What to do to conceive a boy: how to get pregnant using the calendar and determine successful ovulation days for pregnancy the first time. Planning a male child

The birth of a child is always a joy for a strong and loving couple. But it also happens that for some reason the birth of a child of a certain gender will please you a little more.

Most often this happens in families that already have one or two children of the opposite sex. Human experience has accumulated a lot of signs and methods on this topic, some from the realm of superstition, some raising doubts, and some completely scientifically substantiated. Below we will talk about how to conceive a boy, we will describe all the possible ways.

Scientists have been conducting research and collecting statistical data on this topic for a long time and they have good material for reflection. For example, it was found out:

  1. Girls are more often born to women with overweight bodies, and boys are women with a stable nervous system;
  2. Initially, slightly more boys are conceived and born;
  3. The gender of the baby is 100% determined at the moment of fertilization, although it will be possible to find out a little later;
  4. And the sex of the child depends on the type of sperm that fertilized the egg. If the sperm is a carrier of the X chromosome, then the sex will be female, and if it is Y, then the sex will be male. But this process itself is controlled exclusively by nature. You can, of course, make some calculations that will make the conditions more favorable for one of the chromosomes, or artificially inseminate a woman, but with normal sexual intercourse, science does not give a 100% guarantee of becoming pregnant with a baby of a certain gender;
  5. There are more sperm with Y chromosomes in percentage terms and they are faster, but their life span is shorter. And sperm with X chromosomes live longer, but move more slowly. The calculation systems are based on this knowledge.

How to calculate the sex of a child by date of conception

If fertilization has already occurred and the date of conception is probably known (usually it is calculated by ultrasound), then by counting you can try to determine the sex of the child. To do this, you need to know the approximate date of your ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of the release of an egg from the ovary and its passage through fallopian tube on the way to the uterus. At this moment, a sperm must overtake and fertilize it; if this does not happen, then it will disintegrate and menstruation will come.

This happens approximately in the middle of the cycle. If conception occurred on this day and 2 days before or after, then there is a high probability that it is a boy. If it is more than 4-5 days away from ovulation, then it is most likely a girl.

This method works great if done at least 3 months before the expected pregnancy. Then you can easily find out with high probability the exact date ovulation.

If the method seems confusing, you can turn to an online calculator. You just need to enter the date of the start of your last menstruation and it will give you your expected gender.

How to conceive a boy naturally

There are several ways to try to plan the gender of your child when conceiving naturally:

None of these results are 100%, so you shouldn’t push yourself too hard; you can find advantages in the birth of any child. Girls are very affectionate and emotionally closer to their parents. And boys are protectors in the family and will always help their parents in old age.

How to conceive a boy: Chinese calendar and Japanese table

There are Asian tables that can be used to calculate the month in which you can become pregnant with a boy. Chinese and Japanese. Now they are very fashionable and many people have heard about them.

And in the second, this number will already show the chances of getting pregnant boys in specific months.

These tables do not have any scientific evidence; these are just observations. They do not always show the same result, so which one to believe is not entirely clear. It makes sense to try to calculate for several familiar couples and compile personal statistics on which table turned out to be more correct.

How to get pregnant with a boy according to the lunar calendar

There is another calendar that will help you calculate the favorable months for conceiving a male lunar baby. All zodiac signs are divided into male and female. The masculine ones are: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.

In order to get pregnant with a boy, you just need to know when the moon is in these signs.

You can find out this on resources dedicated to astrology. There are calculators that can easily calculate this.

Traditional methods

There are, of course, folk signs how to conceive a boy or girl. Here are a few similar signs:

During conception, lie with your head facing south towards the girl and north towards the boy.

There are also specific signs on how to get pregnant with a girl:

  • have sexual intercourse under a young apple tree;
  • before conception, a woman should eat “female” foods (milk, eggs, bread), eliminate salt;
  • conceive on a full moon;
  • put a comb and a mirror under the pillow;
  • have sex only in the rain and frost.

And if you need a male baby, then these:

  • put a man's instrument under the pillow;
  • do not fall asleep immediately after sex;
  • before making love, a man should take a cold shower;
  • a woman should eat nourishing “male” foods (meat, fish, mushrooms, potatoes, salt).

Perhaps they will seem dubious to rational people, but who knows, maybe folk wisdom is not lying. Some of them, such as diets and cold showers, even have a scientific basis.

What does a man need to do to get a boy?

But what should a man do if he really wants an heir? What role can he play in this? Its main task is to have motile sperm carriers of the Y chromosome. A couple of tips can help with this:

  1. It is known that sperm carrying the male chromosome do not tolerate high temperatures very well. Therefore you should avoid hot bath, but it’s better to accept cool shower. But not cold! If the temperature is too low, all sperm lose viability;
  2. Eat foods rich in sodium (vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs) and avoid foods rich in calcium (dairy);
  3. Have sex more often, and in positions in which the head of the penis has maximum contact with the cervix. With abstinence, the concentration of sperm carrying female chromosomes increases, as they live longer.

Sex planning using IVF and other procedures

How to conceive a boy 100 percent using IVF? The procedure of artificial insemination is resorted to when it is not possible to conceive a baby. in a natural way. This method has a pleasant bonus: you can find out the sex of the embryo and select the desired one from the fertilized ones.

To do this, you can do preimplantation genetic diagnostics. Its main task is to select a healthy embryo without pathologies, and sex determination is already done along the way. When artificial insemination is performed using intracytoplasmic sperm injection, such a diagnosis is mandatory and will be more accurate.

It is unlikely that anyone will do IVF specifically just to choose the gender of the child. Unless it is known that the parent has a dangerous genetic disease, transmitted only through the female/male line. Because it's not that simple:

  1. Before fertilization, a woman drinks loading dose hormones so that more oocytes are formed than usual. What will hasten the onset of menopause and premature aging;
  2. The cost of fertilization itself is no less than 100 thousand rubles, and the cost of preimplantation diagnostics is another 70 thousand rubles. average;
  3. This is an intervention in the female body, which includes anesthesia. And no one knows exactly what consequences this will bring to a particular woman;
  4. Pregnancy is not 100% guaranteed.

The conclusion is this: if you have a stable financial situation and those who are already doing IVF, you can use this diagnosis. But as a way to get pregnant with a boy, this is not a very good idea.

Another clinical method is a flow laser sorting of sperm. Using a laser, you can weed out sperm with an unnecessary chromosome. And using intracytoplasmic injection, introduce it into the egg. This method is more successful when planning a girl. The chance of becoming pregnant with a male fetus is only 70%.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, future parents are often concerned about the question of who they will have: a boy or a girl. Our grandmothers may grumble in response: “Everything is God’s will. What difference does it make to you - as long as the child is born healthy.” It is difficult to disagree with this statement. But in recent years, modern science has stepped forward so much that hope involuntarily creeps in: what if it is still possible to predict the gender of the unborn baby. And if a new family wants and expects a boy, perhaps there are precise, scientifically proven methods that help turn expectations into reality. Let's try to figure it out together.

How does a boy become conceived?

The discovery of female and male sex chromosomes, which determine the sex of the child at the time of conception, dates back to 1905 and belongs to geneticists Nettie Stevens and Edmund Wilson. The X and Y chromosomes inside the sperm must reach and penetrate the egg. This process is influenced by numerous factors.
Sperm that carry the female chromosome are more resilient and retain motility longer.

Scientists have found that sperm carrying the X chromosome (female) are able to maintain mobility longer. But those with the Y chromosome, who are “responsible” for boys, move more actively. Therefore, if conditions are created in a woman’s body for sperm to quickly penetrate the uterus and its tubes, the likelihood of fusion with the egg of a “boy tadpole” will increase. What methods of creating such conditions are known? modern science? Let's look at them.

Planning the right time for conception

Ovulation is the period in the menstrual cycle when an egg is released from a mature follicle into the fallopian tube for fertilization by a sperm. It is during this period that sperm carrying the Y chromosome are much more likely to fertilize an egg, thereby increasing the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

Why? It's simple: Y-sperm are active and light, but unbearable. Sperm with a female chromosome are heavier and more resilient, so they are more likely to fertilize an egg in the future.
To conceive a boy, sexual intercourse must take place on the day of ovulation.

Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, sexual intercourse must take place exactly on the day of ovulation. If you have sex a few days before its onset, the persistence of “male” sperm may not be enough until fertilization. In addition, the survival of Y-spermatozoa is also facilitated by the alkaline environment, which appears during this period and intensifies during female orgasm.

There are many ways to calculate the day of onset of ovulation: special tests (similar to pregnancy tests), measurement basal temperature, Ultrasound monitoring of ovaries, calendar calculation.

To calculate the day of onset of ovulation, you can use a special test

Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the end of the cycle. To calendar calculate ovulation for a boy, you need to subtract 14 from the longest and shortest cycle for Last year. The period between these dates is the most favorable for getting pregnant. Approximate calculation according to the calendar: if the cycle is 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th day, 30 days on the 16th day, etc. scientific point From a perspective, this option of conception is quite reasonable and effective, and it is undoubtedly worth taking into account.

Calendars for determining the gender of a child

Considering this method, we will immediately make a reservation about its scientific validity - it is absent. The probability of conceiving a boy according to both the Chinese and Japanese calendars is 50%, that is, as with the usual unplanned option. Nevertheless, let's figure out what the ancient Chinese and Japanese offer us.

Chinese calendar

More than two centuries ago in China, for the birth of an heir to a noble royal family table was used. It is very interesting that the calculations from that calendar table coincided, no matter how ironically the skeptics treated them. And the most unexpected thing is that it is in China that today it is forbidden for pregnant women to test the sex of their unborn baby.

The Chinese table is a calendar by which you can plan the gender of a newborn. This ancient manuscript was found by archaeologists in Beijing.

The table was invented by ancient sages. It is compiled taking into account the influence of the phases of the moon and menstrual cycle women, which, according to the Chinese, determines who will be born - a girl or a boy.
An ancient Chinese table is a calendar that can be used to determine the gender of the unborn child.

The table is clear and easy to use, but there is one caveat: according to Chinese standards, the age of newborns is calculated from the moment of conception. If at the time of birth our child is 0 months old, then in China it is already seven or nine months old. This must be taken into account when determining the mother's age. That is, if at the time of conception to the expectant mother, for example, 25 years and 4 months, then she chooses her age according to the table not 25, but 26 years.

Japanese version

The Japanese, who have also been concerned for centuries with the problem of planning the gender of the unborn child, developed their own similar calendar. It just works on a slightly different principle.

Determining the sex of a baby using the Japanese calendar is as easy as using the Chinese calendar. To do this, you need to know the birth months of the future father and mother. Then find the point of their intersection in the proposed table. A number will be indicated in this cell (intersection point). It needs to be remembered.
Determining the gender of a child using the Japanese calendar is as easy as using the Chinese calendar

Find the memorized number in the second table. Then - the month of conception. At the intersection of these two data you will find the gender of the unborn child.

The sex of the unborn child can be found out by finding the intersection of the number from the sex determination table and the month of conception

Moon calendar

Science has not proven the reliable influence of the Moon on the gender of the unborn baby. However, if you are sensitive to such judgments and trust astrology, it may be worth considering this option. Proponents of this technique argue that when the moon is in male signs Zodiac signs - Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases. And it is desirable that this happens on the 11th, 15th, 19th or 21st lunar day.

It is believed that if the Moon is in a masculine zodiac sign, the likelihood of conceiving a boy becomes higher.

Other aspects of planning a boy

In addition to determining the most successful time to conceive a boy, it is worth knowing other important points that can affect his success.

Sex positions, orgasm

As noted earlier, female orgasm creates an alkaline environment favorable for “boy” sperm. This is perhaps the only scientific help that determines the increase in the chances of conceiving a small man. Otherwise, the choice of position during conception and the obligatory presence of female orgasm can be attributed, rather, to folk methods, the effectiveness of which is questionable.


To conceive a boy, both the expectant mother and future dad

Note that both the expectant mother and the future father must follow the diet. Key moment- the diet should contain food rich in potassium and sodium ions, that is, the emphasis is primarily on salty foods. However, do not forget about healthy and healthy eating and about moderation.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • Meat: any.
  • Fish: any fish and products made from it. Not recommended: shrimp, crabs, shellfish.
  • Bread and pastries: all types of bread and cookies, sweets, but without milk and without yeast. Not recommended: pancakes, pancakes.
  • Cereals: all grains, rice and pasta.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, green beans, mushrooms, peas, corn, soybeans.
  • Fruits and dried fruits: bananas, peaches, apricots, oranges, cherries, dried apricots, plums, dates. Not recommended: grapefruits, cherries.
  • Sweets: dark chocolate, honey, jelly, jam. Not recommended: milk chocolate, creamy ice cream, sweet egg-based creams.
  • Drinks: tea, coffee, fruit juices, carbonated drinks. Not recommended: milk and milk drinks, cocoa, mineral water with high content calcium.
  • Miscellaneous: pickles, olives, vegetable oils, margarine. Not recommended: cheese and dairy products.

Blood rejuvenation, group, Rh factor - will they help?

The method of planning the sex of a child based on the blood of the parents, which is quite common on the Internet, actually has no basis in scientific justification and is not associated with periods of renewal of blood elements.

According to this technique, a woman’s blood is renewed every three years (starting from the age of 15), and a man’s blood is renewed every four years (starting from the age of 16). Taking this information into account, it is necessary to determine whose blood is “younger”. If the blood of the future father was renewed earlier, then a boy will appear in the family. And vice versa, if the mother’s blood is “fresh,” it means there will be a girl. As a result, parents can supposedly plan the appropriate period for conception.
The popular method of planning the gender of a child based on the blood of the parents has no scientific basis

Actually this is not true. Every second in bone marrow millions of red blood cells are formed in humans. They “live” in the bloodstream for about 120 days, and then are absorbed by other cellular elements of the blood, which are responsible for removing dead cells and foreign agents. The lifespan of other blood cells is even shorter:

  • leukocytes - from two to 15 days;
  • Hellenophiles - 15 days;
  • basophils - two to four days;
  • macrophages - two to three months;
  • platelets - seven to ten days.

Therefore, the sex of the baby does not depend in any way on the renewal of the parents’ blood. The group or Rh factor is also not important.

Keep dreaming!

As alternative methods Before conceiving a little man, let's focus on the psycho-emotional state of the parents. It is very important to mentally prepare yourself for the arrival of this new person in your life. Remember that reality is created by thoughts, we attract what we think about and what we want, the main thing is to unconditionally believe in it.
Great importance to conceive a child of the desired gender has psycho-emotional state expectant mother

Before writing this article, I remembered the feelings and mood during my preparation for pregnancy. I can’t say that I wanted a boy, but there was one important point- I always knew clearly with one hundred percent certainty that I would have a son. I imagined pictures of our walks together, wondered what traits (both appearance and character) he would take from me or from my husband, I had already mentally let this little man into my life. I can’t say what ultimately influenced the result, but I am a happy mother of a wonderful little boy.

One hundred percent way: conceiving a boy using IVF

This method can confidently be called the most effective. Future parents receive from medical institution who carries out IVF, a one hundred percent guarantee of the birth of a baby of the desired gender. With this method, embryos are tested for the presence of X and Y chromosomes before the embryo is implanted in the uterus, allowing the desired sex to be selected.

Ovulation and conception calendar is a universal and fairly easy-to-use service designed to calculate the menstrual cycle and the most favorable period conceiving a child. Its main task is to help a woman determine the days of increased fertility ( ovulation), during which conceiving a child most likely. At the same time, thanks to the calculation of the so-called “ safe days», ovulation calendar allows her to avoid unwanted pregnancy without the use of any medications or mechanical contraception. In order to take advantage ovulation calendar and calculate your own menstrual cycle (favorable period conceiving a child), fill in all the fields of the form below one by one. Registered and authorized users of our Internet portal can save their personal ovulation and conception calendar in the "favorites" section personal account and return to it later.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period:

Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month: January February March April May June July August September October November December Year: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Average length of the menstrual cycle:

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Duration menstrual bleeding:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Duration of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle:

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - installed by default average duration of this phase

Your aim:

Number of calculated cycles:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ovulation calendar and the most favorable days for conceiving a child

Ovulation- this is the process during which an egg that is mature and completely ready for upcoming fertilization leaves the ovary and enters the abdominal cavity and then goes into the lumen of the fallopian tube. It was during this period that the probability conceiving a child maximum and is estimated at approximately 33%, which, of course, should be taken into account when calculating ovulation calendar and a woman’s planning for an upcoming pregnancy. After ovulation the egg is capable of fertilization ( conception) for 12-24 hours, while sperm after ejaculation remain active for 2-3 (and much less often 5-7) days. Considering this fact, the possibility of a woman becoming pregnant the day before ovulation is approximately 31%, two days before - 27%, and three and four days before ovulation- 16 and 14% respectively. In the same time conceiving a child six days before ovulation or the day after it is unlikely and even practically impossible. Usually ovulation occurs between the 14th and 16th days of the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogens and pituitary hormones.

Ovulation calendar and sign of conception

One of the most reliable and important signs of the onset ovulation and favorable period for conceiving a child are changes in cervical mucus women. First of all, under the influence of estrogens, the amount of secretions increases and their viscosity decreases. The next, no less important, sign of egg maturation should be considered a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature during ovulation and raising it the next day. At the same time, in order to more accurately calculate ovulation and conception calendar, it is recommended to take your temperature every morning at the same time for several months. Sometimes at the moment ovulation a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, the nature of which can vary quite widely from weak and short-term to strong and very long-lasting. It should also be noted that on days ovulation Some women experience a peak in sexual arousal.

Ovulation and conception calendar is a diagram of the menstrual cycle, which marks the time of its beginning, end, as well as the ovulation. Full management calendar involves mandatory recording of periods of active sexual activity. Compilation ovulation and conception calendar it is necessary to start long before planning pregnancy in order to learn how to determine the moment as accurately as possible ovulation and become familiar with all the features of your own body.

Ovulation calendar and conceiving a child

Depending on the probability conceiving a child and time ovulation menstrual cycle ( conception calendar) can be conditionally divided into three phases: relative sterility, fertility and absolute sterility. The period of relative sterility begins from the moment of appearance bloody discharge and ends ovulation. During this phase, some difficulties with contraception may arise, since its duration sometimes varies within several days, even with a stable duration of the cycle as a whole. This happens due to the fact that periodically, depending on certain factors (external and internal), ovulation comes a little earlier or vice versa later.

The fertile phase begins from the moment ovulation and ends after 48 hours. At this time the probability conceiving a child as high as possible. As noted above, after leaving the ovary, the egg is capable of fertilization within 12-24 hours, the remaining half of the time is allocated to inaccuracy in timing ovulation. Following the period of increased fertility, the woman enters a phase of absolute sterility, during which conceive a child almost impossible. This period lasts until the end of the menstrual cycle and is about 10-16 days.

Ovulation calendar and calculation of the period of conception of a child

Majority modern women count on ovulation and conception calendar in order to bring the long-awaited motherhood closer. Others are building calendar to protect yourself from unplanned pregnancy. However, no matter what goals they pursue, when calculating the menstrual cycle (and ovulation calendar in particular) in any way there is always a possibility of error.

According to calendar method calculation ovulation a woman should record the start and end days of her menstrual cycles for at least six months. In order to determine your individual fertile period based on these data ( ovulation and conception calendar), it is necessary to subtract 11 from the number of days of the longest cycle (the last fertile day of the cycle), and 18 from the number of days of the shortest cycle (the first fertile day). So, for example, the longest cycle for a woman is 32 days: 32-11=21 (the 21st day of the cycle is the last in the fertile phase). Her most short cycle equal to 26 days: 26-18=8 (8th day is the first in the fertile phase). In this case, the most favorable period for conceiving a child is the interval from the 8th to the 21st day of the cycle (13 days in total).

One of the best and more accurate methods of calculation ovulation and conception calendar child is a combination of the above methods, which is called the symptothermal method. It includes measuring basal body temperature, daily monitoring of cervical mucus and accurate calculation ovulation calendar and favorable period for conceiving a child calendar method.

Action of tests for calculation ovulation calendar based on the same principle as for diagnosing pregnancy. When interacting with a woman’s urine, two transverse lines appear on it, one of which indicates the normal performance of the test, and the second indicates an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the woman’s full readiness for conceiving a child. However, if the second line remains paler than the control line for several cycles in a row, this may indicate the absence of ovulation due to any disease (disease thyroid gland and hyperprolactinemia, obesity and wasting, polycystic ovary syndrome and infantilism, increased level FSH and reduced level estradiol, chronic stress, etc.) and is a reason to consult a doctor.

There are many ways to calculate the chances of having a male child. Using several methods simultaneously helps to increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy. Regardless of which method future parents resort to, the first thing to do is to go through medical examination. This will help you quickly get pregnant and carry to term healthy baby.


As practice shows, the conception of a boy is most likely during sexual intercourse exactly on the day of ovulation or a few hours later, while the conception of a girl is the day before ovulation.

This calculator will help you determine optimal time to conceive a boy (girl), according to the date of ovulation.

How to be guaranteed to conceive a son?

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It should be noted that there is only one 100% way to give birth to a boy the first time - IVF. This method of planning the gender of a child is used in extreme cases. There are more available methods, allowing you to calculate the sex of the child. It is recommended to treat them as a game, because the main thing is the birth of a healthy baby, although many parents point out the effectiveness of some methods.

According to the ovulation calendar

Planning the sex of a child using an ovulation calendar is only suitable for women with an established cycle. It is necessary to calculate the date of sexual intercourse so that it takes place the day before or in the first hours after the release of the egg from the ovarian follicle. If you have sex a few days before ovulation, even those sperm with Y chromosomes that reach the uterus die before meeting the egg.

According to Shettles' theory

This method is an improved option for planning a child using the ovulation calendar. According to Shettles' theory, sexual intercourse should occur 12 hours before the release of the egg from the follicle. Temporary abstinence helps you get pregnant with a boy. Avoiding sexual intercourse a few days before conception promotes the formation of sperm with Y chromosomes.

According to the lunar calendar

You can also calculate the birth of a future man using lunar calendar. This probability increases when the moon is in the “male” signs of the zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

It must be taken into account that sex on the “wrong” days leads to the appearance of a baby with difficult character or difficult fate. Favorable dates for sexual intercourse - 11, 15, 19 and 21 lunar days.

According to the table of pair numbers

The top and side lines of the table list the birth months of the future parents, at the intersection of which is the couple’s number. Next, take a table divided into 2 parts: at the top the possibility of the appearance of a son is indicated, at the bottom - a daughter. In the middle of the picture is a graph, the deepest values ​​of which allow you to find out the chances of conceiving a baby of the desired gender in a certain month.

According to the mother's age calendar

When calculating the sex of the baby using this method, the age of the mother at the time of the expected birth is taken into account. The partner's age is indicated in the side column of the calendar, and the month of sexual intercourse is indicated in the top line. At the intersection of these indicators, the probable gender of the child is indicated. To reduce the calculation error, you should plan the time of birth of the baby not at the junction of gender transition.

Conception in Japanese

The Japanese method of conceiving a boy includes 2 tables. In the first table, the months of birth of the future parents are indicated in vertical and horizontal lines, at the intersection of which is the family figure. In the second table, divided into 2 parts, a certain number of crosses are drawn next to each month, allowing you to calculate the appearance of the boy.

Despite the popularity of this method, you still should not rely 100 percent on the Japanese table. According to this method, the highest chances of conceiving a child of the desired sex occur in a maximum of 2 months of the year. The rest of the time, the possibility of having a male or female baby is approximately the same. For the birth of a boy, it is better to combine this method with more precise planning methods.

Conception in German

According to German scientists, boys are most often born to women whose conception and pregnancy take place in a calm environment. This theory is based on statistical data on the birth of boys during the unification of western and eastern Germany in the early 90s of the last century. During the period of increased financial costs for citizens, the vast majority of babies born were girls.

Conception in Italian

Italian scientists believe that boys are most often born overweight women. Researchers made this opinion after studying statistics according to which the majority of boys were born to mothers weighing more than 54 kg, with the average height of Italian women being 162 cm. Of course, you don’t need to gain weight sharply, but including pasta with various sauces and vegetables in your diet will help you get pregnant from the first times.

Traditional methods of conceiving a son

Popular traditional methods conception:

  • Before sex, a man needs to walk barefoot on the ground and grass to receive the power of nature. It is recommended that a woman wear woolen socks during sexual intercourse.
  • You can plan the birth of a male child using jewelry with “male” stones - garnet, rock crystal, tiger's eye, jasper, which should be worn by the partner during sexual intercourse.
  • The ancient Egyptians tried to conceive sons on the full moon. Conception should be carried out on a quiet and cloudless night, when the moon brightly illuminates the room.
  • The likelihood of an heir increases if you put a “manly” thing under the bed: an ax, saber or knife.
  • To give birth to a boy, a woman must become pregnant in even numbered years of her age.
  • According to the old Western European tradition, before sex you need to drink a glass of wine mixed with blood. If future parents are not fans of such exotic things, you can get by with a mug of cranberry jelly.

  • Some women douche with a weak soda solution to alkalize the vaginal mucosa. Probability quick conception increases if you drink a decoction of boron uterus, red brush and sage before sexual intercourse.
  • You can often hear a family with children of different sexes say that the boy was born after sex in dry weather, and the girl was born in the rain.
  • Conceiving in an even-numbered year and an odd-numbered month helps plan the birth of a son.
  • The chances of getting pregnant the first time increase when a man initiates sexual intercourse. Wherein future father must be older than the mother.
  • In Islam, in which the husband’s desire “I want a son” is the law, abstinence for several days before conception is common. The room should be clean, tidy and scented with saffron incense. In Islam, to conceive a boy, it is recommended to read surah 2 of the Koran. Parents who are desperate to give birth to an heir read dua - a direct appeal to Allah, which can be pronounced in free form.

Regardless of which method the couple chooses, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Conceive in a cool room. Heat harmful to seminal fluid, especially to sperm with Y chromosomes. Contrary to the old Russian tradition of conceiving children in a bathhouse, you should not have sex in a sauna or after a hot bath.
  2. Avoid using artificial lubricants. These substances change the vaginal environment and slow down the speed of sperm. If the partner is undergoing treatment and using vaginal medications, it is necessary to postpone conception until complete recovery and recovery alkaline environment vagina.
  3. After sex, a woman needs to lie down for half an hour with her pelvis elevated. This allows sperm to enter the fallopian tube to meet the egg.

Will dietary adjustments and certain foods help you conceive a son?

For the birth of a boy, the expectant mother should be provided with high-calorie nutrition and constantly supported high level blood sugar. Women who want to give birth to an heir to their husband as quickly as possible must definitely have breakfast.

In the morning, it is best for the expectant mother of a boy to eat porridge with fruit or scrambled eggs and bacon. Daily ration should be divided into 5-6 small portions to provide a long-lasting boost of energy.

A special diet for conceiving a male child, first of all, is needed by the partner. A man needs a diet to improve the quality of seminal fluid. A diet for conceiving a boy is necessary to alkalize the vaginal mucosa and create favorable conditions to move sperm to fallopian tube. No diet during pregnancy will help give birth to a baby of the desired gender.

  • pickled vegetables;
  • salty foods, but do not overuse salt, so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • fatty fish and meats, smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • dried fruits;
  • high-calorie fruits - bananas, dates, peaches, pears.

  • milk and products based on it - cheeses, creams, ice cream, milk chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • bread and sweet pastries made with yeast;
  • cocoa;
  • seafood;
  • egg yolk;
  • legumes;
  • citrus fruits, sour fruits and berries;
  • greenery;
  • calcined water.

Does sex position matter when planning the gender of a child?

The gender of the child depends on the set of chromosomes received from the parents. The mother can only pass on the X chromosome, the father can pass on the X or Y chromosome, resulting in a boy being born. The difficulty of conception lies in the fact that most Y chromosomes quickly die before reaching the egg. You can increase your chances of becoming pregnant with your future man by using sex positions that allow the penis to penetrate deeper into the vagina.

Besides correct posture it is important that the partner experiences orgasm during intercourse, and before men. In this condition, the female body secretes substances that alkalize the vaginal mucosa and make it unsuitable for X chromosomes. After sex, you need to lie down for half an hour, placing a pillow under your pelvis. You can increase your chances of having a baby boy by having sex in a cool room.

Since ancient times, the question of what gender a child will be born has worried many parents. Some want a girl, and some want a boy. What’s most interesting is that the question of how to conceive a boy arises much more often than about a girl. The reasons are different: maybe the family already has a daughter, or the dad wants an heir. Therefore, many couples initially try to plan the gender of their unborn child.

And some people do it quite successfully. Therefore, it is worth understanding what the sex of the child depends on and what factors should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy, so that as a result, when discharged, the father holds his son in his arms.

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    Is the result 100% real?

    No one dares to give a categorical answer. Despite great amount methods that help calculate the option of conceiving a male child, there are still no guarantees of obtaining a 100% result. Therefore, if someone claims that his method gives exactly this result, you should not take such words seriously. A method that works for one couple may not work for another. When planning, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors, and few people can do this.

    You can become pregnant with a male child with one hundred percent probability only in one case - during fertilization artificially. Only the IVF procedure makes it possible to preserve an embryo of the chosen sex. This method is rarely used, under special specific circumstances, for example, if there is a serious pathology in the family that is passed on from generation to generation only through the female line. If there are no special prerequisites, then performing IVF solely for gender selection is impractical and too expensive.

    But today there are a huge number of methods that allow you to plan the sex of the baby with high accuracy. True, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the process of conceiving a child. One of the most effective and popular is the method of calculating the ovulation calendar. Some calculate the period for the birth of a boy based on the date of birth or blood type.

    It’s worth figuring out how to plan the birth of a boy using the method of determining ovulation. What is this option based on and how does it work?

    Planning according to the ovulation calendar

    Planning in this way is based on the method of calculating the better day, which is in the middle of the cycle and is ideal for conceiving a male child.

    At a certain point, a mature egg is released from the ovary, and for a positive outcome it must meet with a male sperm. Fertilization must occur precisely during a specific day, because then an unfertilized cell will not be able to exist in the microflora female vagina, and dies. For such purposes, the exact day when ovulation occurs in the body is calculated.

    The fact that the sex of a baby completely depends only on the man was understood by many a long time ago, but they were able to figure out how this happens only after the discovery of such concepts as DNA and the set of chromosomes.

    The unborn child receives a set of DNA and certain chromosomes from mom and dad equally. Every person, both men and women, has 2 chromosomes, only the mother has both XX chromosomes, but the father has both XY. Therefore, the sex of the baby depends entirely on which chromosome is in the male reproductive cell, which will participate in fertilization. In order for a long-awaited boy to be born, a sperm with a Y chromosome must participate in fertilization.

    This is the first and main point on which the method of planning a boy by ovulation is based. The second aspect that affects fertilization is the difference in the motility of sperm with Y and X chromosomes.

    It is worth noting that sperm with the X chromosome have less mobility, but they have a much higher probability of survival in acidic environment, which is characteristic of a woman’s vagina. Therefore, the owners of the X chromosome will move towards the goal much longer. Their peculiarity is the possibility of conception even 2 days after entering the female body.

    At the same time, male germ cells with a Y chromosome are more mobile and swift, but they live no more than a day. If there is no ovulation within the first 24 hours after sex, fertilization will not occur. But the likelihood that male reproductive cells with a female chromosome will reach the goal is higher, since they live in the vaginal environment more, and then a girl will appear.

    How to conceive a boy?

    Few people know that a woman has the opportunity to get pregnant only once a month. There are exceptions, but they are quite rare, when women have two ovulations in one cycle. During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovaries, which is fully prepared for further fertilization, but lives only for a day. Therefore, when planning, it is important to know how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation.

    Ovulation is quite complicated physiological process in every female body, but is not very stable. It has been established that this day is located approximately between the 11th and 21st days of the menstrual cycle. For a particular woman it comes at different time, since everyone’s cycle length is unique. The average cycle is thought to last about 28 days.

    Today, to calculate the day of ovulation, the easiest way is to use online calculators, which, after entering certain data about the cycle, will indicate not only the day of ovulation, but also the maximum favorable days for conception of each sex. Such programs are very popular and easy to use, but the accuracy of such calculations is questioned, because disruptions in the cycle can occur even due to simple stress or a previous illness. But despite this, the ovulation calculator for conceiving a boy is very popular and in demand. You don’t need to think long about how to calculate the day of ovulation yourself, the calculator will do everything on its own.

    For those who do not have the opportunity to use a calculator, you can calculate the required day yourself. There is a very simple formula.

    Simple calculation of ovulation manually

    It has long been studied that ovulation in any woman occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next cycle, not earlier and not later. After the start of the cycle until the day on which ovulation occurs, the period may vary, but after this date there are always 14 days before the start of menstrual flow.

    If the expectant mother has a regular cycle and menstruation occurs exactly according to her women's calendar To calculate ovulation you can use the formula:

    Ovulation day = date of next period – 14 days.

    Thanks to the formula, you can calculate it yourself; you don’t need a calculator. Therefore, to calculate the day of ovulation, you should calculate the end of the cycle, and then simply count 14 days from it. Using the same principle, not only a calendar is drawn up for conceiving a boy, but also for protecting against unwanted pregnancy. Despite the simplicity of such calculations, there is one significant drawback. This formula should be used only with a stable, constant cycle, in which there are no changes or disturbances from month to month. To calculate, you should draw up a schedule of menstruation over 4-6 months and use it as a basis.

    For married couples who are planning pregnancy and the imminent birth of a child, it is very important to keep an ovulation calendar with constant regularity in order to calculate the days for conceiving a boy. True, such a calculation of ovulation for conceiving a boy cannot be called very accurate. Even with a constant cycle, the day of ovulation may shift under the influence of certain factors. Such disruptions can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, taking antibiotics and much more.

    Therefore, when determining the day of ovulation, doctors recommend using a complex method:

    • Make a calculation;
    • Create a basal temperature chart;
    • Focus on your feelings;
    • If possible, purchase an ovulation test.

    Most correct results to determine this date is shown by ultrasound, thanks to which this day can be calculated most accurately. But not everyone has the opportunity to do it.

    Basal temperature chart

    Building such a graph will allow you to clearly see the day of ovulation. When carrying out such measurements over several cycles, you can analyze all the data from these calculations and calculate the next day of ovulation as accurately as possible. In such cases, the error is reduced to a minimum.

    It is best to start building a schedule from the very first day of the cycle. For each menstrual cycle, a new schedule should be built.

    It is considered normal when the basal temperature from the first day of the cycle is below 37 and has insignificant fluctuations. On the ovulation day there is a significant decrease in temperature, and the next day it follows sharp increase(becomes more than 37 degrees). The moment of rise marks the second phase. The temperature remains in this range for the remaining 14 days until the end of the cycle. And already on the first day of the new cycle it will fall below 37.

    To get the most reliable results should be adhered to simple rules Basal temperature measurements:

    • Temperature measurements must be taken at the same time every day;
    • To take the measurement, the thermometer is carefully inserted into the rectum.
    • The measurement should be checked in the morning within 10 minutes after waking up.
    • Before you start measuring your basal temperature, you should not get out of bed, so the thermometer should be placed next to your sleeping area. This way it will always be at hand.
    • Basal temperature measurements should be taken after three hours of continuous sleep - this is the minimum at which correct data should be expected.
    • If you need to go to the toilet in the morning, you should still measure your temperature first and then get up.

    If, when planning, you build a temperature chart and draw up an ovulation calendar for conceiving a boy, you will have a greater chance of success.

    The influence of posture on the effectiveness of the result

    Few people even realize that when conceiving important role The position in which it will take place also plays a role. When planning the birth of a boy, you should adhere to the rule in sex: the deeper, the better. Poses with the deepest possible penetration are appropriate here, for example, “man from behind” or “woman on top.”

    Also beneficial influence will affect the conception of a boy if the expectant mother has an orgasm. During this period, an alkaline environment is formed, which is unfavorable for sperm with the X chromosome.

    Features of planning the gender of the child

    Knowing the principle of planning the birth of a boy using the method of calculating ovulation, we can draw the following conclusions:

    • The chromosomes that are responsible for the direct birth of a boy are more mobile than female sperm with an X chromosome;
    • Male sperm have less ability to survive in acidic microflora. Therefore, if partners dream of having a boy, they should actively have sex on the calculated day of ovulation or before it.
    • It is also recommended to conceive a baby in positions with the deepest penetration possible.
    • It is worth remembering that if sexual intercourse occurs several days before the onset of ovulation, then there remains a very small probability that the male chromosomes will survive until the most crucial moment of fertilization.

    Alkaline environment

    The parents themselves, who dream of having a son, must help the male reproductive cells with the Y chromosome cope with their task. To do this, you need to take care to create an alkaline environment, which is most favorable for male sperm, and creates unfavorable microflora for X chromosomes.

    You can immediately douche a woman with a special solution immediately before sexual intercourse. baking soda. About half an hour before sex, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in a liter of slightly warmed water. The entire solution is used for douching, which should help you get pregnant with a boy.

    As noted earlier, an important condition creating an alkaline environment is a woman's orgasm during sex, which should occur earlier than a man's.

    Additional points

    To increase the likelihood of having a boy, not only the woman, but also the man should prepare. He should collect as many male sperm as possible in his body, so it is worth taking a pause between sexual acts for some time.

    There are also certain rules, compliance with which will help you get pregnant with a boy. These rules should be followed by both future parents.

    • In the preparatory period for conception, both partners should stop taking too hot baths or visiting saunas or baths.
    • If spouses are accustomed to using artificial lubricants during sex, then they should be abandoned for that period.
    • After the expected conception, you should use condoms during sex for some time.
    • After sex, a woman does not need to get up immediately, but just lie down and relax for a while.

    Many experts suggest that the birth of a boy depends on psychological state mother, as well as her moral readiness to become the mother of her son. Therefore, mom should follow these tips:

    • No smoking;
    • Do not reduce body weight below 55 kg;
    • Lead a calm and measured lifestyle, try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
    • Try to yield to your husband as much as possible so that he is the main one in the family;
    • Visualize your son as often as possible as a boy.

    It has also long been noted that the longer it takes to conceive a child, the more likely that a boy will be born.

    Healthy diet

    As a result of some specific studies, it has been established that future gender planning may be affected by certain food. If you adhere to a specific diet, you can significantly increase the likelihood of having a boy. The French were the first to draw attention to this relationship between nutrition and the sex of the child.

    According to studies, it has been found that during the period of planning a child, if they want to conceive a boy, parents need to eat more food, which contains sodium and potassium in a decent amount. And this is meat and fish, sausages, peas and lentils, potatoes, beans, egg white, semolina and rice, mushrooms, dark chocolate and cookies.

    As for fruits, you should give preference to bananas, peaches, dates and oranges. When planning to conceive a boy, it is not recommended to eat a lot of bread, nuts and greens, as well as cabbage and green beans. Milk should be excluded from the diet if possible, as well as mineral water, enriched with calcium.

    Knowing how to conceive a boy by ovulation, you can begin long-term preparations for the birth of a son.