Passage of the game quiz for everyone in VK. The most original way

We tried to collect the most interesting, relevant and engaging mechanics for contests in social networks.

If you have more ideas, feel free to write them in the comments. It will be useful.

Today we will tell:

Why are there competitions on social media?

Like it or not, page contests are an integral part of promotion. There are many reasons why it is important to remember to have activities on the page:

  • Attracting new subscribers.
  • Bringing a new product to market.
  • Generate interest in your product or service.
  • The maximum virality of such content, i.e. rapid dissemination of information about your brand without attracting an additional budget, but only due to the excitement of subscribers around the contest.
  • Brand loyalty is formed. The organizer, who honestly fulfilled all the conditions of the competition, will undoubtedly increase his status in the eyes of subscribers, increasing confidence in his brand. Users left without prizes will definitely try their luck in your next contest and, again, “pull up” new subscribers with them.

There are two types of competitions:

  • with the choice of the winner by a random number generator (Giveaway);
  • with the choice of the winner manually (by the organizer) or by voting between the participants.

Consider the ideas of contests for the 3 most popular social networks in Russia.

Instagram Contest Ideas

Selfie with a product

Participants take a photo with your brand product (or against the background of your store/salon) and post it on Instagram, not forgetting to mention information about the product and the contest itself in the hashtag. This is a great brand advertisement, although not everyone is ready to take a selfie, say, with a toilet, so not every product is suitable for this type of competition.

Product photo + story about it

Who is the best person to talk about your product? That's right - your customers! So ask them about it and generously reward them for the most fascinating story. The competition is suitable for advertising products that have already been introduced to the market and are in demand.

original photo

“Take the most unusual photo with our product and get a prize for it!” Just remember to set some limits so that none of the daredevils risk their health.


Let the participants think about how to use the “winter” product in the summer (for example, skates: they will come in handy at a picnic if you forgot to take a knife with you (absurd, but fun) and publish a photo-instruction. The prize is for the most original!


Ask users to show which parts of the world your product has already “visited”. Many people like to share photos from vacations and travels - there will be enough people who want to participate in the competition.

photo collage

Participants must make a photo story about any process related to your brand. For example, if you are selling Christmas decorations, ask participants to capture the process of decorating a Christmas tree.

Find the mistake!

Award the most competent contestant who took as many photos of erroneously written advertisements as possible (and, unfortunately, there are many such in every city). Useful in all respects competition.

Do you like … (brand)?

“Show in the photo how attached you are to our brand.” Do not forget about the 18+ limit, otherwise people are different ...

I am a lark!

Participation is accepted only by those who post a photo from 6:00 to 7:00 Moscow time.

What did you do for the weekend?

"Show what you did during the weekend and get the most likes for a prize!"

We are 100,000!

“We share our joy with you and want the same in return! Take a selfie with this number and put it on your page - the one with the most likes will become the owner ... "

Come up with a slogan

The winner will be the best dreamer who will come up with the best slogan for your company and take a picture with it.

Complete the phrase

Let your users brainstorm a little! It is advisable to take a phrase related to your product or brand.
Don't forget that Instagram contests are based on photos, so all ideas should be closely intertwined with them.

Ideas for contests on VKontakte

Make a repost


Ask an interesting question, and the prize will be drawn among the correct answers using a random number generator.

Find a passphrase

Encrypt some code on your site or page and give hints on how to find it.

There are more of us!
Give a prize to every 100th person who reposts a post about you reaching a certain subscriber threshold (For example: “We are 50,000!”).


“Do you know in what year the company “name of your company” was founded? Leave your answer in the comments! The winner will be the one who gives the correct answer first.

One hundred words

Set some long compound word and ask your subscribers to make as many other words out of it as possible. The one who comes up with the maximum combinations will be the lucky one.

The most original way

“Think of the most original way to use our product and take a picture of it.” The most inventive will receive a gift.

Mystery one day
Ask your subscribers to repost the entry about the contest, and in the information to it, indicate that on such and such a date a riddle will sound in the comment to the topic - the first person to guess it will get a prize.

Come up with a title or caption

Let the participants come up with an extraordinary caption for a photo and share the post on their page.


Ask your subscribers what the score will be between team A and team B. The first one to give the correct answer will receive a prize. (It is appropriate to hold such competitions during the Olympiad and championships).

Photo game


“Make the most original photo booth with our brand and win a prize!”

Best photo essay

Participants are given a time limit during which they must make an interesting report and post it on their page with a link to your company's page.

Best video story

Ask subscribers to record an interesting video on a given topic, but remember that in order to successfully advertise such a contest, you need to provide a good prize.

compose a verse

But not just a verse, but with a mention of your company. You choose the winner yourself.

Competition for the number of invitees

Your subscribers should invite as many people as possible to the group. The invitees will unsubscribe to you about the person who invited them to the group.

Best Avatar

Anyone can become a participant. To do this, it is enough to come up with an original avatar for the group and send it in the comments to the entry about the competition.

20 Facebook Contest Ideas

Invite a friend

Users must like the contest entry and indicate the person from their contact list with whom they would like to share the prize.

Why do I like it

Contest participants are those who click "I like" on the contest post, and write in the comments why they like it.

Answer to the question

Ask a question to your subscribers and give a prize to the first person to answer correctly.

Finish the phrase

Come up with any expression (or use a well-known one) and ask users to complete it with meaning. For example: “Love for a man’s heart lies through…”

photo caption

Users must come up with an original caption for your photo.

Best photo of the month
Let your subscribers take a thematic photo (for example, according to the season) and post it with a link to your contest.

Mini quiz

During the week, ask fans thematic questions, the winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.


Come up with a small, but useful for your company, questionnaire for participants to complete. Give each of them a modest but nice gift (for example, a 10% discount). A great way to collect email addresses to grow your email list.

scavenger hunt

Your subscribers must make a photo collage of the items you list at the appointed time on your page. The first one to do this will be the winner.

Last comment

It's simple - whose comment will be the last by a certain time, he will win.

Best Company Quote

The user leaves a quote on the company's page (possibly with a photo) and "collects" likes. The one who collects the most of them wins.


For example, ask your followers to count how many chocolates are in a large transparent bowl that you personally photographed. The person closest to the correct answer will win a prize.

Give an answer

“At yesterday's conference, we uttered a code word. Did you hear him? An interesting competition, but only if your company is sufficiently promoted.

Like me…

Let your subscribers tell and show how they do something. For example, when giving away movie tickets, ask them to show a photo of how they are going to the cinema.

In conclusion

In fact, any competition can become successful, but they must be held regularly so that readers do not lose interest in the resource. Combine different ideas and do not skimp on nice words and prizes for the winner!

Game "Quiz for everyone"
(Odnoklassniki, VKontakte)
= Answers: Level 1 =

Quiz for everyone - answers to the game from social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte. Pictures with hints for all questions for Level 1. There are solutions for all tasks in the game. Any help in passing the game "Quiz for all".
Answer the questions. Pass the levels. Take first place in the ranking! Interesting questions with pictures will not let you get bored and broaden your horizons. In special levels, you can compete with your friends in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.
If you find it difficult to complete a particular task, then you can find answers to the game "Quiz for everyone" on our game portal Branto Roux.
We also invite you to our groups: In contact with or in Odnoklassniki They will definitely help you with answers to any questions. By joining groups, you will be the first to know about adding answers not only to new tasks of the Quiz for All game, but also to other applications from social networks.

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answers to questions from Level 1

Special question

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 1

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 2

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 3

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 4

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 5

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 6

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 7

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 8

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 9

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 10

Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 11

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Quiz Game for Everyone: Answer to Level 1 Question 16

Have you ever planned to run a social media contest to cheer up your target audience? It seems that the big brands do nothing but give away iPads and gift certificates to their friends on VKontakte. And they do it right. Because the competition is a great chance to make yourself known, to interest consumers and increase sales.

Is it true that competitions work?

For some companies, contests do help to attract new members to a group or community (and, more importantly, provide valuable information about consumers). For other companies, the cost of prizes and advertising does not justify itself.

In fact, competitions work. But only if you manage them correctly: when your target audience wants to participate, when you have attractive prizes and your ads are made in a bright and stylish way.

Those companies that got frustrated with the contests probably made some serious mistakes. Either they offered prizes that didn't appeal to the audience, or they focused on chasing likes and overlooked customer feedback.

Here are 8 useful tips to help your company get real profits and new customers from the contest

1. Consider if you really need a competition

Seems like pretty stupid advice. But for some areas of business, a competition on a social network will be useful. For example, if you represent a B2B company operating in a narrow niche, a quiz on VKontakte is unlikely to help you attract a significant number of new customers.

If you are convinced that the competition is a really good marketing ploy for your business, then set specific goals.

What do you hope to achieve? Do you want to increase brand awareness or promote a new product? Do you plan to increase the number of "Like" clicks on your page? Are you looking to increase user engagement, get feedback, or find dedicated evangelists for your brand? Or are you raising money for a charity project?

And most importantly: set specific goals for yourself and do not arrange a competition just because everyone else is doing it.

2. Determine what type of contest will help you achieve your goal

Quizzes can be divided into four types, depending on what is required of the participants. This is a contest for the best review, a photo contest, a video contest - and a lottery, where the winner is determined randomly from all users who have performed some action (for example, a repost).

Why is it necessary to approach the choice of the format of the competition with particular care? Because each type of content is suitable for its audience. For example, it makes no sense to ask men to send photos with their favorite electric razor or expect funny videos from an adult audience. Sure, contests with photos, videos, and stories can provide a lot of interesting content for your page, but users will need more effort to enter - and many don't want to strain (unless it's a very valuable prize). Then the most effective way would be a lottery, when the right to participate in the drawing is given for minimal information from the consumer or free advertising in the form of a repost:

For example, a promising way to conduct lotteries, focused on regional businesses, offers advertising and marketing page "I want a gift". Users with more than 20 friends can receive a repost prize. For companies - practically free advertising (costs only for the prize and a fee to the lottery organizers), and the audience coverage can be much wider than if the action was held within its group. Users - quizzes for every taste without any effort and with some luck.

3. Read the Site Use Policy

Many call VKontakte a clone of Facebook. But when it comes to contests, the Russian site has a bit more options. The fact is that the Facebook Terms of Use only allow contests to be run on brand (company) Pages or through applications. You cannot use personal pages (timeline). For example, it is not allowed to ask users to repost contest information to their page or friends page in order to become a participant or have a better chance of winning.

One of the most important conditions that the Facebook administration insists on is to clearly inform users that the site does not sponsor the distribution of prizes. So if you decide to run a contest on Facebook, make sure you state in your rules that you're on your own. And if you have already taken up the action, then Facebook will in no way help you organize the process.

Be sure to publish the official rules, concepts and conditions of the competition. Violation of the Facebook Rules may result in your page being closed. Save yourself the headache and read all of Facebook's terms of use beforehand.

The most law-abiding and advanced brands use special applications that allow users to register and fulfill the conditions of the competition. This is how the application "GrandRouge: Your unique handwriting" from the company "Yves Rocher" looks like (promotion for the release of a new lipstick):

Another legal option is to create a contest page on the official website and promote it through Facebook. This is what Tele2 did. Before the New Year holidays, they held a competition called "The Warmest Gift", in which participants could create their own sweater design. The most popular models were embodied in knitted form and sent to their authors:

Well, for the inhabitants of VKontakte, there are no restrictions when holding contests, except for those specified in the Rules for advertising. Be careful.

4. Choose the right prize

The most fashionable bait for consumers is, of course, iPhones and iPads. They should not be neglected, but it is still better to use contests to showcase your own products and services. After all, people come to your page because they want to know more about what you have to offer.

If you're a cleaning company, for example, offer the winner three months of free service. If you sell digital cameras, do like Sony CyberShot: donate cameras and accessories from time to time.

The prize you offer doesn't have to be outrageously expensive. Just remember that the value of the award must be in proportion to the effort that the participants in the contest will make.

5. Keep it simple

What is the secret to running a successful campaign? Easy access to participate.

Yes, there are many super-innovative competitions that get a lot of attention, but there are many more examples where the competition failed because it was too difficult.

We have already mentioned the choice of content type. It's one thing to ask users to submit photos of themselves wearing their favorite T-shirt from your online store. And it’s quite another thing to expect a video from them where they loudly perform Rolling Stones songs.

Know that the more information you require from consumers in order to enter the draw, the fewer contestants will be recruited. People choose not to disclose their type of employment, marital status and three different phone numbers in order to compete for a branded mug.

Ask for a minimum of information, getting what you need - real consumers. In some cases, a username, age, and email address are sufficient.

6. Tell the world about your contest

Make sure contest promotion is included in your marketing strategy. Promote your quiz on Twitter, mention it in emails, TV and radio ads. Post reminders on your page. Let the community know from time to time how the competition is going, but don't forget to promote your business as well. You should not constantly talk only about the competition, otherwise people will lose interest in it:

Investing in advertisements is an effective and affordable way to increase the audience of your promotion. According to the Rules for placing advertisements on VKontakte, the title should be no longer than 25 characters, and the text should be a maximum of 60. Therefore, it is vital that the ad is clear and conspicuous.

Advertising on VKontakte and Facebook is targeted, which means it is displayed to users who match your demographics and interests. Advertisements can attract people who are not already in your community to your contest:

In addition, you will find interesting advertising models in social networks in our publication "".

8. And finally: get the job done

The contest is over, the prizes have been awarded to the winners... You did your job, right? Not so fast. You ran a promotion so you could get information about your customers, so take a moment and analyze what you've learned.

The easiest way is to enter the data in a spreadsheet and see what your customers were saying. Maybe they gave you valuable information about your brand. In the feedback, you can find important suggestions on how to improve user experience.

Make sure you complete the campaign with all your commitments and let your fans know you're listening so they'll stick with you even if no new prizes are forthcoming.

The text is based on the publication: "9 Tips for Running Successful Facebook Contests" (eng.)

Looking for something interesting and non-standard? Would you like to relax in an application where you don't have to look for common image elements? If you want a game that belongs to the category of an intellectual puzzle, then you should try downloading and playing Quiz for All Answers and a complete walkthrough of the application will help in the most difficult situation. And they will surely meet.

What to expect

After you click "play" a list of different categories will be posted. There are thirteen of them, and each includes up to ten questions that must be answered.


Also, the application has a help system. It can be found under the question mark "?". By clicking on it, you will see three lines. 1 - Show two letters (100 coins), 2 - Show one word (300 coins), 3 - Shuffle (for free). In the latter case, the letters will be mixed up, but this will play little role.

Purpose of the game

You have been asked a question, but it contains missing words preceded by numbers. The images are numbered below. They will help to guess the word in the text. How many missing words there are, so many correspond to the pictures. After guessing the words in the text, in the same level you need to answer this question, but there will no longer be any images to help.

We wish you an interesting and enjoyable passage in Quiz for all Answers.