Presentation on vitamin b9. Vitamins (presentation)

"Vitamins 8 class" - With a lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis), metabolic diseases occur. Vitamins. Someone suggested making a decoction of pine needles. Biology grade 8. Vitamin C. Under the influence of vitamin C, the elasticity and strength of blood vessels increase. Vitamins are very unstable substances. Find out: What foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D.

"Essential vitamins for humans" - Vitamin D. The value of vitamins. Vitamins. Vitamin RR. From the history. Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis. Vitamin E. B vitamins.

"Vitamin" - Types of vitamins. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). C - ascorbic acid; B1 - thiamine; B2 - riboflavin; PP - nicotinic acid; A - retinol (provitamin A); D - calciferol; E - tocopherol. Normalize metabolism; Participate in the formation of enzymes; Contribute to better absorption of nutrients.

"The role of vitamins in human life" - Vitamin E (anti-sterile) was discovered in 1922. Health professionals about vitamins. Vitamin B12. Vitaminization of food. Vitamin B3. Diseases caused by beriberi. Vitamin K. Vitaminization of the school menu. Vitamin E. Vitamin K (antihemorrhagic) is found in green leaves. Where in our area you can find natural vitamins.

"Vitamins in nutrition" - Types of vitamin deficiency. Retinol. Classification of vitamins. daily human need. Thiamine. Vitamin E. Vitamins. natural vitamins. The history of the discovery of vitamins. Vitamin C. Low molecular weight organic compounds.

Efficiency of mastering the material. Right-brained people The subjects of mathematical and natural-science cycle are better assimilated. Left hemispheric people Better assimilated the subjects of the humanitarian cycle. Rules for the principles of health saving in the lesson. 5-25 minutes - 80% 25-35 minutes - 60-40% 35-40 minutes - 10%.

"Vitamins" - Apparently, alpha-tocopherol is the most active. Presentation on theme: "Digestion, Vitamins, Nutrients."— Presentation transcript: The industry also produces synthetic alpha-tocopherol. Processing and cooking lead to the destruction of part of the starch granules. Digestion in the mouth. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating.

"Vitamins for the body" - Carrots Milk Liver Apricots Tomatoes. Vitamin groups. Substance from rice bran. Vitamins. Scurvy. Loss of appetite "take-take" Increased fatigue. Products containing vitamins. The exchange of calcium and phosphorus. Night blindness Skin diseases Growth retardation. Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates. Egg yolk Liver Fish oil Butter UV radiation.

"The Importance of Vitamins" - Vitamins. The value of B vitamins Participate in the work of oxidative enzymes. The purpose of the work: to find out why vitamins are needed. Participate in the metabolism of amino acids. The value of vitamin C Participate in redox processes. The content of vitamins in foods A, B, C. Importance of vitamin D Essential for normal bone development.

"Lesson Vitamins" - A - retinol. Introduced the term "avitaminosis" - a violation in the body due to the lack of vitamins. Night blindness is visual impairment. Questions (answer yourself - put a number, see biological dictation). Lesson form: lesson - journey. Fat soluble. Vitamins. Vitamins in our life. Lesson: Vitamins in our life.

"Vitamin E" - Fat-soluble vitamins should not be carried away, as toxic reactions can cause smaller doses of the RDA (recommended norm of vitamins) of fat-soluble than water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin E. Properties. The modern daily intake of vitamin E according to Russian standards is 10 mg.

In total there are 17 presentations in the topic

"Vitamins for humans" - Foods richest in vitamin A. Butter and milk contain a lot of vitamin PP. Research methods Lunin (on white mice). … Always on the alert! Foods with a high concentration of vitamin D. Vitamin D Participates in the exchange of Ca and P. Lack of vitamin leads to softening of the bones and rickets. On guard of our health.

"Vitamin groups" - Empirical formula C12H18ON4S. The lack of biotin causes mainly skin lesions. B12 (cyanocobalamin). Empirical formula (С63Н88N14PC0). Animals and humans must receive riboflavin from food. Pyridoxine obtained by chemical synthesis is used in medicine. Some vitamins in humans are synthesized by the microbial flora of the intestine.

"Vitamins for children" - Hypovitaminosis is a seasonal problem. Vitamin B13 stimulates protein metabolism, normalizes liver function, and improves reproductive health. Vitamin B2. From history... Vitamin B9 is found in: meat, root crops, dates, apricots, mushrooms, pumpkin, bran. Vitamin PP is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, and regulates the functioning of the hematopoietic organs.

"Lesson Vitamins" - The manifestation of diseases with a lack or excess of a vitamin. Water soluble. A is retinol. To develop creative thinking and intellectual abilities of students. The skin becomes dry. Biological dictation: Vitamin-A. Questions (answer yourself - put a number, see biological dictation). Lesson form: lesson - journey.

"Vitamins Biology" - Definition of the term vitamins. Voice the photos and pictures. Source of vitamin deficiency function. Vitamin C. Fats Proteins Carbohydrates Water Mineral salts. Vitamin b. Complicated. Vitamins have a structure. Source of vitamin deficiency function. + Vitamins. Vitamins. What is more useful? And etc.) ? Vitaminized foods? medical preparations? sun exposure.

"Vitamin" - Vitamin C. Types of vitamins. The role of vitamins in human life. Vitamins of group B. Normalize metabolism; Participate in the formation of enzymes; Contribute to better absorption of nutrients. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). Vitamins. C - ascorbic acid; B1 - thiamine; B2 - riboflavin; PP - nicotinic acid; A - retinol (provitamin A); D - calciferol; E - tocopherol.

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  • Vitamins (from Latin vita - "life") - a group of low molecular weight organic compounds with a relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature. This is a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food. Vitamins are found in food in very small quantities, and therefore are referred to as micronutrients.
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    • B1: THIAMINE
    • B6: pyridoxine
    • B9: FOLIC ACID
    • B12: cyanocobalamin
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    Daily requirement of VITAMIN B1, B2 B3

    • B1: 0.7 mg per 1000 kcal.
    • Daily requirement: the need for riboflavin B2 is 0.8 mg per 1000 kcal. On average, it is 2.5-4.0 mg per day.
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    Daily requirement of vitamin B6, B9, B12

    • B6: The daily requirement is 2.0-2.2 mg. (Average 2.0 mg)
    • Q12: DAILY REQUIREMENT IS 2-5mcg (Average 3mcg)
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    Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 THEIR VALUES AND FUNCTIONS:

    • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is mainly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, in the body it is converted into cocarboxylase. REQUIRED FOR NORMAL ACTIVITY OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. REGULATOR OF FAT AND CARBON METABOLISM
    • .Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) plays an important role in protein metabolism, it is also involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. PARTICIPATE IN REDOX REACTIONS
    • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is essential for protein metabolism and building diversity. It has a regulatory effect on the nervous system, participates in hematopoiesis, improves lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis, enhances the secretion of gastric juice. Thiamine is contained in the germs and shells of oats, buckwheat, wheat, in bread baked from plain flour. Especially a lot of it in yeast. ALSO PARTICIPATES IN THE METABOLISM SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS, FATTY ACIDS AND UNSATURATED LIPIDS.
    • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is essential for the proper functioning of vitamin B12 in the production of red blood cells and the processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. PARTICIPATES IN THE SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS, CHOLINE ETC.
    • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is essential for normal blood formation. It is involved in protein metabolism, has a positive effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism, on the function of the nervous system and liver. Vitamin B12 lowers blood cholesterol and activates the blood coagulation system. With a lack of vitamin B12, anemia develops.
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    Vitamin B1, B2, B6 deficiency:

    • B-1. With a lack of thiamine, there is a breakdown, increased fatigue, tachycardia
    • With a lack of vitamin B2, weakness is noted, appetite and weight decrease, the process of hematopoiesis is disturbed, pain in the eyes, cracks and pain appear.
    • With a lack of vitamin B6, gastrointestinal disorders are observed, skin lesions and neuropsychiatric disorders are noted. For example, if you suddenly experience "hell pain" in the back of your ankle at night, so severe that you jump out of bed, you can assume that you are not getting enough vitamin B6 (but this can also be a sign of a lack of vitamin E or magnesium. in the hands, twitching of the eyelids, you sleep badly, you have a bad memory - these are not signs of old age at all.
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    Lack of vitamin B9, B12:

    • Signs of a lack of folic acid (vitamin B9): depression, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, forgetfulness, weakness, pallor, inflammation of the gums, sometimes neuralgic pain (especially in older people
    • Vitamin B12 lowers blood cholesterol and activates the blood coagulation system. With a lack of vitamin B12, anemia develops, severe disorders.
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    • B-1, Thiamine is contained in the germs and shells of oats, buckwheat, wheat, in bread baked from plain flour. Especially a lot of it in yeast. Among the cereals, the most important are:
    • Oatmeal Grupp Buckwheel 180 Drum Buckwheel Curved 320Aurn 750 Drum Barley 150 Drum Buckwheat Raw 530 Drums Wheat (91%) 450 Brown Beer Dried 1000 - 17000 Products Bakery Dried 3000 Production Fresh 700YC 150Tagog 100Shug
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    • The content of vitamin B2 in foods: Brewer's yeast, dried 300 - 200Drozhzhi baking fresh 1700Drozhzhi baking Dried 3500 - 48Svinina fatty 240Moloko fresh 150Moloko powder 1400Govyadina 190Makrel 1400Ovsyanye flakes 130Krupa buckwheat 130Mindal 660Muka wheat 90% 230Muka wheat 72% 100Muka rye 32% 200Yaytsa chicken 450Kakao 450Telyatina 300 Cauliflower, green peas 75 Dry legumes, peanuts 300 Spinach 50 Lamb 270 Potatoes 17.5
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    • The content of nicotinic acid (Vitamin B3) in some products Dry apricots 3.3 Peanuts 16.2 Lamb 6.6 Beef 4.5 Fresh or dry peas 2.7 - 3.1 Dry beer yeast 36.2 Dry bread yeast 28.2 Cereals 19.2 Turkey meat 8.0 Fried potatoes 1.7 Baked potatoes 3.3 Corn 1.4 - 1.7 Chicken 8.0 - 10.0 Salmon (canned) 7.2 Almonds 4.6 Wheat flour, unpeeled 4.3 Rye flour 2.5 - 2.7 Bran 19.2 Dried peaches 5, 4 Beef, sheep, chicken liver 11.8 - 18.9 Beef kidneys 6.8 - 7.9 Beef heart 4.5 - 7.8 Dry plums 1.7 Veal 6.6 Dry cod 10.9 Dry beans 1.4 potatoes 25.5
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    • Rye flour 32% 200 Chicken eggs 450 Cocoa 450 Veal 300 Cauliflower, green peas 75 Dry legumes, peanuts 300 Spinach 50 Lamb 270 Potatoes 17.5
    • Chicken 8.0 - 10.0
    • Fish 15.5 meat 300
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    • Good sources of this water-soluble vitamin include liver, kidneys, green vegetables, yeast, fruits, dry beans and lentils, whole grains, and wheat germ.
    • Poultry liver, 100 g 647 Brewer's yeast, 1 tablet 313 Veal liver, 100 g 269 Orange juice, a glass 136 Fresh spinach, a glass 106 Boiled broccoli, one medium 101 Brussels sprouts, 4 pcs. 74 Lettuce, glass 98 Endive salad, glass 71 Soybeans (dry), 1/4 cup 90 Sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup 85 Soy flour, 1/4 cup 80
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    • Veal liver, 100 g 269
    • poultry liver,
    • 100 g 647
    • Milk 250
    • Eggs 100
    • Homemade cheese 150
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    Folic acid (lat. acidum folicum, folacin; from lat. folium leaf) is a water-soluble vitamin B 9 necessary for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. Along with folic acid, vitamins include its derivatives, including di-, tri-, polyglutamates and others. All such derivatives, together with folic acid, are combined under the name circulatory immune system vitamins

    Discovery History In 1931, researcher Lucy Wills reported that taking a yeast extract helped cure anemia in pregnant women. This observation led researchers in the late 1930s to identify folic acid as the main active ingredient in yeast. Pholic acid was obtained from spinach leaves in 1941 and was first chemically synthesized in Lucy Wills yeast extract of anemia spinach.

    Biological significance From the lack of folic acid, the bone marrow suffers, in which there is an active division of cells. Progenitor cells of red blood cells, formed in the bone marrow, increase in size in folic acid deficiency, forming the so-called megaloblasts and leading to megaloblastic anemia.

    Daily Value Adults mcg Pregnant women mcg Breastfeeding women mcg Children up to 300 mcg per day

    Hypovitaminosis Rarely develops, mainly in violation of its absorption by the body. Symptoms of hypovitaminosis: red tongue, anemia, apathy, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, indigestion, graying, growth retardation, shortness of breath, memory problems, birth defects of offspring. With a deficiency of folic acid in a pregnant woman, the likelihood of developing toxicosis, depression increases, pain in the legs appears, and anemia of pregnant women develops.

    Hypervitaminosis Large doses of folic acid sometimes cause dyspepsia in children, an increase in the excitability of the central nervous system, and can lead to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the epithelial cells of the kidneys. Long-term use of large doses of folic acid is not recommended due to the possibility of a decrease in the blood concentration of vitamin B12.

    GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ACTION OF FOLIC ACID: Pholic acid takes an active part in the processes of regulation of the functions of the hematopoietic organs, has an antianemic effect in macrocytic anemia. Pholic acid affects the functions of the intestines and liver, increases the content of choline in the liver and prevents its fatty infiltration. Pholic acid supports the immune system by contributing to the normal formation and function of white blood cells. Pholic acid plays an important role in pregnancy. It regulates the formation of embryonic nerve cells, which is extremely important for normal development. Daily intake of folic acid in early pregnancy can prevent fetal nerve trunk defects such as anencephaly and spina bifida in 75% of cases. In addition, folic acid prevents premature birth, premature birth and premature rupture of the amniotic membrane. Folic acid is indispensable for relieving postpartum depression, so it can rightfully be called the most important female vitamin. In high doses, folic acid has an estrogen-like effect, it can delay the onset of menopause and alleviate its symptoms, and in adolescent girls, it can correct delayed puberty.