Character in the eyes: the influence of various signs. What does the color of a person's eyes say? What do the girl's eyes say

The eyes and gaze of a person are what people immediately turn their attention to when they meet. The look has always been considered an indicator of attentiveness, honesty, personal interest. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Let's look at the main features of a person with a certain shape of the eyes. At the same time, I take materials from physiognomists and ancient observations.

Physiognomists read a person by the eyes, using the following criteria: eye fit, shape, size, color.

Landing is the distance between the eyes. It is believed that the wider the eyes of a person, the more energetic and optimistic their owner is.

The size of the eyes suggests that the larger the eyes, the more sensitive, emotional and artistic the person is. Also, big eyes speak of masculinity and authority. Small eyes are a sign of caution, stubbornness and thrift.

The physiognomists interpret the shape of the eyes using analogies with the eyes of animals, so I will immediately ask you not to be offended by this comparison: it is taken from ancient Chinese texts.

Horse eyes. Large, round, well-defined, slightly protruding with double, slightly drooping eyelids. Qualities: intelligence, wit, artistry, courage and enterprise. But also hot temper, straightforwardness, inability to hide their feelings.

lion eyes. Large with folds on the eyelids, slightly elongated, and the upper eyelid is cut off at the top. Very calm and insightful. Qualities: determination, strength, wit, courage. Such people are leaders by nature and lead the team, they achieve success in business, politics and military affairs. Purposeful, efficient, independent, very demanding of subordinates.

Eyes of the Tiger. Yellowish in color, with a sheen, the eyelids give them the appearance of a rectangular shape, they are, as it were, cut off from above and below. At the same time, the eyes are rounded from the outer edges. Qualities: fearlessness, energy, strength and nobility. There is no greed for money, but money comes to them by itself. Also, like the owners of lion's eyes, they have clear leadership qualities, are stubborn, and have a rebellious character. Faithful and devoted friends.

wolf eyes. Small, elongated, light, the outer corners are slightly lowered, the whites are veined with red, the look is impassive and piercing. Quality: vindictiveness, cruelty, lust for power, injustice. They go over their heads. Often occupy a high position in society, always have influential friends.

Elephant eyes. These are narrow, elongated eyes, with double or even triple eyelids, because of this there is a feeling of "swollen" eyes. Usually these are light-colored eyes with large expressive pupils. Qualities: sociability, good nature, sociability, calmness. They have good health, despite the fact that they often have problems with being overweight. Slowly achieve success, very carefully and correctly moving towards their goal.

Sheep eyes. These are narrow, small eyes, with a large, often black and yellow iris. Surrounded by double beautifully defined eyelids, the protein is bright and white. Qualities: softness, modesty, indecision. Often scattered for their own purposes, smart and endowed with talents, but rarely believe in themselves.

boar eyes. Small, slightly distracted, there is a break in the upper eyelid, the iris is dull. Qualities: conservatism, cunning, suspicion, diligence. They do hard and boring work. Career is very hard.

Fox eyes. Small, angular, elongated, with corners down. Qualities: quick wit, sharp mind, cunning, stinginess, always see personal gain. Outwardly good-natured and sweet, often hypocritical. People with such eyes are smart, cunning and stingy.

cat eyes. They are similar to the eyes of a tiger, but smaller. Brilliant, bright, with a hard penetrating look, cut off from above and below. Qualities: attentiveness, sensitivity, increased sense of danger, courage and luck in business. Not as ambitious as the owners of the eyes of the tiger, but at the same time they often reach high positions.

The eyes of a snake. These are small, narrow eyes, with swollen eyelids, with a blue (light) iris. Qualities: prudence, lust for power, vindictiveness, attention to detail, often aggressiveness.

monkey eyes. These are rounded, shiny eyes, slightly protruding, the look is mobile (running), unfocused. Qualities: intelligence, ingenuity, impatience and cunning, suspicion and vindictiveness. But revenge is more like teenage pranks. They have an excellent memory, developed intuition, spontaneity. Often sexually liberated and attractive.

Bear eyes. These are large, but not intelligent eyes, slightly protruding, with white squirrels and small pupils, the gaze is absent-minded. Qualities: laziness, lack of planning, life "at random", often envious.

Peacock eyes. Incredibly round eyes, birdlike, with a bright iris and a large pupil. Qualities: enthusiasm, attentiveness, insight, but at the same time naivety. Often such people suffer from injustice, financial problems, and are looking for patrons.

Cow eyes. The eyes are of normal size, but with large pupils, the look is assertive, but at the same time soft and calm. Qualities: courage, reliability, patience and diligence, slowness, methodicalness, logic and mind. People inspire confidence, they are true friends.

Dragon eyes. These are large, shining, round eyes with half-closed, rounded eyelids, the lower eyelid is well defined, going slightly upward from the outer edge. The pupils are large. The look is domineering. Qualities: authoritativeness, authority, intelligence, nobility, pride, luck. Often such eyes can be found in the powerful of this world.

Phoenix eyes. Long eyes, with double eyelids and fishtail-like corners going up and down. The pupil is large. Qualities: nobility and kindness, authority, authoritativeness. Such people are often powerful, wealthy and talented. It is believed that this is the female version of the dragon's eyes.

Crane eyes. These are large eyes with dark pupils and beautiful double eyelids. The outer edges are raised. Qualities: artistry, great mind, intelligence. These are the eyes of the intelligentsia: doctors, writers, scientists.

deer eyes- small, akin to the eyes of a horse. Qualities: mind, good nature, sociability, acute understanding of danger, intuition is highly developed.

Information about human eye reading is very extensive, so we will continue to review human reading by this criterion in subsequent notes.

Vadim Sokolov

The eyes are the first thing that people pay attention to when looking at a person: this has been proven by research. They represent the internal energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” The character can be easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowledge of the basics of physiognomy, it is clear by just one look whether a person is kind or evil.

Knowing how to determine the character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and whites, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the features of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are connected with each other.

1. Big, bulging eyes

Owners of large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, natural in expressing emotions. The beauty of such eyes is undeniable, which can cause failures in personal life: they are too attractive for the opposite sex!

2. Bulging eyes

These are the eyes of a gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively feeling the possibility of a successful transaction. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, a desire for dominance, a love of risk and a penchant for reckless actions, when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type testify to punctuality, moral stability, firm principles of life, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually increase the size of the eyes with the help of makeup, and for men it is worth developing self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

The owners of eyes of this type are characterized by such properties of nature as daydreaming, conservatism in views, gullibility, vulnerability, calm disposition. Due to their natural data, they are well versed in financial matters, but do not like to take risks, therefore they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

The owners of slanting eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, self-confidence. However, the propensity for adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash acts, recklessness and risk. However, these people's unshakable self-confidence tends to contribute to success and good fortune.

6. Eyes that have lowered outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are lower than the inner corners, then a sad expression is created in a person. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than about themselves. Their immense kindness can play a trick on them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests because of their weak will. Women can visually change the contours of the eyes with makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop a strong will and desire to win.

7. Big eyes with a small iris

The eyes of this type look dilated, as if from an approaching danger. In such eyes, the protein is visible not only on the sides, but also from below - in the form of a white strip between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and a feeling of constant anxiety, therefore they are not prone to long-term obligations. It is worth thinking about working with frequent business trips and a partner with whom separation for a short period of time is not excluded. Insight, cunning, generosity are the strengths of their nature.

Character in the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. The location of the eyes

Of great importance for the harmonization of facial features is the location of the eyes relative to each other. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates a person’s good relations with relatives and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person's life. On the contrary, eyes disproportionately distant from each other indicate a strong personality who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps being in a cool relationship with them.

2. The color of the iris of the eyes and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates the vital energy of a person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green eyes indicate mystery and high intelligence, a yellowish tint of color indicates temperament, and violet indicates the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. The redness and yellowness of proteins indicate the problems of the internal state of the human body. The bluish tint of proteins speaks of the mystery of nature: it happens in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too visible squirrels

Sometimes the eye has whites that surround the iris on all sides. Such eyes are people with an indomitable character who do not control their condition. They go berserk easily, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

As a rule, insufficiently active people have thin and rare eyelashes. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong personalities with a rather aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of kindness and kindness of a person's nature.

5. Wrinkles in the eye area

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to "crow's feet", indicates a person's sexuality. Directed upward, these wrinkles testify to the perseverance of the nature of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. Lowered down, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids testify to the decisiveness of the character of a person who, at the same time, has sufficient sensuality.

Determining the character by the eyes allows you to recognize many personality traits already at the stage of acquaintance, which can manifest themselves only after a long time. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed"!

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You can look closely into someone's eyes for different purposes. Someone so shows interest in the words of the interlocutor, someone, on the contrary, wants to embarrass him. Doctors look people in the eye with more prosaic goals - through them, specialists learn about past, present and future health problems, writes MK-Latvia.

Scientifically, the diagnosis of the iris is called iridology, and treatment directly through the mirrors of the soul - iridotherapy. How to read in the eyes, we found out from the doctor of alternative medicine, iridologist and homeopath Svetlana Pototskaya. And the candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist Oksana Averyanova suggested how and what health problems you can notice yourself.

old new science

Method diagnosing diseases of the iris as old as the world - it was used by the doctors of ancient Egypt and India. In the middle of the 19th century, their knowledge was increased by the Hungarian homeopath Ignaz Pecceli, the founder of iridology as a science.

After many years of research, he compiled the first diagram of the projection zones, indicating in which place of the iris each organ is “displayed”.
Iridology began to develop actively, but today an iridologist is still a rarity in hospitals and clinics, since medical universities do not graduate such specialists. A separate course of iridology is taught at the Kiev Medical University UANM. Doctors of different profiles can listen to it and receive a document that allows them to practice iridology.

50 shades of grey

The tendency to various diseases can be determined by the color of the eyes. Those whose eyes have different shades of green are more at risk of getting liver disease, disorders of the bile ducts and gallbladder, pancreas.

Blue-eyed and gray-eyed people should pay special attention to the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes, digestive and urogenital tract. Owners of dark eyes are prone to disturbances in the work of the hematopoietic and circulatory systems, they often have problems with the absorption of trace elements (in particular, calcium).

However, experts say that a color predisposition to any diseases does not mean that a person will certainly encounter them - just knowing one's weaknesses will stimulate a person to be more attentive and careful about their health.

Can the disease be prevented?

Iridology carried out according to the shape, structure, color and mobility of the iris. The method is distinguished by simplicity, harmlessness and painlessness, and most importantly, the ability to detect the disease at very early stages, when it is still impossible to diagnose the pathology by conventional methods. Moreover, iridology allows you to determine the genetic predisposition to diseases. Looking into the eyes of a baby, an experienced specialist will tell you what diseases a person should be afraid of in the future.

By the iris of the eye, one can judge the individual characteristics of the body, the general state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, inflammatory processes and disorders in the functioning of organs.

Diseases of the spine, stomach, heart, ovaries, prostate, kidneys, intestines, lungs and bronchi, upper respiratory tract, liver and gallbladder, joints, thyroid and mammary glands are well “visible”.

In addition, iridology makes it possible to determine whether the disease is caused by damage to organs, whether it is associated with the accumulation of toxins and toxins, whether it arose due to stress. However, the possibilities are not unlimited: it is difficult to determine diabetes, rheumatism, as well as painless processes, such as a duodenal ulcer or a myocardial infarction "on the legs", by the iris.

Reading the eye map

The iris of the eye is very sensitive, so hereditary factors, diseases of internal organs, toxins and stressful situations leave various traces and signs on it. Based on the totality of changes in the iris, an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and even predict possible options for the development of the disease.

When conducting an examination, an iridologist first of all pays attention to the presence of dark dots, a change in the density of the iris, and the pattern of its fibers. A sign of a healthy, strong body is a clean, dense iris with a smooth surface and even, clearly aligned fibers. In sick people, the fibers are loose, sometimes torn and twisted, with a large number of gaps - leaf-shaped depressions and "dark holes" (the more there are, the more health problems).

It is not difficult to determine exactly where the disease is localized, because each internal organ has a projection to a specific place on the iris. Along the circumference, it is divided into belts. The inner belt reflects the state of the nervous and digestive systems, the middle one - the transport of substances, the performance of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen and heart, the outer one - the state of peripheral vessels and skin.

For example, with a stomach ulcer, a reddish spot appears in a certain place of the iris, and with angina, the changes will be of a different nature and in a different place. Iridologists can also tell about some diseases by the pupil: its size, shape, ability to narrow and expand.

Specialists use magnifying loupes, slit lamps and iridoscopes as equipment. There is also an iridography method: using a camera, an enlarged image of the iris is displayed on a computer screen.

reflection in the mirror

Explicit yellowness of the sclera (outer membranes of the eyes) indicates a disease of the biliary tract. In case of swelling of the upper eyelids, the kidneys should be checked, if swelling under the lower eyelids - the heart. With reddening of the ciliary edge, you need to check the intestines. If there is a noticeable difference in the size of the pupils, inflammatory processes in the brain are possible. Protrusion of the eyes and slow blinking may indicate hyperthyroidism - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. But hypothyroidism can be suspected if eyelashes often fall out (which, by the way, is also a symptom of syphilis). The gradual retraction of the eyeballs may indicate a chronic inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses.

There are many different methods and theories on how to find out about a person by his handwriting, gait, posture, facial features, gestures, and more. etc. But, it is not in vain that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, if you want to know for sure what kind of person is standing in front of you, just look into his eyes. And if at the same time you know the approximate psychotype of personality depending on the color of the eyes, then it will become much easier to determine the character of a person.

Owners black eyes- energetically strong people, they have great vitality, initiative and restless character. Black eyes testify to the passion of a person and his abundance of love. Almost no obstacles on the way to the adored object can stop such people. Although their obsession can bring them not only the joy of victories, but also the bitterness of hasty decisions.

Those who possess brown eyes, by nature endowed with attractiveness, sensuality, wit. These are very temperamental people. We can say about them that they are extremely quick-tempered, but they easily forget insults. The disadvantage of people with brown eyes can be considered frequent whims. Astrologers say that people with dark brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus with an admixture of Saturn) are extremely sociable and easily get along with people. People with such eyes are very amorous, but how quickly they light up, just as quickly and sometimes cool down.

Owners light brown eyes shy, retiring, dreamy. They can be considered pragmatists, but perhaps this makes them so hardworking, diligent. You can always rely on them - they will not let you down. A feature of the character of people with light brown eyes can be considered their individualism, the desire to do everything on their own, they usually achieve great success. These people absolutely can not stand the pressure from the outside. Astrologers add that the owners of light brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus) are very impressionable;

What to expect from the owner blue sparks in your eyes? Blue-eyed people (the color corresponds to the planet Venus) are romantics, people are very emotional, sensual. They are able not only to fall recklessly in love with a partner, but also to captivate him with their passionate impulse. The course of their thoughts can sometimes be completely unpredictable. By the way, such people, among other things, have a very developed sense of justice, they are ready to defend the truth, sometimes even to their own detriment. Blue-eyed people are very truthful. The main disadvantage is arrogance and arrogance. Such people are very conflicted, like to argue, rush things and are not always able to understand someone else's problem.

People with dark blue eyes(the color energy of Venus is diluted with the color energy of the Moon) perseverance is characteristic, but at the same time they are very prone to sentimentality. Owners of dark blue eyes easily succumb to their whims, and their mood resembles an unpredictable spring breeze. Blue-eyed natures tend to remember grievances, even when in their hearts they have long forgiven them.

Blue eyes often hide deceit. The owners of blue eyes are purposeful, not too sentimental people. People with blue eyes cannot be moved to pity by tears. Sometimes they experience bouts of intense anger or unreasonable depression. But such mood swings are extremely rare. More often, blue-eyed people have a calm character, but the monotony depresses them.

Owners gray eyes very determined and smart. They do not resort to the "ostrich method" if they have problems. On the contrary, they solve them without delay. But at the same time, they are helpless in the face of situations where the mind is powerless. Gray eyes are a sign of sensitivity and curiosity. These people are interested in everything. And therefore - these are the eyes of the lucky ones: they are lucky both in their careers and in love.

Owners dark gray eyes(the gray color is inherent in Mercury, and its darker color indicates a small admixture of Saturn) are stubborn and bold. They are selfless, have a strong will and decisive character. These people are often jealous, although they do not seek to advertise this quality. If your life partner has dark gray eyes, then you are lucky, because such people are almost always monogamous.

green eyed people It's tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by loyalty to those they have chosen. Green eyes are often inherent in real knights. Friends appreciate them for their reliability and kindness, enemies hate them for their integrity and firmness. They are good listeners and interlocutors. In general, people with green eyes are the most prosperous category. They are stable, but not unimaginative. They excel in leadership positions.

tiger eyes- yellow, very rare in humans. People with such eyes have rare talents and are said to be able to read other people's minds. They are artistic and creative in any business. If you have nothing bad on your mind, then it is a pleasure to communicate with such people.

human? About his hidden emotions? About his relationship with his partner and his attitude towards you? In this article, we will tell you about the various behavioral reactions of the eyes.

But before going into details, first you need to understand how important the baseline is. For each person it is different, so the first step to understanding certain information about a person is to find his baseline.

To understand the basic level of a person, you need to communicate with him in normal, non-life-threatening conditions. This is pretty easy to do. It is only necessary to talk with the "victim" on neutral topics, that is, to discuss something about which it makes absolutely no sense for him to lie to you.

For example, you can discuss the weather or ask him about his food preferences. Pay attention to how the person speaks, how their voice sounds, and how they use body language.

Once a human baseline has been established, the typical eye movements described below can be analyzed. If you spot one of these clues that is different from the person's baseline, then know that this is a red flag and you need to dig deeper into the matter.

Nonverbal eye signals

1. Eye blocking

Covering the eyes with something or closing them literally means that a person does not like what he sees. You will see this gesture when a person feels that something threatens him or when he feels rejected from what he saw or heard.

Eye blockage can also manifest as excessive blinking and sudden wiping. Eye blockage is a strong sign and expression of terror, distrust, and disagreement.

This behavior is innate in humans.

2. Change of pupils

Our pupils dilate when we see something stimulating or look at a bright light. If we're aroused, our pupils also dilate to "take in more" from the environment we love so much.

Often during the beginning of a romantic relationship, especially during courtship, the pupils are permanently dilated. You can easily tell that someone is aroused just by looking at their pupils in good light.

It's important to note that advertisers always widen the eyes of women in their ads because it makes their product more attractive and "welcoming". Also, our pupils drastically decrease in size when we see some kind of negativity. Thus our body blocks "offensive" images.

3. Squinting

When a person squints while talking to you, it means they either don't like you or don't like what you're talking about. Squinting also means suspicion, works on the same principle as blocking, that is, a person subconsciously tries to hide from what he does not like or unpleasant.

If you see something someone is squinting, and it's not a matter of poor lighting, then contact the person directly and clarify your point of view on this or that issue. In this case, the person will probably be surprised that you noticed his distrust.

Eyes and emotions

4. Eyebrows

We raise our eyebrows very quickly in order to draw attention to a face that sends clear communication signals. Most often, people do this when they want to be understood or when they are trying to emphasize the significance of their point of view.

Raising the eyebrows is a gesture of congeniality, as well as a hope for good communication with others.

5. Synchronicity and mimicry

Synchronicity and mimicry is about when your behavior mimics or mirrors someone else. You can imitate someone in order, for example, to gain confidence. Although it is very difficult to really imitate someone subtly.

If a person notices that they are imitating him, this usually means that the imitation looks creepy and affected.

6. Eyes and grooming

Eye behavior is an important part of courtship. Here are a few ways a person uses their eye area in a romantic relationship:

- women pluck their eyebrows in an arched way because this shape makes them look somewhat defenseless, which actually releases hormones in the male brain to protect the female;

- women often lower their eyebrows and raise their eyelids, so they look very attractive, especially in intimate terms;

- looking up and to the side, directed from a woman to a man, means "come here";

- a gaze often attracts the attention of the "victim" and encourages you to become interested in response;

- one study found that men often miss the first female signal of sympathy with their eyes, on average, a woman must signal three times to be noticed by a man of interest to her;

- look "from under the shoulder" emphasizes the shape and roundness of the female face, which is due to estrogen, and also exposes the vulnerability and beauty of the neck. This is a great move for women interested in flirting.

Look and attitude

7. Stare

A closer look is most often attributed to actions of an intimate nature. However, if you, for example, disagree with the words or actions of your boss, you can show your disagreement by holding your gaze a little longer than usual.

An interesting experiment showed the importance of gazing during the beginning of a romantic relationship. In the experiment, people were divided into two groups and sent on blind dates. One group was told that the potential partner had an eye problem, but was not told which one.

This forced a person to closely study a potential partner, trying to understand which eye is still problematic. Interestingly, people from the second group were not told anything about the eye, but they were less satisfied with the dates and received fewer invitations to the next meeting.

There are three types of gazes:

1) Social view. This is the eye-mouth triangle. This kind of look is not aggressive and shows comfort.

2) An intimate look. If you want to get close to someone, then your gaze should go down intently: eyes, mouth, neck, etc. If you caught such a look on yourself, then know that the person is plotting something difficult at your expense.

3) The look of power. This is the eye-forehead triangle. This gaze avoids the intimate parts of the body (mouth, neck, etc.). The narrowing of the eyes plays a very serious role in this. Women who work hard to achieve something in society, and therefore often use the social look, as a rule, do not know how to use the intimate look during courtship.

8. Side view

As a rule, this look means uncertainty or the need for additional information. If someone looks at you sideways, and at the same time his eyebrows are furrowed, this is a signal of suspicion or negative feelings.

On the other hand, a sideways glance with raised eyebrows usually signifies interest and flirtatiousness.

9. Looking over the nose

If you notice this look on yourself, then this is an indicator that the person feels superior to you.

10. Shooting eyes

Too frequent and disordered eye movements indicate that a person feels insecure. Such people in a conversation often look for an excuse to end it and sneak away.

The value of views

11. Glasses

Research shows that women who wear glasses and use makeup make a better impression at work and in business. But those who wear glasses and look at the people around them over them are always scary.

12. Women's observation

Women observe and study men more during interviews. They also often pay attention to the back of men's shoes when the man walks out the door.

13. Controlling the direction of gaze

During presentations, you can literally use people's eyes to guide them on a topic. Use your pen to get attention.

You can hold it at eye level, and then, when you want to focus on something in particular, raise it to the level of the listeners' heads. Check it out and you will see that you can easily turn people's heads in the direction you want thanks to the direction of your gaze.

There are a number of studies that have examined eye movements during lying. Usually, when people look to the right, they are lying or making up something. When they look to the left, they are remembering something or trying to recreate certain events by referring to a certain part of the brain.

However, for a person with a dominant left hand, everything will work differently. Here are some other guidelines for eye direction that you may see in people:

- looking to the right = sound thought (can remember a song)

- looking to the left = visual thought (can remember the color of the dress)