Drugs to increase sperm motility. Low sperm motility

Not only the reproductive function of a man depends on the activity of sperm, but also general state his sexual health.

Bad sperm can be a consequence and cause of the development of many diseases, leading to the development of infertility or significant violation of potency.

The reason for the development of this condition can be both existing inflammatory processes in the body and the effects of negative external factors.

    Sedentary sperm

    IN male body sperm are located stationary. Activity begins only after they enter the woman’s reproductive organs. The term “immobility” includes several concepts that relate not only to the ability of sperm to move, but also to fully carry out their functions. Bad sperm can be:

    • inactive;
    • motionless;
    • sluggish;
    • slow;
    • lazy;
    • dead.

    These types of sperm condition directly affect the likelihood of conception.

    Having studied the list of reasons why there may be low sperm motility, a man can independently identify the negative factors that affected his health and reproductive function, however self-medication is not recommended. Some accompanying illnesses involve complex and long-term treatment.

    The following factors can cause the development of bad sperm:

    • intoxication with substances contained in alcohol, nicotine or drugs;
    • downgrade immune system in organism;
    • development varicose veins veins in the testicles;
    • Not proper nutrition;
    • negative impact of high temperatures;
    • development of endocrine diseases;
    • flaw folic acid in organism;
    • inflammatory diseases genitals;
    • infectious diseases;
    • inflammation of the prostate gland;
    • genital injuries;
    • The patient's age is over 45 years.

    REFERENCE! The cause of low sperm motility may be the result negative impact chemotherapy or radiation exposure. Some medications can also provoke this deviation (for example, long-term use of potent antibiotics).

    Diagnosis and possible diseases

    Based on the study, not only the quality of sperm and spermatozoa is revealed, but also the diagnoses possible diseases . The doctor analyzes the patient’s general condition, the presence of negative external and internal factors. If necessary, additional examination by specialized specialists may be prescribed.

    Impaired sperm motility can lead to development of the following diseases:

    • teratospermia ( a large number of sperm with a structural disorder);
    • necrospermia (“dead sperm”);
    • asthenozoospermia (inactive sperm).

    IMPORTANT! Some diseases accompanied by poor sperm motility can be inherited. When diagnosing, it is important to exclude or identify risk genetic predisposition. This type Deviations are the most difficult to correct.


    One of the main components of the course of treatment and increasing sperm activity is change in diet. A man needs to consume foods that increase sperm activity.

    Products that replenish not only the supply of vitamins in the body, but also increase the level of folic acid. Must be present in the diet Orange juice, legumes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, liver and beef.

    Restoration and increase in sperm motility occurs in several stages:

    • identifying and eliminating the cause of deviation;
    • spermogram(the procedure is repeated several times);
    • changing lifestyle and diet;
    • laboratory examination of ejaculates;
    • course of treatment with vitamin complexes;
    • drugs to increase sperm activity and improve sperm quality (Speman, SpermaPlant, Verona, Tribestan, etc.);
    • antibacterial drugs (in the presence of infections);
    • taking androgens;
    • compliance with a therapeutic diet.

    ON A NOTE! Treatment is aimed mainly at eliminating the cause of the deviation. Once the diagnosis is made, you should avoid wearing tight underwear or trousers, hot baths, and, if possible, reduce the abuse of bad habits.

    How to increase sperm motility on your own?

    If the diagnosis does not reveal significant deviations in the functioning of the genital organs, but is disrupted as a result of the negative impact of external factors, then it will be necessary to restore the condition on average three months. During this time, you will need to follow the doctor's recommendations and pay Special attention way of life.

    Tips to help increase sperm motility:

    • eliminating excess weight if present;
    • introduction to diet healthy products(vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.);
    • reducing the consumption of baked goods, smoked foods, fatty foods and other unhealthy foods;
    • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • regular physical exercise(exception sedentary image life);
    • control of psychological state;
    • avoiding overheating of the genitals;
    • timely treatment of diseases genitourinary system;
    • regular sexual intercourse (once every three days).

    You can increase your activity using folk remedies. Traditional methods show good treatment results.

    For example, the use of decoctions from the root of kolgan, plantain, ginseng, the introduction of parsley and bee bread (a bee product) into the diet. You can improve sperm motility, production and quality by taking a bath with chamomile infusion.

    If it is not possible to normalize the condition and increase sperm activity using the indicated methods, then a course of treatment with special drugs may be necessary, and the only way there will be conception artificial insemination female egg.

If the morphology of sperm is disturbed, then a man may experience serious problems with reproductive abilities, and his partner increases the risk of miscarriages, missed abortions, and pregnancy with a fetus with chromosomal abnormalities.

What to do if a spermogram shows morphological abnormalities, how to improve the quality of germ cells, increase the chances of conception and pregnancy healthy child, we will tell you in this material.

What it is?

The morphology of a sperm is the features of its structure. Male reproductive cells consist of a head, a neck, a middle part and a flagellum, which is also called a tail. During a spermogram, assessment of the morphological characteristics of sperm is part of an extended study.

The laboratory determines not only appearance and the number of living and active cells that are theoretically suitable for fertilization, but also their appearance. Conceive quickly enough healthy baby Only completely healthy spermatozoa without abnormalities can do this.

For conception, only one reference sperm is needed, healthy and active, which will be the first to reach the egg. However, if the percentage of such healthy and in all respects flawless cells in the sperm of a particular man, then the chances of conception increase significantly.

For assessment, an image of a standard is used - in medicine, the ideal sperm is described in sufficient detail:

  • It has an oval and symmetrical head in singular, in it in the right way all intracellular structures that carry important information are represented;
  • The dimensions of the head of such a sperm are 2.5-3.5 microns in width and 4-5.5 microns in length;
  • The neck of the sperm must be at least 1 micron, smooth, strong, and correctly fixed in relation to the head.
  • 9/10 of the entire length of the sperm should be occupied by the flagellum. In the reference germ cell it is smooth, without nodules and bumps, without thickening, slightly thinning towards the end.
  • The tail should be attached at a right angle and be fairly straight, not broken, not twisted, not shortened. And, of course, it must be in a single copy.

It is customary to evaluate sperm cells according to strict Kruger criteria, this is the WHO recommendation. According to them, any sperm that at least in some way does not correspond to the standard or its parameters are at the lower limit of the norm is rejected.

Good result spermogram is considered to be an indicator of at least 15% of morphologically correct cells. If their number decreases, the chances of fertilization decrease.

A value of 4% is considered critical. With such a low content of healthy cells from a morphological point of view, the chances of conception are negligible, and the man is diagnosed with “male infertility.”

Reasons for violation

Pathological changes in the morphology of germ cells are called “teratozoospermia” in medicine. This includes various pathologies cell heads, changes in its shape, structure, the presence of several heads in one cell:

  • The neck may be too thin to allow normal attachment of the flagellum.
  • The tail itself can be curled, short or excessively long, which reduces its mobility.

If the test results are disappointing, doctors will try to find the cause of teratozoospermia.

Inflammatory diseases he has suffered often lead to disruption of the morphology of germ cells in men. Leading the list are sexually transmitted infections. By the way, many of them are asymptomatic, and therefore a man may not even realize that he has ureaplasma, mycoplasma or chlamydia. Therefore, in case of a bad spermogram, a blood test for hidden infections And venereal diseases is mandatory.

The morphological characteristics of sperm are disrupted under the influence of radiation, unfavorable ecology, and toxins. If a man works in a hazardous industry where such exposure occurs, teratozoospermia may not be the only pathological change in sperm.

The structure of germ cells is also influenced by lifestyle. It can mutate if a man works at night, sleeps little, is nervous a lot, drinks large amounts of alcohol, takes narcotic and psychotropic substances, and also smokes a lot chronically.

Mutations and abnormalities in sperm can occur against the background of hormonal imbalance. Most often the reason lies in insufficient production male sex hormone testosterone. Sometimes the culprit is thyroid hormones.

Teratospermia is often observed in representatives of the stronger sex who play sports and use steroid hormones to achieve impressive athletic results.

Changes in sperm morphology can become a complication of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - such as prostatitis, prostate adenoma, varicocele, ortitis, vesiculitis.

Often the quality of sperm deteriorates due to diseases such as diabetes, oncological problems. That is why it is important to find and eliminate the true cause so that the quality of the ejaculate returns.

Congenital causes of sperm mutation are rare and are genetic in nature. In a man’s body, several stages of spermatogenesis are disrupted, and germ cells are most often produced defectively.

Such cases, unfortunately, cannot be corrected medically, and the family can be saved by fertilizing the woman with donor sperm.

Treatment of teratozoospermia

There are many ways to improve sperm quality while also increasing sperm quantity. But any treatment always begins with additional examination, since it depends solely on what specific reason became the key one in the violation of the morphology of the spermogram.

Infections and sexually transmitted diseases are treated with antibiotics wide range actions. A specific drug is prescribed based on the results of bacterial culture, bacteriological research sperm, blood tests for infections.

If, in addition to poor morphology, the spermogram results show the presence of leukocytes and macrophages, then a urological examination is prescribed, the purpose of which is to identify pathologies of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. In this case, treatment depends on the specific diagnosis.

If a blood test for hormones shows certain abnormalities, the man requires consultation with an endocrinologist and treatment with hormonal drugs and, improving and normalizing hormonal background. Usually this is enough for the sperm quality to improve.

If inflammation, infections and hormonal imbalances are not detected, the man may be prescribed a so-called MAP test and a study of ejaculate with DNA fragmentation.

The first analysis allows us to establish the immune factor of infertility, in which the human body produces antibodies to sperm, and completely healthy and morphologically normal cells die under their destructive influence. DNA fragmentation makes it possible to assess the genetic composition of the ejaculate.

Whatever it is the real reason violations of the morphology of germ cells, the man is recommended to change his lifestyle, give up alcohol, nicotine, and the habit of overeating.

In order to increase reproductive capabilities, men should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, and therefore they are strongly recommended to refuse work at night and change their work schedule.

Getting pregnant with poor sperm count is quite problematic, but if pregnancy occurs, then there is a high probability of miscarriage or non-developing pregnancy, and therefore, during the treatment of teratospermia, it is recommended to take contraceptive measures until recovery.

A man is not recommended to overheat, visit a bathhouse, sauna, sunbathe or go to a solarium, use heated car seats, or wear tight underwear. It is better for him to spend his free time active recreation- Swimming, light jogging, cycling, skiing.

The diet also requires revision. There is no need for a special diet; it will be quite enough if the menu includes foods rich in animal proteins, for example, meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese. Vitamins necessary for the reproductive health of the stronger sex can be found in fresh greens, wheat grains, spinach, oranges, currants, and lemons.

Men who want to improve their sperm count should, in agreement with their doctor, if indicated, take vitamin complexes, designed specifically to improve fertility, as well as drugs to improve sperm quality. We have prepared short review these funds.

Drugs to improve sperm quality


This herbal preparation has a positive effect on the process of production of germ cells and the amount of seminal fluid. The product belongs to the category of biological active additives(dietary supplement) and is often used to improve sperm motility.

The drug cannot affect cells with impaired morphology, but it promotes the formation of healthier cells at the next stage of spermatogenesis. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The herbs included in the composition are not addictive, and therefore, if necessary, treatment can be continued on the recommendation of a doctor.


This medicine will help if problems with sperm morphology are caused by prostate diseases. The natural-based drug is available in the form of suppositories for rectal use, tablets. Candles are used to remove inflammatory process in the prostate, reduce its size and normalize the blood supply to the gland. To improve spermatogenesis, take pills.

Medicine should not be taken without a doctor's permission, since it contains antibacterial components. The product is often combined with vitamin preparations in a single treatment regimen. The dosage and duration of administration are determined by the doctor.


This combination remedy, created specifically to increase male fertility. The drug is prescribed specifically for morphological pathologies in the spermogram, however, in addition to improving the quality of cells, it increases the volume of ejaculate and stimulates the motility of germ cells.

The drug contains only the essentials for a man’s reproductive health, or rather, the minimum set: L-carnitine, vitamin E, folic acid, selenium and zinc in large dosages.

The product is available in powder form for dissolution. A drink is prepared from it and taken after meals. The drug is allowed to be taken for three months, then a short break is required.


This is an Ayurvedic medicine that combines medicinal herbs and minerals necessary for men's health according to the principles of Ayurveda. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the production of germ cells.

In addition, manufacturers claim that the drug in tablets has a positive effect on erectile function, and also helps with premature ejaculation.

The dosage and duration of use should be discussed with your doctor. Side effects and the product has practically no contraindications, except for individual allergic reaction on herbal remedies included in it.

In addition, a man may be prescribed drugs such as “Afala”, “Lespeflan”, “Prostagerb”, “Prostanorm”, “Samprost”, “Tentenks”, “Uroprost”. All these remedies are usually not independent therapeutic, they are included in complex treatment.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

"Alphabet for men"

This vitamin complex contains 9 minerals and 13 vitamins necessary for a man’s health, including his reproductive abilities. In addition, the drug contains Siberian ginseng - a recognized means of improving sperm quality.

Manufacturers have made sure that the components of the complex are better absorbed and bring maximum benefit - minerals are taken separately from vitamins, they are simply included in tablets of different colors.

"Viardot" and "Viardot Forte"

These products are well-known and quite widely popular dietary supplements. The release form is capsules, but Viardot Forte is much more practical to use, since one capsule of the drug can replace 3 Viardot capsules.

The course of treatment can take up to a month; continuation of the course is discussed with the treating doctor. If he sees no contraindications, then taking the capsules can be continued.

"Duovit for men"

The combined vitamin complex contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. Useful material divided for better assimilation into different tablets, some are taken in the morning, and others in the evening.


This dietary supplement contains not only plant components that have a positive effect on the prostate and spermatogenesis processes, but also essential vitamins and minerals.

The course of treatment is usually three weeks. But no addiction to the drug was observed, so after a short break, taking the capsules is allowed to continue. All vitamin complexes and dietary supplements must be prescribed by a doctor. Unauthorized and uncontrolled reception can only do harm.

It is advisable to repeat the spermogram a month after the start of treatment to make sure that the treatment is helping and the seminal fluid indicators are improving.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers a large number variety of recipes to improve sperm quality. A popular drink made from the root of devyasil is popular, for which a spoonful of crushed herb is brewed with a glass of hot water.

To treat pathologies identified by spermogram, rose hips are often used. They can be given to a man in kind, prepare a decoction of them and take half a glass three times a day.

At home you can prepare a nutritious and very healthy mixture from dried fruits, nuts, figs and honey. All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and given to the husband a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

The most common nettle is considered a real “healer” of the stronger sex. It is crushed, brewed with boiling water and drunk as green tea several times a day. Herbal teas with a high content of oregano and sage are also useful. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently from plant materials.

No need to remind that when home treatment you should beware of advice to “steam your husband in a bathhouse”, make him hot bath with decoction medicinal plants- overheating of the genitals when deviating from normal values in a spermogram is unacceptable.

You should also avoid uncontrolled use of medicinal plants after taking antibiotics and antidepressants, which enhance the effect of many biologically active substances

If it is necessary to increase the activity of sperm and improve their morphological parameters, doctors recommend first of all paying attention to the man’s lifestyle and diet. If their correction does not help, you can proceed to taking special medications and dietary supplements. Some pathologies that lead to deterioration of seminal fluid parameters must be eliminated surgically.

What affects sperm parameters?

In 3 ml of sperm healthy man contains 120-600 million sperm. They are not sufficient quantity reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. The quality of sperm is affected by the following indicators:

  • sperm motility;
  • morphology (anatomical structure);
  • seminal fluid viscosity;
  • acidity;
  • percentage of live sperm;
  • sperm liquefaction time;
  • adhesion of sperm to each other;
  • presence of antisperm antibodies.

Normal sperm quality is determined by many factors. It is influenced by both a man’s lifestyle and the health of the reproductive system.

It is possible to improve performance without taking medications. It is necessary to eliminate factors that impair sperm quality:

Factor Description
Alcohol and smoking

Men who smoke and regularly drink alcohol have a noticeable decrease in sperm quality.

When conceiving, it is very important to give up bad habits

Taking medications

Anti-inflammatory drugs may affect sperm quality medicines, anabolics, antibiotics.

Zinc and vitamin C deficiency

The lack of these substances significantly reduces the quality of sperm.

To eliminate it, you need to include the following foods in your diet: citrus fruits, sauerkraut, lean meats, grains, nuts and seafood.

It is important not to exceed your daily calorie intake

Protein diet

A diet that is based on the exclusion of all fatty and cholesterol-containing foods leads to a lack of sex hormones.

This is due to the fact that their precursors are lipids.

This leads not only to a decrease in seminal fluid levels, but also to impotence

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Diseases such as complications of infections suffered in childhood, sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia, prostatitis, hepatitis, etc. can affect.

Pathologies lead to a significant decrease in performance and require treatment

Tight underwear and clothing

This reduces the motility of male germ cells.

It is necessary that the underwear be loose and made from natural materials, and that trousers or jeans are not too tight

Inactive sex life

Lack of ejaculation for a long time has a negative effect.

A lot of dead sperm appear in the seminal fluid, this leads to congestion in the pelvic area and provokes a disease such as prostatitis

Impaired patency of the vas deferens

There are several reasons for this pathology. These are scars after surgery, adhesions, cysts, tumors, congenital anomalies.

To eliminate this cause, you must consult a doctor. Surgical correction is often required

Immune diseases

Such pathologies activate the work of antibodies that attack their own sperm, which leads to their sticking together and the inability to participate in the fertilization process.

In severe cases, this problem cannot be treated

Pesticide poisoning

Among men who are constantly in contact with them, a study was conducted on the effect of substances on the body. It showed a significant deterioration in sperm quality

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and care are the key to successful conception. In most cases, sperm count can be improved without taking medicines. If this cannot be done, they turn to drug therapy.

Essential vitamins

Vitamins are necessary for normal operation male reproductive system, production of hormones that affect the quality of seminal fluid. To improve it you need:

  • Vitamin C. Without it, normal blood circulation is disrupted and a sufficient amount of nutrients to the genitals. It also takes part in the synthesis of male hormones, which contribute to erection and libido. Daily use 1000 mg leads to an improvement in sperm activity by 30% and ejaculate volume by 60%.
  • Folic acid. It is involved in the synthesis of many enzymes, the formation of blood elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) and in the process of hematopoiesis. She is also responsible for the synthesis nucleic acids, responsible for the genetic information in the cell. Without this vitamin, spermatogenesis is disrupted. When its concentration in the blood decreases, the percentage of defective sperm increases.
  • Vitamin A. It improves the functioning of the sex glands. It is an important antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals that damage all types of cells, especially those that have a high rate of formation.
  • Vitamin E. Another antioxidant. Has a similar effect. Improves functioning endocrine glands and has a positive effect on the immune system. Reduces the risk of increased blood clots, treats erectile dysfunction.

Minerals and active substances

Not only vitamins, but also minerals influence the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of seminal fluid. The most significant among them are zinc and selenium, so many drugs for improving sperm parameters necessarily include these two elements.

Zinc is involved in the production of more than 200 enzymes and substances, including nucleic acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also has antioxidant activity. Zinc is used in medications to improve men's health. Until the sixties, selenium was considered poisonous, but its role has been reconsidered. Positive effects have been discovered: the microelement can increase the number of viable sperm and their activity.

Another popular substance for improving sperm count with proven effectiveness is Coenzyme Q10. It is part of cells and is necessary to maintain a man’s life.

The following are also influential active substances, which is often included in vitamin complexes and dietary supplements:

  • L-carnitine. Allows you to improve the quality of sperm and speed them up.
  • L-arginine. It has similar properties to L-carnitine.
  • Royal jelly. Improves the anatomical structure of the male reproductive cell.
  • Taurine. Increases sperm activity and sperm viability.
  • Fructose. A source of accessible energy for the male body.

You can purchase vitamins and minerals separately or buy the whole complex at once:





Selenium forte with vitamin C

The complex contains 100% daily value elements

Price from 100 rubles for 20 tablets

Multivitamin complex for men.

The composition includes vitamins A, D, E, C, group B, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, manganese and others.

Take one capsule 2 times a day

For 30 capsules you need to pay about 450 rubles

The composition includes numerous minerals and vitamins, ginseng extract, bioflavonoids, arginine and methionine.

Take one capsule daily

Price for 30 capsules - 400 rubles

A complex of vitamins and minerals with the addition of biologically active substances.

The most significant components are: ginseng extract, taurine, eleutherosides, polyphenols.

Take one tablet 3 times a day

Cost for 60 tablets - about 300 rubles

The concentration of vitamins and minerals in complexes may vary significantly. It is compiled based on the regions of the country in which the medicine is sold. Therefore, tablets that improve the quality of seminal fluid may have different compositions. It is better to check with your doctor for the norms for the relevant region and those most suitable for a particular man.

Drugs to improve the quality of male sperm

In some situations, it is possible to improve the morphology and increase the speed of sperm movement only with the help of special medications. In andrology, antibiotics, enzymes, hormones and other drugs are used. But there are also safer ones - dietary supplements.

You should not take them without medical supervision. Self-medication can only make the situation worse.

Name Description Photo

Contains L-Carnitine, fructose and L-Carnitine derivatives


The composition of the drug includes fructose, aerosil, taurine, citric acid, L-carnitine, L-Ornithine, nettle extract, L-tartrate


It is a herbal medicine that contains powders of seeds, fruits and other parts of medicinal plants.

Received great amount positive feedback and recommendations.

Used by many men in preparation for conception

Tentex Forte

The composition is similar to Speman, consists of powders of various plants


Consists of creeping Tribulus herb


General strengthening herbal remedy


Contains unsaturated fatty acid, Alpha tocopherol (vitamin E), zinc, selenium, phytosterols, etc.


Source of epigallocatechin 3, indole-3-carbinol and fanleaf palm extract

How medications work

Most drugs have a similar composition and effect. The difference lies in the accompanying additives, manufacturers, names and other small nuances.

Speman is used to treat prostate hyperplasia and infertility caused by oligospermia (insufficient number of sperm in the ejaculate ). It has vegetable origin- it is based on orchid, Tribulus terrestris and many other medicinal herbs.

In men taking the drug, the size of the prostate decreases and disappears. congestion in the gland, the narrowing of the urethra that developed against the background of prostate hypertrophy is eliminated. This allows you to empty bladder fully.

Under the influence of the drug, sperm begins to be intensively produced, its quality and sperm activity increase. It has mild anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Drugs such as Speman, Himcolin,It makes sense to use in the following cases:

  • in the presence of infertility that has developed against the background of oligospermia;
  • in the treatment of genitourinary tract infections;
  • in the presence of prostate hyperplasia.

Speman shows high efficiency in combination with Tentex forte.

The medicine does not cause any harm, has no contraindications and side effects. It helps delay and prevent surgery.

In case of decreased libido, as well as in the presence of functional disorders, psychogenic sexual dysfunction, Himcolin and Tentex forte. Himcolin has a stimulating effect on nerve endings, which increases blood filling of the penis, increases erection and duration of sexual intercourse.

Many men planning to conceive a child are concerned about the answer to the most painful and actual question: “How to increase sperm activity?” The thing is that the possibility of conceiving a child depends on the speed of movement of sperm. When sperm becomes too slow, the stronger sex develops infertility.

IN Lately The number of men unable to conceive a child for health reasons is rapidly increasing. It is almost impossible to determine exactly why sperm motility has decreased. You can increase sperm activity only if you approach the problem with full responsibility. You'll have to accept medical supplies, as well as follow all recommendations of the attending physician.

If the patient does not know how to increase sperm motility at home, then the first step is to consult a doctor and identify the causes of the disorder. The quality of sperm depends on many indicators, but there are several factors that provoke a decrease in the viability of gametes. These include:

  • Natural aging processes in the male body. The whole point is that in mature age Less and less testosterone is produced, a hormone that is directly responsible for sperm motility.
  • Excess weight, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Insulin resistance. The patient's blood contains normal insulin, but its receptors cannot properly analyze this condition. This disease can significantly worsen sperm count.
  • Varicocele, arterial hypertension. These pathologies impair blood circulation in the male genital area. As a result, the number of motile sperm also rapidly decreases.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous pathology that has an extremely negative effect on male reproductive system.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Improper development of the genital organs, pathological congenital physiological defects.

In search of a suitable answer to the question of how to increase sperm motility and speed, be sure to reconsider your views on healthy image life. To effectively deal with a problem, you must first try to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.


To improve reproductive function, use vitamins and products to increase sperm activity. Potent medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor after preliminary diagnosis and obtaining spermogram results.

Are you planning to increase sperm activity at home? Then enrich your diet with the following vitamins.

  • Vitamin E. Protects the patient’s body from harmful substances, effectively fights free radicals, helps improve sperm count.
  • Zinc. This microelement enhances sperm production and improves sperm quality. Many vitamins of this group are found in sea ​​fish, shrimp, nuts, whole grain cereals.
  • Selenium – helps to increase the activity of spermatozoa. Along with this microelement, protein molecules enter the sperm. At the same time, the seed becomes healthier, which eliminates the development of various dangerous pathologies The child has. A lot of useful vitamins found in garlic egg white and seafood.
  • L-carnitine. Scientists have proven that this trace element can increase sperm motility by 4 times. The substance is found in kefir, yogurt and other dairy products, as well as lean meat.

Now you know what affects sperm motility. If your menu always contains enough microelements from the list above, violations reproductive function you will not be afraid. In addition, doctors recommend regularly consuming foods with multivitamin and anti-inflammatory properties as a preventative measure. It could be poppy or ginger. Drink tea with ginger slices before bed to increase sperm activity and significantly improve sperm count.


How to treat sedentary sperm at home? If the problem is not yet too advanced, it will be enough to change your lifestyle and diet. First of all, doctors recommend that men completely give up bad habits - smoking, drinking strong drinks. alcoholic drinks. You also need to review your diet. Special diet There is no way to improve spermograms, but there are recommendations from doctors that are better to listen to.

  • It is recommended to eat oatmeal, red hot peppers, carrots and apricots, fresh and dried. This food significantly increases the production active sperm, as it contains vitamin A in high concentration.
  • Prepare dishes with parsley, broccoli, spinach.
  • Drink milk or consume fermented milk products daily.
  • Be sure to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. These could be strawberries, asparagus, tomatoes. This substance increases sperm activity and makes them more viable. Products are best consumed fresh, as vitamin C breaks down during heat treatment.
  • An essential part of the diet to increase sperm activity is foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. This category includes fish, seafood, and nuts. Omega-3 acids improve blood microcirculation in the male genital area and have beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. The sperm of a healthy man must contain such substances. If there are not enough of them, the possibility of conceiving a child is significantly reduced.
  • Products with high content zinc These are seafood, eggs, lean poultry, for example, turkey. Sperm activity tablets always contain zinc. It is the lack of this substance that makes sperm less mobile. This is due to a decrease in the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. A lot of zinc is found in yogurts, whole grain cereals, and beef.
  • A lack of folic acid can also negatively affect the male reproductive system. To prevent this from happening, eat more greens, legumes, fresh vegetables, avocados, green peppers and cucumbers.

To study the results of your spermogram, you do not need to visit a doctor and take a lab tests. You can do this test yourself at home. Nowadays special kits are sold that allow you to determine the activity of sperm. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost, about 2000 rubles.

If self-diagnosis showed an unsatisfactory result, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a more thorough examination and prescribe effective treatment.


Increase sperm motility for effective conception possible using special medicines. However, taking such pills on your own is strictly prohibited. They should only be prescribed by a doctor after preliminary diagnosis and an accurate diagnosis.

Drugs to improve sperm motility:

  • Doctors prescribe medications containing vitamin E and C in high concentrations to patients with poor sperm count. This medicine helps improve blood circulation, as well as activate sperm. This group of drugs includes Actovegin and Trental.
  • Zinc-based medications for sperm activity are also particularly effective. One of the most popular drugs in this group is Speman.
  • Medicines that improve testosterone production have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. Doctors often prescribe Andriol, Proviron, Pergonal or Pregnil to patients.

Do you want to speed up your sperm count and conceive a healthy baby? Then be sure to listen to all the doctors’ recommendations. First of all, change your lifestyle, give up bad habits, and start actively playing sports. Doctors also advise eating healthy and balanced, avoiding severe stress and emotional stress.

You can't get pregnant and tests have shown that your man's sperm count is not active enough? In this case, you need to increase the speed of their movement and you will finally be able to conceive a baby. This is not so easy to do and a man will have to completely change his lifestyle; not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices.

Many representatives of the stronger sex do not even know that their sperm are not very active. It is for this reason that conflicts arise in the family when planning a child. As a result, it is the woman who is blamed for the couple's inability to conceive a child.

Alas, this problem has become increasingly widespread and relevant over the past few years. Most often, sperm have minimal motility due to wrong image life, much less often - due to genetic abnormalities.

How to increase sperm motility? To speed up their movement, you will need to use several methods in a comprehensive manner; this is the only way to achieve positive result. The doctor also prescribes a regular test for the patient called a spermogram, which helps to see whether the treatment is having an effect.

The normal speed of sperm is 0.025 mm/s. Of course, there may be minor deviations from this figure.

Effective ways to increase sperm motility:

Proper nutrition. Few people pay attention to their diet, but your diet depends on the quality of the products. man's health. Eliminate junk food and try to eat right, also take a vitamin complex.

Physical activity . Even if you don't like sports, now you will have to change your attitude towards it. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, do exercises every day and walk more often.

Quit alcohol and smoking - bad habits negatively affect sperm motility and sperm quality.

Omega acids - their deficiency also negatively affects male strength. Include in your diet fatty varieties fish or fish fat, nuts and seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin), vegetable oils.

Lose weight. if you have excess weight and too much subcutaneous fat, you will have to lose weight. Balanced diet accelerates sperm motility.

Boosting Vitamin D Levels - try to be in the sun more often and take sunbathing. As a last resort, buy vitamin D in tablet form at the pharmacy. It has been proven to increase testosterone levels.

Vitamin C - reduces sperm defects and has a positive effect on male strength. Consume more products which are rich in ascorbic acid.

Forget about a hot bath. Take a shower, that's enough. Baths, saunas and baths impair sperm movement.

Stress - one of the main reasons for the deterioration of sperm motility. Try to be less nervous, change jobs if necessary, try to rest more often. Meditation can also help you cope with stress.

Drink more water. Studies have shown that those men who do not drink enough water throughout the day are much more likely to go to the doctor with problems with sperm motility. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day.

Drug treatment - prescribed in cases where sperm have minimal activity. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the spermogram.

In some cases, increasing low mobility is not possible; this occurs due to a genetic defect. This happens very rarely. Unfortunately, there is no way to help eliminate the problem of genetic disorders.

Sometimes low mobility is due to physical impairments such as varioceles. At successful treatment diseases, the speed of sperm movement does not change.