Urolithiasis in dogs how to treat. Operation urethrostomy for urolithiasis in males and cats


Urotiliasis (MKD, urolithiasis) is characterized by the formation of a precipitate of insoluble salts, mainly in the kidneys. Urocalculi are formed in the form of sand or stones. The dog develops stranguria - painful urination, pollakiuria - frequent urges. The pet becomes unclean, leaving puddles anywhere. ICD is a disease that is difficult to treat. Up to 15% of dogs suffer from this disease. Pathology occurs when the pH of the urine shifts to the alkaline or acid side. Males suffer more often than females because of the anatomical peculiarity of the structure of the urethra.

Varieties of stones

In dogs, the following types of uroliths predominate:

  • cystine.
  • Oxalates.
  • Struvites (triple phosphates).
  • Urates.


Cystine stones are formed as a result of a hereditary anomaly. The amino acid precipitates in acidic urine. Dachshunds, Bulldogs, Newfoundlands are predisposed. Among dogs with undisturbed heredity, this is the rarest type of urotiliasis.


Stones from salts of oxalic acid are formed in acidic urine. Calculi quickly crystallize, have a branched structure and sharp edges. Stones are characterized by increased hardness. They are difficult to dissolve with medication. The provoking factor is:

  • Excess protein.
  • fluid deficiency.
  • individual predisposition.


Formed in alkaline urine. They are a mixture of Phosphorus, Magnesium and Calcium salts.

Urine gradually washes away small stones that move along the ureters, injure them, causing bleeding and pain in the dog.

When the urinary canal is blocked by urolith, urine stagnates, putrefactive microbes develop. Toxic metabolites are released. This condition is fraught with the death of the dog.


Stones are formed as a result of the crystallization of uric acid salts. Occur against the background of protein overfeeding, especially defective proteins and lack of water.


The following predisposing factors for the occurrence of KSD in dogs have been established:

  • Urogenital infections.
  • Unbalanced dog food.
  • congenital anomalies.
  • A set of factors.

Urogenital infections.

With blood or lymph, an infection enters the urinary canals, mainly Staphylococcus aureus. Their metabolites affect the pH of the urine, which reduces the solubility of salts, provoking the crystallization of stones. Any solid formation, for example, a dead cell, becomes the germ of a microlite.

Unbalanced diet

The occurrence of pathology is provoked by loving owners who feed the dog with the remnants of their lunch and delicacies. If you feed your pet only meat or other protein foods, urine becomes acidic and prerequisites for the formation of stones arise. The stinginess of the owners, who are trying to reduce the cost of the dog's diet at the expense of low-quality offal - chicken paws or kaltyks, leads to the same result. Fans of cooking porridge from mud often purchase products contaminated with mycotoxins, which also contributes to the occurrence of pathology. Excessive use of cereals and potatoes leads to protein deficiency and alkalinizes the urine.

Violations of the exchange of fluid and salts.

Occurs as a result of water shortage, or its poor quality. Tap moisture is often oversaturated with calcium and magnesium salts. If the water in the bowl is rarely changed, algae and bacteria develop in it, the pH shifts to the alkaline side, and toxins accumulate. If the dog refuses to drink, the concentration of salts increases, leading to their crystallization.

Irregular walking leads to a violation of the metabolism of salts and moisture. A dog living in an apartment is taught to endure, urine stagnates, a precipitate falls out. Reduced loads cause obesity, edema, prolonged presence of urine in the urinary canals, which contributes to the formation of stones.

congenital anomalies

Man changed the genotype of the dog and brought breeds predisposed to hereditary diseases. Yorkies and Schnauzers are predisposed to struvite ICD, Pekingese and Shih Tzu are predisposed to oxalate, Dalmatians are predisposed to urate. Cystine stones form predominantly in English Bulldogs, Bassets and Dachshunds.

Set of factors

The combination of the above causes of stone formation increases the risk of urolithiasis.


With a mild course of urolithiasis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pollakiuria. The dog urinates often and little by little.
  • Hematuria. Urine becomes pink.
  • Increased duration of urine flow.
  • Increased licking of the genitals.

In severe urolithiasis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Constant drip of urine.
  • Urinary tenesmus. The dog is pushing, trying to pee.
  • Severe hematuria.
  • Urine becomes offensive.
  • During emptying, the dog whines.
  • Urination occurs in an unusual position. The males sit down.
  • Appetite disappears and thirst arises.
  • Hyperthermia.

Life threatening signs:

  • Anuria. Urine is not excreted.
  • Collapse.
  • Vomit.
  • Coma.


Early diagnosis of KSD increases the chances of successful treatment. The main exploratory test is considered a detailed analysis of urine. When stones are found, their composition is determined using X-ray diffraction or crystallographic studies.

An ultrasound is required. Some calculi are invisible with this method, therefore X-ray testing is additionally carried out.

Bacteriological tests of urine and vaginal smears help to detect infectious agents. In this case, blood tests are additionally prescribed - biochemical and clinical. Urolithiasis is a sluggish pathology, therefore, a month after the disappearance of the clinic, the effectiveness of the treatment is checked. If positive results are obtained several times in a row, a preventive examination of the dog is carried out every 6 months.


The concept of treatment is developed depending on the type of stones and consists in the relief of an acute condition and the implementation of long-term therapy. An attack of ICD is eliminated using the following actions:

  • Removal of stagnant urine with a catheter.
  • Eliminate obstruction of the urethra.
  • Disinfect the urinary tract with antiseptic solutions.

Long-term therapy consists of conservative or surgical treatment. Non-surgical methods are as follows:

  • Dissolution of stones.
  • Gradual removal of them from the urinary tract.
  • Taking drugs that prevent the formation of new stones.
  • Transferring a dog to nutrition with healing feeds oriented to the established type of calculi.

Surgical treatment is indicated when conservative therapy is ineffective. If a large stone has blocked the passage of urine, it must be removed immediately.

If the obstruction recurs, dilate the urethra or form other routes to remove urine. Males have to part with the penis. Such an operation makes it possible to prevent the obstruction of the urine outflow channel by small pebbles, but it is not always possible to eliminate the cause of the formation of stones.

Therefore, the treatment of KSD can become lifelong.

Struvites, urates, as well as cystines, are amenable to dissolution; methods for solubilization of oxalates have not been developed.

Measures to combat soluble stones

Methods of destruction are applicable to stones located in the bladder or kidneys. If conditionally pathogenic microbes are isolated during sowing, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The solubilization procedure is the long-term use of medicated feeds that acidify the urine. Excess sodium acts as a diuretic, flushing out the excretory ducts. It is required to stop giving the dog food other than medicated food.

Measures to deal with insoluble stones

Calculi are localized mainly in the bladder. With a high intensity of urolith formation, they are surgically removed quarterly.


Prevention of the development of urolithiasis is as follows:

  • Use of fresh filtered water. It is necessary to change the contents of the drinking bowl twice a day, and if the container is outside and the weather is hot, then more often. Rapidly developing bacteria, as well as algae, change the reaction of the environment to alkaline, which contributes to the formation of stones.
  • If the dog is taken on a picnic in hot weather, you should not forget the bowl and water container for the pet.
  • If the dog is not sick, it is recommended to organize his nutrition with ready-made balanced feeds or learn how to make a diet.
  • A dog suffering from chronic KSD is forced to eat only dietary food prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Stop treating the pet with human delicacies, as well as food waste.
  • They organize a walk, two exits to the street should last 30 minutes or more, the third - at least an hour.
  • Exercise is selected individually to prevent weakness and overload.

Dogs suffering from chronic urolithiasis are best suited for long walks on foot, without jumping or running to cause stones to move. In this case, an attack, accompanied by severe pain, is not excluded.

Despite the apparent improvement, the course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian should be followed to the end in order to prevent relapses.

Urolithiasis changes the life of the dog, and its owner, turns him into a caring person, capable of compassion.

One of the aspects in the drug therapy of KSD in animals is the removal of uroliths and the creation of conditions that lead to their dissolution. Pharmacological treatment is important, but in some cases, DobroVet specialists have to resort to modern, radical methods ().

Medical therapy

The principle of dissolution of stones is the undersaturation of urine with mineral components, in other words, not to give the calculus enough “nutrition” for growth. This leads to their reverse development - the transition of stone (sand) from a solid state into urine.

Timely administration of pharmaceutical preparations will allow changing the chemical composition of urine in an animal and preventing the formation of stones and sand in the bladder, thereby preventing the appearance of KSD. In the kidneys, if the work of the organ is adequate, it is possible to dissolve kidney stones. But this takes more time.

Important. Stones in the urethra and ureter cannot be dissolved without moving them back to the bladder.

The duration of dissolution in the bladder is from 2 to 4 months, it is important for the pet owner to remember this and not stop taking the drugs until the time when the attending physician cancels them. The therapy that is required for dissolution is prescribed depending on the type of urinary calculus, which is established on the basis of urinalysis and clinical data. It is not recommended to treat KSD at random without analysis, in this case the urinary calculus does not dissolve, or only part of them resolves.

If drug therapy has not brought results after 2 months, if the animal is in severe pain, bleeding has opened, or there is a blockage of the ureter or urethra, urgent surgical intervention is indicated. .

The decision to conduct one or another method of treatment is made by the veterinarian of DobroVet during the initial examination of the animal, and it is always strictly individual. DobroVet specialists do not recommend self-treatment of your pet with those drugs that helped the “cat next door”. There is a high risk of improper therapy, which can be fatal.

Dissolution of struvite uroliths

With the dissolution of struvite uroliths, which were formed a second time during a urea-splitting infection, constant control of the infection will be required, and a decrease in the concentrations of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate in the urine.

Prescribe drugs that "shift" the pH of the urine to the acid side and antimicrobial agents that suppress the infection. Also shown are special diets that reduce the concentration of the mineral constituents of struvite (dry food S / D, Prescription Diets, Hill's Pet Products). Dry food is low in protein, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Diets often include more salt to increase thirst and excretion of urine of lesser concentration.

Contraindications for diets can be any diseases in animals in which the percentage of salt should not be overestimated (hypertension, edema, liver and heart failure, hypoalbuminemia). For pets with kidney problems, the new diet should be introduced slowly (several weeks) to ensure there is no hypertension.

Important. When using such diets, special additives that acidify urine are not used. The diet should continue 2-4 weeks after the disappearance of the stones. Each type of animal should be fed the appropriate food, depending on the nutritional needs. Diets are unacceptable for young cats and dogs (growing, up to a year).

"Sterile" struvite

If sterile uroliths are found, a diet (or preparations) acidifying urine is prescribed, and S\D food is used for dogs and cats. In dogs, "sterile" struvites disappear after about 6 weeks (1-3 months), in cats an average of 5 weeks (2-20 weeks).


Prescribe drugs that alkalinize urine and reduce the formation of uric acid. The term of taking the drugs is from 2 to 4 months. It is important for the pet owner to remember this, and not to stop taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor ahead of time. Therapy is recommended to be extended for another month after the visual diagnosis of the disappearance of urates.

As a rule, these recommendations apply only to dogs; for cats, the recommended method for removing urate stones is surgery. The change in diet has a clear goal - reducing the intake of uric acid (which is found in the kidneys, liver), dry food on a U \ D diet (provides more alkaline urine) or S \ D (acidifies urine, but contains salt to increase urination). Unfortunately, the ideal dry diet has not been developed.

cystine formations

With cystine stones, drugs are prescribed that reduce the formation of cystine, alkalinize the urine. It will take 2-4 months to dissolve the stones, drug therapy is combined with a diet.

Prevention of KSD with natural feeding

For prevention, it is important to consider the causes that contribute to the occurrence of ICD:

  • - Quantity and quality of food. Natural feeding with overeating contributes to the alkalization of urine. When feeding 5-7 times a day, the animal's urine becomes constantly alkaline (after eating, urine shifts to the alkaline side for 2-4 hours). Lack of Ca leads to a violation of mineral metabolism and contributes to the formation of phosphate stones;
  • - quality and quantity. Raw tap water contains many soluble salts that increase mineral disturbances. It is advisable to use soft bottled water;
  • - sedentary lifestyle;
  • - infrequent urination. Associated with low water consumption;
  • - genetics. In this case, only prevention will help the pet.

Modern methods of treatment

DobroVet offers fast and radical methods for removing stones from the kidneys and bladder in animals. Ultrawave lithotripsy is a method of crushing urinary formations using new state-of-the-art equipment that sends focused shock wave pulses to a given point. This allows you to quickly and effectively remove stones from an animal with uncomplicated forms of KSD.

Removal of urinary stones: methods

The DobroVet Exhibition Center offers to remove urinary stones from animals in the following ways:

  1. Laser crushing (using a holmium laser).
  2. Ultrasonic crushing of stones.
  3. Laparoscopically assisted cystotomy.
  4. standard cystotomy.

Which method will be applied to a particular animal is the choice of a specialist. It depends on the results of the examination, the type of stones, their number, the presence / absence of infection in the urinary tract, the threat of rupture of the urethra, etc.

The course and number of procedures is determined strictly individually for each pet!

Questions to the veterinarian

How long does it take to treat a struvite infection?

In dogs, struvite stones aggravated by infection resolve in an average of 2-7 months. In cats, this type of struvite is rare, but it takes longer for them to dissolve - 9-13 weeks.

What is the purpose of changing the diet?

The goal of changing the diet is acidic urine (pH-6.0), in which unfavorable conditions are created for stones and bacteria.

What popular "truths" about the ICD are misconceptions?

There are two of them:

Feeding fish to cats has nothing to do with the occurrence of KSD and the development of calculi;

Castration of cats does not affect the occurrence of KSD, except for the fact that spayed animals move less.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

Urolithiasis in dogs: causes

Urolithiasis in dogs occurs for a number of reasons. For example, due to insufficient water intake, high concentrations of certain minerals and other crystalline substances can form in the urine, which precipitate out to form crystals. Gradually, they turn into real stones that cause discomfort and pain to the dog when urinating.

There are several factors that increase the risk of developing kidney stones. Some specific breeds (Dalmatians and Newfoundlands, as well as many small breeds) have a genetic predisposition to kidney stones; in addition, serious feeding disorders often play a role.

The greatest importance should be given to age: in the risk group, animals older than 6 years. In these dogs, in addition to the bladder, the kidneys may also suffer: various diseases of these organs can lead to the development of nephrocalcinosis. Ethylene glycol poisoning (contained in antifreeze, brake fluids, used as a paint thinner), as well as hypervitaminosis D, an excess of vitamin D in the body, can also lead to kidney stones.

Urolithiasis is not always easy to recognize, so be sure to take your adult dog for regular checkups to the veterinarian. However, there are several signs by which you can determine that your pet has health problems.

Urolithiasis in dogs: symptoms

First, take a closer look at the dog before walking. If the animal has become too active to ask to use the toilet, and much earlier than your usual walk time, this is an alarming symptom.

Secondly, pay attention to how the dog goes to the toilet. If the animal began to experience anxiety during urination, does it often and in small portions, then it hurts. In rare cases, when the dog's kidney and bladder stones have grown to an impressive size, he may whine while urinating.

If an adult dog, distinguished by exemplary behavior, suddenly emptied her bladder at home, do not rush to scold her. This is also one of the signs that the animal may be suffering from kidney stones. The most striking sign is the appearance of blood in the urine. This indicates the need for an urgent visit to the doctor.

Treatment of urolithiasis in dogs is conservative in most cases. Operations are prescribed only for those animals in which stones block the urinary ducts, which is deadly and requires immediate surgical intervention.

In other cases, the task of the veterinarian is to dissolve the stones in the bladder. As a rule, a course of special drugs is prescribed that changes the chemical composition of urine, as well as stimulating frequent urination.

Together with the pills, the doctor prescribes a special diet, which should be followed not only during treatment, but also after its completion. Urolithiasis is known for frequent relapses if the owner does not change the animal's diet after the first exacerbation.

A veterinarian prescribes a diet not only for sick dogs, but also for healthy ones - for prevention. Its essence lies in maintaining the correct level of salts in the body of the animal, so that conditions are not created for the appearance of new stones. To get started, watch the water in the bowl: change it at least twice a day. Make sure the water is pre-filtered.

Secondly, decide on food. Many diets for adult animals are developed by specialists taking into account the high risk of developing urolithiasis. Choose special lines of such foods, such as ROYAL CANIN ® Urinary.

Also, take your pets for walks more often. Studies show that dogs that lead a more active lifestyle have a lower risk of developing urolithiasis. This is especially true for males, which need to be taken for a walk at least three times a day.

Finally, take your dog to the veterinarian regularly. The pain threshold of an animal is higher than that of a human, so it takes a long time for it to show anxiety and show its pain. So prevention, proper nutrition and a timely trip to a specialist are the best treatment.

Urolithiasis in dogs (veterinarians call it urolithiasis) is quite common today. This is a serious disease, during the development and progression of which stones are formed in the kidneys and bladder. The size and mineral composition of the texture of uroliths can be very diverse and directly depend on the individual characteristics of the diet and the mode of the pet.

Definition and types of stones

Urolithiasis in dogs develops against the background of a shift in the chemical composition of the pet's urine to the alkaline or acid side. As practice shows, the crystallization of urine salts occurs in the lower section and in the bladder. Stones are rarely formed directly in the kidneys.

Veterinarians distinguish several different types of stones that are found in KSD:

  1. cystine. Stones of this type are most often found in representatives of such breeds as dachshund, bulldog and Newfoundland. Interestingly, the disease is also hereditary. As for the rest of the rocks, this type of stones is quite rare (less than 5% of all cases).
  2. Oxalates. According to veterinarians, these are the most harmful of all types of stones, as they have the hardest structure. Stones of this type usually grow very quickly, do not dissolve well when using special medications. Also, formations of this type have sharp, uneven edges, which are an additional cause of discomfort and pain for the pet.
  3. Phosphate stones. These formations increase in size very quickly. However, they can be dissolved under the condition of strict adherence to a special diet that the veterinarian prescribes to the dog. In most cases, the primary cause of the formation of stones of this type are various bacterial infections.
  4. Stones of a mixed type or stones of several types at once. Treatment of urolithiasis in dogs in this case is complicated by the fact that different formations respond differently to treatment. To achieve a positive result of therapy, the owner of the dog must strictly follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian regarding the daily routine and nutrition of the pet (change food), even if some of them at first glance seem insignificant.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of urolithiasis in dogs manifest themselves in different ways and directly depend on the individual characteristics of the animal (gender, stage of development of the disease, localization of the stone formation process).

Different stages of the ICD characterize different symptoms, according to which the veterinarian determines the stage of the disease. But there are a number of "universal" signs, the manifestation of which indicates that stones have formed in the kidneys (more often in the bladder) of the dog. If your pet shows any of the following symptoms, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian:

  1. The dog often pees, while in places that are not typical for her.
  2. Blood streaks appear in the urine of the animal, and in the later stages of the disease, the animal sometimes pees in blood clots.
  3. If the stones block the urinary tract, then urine can be constantly excreted in small droplets. Most often, these signs of ICD are observed in males.
  4. During a trip to the toilet, the dog noticeably tenses up.
  5. Complete lack of appetite. Even the favorite food is not of interest.
  6. Sometimes urolithiasis in dogs is accompanied by vomiting with signs of pain.

Interestingly, the symptoms, like the urolithiasis itself, appear in adulthood (3-5 years).

Owners of dogs of such breeds as dachshund, poodle, Yorkshire terrier should be especially attentive to their pets, as they have a genetic predisposition to this disease.

The reasons for the development of this disease in all cases are different, but veterinarians still identify several main factors that provoke the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder of animals:

  1. bacteria. They are able to very quickly change the acidity of urine, resulting in a precipitate. In addition to the formation of stones, bacteria provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the lower urinary tract and the dog often gets sick.
  2. The animal does not drink much. For this reason, the concentration of mineral salts in his urine increases, which then crystallize.
  3. Features of nutrition. It is believed that a protein diet is the optimal diet for dogs. However, if you constantly feed your pet foods high in protein, then such a diet will do more harm than good to health. Food must be chosen very carefully.
  4. The main causes of KSD also include infrequent walking of a pet.

Features of the diagnosis of the disease

KSD can be diagnosed only when examined by a veterinarian. If the stones in a dog have already reached an impressive size, then they can be detected even by the most ordinary examination.

The condition of the urinary tract is checked in most cases using a catheter.

To get a more detailed picture of the course of the disease, especially if traces of blood were found in the urine, additional studies are prescribed:

  1. Abdominal ultrasound.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. X-ray examination. By the way, this type of diagnosis allows veterinarians to determine the type of stones in order to determine how to treat the disease.

Treatments for Urolithiasis in Dogs

Today, the treatment of urolithiasis in dogs is carried out by several methods. The choice of treatment method directly depends on the degree of development of the disease and on the age of the animal:

  1. Magnetotherapy. This is one of the most popular and modern non-surgical treatments for urolithiasis in dogs. This method of treatment is based on physiotherapy, using which you can not only dissolve stones, but also neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  2. Homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines serve more as a measure to prevent new stones from forming than to treat KSD.
  3. Hirudotherapy. Can be used in the early stages of the disease. This type of treatment is often used by doctors as one of the methods of disease prevention, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgery.
  4. Urethrotomy. This method of treatment is forced during blockage of stones in the urinary tract.
  5. Urethrostomy. This method of treatment involves the creation of a new opening for urination. However, when using a urethrostomy, castration of the dog is inevitable.
  6. Surgical intervention. This is an extreme treatment for KSD, which is used if the life of the dog is in danger.

Prevention methods

Competent prevention of the disease is always better than treatment even at the initial stage. Prevention of urolithiasis requires an integrated approach from the pet owner.

First of all, the owner must feed his four-legged friend with a balanced healthy diet.

For these purposes, you can also use special ready-made medicated feed recommended by the veterinarian. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the weight of the pet, a special balanced diet is often used. The best prevention of urolithiasis in dogs is to control the fluid intake of the animal.

Food, especially synthetic, contains phosphates in its composition, an increased concentration in the urine of which is the cause of the formation of stones, as well as the appearance of traces of blood in the urine.

More fresh air, as well as increased physical activity - this is the best prevention not only of KSD, but also of most other animal diseases.

Types of food for dogs with ICD

Proper balanced nutrition is the main guarantee of health. If the dog food is chosen incorrectly, this can cause not only KSD, but also other more serious diseases. For dogs with urolithiasis, there is a special food for sale with a reduced phosphorus content. A diet high in protein will help reduce the load on the liver.

Feed a sick dog is worth only fresh products. And one more thing - the food should not contain a large amount of calcium. After all, this element oxidizes urine and provokes the formation of stones.

Lifestyle of a dog suffering from urolithiasis

To prevent the formation of new stones, the owner must monitor not only the diet, but also the lifestyle of the dog. To do this, follow the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, there should be a balanced diet that provides only fresh food. The dog should eat high-calorie foods to avoid high food intake. It should be borne in mind that the food recommended by the doctor can be very different from the usual food for the dog. It is worth completely eliminating meat, liver and calcium supplements from the diet.
  2. You can feed a sick dog only according to the schedule that the attending physician develops, depending on the individual characteristics of the dog.
  3. The pet should always have fresh water in sufficient quantities.
  4. The dog should not be overloaded with physical activity, you can simply increase walking in the fresh air.

Creating special conditions for keeping dogs is not only a whim for the convenience of the pet, but also a way to maintain the health of the animal. Changes in the mineral content of the diet, frequent drafts, poor nutrition can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract of your pet.

This disease of the dog is very difficult to tolerate and in case of late detection, it can cause the death of the pet.

Causes of kidney stones

The pathological process of the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract in dogs is called urolithiasis. This process is inflammatory in nature and causes a lot of suffering to your pet. Kidney stones in dogs form for a variety of reasons, depending on the type of formation. Each type of stone has its own specific way of formation and treatment.


The most frequent formations consist of ammonium-magnesium sulfate or calcium carbonate. They are detected in dogs after four years, more often in females of the poodle, beagle, pikeness, miniature schnauzer, scotch terrier breeds.

The main reason for the formation is an infection of the urinary and genital tract. It is almost always accompanied by an inflammatory process and a change in the urine environment to an alkaline one. Easily diagnosed with x-rays.

calcium oxalate

One of the most dangerous, "hard" types of stones. They practically do not dissolve. They are diagnosed in male Lhasa Apso, Miniature Schnauzers, Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzu. The main reason for the formation is the high content of calcium, oxalates and citrates in the urine, which can be caused by the predominance of cereals in the diet, the lack of drinking water.

Against the background of a stable increased calcium in the diet, stones are formed without the presence of an inflammatory process and changes in the bacterial environment. Diagnosis is carried out due to the radiopacity of stones and increased acidity of urine with a high salt content.

Urate formations

This disease is characteristic of Dalmatian dogs, and is associated with their genetic predisposition to impaired metabolism of purine bases. It is most often diagnosed in the third year of a pet's life.

Less commonly, such formations are found in dogs of other breeds, in violation of the portal blood flow to the kidneys, it is detected in young animals under the age of one year. Diagnosis is complicated by the small size of the stones, which are not always visible on the pictures.

cystine formations

Formed only in males, in violation of the absorption of cystine in the renal tubules. The disease is genetically determined and occurs in dogs older than three years. Bulldogs, dachshunds, corgis, Newfoundlands are most predisposed to it. Stones are clearly visible in x-rays, urine has an acidic environment.


These stones are very sharp, cause irritation, microtrauma and severe inflammation. This type of formation is characterized by bleeding, painful urination and blockage (obstruction) of the urinary tract. In the formation of uroliths, internal and external causes are distinguished.

Internal and external views

  1. Internal include the presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary system, genetic predisposition, hyperparathyroidism.
  2. The external features of nutrition can be considered, in which there is a concentration of urine and a narrowing of the ureter, sand in the urine accumulates and coarsens, forming stones.

Kidney disease in dogs is of a different nature, but most often the causes of the formation of kidney stones can be considered:

  1. Wrong nutrition.
  2. Drinking tap water.
  3. Infrequent and insufficient walks for your pet.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of kidney stones in dogs can be different, and are determined by the location and composition of the education. Very often, the formation of stones is asymptomatic, but the blockage of the urinary canal has the following symptoms:

  1. Frequent urination, decreased urine volume. The dog asks to go outside, but urination occurs in drops. Or, on the contrary, it can suddenly go to an apartment or other unusual place.
  2. Pain when urinating. It can manifest itself in the form of inadequate behavior of the animal before urination, in the form of trembling, whining, pissing in an unusual position.
  3. Change in the type of urine. It becomes cloudy, streaks of blood and pus may appear.

If the following symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as emergency treatments may be needed:

  1. Lack of urination for 15-16 hours.
  2. Hard breath.
  3. Weakness.
  4. The appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth of the animal.
  5. Tense stomach. The animal does not allow touching the abdomen.
  6. Strong thirst against the background of lack of appetite.

Kidney disease in dogs is diagnosed on the basis of the above symptoms and the results of a blood biochemistry study and a bacterial culture of the urine. If the animal is older than three years, then X-rays are mandatory, and an ultrasound examination of the internal organs can be performed. During emergency surgery, the extracted stones are examined.

Treating Stones in Dogs

Treatment of kidney stones in dogs is carried out depending on the severity of the disease. Due to the severe course of the disease, only a veterinarian can make any appointments and diagnostics, self-treatment of a pet can lead to tragic results.

In acute conditions - treatment is carried out in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor:

  1. With the help of a catheter inserted into the urethra, the doctor relieves an acute condition by removing pus, calculi, sand and other causes of blockage of the urinary tract.
  2. Removing the effects of blockage with antispasmodics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, furagin is often prescribed in combination with canteren).
  3. Transition to long-term therapy after identification of the type of formations.

Stones such as struvite, cystine, and urate can be treated conservatively, which makes it easier for the veterinarian if the dog's condition does not allow surgery. Although kidney treatment in dogs can take several weeks or even months. The entire period of treatment must be under the supervision of a doctor, take the pet's urine monthly for analysis.

When struvite is found, you must:

  1. Strict adherence to a therapeutic diet, with a minimum content of protein, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.
  2. Taking antibacterial agents. The drug will be determined by the attending physician, depending on the detected bacterial environment in the urine of the animal.
  3. Detection of urates in the urine will require the following steps:
  4. Compliance with a diet with an underestimated content of proteins and purine bases.
  5. The purpose of the drug is allopurinol, which prevents the deposition and concentration of salts in the kidneys of the animal.
  6. Cystine formations found in the urine will resolve if the following rules are observed:
  7. Eating a low protein diet.
  8. The use of penicillamine D.

Detection of oxalates in the urine is an indication for the use of surgical methods of treatment.

Prevention of stones

The best way to prevent the development of urolithiasis in dogs is to undergo an annual preventive examination by a veterinarian. The main stages of the examination will be the delivery of the pet's urine for analysis, ultrasound of the dog's kidneys, X-ray examination. And based on the data, the doctor will already be able to see a complete picture of the health of your animal.

If, nevertheless, the veterinarian suspects the presence of urolithiasis, then he will definitely conduct additional studies to determine the type of stones, check the bacteriology of urine, blood biochemistry to make sure the general condition of the animal, and only then will he be able to make the correct appointment for treatment. Inflammation of the kidneys of dogs will have a favorable outcome with early diagnosis and proper treatment.

In addition, when keeping dogs at risk or animals that have been diagnosed with urolithiasis at least once, the following rules must be observed for preventive purposes:

  1. Give your dog only filtered water to drink, which must be changed twice a day.
  2. Compliance with the correct diet of the pet. The use of feed prescribed by a veterinarian or adherence to a specially designed "natural" diet for nephrolithiasis.
  3. Regular walking three times a day for an hour.
  4. Organization of adequate loads for the pet. The introduction of long walks is optimal.
  5. Regular urinalysis for early detection of symptoms of the disease.

Health to you and your pet!