Male infertility: sluggish sedentary spermatozoa. How to increase sperm motility

One of the reasons male infertility sedentary spermatozoa are considered. The process of formation of male germ cells lasts about 2 months. Spermatozoa with a normal structure are formed from sperm cells. The process of spermatogenesis is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. To ensure sufficient speed of movement, some changes occur during their maturation. Chromatin loses excess proteins, the remaining ones are connected to DNA molecules, which reduces the size of the cell nucleus. The cell loses most masses, only the necessary components remain. If these processes are disturbed, the large size of the sperm negatively affects the speed of its movement.

The movement of male germ cells is carried out by rotating their tail parts, the highest speed is 30 cm / h. This allows the spermatozoon to travel the distance from the cervix to the fallopian tubes. The spermatozoa in the body of a man are practically immobile, they move forward due to the movement of the muscles of the penis. They are activated after ejaculation, important role in giving male germ cells mobility plays the secret of the prostate gland. Getting into cervical canal women, spermatozoa are directed towards decreasing acidity. Once in the uterus, the spermatozoa are favorable conditions, here the most stable of them can live up to 3 days. In the uterine cavity, the speed of movement of male germ cells increases.

Causes of impaired motility of germ cells

Under influence various reasons the process of formation of spermatozoa may be disturbed, they become inactive or immobilized. Perhaps the formation of cells with an abnormal structure. in semen healthy man about half of the cells are characterized by reduced mobility or irregular structure. Under influence certain reasons there are more of them, which affects the likelihood of fertilization. Since a mature egg cell lives no more than 24-48 hours, the speed of spermatozoa movement is decisive in conceiving a child. Its decrease may be due to a change in the chemical, physical or anatomical characteristics of the sperm.

The greatest influence on sperm motility is exerted by the density of the ejaculate and the time of its liquefaction. Normally, semen has a viscous consistency, it takes 15-60 minutes to liquefy it. With an increase in the liquefaction time, spermatozoa lose their mobility. The viscosity of the ejaculate is affected by a substance produced by the seminal vesicles. Experts believe that it helps to maintain spermatozoa in an inactive state until they leave the body of a man. After sperm enters the woman's vagina, this substance breaks down under the influence of a proteolytic enzyme produced by the prostate gland. So immobile spermatozoa often found in men with diseases such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Another indicator that indicates a decrease in sperm motility is the volume of the ejaculate. Since semen mainly consists of prostate secretion and seminal vesicles, dysfunction of these glands can contribute to a decrease in its volume. Not enough secret leads to lack nutrients providing sperm motility. Acidity at inflammatory diseases bodies genitourinary system- Another reason for the deterioration of sperm quality. The acid dissolves the cell membrane and contributes to their destruction.

Their morphological qualities have a great influence on the speed of movement of spermatozoa, the optimal speed of movement is determined by the sizes and shapes of cells laid down by nature. Cells with an enlarged head, an elongated body or a short flagellum are weak, slow spermatozoa that are not capable of fertilization. Therefore, the concept of "inactive spermatozoa" is often combined with the diagnosis of "teratospermia" - an increase in the number of cells with an abnormal structure.

When is asthenozoospermia diagnosed? A similar diagnosis is made when more than 60% of sedentary spermatozoa are found in the ejaculate. Why do immobile and sluggish spermatozoa appear? There are many reasons leading to a deterioration in the quality of sperm - a long absence of sexual intercourse, alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction, electromagnetic or radiation exposure, overheating, decreased immunity, infectious diseases, testicular injury, varicocele. Treatment begins with the elimination of the cause of the decrease in the mobility of male germ cells. The results of the spermogram may be incorrect if the rules for taking the material are violated. Before taking tests, you can not take a hot bath or go to the bathhouse. For research it is necessary to take the material obtained by masturbation.

Basic Treatments

The therapeutic regimen is selected depending on the cause of the appearance of sedentary spermatozoa. In case of intoxication of the body, one should stop drinking alcohol, smoking, and using drugs. Drug treatment involves the use of vitamins, immunostimulants, tonics. Smoking negatively affects the quality of sperm, as nicotine contributes to the narrowing blood vessels. Violation of the blood supply to the testicles affects the processes of sperm formation and hormone production. Treatment of diseases that lead to the appearance of sedentary spermatozoa does not give any results if the patient does not reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

The elimination of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system begins with the detection of the causative agent of the infection. Depending on its type, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs. The use of proteolytic enzymes helps to increase the permeability cell membranes for better penetration active substances. Treatment of inflammatory processes in the testicles with the help of such drugs leads to a decrease in the severity of cicatricial changes in the tissues. This facilitates the process of movement of sperm through the vas deferens.

Sperm motility is determined by means of a spermogram. This is an analysis that helps to determine the ability of a man to conceive and check it general state. Any deviations can affect the fertilization process or completely lead to infertility. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, two partners need to be tested. How to increase sperm motility in short time, should be decided with a competent specialist.

The need for an analysis

If a young couple is completely healthy and is about to conceive a child, this process will take approximately 3 months. In most cases, pregnancy occurs within the first six months without the use of contraception. If, after a year, conception has not occurred, it is necessary to pass tests. At the same time, not only a woman, but also a man should be checked. After examining the sperm, the doctor can give a complete conclusion about the state of health and the possibility of conception. If there is low mobility, you will have to identify the root cause and deal with the complex elimination of the problem.

Unfortunately, not all men seek to visit a specialist's consultation. Therefore, conception may not occur long years. It should be understood that the inability to fertilize the egg is pathological process. In the absence of pregnancy, men begin to blame the woman for this. But this should not be done, because it does not always depend on her. You just need to go through a joint examination. Indeed, in most cases, the problem lies in the man.

What to do if low sperm motility is detected? To do this, you need to follow some basic rules. These include the following:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • minimization of stressful situations;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • establishing a healthy lifestyle;
  • the correct rhythm of sexual relations.

These recommendations have little effect on the increase in sperm motility. They are preventive measures. For the purpose of quality and proper treatment a man needs to go full examination. After all, the problem may be hiding in the presence of a serious concomitant disease.

In some cases, an increase in sperm motility occurs with the normalization of lifestyle and nutrition. This is an individual process, so the treatment regimen or recommendations should be given by a specialist.

Spermogram result

The most common cause of decreased mobility is high temperature. Frequent visits to baths, saunas and taking hot bath negatively affect spermatozoa. Even frequent cycling can make some adjustments to this process. There is an opinion that ordinary soda negatively affects sperm. Therefore, there can be many reasons for the decrease in sperm motility.

To identify the state men's health you need to pass the so-called MAR test. It allows you to determine the root cause of the decline. If the test is positive, spontaneous conception is impossible. In this case, it will be possible to fertilize the egg only with the help of IVF.

Decreased mobility can be affected by problems with endocrine system. In this case, a man needs to be tested for hormones. In many cases the reason given state is an . This hormone affects mobility and. The most common reason for low testosterone levels is excess weight. However, there are several other factors, including the following:

  • testicular injury;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • pathological processes.

Thyroid hormones and prolactin can affect sperm quality. Normalizing the level of vitamin D in the body allows you to cope with the problem.

Sperm immobility may be due to dilated veins spermatic cord. Usually, the pathology can be eliminated with the help of drug treatment. But if within 2 years it is not possible to conceive a child, they resort to surgical intervention.

Complex treatment

If, according to the results of the analysis, immobile (bad) spermatozoa were found, it is necessary to start complex treatment. The first step is to review the diet. Healthy lifestyle is the key normal conception. You should include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is recommended to consume dairy products, cereals and nuts daily. Regular and good nutrition allows you to increase sperm motility. However, a certain diet will not help eliminate the problem. It is important to take vitamins E and C: they are responsible for the functioning of the gonads and affect the activity of spermatozoa.

Comprehensive treatment involves abstinence from sexual relations. If a man does not have them for several days, then the concentration of spermatozoa increases significantly. This action will also increase the chance of fertilization.

In order for spermatozoa to always remain mobile, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life and follow own fortune. It is necessary to systematically visit a urologist, eliminate infections and concomitant diseases.

You can increase mobility with the help of special stimulants. It is necessary to take them along with compliance with all recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle. Stimulants are used for 3 months. This time is quite enough for the full maturation of spermatozoa. In some cases, medications need to be taken much longer.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment involves the use of vitamins C and E. They affect the activity of spermatozoa. To improve blood flow, drugs such as Actovegin and Trental are used.

Along with these medicines, agents are used that increase the level of zinc in the body. For this, Speman and Klostilbegit are used.

If the problem is due to low testosterone, you should take the means to normalize the level of the hormone. How to increase mobility in this case, the doctor decides on the basis of the received. Most often, Proviron, Menogon and Profazi are prescribed.

How to increase sperm motility with Speman? This tool actively used for It has a pronounced androgen-like property. This is due to the rich composition of the drug. It is based on plant components, including beans and orchid. To improve the properties of the drug, the composition is supplemented with mineral compounds. Speman activates immobile spermatozoa. Also, the tool is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

For increased activity sperm should follow all the doctor's recommendations. In many cases, the restoration of sperm motility takes a lot of time. This is due to non-compliance with all recommendations and abuse bad habits.

Inactive or immobile sperm are often the cause of infertility. low mobility sperm is detected in almost half of the cases of impossibility of conception in men. Why sperm activity decreases and what treatment is needed for this - read on.

Anatomical and physiological features

In order for a healthy spermatozoon to form, the normal functioning of all reproductive organs in men:

  1. Testicles.
  2. The epididymis.
  3. seminal vesicles.
  4. prostate gland.

occurs in the testicles the most complicated process formation of germ cells in men. This miracle lasts two months and includes 3 stages: reproduction, growth and maturation. Ripening spermatozoa enter the epididymis, where they mature and form for a few more days. When passing different parts epididymis, they experience significant modifications in the composition and properties of their membranes, as a result of which they become able to penetrate the egg and introduce their genetic material into it.

For the formation of a healthy sperm, the entire system of the reproductive organs must function well.

In general, the cycle of spermatogenesis takes 72 days. All this time, it is extremely important for a man to maintain an optimal state of health. Because in case common diseases or diseases of the gonads, the proper maturation of germ cells is disturbed, their structure and shape change, and most mature spermatozoa become inactive. That is, a man develops a condition that is called asthenozoospermia in medicine - a decrease in the speed of movement and / or immobility of most spermatozoa in the ejaculate.

The seminal vesicles and the prostate gland play an important role in maintaining the activity of spermatozoa. Seminal vesicles synthesize fructose, the main source of energy for gametes, and the prostate gland synthesizes a secret that allows sperm to move freely in it and maintain fertilizing ability. Therefore, any diseases of the gonads also make the sperm immobile and inactive. As a result, diseases reproductive system require immediate treatment.

Provocateurs of asthenozoospermia

Let's recap the previous section and identify other factors that can result in inactive or even 100% immobile sperm. Look at the table.

Group of factors

The reason for the decrease in sperm motility


External causes

Heat(overheating in the sauna or viral/bacterial infections)

The testicles are not in vain lowered into the scrotum. Here the temperature is several degrees lower than inside the body. It has been proven that an increase in temperature makes sperm immobile.

tight underwear

With prolonged pressing of the scrotum to the body, spermatozoa become inactive due to the temperature factor and impaired blood supply in the reproductive organs.

Long stay in sitting position

Irrational nutrition, avitaminosis

Deficiency of zinc and vitamins A, B, C, E disrupts normal formation spermatozoa.

Toxic effects (drugs, alcohol, smoking, drugs)

They cause dehydration and reduce the amount of prostate secretion (sperm becomes too viscous). Violate the reproduction and maturation of gametes.

Antibiotic therapy

It inhibits reproduction, growth and maturation of spermatozoa. Changes their morphology and makes the cells immobile.


Increases the viscosity of sperm, which slows down the movement of gametes.

Prolonged state of anxiety, fear

The release of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, glucocorticoids) disrupts the blood supply to the reproductive organs and reduces the production of testosterone.

Irregular or immoderate sex life

Rare intercourse

Gametes in the body of men become immobile during long-term "storage" in the caudal part of the appendage. If spermatozoa are not regularly removed from this section, over time, the number of inactive forms accumulates and the sperm loses the ability to fertilize.

Frequent intercourse

Spermatozoa do not have time to mature.


and genital trauma

Infectious diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis)

They disrupt the activity of the gonads, increase the viscosity of sperm, destroy germ cells and increase the temperature in the organs of the reproductive system.

It inhibits the maturation of spermatozoa, increases the number of inactive and immobile forms due to high temperature.


Orchitis, testicular atrophy

Decreased activity of the testicles and hypotestosteroneemia determine a decrease in the production of gametes, a violation of their maturation, and a large percentage of immobile cells.

prostatitis, vesiculitis

Immobilize sperm in small quantities and increased viscosity sperm and change chemical composition and acidity of the secretion of the gonads.

kidney disease and urinary tract

Nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis

The increased acidity of the urethra makes the sperm immobile. AT urinary tract men, leukocytes appear, destroying sperm and inhibiting their progress.

Of course, the table contains only the most common causes asthenozoospermia. Inactive spermatozoa in in large numbers may also appear in endocrine disorders (diseases of the adrenal glands, hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism, etc.), some genetic diseases and other states. Their mobility in the female body can also be affected by the state of health of the woman herself. Even the most active and mobile sperm can lose its fertility if the environment female body does not lend itself to this. This system is very subtle, and it must be treated very delicately. How to make sperm active? Let's figure it out.

How to activate sperm

Of course, the treatment of asthenozoospermia will be most effective if it is possible to get rid of the cause of this condition. All infectious diseases must be cured. Both general and diseases of the genitourinary system. With varicocele and cryptorchidism, timely surgery is practically the only way to restore fertility. Non-communicable diseases of the reproductive organs are also subject to appropriate treatment.

with varicocele, the only way the resumption of fertility is a surgical intervention.

The easiest way to get rid of active sperm if the causes of asthenozoospermia are external. General recommendations to treat and improve the quality of sperm in this case, the following:

  • Wear loose underwear.
  • News active image life.
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  • Eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and nuts.
  • Get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Drink 2 or more liters of fluid per day.
  • Conduct regular moderate sex life.
  • Avoid stress.

Great importance in the treatment of asthenozoospermia takes a diet, rich in vitamins, zinc and complete protein. So proper nutrition and sufficient intake of vitamins should accompany any treatment tactics.

Thus, the immobility of sperm cells does not allow a man to conceive a child. Sperm motility is influenced by various internal and external factors, and for the treatment of asthenozoospermia, it is necessary to correctly identify its cause. But even if you have identified it, do not try to activate the sperm yourself. best effect will give you an appeal to a competent andrologist, who will help to accurately determine the causative factors of infertility and prescribe adequate treatment.

AT recent times men are increasingly being diagnosed with asthenozoospermia. This is such a pathology in which the composition of the seminal fluid is too low level motile spermatozoa or they are completely absent. As a result, the partner of such a man has practically no chance of getting pregnant.

Previously, the blame for the inability to get pregnant lay mainly on female half, but observation and research recent years show that men are gradually pushing aside the weaker sex, increasingly suffering from fertility disorders, up to infertility. Similar phenomenon due to the deterioration of the quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm, which is often caused by sexually transmitted diseases.

What is the disease and its degrees

Normally, there are about 20 million sperm per 1 ml of semen, and more than half of them should have normal motor activity. Asthenozoospermia is characterized by a condition of the ejaculate, which is characterized by a decrease in sperm motility, and the content of active spermatozoa also falls. Such a violation today is considered quite common among men of childbearing age.

Attention! With any degree of severity of asthenozoospermia, conception is possible, but the more sedentary sperm, the less likely it is to become pregnant.

Experts divide pathology into several degrees:

  • Grade I is a mild form of deviation in which total percentage motile sperm is about half of total number;
  • Grade II - moderate asthenozoospermia, characterized by 30-40% of active sperm;
  • Grade III is a pronounced pathology, which is characterized by less than a third of motile sperm of their total number.

Such a pathology causes male infertility in more than a third of cases, so it requires the identification of provoking factors and mandatory treatment.

Why spermatozoa become inactive

Sperm immobility can occur due to many factors:

Often asthenozoospermia is the result of a whole complex of factors, and not any one reason. Sometimes such a pathology develops after high-temperature exposure to the body, electromagnetic or radiation exposure. Often the cause of sperm immobility is inflammatory processes or infections in the organs of the reproductive system such as prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, etc. After similar diseases will be cured, the quality and motility of sperm will return to normal.

Often asthenozoospermia is preceded by:

  • Frequent depression or stress;
  • Various injuries of the testicles;
  • Overheating or hypothermia;
  • Pathological changes in the structure or activity of the prostate gland, its inflammation;
  • Congenital mutations of a genetic nature;
  • Prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • Incorrect intake of certain medicines.

Pregnancy with asthenozoospermia

The probability of fertilization with such a disease largely depends on the degree of development of the pathology. If at least a small amount of full-fledged, mature, active and mobile "gum" is present in the composition of the seminal fluid, then there are chances for fertilization of the egg, although they are small.

Important! Problems with motor activity spermatozoa are often caused by wrong image life: alcohol abuse, nicotine addiction, use narcotic substances etc.

The possibility of getting pregnant increases with a decrease in the number of too slow sperm, which characterizes asthenozoospermia. In general, sperm immobility does not apply to irreversible and incorrigible ailments that can prevent a man from becoming a father and putting an end to married life. After all, this disease does not guarantee 100% infertility, it only reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

A mild form of pathology is easily eliminated by taking spermatogenesis stimulants in combination with vitamin preparations. If the severity of sperm immobility is higher, then it is eliminated with the help of complex therapy.

Diagnostic methods

The method of treatment is largely determined by the reasons that provoked asthenozoospermia. It happens that at a mild stage, it is enough to change your lifestyle a little, to exclude alcohol, to give up cigarettes. There are cases when sperm motility increased as a result of changes working conditions, i.e. patients changed "harmful" activities associated with chemicals or heavy metals, to safer industries. Of course, such actions are not always enough to eliminate the pathology. More often, a man still needs the intervention of an andrologist.

Attention! Therapeutic measures will be successful only if they are reliably identified. etiological factors causing asthenozoospermia.

Since sperm immobility is practically not manifested by any symptoms, it is possible to detect and finally confirm it during a spermogram. Also, the andrologist may recommend additional diagnostic procedures such as the study of prostatic juice, genetic analysis, the study of the patency of the seminal ducts, tests to detect inflammatory and infectious processes. Similar diagnostic procedures help in confirming the diagnosis and allow you to identify the root cause of inactivity.

In cases where asthenozoospermia has a genetic origin and is caused by morphological mutations and defects in sperm, any treatment tactic is powerless. A man can only become a father with the help of artificial insemination of his wife. The remaining cases are quite amenable to elimination.

Treatment tactics

First, the patient is advised to adjust his lifestyle: eliminate addictions, move more. Often such changes help eliminate the problem, but if this is not enough, then the andrologist prescribes any drug from the group of spermatogenesis stimulants, as well as additional medicines and procedures. Complex therapy is selected individually, since the causes of the disease are different.

Attention! If the cause of sperm immobility is a varicocele, surgery may be needed.

Often, treatment tactics for concomitant STIs involve antibiotic therapy, vitamin therapy, taking immunomodulating agents, etc. Often, a set of treatment measures in addition to taking vitamins and hormonal drugs includes physiotherapy and massage treatments prostate. In addition, there are products that have a beneficial effect on sperm activity. Therefore, to reduce the severity of the pathology, and sometimes completely eliminate it, the observance of certain principles of nutrition will help.

It is recommended to ensure a daily intake of selenium and zinc, L-carotene and vitamin E. Brewer's yeast and eggs are rich in selenium, a lot of zinc is present in nuts and seeds, seafood, liver and red meat. Only plants are rich in vitamin E, since in animal organisms this powerful antioxidant not synthesized. The largest number vitamin present in seeds and nuts, vegetable oil.

In general, the disease is quite curable, the main thing is to accurately identify its causes.

Couples planning to replenish, but who have not been able to conceive for more than a year, are recommended to be screened. Moreover, the problem may lie not only in malfunctions of the female reproductive system, but is also associated with the same percentage of probability. Not the last role in this is played by insufficient sperm motility.

Assessment of sperm motility

fertilize female egg only the strongest sex cells of a man can overcome many obstacles and achieve fallopian tube. To determine their activity, special tests for sperm motility, carried out during the laboratory microscopic examination of the male ejaculate, help. Such an analysis is called a spermogram and includes the establishment of several indicators to assess the possibility of identifying certain diseases of the reproductive system.

Sperm motility is assessed by the speed and direction of their movement. This term refers to the ability of spermatozoa to make translational rectilinear movements at a speed not lower than normal. If the cells perform oscillatory, circular or other types of movement, or move at a low speed, they speak of weak mobility. Microscopic examination of semen should be carried out by one laboratory assistant with sufficient experience in this field.

Sperm motility is normal

When analyzing sperm motility, the degree of their motility is set as a percentage, taking into account all the sperm on a glass slide. According to the indicator under consideration, male germ cells are classified into four groups:

  • A - fast and straight moving (speed more than 50 microns / s);
  • B - slowly but straight moving;
  • C - making a non-translational movement or moving very slowly;
  • D - motionless.

Normally, the cells belonging to the first group should be more than 25%, and the sum of the first and second - at least 50%. Absolutely immobile spermatozoa should be less than half of the total, and cells with no rectilinear motion- no more than 2%. In addition to the fact that the number of correctly moving cells is taken into account, the duration of the preservation of their mobility is determined. To do this, the sample is kept for two hours in a thermostat and re-visual calculation is carried out. During this time, the deterioration of mobility indicators in the norm is no more than 20%.

Low sperm motility

If the analysis shows a decrease in sperm motility, this condition is called asthenozoospermia and is divided into three degrees:

  1. Light- the speed of movement of cells of categories A and B, which is permissible for conception, determined an hour after ejaculation, is observed in 50% of sperm.
  2. Moderate- More than 70% of category D cells are observed one hour after sample collection for analysis.
  3. heavy- the ejaculate contains more than 80% of immobile and atypical spermatozoa.

Based on the data obtained, treatment tactics are determined. The reasons for poor sperm motility are different - from diseases of the reproductive system to radiation effects on the male accessory sex glands. In some cases causal factor cannot be established, and asthenozoospermia is considered idiopathic (approximately 30% of patients).

What affects sperm motility?

When looking for the causes of asthenozoospermia and the ability to influence the increase in sperm motility, a number of main provoking factors are considered:

  1. Problems with the endocrine system - often the culprit is a reduced level of the hormone testosterone due to age-related changes, injuries, neoplasms, etc. In addition, other hormones are capable of affecting the quality of the ejaculate - secreted thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.
  2. Arterial hypertension - with this pathology, there is a violation of the normal blood supply to the genital organs.
  3. Varicocele - enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord, causing an increase temperature in the scrotum.
  4. Thermal effects on the testicular area, including those associated with wearing warm underwear, professional conditions work, etc.
  5. Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the body, leading to a failure in the synthesis of protein structures of germ cells.
  6. Delayed ejaculation associated with sexual problems, bad habits, etc.
  7. Urogenital infections.
  8. Genetic disorders in the development of the genital organs, in the structure of the flagellar apparatus of spermatozoa.
  9. Unfavorable working conditions (effect of electromagnetic radiation, radiation, heat, chemicals, etc.).

How to increase sperm motility?

Only after conducting all the examinations and obtaining a complete picture of the existing problems, it is possible to determine how to increase sperm motility in each specific case. Scales medical intervention can be different - from lifestyle changes to long-term pharmacological treatment and surgical interventions. In the absence of serious pathologies, you often just need to go in for sports, introduce into the diet necessary substances and protect yourself from stress.

Medication for sperm motility

Complex therapy for this problem may include pills to increase sperm motility, belonging to the following groups:

  • testosterone preparations (Proviron, Androxon, Testoral);
  • gonadotropins (Profazi, Pregnil);
  • means for improving regional blood flow (Trental, Actovegin).

In addition, men seeking to have a child may be recommended drugs to increase sperm motility related to dietary supplements:

  • Speman;
  • spermaktin;
  • Verona;
  • Viardot;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Vitamins for sperm motility

When wondering how to improve sperm motility, you should definitely take care of the sufficient intake of such vitamins, trace elements, vitamin substances into the body:

  • vitamins A, E, B, D, C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • levocarnitine.

Nutrition to increase sperm activity