Menstruation began on Sunday. Menstrual signs that differ from life circumstances and the start date of the cycle

Popular superstitions and various divination even touched upon the sphere of female existence associated with monthly bleeding. It is impossible to confirm the authenticity of the signs, but the experience of women shows that some natural connections still exist. Signs for menstruation are tied to numerous factors that are best taken into account in combination.

Time of day and start of period

The time of day at which menstruation began can not only warn of upcoming events, but also predict the peculiarity of the whole week:

Early in the morning

The period from 5 to 10 am is best moment to start critical days. For married women, the prediction promises an improvement in family relationships. Free girls should prepare for the long-awaited meeting with the right person.

After 10.00

Menstruation at this time (before one in the afternoon) can bring pleasant changes in life. Something global is unlikely to happen, but minor joys are quite possible (promotion at work, successful purchases, etc.).

From lunch to evening

This period of time is associated with boredom. A person will go with the flow, changes are unlikely. A woman will have to reconsider her life, relax mentally and physically. It is also necessary to minimize negativity.

At night

Monthly bleeding from 9 pm to 5 am predicts separation, minor losses. But you don’t need to get upset, because such a hint will give you a chance to part with bad habits and unpleasant baggage from the past.

All these signs at the beginning of menstruation should not be misleading or encouraging. It is also important to consider the date and day of the week.

Day of the week

Signs about menstruation on the days of the week are associated with the planets and their influence on people's lives:


Time under the auspices of the moon, to which people attribute troubles and difficulties. In fact, the beginning of the menstrual cycle on this day, although it indicates difficulties, but they will serve as the basis for future success.


Fiery and warlike Mars loves risky and stubborn people. Therefore, periods may indicate the need to work harder to achieve your goals at work and in your personal life.


Fatal Mercury against the background of the first day of menstrual flow predicts trouble and fuss. The main danger is mean people who are looking for only benefits in a relationship.


Jupiter promises a lot of interesting communication with a wide variety of people. The start of menstruation on this day of the week increases the chances of exciting invitations or the appearance of acquaintances in the house of the woman herself.


Menstruation, which fell under the protection of Venus, will mark positive changes and good news. But only on condition that a woman will make at least a little effort.


Menstruation, which fell under the auspices of Saturn, will bring the girl happiness and a lot of pleasant events. Any difficulties will be resolved quickly and without difficulty.


After monthly bleeding on the day of the Sun, a woman should expect warmth and joy in her home. It is not excluded the solution of old problems.

Connection with the lunar calendar

If some prefer to study signs by monthly dates and days, then others take into account the phase of the moon. The female cycle is inextricably linked with the Earth's satellite:

  • New moon. If at this time menstruation began, then it is necessary to abandon active actions. The most common decline vitality and apathy.
  • Full moon. The first day of menstruation is easier to bear, hormonal surges are less noticeable. But each girl individually experiences this period, so reverse situations (bad mood) are not excluded.

It must be remembered that such an influence factor is temporary. The next month cannot be completely dependent on the phase of the moon and its effect on the body.

Some superstitions

When menstruation came, signs say that a woman should not:

  • bleach clothes;
  • borrow money, loans;
  • visit a hairdresser
  • acquire any value;
  • and to the church.

AT old days female half The population was forbidden even more during bleeding, including cooking.

Signs about relationships and the future

If menstruation begins on even numbers, then the chosen one loves the girl. In the opposite situation, the second half either does not have such feelings at all, or wants to terminate the complex union.

Fortunetellers say that it is best to make a prediction by the moon. Menstruation for the growing month and the full moon are most favorable. And the waning month promises a lot of trouble and difficulties.

In the comments, the opinion of users was divided. But most of reviews confirms that it is possible to tell fortunes by monthly, but forecasts are not always accurate.
Whatever days menstruation begins, you need to take care of your health. It is important to exclude feelings and stressful situations. At this time, the body is least protected. Therefore, bad predictions program a woman in advance for misfortune and disappointment. Therefore, fortune-telling and signs should be treated critically, not allowing unpleasant information to spoil the whole next month.

Ancient cultures gave mystical meaning everything in the world, and certainly not bypassed female physiology:
thanks to it, the human race continues, what could be more significant from the point of view of people who are familiar with the extinction of entire tribes firsthand? Modern people inherited numerous prohibitions, superstitions and signs of menstruation.

Signs at the beginning of the difficult days of the month predict good or bad luck for the woman herself, while all kinds of prohibitions (it is considered a bad omen to do this or that when “aunty arrived”), as it was believed, relate to the well-being of others.

Those who do not want to cook or bathe a child when their stomach hurts can refer to signs if this argument is stronger for the family than feeling unwell.

The first day of menstruation is the day when the blood began to flow. It is easy to track, so there will be no problems with determining the time. Moreover, a woman usually begins to feel in a special way a few days before the “pleasant” event.

If signs by the number of the month, day of the week and time of day promise you the same thing - it will definitely come true! Opposite predictions do not neutralize each other, but hint that the indicated will happen one after the other.

Notes by day of the month

  1. They are waiting for you happiness and luck in business.
  2. you someone disappoint or anger.
  3. Possible quarreling and difficult showdowns. Here we must remember that it is not your duty to extinguish conflicts. Let them rage, it's good for relationships.
  4. Joy and fun will be your companions.
  5. it to gifts! From relatives, friends - or from fate itself.
  6. Gossip. Their consequences may not be catastrophic, but still unpleasant.
  7. Coming problems in love relationships.
  8. portend jealousy, and not yours, but from the side of the passion. It's time to put the forever suspecting partner in place!
  9. Within a month you will have to overcome Problems.
  10. good luck in love affairs . A pleasant meeting is possible, which will flow into, or a new round of existing relationships.
  11. Loyalty dear will be with you.
  12. A new acquaintance who may soon be new lover. True, not necessarily good.
  13. To difficulties and problems at work and at home.
  14. Fate has prepared for you happiness!
  15. Soon you will be overtaken bad news.
  16. People around you will be especially sensitive to what you say, this can lead to strife.
  17. To separation with a partner.
  18. will appear new love - or the old will be reborn with the same strength.
  19. will overtake you love feeling . Unfortunately, it may not be happy.
  20. Again about love - but this time unrequited.
  21. To deceit from relatives. Healthy suspicion never hurt anyone!
  22. To financial luck, profit, cash receipts. The best day!
  23. Offers pleasant surprises.
  24. A big event is just around the corner holiday.
  25. will take place meeting a nice person.
  26. To support and understanding from friends and acquaintances.
  27. Even the most daring plans are going to be successful. It's time to act!
  28. To a small cash gain. Most the end of the month.
  29. You are threatened difficulties and poor physical and mental health.
  30. Strong friendship or happy love will come into your life.
  31. Fate again prepared a pleasant surprise, good luck and joy.

Notes by day of the week

  • Monday. The beginning of menstruation on this day promises a lot of worries, troublesome affairs and little free time.
  • Tuesday. It's time to take on update: no matter whether plans, habits, change of partner or place of work. Everything will work out, and the purchased new things will serve you for a long time and faithfully.
  • Wednesday. You need to be on your guard, because you are waiting for meanness from the side of a close or hatted acquaintance, and even things: the sole torn off the boot - why not meanness?
  • Thursday. Menstruation that began on this day portends guests.
  • Friday. Signs promise news, and it is not clear whether they are good or bad.
  • Saturday. predicts good luck in business. Everything will turn out for the best!
  • Sunday. The signs speak of joy, happiness and good health.

Notes by time of day

  • If your period started in the morning, you are expected love, a good relationship with a partner and other luck in romance and family ties.
  • Menstruation overtook in the afternoon - to joy. The whole next month will give you reasons for fun.
  • Evening - on the contrary, to bad mood, boredom, sadness and trouble.
  • Menstruation that began at night portends separation and loneliness. Often this is a good omen: one is much better than with some partners.

Prohibitions on the days of menstruation

Our forefathers saw a woman as strange, "not like that" all year round, and only when her feminine nature showed itself so
vividly, as during menstruation or childbirth, alertness increased tenfold.

They did not allow a woman to do many jobs on the “red days of the calendar”, fearing, of course, not for women Health(it did not bother anyone, pregnant women, for example, worked in the field until the very birth, and sometimes gave birth there), but for valuable resources that supposedly could deteriorate.

So, what can a woman, from the point of view of old beliefs, not do from the beginning to the end of menstruation?

  1. Go to church and take the sacrament. This is from the same opera that “they don’t let you in without a headscarf” and “the Bible says that women in church should be silent.” If the prohibition to enter the temple can still be explained by the fact that it is unacceptable to shed blood inside, then the rule is to abstain from communion on the days “ female impurity”- a direct recognition that everyone is equal before God, but not quite.
  2. Look at naked people. The sign says that the one whom a menstruating woman sees naked will get sick skin diseases. Bathing your own children also falls under this rule.
  3. Slaughter livestock and poultry. Otherwise, according to the sign, the blood will flow for a whole month.
  4. Watering vegetables and picking fruits. Cucumbers allegedly turned yellow and rotted, fruits deteriorated. They sought to remove an “unclean” woman from any business with food.
  5. Cooking, kneading dough and baking bread, and also to be near the barrels, where wine ferments, cabbage is fermented and vinegar is stored. And again - away from food.
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Many women are superstitious and everyone is trying to find an explanation for sometimes ordinary things. But sometimes there are some patterns in what is happening, so it is useful to listen to this and take into account, for example, folk signs for menstruation. How can future events be predicted by the onset of menstruation: day of the week, month, time of day, etc.?

Read in this article

Notes by time of day

It is interesting, but from what time of day menstruation began, one can judge the upcoming day and even the near future.

Morning - best period, but the closer to evening, the more tears and troubles the coming weekdays can bring.

The following connections can be distinguished:

  • From 5 am to 10 am. This is the most favorable time to start critical days. A similar situation portends love: in the family, if a woman is married; with close relatives, even friends. If the girl is not yet married and does not have a permanent relationship, the chances of a “good acquaintance” increase. And if she is waiting for a marriage proposal, it may sound at this time.
  • From 10 to 13 days. It is also still favorable period to start menstruation. But degree positive emotions and love will be a little less in the next month. However, you can still expect a lot of kindness, warmth and understanding from loved ones.
  • From 13 to 21 days. If menstruation began at this time, you can expect only boredom and a dull mood from the coming month. A lot of things can go wrong. Mutual understanding with loved ones will also be less than usual.
  • From 21 to 5 am. This is the least favorable period of all. If menstruation suddenly comes at this time, you should be prepared for separation, various misunderstandings can also arise both in your family and with people who are close in spirit. Better be ready for this kind change and perceive them calmly, without harm to their own health.

What does the day of the week tell you

If you delve even more into fortune-telling by menstruation, you can find folk signs that indicate future events on the day of the week on which menstruation began. The following regularities can be imagined:

  • Monday. The beginning of menstruation on this day portends a lot of trouble this month. Moreover, they can arise both for reasons understandable to a woman, and they can be completely unrelated to recent events. But the chores will not always speak of something bad, often these are pleasant worries, for example, preparation for some kind of celebration or event.
  • Tuesday. If it coincides with the first day of menstruation, then in the near future the girl should be ready to hesitate every now and then and make various decisions that can have a significant impact on her future life. Also, the beginning of menstruation on this day may portend an unexpected meeting with good old friends.
  • Wednesday is one of bad days to start menses. This period will bring fuss, problems that you will have to solve on your own. In the coming month, it is better to beware of suspicious people, as well as those who have already set up or did not help in difficult situation. This does not mean at all that you need to sit at home and not communicate, as usual. Just do not be naive, gullible and overly responsive.
  • Thursday. The beginning of menstruation on this day will bring a lot of communication with friends and not so people. In most cases, you should expect a woman to be invited to some interesting event. And also there is a high probability that the guests will suddenly appear, and even if this evening will be pleasant or not, it mainly depends on the hostess.
  • Friday portends some kind of news, they may be good or not very good. Often they are related to work or family. In any case, it is these upcoming events that will affect the life of a woman in the coming month.
  • Saturday is one of the most favorable days for the start of menstruation. Those whose “event” coincided with it are waiting for joy, fun, and problems, if any, will be solved on their own, they will not have to be given much attention.
  • Sunday is also a good time to start critical days. It is associated with warmth, kindness, joy, success, fulfillment of desires. You can also expect that it is this month that many problems with loved ones and close people will be resolved.

Watch the video about fortune-telling by menstruation:

Signs by the date of the onset of menstruation

Folk signs about menstruation are also associated with the dates when they begin. You can represent this as follows, dividing by the days of the month:

  • 1 - this is good time for the beginning of menstruation, since the entire period for 28 - 30 days promises to be joyful and full of pleasant events.
  • 2 - this date portends some disappointment in a loved one or in someone a woman was counting on. This will happen in view of recent events, which will bring to light the one who has been disguised for a long time and tried to create a good impression.
  • 3 - if the first day of menstruation coincides with this date, there is a high probability of a quarrel with relatives, friends or colleagues. Most likely it cannot be avoided, but it is better to behave with dignity and not give a reason to lose your status.
  • 4 - this number is associated with the fulfillment of desires, perhaps, which the woman has already forgotten about. In any case, the upcoming month promises to surprise with something pleasant.
  • 5 - menstruation on this day is associated with a pleasant surprise, perhaps a gift, which, most likely, will be presented by a loved one or close person. In any case, these are the best moments of this month.
  • 6 - this is a mystical figure, therefore the beginning of menstruation on this day usually does not bring anything good. There is a high probability that a woman will find out about some rumors and gossip about her. In most cases, this is just envy and unfriendly attitude of "friends" and colleagues who want to occupy the same position in society.
  • 7 - Menstruation on this day is evidence that someone sincerely loves this woman and is ready to go to great lengths for her. It is important not to offend and reciprocate if possible, because this rarely happens.
  • 8 - this date is associated with such feelings as jealousy, betrayal. Perhaps now it will not be possible to find out about this, but everything secret once becomes clear. The reason for jealousy in most cases is brought by close people and those whom a woman trusts most of all.
  • 9 - this date portends troubles associated with the second half. Perhaps this rival is trying to unravel a slightly cracked relationship, and perhaps the woman herself is the cause of a number of failures. But in any case, it is better to take all the news calmly and with a "cold head", then it will be possible to solve them with the most favorable outcome.
  • 10 - the beginning of menstruation on this day portends love. It can be both a new relationship and a surge of emotions with your spouse. The reason for this may be obvious - a trip on vacation, a pleasant long-awaited surprise, but there may also be no explanation for this.
  • 11 - if critical days fell on this particular number, then, most likely, in the next months there will be reasons to suspect your loved one of infidelity. But in most cases, all this is far-fetched or is the result of a combination of circumstances.
  • 12 - if the beginning of menstruation falls on this date, then, most likely, next month a woman will meet a person for whom she will show great sympathy. But this will only be a temporary hobby, so you should remember this, not counting on something big.

  • 13
    - if you turn to folk signs and find out what menstruation comes to at this time, you can find out the following. This "mythical date" brings with it a series of failures and disappointments. But this cannot be avoided, but you can change your attitude to what is happening. This is the only way to bring minimal damage to your health.
  • 14 - the beginning of menstruation on this day of the month will bring a lot of positive emotions, good news. The main thing is that "the head is not blown away."
  • 15 - but this figure will bring bad news related to health, family, business or something else important for a woman.
  • 16 - if menstruation began on this day, then next month you should refrain from "sharp phrases", gossip, and even just discussions of other people. All this can have a completely negative impact on the reputation of a woman.
  • 17 - this date will bring separation from that person whom you would not want to let go. It will not necessarily be a man, because mothers, sisters, and brothers are sometimes so lacking.
  • 18 - this day simply names a wave of love and positive emotions for a woman. But in order not to be greatly disappointed in the future, one should consider whether these feelings are real or still a fleeting hobby.
  • 19 - but this figure will bring true love without a drop of doubt, it remains only to plunge into it headlong.
  • 20 - this date portends a long and, with a high probability, permanent separation from a loved one. Sometimes it's too late to think, it remains only to "reap the fruits" of their actions.
  • 21 - the beginning of menstruation at this time, as it were, warns a woman about possible troubles that may happen in the future. These are thefts, and simply deceit, fraud, etc. In any case, it is better to be extremely vigilant at this time.
  • 22 - Provides financial incentives. Maybe it's the prize you've been waiting for, winning the lottery a good buy etc. Undoubtedly, it is worth waiting for the pleasant events of the coming month.
  • 23 - a good day that will bring positive emotions, feelings of happiness and peace for another whole month.
  • 24 - if menstruation began on that day, then unexpected guests can't be avoided. There is only one way out - to make everyone have fun.
  • 25 - this date will bring many new acquaintances with people who can radically change the worldview of a woman.
  • 26 - this day warns that help may be needed for a short time. Therefore, it would be nice to look after a "reliable shoulder".
  • 27 - with this number, all dreams come true, it remains only to think more about all sorts of amenities.
  • 28 - over the next month, there is a high probability of meeting a person who, like no one else, will understand all life circumstances and troubles, give advice and even suggest a way out of some situations.
  • 29 - if the first day of menstruation coincides with this number, you can already prepare for something very offensive, leading to tears. Perhaps this will seem petty to someone, but at that moment it will be impossible to react differently.
  • 30 - this day promises a fateful meeting. Perhaps this will be the only one that a woman has long dreamed of.
  • 31 - the date portends some unexpected circumstances, events, actions. They may not always be positive, sometimes it can be a shame for something thoughtless.

As you can see, there are a large number of connections between the monthly cycle and folk signs. In order to get the most reliable data, it is best to compare the results. And if they are contradictory or even completely opposite, this only means that the month will be very full of impressions and events.

Once upon a time, everything related to menstruation was considered somehow otherworldly. On critical days, women were considered dangerous, endowed with a special, otherworldly power, evil spirits. Therefore, it is not surprising that signs for menstruation are considered the right way predict fate.

Intuition is an accurate barometer. During the period of menstruation, women's feelings become sharper and more sensitive.

Since ancient times, women have known how to predict the future for a month by menstruation. There are three options that are popular today (by hours (time of day), days and date) to tell fortunes by monthly.

It is up to you to believe the signs of menstruation or not, but still, if a woman decides to tell fortunes at the beginning of menstruation, some rules should be followed.

It is also important to follow some rules:

  • you can make a prediction only for the coming month;
  • to make the result more accurate, it is recommended to use several methods at once;
  • You can guess only once a month, on the first day of the start of the discharge;
  • if a woman foresaw something well for herself, it is categorically impossible to tell anyone about it, bad thoughts and forces will help prevent this.

Observing such simple rules, a woman can get an accurate result.

The time when menstruation begins is also very important in order to draw up, so to speak, a “horoscope for menstruation”. A woman can find out what awaits her during the monthly cycle before the onset of menstruation.

Signs for menstruation are also deciphered based on the time of day.

Consider the signs for menstruation, depending on what time of day menstruation began:

  • The bleeding started early in the morning, means love and light. Love can be completely different for a husband, child, parents, or just close friends. But strong, understanding relationships with your family are guaranteed this month.
  • The beginning of menstruation fell on the lunch time of the day from 10-13 o'clock in the afternoon. Such a sign suggests that the month brings joy and inspiration. This indicates that the woman will not be sad all month.
  • Menstruation began in the evening from 17-21 hours- it promises boredom, despondency and tears. Remember women, the later the discharge begins, the sadder the current month will be.
  • Night bleeding brings separation. A woman should be prepared for the fact that for some time she will be alone.

Signs by menstruation: what day of the week

You can also prophesy fate by learning on what day of the week menstruation will begin. Such fortune-telling will be effective and accurate if combined with the above method.

Each number has its own magical properties and you can determine the future.

Depending on what date menstruation began, the whole next cycle a woman can expect good or bad events. What is waiting for you?

Let's try to interpret the meaning of the days of the week from the beginning of bleeding:

  • Monday- hard day. Always indicates trouble and anxiety. How exactly the days turn out depends no longer on bleeding. Monday is the day of the week that can bring an expensive present from a person dear to you. The hero of the occasion should decide what to do with him.
  • Tuesday- the beginning on this day of the week, says that a woman is waiting for an unexpected meeting with a man whom she has not seen for a long time and did not communicate with him. It is also possible that meeting this person will change your life dramatically. Life changes are possible.
  • Wednesday- an unpleasant day. Rely only on yourself, be more vigilant and do not trust strangers.
  • Thursday indicates that a woman can prepare to meet guests. But what character and mood these gatherings will have depends only on the woman.
  • Friday. The beginning of menstruation on Friday is news. What will be the news is impossible to know. The main thing is patience.
  • Saturday- the most suitable day for the beginning of menstruation. All dreams and desires will surely come true, you need to believe in it.
  • Sunday. The beginning of menstruation on Sunday promises joy and fun. He says that a woman will spend a month joyfully with a smile on her lips.

What will the number of the month tell?

Number is magic, so where would we be without their help. They are also considered an important indicator for menstruation.

Let's reveal all the secrets that the number can tell about:

    1. good event, euphoria, stimulus, joy;
    2. disappointment, neglect;
    3. conflict, litter, enmity;
    4. desires to be fulfilled, joy and fun;
    5. expensive, romantic and pleasant gift from the betrothed;
    6. slander, gossip and filth;
    7. pure, sincere and true love;
    8. jealousy;

  1. there will be people who want to spoil you love relationship;
  2. love;
  3. a woman can be confident in her loved one;
  4. probably will, you can meet love;
  5. difficulties;
  6. good news;
  7. expect a "knife in the back" from a loved one or girlfriend;
  8. on this day, the female tongue is her enemy, keep it behind your teeth;
  9. short separation from a loved one;
  10. true love will come to you;
  11. seventh heaven from happiness;
  12. unrequited love;
  13. deception;
  14. financial well-being;
  15. happiness, joyful events;
  16. big celebration with guests;
  17. fateful acquaintance;
  18. meeting a reliable friend;
  19. the number carries the fulfillment of desires that a person will affect;
  20. silence on the love front, but finances and career will grow;
  21. tears, grief;
  22. the number promises a love relationship that will be long-term;
  23. a trip, a journey that will be spontaneous.

Other signs during menstruation

There are a large number of the most relevant signs we have considered. But there are still other signs of menstruation and various zabobons that are not associated with their onset.

The time of day and the specific day of the week will not only help predict the future, but will also affect health, life aspects, hygiene, etc.

So, what else can not be done during menstruation, what are the zabobons:

  • You can not swim in the river and go to the church.
  • During menstruation, women should not cook and do household chores.
  • It is forbidden to plant herbs, plants, etc.
  • If the bleeding went to day important event- weddings, this meant that the children of the spouses would have a hard life, while you need to read a special conspiracy.
  • If menstruation went to the full moon, this indicates that the woman is a witch. She was forbidden to look at cattle and people.
  • A woman whose menstruation was considered a guardian of the house from fire. She had to run 3 times around the burning house.
  • Menstrual blood was sprinkled on the house to protect it.

By lunar days experienced women who know on which days the result will be accurate are guessing. On the 29th, 26th, 23rd, 19th, 14th, 13th, 12th and 1st - these are the days on which fortune-telling is meaningless. If you fell on other days, then you can be sure of their accuracy.

Decide to believe in signs for menstruation or not for the woman herself. No matter how each of us is the creator of our own destiny, you must always think and believe only in the good, then all troubles will bypass you.

Our ancestors were constantly gnawed by anxiety about tomorrow. Wars, robbers, wild animals, pestilence and the loss of livestock made life dangerous and unpredictable; almost every new day threatened to be a turning point, to destroy or plunge into poverty. Therefore, they tried to interpret any significant event as a warning, intensely wondering: what is it for? What does it promise? The appearance of menstruation seemed painfully mysterious to the ancestors, in order to attribute everything to a boring physiological feature female body.

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Folk signs on the time of the beginning of "critical days"

  • The beginning of menstruation, which fell in the morning hours, was considered a good sign and a sign of joy. This is explained simply: in the morning the sun rises, the rays of which drive away the night evil spirits, a new day begins and everything that is alive and pure awakens to life. Naturally, any event that happened at this time automatically fell into the category of favorable ones. Except Have a good mood, signs promised a new romantic hobby, a meeting with beloved relatives, or warm communication with a pleasant companion.
  • The time from noon to evening is neutral - it does not bring great joy, but it does not predict disasters either. Life will flow smoothly, calmly, in harmony with loved ones and without strife with neighbors. However, there is still a chance of minor troubles, so you should carefully listen to your intuition before making decisions.
  • Evenings, especially long and winter ones, were a rather dull time for our ancestors. The day's work is done, going to bed early, and all the entertainment - spinning, singing and annoying conversations with family or friends, because the peasant women did not know either books or TV. Therefore, belief did not indulge in a good prediction: the whole next month the woman had to be sad and languish with boredom.
  • Night darkness often inspires fear even in people with strong nerves. And menstruation, which fell on this gloomy time, carried the hostess bad news about separation from her beloved and loneliness. However, it does not have to become protracted and painful! You may have to go to another city for a few days or go through an emergency in the service, during which there will simply be no strength left for communication. Nevermind! In any case, after a month, the prediction will completely lose its validity.

If the “critical days” fell on the night of the full moon, the woman could well be suspected of a fortune teller and began to look at her with apprehension. Yes, and the very victim of superstitions had to look less at other people and cattle: the hour is not even, he will jinx it!

What day of the week is the beginning of menstruation

The attraction is also a kind of shake-up. But pleasant!

The hour of the beginning of menstruation is one thing, and the day is another. Those who wanted more accurate predictions checked the calendar: is it not a happy Saturday today or, according to at least, Thursday?

  • Monday. It is not known whether the proverb about “Monday is a hard day” was familiar to our ancestors, but it certainly did not cause delight even in the old days. A series of routine tasks, from which it was possible to distract so well on the weekend, seemed twice as difficult, the mood was somewhere in the underground area, and the signs did not please with good predictions. The young ladies, who managed to meet the onset of menstruation on the first day of the week, faced worries, worries and nervous shaking. True, there was a chance that the promised chores would be pleasant. For example, preparing for a wedding or a trip to a fair - why not joy?
  • Tuesday is the time for new beginnings. We decided to change our lives, it's time to turn our plans into reality. There is a chance to meet, do not refuse. And any purchase or new thing made during this period should be a successful acquisition.
  • Wednesday is one of the tricky days. Twenty times double-check any offer that comes to you this month, and do not rush to open your soul to new friends. Give yourself time to get to know them better.
  • Thursday is associated with a rich feast and fellowship. Either you will be invited somewhere, or you yourself will welcome guests in your house. But no matter how circumstances turn, for you they develop in a favorable way.
  • Friday predicts a month generous with a variety of incidents. One bad thing: they can be both happy and unpleasant. What will definitely not happen is boredom.
  • Saturday. Great omen, no matter how you look at it! And a wedding, and an engagement, and a declaration of love for those who have not yet acquired an admirer - all this is prophesied by menstruation, which reminded of itself on a day off. And if a worthy person is on your life path until you meet, take a moment and make a wish. They say it will definitely come true.
  • Sunday prediction is nebulous. There is no doubt that good events await you this month. But what they will be connected with is a mystery. The more interesting it is to wait!

By the date on which the menstrual cycle began

And that is not all! In order not to overlook the events of the future, the beginning of menstruation was associated not only with the hour and day of the week, but also with the number. And then they tried to combine the resulting predictions:

  • Do all three match? The probability of execution increases many times.
  • Are you promised different but not mutually exclusive events? This means that this, and the other, and the third can happen.
  • Got exactly the opposite predictions? Contrary to the strict laws of mathematics, "plus" by "minus" will add up to zero, and no special changes will happen this month. Or the promised events will happen one after the other within 30 days.

For those who know how to enjoy life, "critical days" are not a hindrance

1 - there is a wide light strip ahead, on which you will succeed in any conceived projects.

2 - someone will cause negative feelings in you.

3 - discord and squabbles are on the heels! It is important not to allow yourself to be provoked into a showdown, as the consequences threaten to be extremely difficult. And if the number fell on Wednesday or Friday, there is a risk of “totally” quarreling with loved ones because of sheer nonsense.

4 - you are "threatened" with joy and a good pastime.

5 - expect a nice present from friends. Perhaps from life itself! Let's say a lottery ticket randomly bought at a bus stop turns out to be a winning one. Or a person will appear, the connection with which has long been lost. Or you will be unexpectedly approved for a new prestigious position.

6 - life will be complicated by human gossip. And here it is best to correlate the prediction with the day of the week. For example, menstruation, which came on a difficult and problem-rich Monday, can mean dirty gossip that will be spread about you and your loved ones, and on a frivolous Thursday, empty and gentle "scratching tongues" at gatherings.

7 - you should pay attention to the needs of your soulmate, or wait for problems in the relationship. Especially if menstruation began at night, in the hour of longing and loneliness.

8 - the number of jealous people who are inclined to see vile betrayal in every carelessly thrown word. The morning hour and days off mean a slight prick of jealousy, after which your feelings will only jump with new force. Evening, especially falling on one of bad days, means risk of rupture. Don't provoke your pet Othello.

9 - problems and difficult decisions that you have to make all month. However, if the number fell on a favorable day of the week, there is nothing to be afraid of. Difficulties come and go.

10 - luck in love. If you already have a partner, fortune telling predicts that the relationship will develop easily and smoothly. If not, a new feeling is about to come.

11 - this day symbolizes fidelity. Business partners they don’t let you down, friends and relatives are ready to lend a shoulder at any moment, and a loved one looks only at you, ignoring unlucky rivals.

12 - a new hobby. On a good day and hour, a sign means a slight surge of feelings, which will soon pass, leaving behind pleasant memories. And in a bad one, he predicts: passion will turn your head so much that you will allow an unworthy person to seduce yourself. Do not rush into the pool with your head, take a closer look at the admirer.

13 - it is easy to guess that this number of pleasant events does not promise. Continuous turmoil is not in one, so in another area of ​​life.

Check your mail - is there a letter there?

14 - lead from afar with a bold "+" sign. Something good is ahead!

15 - ... and vice versa. There will be news, but they are unlikely to please you.

16 - keep your mouth shut. One careless word that escapes your lips can destroy a long-standing friendship, love or affection. Especially if the date falls on Monday, Wednesday or Friday!

17 - parting. If menstruation began in the morning, the separation will be temporary. An unsuccessful hour prophesies a serious misunderstanding in a relationship: be careful that they do not destroy your union! But if the "critical days" fell on Saturday or Sunday, parting may be a harbinger of great change. For example, you both plunge into business to earn money for the upcoming wedding.

18 - a good combination of circumstances will make your personal life take a sharp turn towards happiness.

19 - love, passionate and mutual.

20 - alas, your feelings will remain unanswered. Maybe the one you like is not really what you need?

21 - deceit and betrayal. Double your caution, especially if that day falls on a Wednesday. Keep a tight grip on your purse on the subway, don't open the door to strangers, and don't make deals until you've read the text of the contract down to the smallest print.

22 - financial success. But he is unlikely to be associated with fast ways enrichment, casino and lottery. But if you have been cherishing in your soul for a long time new project, are thinking of upgrading your skills or are going to ask your boss for a raise in spirit, do it now.

23 - success, joy and general rejoicing! That's the only way to describe this day. Feel free to go forward in life and achieve your goals, luck favors you.

24 - unexpected but pleasant visits.

25 - meetings with interesting people and new, promising acquaintances. Both romantic and friendly. And even business.

26 - Tense times await you, but friends will always be there to provide support in case of need.

27 - there is a high probability of the implementation of plans and hopes that you have been considering for a long time and reverently. If the day falls on Saturday, it is better not to waste time, but to immediately begin to act.

28 - no significant changes are expected, but new financial receipts in your wallet are possible.

29 is a difficult date. On bad days, it promises adversity, on good days - a decline in strength and mood. Don't give in!

30 - a new friendship or love will be struck up with a worthy person.

31 - soon something very good will enter your life.

In addition to the usual "solar" calendar, it would be nice to check with the lunar one. It is believed that predictions made on the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th days of the night star are not very accurate and do not need to be trusted.

What superstitions can not do during menstruation

Even looking at a cherry meant risking the future harvest!

In Russia, a woman during menstruation was tried to be removed from most household chores. The “bleeding” young lady was supposed to spend time in the female half, for unhurried and not too significant work for the well-being of the family, and it was undesirable to even communicate with her without urgent need. But not because the lady was considered unclean, as they came up with later! The Slavs believed: during menstruation, a special, incredibly powerful energy which may cause harm to third parties. Especially the representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, the lady herself these days was considered less protected from attacks. evil spirits therefore had to be extra careful. Funny? And look at this belief modern look backed up by science and medicine! It turns out that the wise ancestors did the right thing, giving their friends the opportunity to relax during this difficult period.

  • And young girls, and married women were strictly forbidden to climb trees for fruit and work in the garden, so that the fruits would not dry out and rot from an unknown force raging in the young ladies. Agree, as long as everything is reasonable: physical exercise with pain in the abdomen are contraindicated.
  • It was not worth taking on the preparation of food; it still tastes bad. Which is also due physiological reasons: on the one hand - absent-mindedness and fatigue, on the other hand - a change in taste sensations that women sometimes notice during menstruation.
  • It was impossible to cut chickens and cattle - the blood would not stop for a whole month. The promised consequences, of course, now cause a smile. But in general, the ban is correct. Why put yourself under extra stress?
  • It was not worth kneading the dough, baking bread and appearing next to a barrel in which wine is fermenting or vinegar is stored: everything will go rancid, run out of steam and deteriorate. Here, as they say, no comment. pure water superstition.
  • The prohibition to look at a naked person can also be attributed to superstition. It was believed that the skin of the one on whom the gaze of a woman falls during menstruation will be covered with ulcers and rashes. However, it may turn out that this is how the ancestors tried to justify the ban on intimate relationships at the wrong time. And only later it spread to the whole family as a whole: for example, a woman tried to entrust even bathing a child to someone else, less “dangerous”.
  • With the advent of Christianity in Russia, one more prohibition was added to the numerous prohibitions - to attend church. And again, this is not at all connected with the alleged “impurity” of the young lady, but with the general prohibition to shed blood in the temple, regardless of its origin. Ideally, even if you cut your finger on the edge of the candle holder, you should try to get outside as soon as possible. And even more so, a woman should not be present in the church in the midst of “critical days”.

With a rather careful attitude towards the girl during menstruation, the ancestors invented a very strange way to save her from malaise. The mother or another married woman, who herself at that time "did not bleed", had to seize the moment and unexpectedly give the young lady a resounding slap in the face. It was believed that the pain should immediately subside, and the state of health would improve ... Oh, and our ancestors got it from such a “treatment”!

Of course not to use mysterious power, which boils around a relative, it would be an irreparable omission for the ancestors! monthly blood greased the threshold of the house to protect the family from illness and accidents. She sprinkled cattle - from the evil eye. And if a woman walked around the house three times during her menstruation, there was no danger of a fire, even if the whole village flared up. It is doubtful that the sign worked, but they actively used it.

Some signs about menstruation successfully resonate with modern ideas such as a ban on hard work during menstruation. Some look ridiculous to the extreme. And some are just neutral. If you are also inclined to believe that everything in this world and in the human body happens for a reason, try to memorize the hour and day of a “significant” event several times in a row. In practice, see how much you can trust the observations of ancestors.

My name is Svetlana Rozhenko. 33 years old, psychologist by education. Rate this article:

One of the easiest ways to predict is divination and signs for menstruation. In order to know their future, every girl can use this method. To do this, you just need to remember at what time of day, day of the week and day of the month the critical days began. The time of the onset of menstruation also matters.

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1 Signs that relate to critical days

For a long time there have been folk signs and beliefs that are associated with menstruation. To believe in them or not is a personal matter for every woman, but it’s still worth listening to them:

  1. 1. During menstruation, a woman should not swim in water.
  2. 2. It is forbidden to visit the temple.
  3. 3. Food prepared during critical days will not taste good. It is especially undesirable to engage in conservation.
  4. 4. Do not clean the house.
  5. 5. If plants are planted during critical days, they may die.
  6. 6. It was believed that if the day of the onset of menstruation coincided with the wedding, then the children of the bride would have a difficult life.
  7. 7. If the beginning of menstruation coincided with the full moon, women were called witches. They were not allowed to look at people, especially children, as they could jinx them.
  8. 8. Menstrual blood was used as a home charm.

Simple and true divination to Old New Year: for the future, marriage, money, wish fulfillment

2 The meaning of divination by time of day

There are various ways of divination by menstruation. The result of the prediction depends on the time of day:

  1. 1. If critical days began in the morning, this portends a strong feeling of love, but not necessarily for your soulmate. It can be warm feelings towards children, parents, relatives, good friends.
  2. 2. If your period started in the afternoon, expect a great mood throughout the cycle. It is possible to receive joyful news and the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  3. 3. If menstruation began in the evening or at night, this is not the most favorable sign. Unforeseen problems may arise.

Folk signs, traditions, rituals and divination for the old New Year

3 Will the wish come true?

There is a fortune-telling by which you can understand whether it can be fulfilled cherished desire girls.

All that is needed for this is to know the time of the beginning of menstruation. The wish must be made a few days before the start of menstruation.

Start time of menstruation Sign value
From 12 am to 1 am The wish will come true with the assistance of an influential person
From 1 am to 2 am Your pride will prevent the fulfillment of your cherished desire
From 2 am to 3 am Wish never come true
From 3 am to 4 am Don't tell anyone about your dream
From 4 am to 5 am Desire won't come true
From 5 am to 6 am The wish will come true with a 100% guarantee
6 am to 7 am Unfortunately, it won't come true
7 am to 8 am Will be fulfilled necessarily
8 am to 9 am Don't expect your wish to come true
9 am to 10 am Wish will come true only with hard work
10 am to 11 am A close friend will help in the implementation of the desired
From 11 am to 12 noon Wish will come true very soon
From 12 noon to 13 noon Need to wait a bit
From 13 days to 14 days The wish will come true within a few years
From 14 days to 15 days The plan is not yet fulfilled, but these are temporary difficulties.
From 15 days to 16 days Most likely, the wish has already come true.
From 16 days to 17 days Coming up in a few months
From 17 pm to 18 pm Failed due to external circumstances
From 18 pm to 19 pm Available under certain conditions
From 19 pm to 20 pm It is necessary to make active actions to make a dream come true
From 20 pm to 21 pm The wish has almost come true, but you shouldn't tell anyone about it
From 21 pm to 22 pm Will not be fulfilled for reasons known to you
From 22 pm to 23 pm Completed in a year
From 23 pm to 12 am We must strongly believe in the fulfillment of a cherished desire

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4 Divination by day of the week

Every month, fortune-telling by menstruation can be carried out and the future can be determined depending on what day of the week the critical days began.

Day of the week Sign value
Monday There are two options for interpreting sleep on this day of the week: you should expect pleasant excitement associated with a gift or surprise.

Perhaps the vision means victory over enemies or ill-wishers, serves as an exposure of the secret plans of envious people and gossips

Tuesday The girl is waiting important meeting perhaps even with a stranger. A fateful acquaintance is not excluded, which will play a big role in the life of a girl.
Wednesday The beginning of menstruation on Wednesday portends unexpected troubles or obstacles in achieving your goal. The unfavorable period will last until the end of menstruation. A woman expects unforeseen events
Thursday The girl's plans will have to change due to an unexpected invitation to visit.

You need to carefully monitor your actions and words. Otherwise, a situation will arise for which you will be ashamed later.

Friday To receive news from afar. The girl may expect bad news
Saturday The girl is waiting for a confession of romantic feelings
Sunday Rest in the company of good friends, meeting an interesting person

5 Divination for the New Year

If the beginning of critical days coincided with the New Year's holiday, this makes it possible to tell fortunes about how the coming year will go. To do this, you need to look at the calendar and see what day of the week January 1 falls on.

Day of the week Sign value
Monday This year you will be able to make your dream come true. Old friends will help
Tuesday The year will bring a fateful acquaintance and meeting with her husband. For married women we should expect replenishment in the family
Wednesday This year, a big family celebration is planned, to which many relatives will be invited.
Thursday In the coming year, it will turn out to make a long-awaited trip, which the girl has long dreamed of.
Friday This year the girl will carry out the purchase of new real estate
Saturday Someone confesses their strong romantic feelings
Sunday The girl will receive a marriage proposal

6 Prediction by the days of the month

You can find out the upcoming events that should happen by the date on which your period began.

Number The meaning of prediction
1 The whole cycle will take place in good mood. It is possible to receive good news from afar
2 Some person or event will cause a feeling of disgust and neglect
3 You should expect a quarrel with a loved one or a big scandal at work.
4 The day will pass in a great mood. It is not excluded the fulfillment of a cherished desire
5 An unexpected gift awaits you
6 Limit contact with strangers. Someone is spreading false rumors and false information about you
7 A secret stranger has strong feelings for you
8 Your young man will give a reason for jealousy
9 Your loved one will be told some lies or gossip about you. Against this background, there will be a scandal
10 You will be accompanied by a feeling of love
11 You can be sure of the fidelity of a loved one
12 Someone will start paying attention to you
13 A bad sign predicting big trouble
14 You will receive joyful and unexpected news from afar.
15 The news that you will learn soon will upset you
16 Remember the saying "Silence is golden"
17 Relationship with beloved young man is under threat
18 The entire period of critical days you will be accompanied by a feeling of euphoria and love
19 waiting for you fateful meeting with the man who will become your spouse
20 Your feelings will not be reciprocated
21 Someone is deceiving you
22 Expect unexpected big profits
23 The whole cycle you will feel happy
24 Waiting for the arrival of the long-awaited guests
25 Soon you will meet interesting people
26 Someone will show you kindness
27 Your dream will come true
28 Success in all endeavors
29 Bitter disappointment awaits you, tears
30 Your feelings are mutual
31 An unexpected event is about to happen

For some women, fortune-telling by menstruation seems absurd. However, it should be noted that many girls believe in its effectiveness. You can treat such predictions with distrust, but no one bothers to try this method and check the veracity of fortune-telling.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

There is a large number various kinds divination. All these types can be divided into two categories - serious, which many people believe in, and frivolous, considered by the majority as mere entertainment. It is customary to refer fortune telling on Tarot cards, on runes, on playing and Indian cards to the first category.

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Many girls believe that by the number, day of the week and time of day of the onset of menstruation, one can predict their own future.

Fortune telling by menstruation may look frivolous and even absurd, but it is difficult to resist the fact that many women believe in its veracity and effectiveness, moreover, there is great amount testimonies that speak of how, with the help of such a simple type of fortune-telling, girls really knew their own future.

You can believe or not believe in the effectiveness and veracity of fortune telling, but you can always try it out and look at the end result, maybe it will surprise you.

Fortune telling by menstruation today

It will be difficult for many to believe, but this type of fortune-telling is quite common at the present time. There is a huge number of folk signs and beliefs about menstruation, which are completely trusted modern girls.
Such fortune-telling usually gives information only about the next month, without long-term prospects, but this is quite enough if you guess every month.

You can guess only once - on the day when it began menstrual cycle. The prediction will depend entirely on the moment at which menstruation began. Attention is paid not only to the number, but also to the day of the week, as well as the exact time of day.

time of day

Morning is the best time. It is believed that if menstruation began early morning, then it portends quick love or harmony and understanding in the family. In general, this time of day indicates positive relationships with loved ones: with close relatives, lover, children and closest friends. If your period started in the morning, then over the next month you will have only warm and tender relationships with people you love.

Such methods help develop intuition.

Day - until 13:00. It is also considered a good time to start the menstrual cycle. This time indicates that the whole next month of your life will be filled with kindness, joy and happiness.

The second half of the day is not the best time. The beginning of menstruation at this time may portend minor troubles and setbacks that await you in the near future.
The beginning of the cycle in the evening portends an unsuccessful month, perhaps some events will happen to you that will cause a fairly long sadness or longing.

Night is the worst time. The beginning of the cycle at night may portend a close separation from loved ones.

Day of the week value

The day of the week when the menstrual cycle began is also of great importance.
Monday - the beginning of the cycle on this day may portend possible troubles and worries that can arise, both for pleasant and unpleasant reasons.

We can say that our whole life consists of constant troubles, but what is predicted by menstruation will be something quite important and unusual. It is also worth noting that the beginning of menstruation on this day may also portend an expensive gift that you will receive from a loved one.

Tuesday - portends a quick meeting with an old acquaintance, friend or relative whom you have not seen for a long time. In some cases (rarely enough), the beginning of the cycle on Tuesday may also portend an early acquaintance with a person who will eventually become very dear and close to you. Another option for the meaning of such a beginning of the cycle is quick changes in life.

Wednesday is an unfavorable day for the beginning of menstruation. This day can promise a lot of trouble that will happen to you over the next month. But do not despair, all these troubles will not be fatal and solvable, you will be able to solve all the problems that arise on your own if you do not get upset and give up. Remember that you received a warning, not a sentence, so be prepared for difficulties, but do not be afraid of them.

Thursday is a day that fortune-telling by menstruation cannot be interpreted unambiguously. On the one hand, the beginning of the cycle on this day may portend an invitation to a noisy holiday or a feast, it is possible that this holiday will take place in your house, and you yourself will be the hostess of the table. On the other hand, this day may portend that at some point you will accidentally visit strangers, and whether this meeting will be pleasant or not is unknown. In any case, it is in your power to make any meeting safe, especially now that you have been warned about it.

Friday is event day. The beginning of the cycle on this day may portend good news that will completely change your life. At the same time, certain troubles are possible, to overcome which you will need to make a lot of effort.

Saturday is a good day to start your period, it portends a smooth and pleasant development of all your life events. You do not need to worry and fuss too much, any problems will be resolved by themselves, with your minimum involvement. It is likely that in the next month someone you know will confess his love to you or your long-standing desire will come true, which you could simply forget about.

Sunday is the best day, such a beginning of menstruation can be a harbinger of a whole month of fun and joy, a carefree and happy time. It is possible that in the near future you will solve the problems that worry you in your relationship with your loved one, which will be greatly helped by a sincere heart-to-heart conversation.

Fortune telling by menstruation - the meaning of the day of the month

In addition to the time of day and day of the week, you can also guess by the days of menstruation - consider the day of the month, the date when the cycle began.

  • 1 - throughout the next month, pleasant events and meetings will occur in your life that will cause real euphoria and happiness.
  • 2 - soon you may experience a feeling of neglect or disappointment in relation to some event or person.
  • 3 - a quarrel is possible, the further development of which is completely up to you, or the trouble will be forgotten, or it will grow into a large-scale scandal.
  • 4 - pleasant events will happen in your life that you have been waiting for a long time.
  • 5 - soon a pleasant surprise awaits you from a person dear to you.
  • 6 - warning, perhaps you have an enemy who is preparing some kind of dirty trick for you (slander and backbiting are possible).
  • 7 - someone loves you so much that they consider you the meaning of their whole life.
  • 8 - soon you will experience this unpleasant feeling like jealousy.
  • 9 - someone plans to upset your relationship with a loved one.
  • 10 - soon a feeling of love awaits you, or a new round will begin in a relationship with a loved one.
  • 11 - remember that your beloved is faithful to you and honest with you, do not suspect him of any nonsense, at least for the next month.
  • 12 - soon you will meet a charming and sweet person, but be careful, he can use magic to draw your attention to himself.
  • 13 - serious difficulties will soon arise.
  • 14 - expect good news.
  • 15 - expect not the most pleasant news.
  • 16 - no need to chat or gossip a lot, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • 17 - a short-term or long-term separation from a loved one is possible.
  • 18 - a new love or the development of an old one is possible.
  • 19 - fortune-telling by menstruation on this day suggests that you will soon fall in love, but it is not known whether the love will be mutual.
  • 20 - unrequited love is possible.
  • 21 - a warning, a loved one may lie to you.
  • 22 - expect unexpected receipts of material wealth - financial well-being.
  • 23 - pleasant events that will make you happy.
  • 24 - soon a meeting or celebration will take place in your house, at which there will be many visitors.
  • 25 - a new pleasant acquaintance with an interesting person.
  • 26 - you will meet a person who will perfectly understand your pain and your frustration.
  • 27 - your old wish will soon come true, help will come from an unexpected side.
  • 28 - success and possible profit await you in your work.
  • 29 - soon something may happen that will greatly upset you, which will cause your tears, be prepared for this and do not hide your own emotions, this is the only way you can overcome troubles.
  • 30 - it is possible to develop a relationship with a new person.
  • 31 - unexpected events will happen in your life, it is possible that you will go on a trip soon, but there is a chance that you will commit an act for which you will be ashamed later.

By monthly cycle have been guessing since the most ancient times, but it is impossible to say unequivocally whether this is true fortune-telling or simple entertainment. In any case, you can always try fortune-telling by menstruation - remember the day the cycle began, look at its interpretation and compare it with the events that will happen in your life in the near future.

In folk wisdom, there are a lot of all kinds of signs that can be associated with the most ordinary life conditions.

Even sneezing and scratching some part of the body necessarily means something. Girls have a lot of signs and beliefs associated with critical days. Every month they delight with their appearance, and every month they can reveal something new to you.

Popular signs associated with menstruation

The number of folk signs and beliefs associated specifically with menstruation is simply huge. So, it was previously believed that a girl whose critical days began early, in the future may become a mother of many children.

Another superstition says that if a girl has her first period, then her mother or other female relative should slap her. It must be a woman who this moment critical days do not go.

It was believed that this way you can save the girl from all further problems associated with menstruation - abdominal pain, weakness, fainting.

It was also believed that a woman during menstruation should not look at naked people, otherwise the bodies of the latter will suffer from a rash. You can not visit places where you need to undress. Although this sign has a completely logical justification related to hygiene.

Since a woman who had her period was considered unclean in the old days, she was usually not allowed to any homework. So, it was impossible even to approach the place where some dish or drink is being prepared, since it was believed that everything would be spoiled.

Some signs associated with critical days are frankly frightening. So, it was believed that a woman who sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood with a broom or a bunch of hay, thereby providing the most reliable protection from the evil eye, spoilage and simply negative impact from those who enter your house. Another sign advised to sprinkle domestic animals with the same liquid. It was believed that in this case they would be protected from death as a result of the evil eye.

A lot of superstitions were associated with the "bloody" period in ancient times. And the old witches often did on menstrual blood numerous spells and corruption. It is not known for certain whether they acted, as well as signs, but, of course, in our time we will not repeat these frightening rituals. As for signs, then if they are positive, why not believe in them?

Monthly by day of the week

It is believed that the day of the week on which the beginning of menstruation fell is a harbinger of what will await you in the coming month. So:

  • Monday is considered a difficult day among the people too, because it is believed that the critical days that began on this day can bring you a series of troubles. But these worries will not always wear negative character. Perhaps the chores will just be pleasant. For example, preparing for a holiday.
  • Tuesday symbolizes the upcoming changes. If menstruation began on the second day of the week, then the next month will be a great time to make serious decisions a reality.
  • Not too much a good sign Menstruation is considered to have begun on Wednesday. They portend trouble. It is worth being careful not to trust too much those whom you do not know well.
  • critical days in Thursday talking about what to you guests will come. And, perhaps, you yourself will become a guest with someone. But the nature of the meeting will already depend solely on you.
  • Girl who got her period at Friday, can prepare for the news. The sign does not say whether they will be good or bad. Well, it remains only to wait.
  • A good day to start critical days is Saturday. It tells you that everything you wish for will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe in it.
  • AT Sunday waiting for you fun and joy. In the coming month, your mood will be wonderful, and nothing can spoil it.

What time of day did your period start?

Some signs are also associated with the time of day of the onset of menstruation. Here is what folk experts say about this:

  • If bleeding starts early morning They promise you pure and sincere love. It can be love not only for a man, but also for a child, family members, good friends. Be that as it may, you are provided with good and reverent relations with those whom you consider your family.
  • If menses started from 10 am to 5 pm, the sign promises that the next month will be joyful and pleasant. During it, you will forget about what sadness is.
  • If you have the beginning of menstruation fell on evening time, then the sign promises you tears and longing. Moreover, people say that the later they begin, the worse the coming month will be.
  • It is believed that if menstruation began at night, it's a sign forthcoming separation. You must be prepared to spend some time alone.

Divination by the number of the beginning

Even the number on which your critical days began, in accordance with the signs, says a lot.

  • 1. If your period started on the first day of the month oh, that's a sign promises you happiness throughout the next period.
  • 2. The second number is not so pleasant. It portends that this month you will learn what contempt is and will experience it for the next thirty days. It is worth being a little colder in your manifestations of emotions, otherwise a serious conflict is possible.
  • 3. A period is expected on this date quarrels and conflicts. You need to try to do everything to avoid them, or at least reduce them.
  • 4. If your critical days began on the fourth, the next month will be very fun and happy.
  • 5. Coming soon nice gifts. And for sure they will be unexpected.
  • 6. Sixth number says that you are mired in rumors and gossip. It is only important not to take them too close to heart, because envious people have always been and will be.
  • 7. Seven - lucky number . Therefore, the beginning of menstruation during this period is a harbinger of sincere and pure love. It may be a feeling for a lifetime, so try to keep it.
  • 8. If you are jealous, try to control yourself, otherwise the consequences can be terrible.
  • 9. Beginning of the cycle on the ninth day warns you to keep calm. Troubles are possible in the near future, and if you do not panic, you can overcome them with dignity.
  • 10. Tenth number says that love is soon possible. And not necessarily new. Perhaps you will fall in love with your boyfriend or husband with renewed vigor.
  • 11. This number indicates that in your second half you can be sure. At any moment this person will set you up secure shoulder, because his devotion towards you is boundless.
  • 12. Life promises that you will be fascinated by some person.. It can be new in your life or someone you already know. But for sure it will only be a temporary hobby.
  • 13. Thirteenth number in accordance with popular beliefs says that in the near future will be very unfortunate. But don't worry. Such a period will soon be replaced by a white stripe.
  • 14. Good news is expected, which you will be very pleased to receive.
  • 15. But the fifteenth number is the opposite of the fourteenth. It just promises bad news.
  • 16. This date indicates that in the coming month your tongue will be your enemy.. It is worth holding back your desire to gossip a little and comment on your opinion about what is happening.
  • 17. Waiting for you separation from a person who is very dear to you. But don't worry, because it will most likely be short-lived.
  • 18. Soon you should fall in love. Only you yourself can understand whether your feeling will be real.
  • 19. If the beginning of menstruation fell on the nineteenth day, then do not doubt that soon you will be swallowed up by happy and mutual love.
  • 20. But the twentieth number is popularly associated with unrequited love. Dealing with it will be quite difficult, but you will have to do it.
  • 21. This number warns you that vigilance will not interfere with you soon.. Deception is possible from where you do not expect it, so be ready.
  • 22. The beginning of menstruation on the twenty-second number promises you financial success.. It can be a serious bonus or even winning the lottery.
  • 23. This number promises you happiness in all areas, which will accompany you for a month.
  • 24. And in this case, you should be ready for the arrival of guests at any time, and those that you did not expect to see on your doorstep.
  • 25. The twenty-fifth number speaks of new pleasant acquaintances . Soon you will have to expand your social circle.
  • 26. Soon you will need help. But you can be sure that if necessary, you will receive it. If you need to be pitied, be sure that someone will do it.
  • 27. Twenty-seventh number promises you the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • 28. And in this case, a popular sign says that your whole life will seem exceptionally prosperous to those around you.
  • 29. Something soon may upset you even to tears.
  • 30. The thirtieth number promises mutual passion which will delight you for at least the next month.
  • 31. The beginning of menstruation on the last day month indicates that soon something awaits you that you did not expect. By the way, it could be long road to which to go.

On your birthday

Many people perceive as a sign the beginning of menstruation, which coincided with their birthday. Someone thinks it the happiest sign, someone, on the contrary, a harbinger of the fact that the whole year will be too miserable.

For some, this is a reason to abandon the celebration altogether. In fact, among popular beliefs there is no sign associated with menstruation for a birthday. Folk sages pay more attention to the date, number and time of day of the beginning of this female phenomenon.

What can not be done these days?

In the old days, there were many signs about what a woman should not do during menstruation. Almost all of them were based on the fact that during the period of menstruation a woman is unclean before God, and one or another of her actions can provoke great trouble.

So, during the period of menstruation, a woman should not go to church, since this state and Faith did not combine in any way, according to folk healers. It was also forbidden to cook and make homework. Probably, many women are not averse to taking advantage of this sign today.

You can not plant a crop and harvest it, because in the future this will cause its complete absence. Some signs are even scary. So, if a woman's menstruation coincided with the full moon, she considered a witch, and she was forbidden to look at both people and livestock.

To believe or not to believe in omens - everyone's private matter. But do not forget about more serious things that you should not do on critical days, namely, swim in open water, perform heavy physical work, overcool and overheat. All this can also Negative consequences, but they will relate directly to your health.