The use of sea buckthorn suppositories, their composition and effectiveness in various diseases. Sea buckthorn suppositories: instructions, use Sea buckthorn oil rectal suppositories instructions for use

Candles with sea buckthorn are a medicine for those who really care about their health and the health of their loved ones. Candles contain sea buckthorn oil, which can truly be called a gift of nature to man. The unique healing properties of sea buckthorn, combined with the absence of a harmful effect on the body, allow the use of candles by all those in need, including children and pregnant women.

Properties of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil contains the richest composition of biologically active substances, a unique multivitamin complex, a rare range of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A, F, E, K. All this endows the oil with qualities that give a person youth, beauty and health. Sea buckthorn oil has the following effects on the human body:

anti-inflammatory Effect preparations with sea buckthorn extract is achieved by the following mechanisms:

  • The increased activity of immune cells is reduced.
Active substances from the composition of sea buckthorn affect the cell wall of immune cells (mast cells) in the focus of inflammation. Due to this effect, the amount of inflammatory factors secreted by mast cells - histamine, cytokines, prostaglandins - is reduced. By reducing the concentration of inflammatory factors in damaged tissues, sea buckthorn preparations lead to the subsidence of all symptoms of inflammation: swelling, soreness, itching.
  • The amount of histamine decreases.
Histamine is an inflammatory factor, dilates blood vessels, increases the permeability of the vascular wall. Histamine activity leads to swelling, pain, itching.
Vitamins C and E accelerate the breakdown of histamine and reduce its amount in the blood. In terms of vitamin E content, sea buckthorn is second only to wheat germ (100 ml of sea buckthorn fruit oil = 500 mg of vitamin E). And in terms of the amount of vitamin C in the same row as blackcurrant and rose hips (100 grams of sea buckthorn = 600 mg of vit. C).

Protection from free radicals
Vitamins A, C and E reduce the formation of free radicals in tissues. This effect is achieved by preventing the oxidation of fats located in the cell wall. Also, vitamins A, E directly neutralize radicals, entering into a chemical reaction with them (radical binding reaction). Free radicals- these are molecules on the electron shell of which there is an unpaired electron (O , HO , RO , etc.). Such molecules damage healthy cells, accelerate their aging and death.

antibacterial Effect
Acts against the following bacteria: Escherichia coli (E.Coli), Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella (Salmonella enterica). Sea buckthorn components damage the cell wall of bacteria and alter their DNA.

Recovery damaged fabrics
It is achieved due to the presence of the following substances in sea buckthorn:

  • essential fatty acids (linoleic, α-linolenic, arachidonic)

Fatty acids are a necessary building material for skin cells and cells of other tissues (tendons, muscles, cartilage). The presence of essential fatty acids accelerates the processes of repair and the formation of new tissues.

  • complex of vitamins A, D, E, K, C
Vitamins A, C, E - stimulate the growth of skin cells. Promotes the formation of the skin frame. This effect is explained by the participation of vitamins in the synthesis of the main scaffold protein (collagen). Collagen - determines the strength and elasticity of the skin, cartilage, tendons. Vitamins C, K normalize blood circulation in the lesion. The effect is achieved by the ability of vitamin C to strengthen the wall of blood vessels and the ability of vitamin K to prevent bleeding.

Reduces risk development cirrhosis liver
Sea buckthorn oil prevents the formation of scar tissue in the liver. It is achieved by reducing the concentration of specific proteins (laminin, collagen III and IV).

Antitumor Effect.
It has been proven by a number of studies (Olsson ME- 2004, Padmavathi B- 2005, Teng BS- 2006, Gray C - 2010.) that sea buckthorn components are able to prevent and stop the growth of cancer cells. Research has been done on animals. The action of sea buckthorn was tested on papilloma cells, cancer of the colon, liver, stomach and breast cancer.

The use of the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn has been widely used in the treatment of many diseases. Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent tool in the treatment of skin diseases, various eczema and dermatitis respond well to treatment. An excellent effect is also achieved in the treatment of female diseases such as cervical erosion, various colpitis and vaginitis. Sea buckthorn oil helps well in the treatment of burns, peptic ulcer, tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the gums, bedsores. It is also used for hair loss and baldness. Recently, sea buckthorn oil has been successfully used in proctology for treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other inflammatory diseases of the rectum.

Candles for hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn

Rectal suppositories 500mg, 10pcs. packaged.

Mechanism of action and therapeutic effects

Candles have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling, redness, itching, and reduce pain. The antibacterial property of sea buckthorn oil prevents and eliminates the development of infectious processes. Stimulates tissue repair processes, accelerates wound healing, enhances local protective functions of tissues and blood vessels.

Sea buckthorn oil for cervical erosion
Sea buckthorn treats female disease. Such as: cervical erosion, colpitis, vaginitis. With inflammation of the vagina and cervix, the concentration of specific substances (carotenoids) and vitamin E in the body decreases. Carotenoids are a group of natural compounds, yellow in color, found in plant and animal products (sea buckthorn, carrots, pumpkin, fish oil, caviar). In the human body they form vitamin A, normalize the work of the hormonal and reproductive systems. They are found in high concentrations in sea buckthorn oil. 100 ml of sea buckthorn fruit oil = 500 mg. vit. E and 1500 mg of carotenoids. Which gives excellent results in the treatment of such diseases.

Butter sea ​​buckthorn at ulcerative disease
Sea buckthorn promotes healing ulcers thanks to next effects:
- reduces excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid
- accelerates the recovery of the gastric mucosa
- accelerates the process of scarring ulcers
In patients with stomach ulcers, the level of vitamin E in the blood decreases and the level of a toxic substance (malonic dialdehyde) increases, which damages the gastric mucosa. Vitamin E, on the contrary, protects the mucosa. It blocks the action of free radicals, reduces acidity, stimulates the formation of a protective film. Sea buckthorn acts on both factors, increases the level of vitamin E and reduces the formation of a toxic substance.

sea ​​buckthorn butter at burns
Sea buckthorn oil helps with burns. The secret is in the unique composition of vitamins A, C, E, K and trace elements (iron, magnesium, silicon, manganese, etc.). The oil contains a number of essential fatty acids (linoleic, α-linolenic, arachidonic). Fatty acids are a necessary material for building cells and forming tissues. Vitamins A, E, C accelerate the recovery of damaged tissue. Protect from action free radicals. The active components of the oil reduce inflammation and have an antibacterial effect.

sea ​​buckthorn butter at treatment hemorrhoids
Sea buckthorn oil is used in proctology for treatment hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other inflammatory diseases of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis).

Indications for use

  • haemorrhoids
  • anus fissures
  • rectal ulcers
  • proctitis, erosive and ulcerative sphincteritis and proctitis, catarrhal and atrophic proctitis
  • radiation damage to the mucous membrane of the lower colon


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, diarrhea.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, burning, diarrhea.

Mode of application

  • Suppositories are inserted rectally deep into the anus, after a bowel movement.
  • Adults and children over 14 years old, 1 suppository 2 times a day for 10-15 days.
  • Children under 6 years old - 1 candle, 1 time per day; 6-14 years -1 suppository, 1-2 times a day.
  • The duration of treatment is 14 days or more.
  • If necessary, after a month, the course can be repeated.
Candles with sea buckthorn oil will be your good assistant in treatment of hemorrhoids and other diseases. Their effectiveness, harmlessness and availability make it possible to make suppositories with sea buckthorn, the drug of choice in the treatment of initial stages. hemorrhoids, anal fissure, as well as reduce the discomfort of more serious diseases of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis, etc.).

A key factor in healing from any disease is to start treating it as soon as possible. Don't put off your health issues, start today, start now! Take care of yourself and be healthy!

There are several methods for treating hemorrhoids, of which candles with sea buckthorn are considered quite effective. The strongest antioxidant, which is part of the fruit, allows you to get a positive result in a couple of weeks.

Candles with sea buckthorn from hemorrhoids contain in the composition. This is the main healing ingredient, thanks to which the candles have some fat content and a characteristic orange color.

The auxiliary component is represented by wax, which gives the product the necessary hardness.

Properties of sea buckthorn oil

Natural product with a unique composition, which includes biologically active substances, vitamin complex A, C, D, E, F, K, polyunsaturated fatty acids, tannins, magnesium, carotene, carotenoids, tocopherols, glycerides of several acids, has a beneficial local effect on the body.

Sea buckthorn oil has beneficial properties for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Protective
  • Antibacterial
  • Restorative
  • Antitumor

Biologically active substances have an anti-inflammatory effect. They displace free radicals that aggressively act on healthy cells, destroying their membranes.

The active substances of sea buckthorn destroy staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, salmonella by destroying the bacterial cell wall.

The immunostimulating effect of the oil serves as protection against other bacterial or fungal infections from attaching to the affected area.

When hemorrhoids are accompanied by the release of blood, vitamin K comes in very handy. In the process of blood clotting, it plays an important role. 6 out of 13 proteins involved in blood clot formation cannot be synthesized without this vitamin.

Other components of suppositories have a powerful healing (restorative) effect on hemorrhoids, which are injured during bowel movements.

Sea buckthorn has antitumor activity. Repeated animal studies have been conducted and a positive effect has been found in cancer of the colon, stomach, breast, gland, liver, and papilloma (from 2005 to 2010: Padmavathi B, Teng BS, Gray C).

Indications for use

Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn are used alone or in complex treatment:

  • hemorrhoids
  • Proctitis
  • Anus fissures
  • Ulcers of the rectum.

On the 1st stage hemorrhoids, it is possible to use suppositories as the main remedy.

On the 2–3 stages- in the form of additional therapy to the main methods prescribed by the doctor.

Sea buckthorn candles with hemorrhoids 4 degrees will not give an effect: most often, surgical intervention is required, since the use of many conservative methods is impossible due to severely inflamed large nodes and other complications.

After the operation, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary drugs, among which there may be rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn.


Sea buckthorn candles are safe and can be used without age restrictions. It is possible to use candles with sea buckthorn from in any trimester.

Breastfeeding is not a restriction. The components act effectively, but have a sparing nature and a local effect. They do not pass into breast milk.

The only limitation is hypersensitivity to the components. Also do not use the remedy for diarrhea.


Before the introduction of the suppository, it is necessary to empty the intestines and perform hygiene procedures - wash the perineal area and hands with soap and water. The drug should be injected into the anus, pushing it deep inside.

Dosage for children:

  • up to 6 years - 1 time per day, 1 candle; the duration of treatment is 14 days.
  • 6-14 years - 1-2 times a day for the 1st candle; the duration of treatment is 14 days.

Dosage for adults and children over 14 years of age:

  • 2 times a day for the 1st candle; the duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

After the course, a break of 1 month is necessary, after which you can repeat the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Side effects

In rare cases, allergies, itching in the anus, diarrhea are possible.

Sea buckthorn oil candles can leak when used and stain underwear. To avoid trouble, it is recommended to use sanitary pads.

List of drugs

Most often, candles against hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn are offered by a popular Russian manufacturer - the pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm, Russia. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

Name: Sea buckthorn oil rectal suppositories (Nizhpharm)

  • Form: 5 candles in a cell package. The pack contains 2 packs.
  • Leave without a prescription, price: 119 rub.

There are also offers from other drug manufacturers.

Name: Candles for hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn (Dalkhimfarm, Russia)

  • Active ingredient: sea buckthorn oil 0.5 g
  • Form: Suppositories (5 pcs.) There are 2 packs in a pack.
  • Leave without a prescription, price: 86 rub.

Name: Sea buckthorn oil rectal suppositories (Farmaprim SRL, Moldova)

  • Active ingredient: sea buckthorn oil 0.5 g
  • Form: Suppositories (5 pcs.) in a cell pack. The cardboard pack contains 2 such packages.
  • Leave without a prescription, price: 82 rub.

The harmlessness and naturalness of the drug, combined with an effective action, its affordability and the possibility of purchasing it without a prescription are important advantages when choosing a remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The healing properties of sea buckthorn have been known for a long time. Even traditional medicine has recognized the beneficial qualities of the berry, so there are a number of preparations made on the basis of this plant. In particular, sea buckthorn candles are very popular, which can be bought at any pharmacy at a low price without a doctor's prescription. The bones and pulp are used as raw materials.

The benefits of sea buckthorn

Orange berries are a source of vitamins and polyunsaturated acids, thanks to which sea buckthorn has:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of vitamins C and E. The amount of these substances is comparable to blackcurrant and wheat germ, respectively;
  • Antibacterial properties due to the content of vitamin A;
  • Healing effect, since active substances accelerate cell regeneration;
  • Strengthens immunity.

Studies are being conducted regarding the effect of the plant on cancer cells. There is every reason to believe that sea buckthorn is an antitumor drug. However, while experiments are carried out only on animals, the tool is under development. According to scientists, sea buckthorn can fight cancer of the intestines, stomach, liver and breast.

Application area

Sea buckthorn is used in many areas of medicine. And not only berries are used. For example, from the leaves you can make a compress for rheumatism and pain in the back and joints. Infusions and decoctions of berries relieve the symptoms of a cold. However, most often, oil is used, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Sea buckthorn oil for external use is often prescribed for skin problems: for the treatment of burns and ulcers, as it accelerates tissue regeneration and removes itching, burning and other pain. In diseases of the intestines (ulcer, gastritis, etc.), oil should be drunk 1-2 tablespoons before meals. But most often in traditional medicine, sea buckthorn oil is used to treat gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids, radiation damage, and rectal ulcers.

As for traditional medicine, the scope of sea buckthorn oil is not limited to dermatological problems and hemorrhoids. It is believed that the plant has a good effect on hair growth, therefore it is used at the first signs of baldness in men to restore thick hair. To do this, you can smear your head with oil, or you can periodically eat fresh berries.

By the way, not only skin lesions, but also the eyes can be cured by sea buckthorn, therefore, eye drops or ointment containing the extract of this plant are prescribed for conjunctivitis. Dentists use sea buckthorn and also recommend choosing berry-based toothpastes as it reduces pain and bleeding gums. And, of course, with beriberi, a berry so rich in vitamins is also irreplaceable.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids

Candles with sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids are quite an effective remedy that is suitable even for children, pregnant and lactating mothers. It is absolutely harmless and natural, as it is made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil and wax. The action of the drug is local, so do not be afraid that its components will get, for example, into breast milk. But in any case, the medicine is absolutely harmless even for babies.

In addition to oil, wax is used so that the drug can take the form of a suppository. The candle extracted from the shell is bright orange in color, the same as ripe sea buckthorn berries. By the way, after rectal administration, the drug melts quickly and can flow out of the anus, so orange spots remain on the linen. In order to avoid damage to underwear, it is recommended to use pads. The candle can already melt in the hands, so it is required to administer the candle rectally or vaginally as quickly as possible after opening the shell.

In accordance with the instructions, the suppositories are administered rectally after emptying the intestines using an enema. Since the oil melts very quickly, the drug should be administered immediately after being removed from the package and shell. The course of treatment will last 10 days, during which the procedure should be repeated 1-2 times.

The candle works as follows: as soon as the oil begins to melt, it is absorbed into the intestinal walls, accelerates the breakdown of histamine and its removal from the blood. The fact is that histamine is responsible for the expansion of blood vessels. Excessive accumulation of a substance in the blood in one place leads to the fact that the walls of the vessels become very thin and sensitive. This causes itching and anal burning, sometimes swelling. Further, sea buckthorn oil acts as a healing: the process of cell regeneration is accelerated, microcracks and ulcers are restored.

Simultaneously with the healing effect, sea buckthorn oil fights various fast-growing bacteria, blocking their path to so far weak cells and tissues.

Sometimes suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are recommended after the main course of treatment, as a prophylactic in order to restore immunity and avoid a recurrence of the disease. The result of the course of treatment with candles for hemorrhoids appears quite quickly.

Application in gynecology

As a drug in gynecology, not only sea buckthorn suppositories are used, but even tampons soaked in this oil. Most often, this treatment is prescribed for:

  • erosion of the cervix;
  • Various inflammatory processes;
  • Colpitis;
  • Endocervicitis;
  • Thrush;
  • Fissures or ulcers in the vagina.

Sea buckthorn oil gently covers the walls of the vagina, relieving swelling and pain. Due to the antibacterial property, the destruction of pathogenic microbes and other microorganisms immediately begins. The method of exposure, as well as the course of treatment, is approximately the same as for hemorrhoids. Candles are inserted vaginally and as deeply as possible. The procedure is carried out at night, so that during the minimum activity, the oil has time to be absorbed and remove most of the symptoms. And in the morning, the remnants of the oil, along with the toxins processed during the night, leave the body during urination. In some diseases, before inserting a candle, it is necessary to douche the vagina with warm water.

Sea buckthorn oil in gynecological diseases can be used as a separate medicine on its own in mild cases that do not require surgical intervention. Or in the postoperative period as a means of fixing the result. In the first case, improvements are not immediately noticeable, usually any changes are felt after the end of the course of treatment.

By the way, the antibacterial effect of sea buckthorn oil kills not only microbes, but also spermatozoa, therefore, in some cases, vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn can be prescribed as a contraceptive. As with the rest of the recommendations for use, which are indicated on the package, you need to consult a doctor about this.


Candles with sea buckthorn oil are a safe, non-addictive drug. Most drugs are made in such a way that an overdose of the drug is impossible, it can be used during pregnancy, as well as during lactation. Candles are contraindicated for people:

  • With individual intolerance to sea buckthorn;
  • With acute attacks of diarrhea.

During rectal use, side effects such as itching and burning of the rectum are possible, sometimes diarrhea can be added to these signs. In rare cases of overdose, an allergic reaction to sea buckthorn may begin. Its symptoms are an unbearable burning sensation after injection, as well as red rashes on the skin. In cases where the drugs cause excessive discomfort (burning does not go away for more than 10 minutes), you should consult a doctor.

Despite the fact that there are no contraindications, there are a number of storage requirements:

  • Sea buckthorn candles can only be stored in the refrigerator;
  • The candle, after extraction, must be used. Use a few hours or days after the shell is removed is unacceptable;
  • If the drug has been exposed to high temperatures for some time, even if it was in the package, it is not recommended to use it.

The composition of the main substance (sea buckthorn oil) includes a large list of active elements, a multivitamin complex (vitamins A, F, E, K), polyunsaturated acids. All this makes candles with sea buckthorn very popular in gynecology, proctology for the local treatment of a large number of diseases.

What are sea buckthorn oil suppositories

Candles are an effective drug that has a wide range of effects, is used to treat a number of pathologies of the human body. The main ingredient is sea buckthorn oil, an additional element is wax, which forms a torpedo-shaped product. Under the influence of the heat of the human body, the suppository melts, the substances are quickly absorbed into the blood, having a positive effect.

The drug is produced in two types: vaginal and rectal. The latter are a biological stimulant that activate the healing of the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation. Rectal suppositories are prescribed for symptoms of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal ulcers, paraproctitis. Vaginal suppositories are used in cases of inflammatory processes, cervical erosion, and other pathologies of the reproductive system.

From hemorrhoids

This unpleasant disease worries 70% of the population, more often occurs in people over 40 years of age, in girls during pregnancy. Candles from sea buckthorn oil with hemorrhoids help get rid of pain, have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use them as a prophylactic to prevent the development of hemorrhoids in the future. Instructions for use:

  1. A suppository is inserted rectally into the anus for penetration into the rectum.
  2. For adults and adolescents over 14 years of age, it is recommended to use 1 pc. twice a day.
  3. Before the procedure, you need to empty yourself.
  4. The minimum treatment period is 2 weeks.

In gynecology

In the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system of women, sea buckthorn suppositories can be prescribed as an additional remedy. Indications for use may be such diseases:

  • colpitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • cervical erosion.

Vaginal suppositories have a regenerating, therapeutic, reparative effect. The tool has an antitumor property, which is important in the treatment of erosion of unknown etiology. It is allowed to use suppositories with sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Instructions for use:

  1. Before going to bed, insert the suppository into the vagina.
  2. For 20 minutes, be in a horizontal position so that the medication is completely absorbed, and the substances begin to act.
  3. The minimum course is 10 days.

For kids

Children may face problems such as: anal fissure, hemorrhoids, damage to the mucous membrane. Candles with sea buckthorn oil do not have age restrictions for use, therefore they are often used for therapy. The cause of the disease can be constipation or diarrhea, less often mechanical damage to the walls of the mucous membrane occurs, sometimes the child creates scratches, provoked by itching.

As a rule, treatment is carried out in combination with a diet, sitz baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before the introduction of the drug, the child must defecate. If this does not happen naturally, an enema should be given. Dosage at the age of 6-14 years corresponds to an adult - 2 pcs. per day. A child under 6 years old is recommended to put 1 pc. before bedtime. The treatment regimen is designed for 5-13 days, as a rule, the crack is already tightened for 3 days.

Contraindications for suppositories with sea buckthorn oil

The medicine consists of natural components that do not have specific contraindications. The main reason for refusing to use candles with sea buckthorn oil is individual intolerance. The use should be discontinued if diarrhea develops during therapy. Before using the medication, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body, not to aggravate the situation. Of the side effects, according to people's reviews, only burning, diarrhea and an allergic reaction are observed.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil have a light characteristic aroma and are torpedo-shaped. Oil is their main ingredient, giving candles their orange color and oiliness. Some hardness of suppositories is provided by wax, which serves as an auxiliary substance in their composition.

Candles sea buckthorn instructions for use contains the necessary information about the use of the drug for treatment, as well as indications and contraindications. The accompanying sheet indicates the methods of storage of the drug and its pharmacological properties. Please read this information carefully before using suppositories for treatment.


Sea buckthorn suppositories are capable of stimulating immune cells, which are effectively influenced by the active component of the plant's berries, having the ability to penetrate to the epicenter of inflammation. The result of this is the elimination of inflammation, the disappearance of itching and swelling, and the reduction of pain. Also, suppositories can significantly reduce the histamine level, which provokes and exacerbates the inflammatory process.

In addition, sea buckthorn candles have an antibacterial effect. They quite successfully cope with microbes such as staphylococcal pathogen, E. coli, salmonella and others.

Indications for the use of sea buckthorn suppositories

Sea buckthorn suppositories are produced in two types: rectal suppositories and vaginal.

Sea buckthorn vaginal suppositories

Vaginal suppositories are used to treat diseases in the field of gynecology. They are indicated for use for those patients who suffer from such diseases as cervical erosion, colpitis, inflammation in the pelvic area, endocercivitis.

The appointment of suppositories for the indicated diseases provides for a decrease in inflammation and soreness, as well as stimulation of tissue regeneration.

Sea buckthorn rectal suppositories

This type of suppositories is indicated for use for those patients who suffer from ailments in the field of proctology. Rectal suppositories are usually prescribed for hemorrhoids, the presence of cracks and ulcers in the rectum, as well as for painful bowel movements, sphincteritis, proctitis and radiation injury.

The appointment of the drug in the form of rectal suppositories provides for therapy that can improve the reparative processes that occur on the rectal mucosa. Sea buckthorn candles can fully contribute to the restoration and healing of tissues that are affected.

Sea buckthorn candles application

It is recommended to use sea buckthorn suppositories for treatment at bedtime. The vaginal form of suppositories can be inserted into the vagina after urination. The rectal form of suppositories is introduced into the anus after a cleansing enema or spontaneous bowel movement.

The introduction should be made to the maximum possible depth. Then you should take a lying position and, relaxing, linger in this state for half an hour. This time will be quite enough for the drug to be activated and pass the stage of absorption into the mucous membrane.

Carrying out the treatment procedure, you should monitor your condition. Such phenomena as unpleasant sensations, which are accompanied by negative manifestations (burning, redness, itching, swelling).

The duration of treatment can be up to ten days.

Sea buckthorn suppositories in gynecology

Sea buckthorn candles are convenient to use and are fully saturated with all the range of useful substances that sea buckthorn has. Candles have been successfully used in the field of gynecology for the treatment of many diseases in the female sphere. Here, the use of both vaginal suppositories and rectal ones is practiced.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are able to heal wounds on the mucous membrane, as well as nourish and moisturize the tissue that lines the female genital organs from the inside. With the help of suppositories, the elimination of the pain syndrome, which can be caused by the course of the disease, the rapid regeneration and healing of the affected tissues is achieved.

Often, the use of a sea buckthorn candle can be prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid the development of inflammation after any gynecological procedures. It is possible to use suppositories as a means of contraception.

For the treatment of diseases such as colpitis and cervicitis, it is necessary to pre-cleanse the vaginal area by douching with warm water with the addition of herbs that promote cleansing, such as chamomile.

After hygiene is over, you should take a prone position and, relaxing, insert the candle as deep as possible into the vagina. It should be noted that it must be printed out already in a supine position and immediately used until it begins its action directly in the hands.

The duration of treatment is usually prescribed for ten days. Apply one candle before bedtime.

Since sea buckthorn suppositories are gentle, they can be prescribed for a pregnant or lactating woman.

The use of the preparation of sea buckthorn candles can significantly alleviate the condition of a woman who suffers from a gynecological disease.

Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids

Despite the fact that modern medicine can offer various options for the treatment of such an ailment as hemorrhoids, however, sea buckthorn candles have been and remain the most effective method of healing.

Taking into account the hypoallergenicity of the drug and the practically absent ability to irritate the mucous membrane, popular suppositories can be prescribed to any category of patients, whether it is an elderly person or a pregnant woman. Postpartum use of sea buckthorn is also practiced.

Having a soft and effective effect on the affected area, the candle practically does not cause discomfort. And the possibility of achieving a therapeutic effect using just one suppository per day is especially convenient for many patients, since it does not take much time.

Sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy

Without having a negative impact on the unborn child and contributing to a number of positive effects on the woman's body during pregnancy, sea buckthorn suppositories are successfully used for this category of patients.

The therapeutic effect of sea buckthorn suppositories, which includes anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antioxidant, antibacterial, antitumor and antihemorrhoidal effects, can bring considerable benefits to a pregnant woman in such a difficult period for her body.

Significant relief for a woman can bring these candles, if she had a chance to experience all the delights of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It is known that it is during this, as well as the postpartum period, that the representatives of the weaker sex are most susceptible to the occurrence or exacerbation of this disease. The drug will gently and delicately eliminate itching and swelling, as well as painful sensations that practically do not leave the patient suffering from the disease.

A pregnant woman, for a speedy recovery, and if the doctor considers it necessary, may be prescribed the use of two suppositories per day.

The duration of treatment is from 10 to 15 days.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are generally well tolerated and in very rare cases can cause side effects such as itching or burning in the area of ​​application. Rectal administration sometimes involves the occurrence of short-term diarrhea. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body and passes without the need for treatment. However, one should be prepared for such a turn of events, especially during the start of treatment.


The use of the drug may be contraindicated in some cases, when the patient suffers from periodic diarrhea or hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug. It is undesirable to continue treatment if the introduction of a rectal suppository accompanies a burning sensation in the rectal area.

Nothing is known about cases of drug overdose.


Since sea buckthorn candles may begin to melt at room temperature, they should be stored in the refrigerator. Of course, storage should be subject to the integrity of the original packaging, the removal of the candle from which can be done strictly before use. Those suppositories that have been released from the packaging shell and not used are not recommended to be stored. Also, those suppositories that have been in an environment with low or high ambient temperature, even if sealed, should not be allowed to be used.

Sea buckthorn candles price

Sea buckthorn suppositories can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription and at a fairly reasonable price. The average cost of the drug, depending on the region of residence, is approximately one hundred rubles per pack.