Cancer woman born in the year of the dog. But these same signs also endow a woman with negative qualities, such as

The Cancer-Dog woman has a magical charm that not every man can resist. Such a nature is surrounded by an aura of mystery, which makes it a mystery to many people.

Characteristics of the horoscope

The Cancer Dog woman has an unusual beautiful appearance combined with great intelligence. She always knows what she wants from life and largely relies on her own intuition. This nature is always attracted to everything unknown and incomprehensible, so she spends a lot of time studying literature.

This girl is wary of everything new. She is very punctual and responsible, so it is almost impossible to convict her of squandering or inattention. These qualities are the key successful life ladies, and the only thing that can stand in her way is her own laziness.

The Cancer Dog is determined by energy and hard work. Such a person does not need help and prefers complete independence to team work. She is used to setting high standards for herself and always tries to live up to this level.

Thanks to accurate calculations and careful weighing of every step, the representative of this combination of signs always reaches incredible heights. However, the end does not always justify the means, and Cancer-Dog spends too much time and effort on the task assigned to it.

Despite her strong-willed character, such a woman is highly susceptible to apathetic and depressive states. She is easily offended, although the lady may not show this outwardly. The girl is always in the center of attention, as her peacefulness and compassion attracts people.

Attitude to family and marriage

A woman born in the year of the Dog under the zodiac sign Cancer is a homely person. She values ​​her home and constantly monitors order and comfort. This lady knows how and loves to cook, and is generally well adjusted in everyday life.

To create a family, a Cancer-Dog woman needs to gain life experience , since marriage at a young age most often leads to the dissolution of the union. Heavy character Ladies can burden their relationship with their husband, who would like to see a soft and compliant wife nearby.

IN mature age The lady’s integrity and independence are not so strongly expressed, since over the years she learns to make compromises. If such a woman is able to understand and correct her shortcomings in time, she will be able to build strong and harmonious family relationships.

It is important for the Cancer-Dog woman to be able to talk about problems, and not close herself off from them. She will achieve mutual understanding with her husband only if there is a mutual desire to improve the marriage.

Compatibility in love

In their youth, representatives of this horoscope experience only disappointment from love. Their categorical and unwavering attitude can ruin any relationship. In addition, such a lady loves to point out her lover’s shortcomings, and does it very rudely.

The Cancer Dog will be able to experience true feelings only in adulthood, when its character softens a little. An adult lady is a sensual and emotional partner, capable of completely devoting herself to her loved one. She becomes a caring and gentle companion who knows how to make concessions.

To create strong relationships and build a family in the future, the Cancer-Dog woman needs to look for a calm and serious man who knows how to conduct a dialogue. These include: Horse-Taurus, Cat-Scorpio, Tiger-Pisces, Horse-Pisces and Cat-Taurus.

In order to learn to compromise, the Dog-Cancer girl needs a man, Dog-Capricorn, Rat-Leo and Pig-Sagittarius. With other signs it will be quite difficult for a lady to create a happy family.

Finance and career

A woman who combines the stubbornness of Cancer and the poise of a Dog knows how to handle money. She has the ability to foresee a successful outcome of a business, and therefore is always confident in her investments. This quality allows a lady to attract good luck to herself, which ultimately directs her towards money.

As for a career, the Cancer Dog feels confident here. In the workplace, a woman expresses herself only with the best side, she is responsible and efficient. Thanks to stubbornness and determination, such an employee achieves the favor of his superiors, and, in the future, he himself can occupy a leadership position.

See the following video for the characteristics of the Dog sign.

(from 02/18/1958, from 02/06/1970, from 02/25/1982, from 02/10/1994)

He comes across as a soft and gentle guy, but he is quite strict and serious in everything. At the same time, he does not strive for lasting relationships; for him, relationships on this moment, and what will happen tomorrow does not interest him. It should be noted that he also does not achieve much in his career, since he is always full of emotions and passions, which negatively affect his work. Often he strives for pleasure.

Characteristics of a Cancer man - Dogs in LOVE

He has a rather interesting attitude towards love. On the one hand, he is affectionate and strives to always be with his partner. On the other hand, he is ready to enslave her and achieves this completely unnoticed. He often strives for leadership, but he manages to achieve this only with some partners. In most cases, a woman suppresses him, and he, without understanding this, agrees with this state of affairs.

He is very emotional, so love for him is the area in which he feels comfortable. However, he often makes things up more than he really is. And this creates special difficulties for him when forming a relationship with his beloved. It should be noted that he can love sincerely, but does not always realize this because of his fantasies about what is not always possible to realize in the present.

Cancer born in the year of the Dog in BED

Intimate life is perceived by him as a necessary part of a relationship. That is why he goes into this relationship without much hesitation. It is important for him to be loved and cared for, so he believes that bed is the shortest way to this. However, he may be wrong, so he is advised to carefully study his partner before going into intimacy. In this case breakdown won't happen.

He is quite conservative, so he does not always strive for leadership in intimate relationships. He loves everything that is simple and established, as it makes him feel confident. He wants to receive intense satisfaction, so he can forget about his partner for the sake of his pleasure. At the same time, he is not always ready to experiment and strives for everything simple and ordinary in this area.

Cancer man horoscope - Dogs in MARRIAGE

Marriage is not very important to him, relationships are important. That is why he can often only be a common-law husband. He always tries to improve harmonious relationships in the family, but this does not work out for him, since he most likely suppresses his family with guardianship and excessive care. As a result, his family tries to escape from home to relax from everything intrusive and even unpleasant.

He usually communicates well with relatives, so he easily receives help from them. However, at the same time, he can condemn them for their behavior and lifestyle. This approach makes him somewhat mercantile. It should be noted that with children he is truly honest and truthful. He will never sacrifice their interests. But at the same time, without noticing, he suppresses them and does not allow them to show independence.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He is advised to listen to his loved ones more often, as they can always advise him something right. Children's independence should also be encouraged by him, otherwise he may push them away when they grow up. In addition, he should not get carried away by fantasies and clearly distinguish between the unreal and the real, so as not to get confused in his feelings.

Symbol: Cancer, a creature with a gentle soul protected by a hard shell.
Keywords : homeliness, suspicion, emotional support.
Dominant principle: "I feel".
Dominant planet: Moon.
Stones: Moonstone, ruby, emerald.
Metal: silver.
Lucky days : Monday Thursday.
Bad days : Tuesday, Saturday.

Zodiac sign Cancer is characterized by special relationship with the animal kingdom as it is ruled by the Moon. It is believed that the Moon is the mysterious Hecate, the goddess of the night, the ruler of all ghosts and mysteries. Hecate rules the dark side of the Moon and the instincts of animals, as well as the baser passions of man. Dogs serve as guides for these mysterious forces, influencing the people with whom they live.

Dog-Cancer very devoted to her home and the entire family of her owner. If such a dog finds itself away from its family, it becomes restless and restless. The kind-hearted Rottweiler is a typical Cancer dog. Dogs born under the sign of Cancer, like their “older brothers,” are often monogamous.

The Cancer Dog takes special care of his family and close friends. If she becomes friends with someone, then it will be a friendship for the rest of her life. Sometimes such care manifests itself in the form of a kind of protection. It doesn’t matter who the enemy is, but if he attacks and threatens the Cancer dog’s friend, then he will definitely be in trouble. Showing concern for others is characteristic of the Cancer dog like no other.

You should always be kind to your Cancer dog. She is extremely sensitive to what or how you say. The one who offended the Cancer Dog will not receive forgiveness quite for a long time. The words spoken or the action committed by someone will emerge in the dog’s memory every time he sees this person.

The appearance of a Cancer dog in your home (or any other dog during the period of this sign) may be related to your home or your family, since the constellation Cancer is the House of the Hearth. The Cancer Dog will always defend your home and your family. If you are alone in your apartment, then the Cancer dog with its appearance will bring hope for new house And new family. It is noteworthy that for single people, purchasing a Cancer dog will happily affect their family life. She can also silently remind you of your parents and mentally return you to the days of cloudless childhood spent in your father's house.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Scorpio, Pisces.
Friendship: Virgo, Taurus.
Conflict: Capricorn, Aries, Libra.

Health: You will find that your Cancer dog is prone to overweight. She may also suffer from intestinal and stomach disorders.

A Cancer dog may get bruised or injured while traveling with its owner. She is capable of experiencing sharp pain, if the beloved family of its owner breaks up. The Cancer Dog is very sensitive to the needs of the elderly and children. Such a dog intuitively senses when it is needed and immediately comes to the rescue. The Cancer Dog is cool towards annoying and noisy guests who disturb the peace of the people it cares about.

But participating in the semi-pornographic film “The Italian Stallion” and appearing in episodic roles as gangsters and hooligans was not at all what this “handsome, athletic guy with huge sad eyes” was aiming for. Sylvester Stallone, performer of courageous and strong people, is a very sentimental and sensitive person. And this is known to everyone who has heard about his relationships with women and his mother.

There are a lot of Cancer-Dogs, interesting and wonderful, so there is no reason to stop our “types and characters”. Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, who defeated the Turkish fleet in Battle of Sinop, was distinguished by unparalleled courage and humanity. He was at the same time a courageous and very modest man, even very reserved. Contemporaries said about Pavel that he served twenty-four hours a day (for this reason the sailor did not have a family). Nakhimov was mortally wounded during the defense of Sevastopol, which he led.

The actor and master of revealing the images of mentally broken people, Alexander Kaidanovsky (“The Lost Expedition”, “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own”, “Stalker”, “Golden River”) was called “someone no one” for his, perhaps, facelessness. He acted often, but was not in demand. He played a lot of roles of white officers, subtle natures (Cancer), educated, but finding themselves in cruel conditions of war and survival (Dog). “In his roles, Kaidanovsky clearly expressed his “personality.”

The mission and fate of his heroes is determined in advance, hesitation and hesitation are no longer necessary - “a stranger”, “a loner passing by”, “on his own” and “neither ours nor yours”. He had many wives, many films. The actor died of a broken heart.

The “combat” character traits of this astrological group are demonstrated by the designer and manufacturer of airships Ferdinand Zeppelin; gun inventors Samuel Colt and Paul Mauser; the creator of the Messerschmitts, Willy Messerschmitt, and the creator of the Katyusha rockets, Georgy Langemak. However, it should be noted here that Dogs are inventors by vocation and spirit, and Cancer-Dog would prefer to invent something military than to fight. Or he will call for fight, holed up in some pleasant place: Hans Eisler - composer, author of political songs (“Comintern”, “Song of the United Front”); philosopher Herbert Marcuse, spiritual inspirer of the student revolution and ideologist of left-wing extremists; sculptor Sergei Konenkov (once famous primarily for his “Militant Worker”).

Dogs are born inventors and practical innovators. Among them you can find not only gunsmiths, but a fashion designer, creator military uniform for the Italian army Giorgio Armani (Carden has already been mentioned), innovative pianist Harvey Van Cliburn, motorist and founder of Rolls-Royce Charles Rolls.

Among politicians public figures and the military, the following characters can be noted: Robert Schumann - the initiator of the unification of Europe and the first president of the European Parliament; Mark Bloch - historian, hero of the Resistance; Mikhail Lesin is the head of the Ministry of Press and a businessman. The rest, and there are a fair number of them - generals, admirals and ministers of war - are familiar only to professional historians.

But in the acting and directing skills of Cancer-Dog, there are masters: Pavel Pankov (“Chief of Chukotka”), Alexander Shirvindt (“The Irony of Fate…”), Sydney Pollack - director, actor, Oscar winner (“Tootsie”, “Horseless Horses Are Shooted”) , isn’t it?”, “Three Days of the Condor”), Donald Sutherland (“MASH”, “Casanova Fellini”), Ivan Lapikov (“Eternal Call”, “Andrei Rublev”, “They Fought for the Motherland”), Chris O 'Donnell (Batman and Robin) and many, many others.

In science, Cancer-Dogs gravitate towards exact disciplines. Why? Return to the story of Leibniz. These are physicists, chemists and organizers of science: William Bragg, Hugh Dryden, Elias Corey, Leon Lederman.

Since the Dog is a born fighter for justice, you can find your own political observers in any astrological group. For Cancer-Dogs this is Otto Latsis. In sports, Cancer-Dogs do not shine very well, but the names of hockey player Vladimir Vikulov, figure skater Sergei Shakhrai, tennis player Andrei Cherkasov speak for themselves.

Let us note among the representatives of this astrological combination the famous artist Jan Matejko, depicting heroic, dramatic and historical subjects; playwright Jean Anouilh; poet, translator of The Divine Comedy, Shakespeare and Moliere Mikhail Lozinsky and surveyor, after whom it is named highest peak peace - George Everest.

Cancer-Dog woman horoscope

Cancer-Dog women do not demonstrate professional preferences. But you can mark them good voice, acting talent and the will to win.

Let's list famous names, to make sure that this is not a weak representation: opera singer, Metropolitan Opera soloist Dorothy Kirsten; actress Maria Vinogradova (“I’m walking around Moscow”, “Kalina Krasnaya”, “ Love affair at work"); famous fencer Tatyana Logunova; folk singer Larisa Trukhina; model Karen Mulder; champion in rhythmic gymnastics Elena Shalamova; singer Linda Ronstadt; the so-called singer and so-called writer Natalya Medvedeva.

Let us especially note the mystical inclinations of Dogs and Francoise Cabrini, the first American saint. Dog women generally lead, along with Pig women, in the number of saints and religious ascetics. Here is Mother Teresa (Virgo-Dog), and many others can be remembered.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

His life is full of emotions and passions. In pursuit of pleasure, he easily succumbs to temptation. Seeks excitement in gambling.
He acts decisively even where it is better to retreat and not be provoked. A rich sensory range contributes to developed imagination. His dreams often have nothing to do with real plans for the future. I'm used to living one day at a time.

Cancer Man – Dog

He loves money and knows how to earn it. In pursuit of prosperity, he is capable of taking unjustified risks. He loves luxury and is ready to work hard for it.

He pays too much attention to his own experiences, immerses himself in himself, sometimes not paying attention to the feelings of his partner.

Cancer Woman – Dog

Bright and creative. He always wants to be visible, and therefore prefers to work in large companies. Due to his unconventional approach to solving problems, he easily becomes a leader. Capable of pulling off a large and complex project. Appearance always corresponds to high social status. Prefers catchy crazy things and skillfully combines them.

Capricious and unpredictable. To win her heart you need to do something beyond the bounds.