Cancer and Cancer: Compatibility in love brings tenderness and strong relationships. Compatibility for marriage with a Capricorn man

Cancers of different sexes have high psychological compatibility; they have very developed intuition, therefore, they are able to sense each other’s mood even at a distance. Any business this couple undertakes will be successfully completed. When Cancers are together, they are focused on each other and the world they are not interested. They have their own space, separate from everyone else, where they both feel calm and comfortable. If these people are connected by working in a team, then they give the impression of two silent people who have found each other. Cancers do not have the habit of being frank with strangers, and work for them is not the place where they look for friends. The Cancer man is responsible, and the Cancer woman is caring and responsive. They correspond to each other's ideas about ideal people of the opposite sex, so they will become close very soon. If they love each other, this union will become invulnerable.

♋ + ♋: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR— Mistrustful Cancers have a very difficult time getting close to people, but they are open to each other. The girl and guy of this sign do not need to have confidential conversations - each of them sees right through the other. Their spiritual closeness is so high that even words are not necessary. It is unlikely that a Cancer guy will have to court a girl of the same sign for a long time, and she will have to rack her brains on how to seduce her beloved. It’s just that at one moment they will find themselves together and will never separate.

This couple prefers to spend their free time in quiet and secluded places, away from the bustle and strangers. If a boy or girl’s parents asked him to look after his younger brother or sister, this will not ruin the couple’s date. Cancers greatly respect family ties, so they will be happy to take their child with them for a walk.

The relationship between a Cancer guy and his girlfriend will be respectful and conflict-free. They do not like loud quarrels, and there are no significant reasons for sorting things out. Most often, a love relationship between two Cancers leads to the creation of a family. If they break up, this will be the biggest exception to the rule.

♋ + ♋: Married

PERFECT PAIR— The spouses will be satisfied with their family life. The everyday side of life will suit both of them very much. A Cancer man will appreciate the cozy atmosphere and his wife’s culinary skills, and she will only be happy to please him. Cancers are not at all burdened by household responsibilities and often share them out of a desire to help each other.

The financial situation of such families is always stable. Even if both earn little, they still know how to properly distribute money in order to survive until the next salary. Spouses are thrifty and almost always have a cash reserve. Relatives often ask for a loan from this family because they know that they will not be refused. For Cancers, close people are sacred, but unfamiliar or distant friends, one might say, do not exist for them with their problems. This couple has few friends, but they are reliable and time-tested.

Sexual compatibility is good due to the ability of partners to feel each other’s desires. The only negative is that there is not enough light. Each of this couple could open up much more and become more active next to a more passionate partner. On the other hand, agreement in other areas of life will outweigh this small drawback, so husband and wife will value each other in any case.

♋ + ♋: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- If a Cancer guy and a girl of the same sign have known each other since childhood or are brother and sister, the likelihood of their friendship increases, because interest due to gender differences is excluded. Friends will understand each other perfectly, share secrets, and help when necessary. Even if some difficulties arise in their relationship, neither of them will ever allow themselves to speak badly about the other. After the misunderstanding, the crayfish will definitely make peace, because they value friendly connections and have few close people.

If friends are not related, they have every chance of becoming seriously interested in each other. Mutual understanding and spiritual closeness already exist, and for Cancers this is the most important thing. Despite the duration of their acquaintance, their feelings will be no less vivid than if they had just met.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

The constellation Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac circle, belongs to the element of Water and is ruled by the Moon. The behavior of the heavenly body is easy to associate with the character and actions of a woman born under this sign. During the month, the Moon looks like a thin shiny crescent, then becomes bright and round, and then takes on a wide variety of shapes (ellipse, hemisphere, etc.). It illuminates the sky like a bright lantern, or hides behind the clouds, becoming invisible. The Cancer woman behaves similarly, since her mood directly depends on the phases of the Moon. The girl either bursts into infectious laughter, or sheds an endless amount of tears. The water element allows Cancer to immerse itself in its imaginary world or deeply perceive and analyze facts that have already happened. To find perfect compatibility Cancer with other signs, you need to understand the secrets of the worldview and behavior of these people.

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Astrological characteristics

Children of the Moon belong to the category of the most mysterious and even mystical representatives of the zodiac circle. They are melancholic by nature.

A detailed description of the personality will help you choose the most harmonious compatibility of Cancer with representatives of other signs in love, friendship, and business. It will be easier for loved ones and colleagues to understand the character of these mysterious girls in order to build relationships with them.

Character traits

The Cancer girl has a reserved and receptive character. Representatives of the sign are devoid of impulsiveness and think through their actions for a long time and carefully. Being extremely dependent on the lunar phases, they combine opposite forms of behavior that cannot be predicted. In a favorable period, they indulge in fun, become active, prefer large company (they love recognition and compliments). The next minute, the Cancer girl may become sensitive to little things, seclude herself for several days and suffer from a surge of melancholy.

This zodiac sign is fully consistent with its totem animal. A representative of the constellation will never act openly. The girl will walk in a roundabout way, look closely at her chosen one and wait for the right moment to attack. When she is completely sure of the correctness of her choice, she will begin to take sophisticated actions to attract a man. But if he sees contenders for his prey, he attacks the victim with such speed that no one has a chance to get ahead of her.

Girls of this sign are extremely jealous and clingy. If a man meets their ideal, they will never let him go. A representative of the stronger sex risks being left without health, career or fortune if he dares to leave his companion. In turn, Cancers are able to completely surrender to their loved one. They will create comfortable conditions, will help in all matters and remain faithful in all life’s ups and downs. They are reliable wives faithful friends and caring mothers.

The most characteristic features of the sign:

  • isolation;
  • changeability;
  • practicality;
  • loyalty;
  • romance;
  • caring;
  • dedication;
  • secrecy;
  • rancor;
  • vindictiveness;
  • sentimentality;
  • depression;
  • alarmism;
  • susceptibility;
  • thrifty;
  • selectivity;
  • economy;
  • daydreaming;
  • bias;
  • enterprise;
  • conservatism;
  • mystery.

Practicality and thriftiness are of particular importance for Cancer women. The love of money and material values ​​comes first for girls. The representative of the sign will always take care of a comfortable life for herself and her loved ones. She will prudently set aside a certain amount of money, stock up on non-perishable food and valuables. She will try to increase her chosen one’s savings and will never allow family members to waste money. Cancers are often fond of collecting antiques.

Behavior in different circumstances

A woman’s attitude towards love, family, friendship and business will help to create a more accurate description of her. People around you will be able to understand what kind of person you have to deal with:



Cancer girls are extremely selective. They look closely at their chosen ones for a long time and only then begin to build relationships. This is due to the fear of making a mistake. Being aware of the sensitivity of her character, a woman understands how strongly and deeply disappointment hurts her. Therefore, Cancer chooses its companion thoroughly, and often the choice turns out to be successful. The guy needs to take a walk with his bride in the moonlight near some body of water. He will be amazed and delighted by a real representative of the water element. She will open up as a romantic, gentle and sensual person with in an original way thinking and perception of the world. If a woman finds her ideal, she is able to devote her whole life to her loved one. Cancer will never leave you in trouble, will do all the housework, and will always give wise advice. She is jealous, will control the man and will never let go of her. Excessive care often becomes intrusive. The girl constantly demands the presence of the guy, expects admiration and daily confirmation of his love

In family relationships, the Cancer woman shows herself at her best in terms of housekeeping, home improvement, material support and raising children. The problem is that she lacks confidence. Dissatisfaction with herself provokes constant doubts about her ability to cook, behave with her partner, children, etc. She needs constant assurances from her husband about the uniqueness of the prepared dishes, the successful choice of clothing and the correctness of the actions taken. Minor criticism, lack of attention from children or husband can completely unsettle her. The woman will withdraw into herself, cry, suffer, and may even get sick. Fortunately, Cancer is “cured” quickly: you just have to hug her and tell her about your love. This is a practical and economical girl. She provides the material side of her family’s life, because she knows how to save, spend resources correctly and earn money. Her character flaw is her desire to constantly be present in the life of every family member. She forces her husband to sit at home and be content with her company; she overprotects her children, depriving them of their own space. This approach makes life difficult for loved ones, since it does not give the right to individuality

The Cancer girl prefers to hide her sexuality until the last moment. Her shyness, self-doubt and caution allow guys to conclude that she is cold. The woman is impressionable and does not allow herself to relax. On initial stages relationship, she keeps all emotions to herself, unable to liberate herself and surrender to attraction. If, by coincidence, on the first dates there is sexual contact, Cancer experiences its oversight extremely painfully. Her fear of appearing easily accessible leads to the fact that the girl avoids the guy and tries never to meet him again. Even when in a long-term relationship with a loved one, a woman continues to experience a feeling of awkwardness and shyness. She rarely experiments in bed, preferring to adhere to conservative views. But sex itself gives her great pleasure

The Cancer woman is quite selective about people. She is not able to open up to a person until she gets to know him to the smallest detail. The girl looks closely for a long time, draws conclusions, carefully thinks through the consequences of friendship. A big advantage of maintaining a friendly relationship with Cancer will be the opportunity to share secrets with her. In this case, there is a guarantee that the secret will never become apparent. A woman will always come to the rescue if asked, give wise advice and listen to her interlocutor. But there is one condition under which friendship is possible: you cannot claim leadership where Cancer is present. The fact that she is a good friend must be constantly remembered and voiced. You should not violate a woman’s personal space, as she will immediately end the relationship. There is a possibility that friendship will exist exclusively as long as it is beneficial to Cancer

Business sphere

A career is not the goal of a lifetime for a representative of the water element. A woman is determined exclusively to acquire material wealth, so she agrees to be content with second roles with decent wages. If circumstances develop in such a way that Cancer is given a leadership position, the girl will cope with it without difficulty. She knows how to lead, becoming a demanding but loyal boss. A woman knows the end goal production process and is able to correctly distribute responsibilities among subordinates. Her desire to have material gain will allow her to communicate with people who are unpleasant to her, if this will bring the fulfillment of her cherished goals closer. She will never confuse industrial relations with personal ones. As a subordinate, the girl does not cause any complaints from her superiors. She is responsible, punctual and efficient. It is customary to value and be proud of such employees

In order to peacefully coexist with Cancer women in any area, you need to remember the rules of the three “don’ts”: do not criticize, do not ridicule and do not reject. If you violate one of the three conditions, there is a risk of receiving a portion of sophisticated revenge. Cancer never acts openly: a woman strikes unexpectedly and masterfully. This secret revenge cannot be recognized, since the girl is capable of doing it with the wrong hands and after large quantity time.

Compatibility with other signs

To choose the right companion for a harmonious relationship, you need to consider the horoscope of Cancer’s compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Zodiac sign


Compatibilitythis pair is slightly more than 50%. The difference in temperament and rhythm of life requires constant work on relationships, otherwise partners will constantly face problems. The Aries man is used to being a leader; he prefers an active life with many contacts. A woman strives for solitude, does not tolerate large company and does not want to speed up her pace. Constant desire a husband to dominate and urge on his companion can cause negative reaction from the girl's side. The “truth-seeker” Aries prefers to voice all his emotions, which the Cancer woman will not like. She will withdraw into herself and become a real tyrant, not without snobbery. The girl is advised to get rid of excess embarrassment and adapt to her husband’s energy. In sex in the initial stages of a relationship, everything works out great. A temperamental guy is impressed by a romantic, sensual girl, they are interested in each other. Over time, the ardor cools down, so it is necessary to stir up mutual interest, bringing bright colors to the relationship

This is an almost perfect pair, compatibility of which reaches 95%. This is a union of people with the same temperament and rhythm of life, who at the same time belong to different elements. Partners tend to analyze the situation for a long time and carefully, have the same approach to material support, work in the same mode, and like to spend their leisure time calmly. A pragmatic, serious woman will appreciate Taurus’s desire to create comfortable living conditions for her. Gifts in the form of high-quality expensive things will also suit her taste. Evenings spent in the company of your loved one will be enjoyable for both spouses. The Taurus man is impressed by the thriftiness and caring nature of his wife, he is calm about the material component of their family, and is satisfied with his wife’s fidelity. Sexually, the couple prefers a conservative approach, striving for quality and skill. They feel each other, there is no place for shyness in this union, you don’t have to sacrifice your preferences. The only negative will be the lack of romance and sensuality in sex and spirituality in other aspects. A man needs to work on this because a woman is more sophisticated


This union implies 67% compatibility in a relationship. Despite the differences in temperament and outlook on life, people have a lot in common. This concerns the changeable mood that is characteristic of representatives of these two signs. In order not to cultivate swings of joy and sadness, it is necessary to periodically take a break from each other. A little separation will help you find a balance to normalize your relationship. The guy needs to feel free, and the girl needs to retire in her personal space. Work to improve the financial situation will be fruitful if a woman takes on leading functions and begins to manage the budget. A man should interest his partner in communicating with other people and establish the necessary connections. The sex life of this couple brings mutual pleasure. Spouses are happy to experiment and realize their erotic fantasies

Compatibility of representatives of the same sign is about 50%. People have a lot in common because they have the same temperament. They are determined to build a serious relationship, so they quickly get married. Love for material values, home comfort, and the romantic nature of each spouse contribute to mutual understanding. They have a great time alone and do whatever they like. The advantage is that the spouses do not expect a catch, they are able to help their partner and understand each other. Cancers are faithful in marriage and do not make their partner jealous in vain. If a man allows himself an affair (this is his physiological need), he will do it unnoticed by his soulmate and will never leave his family. IN sex life There is complete harmony between the partners. They completely satisfy each other in every way. The problem lies in the same impressionability and tendency of people to melancholy. If troubles happen or banal melancholy sets in, the spouses are not able to cope with them. Sometimes this is a reason for separation

Cancer and Leo have opposite temperaments, but are incredibly attractive to each other.WITHoccupancy is about 70%. In the initial stages of the relationship, both of them will be delighted. Then problems will begin to arise that need to be addressed immediately. A man of this sign is active and energetic; he needs constant communication with people and their recognition. He strives for novelty, loves to spend money and does not deny himself anything. The woman prefers privacy, is jealous of her husband’s movements and contacts, and calculates the budget economically. Spouses need to accept each other as they are. Perestroika and re-education will not bring positive results. If you don’t have the strength to endure the shortcomings of your other half, it is better to break up immediately, since further relationships will lead to tyranny on the part of the man and endless depression on the part of the woman. When resolving problematic issues “on the shore,” spouses will be able to build mutually beneficial relationships. In intimate terms, the girl receives high-quality, full-fledged and regular sex, and the guy - romance, sensuality and beautiful eroticism

This union can become ideal if the partners perceive each other as they are. The couple's harmony is 87%. They understand their partner perfectly because they coincide in their life priorities. Both are calm, measured, practical and pragmatic. They like to plan for the future, do not forget about the past, are careful with money and know how to earn it. Their production tandem is capable of achieving outstanding results. In sexual relationships, partners are completely suitable for each other. Virgo and Cancer are not too sexual signs, their temperaments coincide. Problems arise when trying to change a partner. Too much down-to-earthness and lack of movement provoke real stagnation in the union. The woman begins to be stubborn and nervous, and is overcome by melancholy. The guy gets her with his pedantry and scrupulousness. Alienation arises between spouses. In this case, a change of scenery and a fresh look at the relationship are recommended.

Compatibility is 75%. In the initial stages of a relationship, everything works out great. A woman is attracted by a man’s delicacy and good manners, a guy is delighted with his sensual and elegant girlfriend. They are united by a love of beauty, romance in relationships and the desire to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves. The woman becomes the unspoken leader and assumes responsibility for solving problems. The guy does not resist this arrangement, because he tries to avoid responsibility in any field. Relationships in sex are excellent: partners are gentle and sensual. Over time, the situation begins to change for the worse. The guy doesn’t like that his freedom is limited and his desire for change is not supported. A woman is no longer satisfied with an irresponsible man; she lacks a strong male shoulder. In order for the union to remain harmonious, it is necessary to immediately distribute responsibilities between the spouses


Scorpio and Cancer belong to the same water element, so they understand each other perfectly. The harmony of their relationship exceeds 80%. People don’t want to change their soulmate; they are completely satisfied with this approach to life. Spouses have a lot to talk about, because together they are able to achieve the most outstanding success in all areas of life. They rarely quarrel, but when this happens, it remains secret from all outsiders. The Cancer woman’s ability to make Scorpio a gentle and open person will bring a lot of benefits to both. In turn, the guy will provide the girl with his strong masculine shoulder. Joint work will become fruitful if the man deals with global problems, and the woman solves all the pressing minor issues. In sex, Scorpio will become the undoubted leader; the girl will accept this arrangement with pleasure. With each passing day, partners' satisfaction will increase

This is not the best tandem, since compatibility is 45%. In the initial stages of a relationship, partners will be attractive to each other, give their other half freedom and enjoy their own personal space. But such an idyll will not last long. Each of the spouses is an owner and a jealous person; democratic relations in the family are unacceptable for them. The girl will constantly suffer from the behavior of a partner who prefers the company of other women. The difference in the pace of life will lead to constant quarrels due to the slowness of the wife and the fussiness of the husband. The guy will try to influence the girl, because he will consider her to be a sluggish and weak nature. Cancer is not one, so it will demonstrate to its chosen one such strength and stubbornness that he did not expect. Sexual relations will not work out due to differences in temperaments. Partners quickly lose interest in each other. A man’s desire to always tell the truth can hurt a Cancer woman and provoke the appearance of an inferiority complex. A sensitive girl will have a hard time dealing with such remarks.

The most difficult union: the percentage of compatibility is not higher than 36%. People need to work long and hard to maintain relationships. Partners will pay attention to each other almost at first sight, since they have many common interests. They love home comfort, respect traditions, know how to earn money and prefer material values spiritual world. Sex will be attractive to both. They feel each other well and know how to get mutual pleasure. But even in this regard, the girl will lack romance and sensuality. Only a marriage in which the husband is significantly older than the wife can prevent mismatches. Other aspects will be on the verge of misunderstanding. Capricorn confidently takes a leadership position and constantly makes a lot of demands on his soulmate. He never gives compliments and is not inclined to provide moral support. Cancer considers the spouse's behavior incorrect. My wife lacks romance and spirituality. Constant conflicts and showdowns will lead to inevitable separation

A wonderful union of two harmonious personalities, compatibility is more than 70%. At first glance, people will not attract mutual attention; the relationship will not be ideal at the initial stages. Over time, the situation will change for the better. A man will try to make a woman’s life easier and more interesting spiritually, he will give her complete freedom and will gladly support any endeavor. A girl will appreciate a man’s respectful and correct attitude towards her personality. Representatives of these signs do not like conflicts and avoid showdowns. A significant advantage will be the ability of each partner to seek compromises. Spouses complement each other perfectly in all areas of life, sharing their positive qualities. IN intimate sphere Idyll will reign, as partners will be able to completely relax. The guy loves experiments, and the girl gets great pleasure from her partner’s emotionality and gets involved in the game. When she lacks romance, an attentive guy immediately responds to this desire. The only drawback can be the excessive sociability of Aquarius, who is surrounded by friends on all sides. If Cancer accepts his social circle, the family will become exemplary

Astrologers say that people of the fire element have a violent temperament. Because of this, the Cancer woman often seems to a man to be some kind of inexhaustible source of passion and inspiration. And with whom will the woman herself feel good? What is the compatibility of a Cancer woman with other signs?

Cancer Woman – Aries Man

The compatibility of a Cancer woman with an Aries man is very high, it is approximately 90%. Here, partners can expect a vibrant sex life and a coincidence of interests in life. What else is needed for strong union? The compatibility of this pair is interesting in that there is a clear distribution of male and female female role. An Aries man is distinguished by self-confidence and emotionality, these qualities are enhanced if he is a Rooster or Horse according to the eastern horoscope. The Cancer woman is compatible with him, first of all, because she is ready to recognize his leadership, she is ready to admire him.

For this he adores her, because in her eyes he looks even more interesting, courageous and stronger. He submits, and she is ready to submit to a strong man while remaining a self-sufficient person. Such a union can last a lifetime. We can say that this is an ideal couple in love.

Cancer Woman – Taurus Man

The compatibility of such a union is also very high. It's going to be incredible here happy marriage, if for a woman it is a quiet haven where you can relax. The Taurus man will give her this opportunity. If a Cancer woman clearly understands that she will realize her ambitions at work, and at home she can be gentle, then this will be a happy family.

A Taurus man will like such a Rakin because she brings fire to the relationship; for him she will be the sexiest, most temperamental. It is especially great for the successful sex life of this couple if, according to the eastern horoscope, the Rakin is also a Pig or a Dog, this will make her fiery temperament more understandable for the Taurus man.

Cancer Woman and Gemini Man

Compatibility here is low. If the romance is about 70% successful, then the marriage is about 40%. A Gemini man is suitable for Rakina if she wants to take the initiative in the relationship. Here she will be able to guide him at her pleasure. The Gemini guy is naturally driven and will be glad if he is led by a temperamental girl. But the problem is that a girl can get bored of it very quickly.

Even this fiery girl from time to time wants to feel like a soft fluffy kitten that she takes care of. And it is precisely this desire that will cause misunderstanding in a man. But, if the girl here loves this man and is willing to spend time explaining to him how to make her happy, then everything will work out. The success of marriage increases if the Rakin is a Snake according to the eastern horoscope, this gives her wisdom and patience.

Cancer Woman and Cancer Man

When two identical signs converge, it is either failure or success. In the case of two Cancers, this is 100% success. If Cancer fell in love with Cancer, then most likely this is a union for life. If love has already occurred between them, then there are common values ​​and similar temperaments. But despite all the similarities, this couple will never be bored together.

They feel so good together that they can neglect society. At the same time, the love boat is unlikely to crash in everyday life, because the concepts of housekeeping are often similar. The best couple, that's what others will say about them. Of course, there are crises here too, but they are easily overcome.

Cancer Woman – Leo Man

Rakinya and Leo are a happy, conscious marriage. These zodiac signs often have common values, which is what their union will be built on. They are unlikely to be overwhelmed by reckless passion, but they will be able to build a strong family.

For both, family comes first; all efforts are devoted to creating coziness and comfort. In this they meet each other's expectations. The main characteristic of this union is a conflict-free couple. But such an idyll family life can bring boredom to the sexual sphere. Because of this, both may look for entertainment on the side. In their youth, Leo and Cancer are unlikely to be happy with each other, because during this period they want passion. But after thirty, this can be a wonderful family.

Cancer Woman – Virgo Man

They are interesting to each other as an object of study. The woman cannot understand how this man is able to behave masculine and feminine at the same time. He is a mystery to her and this attracts her.

For him, she is an alien who cannot curb her emotions. They won't trust each other for a long time. But once they trust, they will kindred spirits. Even if their marriage does not last a lifetime, they will still remain interested in each other as friends. Trust is the main thing in the relationship of these zodiac signs. In sex, they will also be interesting to each other because they always go out on new level revelations.

Cancer Woman and Libra Man

Marriage compatibility for these partners is quite high. They are similar to each other, these are the advantages and disadvantages of this pair. This couple is distinguished by its leisurely nature; they always need time to make a decision. Their relationship can stop at the dating stage very long time. The man here is protected by the planet Venus, so there will always be a lot of tenderness and romance in the relationship. If Rakinya and Libra decide to marry, then this will be a very balanced, well-thought-out decision.

They will not quarrel loudly; everything will be resolved through peaceful negotiations. You might think that this union lacks expression, but this is not so. The Libra man can flare up from time to time and become jealous, which will maintain the degree of flirtation in the relationship. The relationship is more interesting if the guy according to the eastern horoscope is Monkey, Ox or Goat, this gives him artistry, which attracts Rakin.

Cancer Woman and Scorpio Man

In this couple, the relationship can begin with passion. Romance can really be tumultuous. Even if the relationship does not last long, the couple will still remember each other for a long time. But in a long-term relationship, you will have to work hard to maintain interest in them. Scorpio and Cancer are two completely different zodiac signs.

The man here yearns for new horizons constantly, both in the family and sexual spheres as well. When a woman finds a family, she switches to family concerns. This can make a guy angry and upset. He can show his companion that she does not live up to his expectations. Because of this, scandals can occur at home, which naturally deteriorates the microclimate. But this couple also has an advantage: they will not get bored of each other. Both are interesting personalities who strive for self-realization. If they manage to establish communication, they will become a family. It’s good here if a man’s eastern horoscope is Dragon or Pig, this will give him patience and wisdom.

Cancer Woman and Sagittarius Man

Fate rarely unites these two signs in a long-term union. They have too few points of contact. The Sagittarius man is distinguished by narcissism and emotionality, which is why only a wise and very wise woman can persuade him to marry and fulfill family obligations. calm woman. The Cancer woman is not like that.

She will rather demand that he fulfill his obligations, which will irritate Sagittarius even more. So, family relationships here will work out if someone in the couple is very wise and cunning. If Sagittarius is a Tiger according to the eastern horoscope, then he may have a greater desire to tie the knot, this softens the situation.

Cancer Woman and Capricorn Man

Cancer woman, compatibility with Capricorn is above average. Such relationships can be characterized as partnerships. Here, a guy and a girl begin to distinguish each other in society because of how they show up in business. Perhaps their relationship will begin at work. There, the Cancer Girl understands that she has a reliable Capricorn next to her, someone she can rely on, who is distinguished by her honesty and efficiency. You can fall in love with someone like that, because in family and love he will show the same qualities. This couple will have a clear division of responsibilities. Moreover, it is not necessary that the husband will earn money and the wife will sit at home. It may be the other way around. Capricorn likes women who know how to make money.

Equality and common agreements reign here. If, according to the eastern horoscope, the girl here is also a Rat or Rabbit, then she will make sure that there is always a high degree of flirtation in the relationship.

Cancer woman and Aquarius man

Compatibility in love is approximately 80%, and in marriage 60%. Here again, we are talking more about a successful and beautiful romance, but not about marriage for life. For a Cancer woman, Aquarius seems like a real mystery, but not in in a good way this word. She doesn't know what to expect from him and it keeps her on edge. Such tension in love fuels relationships in a short romance, when everything is tied to sex and there is simply no concern for other areas of life. But if we're talking about about a long-term relationship, then for Cancer it soon becomes unbearable.

With Aquarius, it is not possible for Cancer to fully calculate the situation. And for Rakini this is real stress. She doesn’t understand his behavior, but he likes to be guessed. Aquarius is unlikely to become a support for a Cancer girl, where she, the fiery Cancer, can at least sometimes feel like a weak woman or an equal partner. Therefore, this relationship is unlikely to last long, and, most likely, she will leave him, tired of the riddles.

Cancer Woman and Pisces Man

When asked who a Cancer woman is compatible with, you can safely answer with a Pisces. Perfect couple, here's what you can say about them:

  • Here the love sphere will be rich.
  • And the family will be strong.

They are alike. These zodiac signs often have similar goals and dreams, but the most important thing for both is not the realization of these desires. At the same time, this is not dry business communication and the achievement of common goals. No, their communication is filled with light, fascinating conversations, similar humor, warmth and love, walks under the moonlight. These zodiac signs will be happy together, both in the first week of the relationship and in the tenth year of marriage.

Mysterious and a little aloof on the outside, with subtle sensitivity and vulnerable on the inside, the Cancer girl is difficult choice for men. The meaning of her life is emotional unrest, empathy, complex mood swings. On the other hand, Cancer is a constant zodiac, integral within itself, covered with a shell, and does not tolerate pressure. People are born under this sign between June 22 and July 22.

Cancer: characteristics of the sign

Cancer's intuition is like water - it leads its ward along the path of least emotional disturbance. Cancer is a zodiac sign, compatibility with which should be based on intra-family relationships. If this condition is met, there is an object of love and adoration at home - Cancer can become possessive, tyrant, corrosive and constantly demanding maximum performance from a partner. This is what Cancer is all about.

The characterization of the sign thickens the colors, often giving misconception about a human. In fact, those born under the influence of the Moon and the sign of water very sensitively feel the world around them, which they themselves create. Their world is calm, without sudden surges of emotions and intense passions. Cancer is very dependent on family relationships and on its own memory, in which everything is recorded by scarring: once and for all. And here it doesn’t matter what exactly Cancer will remember: a quote from a movie, his mother’s favorite juice, the smell neighbor's dog or a brooch given to a friend.

Cancer. Horoscope. Young woman

In the head of a woman born under the sign of the Moon and water, thoughts are constantly spinning about how one could survive this or that event. Constantly thinking, going over moments, a Cancer woman can drive herself into a psychological trap, which, firstly, she will not tell anyone about, secondly, she will wait for her loved ones to guess it themselves, and thirdly, pull her out of her own depressing thoughts almost impossible. Here, as they say, you have to wait until it goes away. Yes, Cancer is a zodiac prone to long soul-searching, which, as a rule, leads to nothing.

Thought is the basis of Cancer's life. There, in his head, the maximum of their life passes, but if there is a person nearby with whom it is interesting to communicate, who knows how to listen and knows how to speak, Cancer will gladly linger and devote himself completely to the conversation. In addition, as we remember, he has a good memory, which means he is an excellent interlocutor with us. True, getting a Cancer woman to talk will not be so easy.

Compatibility with other signs

Cancer is a zodiac sign, compatibility with which either gives freedom or puts on shackles. Why? Because regardless of gender, Cancers are either leaders or martyrs. Either affectionate or a little hysterical. Either they love quietly and tenderly, or they oppress both themselves and their partner.

Cancer woman - Aries man

The initial stage of a relationship is boundless romance. She is delighted with his reliability and impulses, he is delighted with how caring and understanding she is. True, this relationship is not the best union, since Cancer often goes too far with care and homeliness, while Aries loves a change of scenery and strives for freedom. A good union here is possible through patience, compromise and respect for each other's interests.

Cancer woman - Taurus man

Cancer is a sensitive and empathetic zodiac. Taurus appreciates this. Such a union is almost ideal: Taurus performs purely male functions, Cancer girl purely feminine; he receives maximum care and affection with her, while she gets the opportunity to sit at home and not worry about the outside world. The only advice: a Cancer woman should give in to her Taurus more often. Even if his thirst for activity is incomprehensible and unfounded.

Cancer woman - Gemini man

This couple will not be unambiguous: on the one hand there is great love, on the other there is a lot of disagreement. She wants peace and to always be with him, but he wants to go for a walk, new car, become a Buddhist, drink lemonade and all at the same time, or better yet, go to a monastery. Or eat some pie. The inconstancy of Gemini will one day drive even a calm Cancer woman into hysterics.

Cancer woman - Cancer man

This union is similar to communication with a mirror: similarity in everything, the same aspirations and goals, equal strength and an equal degree of perseverance in creating everyday life. But it’s hard to live with a reflection: everything is predictable to such an extent that it hurts your teeth. A Cancer girl and a Cancer guy will often come to quarrels. Moreover, these quarrels will be with the same arguments, but in complete silence. Because the Cancer girl and the Cancer guy are silent creatures.

Cancer Woman - Leo Man

The sociable Leo will often disappear in groups, telling everyone his love story, tormenting his withdrawn friend. Cancer will be offended and silent, bringing Leo to the boil. If in this couple everyone defends their interests and thinks about themselves, separation will come quickly. If they both sincerely admire each other, the relationship will be long-lasting and productive, despite the fundamental differences.

Cancer woman - Virgo man

This is a sweet, quiet couple who loves their family hearth and has general views for life in general, for comfort, for the family budget and for handling things. Yes, the relationship will take a long time to develop: the partners are very careful, but after a long build-up and grinding in, they are unlikely to want to break up.

Such a union will be very gray and dull in appearance, but cozy inside. The downside may be the excessive pickiness of Virgo and the vulnerability of Cancer.

Cancer woman - Libra man

Two neat ones. Two family men. Two economic natures. She will rejoice at a calculating and neat man. He will be glad to have a woman with whom he can find stability. Libra is a man of intelligence who does not like excessive tenderness, necessary for Cancer. This will lead the Cancer woman to accumulate grievances, which can be avoided through frank conversations and direct requests. It is also very important to take control of the financial part, as Libra can be wasteful.

Cancer woman - Scorpio man

One of the most successful unions, as he and she become friends, partners, lovers and ideal spouses for each other. There will be practically no quarrels here, since understanding is top level. Outwardly, this is a very calm, chaste union of two spouses who honor family traditions and way of life. And inside there is an intensity of passions and a storm of emotions. True, no one will see this. The main thing is not to give Scorpio a reason to be jealous.

Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The frivolous nature of Sagittarius and the prudence of Cancer. He is a carefree dreamer who loves to tell the truth to his face. She is hardworking, vulnerable and thinks about the future of the family. His criticism can hurt her very painfully, and the man’s constant frivolity will make her wonder: is such a charming but flighty man needed?
boy? Solution: learn to listen to each other, make concessions and avoid sharp corners.

Cancer woman - Capricorn man

In this couple there is a clear distribution of roles: he is the breadwinner, she is the housewife. The union will turn out to be very strong and comfortable for both, because next to each other they best qualities will come first, and feelings will be supported by tender relationships. To strengthen the union, it is important for him to learn to understand her sensitive nature, and for her to remember his calculating mind and inability to scan emotions.

Cancer woman - Aquarius man

When the initial intensity of passions subsides, Cancer's vulnerability and Aquarius's insane craving for freedom will remain. A serious problem will be Aquarius' mockery of Cancer's vulnerability. Such a connection will be fragile and short-lived due to the coldness of Aquarius and his creative nature, looking for something new. The Cancer girl, with whom Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible, is unlikely to be able to tie a free man to home and family.

Cancer woman - Pisces man

The union of Cancer and Pisces is built on tenderness, care, and attention to each other. They are frank and love to spend time together, completely understanding and satisfying each other. In addition, the connection between them is established instantly. The conflict level of this couple is zero: there are no quarrels here, since both are ready to make peace. Their life is a solitary existence in harmony with each other. The downside of the relationship will be that both are unable to make a serious decision about anything.

Creating a union is a difficult step for a Cancer girl. She is indecisive by nature and expects her partner to make the decisive first step for her. The manifestation of determination kills Cancer on the spot. A partner who is not able to take care of himself, her, their everyday life and the material component of life will very quickly disappoint her.

If the union was not concluded amicably, but due to a coincidence of circumstances (family decision, unplanned pregnancy, settlement or something else) and there is no possibility of separation, then in this case we can only advise one thing: be patient and try to find the good side in a partner, whatever he may be.

It is not necessary to share everything with your partner and idealize him. The lack of heart-to-heart communication can be solved with the help of friends with similar interests, and sentimental communication can be replaced by writing poetry or another hobby. Of course, this will not solve the problems in the relationship, but it will allow the Cancer girl to remain herself and spend time alone with herself, in her shell, where she is best understood - in her own head.

Children of the Moon, sensitive and vulnerable, emotionally reacting to the reality around them and timid in communication, this is all about Cancers. In addition to the listed qualities, the mysterious moon has endowed them with amazing intuition, which affects the compatibility of Cancers - they feel suitable partners on a subconscious level. The element of Cancer is water, but who said that it is always calm, water can be indomitable and energetic. At the same time, water is the soul of the world; it is closely connected with emotions and feelings. The Moon and water are surprisingly combined in Cancer, making them a mystery to others.

They tend to hide their talents and remain in the shadows; they are as mysterious as their patroness.

Characteristics of the sign

The best partners for Cancers will be representatives of their own element. Those whose element is earth can make up perfect union with Cancer, the earth is an excellent container for water, in turn the water will nourish the earth. Scorpios and Pisces will get along with Cancers, but, as in any relationship, you will have to put in a little effort.

Two Cancers? Perhaps, but not immediately, they will have to earn their happiness. Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos are very practical people; they will make a wonderful match for Cancers if they can understand each other. Caution must be exercised with Aries, Sagittarius and Leo; fiery signs can simply dry out Cancers. With air signs everything is very individual, you will have to act by trial and error. You just need to remember that Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not particularly patient, which means they will not wait for Cancer if he thinks too long.

Approaching Cancers is not so easy; only those who sincerely sympathize with them recognize them at their best; others may consider them gloomy and withdrawn. Wards of the Moon do not tolerate deception in any of its manifestations, they are irritated by flattery and duplicity in relationships, they intuitively sense the falsehood of their interlocutor. It may seem that they can read minds. Perhaps this is true.

Compatibility of Cancer with other zodiac signs

Cancer and Aries

Aries are fast and restless. The domineering character of Aries simply requires subjugating Cancer. The patience of Cancers will allow them to get along with Aries for some time, but not all their lives; no one will be pleased to break themselves even for the sake of love. This union is good for romantic relationships, light flirting and passionate dates. It is better for the wards of Mars and the Moon to remain friends and walk past the registry office, they have nothing to do there.

Cancer and Taurus

Such a union is possible if the couple wants it. Cancers are calm, Taurus are good-natured and patient. Venus and the Moon will take care of a strong marriage for their wards. These two will live a long life life together without storms and passions. An even, smooth relationship, without excessive emotionality and passion, everything was just as these guys wanted. It will seem very boring, believe me, this couple will always find something to do.

Cancer and Gemini

Geminis are too impulsive and restless, Cancers simply will not keep up with them, and in general the union of air and water promises to be difficult. Geminis can easily offend sensitive Cancers and they won’t even notice their offense. Representatives of the water element must be treated delicately, they are very vulnerable and sensitive, but Gemini will not be able to follow these rules. But the couple has excellent intimate compatibility; a tender romance awaits them, which will give both a lot of impressions. But you shouldn’t rush with your family, if you really want to go to the registry office, you should make sure that this is the same love.

Cancer and Cancer

Two Cancers are a kinship of souls and mutual attraction. This couple knows how to spend time, there is a high probability that they have similar tastes and interests. But to create a strong union, you will have to work and stop being selfish. The Moon's wards will understand each other without words, their intuition borders on mysticism, in these relationships it is impossible to hide anything. Perhaps Cancers know better than astrologers what future awaits them. This will be an interesting and mysterious union; their compatibility, although not ideal, is enough for a strong marriage.

Cancer and Leo

The radiance of Leo can conquer anyone, so dear Cancers will fall under this charm. Only different elements will complicate the relationship in this union as much as possible. Daily battles for various reasons will simply exhaust the calm Cancer. And Leos are not used to proving that they are the best; they are sure that this is already obvious to others. It will be difficult to combine these two signs. But opposites attract, and true love works wonders.

Cancer and Virgo

Virgos, out of old habit, will try to find faults in Cancers. At first they will seem secretive and too mysterious. When will they realize that there is no catch? Earthly Virgos will decide that they can build with Cancer harmonious relationships, and minor flaws can be corrected gradually. But Cancers don’t think so; their plans do not include meeting someone’s inflated demands. They are accustomed to relying on their intuition, and not on the clear plans that Virgo makes. But anything can happen, and love can turn out to be evil.

Cancer and Libra

The positive qualities of Libra and their charm will definitely attract Cancers to them, who will be conquered by the sincerity and sociability of Libra. The Moon and Venus can help their wards get together; their compatibility is quite possible. The main thing is that Cancers understand in time that they have met their person; Libra is not going to wait forever. This marriage does not promise to be smooth, there will be quarrels, perhaps scandals, but the spouses will easily step over this and move on hand in hand.

Cancer and Scorpio

Scorpios love to set their own rules and lead in a couple. Cancers will allow them to do this, of course, if they truly love their other half. Despite the fact that Scorpios and Cancers are very different, the common element of water will help them get closer and understand each other. The relationship between the wards of the Moon and Pluto promises to be difficult, but all the more interesting. Scorpios will thank fate more than once for Cancers; it is difficult to find a more reliable companion and faithful spouse. And in the intimate sphere, everything is fine with the couple.

Cancer and Sagittarius

The bright character of Sagittarius, their honesty and good nature will conquer Cancer. The stars warn that it is better to avoid this union; fire and water are completely incompatible. Most likely, Jupiter's amorous ward will break Cancer's heart. He will run away from the relationship as soon as he decides that it has exhausted itself. Cancers can experience a breakup very emotionally, seeing it as a betrayal. Cancers should think carefully before diving into this relationship.

Cancer and Capricorn

This alliance will be built on trust. Capricorns are thorough and practical; these thoughtful guys are a clear match for modest Cancers. A calm future and a measured life await them, where everything is planned in advance; Capricorns will take care of this. These relationships may seem dreary and insipid to others, but Capricorn and Cancer don’t care about other people’s opinions, they feel good, and that’s the main thing.

Cancer and Aquarius

This is a very interesting union, the basis for it will be mutual respect, which is already good for marriage. It will not bring dizzying passion, but Cancers will not suffer from it. As for Aquarius, their attraction to their soul mate will be so strong that it will simply not be possible to break off the relationship. In addition, Aquarians love everything unusual, and it is difficult to imagine a more mysterious life partner.

Cancer and Pisces

The compatibility of this couple is ideal; they can be demonstrated to society as an exemplary family to follow. Not only will they understand each other, they will be able to feel the desires of their partner, and believe me, they will also fulfill them. Their relationship will be ideal in all areas - true friends, reliable partners and ideal lovers. The couple will not cause envy among others, they simply will not give a reason for it and will not flaunt their happiness.

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