The duration of the course of treatment with duphaston. Why are expectant mothers prescribed Duphaston not only during pregnancy but also at the planning stage

Acne, menstrual disorders, problems with conception - all this can be a consequence hormonal imbalance. You can't do without special therapy. Often, women are prescribed the drug "Dufaston". Why take it? The list of indications is quite large. But you shouldn't self-medicate.

Description of the drug

The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The active ingredient is dydrogesterone. In fact, it is an analogue of natural progesterone. The drug allows you to normalize the processes that should occur under hormonal control. Based on the fact that dydrogesterone is not a derivative of sex hormones, the risk of encountering side effects is reduced to a minimum. It is no coincidence that the drug "Dufaston" is very popular. Women's reviews show that this is a great alternative to classic hormonal treatment.

The drug does not interfere with conception. To fight unwanted pregnancy the medicine "Dufaston" cannot be used. The indications will be described below. After oral administration, the tablet is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum amount the active ingredient in the blood plasma is reached in 1.5-2 hours. With plasma proteins, dydrogesterone is 97% bound.

When should you use the drug "Dufaston"?

Indications for the use of the drug are reduced to progesterone deficiency. This disorder can occur with various pathological processes. The main source of progesterone is the corpus luteum of the ovary. If the hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, the woman begins to have problems with menstruation. In the advanced stage, infertility develops. Often women suffer from amenorrhea - total absence menstrual bleeding. In this case, ovulation does not occur. As part of complex therapy many experts use Duphaston tablets.

What else can the drug be used for? The drug is widely used for MMT (replacement therapy). With the help of a medication, the lost hormonal function of the ovaries can be restored. With timely treatment, it can be fully restored reproductive function women.

Endometriosis is another pathological condition, in which Dufaston is widely used. This is a fairly common disease of the female reproductive system in which cells inside the uterus grow beyond the endometrium. If you take Duphaston before meals or after meals, you can stop the pathological process.


Despite the fact that "Dufaston" is not quite a hormonal drug, it has a lot of contraindications. First of all, caution should be shown to women who are prone to allergic reactions. Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient may develop. After taking the first pill, it is worth observing how you feel. Any side effects- a reason to re-apply to the attending gynecologist.

In severe liver diseases, the drug "Duphaston" is also contraindicated. Tablets should not be taken before meals or after meals. Neglect of this recommendation can lead to serious complications. The remedy is also contraindicated in Roton's syndrome. Tablets are not used in pediatrics. It should also be borne in mind that the active ingredient can be released with breast milk. Therefore, lactation is considered a contraindication.

How to take "Dufaston"? Before meals or after meals?

The bioavailability of the drug does not depend on the method of its administration (before or after meals). It is important to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. A single dose cannot exceed 10 mg (1 tablet). In some cases, it is enough to take half a tablet. The daily dose cannot be higher than 30 mg.

The order of taking the tablets is established by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosis. With endometriosis, one tablet is prescribed two or three times a day. Treatment should be carried out from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. For infertility, tablets are taken for 10 days (from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle). Treatment is carried out continuously for six cycles. After Duphaston, a long-awaited pregnancy often occurs.

If a woman has a history of pregnancy failures, therapy should be continued in the first months of gestation. Also, with premenstrual syndrome, Duphaston tablets help. Take them before meals or after meals - it doesn't matter. To reduce the likelihood of developing PMS, it is recommended to drink one tablet from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

special instructions

At the beginning of therapy, many women experience a number of side effects. On the part of the digestive system, nausea, diarrhea, and bloating are not excluded. Possible headache, depression. These symptoms may be associated with hormonal changes organism. In most cases, drug withdrawal is not necessary.

If dermatological reactions occur, such as itching, rash, urticaria, it is worth canceling Duphaston tablets. Such symptoms may indicate individual intolerance.

Some women may experience uterine bleeding at the start of treatment. You can fix the problem by increasing the dosage of the drug. However, only a doctor can make such a decision. You cannot self-medicate.

Quite often, a person finds himself in situations where he needs to take certain medicines. Hormonal drugs in most cases are prescribed to the fairer sex. It is their body that undergoes cyclical changes every month. One of the most popular drugs prescribed is artificial progesterone. It is worth considering in detail how to take Duphaston.

How does the female body work?

Every month a woman begins a new cycle. It consists of two phases: the first and the second. Divides the cycle into parts the day when the egg is released from the ovary.

In the first part of the month, a woman's body secretes hormones that are necessary for proper growth egg and preparation of the uterine layer for pregnancy.

The second phase is called the luteal. During it, it is observed strong highlight the hormone progesterone. It is he who is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy in case of fertilization. The drug "Duphaston" is an artificial substitute for progesterone.

When is this drug prescribed?

Tablets "Dufaston" the doctor prescribes only after a preliminary examination. It can be recommended to a woman in the following cases:

It is worth noting that it is always necessary to comply with the prescribed dosage and time of treatment.

How to take "Dufaston"?

Depending on the diagnosis made to the woman and what is the cause of the disease, an individual dose of the drug is selected. Also, the dosage and time of taking the drug may be different. Consider how to properly take "Dufaston" for a particular disease.

During the threat of spontaneous miscarriage

If a pregnant woman has a threat of termination of pregnancy, then in most cases she is prescribed this remedy. How to take "Dufaston" in this case, the doctor decides. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms and the cause of their appearance.

In most cases, the patient is given single dose four tablets, which is forty milligrams of the drug. Thereafter, it is recommended to consume one capsule every eight hours. This must be done until the symptoms disappear completely: pain, bleeding, feeling unwell.

If a woman has a threat of miscarriage due to a lack of progesterone in the body, then how to drink the medicine in this case? Usually the doctor prescribes two tablets per day, which must be taken at regular intervals. It should be noted that in such a situation, the time of treatment with the drug "Dufaston" is significantly increased. How long can you take it, the specialist will tell. In most cases, such treatment is prescribed before the start of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the placenta completely takes over the production of the necessary hormone.

Duphaston tablets for infertility: how to take?

Quite often this medicine given to women planning pregnancy. If the fair sex has a regular sex life without the use of contraceptives, but conception does not occur, then she should consult a doctor. The first symptom of failure of the second phase is its short length. After analysis for essential hormone the doctor may recommend its additional intake.

So, how to take "Duphaston" to get pregnant? In most cases, the medication is prescribed one tablet per day. It is necessary to drink them from the 14th day after the start of the last menstruation and up to the 25th day. However, with this appointment, it is worth remembering that this scheme only suitable for women regular cycle at 28 days. If you have a longer cycle, then you can use additional progesterone only after ovulation. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite contraceptive effect. Taking the drug "Duphaston" before the release of the egg from the ovary can simply suppress it.

With hormonal diseases

Very often when various pathologies associated with improper production of hormones, progesterone is prescribed. One treatment option may be to prescribe Duphaston tablets for endometriosis. How to take the medicine in this case depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the stage of the disease.

As a rule, doctors adhere to the following scheme. The patient is prescribed medication one capsule two to three times a day. The duration of treatment is 11 days: from the 14th day from the beginning of the last menstruation to the 25th.

At a more serious stage of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a continuous dose of the drug. In this case, a woman needs to take one pill twice a day. Reception should be carried out at regular intervals. Only in this case can one achieve maximum effect from treatment.

With violations of the female cycle

If the fair sex has irregular periods, then she may also be prescribed an additional dose of progesterone. In the case of severe premenstrual syndrome, the doctor may recommend the use of Duphaston tablets.

In these cases, the drug is prescribed from the 11th day from the beginning of the last menstruation. The course of taking the drug should continue until the 25th day of the cycle. It is necessary to take the medicine one tablet 2 times a day at regular intervals.

Prolonged absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)

How to take Duphaston if a woman does not have periods, but this is not related to pregnancy? In that case, the use this medicine appoint from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Be sure to supplement the treatment with drugs containing estrogen.

For bleeding of unknown origin

To stop bleeding, the drug "Dufaston" is prescribed for one week. It must be taken twice a day, one capsule. Before prescribing the drug, it is necessary to establish the cause of such secretions.

To prevent dysfunctional bleeding, one capsule is prescribed twice a day during the menstrual cycle - from 11 to 25 days.

With hormone replacement therapy (after removal of the ovaries)

If a scheme is chosen in combination with estrogens, then in the first two weeks one drug is prescribed. In the next two weeks, it is necessary to use Duphaston tablets.

If the intake of estrogen is contraindicated, then only artificial progesterone is prescribed for two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 10-15 days.

The dosage of the drug in these cases is 10 mg, that is, one capsule per day.

With tumor processes in the female body

If a woman has cysts on the ovaries or other organs, then how to drink the drug "Dufaston" in this case?

If the tumor is estrogen-dependent, which happens most often, then the medicine is prescribed two tablets per day throughout the entire cycle. The goal of treatment in this case is to suppress estrogen production.

Proper selection of the dosage of the drug

This medicine is usually available in following form: in a cardboard box, a plate with 20 tablets. One pill contains 10 milligrams of the drug. But in some cases, you can find a higher dosage - 20 milligrams. You should always pay attention to this, since in this case it is necessary to drink Duphaston tablets according to a different scheme.


If you are prescribed the drug "Dufaston", then you must adhere to the selected course of treatment. In each individual case, the scheme of use medicinal product must be individual. Otherwise you won't get effective result from hormonal treatment.

Before prescribing the drug, a preliminary examination should always be carried out. It is also necessary to take into account the duration of the female cycle.

Monitor the state of your hormones and spend time on time necessary treatment. Be healthy!

Duphaston is a synthetic hormonal drug latest generation, which is an artificial analogue female hormone progesterone.

The unique feature of the drug lies in its chemical formula, which is almost identical to the structure natural hormone progesterone. He is necessary female body to ensure biological rearrangements associated with the preparation for pregnancy and its normal course. The basis of the drug is the progestogen hormone - dydrogesterone. It acts directly on the uterine mucosa, which eliminates most side effects accompanying the use of other synthetic hormones.

On this page you will find all the information about Dufaston: complete instructions on application to this medicinal product, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Duphaston. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The active ingredient of the drug dydrogesterone is an analogue of natural progesterone. Dufaston is a hormonal drug.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.


How much does Duphaston cost? average price in pharmacies is at the level of 480 rubles.

Release form and composition

Coated tablets, 10mg. 20 tablets in PVC/Al blister. 1 PVC / Al blister, together with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box.

  • 1 coated tablet contains: active substance: dydrogesterone, 10 mg;
  • Excipients: lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate;
  • Sheath: Opadry white Y-1-7000 (hypromellose, polyethylene glycol 400, titanium dioxide (El 71)).

Round biconvex tablet white color, beveled, coated, scored on one side, engraved with an "S" above the "T" sign on one side of the tablet and "155" on the other side (on both sides of the score).

Pharmacological effect

According to their molecular structure, pharmacological and chemical properties dydrogesterone is close to natural progesterone. This element is not a derivative of testosterone, does not have side effects that are inherent in almost all synthetic progestogens, which are also called androgenic progestogens. Dydrogetestrone has no glucocorticoid, anabolic, androgenic, estrogenic, or thermogenic activity.

Duphaston according to the instructions is part of a comprehensive HRT for menopause, the drug retains a beneficial effect on lipid profile blood from estrogens. Unlike the estrogen hormones, which negatively affect the blood coagulation system, didrogestrone has no effect on the coagulation index. Does not have a drug according to the instructions when planning conception negative impact on the work of the liver, the metabolism of carbohydrates.

When taken orally, dydrogesterone selectively acts on the endometrium, which helps prevent an increased risk of hyperplasia or carcinogenesis due to excess estrogen. The medication according to the instructions is indicated for endogenous progesterone deficiency. Dufaston does not have a contraceptive effect, because it is used when planning a pregnancy. The tool makes conception possible, ensures the preservation of pregnancy during therapy.

Indications for use

The use of Duphaston is indicated in cases where there is or is suspected a deficiency of endogenous progesterone, in cases where its positive effect has been clinically proven:

  • infertility due to luteal insufficiency;
  • threatened abortion;
  • habitual abortion;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • irregular cycle.

In addition, in combination with estrogen, Duphaston can be used for:

  • secondary amenorrhea;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding.


You can not take medication:

  1. Lactase deficiency, galactose and glucose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome;
  2. The period of breastfeeding;
  3. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If the patient's history indicates pruritus in a previous pregnancy, Duphaston should be used with caution.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, Duphaston is used during pregnancy according to indications.

Since dydrogesterone can be excreted in breast milk, if treatment with the drug is necessary, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Duphaston tablets are taken orally. The dosage of the drug should correspond to the diagnosis. Treatment is carried out only on prescription and under medical supervision.

  1. Infertility caused by luteal insufficiency- appoint 1 tablet per day from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle. The drug is taken for at least six months or 6 cycles. If conception has already occurred, then Duphaston should be taken further, as with a threat of abortion.
  2. Endometriosis - dosage of 10 mg (1 tablet) 2 to 3 times a day. They start either from the 5th to the 25th day of the monthly cycle, or a permanent intake.
  3. Habitual abortion - take 1 tablet 2 times a day. Treatment should be continued until the 20th week of pregnancy, then the dosage is gradually reduced.
  4. Threatened abortion- take 40 mg (4 tablets) once. Then 1 tablet every 8 hours until the situation returns to normal. If the symptoms begin to increase again, then the dose of the drug should be increased again. Further, "Dufaston" should be taken until the 12-20th week of pregnancy.
  5. Prolonged absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)- complex treatment - estrogen-containing drugs, 1 tablet per day, starting from the 1st day of the cycle. From the 11th day of the cycle, treatment is supplemented with Duphaston. These drugs should be taken until the 25th day of the cycle. Application is designed for at least 3 menstrual cycles.
  6. Painful menstruation- 1 tablet 2 times a day. Application is indicated from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle.
  7. PMS - is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. The drug is prescribed for a period of 3 to 6 months.
  8. Irregular monthly cycle - the drug is prescribed for 1 table. 2 times a day. "Dufaston" should be used from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.
  9. substitution hormone therapy - is prescribed in a pair with estrogens, 1 tablet 1 time per day for 2 weeks within a 28-day cycle. Usually the reception takes place in the last 14 days of the cycle. If there is no response to progesterone therapy ultrasound examination and is not confirmed by analysis, then the dose should be revised upwards.
  10. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding- the dose is 1 tab. 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. As a prophylaxis of bleeding, the use of the drug is prescribed - 1 table. 2 times a day. Therapy is carried out from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

Side effects

When taking Duphaston, development is possible adverse reactions:

  1. The hematopoietic system may respond to the drug with symptoms of hemolytic anemia.
  2. From the side of the central nervous system, dizziness and headaches are possible.
  3. From the genital area, sometimes there are breakthrough uterine bleeding, sometimes there is pain and swelling of the mammary glands.
  4. From the side of the skin are possible allergic manifestations in the form of hives, itching, skin rash. In very rare cases, there is a development of such complications as angioedema.
  5. In some cases, there is a problem with the liver, expressed in weakness and malaise, jaundice, some patients note that after Duphaston, the stomach hurts.

Uterine bleeding when taking the drug is easily stopped by increasing the dose of Duphaston. If adverse reactions occur, you should consult your doctor, you may need to adjust the dose, and in case of development allergic reactions- withdrawal of the drug.


There have been no reports of overdose symptoms. In case of accidental intake at a dose significantly higher than the therapeutic dose, gastric lavage is recommended. There is no specific antidote, treatment should be symptomatic.

special instructions

Currently, there are no data on the negative effect of dydrogesterone in chronic renal failure.

Careful clinical examination when indicating a history of a progesterone-dependent tumor (for example, meningioma), as well as in case of its progression during pregnancy or during previous hormone therapy.

In the case of the appointment of dydrogesterone in combination with estrogens (for example, for replacement therapy hormones) should take into account the contraindications and warnings associated with the use of estrogens.

Before starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a complete history should be taken. During treatment, it is recommended to periodically monitor the individual tolerance of HRT. The patient should be informed about any changes in the mammary glands she should report to the doctor. Investigations involving mammography should be performed in accordance with conventional patient screening.

Sometimes breakthroughs may occur during the first months of treatment. uterine bleeding. If breakthrough bleeding occur after a certain period of taking the drug or continue after a course of treatment, you should study the cause, make an endometrial biopsy in order to exclude malignant changes in the endometrium.

Do not prescribe Duphaston tablets to patients with genetically determined galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or malabsorption syndrome.

drug interaction

There may be some decrease in the effectiveness of Duphaston when taken in parallel with Rifampicin or Phenobarbital, which affect microsomal liver enzymes. These drugs can increase the rate of biological transformation hormonal drug Duphaston.

To date, there have been no reports of drug incompatibility of Duphaston with other drugs.

With the parallel appointment of a progestogen with estrogens, it is advisable to take into account the indications and contraindications for the latter.


The main component of Duphaston is dydrogesterone, which is similar to natural progesterone. Doctors recommend taking it to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for future pregnancy. After its onset, the drug is continued to drink to preserve the embryo.

The drug is prescribed during pregnancy planning. Before taking the drug, it is necessary to pass tests showing the level of progesterone in the body. After it has been proven that the presence of a hormone in the body is less than normal, doctors prescribe Duphaston. To obtain reliable and reliable results about the level of progesterone, the analysis should be taken in the middle of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. A woman needs to track ovulation for three cycles and donate blood in at least two laboratories. You can not start taking the drug during pregnancy and at the planning stage without a proper preliminary examination. "Dufaston" is a hormonal agent and its excess and uncontrolled ingestion into the body greatly harms a woman.

Doctors "Duphaston" are prescribed during pregnancy planning from 11 to 25 days for three to six cycles. This is for those patients whose menstrual cycle is 28 days. In the event of pregnancy after taking Duphaston, you should not interrupt the drug and continue to drink it. A sharp decrease in progesterone leads to a miscarriage. Plain drug during interesting position is 20 mg twice a day. Cancellation of the hormonal drug should be gradual and occur at about 20 weeks.

An individual treatment plan is given only by the attending gynecologist. You can not drink "Duphaston", prescribed by a doctor only upon inquiries. Before taking and to clarify miscarriage and infertility in without fail I need to take a hormone test. In case of a threatened miscarriage, 40 mg of Duphaston may be recommended at a time. Dose adjustment depends on general condition vaginal epithelium.

The drug causes such side effects as headache, nausea, vaginal bleeding, dizziness and allergies. For those who have previously taken birth control pills, you should be more attentive to the reception of "Duphaston". Since the combination of progestin with estrogen increases the risk of thrombosis. Hormonal remedy contraindicated in women with liver and heart disease. Also, with caution, Duphaston should be taken by patients suffering from depression, asthma and vaginal bleeding.


  • "Dufaston" during pregnancy

The dosage of "Duphaston" can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the condition of the pregnant woman. With the threat of a miscarriage, you can take a double dose of the drug at a time, and then reduce it.


"Duphaston" - synthetic, performing the function of natural progesterone. The drug helps to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy, and after its onset to keep fetal egg. If the doctor has prescribed this drug for you, then your body lacks its own hormone progesterone and it urgently needs to be replenished so that the pregnancy does not end in a miscarriage or fetus.

Very often, this drug is prescribed even at the stage of pregnancy planning, when it is proved that the level of the hormone progesterone in the woman's body is reduced. But get reliable results possible only after passing the appropriate analysis. If a doctor prescribes a drug for you without a preliminary examination, you should doubt his competence, even if you really want a child and previous pregnancies ended in a miscarriage. The fact is that the cause of past miscarriages could not be at all reduced level progesterone, and a number of other diseases that can lead to such unpleasant.

Do not drink Duphaston just in case, because an unauthorized change hormonal background can adversely affect your health and in the long run lead to a failure in metabolism. How to take Duphaston? If pregnancy occurs after taking the drug for 3-6 menstrual cycles, then you must continue to drink it, otherwise a sharp decline levels of this hormone in the blood will lead to miscarriage. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor, but usually it is 20 mcg per day, that is, you need to drink one tablet 2 times a day.