a different way: after the construction of the frame, hang wall cladding, which will increase its strength, and then assemble the roof.

Building with attic and balcony.

To prevent discrepancies, here is what the scheme of the correct frame house looks like:

  • Prepare and mark the site.
  • Pour or build a foundation.
  • Build a complete frame and rafters under the roof. For multi-storey construction - assemble the frame of the first floor, put the ceilings and assemble the frame of the second floor. After that, collect the rafters.
  • Hang a roof that will close the interior from precipitation.
  • Hang the outer wall cladding under the protection of the assembled roof.
  • Lay insulation in the frame.
  • Hang the inner lining of the frame.
  • Make a subfloor.
  • Install windows and doors.
  • Lay electrical wiring, stretch water supply and sewage pipes, equip heating.
  • Perform interior finishing of the floor and walls.

You can clearly see how to build a frame house correctly in the video. We will describe in more detail each stage of the construction of a new building.

Preparation for construction

Preparation for construction includes the following works:

  1. Prepare construction tools. You will need a level, a tape measure, a hacksaw and a circular saw, a drill and a screwdriver, a hammer, possibly a concrete mixer. Work gloves and a pencil will also come in handy. It is necessary to provide a place for storing tools - a utility room, a canopy.
  2. It is necessary to provide a supply for the operation of power tools, for this they pull the wire from the poles or connect to the neighbors.
  3. To equip the entrance to the place of frame construction.
  4. Perform preliminary marking for ground work - mark the location of the future building on the ground with pegs.

Earthworks and foundation

The foundation of the future house will be built in accordance with the project. It can be concrete slab or concrete tape. It can also be piled - stand on metal or concrete pillars. To equip the foundation, it is necessary to remove part of the soil, and pour concrete into the prepared pits or place ready-made concrete blocks.

On a note

Work on the preparation of pits and ditches for the foundation is called soil or earthworks.

In the course of excavation, pits and ditches are prepared, which are necessary for pouring or assembling the foundation. The type of foundation and its design determine the dimensions of the pits. Therefore, the choice of foundation determines the amount of soil work - the amount of land that needs to be dug.

Trench for strip foundation.

When pouring a concrete foundation, work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Prepare a hole of the desired shape and size.
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with sand - they perform the so-called sand cushion. A layer of sand will provide an accelerated outflow of water from under the foundation.
  • They put formwork - boards or plywood along the edges of the pit.
  • Reinforcement is laid in the formwork - for the strength of the future foundation of the house.
  • Air ducts are laid (pipes for underground ventilation).
  • Mix and pour concrete. Also, the concrete solution can be ordered at the factory, get it ready for pouring - in a concrete mixer machine.
  • Anchors are installed on non-hardened concrete - fasteners for future frame supports and lower trim.
  • After pouring, they are kept for 6-7 days if the weather is hot, and 9-10 days if the temperature outside is about + 20 ° C. At this time, the concrete is gaining the necessary strength. After - proceed to the assembly of the power frame of the frame house.

In order not to lose time, during the curing of concrete, you can prepare lumber: saw beams to the size of frame racks, partitions, jibs, treat them with an antiseptic.

Power frame and roof

The power frame of the house is assembled in accordance with the project. The drawings and diagrams indicate the dimensions of the supporting elements, their location, the distance between adjacent racks. Also in the drawings are described methods of attaching various boards and beams to each other.

Power frame.

The frame is assembled from separate parts. The assembly of each part is carried out in two stages. The first is the assembly of the frame section "on the ground". The second is the lifting of the assembled section and its installation, fastening. This technology makes it easy to assemble the right frame house with your own hands.

We give a description of the sequence of assembling the wall frame:

  1. Future vertical racks are connected to the boards of the lower and upper strapping on the ground, according to the design scheme.
  2. The assembled frame of each wall is lifted and installed on the foundation, attached to its surface.
  3. A second upper trim and floor beams are laid on top of the frame.
  4. On top of the floor beams - they are assembled from the frame elements prepared on the ground, the walls of the second floor, or attic.
  5. The assembly of rafters under the roof begins with the assembly and installation of the frame under the gables.
  6. They assemble the truss system - also from, which are pre-assembled from boards on the ground. For ease of assembly, all rafters are made according to the same template and have the same dimensions. They are lifted to the roof in assembled form, installed and attached to the upper trim of the upper floor.

The correct frame house uses a technology in which the roof is first built, and only after that the walls are sheathed. Therefore, after assembling the rafters, they are covered with a film, sheathing and roofing - metal tiles, ondulin.

How to sheathe a building

The wall cladding of the house forms the surface, protects from precipitation and ensures the stability of the house, prevents it from tilting. In order for the wall to perform strength functions, the sheathing is made of wall materials of a certain thickness. How to sheathe a frame house?

Exterior finish with imitation masonry.

The dimensions of wall panels are regulated by GOST. So, for one-story houses, if OSB sheathing, plywood or cement board (DSP) is used, slabs with a thickness of at least 9 mm are required, and for two-story houses - at least 12 mm.

The correct frame wall of the house is assembled from separate PVC panels. In this case, the joints between adjacent panels must be reliably insulated or overlap each other. For example, when sheathing a wall with thin wall materials, siding, the bottom row of wall panels is first hung, then the top row located above it. So the wall is sheathed completely from the bottom up. At the same time, the next row of wall cladding overlaps the previous one by several cm.

Wall cladding is fastened with self-tapping screws. The sheathing is screwed to the frame wooden racks. Therefore, the process of assembling a wall is called a "constructor".

Correct wall

The frame wall performs the function of protecting the internal space of the house from heat and cold, from the encroachments of strangers, from rain and wind. To perform each of the necessary functions, a layer of material is intended, which is part of the frame wall cake. How right?

Ventilated facade.
  • For the strength and load-bearing capacity of the wall, a strong load-bearing frame is constructed.
  • For heat capacity - the inner space of the walls is filled with heat-insulating material.
  • To protect against atmospheric precipitation - use moisture-resistant outer wall cladding.
  • For outdoor and indoor decor, as well as to protect against moisture and wetting, wall cladding is necessary.

In addition, additional materials are used that ensure the functioning of the main layers of the frame wall. For example, cotton wool insulation must be covered with a vapor barrier film. This protects it from moisture.

On a note

The heat capacity of a cotton insulator decreases sharply when moisture gets inside it. Therefore, dampness inside the building wool is unacceptable.

Here is the minimum list of layers of the frame wall and the order of their alternation, how the correct pie of the frame house should look like:

  1. Internal wall cladding - forms the surface of the walls of the interior. It is made of panel materials - plywood, drywall, wooden lining, MDF or OSB panels.
  2. Polyethylene film to prevent dampness of the insulation from the inside. Vapor barrier is important for cotton insulation and is not important for polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam.
  3. Insulation is a heat-insulating material that is characterized by low thermal conductivity. It ensures the safety of heat inside, and cool air in the interior during hot summers. The traditional choice of insulating material for a frame house is mineral or basalt wool. Also, sometimes expanded polystyrene is used or cotton and foamed styrene materials are combined.
  4. The film on the outside of the insulation is a membrane material that allows moisture particles to go outside and does not allow them to penetrate inside the insulation. The membrane structure ensures the ability of the film to pass steam in only one direction. This layer is important for cotton wool insulation and does not make sense when insulating a house with foam.
  5. External wall cladding - forms the surface of the walls from the outside, protects against precipitation, mechanical damage. It should be made of durable, beautiful and waterproof material. Often used metal profiles, plastic siding, wooden boards or profiled timber, as well as OSB panels, followed by plastering or painting.

When using cotton wool insulation in the "pie", the walls of the frame house provide for ventilation gaps. The clearance on the outside is especially important. It acts as a ventilation space through which wet steam escapes.

It is necessary to take into account a large number of conditions in order to build the right frame house, the video will show the main points that you need to pay attention to.

Correct gender

Flooring is performed before the walls are insulated in order to make it convenient to move around inside the house during work. The correct floor in a frame house must be insulated. To do this, a heat insulator is laid between the lags of the floor. After - they close it with a vapor barrier with access to the walls. Sheathing boards are placed on top of the vapor barrier film. Moreover, if a plank floor is planned, then the crate is placed on top of the log, along their entire length. If a less durable OSB or plywood floor is planned, then the crate is laid across the log. After - a finishing floor is laid on top of the crate, they proceed to the insulation of the walls.

How to properly insulate

Mostly use cotton insulating material. - mineral basalt wool - a low-combustible material on a natural basis, which is obtained from molten stone - basalt. How to properly insulate a frame house?

On a note

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish between glass wool and mineral wool. It is important to know that mineral basalt wool is more expensive and much more durable (40 years instead of 20 years for glass wool).

Cotton wool insulation is characterized by compressibility, which is used when mounting the material between the frame supports. Mineral wool slabs or mats compress slightly when laid between the studs of the frame. Then they are held between the supports without additional fixation.

We lay mineral wool in the frame of the house.

It starts with walls where mineral mats are used, which are characterized by low compressibility and increased rigidity. In such mats, the insulation does not sag and retains the ability to retain heat for a long time.

On a note

When using rolled insulation, additional horizontal beams are required on which the wool will “lie”. This will not allow her to sag or sag over time.

It uses ready-made slabs in which foam plastic slabs are laid as a heater. However, this is the worst option for wall insulation, more affordable and inferior in environmental friendliness and climate control.

Foam plastics "do not breathe", they do not provide natural gas exchange through the walls of the premises. What creates an unhealthy microclimate inside the house.

Windows and doors

Almost always, the manufacture and installation of windows is ordered from a company specializing in these works. Doors - non-standard sizes are also made to order. Standard canvases 60x180 are purchased together with the boat in finished form.

Do-it-yourself pvc window installation.

The choice of door material is determined by the place of its installation. For a room, it can be chipboard or wood. As a street entrance door, you can put metal or fiberglass.

Engineering Communication

During the assembly of the wall, engineering communications are laid inside it. They are placed on top of the vapor barrier film in such a way that the cross section of the wire or pipe is not squeezed by the subsequent wall cladding. For the convenience of subsequent wall cladding, small recesses are drilled in the crate, through which a pipe or cable wire is laid.


Interior decoration of the premises begins with hanging wall panels from the inside of the wall. To do this, use materials with a flat surface. Or materials for finishing wall decoration.

Internal walls are often equipped with drywall or OSB boards. At the same time, OSB requires additional plaster. And drywall - gluing joints. Also, the internal walls of frame houses are often equipped with MDF panels or natural wooden lining.

In our country, until recently, houses were built mainly from log cabins, bricks or concrete, but now the time has come for new technologies, and frame houses have appeared in this segment. They are very popular due to the unique combination of high quality and low financial costs. But the main thing is the ability to make a durable frame house with your own hands without the use of special equipment. Therefore, we have made detailed step-by-step instructions for you.

The guide itself consists of 7 steps:

  • choice of place for the house;
  • design;
  • foundation installation;
  • frame assembly;
  • walling;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roofing.

The construction of a frame house has the main advantage over other technologies - the rapid pace of construction without the involvement of special lifting mechanisms. Inexpensive frame buildings are put into operation in one season, but such a speed in no way worsens the comfort and quality of living - these parameters are no worse than those of wooden and stone houses.

Site selection

In accordance with the urban planning regulations of the Russian Federation, your residential building must be located at least 3 m from the official boundary of the site. Also, in most cases, local regulations regulate a 5-meter indent from the red line of the street to the house.

It should be noted that all skeletons belong to the IV and V degrees of fire resistance, therefore, in accordance with fire safety standards, the distance from your building to the house on the neighboring site should be at least 10 meters.

The remaining requirements for the placement of the house are presented in this image:

We draw up a project

According to the Federal Law, the developer is obliged to be guided by the project created by professional design organizations. The compiled documentation must also be agreed upon by authorized officials of various services, where changes and / or additions may be made.

In fact, local authorities require only a preliminary design, including a general layout scheme, plans, section, facades and main technical and economic indicators. Such a project costs no more than 10,000 rubles, and you can order it after the fact after construction before commissioning.

However, for your convenience and savings on alterations, we recommend that you choose a suitable standard project or draw up an individual one, taking into account personal preferences and wishes. In both cases, it is necessary to mark up all communications and add engineering systems to the plan.

An example of a typical draft design

We draw your attention to the fact that standard projects traditionally cost less, and individual ones allow you to realize your own ideas. Individual drawings from the project documentation are drawn up taking into account the binding to the relief and other features of the site - only such scrupulousness can guarantee the long-term operation of the dwelling without problems and major repairs.

Engineering systems

To build a frame house, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion of all engineering networks in the project. They are laid in strict sequence, and you need to start from the foundation. In the case of using a concrete base, all technological holes for communication systems must be made at the time of pouring, so that after hardening, complex drilling of holes is not involved.

The electrical system consists of a switchboard, electrical wiring, sockets and grounding. The distance between points for sockets should be no more than 4 m. Sockets with covers are installed near water sources. The ventilation system includes air ducts with holes. Is it worth mentioning that the ease of access and use of taps, switches, as well as the functioning of drains and sewerage depends on the correct layout of pipes and wires?

Foundation installation

Construction technology provides for the use, or. The strength of the base is increased with the help of reinforcement and monolithic strapping. It is possible to make a high-quality foundation only after conducting a geological analysis of the soil.

In most cases, a simpler base is sufficient for a frame house, which can easily withstand light loads. The most appropriate -. Such a foundation does not require a large amount of materials, which reduces the cost of construction estimates by an average of 15-20%.

In the case of a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to dig a trench, compact the soil and pour a sand cushion. Before you start pouring concrete, you need to make formwork and install reinforcement bars. The solution during the pouring process is necessarily rammed. Vertical studs half a meter long are placed in the liquid concrete of the base every 2 m - the lower trim of the frame will be attached to them. The surface of the resulting grillage must be leveled with cement mortar.

Bottom trim

Seven days after the work on pouring concrete, a lower trim of wooden beams with a section of 15x15 cm is laid over the entire surface of the foundation. The wood is pre-treated with antiseptic agents, and two layers of roofing material are laid along the bottom, which plays the role.

The beam can be fixed with anchor bolts or foundation studs. If bolts are used, then technological holes up to 10 cm deep must be drilled under them.


When all the wooden beams are laid and connected to each other and to the foundation, grooves are formed in them and floor logs are placed (board 50x150 mm). The upper part of the log is aligned horizontally, and boards are nailed along the bottom - they will serve as the basis for the subfloor device. Membrane insulation is laid on the resulting plank base (it does not allow weathering and wetting of the insulation, while not preventing water vapor from escaping). In the intervals between the lags, you need to press in the insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene) and cover it with a vapor barrier. A cut board (40x15 mm) is laid on top.

Create a frame

From the very name of the technology, it is clear that the main element of such a structure is the frame, and it is on it that the entire structure is held. The skeleton consists of vertical posts fixed with crossbars and horizontal strapping. As before, here the entire construction process is carried out in stages.

Wood is used as the material. It is recommended to choose coniferous timber with a low degree of moisture, ideally chamber drying. The height of the racks must correspond to the same parameter of the room. The racks are connected with nails 10 cm long. After fitting the elements, there should be no gaps.

Depending on what load will affect the bearing supports, and also based on the size of the insulation and sheathing material, they plan the distance between the uprights. The universal section of the racks is 150x50 mm, a double beam of 150x50 mm is placed in the openings. The most popular step is 600 mm (allows you to install the insulation “in tightness” to tightly fill the wall). Temporary braces are used to connect the racks with the lower trim, which makes the structure acquire the necessary rigidity.

Scheme of the device of the corners of the walls

The installation of the upper trim is carried out after the installation of all racks. Fixation occurs with the help of the same grooves that fastened the lower beam. The upper fastening to the uprights is carried out with two nails, which must enter the material by at least 10 cm. The final fixing of the frame is carried out by permanent cuttings installed instead of the dismantled temporary ones. Read more about this in the article "". We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most important device.

We insulate the walls

The outer walls of the house are sheathed with imitation timber, wooden clapboard, plastic, as the owner of the house wishes. Warming is best done with mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly, durable and does not burn, which makes skeletons even more profitable and in demand.

Scheme of proper insulation of frame walls

The material is pressed into all the gaps between the beams to remove voids. A hydro- and windproof membrane will help protect the tree from moisture, which is mounted on top of the insulation on the racks, and only then the lath crate for the ventilation facade is stuffed, which will be hidden under the outer cladding. From the inside, OSB or gypsum fiber boards mounted on top of the vapor barrier are suitable for wall cladding.

Building a ceiling

The ceiling is attached to the floor beams, which, in turn, are fixed with nails or steel brackets on the top trim beam. Where interior partitions are installed, support bars must be installed, in place of which a wooden ceiling shield is nailed.


Before starting work, determine the degree of slope, the number of slopes, the type of roofing, the design of the truss system.

A roof with a complex shape looks attractive, but it is difficult to implement, therefore not cheap. Most often found, allowing or attic space. Here it is necessary to install only one skate, there are no valleys at all, which eliminates the accumulation of precipitation and leakage. To prevent snow from lingering on the roof, plan a slope of more than 28º, but not more than 50º, otherwise the wind load will increase.

The cross section of the rafters is determined according to the thickness of the insulation material placed between them. It is best to take a board with a caliber of 150x50mm and a length of 6 m. Two boards need to be knocked down in the shape of the letter L, and then they are lifted up and the angle is determined, making sure that the overhangs go beyond the level of the wall by 30-50 cm. Now the boards can be assembled with the help of a crossbar, and we will get a semblance of rafters.

The upper trim acts as a Mauerlat here. According to the made sample, rafters are created for the entire roof, not forgetting a step of 600 mm. The rafters on the ridge are installed on the pediment and the installation of the remaining elements is continued along them. The type of roofing material depends on what the crate will be.

roofing material

The step-by-step instruction ends at the stage of installing the roof cladding. You can choose , or . All of these materials are easy to work with, affordable, and look decent. After facing works, it remains only to install drainpipes and a drainage system, which will be responsible for the removal of precipitation outside the site.

Now you imagine the whole process of building a frame house with your own hands , so that the structure is strong and warm. If you do not ignore the rules of construction and assembly technology, you will become the proud owner of your own home, which you can only dream of.