Chickenpox in children 6 months old symptoms. Chickenpox in newborns and infants: photographs, characteristic symptoms, necessary treatment

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is the most common acute viral disease. It is the most contagious childhood infection, so if your child is already a kindergartener, then you cannot avoid it.

Chickenpox is easy enough to catch, because the viruses that provoke it are spread in the air, penetrate even through ventilation holes and are transmitted by airborne droplets between children (as well as between infected adults) through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes.

The entire process of infection (from the moment of infection itself to the manifestation of the first signs) lasts 1-3 weeks. But the patient becomes contagious from the first hour of penetration of the virus into the body. The carrier remains for one week.

Up to a year is a relatively rare occurrence, it mainly worries children aged 2-5 years. Such a disease does not pose a particular danger, however, it requires clear treatment rules and their strict adherence.

Chickenpox in children

External manifestations and symptoms of chickenpox are easily recognized and are quite characteristic of an infectious disease. But this is possible already at a later time when the incubation period has already ended.

Firstly, the temperature of the baby rises slightly (up to 38 degrees).

Secondly, the entire body of the child (as well as the scalp) is covered with a pale pink rash. After some time, the rash turns into bubbles with a clear liquid, with the formation of red skin around them. After a few more days, the blisters become covered with crusts (which gradually dry out and fall off easily) and lose their transparency.

All new elements of the rash appear within 3-5 days, so at the same time you will see both crusts and spots on the baby's body.

Chickenpox in children under one year affects the general condition of their body. Babies become lethargic, drowsy, irritable, overly moody and lose their appetite.

But the most unpleasant thing about this disease is the constant and severe itching that accompanies the rash. Each child, as a rule, tries to comb the pimples and, thereby, breaks the crusts. It is almost impossible to explain to him that this cannot be done. But this can provoke infection in the wounds and their subsequent suppuration, as a result of which small scars may remain on the skin. Therefore, the child must be closely monitored, entertained and distracted from combing.

Chickenpox treatment

Chickenpox in children under one year old can occur in both mild and severe form. It depends primarily on the immunity transmitted by the mother to the baby in the womb. That is why it is so important for pregnant women who have not had chicken pox to get vaccinated against it in time.

It is quite possible to treat chickenpox at home. The main goal of parents is to prevent a purulent rash. So, you need to observe the personal hygiene of the child.

Firstly, the baby's clothes, as well as everything that surrounds him, must be clean.

Secondly, the baby's nails need to be cut short so that when combing problematic spots, he does not infect himself.

And thirdly, the baby needs to be distracted by all means from itching and the desire to scratch it. Herbal baths will help solve this problem, because they will keep the body clean and soothe itching.

In addition, you need to maintain a certain temperature in the baby's room and avoid heat, because it increases itching.

Chickenpox in infants should be properly treated with an aqueous or alcoholic solution of brilliant green, as well as a weak one. Judging by the latest medical data, this is done in order to monitor the intensity of the appearance of new elements of the rash, and not to control the spread of infection.

If the child's temperature rises significantly, then he can be given an antipyretic, and if he cannot stand severe itching, an antiallergic agent.

Also, do not forget about the daily examination of the baby's head, his genitals and the condition of pimples under the crust. And if there is swelling and redness around them, and some kind of liquid is secreted from the inside, call a doctor urgently. Only a qualified specialist will be able to prescribe the optimal treatment.

Chickenpox in children under one year old develops a stable lifelong immunity, that is, a recurrence of the disease is no longer possible. Although there are rare exceptions.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus, which belongs to the herpes family of viruses. It is characterized by fever, a rash with various elements (from tags to crusts), severe itching and catarrhal phenomena.

A feature of the herpes virus type 3 is its volatility. In a poorly ventilated area, it can spread up to 20 m, and anyone who has not had chickenpox can become infected.

Chickenpox is most common in preschool children, but is extremely rare in children under 6 months of age.

In newborn children, chickenpox is extremely severe. Often they are diagnosed with atypical forms of chickenpox.

By the age of 6, 70% of children have antibodies to chickenpox and immunity for the rest of their lives.

After a person has chickenpox, they develop antibodies to the herpesvirus type 3, and an immune response is formed to the re-introduction of the virus. But with immunodeficiency, shingles or a repeated case of chicken pox can develop, since the virus continues to “live” in the nerve ganglia, it is impossible to completely recover.

Herpes zoster most often affects people with immunodeficiency. A feature of this disease is that the rash does not spread throughout the skin, but along the nerve, for example, along the intercostal space or on the face along one of the branches of the facial or trigeminal nerve. The disease is unpleasant, its prodromal period is especially unpleasant, often the sick person does not associate it with the manifestation of herpes infection.

A bit of history

Until the 18th century, chickenpox was not considered as an independent disease, it was considered one of the manifestations of smallpox. And only at the beginning of the 20th century did the first descriptions of the virus appear - the causative agent of the disease in the contents of the vesicles. And only in the 40s of the twentieth century did a description of the chickenpox virus appear.

How does chickenpox manifest itself in children? Course of the disease

Usually, after contact with a sick person, after 11-21 days (this is the incubation period of chickenpox), the first signs of chickenpox appear in a child. The long incubation period often provokes a little confusion in the parents.

It would seem that the meeting with the patient was a long time ago, and the threat of getting sick has already passed, and then the child begins to complain about body aches, chills appear, the temperature rises to 38-39 ˚С, discharge from the nose appears, the baby becomes lethargic, drowsy. Since a lot of time passes after contact with the patient, mothers cannot always understand that these are the first symptoms of chickenpox in children.

A rash appears after a day or two. It is initially small-dotted or spotted. Children usually complain of itching, babies under four years of age may cry and behave restlessly. During the day, the spots turn into bubbles filled with serous contents. After a few days, the bubbles open, and in their place crusts form on the skin. After the crust comes off, the wound heals completely without leaving scars.

It should be noted that the rash appears (sprinkles) every 2-3 days for 3-7 days, because all the elements of the rash are different (polymorphic).

The child is contagious two days before the onset of the first signs of the disease, during the period of rashes and up to seven days from the moment of the last napping.

It should be noted that usually the younger the age of the child, the easier it is to tolerate the disease. A 3-year-old baby is easier than an adult to survive this period.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

  • temperature above 38 ˚С. It should be noted that sometimes the temperature rises to 40 ˚С. This is not a complication of the disease, but only a feature of the reactivity of the immune system of a sick person. However, in some cases, the temperature throughout the disease can be 37 ˚С;
  • the appearance of the rash is staging. The stages of the rash are spot-bubble-appearance of crusts. The rash appears on the entire body of the child, except for the palms and feet. Also, chickenpox is characterized by a rash on the scalp;
  • undulating appearance of a rash, when after the appearance of rashes there is a short-term lull.

Other symptoms of the disease:

  • viral conjunctivitis. It appears, as a rule, when the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is affected by the herpes virus. When viral conjunctivitis appears, children may complain of discomfort in their eyes, they will say that it is unpleasant or painful for them to look at the light, tears flow from their eyes;
  • vulvovaginitis in girls;
  • stomatitis - the appearance of a rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth. In the event of a rash in the child's mouth, you should contact your doctor for further additional examination and a possible change in treatment tactics.

Swimming with chickenpox

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox when he is sick - this issue is particularly acute.

Opinions on this issue, as always, differ.

  1. You can not take a bath, that is, lie down and steam the body for a long time (to avoid infection of open wounds).
  2. Do not use a sponge or washcloth. Do not rub the child's body with anything and in any way.
  3. Be careful with soap and shower gels. They dry out the skin and can increase irritation.
  4. It is better if the child takes a shower.
  5. After showering, pat the water dry with a soft towel. Under no circumstances should you rub your body.
  6. After drying, the skin must be treated with brilliant green or fucorcin.

Features of caring for children with chickenpox

Usually children bring the infection from kindergarten, often infect younger brothers and sisters. Chickenpox in children is mild, and the most unpleasant thing is a rash, so these children are treated at home.

We will discuss how to treat chickenpox in children a little later, but for now let's remember how to care for babies with chickenpox:

  • diet. If the child refuses to eat, do not force him, let him eat a little bit, but more often. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • plentiful drink. Fruit drinks, compotes, kissels and homemade freshly squeezed juices are recommended. If the child does not want to drink it, offer tea or water;
  • it is desirable to limit active games, it is pointless to try to keep the child in bed;
  • try to explain that you can’t comb the sores, the child’s nails should be cut short;
  • it is advisable to change bed linen every day, the child should sleep separately in his own bed;
  • the room in which the child is located must be washed every day, it must be ventilated at least once an hour;
  • it is desirable that there are no other children in the environment of a sick child, but, alas, this is not always possible.

To walk or not to walk?

This is another question in caring for a child with chickenpox that worries parents: is it possible to walk with a baby with chickenpox?

During the period when the child is contagious, walks are not recommended. But if the parents are sure that the baby will not contact anyone (for example, if you live in a private house), then you can go for a short walk.

We list the important conditions for walking:

  1. Body temperature should return to normal.
  2. The last rash was 7 days ago. Otherwise, if you still went for a walk, there should not be other people on the street, especially children or pregnant women.
  3. If a child has recently had chickenpox, he should not sunbathe and swim in open water.
  4. The immunity of an ill child is still weakened, therefore contacts with sick children or adults who are unwell are not recommended.

Prevention and vaccination

It has been done in our country since 2008, but is still not among the mandatory vaccinations, which means that parents themselves must decide for themselves whether or not to vaccinate their baby.

It is now recommended to be vaccinated from the age of two. The vaccine is given once, provided that the child is under 13 years old, and twice for children from 13 and adults who have not yet been ill.

Vaccination is carried out with Varilrix or Okavax vaccines (they are live attenuated vaccines).

Vaccination is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • "Okavaks" - 0.5 ml (one dose) at a time for children who have reached the age of 12 months;
  • "Varilrix" - 0.5 ml (one dose) twice with an interval of 2 - 2.5 months.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out by any of the above drugs within 96 hours from the moment of contact with a sick person. In our country, such prevention is not common.

After the introduction of the drug, after 7 days, signs of chickenpox in a child may appear. This is a slight malaise, an increase in temperature up to 38 ˚С, a dim rash may appear. All symptoms go away on their own within a few days. They do not need to be treated, they are not a complication of vaccination.

Another method of prevention is the isolation of sick children. True, this is ineffective, since the prodromal period is not always pronounced in children, but the child is contagious two days before the rash appears.

What can be confused with chickenpox?

In the beginning, before the rash appears, the illness is similar to any viral illness, such as the flu.

When you first fall asleep, you can take chickenpox for an allergy or prickly heat, but usually within a day it becomes clear that the conclusion is erroneous.

Usually, after the rash appears, everything becomes clear.

Complications of chickenpox

There are always exceptions, but more often they talk about the rules. For example, when a pregnant woman who has not previously had chickenpox falls ill, she has a chance of losing her baby, or the baby may be born with chickenpox.

Children under the age of one year tolerate chickenpox extremely hard, and it flows in them in an atypical form.

Another option is adults and teenagers. They also sometimes have complications, such as viral pneumonia, myocarditis or encephalitis.

Atypical forms of chickenpox

  1. Rudimentary. The rash is spotty, there are practically no catarrhal phenomena, the disease passes easily.
  2. hemorrhagic form. Bubbles in this form are not filled with transparent, but with blood contents. The course of the disease is severe, patients have vomiting with blood, nosebleeds, black stools are possible. On the second day, petechial rashes appear (small pinpoint hemorrhages in the skin).
  3. bullous form. Bubbles in this form merge, forming the so-called bullae. They are usually filled with cloudy contents.
  4. Gangrenous form. It has an extremely severe course.
  5. generalized form. With this form of the disease, severe intoxication, damage to internal organs, is observed.

All atypical forms (except rudimentary) are treated in the hospital, often in intensive care units.

Treatment of chickenpox in children

If you see that your child is sick, call a doctor who will prescribe and monitor treatment. Each drug has its own subtleties and features. Improper treatment, as well as its complete absence, can lead to complications in the course of the disease.

  1. When the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, you can give the child an antipyretic drug based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  2. To reduce itching, you can use local ointments such as Gerpevir, Acyclovir. It is possible to use Fenistil gel.
  3. You can use antihistamines. For example, Diazolin is available in tablets.
  4. To prevent secondary infection of sores, green or Fukortsin is used. The application of such drugs also helps to determine the appearance of new bubbles.
  5. For a sore throat, you can use herbal decoctions and drugs approved for the treatment of children of a particular age.
  6. Antiviral therapy is required. She is prescribed by a doctor.

Dear mothers, I wish you not to get lost in the tears of your children, but for this, be very attentive and patient with them. Chickenpox is only a part of your child's life, and over time, only photos will remain that are reminiscent of the spotty-green period.

It is believed that children from 2 to 7 years old get sick with chickenpox. At this age, kids go to kindergarten or school and begin to contact with a large number of people, so there is a high probability of contracting infectious diseases. Many believe that a newborn and a child under one year old cannot get chickenpox. Is this so, and why is chickenpox dangerous in infants? What to do if a newborn gets sick?

Can a newborn baby get chickenpox?

The first 6 months of the child are protected from various diseases by the mother's antibodies, which are transmitted to him at birth and with breast milk. If the mother continues to feed the baby without switching to mixtures, then the beneficial substances of milk continue to protect it from the effects of negative factors from the outside. However, even breastfed children can catch chickenpox. Why might this happen?

Most people are introduced to chickenpox in childhood, but there are those who do not get it at all or become infected at an older age. The peculiarity of this disease is that a person who has had a virus develops lifelong immunity to it. Maternal antibodies are only able to provide protection to the child for the first few months of life.

If the mother is not immune to chickenpox, then her milk cannot protect the newborn from the disease. In some cases, a woman in labor becomes infected immediately before childbirth. The body does not have time to develop protective cells, and the infection is transmitted to the newborn. The disease takes on a congenital character.

Children who are one month old or 7-12 months old can become infected with the virus, despite the fact that their parents are immune to infection. This can happen if the baby is bottle-fed or the mother stops breastfeeding after six months. There is a high probability of infection of infants if their body is weakened as a result of past diseases.

How long is the incubation period and how does the child tolerate the disease?

Infection with chickenpox is possible through contact of an infant with a sick person. The disease is rapidly transmitted by airborne droplets. The herpes virus type 3 causes the disease, so people who are sick with herpes zoster (it is caused by the same type of virus) are also a danger to others. In the body, the infection spreads rapidly, affecting the skin and mucous membranes.

The incubation period of the disease averages 7-21 days, but in infants under 1 year old it is reduced to a week. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, patients tolerate it in different ways. Sometimes the disease is expressed by the appearance of several pimples and a slight increase in body temperature in a child.

However, in most cases, infants are difficult to tolerate chicken pox. Babies become capricious, refuse to eat, sleep poorly, constantly cry. Kids try to tear off the formed crusts. Nursing mothers can calm the sick person a little by offering him a breast. In this regard, if possible, it is necessary to transfer the baby to natural feeding until the condition improves.

What does the rash look like with chickenpox in infants?

A rash on the body in children appears at the third stage of the disease. The first symptoms appear after the incubation period and resemble a cold. A day later, the first pimples pour out (we recommend reading:). Sometimes in infants, chickenpox can be suspected only when blisters appear, since the baby does not have other symptoms before them.

Initially, the rash resembles small red spots with dots inside. They spread very quickly throughout the body, and after a few hours a bubble with transparent contents appears in the center of the spots. After the appearance of blisters, babies begin to suffer from an unpleasant itch in the places of rashes. A day later, the pimple opens, and a crust forms in its place.

The rashes are undulating. A new rash appears in the patient after 1-2 days. When this happens, the baby's body temperature rises, and other symptoms worsen. During the period of the disease, 4-5 exacerbations are possible, so on the baby's body you can see both new and already dried pimples. The photo shows what a rash looks like in infants.

Bubbles are able to cover the entire body and mucous membranes of a person. The duration of the rash is from 6 to 8 days. The peculiarity of chickenpox is that the increase in body temperature of the child is directly proportional to the number of red dots: the more the rash, the higher it is.

Symptoms of the disease in newborns

Chickenpox in children under one year old can be mild or severe. Babies who have strong immunity and have received a certain amount of antibodies to chickenpox from their mother easily tolerate the disease. If the child's body is severely weakened or he has contracted chickenpox in utero and has a congenital type of disease, the baby suffers from a severe form of the disease.

Light form

With a mild form of the disease, the rash on the body of the child is single or non-intense. The body temperature does not reach 38 degrees or does not rise at all, and other symptoms (headache, runny nose) do not appear.

However, even with mild chickenpox, babies can be naughty, refuse to eat, and sleep poorly. This is due to the fact that itchy pimples cause great discomfort to the baby.

Severe form

A severe form of the disease in a newborn and a one-year-old child is manifested by a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. The rash spreads very quickly throughout the body and covers the mucous membranes. In some babies, the disease is accompanied by vomiting. Because of the rashes of the larynx, the child develops a cough. In severe cases, swelling of the larynx and drying of the sinuses lead to attacks of suffocation.

The rash can affect the baby's internal organs. The child becomes lethargic and refuses to eat. Some relief appears between waves of rashes. With the formation of a new rash, the baby's condition worsens. Severe chickenpox is treated only in a hospital, as it leads to various complications.

In a severe form of the disease, rashes, in addition to the whole body, can even occur on the internal organs.

Treatment of chickenpox in an infant

Treatment for chickenpox in children depends on the form in which it occurs. Mild chickenpox does not require medication. Therapy is aimed at improving the general condition of the crumbs and can be carried out at home. Therapy for chickenpox in newborns includes the following measures:

  • Complete peace.
  • Plentiful drink.
  • The use of antihistamines. It is recommended to treat infants with Fenistil in the form of drops or gel. The gel is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. The dosage of drops is calculated depending on the age of the child, and is equal to his whole months of life (3 months - 3 drops, 5 months - 5 drops).
  • Lowering body temperature with antipyretics. Young children are prescribed Ibuprofen and children's Paracetamol in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories.
  • Bubbles on the body are treated with antiseptics to prevent infection of wounds and rapid healing. Lubrication of pimples with brilliant green helps to control their number. When the disease subsides, a new rash will not form, respectively, if “unsmeared” areas do not appear within a few days, then we can say that the disease is receding.
  • The use of antiviral drugs (for example, Acyclovir).
  • Rashes on mucous membranes are treated with Furacilin or herbal infusions.

When treating a child at home, you need to carefully monitor the patient's hygiene, the cleanliness of toys and the room in which he is located. The room must be ventilated. The clothes of the baby should be spacious. To prevent scratching the wounds, you should put soft gloves on the hands of the newborn and cut his nails in time.

Possible Complications

If signs of chickenpox appear, you should consult a doctor (we recommend reading:). Treatment of the disease should take place under the supervision of a specialist. Failure to follow the recommendations of a pediatrician or untimely seeking medical help can lead to complications of chickenpox:

  • wound infection;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • the transition of chickenpox to the form of lichen (we recommend reading:);
  • the appearance of deep scars at the site of the rash;
  • meningitis;
  • violation of visual functions when the virus enters the cornea of ​​​​the eye;
  • bacterial infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • viral pneumonia;
  • brain damage;
  • purulent dermatitis;
  • skin necrosis (sepsis);
  • myocarditis;
  • the development of various infectious diseases against the background of reduced immunity.

In children under one year old, chickenpox occurs most often in severe form, but with proper treatment, complications occur very rarely.

Parents should remain calm and carefully look after the child. After the illness, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the immunity of the baby. It should be remembered that it is better to be ill in childhood than to become infected with the virus after 18 years.

Chickenpox is a familiar viral infection that mainly affects children. Often, chickenpox in childhood is mild and does not pose a threat to life and health. However, there are cases when the virus infects quite unintelligent kids. In this article, we will look at the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in infants.

As we have said, chickenpox is a viral infection. Therefore, the causative agent of the disease is a virus, the susceptibility of people to which is almost 100%. Can a baby get chickenpox? There are 2 ways to infect infants:

  • congenital infection. This happens when the mother is infected immediately before childbirth, a few days or weeks before. In such a combination of circumstances, a child is born with chickenpox and, as a rule, the disease proceeds in a severe form with a high probability of all kinds of complications of the disease. This is due to the fact that the mother’s body, when infected, has not yet had time to form immunity against the virus, therefore, the child has not received any antibodies to fight the infection. Approximately 30% of all cases of congenital chickenpox ended in the death of babies;
  • If there was contact with chickenpox in infants, then the child is highly likely to be infected. Given that the immune system of infants has not yet been formed, the disease often takes a severe form and can also lead to the development of complications;

Does it happen that chickenpox in crumbs passes easily? Yes, not always chickenpox in infants is a severe case. If a child gets chickenpox after an immunoglobulin injection, or during pregnancy, the baby received antibodies from the mother or with mother's milk while feeding, in such cases the infection can proceed very easily. So easy that you may not even notice that the child has been ill with something.

I suppose we have sorted out the question: “Can a baby have chickenpox?”. Next, consider what chickenpox looks like in infants.

During the latent period, the crumbs, as a rule, do not have any manifestations of the disease, that is, the infection is already in the body, but the level of virus concentration has not yet reached the required scale. The first symptoms appear in the final part of the latent period of the disease. It is generally accepted that the incubation period in children can last 7-21 days, with an average of two weeks. It depends on the functioning of the child's immune system. For example, with congenital immunodeficiency, the infection develops very rapidly.

How does chicken pox manifest itself? The first characteristic manifestation of infection is a high temperature, reaching a pair of 40 degrees. This is due to the strongest intoxication of the body with a virus and the appearance of temperature is quite natural. The temperature may be accompanied by weakness and malaise of the whole organism, headache, chills, fever, twitching of muscles and limbs, pain in muscles and joints. In this case, the child will cry and most likely refuse to eat.

At this stage, the diagnosis of the disease is possible only with the help of special laboratory tests for antibodies against the Varicella zoster virus (the name of the causative agent of chicken pox), but a day or two after the onset of fever, you will find a few reddish spots on the head or face of the baby.

The most characteristic sign of infection in infants, and in all people in general, is a rash. How does it start, photo? First, the rashes are localized, as a rule, in the area of ​​​​the head and face, they are several reddish pimples, no more than 1 centimeter in diameter. After a short period of time (maximum within a day), the rash turns into papules (small pimples filled with a clear liquid) and spreads almost all over the body, with the exception of the feet and palms. The rashes are very itchy, so the child will experience some discomfort. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to scratch or crush the rash, as this can provoke infection in the wounds, therefore, purulent complications from the skin are possible. In addition to the appearance of a rash on the body, there are frequent cases of rashes in the mouth area, on the mucous membrane. When a rash appears on the mucous membranes, the child experiences pain, which leads to refusal to eat.

The rash can stay on the body for 4-12 days, depending on the severity of the chickenpox. It should be noted that the rashes are wavy in nature, that is, the first elements of the rash begin to dry out and become covered with a brown crust already on the second day after the appearance. After that, a calm day may come, the temperature will drop a little, the child will feel better. Then a new wave of rashes will follow and everything will repeat in a circle. In the future, the entire rash will be covered with crusts. In no case should you peel off the crusts from the affected areas yourself, as they are a natural barrier to various kinds of bacteria. After 2-4 weeks, the crusts will fall off on their own and leave behind red-pink spots, which also pass by themselves without any medical intervention. If the disease proceeded without complications, then there will be no trace of the rash.

First of all, don't panic. Modern medicine provides treatment for even the most severe cases of infection, so the first step in the fight against chickenpox is to call a doctor at home. After examining a small patient, the doctor will give you a sick leave and write out recommendations for treatment. As a rule, the treatment of a mild form of chickenpox is done at home and is exclusively symptomatic. Treatment for severe chickenpox requires hospitalization with antibiotics (for purulent complications), antivirals (such as acyclovir), and immunoglobulin injections.

What you read below is provided as information, do not treat your child without consulting your doctor.

How to treat chickenpox in infants:

  • Put mittens on the crumbs' handles and carefully monitor the child's nails, cut them on time. This will reduce the risk of infection in the wound;
  • Any complementary foods should be excluded for the period of illness, only breast milk should be included in the child's diet. If the child refuses to eat, do not try to force feed him;
  • Be sure to increase fluid intake, as at high temperatures the body is dehydrated;
  • Ventilate the room more often, the room should not be stuffy and hot. You should beware of hypothermia, as this can lead to the development of pneumonia against the background of chickenpox;
  • At high temperatures, it is possible to use paracetamol-based antipyretics (rectal suppositories or syrups). Paracetamol for children can be used from 1 month of a child's life, however, with individual intolerance, severe allergic reactions are possible. In children under 2 months of age, paracetamol can cause an asthma attack. Antipyretics based on ibuprofen are not recommended, as this can provoke inflammation of the soft tissues.

Important! The use of acetylsalicylic acid in chickenpox is not possible. This is a jurisdictional case, since using this tool, you are 100% likely to kill your child. Moreover, aspirin is generally contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

  • Treatment of the rash with antiseptic aqueous and alcoholic solutions should be carried out 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. For this, the well-known "brilliant green" or "potassium permanganate" is suitable for everyone. Treatment should be done pointwise using cotton swabs, otherwise your actions may lead to the spread of infection to unaffected areas of the skin;

How long to process? Before the appearance of a characteristic crust on the rash.

  • To relieve itching, you can use anti-allergic and immunomodulatory ointments and gels (Fenistil gel, Infagel, Viferon). The use of these drugs is possible from 1 month of the baby's life, however, their use should be reasonable and not exceeding the daily allowance. Fenistil gel helps relieve itching, swelling and has an anesthetic effect. Infagel and Viferon are immunomodulators. Their use will reduce itching and reduce swelling, as well as promote faster healing of the rash. In addition, we add that these immunomodulators have an antiviral effect;

The use of these drugs should be started only after consultation with a specialist.

To relieve itching, baths with the addition of decoctions of sage, chamomile, and oak bark are very suitable. These herbs have antiseptic effects, relieve itching and help dry the rash. The water should not be hot or warm.

You can also use cool baths with the addition of table salt. The water will help bring down the temperature, and the salt will help dry out the rash and relieve itching. This procedure can be repeated every 4 hours.

  • If the rash is widespread and profuse, the doctor may recommend the use of Acyclovir ointment. This ointment has a directed action against herpes viruses of types 1, 2 and 3, and the chickenpox virus just belongs to type 3. In general, this ointment is very effective for chicken pox. Promotes faster healing of the rash;
  • To treat a rash on the mucous membranes, use sea buckthorn oil or Chlorophyllipt, and you can use Kalgel to relieve pain;

Komarovsky about chickenpox in infants

An experienced pediatrician, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, notes the frequency of severe chickenpox in infants. To avoid congenital chickenpox, he recommends delaying childbirth for several days and at the same time curing the expectant mother. As for the infection of chicken pox in babies, Evgeny Olegovich advises not to worry, since all this, today, is being treated.

Mothers of preschoolers, don't worry too much. As a rule, at this age, the disease is observed in a mild form, leaving behind lifelong immunity and a few small marks. But chickenpox in newborns, whose mothers have never encountered this virus, is not easy, often with serious consequences and death.

From this article you will learn

Can a baby get chickenpox

Mothers who have had the disease before pregnancy and breastfeeding the baby protect them from many ailments, giving them passive immunity. In this case, even if the child becomes infected, the disease will not leave serious complications.

When asked if a newborn can get chickenpox, pediatricians give a positive answer. Infant infection occurs in two ways: intrauterine and airborne.

Important! Dangers overtake the baby if his mother has never been vaccinated and has not had chickenpox.

  • When the virus enters the body of a woman who is expecting a child, first trimester in most cases, pregnancy ends tragically: a miscarriage occurs or the fetus freezes in the womb. If the fetus is preserved, embryofetopathy occurs - the defeat of the internal systems of the baby. Every fourth newborn dies immediately after birth.
  • In the second trimester chickenpox disease can provoke shingles in crumbs. Infection of a pregnant woman who has never suffered from this disease in the last three months leads to serious consequences. In a born baby, the internal organs are affected, and during the first 10-12 days from birth, every second baby dies.

Mothers who had chickenpox as children and were re-infected during pregnancy have babies born with signs of the disease. In this case, there is no threat to the life of the baby, since the mother's antibodies protect him by penetrating the placenta.

The high contagiousness of chickenpox is due to the fact that the virus easily enters the respiratory system by airborne droplets. Anyone can infect a newborn: a parent, an older brother or sister, a bystander.

How long the incubation period for chickenpox will last depends on the coherence of the immune system and the age of the baby. The stages before the development of the disease are divided into:

  1. First stage. Penetration and adaptation of the virus in the body of the baby.
  2. The phase of reproduction of pathogens.
  3. The cells of the virus enter the bloodstream, and the symptoms of chickenpox appear. The body begins to produce antibodies.

Depending on age, the incubation period lasts:

  • in adults and children of school age - up to 21 days;
  • preschoolers - 2 weeks;
  • aged 6 months to 1 year - 1 week;
  • in newborns - 5 nights.

In premature newborns, the first symptoms of the disease may appear on the day after infection.

What does the rash look like

The first days of chickenpox in babies are easy to confuse with a cold, but when a rash appears in the third stage of the disease, doubts disappear. Rashes are of the following types:

  • Roseola. They may look like uneven reddish spots of a small size.
  • Papules. Manifestations of chickenpox look like bumps without fluid inside.
  • Vesicles. Vesicles with watery contents.
  • Pustules. The blisters of the rash may contain blood or pus. After drying, crusts form.

Blisters with chickenpox are opened on the 3-5th day after formation, and dry up after about 10 days. The rash appears in waves: new blisters may appear every day or two. Usually there are 4-5 periods of exacerbations.

A complication of the disease is a bullous rash, or purulent chickenpox. If the disease is started, infection with staphylococci or streptococci occurs, scars remain for life.

A mild form of chickenpox flow is called rudimentary. In this case, the rash is pink, without debilitating itching. In severe cases, the rash covers not only the delicate skin of the baby, but also the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals and eyes.


Possible mild and severe form of the course of chickenpox. If the baby is sick in a mild form, the temperature may not rise, and the rash may be minor. The maximum concern will be the itching from the rash. In other cases, in addition to vesicles on the skin, chickenpox in infants occurs with the following symptoms:

  • The child is weak, naughty, turns away from food or does not take the breast. This affects intoxication.
  • There are pains in the abdomen, the baby cries and twists its legs.
  • There is a fever, the temperature is from 38 to 40 degrees.
  • In the area of ​​the fontanel pulsation.
  • In severe cases, convulsions and loss of consciousness occur.

If the symptoms of the disease are observed within 11 days of birth, chickenpox would be considered congenital. The baby has a fever and may vomit. There is either increased excitability or inactivity. Such symptoms last up to two days, after which a rash appears on the skin.

How to treat

When it comes to the health of a newborn or an infant up to a year old, precious hours should not be wasted and should be contact your pediatrician immediately. Treatment depends on how severe the chickenpox is. The doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • To reduce heat based paracetamol or ibuprofen, depending on age. A high temperature is brought down in a child with the help of suspensions or suppositories, it is important to observe the dosage: a two-month-old baby receives one volume and preparation, a three-month-old one - another. It is recommended to bring down the heat if the thermometer window shows above 37.9 degrees.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed in the form of drops inside or gel-like preparations, for example " Fenistil gel» to relieve itching. The entire surface of the skin cannot be treated, only large accumulations of bubbles are lubricated.
  • Despite the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky about the meaninglessness the use of brilliant green, many cauterize papules in order to quickly dry them and track a new wave of rashes. They are treated with antibiotic ointments.

  • With a rash on the oral mucosa, rinsing is prescribed chamomile decoction, furatsilina solution. The baby will not suffer from mouth ulcers if they are smeared with teething gels - they have the ability to relieve itching.
  • Sea buckthorn oil- it promotes rapid healing of vesicles. You can smear pustules with preparations based on zinc oxide.
  • « Acyclovir"- a drug against viruses.
  • As with any infectious disease, it is recommended frequent drinking.

Nothing should disturb the peace of the crumbs and mother.

Important! The severe form of chickenpox makes it mandatory to stay and treat in a medical hospital.

The duration of the disease is about 3 days with a mild course, in the case of a complicated form of the disease, chickenpox in infants lasts from 7-10 days after the first rash.


At risk are:

  • Children infected in utero. Chickenpox can cause fetal death at any time, as well as disturbances in the formation of internal systems and organs.
  • Formula-fed babies. In this case, a bacterial course of the disease may develop, which leads to complications such as pneumonia, meningitis.
  • Premature 7-month-old and 8-month-old babies. Since their immune system is not perfect, in most cases they get sick in a severe form.
  • Babies aged five months to one year old. Passive immunity, passed on during pregnancy and lactation, is reduced, and children begin to become infected and sick. In this case, hospitalization is necessary, as a false croup, or suffocation, may suddenly develop.
  • Newborns infected in utero other infections or viruses.

Chickenpox in infants up to a year in the case of a severe form is complicated by the transition of the rash to lichen, dysbacteriosis, heart dysfunction, and damage to the organs of vision.

What Not to Do

It is forbidden to self-medicate: to determine the disease from a photo from the Web, to give medications. The doctor should diagnose and decide how to treat the baby. Not recommended:

  • Leaving the arms of the baby open: the baby will scratch himself and introduce an infection into the wound. Monthly children wear knitted scratch mittens, older babies need to cut their nails short.
  • Dressing the child warmly: in clothes or in a hot room, it becomes difficult to endure itching.
  • Walk on the street with the baby or go to visit. Firstly, chickenpox is extremely contagious and the baby is a carrier of the infection, and secondly, it can lower an already weakened immune system.
  • Introduce food. The best food for a sick baby and baby up to six months of age is milk from the mother's breast.

Should you bathe your baby with chickenpox? Here the opinions of pediatricians are divided. Some believe that frequent bathing leads to a weakening of the immune system. Supporters of water procedures testify to a decrease in itching and an improvement in the well-being of the baby, especially if you add an infusion of string or a little soda to the bath where the sick baby is splashing.

Attention! The intake by an infant of drugs, which include aspirin, greatly complicates the course of the disease and leads to serious consequences.

The best way to prevent chickenpox in newborns is to acquire maternal immunity. Having decided to give birth, it is advisable to donate blood to detect antibodies and, if necessary, be vaccinated. It is better for women in position not to go to places where people gather in groups, to avoid communicating with children, to take walks in parks or squares.

There are also special children's vaccines. You can be vaccinated when the child reaches the age of 10-12 months.

Another way to protect your baby is to prolong breastfeeding (breastfeeding) to a year or two. This will protect against many infections, and in case of illness, the baby will be able to endure pain more easily. At home, you need to observe hygiene conditions, open the window more often so that the room where the baby spends time is ventilated.

After the disease is over, the herpes virus - namely, it causes chickenpox - will remain with a person for life. This is a kind of indicator of health: as long as the immune system works perfectly, the manifestations of the virus will be contained by it.

But with the weakening of vitality, chickenpox can again remind of itself with painful rashes. Therefore, immunity must be maintained at any age.

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