The master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Yulia Sitnikova tells. Adaptive gymnastics for beginners from qigong and tambourine

Gymnastics that can be done at home is preferred by housewives or those who want to lose weight, who have little free time. The advantage of home fitness is the economy and the ability to exercise at any convenient time. Study the sets of exercises, make an individual schedule, show self-discipline and train for pleasure. There is nothing difficult in home gymnastics for weight loss.

If you are serious about body shaping, remember that no remedy gives the same result as you get using all methods of losing weight in combination. It is impossible to have a perfect figure, abusing beer and lying on the couch.

Follow a few principles when getting rid of excess weight:

  • Give the body regular physical activity;
  • Monitor the quality of food;

In order for the result to be fast and reliable, first of all, exclude from the diet foods and dishes that cause obvious or hidden harm to the body: excessively high-calorie, unnatural, with chemical flavors. Stick to a strict regimen, do not eat more than you want, give up a late dinner - this is where willpower and perseverance show.

Drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. because it removes waste and toxins.

When doing weight loss exercises at home, do not forget that regularity is just as important as intensity. Even if you take a light load and exercise every day, it will bring more benefits than a solid load, but with irregular classes.

To constantly be in good physical shape, use any conditions and opportunities as a charge. Ordinary household chores (cleaning or ironing) also get rid of a considerable amount of calories. Walk in the fresh air, walk, do not use the elevator, stretch and bend over, simple movements will be a good addition to physical exercises.

Let's start classes

Home gymnastics for weight loss includes a mandatory morning workout and special exercises for the muscles of problem areas.

Morning work-out


The main method for tightening the abdomen is. Perform exercises in different variations, most often in the supine position, bending your knees, holding your hands behind your head.

  • In the first option, lift the upper body, pressing the pelvis to the surface on which you lie;
  • In the second option, leave the upper body motionless, raising the pelvis;
  • The third exercise - in the same position, slowly sit down to touch your knees with your elbows.

Perform exercises 15 times, doing 3 sets. The abdominal muscles will return to normal and will be elastic.

If you are focusing on losing belly fat, do not get carried away with abdominal exercises. Loads on the press strengthen the muscles, but do not get rid of adipose tissue. As a result, you will pump up the muscles, but the stomach will still stand out.

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Which are designed to improve motor skills, as well as general health promotion. Regular exercises contribute to the development of muscle mass, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, increase the flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, and strengthen cardiac activity.

Gymnastic exercises are striking in their diversity and accessibility. They are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Thanks to this, you can choose the optimal set of workouts for yourself and engage in such activities anywhere at a convenient time. Let's talk about what gymnastic exercises for children and adults exist.

Benefits and types of training

Regular activity will keep you in excellent physical shape. The main feature of gymnastic exercises is that they have an excellent tonic and training effect. Such exercises speed up metabolism, develop flexibility and mobility of joints, strengthen and increase muscle tone without overloading the body at the physical level.

Performing gymnastic exercises has a great effect on the work of all internal organs. As a result of classes, the energy reserves of the body are activated, blood circulation is stimulated, the activity of the respiratory and nervous systems of a person develops and improves. Gymnastics will help you get a charge of vivacity in the morning, and in the evening it will relieve stress and psychological tension after a hard day.

According to the structure of motor activity, health-improving gymnastic exercises are:

  • general developmental;
  • tonic or rhythmic;
  • athletic;
  • medicinal.

When compiling a set of trainings on your own, choose those elements that will help you achieve your goal from playing sports. For example, regular general developmental gymnastics improves physical fitness and has a healing effect. You can increase muscle tone and endurance with the help of athletic elements. Rhythmic activity promotes weight loss, improves physical fitness and endurance, and gives an excellent energy boost. Therapeutic gymnastic exercises will help correct posture, restore flexibility and joint mobility. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

General developmental gymnastics

The largest and most popular group of exercises are general strengthening (basic) gymnastic elements. They are used to improve performance, improve and maintain physical fitness, improve human health. As a result of regular training, blood circulation is activated, the work of the respiratory system is stimulated, and the psycho-emotional background is stabilized. By doing such gymnastics regularly, you will significantly strengthen muscle mass, increase the tone of the whole body.

General developmental gymnastic exercises are performed without objects or using various sports equipment. There are many options for such workouts with a ball, rope, hoop, sticks, wall bars or a bench. They are widely used as a warm-up before more intense physical activity. Performing general developmental exercises does not require special training or sports skills, unlike other types of gymnastics, for example, rhythmic or athletic. These elements have proven to be the main means for maintaining the performance of older people.

A set of exercises without objects

General developmental gymnastics without the use of objects is a convenient training option. You will not need any sports equipment to complete this program. You can practice both at home and outdoors. The entire load in these exercises is for the light of your own weight. It is recommended to perform the program at least 3-4 times a week, gradually increasing the load.

Consider a set of gymnastic exercises.

1. Strengthening the muscles of the hands.

Training is performed while standing, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders straightened, shoulder blades brought together, back straight. We do 5 variants of hand swings 2-3 sets of 20 times: through the sides up, lifting in front of us, cross swings at chest level, wheel back and forth. These exercises perfectly develop the shoulder girdle, increase joint flexibility, relieve tension from the upper back, and improve posture.

2. Training of the muscles of the body.

We turn to exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and back - tilts and turns of the body from a standing position. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart, back straight. We perform 2-3 sets of 20 times: tilting forward and backward, left and right, circular movements of the body. Breathing is even and calm.

Such gymnastic exercises for the spine strengthen the muscular corset well, restoring the flexibility and mobility of the ligaments and joints. Remember to control your sensations during training. If any discomfort occurs in the spine, reduce the amplitude of rotation or reduce the number of repetitions, up to the complete cessation of the session.

3.Strengthening leg muscles.

The final part of the complex is exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities. From a standing position, we perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 times: deep squats, raising the knees to the chest, swings and lunges forward with alternating legs. These exercises improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, increase the tone of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and are an excellent prevention of venous insufficiency.

If it is difficult for you at the initial stage to perform the exercises in the indicated volume, reduce the number of repetitions to an acceptable level. With regular training, you will quickly achieve these indicators.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

Training with a gymnastic stick helps to perfectly work out the shoulders, arms and back, and has a beneficial effect on strengthening the muscles of the body and lower body. Regular general developmental exercises with this projectile allow you to restore the mobility of ligaments and joints, improve plasticity, and help relieve stress after sedentary work.

We offer you effective exercises with a gymnastic stick:

  • Working out the shoulder girdle and legs. We hold the projectile with a direct grip at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, keep our back straight. The exercise consists of 2 cycles: inhale - raise the stick up, exhale - start the projectile behind the head, lowering it as close to the shoulder blades as possible; inhale - the stick goes up, exhale - lower your hands to chest level, while crouching.
  • Development of the flexibility of the joints of the hands. We hold the gymnastic stick in front of us at chest level. We make circular movements at the maximum amplitude, first from ourselves, then towards ourselves.
  • Spinal twist. We fix the stick on the bend of the elbows behind the back, legs shoulder-width apart, feet firmly pressed to the floor. We make rotational movements of the body in different directions. During the exercise, try to keep the body strictly vertical, without taking your feet off the floor, your chin is raised, your chest is straightened. Body movements are performed only due to the muscles of the back and abdomen.

For training, you will need a stick 120 cm long. We do each gymnastic exercise 2-3 sets 20-30 times at a moderate pace. In the future, gradually increase the number of sets and repetitions. These simple but effective gymnastic elements are easy to perform at home. Exercising every day for only 10-20 minutes, you will quickly achieve flexibility and plasticity throughout the body.

Exercises with a gymnastic roller

The gymnastic roller is an effective sports equipment. Regular workouts perfectly work out the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, back muscles, abs, and legs. Simple at first glance, gymnastic elements give a tremendous load on almost the entire body.

Consider exercises with a gymnastic roller:

  • Stretching. We kneel down, we hold the roller in front of us. On the exhale, we begin to roll the projectile forward until the chest touches the knees, on the inhale we return back.
  • Training of the press and oblique abdominal muscles. We are on our knees, we hold the roller in front of us. As you exhale, roll the projectile away from you, lowering your chest to the floor as much as possible, but without touching it. On the inhale we come back. We make three options for movement: straight, right, left.
  • Working out the muscles of the body. We lie down on our stomach, hands with a roller are extended in front of us, we rest our toes on the floor. While inhaling, we pull the roller towards us, bending in the lower back, while exhaling we return to the starting point.

The number of approaches is determined based on the current physical form. If you are just starting to train, then do 1-2 sets of 15-20 times. In the future, it is recommended to bring the intensity of the load to a maximum, increasing the number of repetitions and approaches. Giving such classes for 20-30 minutes a day, you will significantly improve your physical fitness.

Exercises with a gymnastic bench

General developmental exercises using a bench train balance, a sense of balance, improve coordination. This projectile can be used not only to develop the vestibular apparatus, but also to develop strength and endurance. By regularly performing various exercises on the gymnastic bench, you will quickly achieve good physical results.

Use this projectile as a jump obstacle, push-up support, or leg raises to work the major muscle groups in your body. Walking with a different step option (attached, cross, on toes) perfectly develops a sense of balance. If you play sports with a partner, then organize a small joint duel, standing on a gymnastic bench. This will help you not only diversify your workout, but also give a good load on all muscle groups.

General developmental gymnastics for children

Active outdoor activities strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular system of the baby, increase immunity, harden the child's body. Regular exercise will help the child develop perfectly at the physical level. When choosing types of activity from a wide arsenal of general developmental gymnastics for children, pay attention to the balance of the load.

  • gymnastic exercises for the back, contributing to the formation of correct posture;
  • dance elements that help the development of plasticity and a sense of rhythm;
  • acrobatic exercises that improve flexibility;
  • cardio training to increase endurance;
  • game elements for developing concentration and focus.

A varied gymnastic program is the key to the full development of your baby on a physical and psychological level. If you have the opportunity, then do it with your child. Then you will show by your own example that physical education is an important part of life, which should be given maximum attention.

Rhythmic gymnastics for weight loss

Rhythmic gymnastics is a great way to improve physical fitness, get rid of extra pounds, and activate the work of the whole organism. Regular exercise with energetic music, combined with dietary nutrition, will give you a slender figure and a wonderful charge of vivacity. Performing gymnastic exercises for weight loss 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes, you will get rid of excess weight, increase muscle tone, and improve body shape.

The training complex should include a warm-up, exercises for different muscle groups, stretching to musical accompaniment, which will set the desired pace of intensity. As a warm-up, any physical elements with an aerobic effect, for example, step or dance movements to energetic music, are suitable. The main part is gymnastic training for problem areas at a moderate pace: squats, walking in place, cycling, swinging legs, lifting the body, working with dumbbells. Stretch to relaxing music.

Athletic gymnastics

Exercises using various weights are called athletic gymnastics. It perfectly develops physical parameters, trains strength and endurance, forms a beautiful body silhouette. As sports equipment, weights, a bar with removable disks, rubber bands, expanders, and block training complexes are used. Gymnastic exercises with weights are popular among both sports fans and professional athletes. Availability and a wide range of workouts allow you to choose a program for any level of physical development.


General developmental gymnastics is recommended not only at home or in the gym, but also while walking in the fresh air. Regular exercise will help you maintain good physical shape, be in good shape and in a great mood. It is enough to give such training for half an hour a day to achieve good results.

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most popular sports for girls. And this is not surprising, young gymnasts are delighted with bright costumes, communication with peers and the first small victories. For parents, in turn, it is important that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful. Gymnastics is the ideal sport to achieve these goals. It includes dance elements, acrobatic etudes and good psychological preparation. Thanks to this, they have grace, plasticity, flexibility, a sense of rhythm and psychological stability.

It is important for parents that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful.

Parents should be aware that behind the veneer of this romantic sport, a hidden world can hide: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries to your child. You should also correlate desires with financial capabilities, gymnastics is not a cheap sport. Sewing bright costumes, buying the necessary shells and shoes will fall on the shoulders of the parents.

Having assessed the pros and cons of sports, as well as the potential and desire of you and your child, you must definitely send the girl to rhythmic gymnastics.

Getting Started in Rhythmic Gymnastics

How old can you practice

At what age to start doing gymnastics depends on the goals. You can start classes for yourself personally, that is, to maintain harmony, form flexibility and plasticity at any age. However, it must be remembered that there is a strict age limit for serious gymnastics.

The first time to train should come at the age of 3 years. At this age, bring your child to the rhythmic gymnastics hall for one hour a week. This is necessary for the baby to get used to the environment. At 4 years old, the baby can be brought to classes 2-3 times a week, however, to overcome psychological discomfort, parents should be close to the sports school at this time.

The official enrollment of young athletes in the rhythmic gymnastics section begins at the age of five. At this age, qualified coaches can conduct a cruel selection, after which only those children who are well developed both physically and psychologically remain in the sport.

Parents should be prepared that a lot of time is spent on training. By the age of 12-14, the gymnast will spend 5 hours daily in the gym. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a child from childhood for the fact that sport requires certain efforts, without which success cannot be achieved.

How to get your child interested in rhythmic gymnastics

Children and sports are inextricably linked, however, when a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal. Sooner or later, a young athlete will face difficulties and will not want to go to classes.

When a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal.

Often parents think that children do not understand anything because of their age and you can simply force them to go to gymnastics. However, remember that children in sports mature psychologically very early, so try to explain to your child the benefits of playing sports:

  • Prospects for the future
  • Can get a job early
  • The figure of a gymnast girl is distinguished by harmony and smartness
  • Internal psychological core

If the child is too small for serious conversations about the future and interest in prospects, try not to force him, but to distract him:

  • Buying a beautiful uniform for classes
  • Makeup and hair workout
  • Training in a swimsuit for performances
  • Buying equipment and accessories (rope, ball, etc.)

The most important thing is to distract the child before the first performance. If the result is successful, then he will still have an incentive to study for a long time. If the first time is not successful, do not scold the athlete, but praise him for the elements that turned out. In both cases, it is necessary to devote some time to mistakes so that the next time the little athlete improves his result.

Never compare your child with others, and in no case say in front of him that there are few chances at the competition, because there will be very strong competitors. By doing this, you doom your young athlete to low self-esteem. If you think that the child is still too young and does not understand anything, you are deeply mistaken. At a young age, children absorb any information like a sponge.

Gymnastics for beginners

The best option to start classes is to enroll in a sports school. However, gymnastics is available to all ages. If you decide to go in for sports at a conscious age, it is best to start with individual lessons. A qualified trainer will assess your athletic abilities and body condition. He will be able to build a training methodology for a girl in such a way as to get the desired result in a minimum amount of time and without negative consequences.

Behind the veneer of this romantic sport, a hidden world can hide: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries.

If it is not possible to take individual rhythmic gymnastics classes in gyms, start exercising at home. Get a mat and a comfortable sportswear, consult your doctor about the absence of contraindications and start doing gymnastics exercises for beginners.

Rhythmic gymnastics for beginners includes rules, the implementation of which will help in achieving results:

  • Training should be regular (3-4 times a week)
  • The duration of the session must be at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not eat 40 minutes before the start of the workout
  • Warming up is a mandatory element of training, you must remember that you need to develop all muscle groups to avoid injury.
  • After training, it is necessary to carry out a hitch and stretching

Basic exercises

Gymnastic basic exercises will help you learn rhythmic gymnastics at home, they include general physical training, so the implementation of these elements by beginners will not require special skills. They should be performed physically separately. When your muscles get stronger and the body gets used to the loads, you should move on to more complex elements.


Beginners should do the exercise with support on a chair. We perform 15 repetitions with the left and right legs. The angle in front of the standing leg should be blunt, the knee should not go beyond the heel. The knee of the supporting leg drops to the floor. The exercise engages the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks.


Performed with support on the wall. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, the hand reaches for the knee. We make 10-15 repetitions. We perform the exercise exclusively on warm muscles. The muscles of the body are involved.


You should spread your legs wide, make sure that the socks look exactly forward. We shift the body weight from the left leg to the right, perform 15 approaches. This exercise targets the inner thighs and buttocks.

Push ups

Beginners need to start the exercise with an emphasis on the knees. To obtain the desired effect, you need to keep your back straight and reach your chest to the floor. The exercise engages the muscles of the back, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Knee lift

We stretch our arms parallel to the floor, we start walking, we pull our knees to our hands.

Schedule and school performance

People believe that serious sports cannot be combined with good studies. This opinion is completely wrong. Often athletes learn better than their peers due to discipline and responsibility. A busy schedule from childhood allows the child to concentrate on homework and complete homework faster than peers.

Every Monday at AiF Health - a new set of exercises for beauty and health. This week - 6 exercises with support that even beginners can do correctly.

Even simple sets of exercises are often beyond the power of beginners. Half of the exercises they fail to do, because they do not have enough strength. And people do the other half incorrectly, because, again, they don’t have the strength to hold their back or stomach as it should be. Correcting the situation is very simple - do all the same exercises, leaning on a chair, wall or door frame. An additional point of support will immediately make the exercise easy and feasible.

1. Light lunges

Lunges are a great exercise for the hips and buttocks. However, for beginners, it often becomes traumatic, as they lack the sense of balance to keep their feet and knees in the correct position. We offer a convenient and safe option.

Stand sideways to the support, put your hand on it. Place one foot in front of the other. Try to crouch so that the knee of the front leg is bent at an obtuse or right angle, but in no case at a sharp one! If uncomfortable, spread your legs wider. Straighten your shoulders, draw in your stomach, look ahead. Get down, direct the knee behind the standing leg to the floor. Do 10 times, switch legs and repeat.

2. Side squats

This is a very good exercise for the inner thighs and buttocks.

Stand facing the support and place both hands on it. Spread your legs wide, don't turn your toes too far. Shift your weight onto one leg and squat down (not too deep). You should feel tension in the inner thigh of the second leg and in the buttock of the one you are squatting on. If you don't feel it, spread your legs wider. Stand up and sit on the other leg. Make sure your knees don't twist inward when you stand up. If this happens, reduce the depth of the squat. Do 20 times (10 times on each leg in turn).

3.Ballet for beginners

This exercise strengthens the hips and buttocks, reduces the volume of the calves and prevents the development of flat feet.

Stand facing the support, place both hands on it, lean slightly on them. Expand your shoulders, pull in your stomach. Stand on your toes as in front of a choreographic machine. Slowly and smoothly bring one straight leg forward. Describe her toe in a circle on the floor back, then back in the same arc. Do 4 circles back and forth and do the same with the other leg. If it is difficult to stand on your toes all the time, put your foot on the floor completely for a while, then return to your toes again. Repeat the exercise 10 times (5 sets for each leg).

4.Comfortable slopes

Tilts help to shape the waist and tighten the stomach, but in themselves they are quite dangerous for the lower back. We offer an option that, on the contrary, strengthens this area.

Stand facing the support, fairly close. Place your bent arm on it at the waist. Spread your legs and straighten your knees. Without removing your hands from the support, lean to the other side, trying to touch your knee with your other hand. Feel how one side of the body is stretched and the other is contracting. Repeat 12-15 times and switch sides.

5. Easy push-ups

Push-ups are the best load for the muscles of the chest, shoulders, back and abdomen. However, this is true provided that you keep the body straight (back goes as an extension of the legs, without bending at the hip joint). When pushing up from the floor, even from the knees, beginners rarely manage to hold themselves like this - and as a result, there is no benefit from the exercise.

Stand facing the wall at arm's length from it. Place your palms shoulder-width apart at chest level.

Rise on your toes and push up from the wall, placing your heels on the floor only at the very end of the exercise. Lower your chest, stomach and upper thighs to the wall - this will allow you to maintain a straight line of the body-legs and get the desired effect from the exercises. Do 6-12 times.

6. Chest and arms

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take the mop so that your palms are noticeably wider than your shoulders, and raise it to chest level with outstretched arms. Tighten your arms and shoulders, bend your arms with force, bringing the mop closer to the body. Touch the top of your chest, straighten your arms with tension, bend them again with effort and touch the bottom of your chest. Do 30 such cycles, rest and repeat. Remember to tense your muscles more than the movement itself requires.

Get better with every Monday -

Morning is perhaps the most difficult time of the day, when you wake up from a hated alarm clock and want to sleep for another 10 minutes, you pull yourself out of bed and think “Oh, gods, it’s morning again and you need to get up.” To start the morning on a positive note, you need to do exercises!

Yes Yes exactly. Yes, you want to sleep and laziness, and, in general, in the morning you look like a sleeping bear, which was awakened at the wrong time. But it is light morning exercises that will wake up the body and set the mood for the whole day.

A few morning routines

1. Charging should be done immediately after waking up.

The body and brain can resist, but it needs to be. Wash your face and run to exercise. Believe me, after a few exercises, the body will begin to wake up, and the mind will clear up. Gradually, you will get used to doing exercises in the morning.

2. Gymnastics should be short.

No need to starve yourself with an hour-long workout in the morning, so you won’t wake up, but will get even more tired. 15-20 minutes is quite a suitable duration.

3. Charging must match your goals.

In addition to general warm-up exercises, you can pay attention to problem areas. Do you want to keep your buttocks in order? So in the complex of morning exercises it is worth including squats and lunges. If you want to remove the stomach and cubes on the stomach, then abdominal exercises will help you.

This does not mean that the whole complex should go to pumping the muscles you need, but you can pay attention to problem areas with the help of 2-3 special exercises.

The main thing in morning exercises is systematic, and even when you want to sleep, more than ever, you need to get up and do exercises. You will wake up, your body will be in order, and the pride that you got up and started exercising will just go through the roof.

A set of exercises for morning exercises.

Gymnastics is done from top to bottom, that is, we begin to knead the neck and arms to begin with and end with the feet.

Basic exercises for the neck and head.

Each exercise should be done 4-5 times in each direction.

Charging for arms and shoulders:
  1. Rotation of the shoulders forward and backward 5 times in each direction.
  2. Working out the hands - clench your palm into a fist so as to hide your thumb in the fist. Extend your arms to your sides and rotate your hands 5 times in each direction.
  3. Rotation in the elbow joints - straighten the hands, bend the elbows, rotate the elbow joints 4-5 times in one direction and the other.
  4. Rotation of the shoulder joints - spread the sides to the sides parallel to the floor. Starting with a small amplitude, rotate your arms forward, drawing imaginary circles, gradually increasing the radius. When you reach the largest amplitude, start rotating your arms in the opposite direction, reducing the radius to the smallest.

Important: In this exercise, it is important that the arms are tense.

Body exercises:Leg charger.Back exercises:

All exercises for the back will be done lying on the floor.

These exercises are enough to warm up the body. Then you can already include exercises for other muscle groups, for example,