Why did speman disappear from pharmacies? Speman - a herbal preparation for men's health

Problems with genitourinary system- always a painful question. For many, it is awkward and embarrassing to even talk about it. However, they cannot be ignored - in a neglected state, initially not serious things can lead to impotence and diseases, even oncology.

One of the best herbal preparations for men's health Speman is considered an Indian herbal medicine. It is in its plant origin that its main advantage is that the medicine has almost no contraindications and is suitable for everyone, regardless of age. Although Speman is generally safe, it is best to consult a doctor before taking it.

Description of the drug

A combination medicinal product consisting of substances plant origin. The main task: stimulating the process of formation of male germ cells (that is, sperm), increasing their motility. Also, after taking the drug, the viscosity of sperm improves, and congestion in the prostate disappears. Improving the quality of sperm leads to solving problems with pregnancy in a couple.

With active sperm, fertilization occurs very quickly, unborn child develops well and the vast majority are born healthy.

The product is packaged in a white and green cardboard box. Inside a small round plastic jar there are one hundred round gray tablets Brown with visible pieces of plant elements. The drug is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription.

Composition and active ingredients

Main active ingredients - plants:

  • Male orchis is an aphrodisiac, increases libido, helps improve erection.
  • Wild lettuce - this substance has a light sedative effect, protects the body from negative influence stress.
  • Astercantha longifolia - also helps increase libido and relax.
  • Golden mosaic - has a general tonic effect on all body systems.
  • Burning delechos - neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, stimulates sperm production and improves sperm quality. Powerful antioxidant, removes toxins, promotes cleansing.
  • Leptadenia reticularis has an anti-inflammatory, tonic and adaptive effect.
  • Creeping anchors - provide a stimulating effect on the immune system, increasing resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Pearl parmelia has a mild calming effect.
  • In addition, it contains Excipients, which improve the action of the main ones. These are colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, sodium carmellose, microcrystalline cellulose.

In general, this complex improves the functioning of the epididymis and testicular vesicles. As a result, the quality and quantity of sperm increases significantly. In addition, the drug relieves inflammation of the pelvic organs and has diuretic and antiseptic properties.

Indications for use

  • Oligospermia. With this disease, the quantity of sperm and its quality decreases.
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland, in a simple word prostatitis.
  • As a component complex treatment other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Prostate hypertrophy, that is, enlargement.
  • Problems with pregnancy, provided the partner is in full reproductive health.


Apart from individual sensitivity to individual components of the drug, there are no contraindications.

Plant components are well absorbed by the body and are excreted without problems

Instructions for use

The duration of administration and dose depend on the disease.

For example, for inflammation of the prostate, at the beginning of treatment, two tablets are prescribed twice a day, and after removal acute symptoms the dose is reduced to one tablet twice a day. In the future, the dose may continue to be reduced or the dose may simply be stopped. The rate depends on how severe inflammation and how quickly they passed.

For oligospermia, you need to take two tablets three times a day. The course can be from four months to six months.

In general, the drug can be part of a comprehensive treatment for many diseases associated with men's health.

The technique can also be combined with vitamin complexes and sports nutrition.

However, in this case, it is better to adjust the course duration and dose with the help of your doctor.

Side effects

  • Speman - herbal preparation, That's why side effects almost never occurs. In isolated cases, it may cause an allergic reaction - in this case, it is better to stop taking it and consult a doctor. In most patients, taking Speman takes place without any discomfort On the contrary, health improves.
  • It does not affect the ability to drive or concentrate.
  • An important nuance - there is no data on the interaction of the drug with other substances. But if you take any pills, it is better to tell your doctor.
  • If after a long course (several months) no improvement has occurred, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis; perhaps the problem is much more serious.


Adenoprosin, Amazhestin, Bioprost - all these drugs are also of plant origin, but basically they contain only one or two components of Speman. The price is often much higher.

Among large quantity drugs to improve potency are sometimes difficult to find that meet the basic needs of the male audience - effective, but at the same time having a low price. Speman tablets from India are one such medicine.


The herbal medicine Speman, produced by Himalaya, India, is intended to normalize sexual function and treat infertility. Helps restore male reproductive health and increase sperm production. The drug is also used for prostate hyperplasia and urogenital pathologies.

Release form: biconvex round brown tablets, packaged in plastic bottles of 100 pieces.


The pharmaceutical company Himalaya mastered the production of Indian Speman based on the provisions of Ayurveda - the ancient science of long and healthy life. Therefore, its composition corresponds to the principles of traditional Indian medicines - a harmonious combination of components for a complex effect on all areas of the body.

  • astercanth seeds;
  • velvet bean seeds;
  • orchis tubers;
  • lettuce seeds;
  • leptadenia reticularis;
  • argyrea roots;suvarnawang;
  • Tribulus creeping;
  • pearl parmelia.

How it works

The action of the drug is based on beneficial features medicinal plants.

  1. Tribulus creeping and velvet beans help restore sexual desire, improve erectile function, and normalize ejaculation disorders. Phytosteroids contained in plants balance hormonal background, stimulating sperm production, reducing ejaculate viscosity and increasing sperm activity.
  2. Orchis has a hematopoietic, tonic effect. Used for recovery during frequent stress, after serious illnesses. Increases sexual stamina.
  3. Argyrea and Parmeli They have antioxidant properties, help improve immunity, and are used for physical and mental fatigue.
  4. Suvarnawang. Balances a man’s sexual energy, has a positive effect on potency, and treats early ejaculation. Increases the sensitivity of the genital organs and provides a vivid orgasm.
  5. Leptadenia reticularis awakens sexual desire, normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! The components of the drug affect nerve centers involved in the erection mechanism. The drug, having a sedative effect, reduces overexcitation, but does not reduce potency.

The herbal medicine is used for:

  • prostatitis in acute and chronic form;
  • oligospermia;
  • disorders of erection and ejaculation, including age-related ones;
  • treatment of other urogenital diseases.

How to use

When treating with Speman, the instructions for use recommend following different dosage regimens.

  1. Prostate hyperplasia - take Speman Himalaya twice a day, 2 pcs. Gradually the dose is reduced.
  2. Oligospermia. Use 2 pcs. three times a day. General course lasts up to 6 months.

Regarding the details of how to take the drug, this should be done before meals, washed down with water.

For Speman forte Himalaya tablets, there are other rules for taking:

  • Early ejaculation. 1-2 pcs. three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is up to 1 month.
  • Spermatorrhoea. Use Speman forte 1-2 pcs. tablets three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is up to one and a half months, then the doses are reduced.
  • Age-related sexual disorders. Use one tablet of Speman Forte three times a day.


Contraindications to taking the drug are allergic reactions on the components of the drug.

Important! Although the product is relatively harmless, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using it.

Where can I buy

Men rated the use of Speman in reviews - the drug helps well in the treatment of prostate diseases and sexual disorders. He also earned recognition from urologists. And now many are interested in the question of why it is not in pharmacies. Previously, the medicine was sold, but now it is gone. The men have already gotten used to the drug and are wondering where it disappeared to.

The pharmacies explain that the license to sell the medicine in Russia has expired, and its re-issuance is currently underway. Therefore, it is difficult to name the price for Speman in a pharmacy. But don't be upset. For those who have taken the drug and for whom it has helped before, you can buy Speman or order it on specialized Internet sites. Some people buy the medicine by ordering it also on ebay. But it is expensive there. The drug will be much cheaper if purchased on Russian websites.


Due to the fact that the product has disappeared from sale, many want to know about Speman analogs for men. There are analogues for Speman tablets; they are produced in Russia and other countries.

You can replace the Indian medicine with the drug Tribestan. This is a Bulgarian remedy for the treatment of infertility; prescribed to both men and women.

A replacement for Speman is the dietary supplement Spermaplant (Russia). At a low price, the product has proven effectiveness.

An expensive drug that can replace Speman is Spermactin (USA).

Other means:

  • Vitaprost;
  • Cyston;
  • Prostagland;
  • Uroprost;
  • Samprost;
  • Ranel;
  • Superlymph;
  • Testis compositum;
  • Flaronin;

All Speman's substitutes have a different composition, but a similar effect.

A specialist can tell you which drug to choose. The main thing is to buy from reliable places.

If you are interested in potency products for plant based, be sure to visit us.

Speman - a complex medicine natural origin, in demand in the treatment of “male” problems (prostate enlargement, impaired sperm formation). Problems with conception occur to one degree or another in every fifth married couple. Moreover, in almost half of the cases the man is to blame. The reason for the deterioration of a man’s reproductive abilities is a whole complex of factors, among which the leading place is occupied by impaired sperm formation. The drug Speman has a proven property of improving male fertility. The drug increases sperm motility and reduces the number of defective specimens. Its effectiveness has been proven in a number of studies. In one of clinical trials Speman was used in persons suffering from oligo- and asthenozoospermia. Before the start of the test, all participants had their seminal fluid examined and tested hormonal status. Laboratory research were carried out in accordance with all WHO requirements. Participants took Speman twice a day, two tablets, for 90 days. Control analyzes of seminal fluid to determine sperm density, motility and sperm morphology were carried out monthly. In three months drug therapy the analysis showed a significant increase in the number of sperm, as well as an improvement in their morphology by 5%. Average testosterone levels increased by 37%. Sperm density tripled. After a three-month pharmacotherapeutic course, 15% of study participants became pregnant. The study results confirm its effectiveness in treatment male infertility: the drug increases the density and mobility of sperm, improves their functional and anatomical characteristics, in other words, has a positive effect on key male reproductive indicators.

Speman normalizes testosterone levels in men with reduced reproductive abilities.

Another area of ​​medicine in which Speman is successfully used is the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, incl. chronic prostatitis. This is the most common urological disease. Despite the severity of the problem, the effectiveness of treatment for chronic prostatitis remains depressingly low. If cupping pain and the decrease in the severity of urinary disorders occurs relatively quickly, then restoration of erectile and reproductive abilities may not be achieved at all. Regular cases of recurrence of this disease indicate the importance of consolidating those positive results that can be achieved through drug therapy. Based on the task at hand, the creation and introduction of drugs (in particular of natural origin) that would help treat and prevent sexual disorders in people suffering from inflammatory diseases prostate. One of these drugs is Speman. His complex composition, which includes 10 herbal components, gives the drug anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and decongestant effects. The drug improves the quality of erection, normalizes ejaculation, and stimulates sperm production. On initial stage prostate adenoma Speman normalizes the size of the prostate gland, facilitates the passage of urine, improves rheological properties sperm (increases its fluidity). The average course of treatment should be from 4 to 6 months. The effectiveness of treatment can be increased by combining Speman with the drug Tentex forte


Complex preparation of plant origin. Reduces congestion and dysuric disorders in benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The drug stimulates spermatogenesis, increases sperm motility, and reduces sperm viscosity.


The therapeutic effect of the drug Speman is due to the combined effect of its components, so kinetic observations are not possible.

Release form

Tablets from light brown to dark brown interspersed, round, biconvex.

Excipients: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil).

Indian drugs Speman and Speman Forte disappeared from pharmacies in the territory Russian Federation. Perhaps this phenomenon is temporary and is associated with the re-registration of medicines. The Himalaya Drug manufacturer has not discontinued the medicine and original packaging can be purchased while traveling to India, Bulgaria or ordered from online stores.

Why are Speman tablets in demand despite the acute shortage? Let's look at the composition, the main medicinal effects, peculiarities different forms release of the drug and possible analogues.

What is Speman used for? Instructions for use for men state that the tablets effectively relieve congestion and inflammation in the gland during benign adenoma hyperplasia, normalize the process of urination, stimulate spermatogenesis and improve the quality and parameters of sperm.

Speman's composition includes powders and extracts of 8 medicinal plants based on recipes of traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda (translated as “The Science of Longevity”). These are little-known herbs and suvarnavang, which is a complex mineral compound that enhances the effect of plant components.

Speman is a complex herbal medicine, safe and effective for long-term use, selective action against prostate adenoma and male infertility.

Mode of application

The effect depends on the duration of therapy. The instructions recommend using Speman 2 tablets. 2-3 r. per day in courses of 4-6 months. Doctors noted a more pronounced effect when taking 4 tablets. 3 times a day. Minimum rate treatment for at least 2.5 months.

This duration of treatment is caused by the length of the spermatogenesis cycle. It is during this period that spermatozoa suitable for conception are fully matured. The longer the therapy, the better the spermogram indicators.

The instructions for use do not specify how to take Speman before or after meals. However, according to general rules pharmacology, herbal medicines It is preferable to consume immediately after or simultaneously with food, washed down with water.

The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous clinical studies. The use of the drug Speman for 1 month has been proven to reduce the size of the hyperplastic prostate, increase the number of viable sperm, the amount of ejaculate in case of oligospermia, and reduce its viscosity.

At the same time, analogues containing the drug Speman disappeared from pharmacies: Tentex Forte and Himcolin from the same manufacturer. These drugs have also worked well in complex therapy prostatitis, infertility and especially erectile dysfunction.

For erectile dysfunction

Instructions for use Speman forte differs from Speman in the number of components included, the color and shape of the tablets. Classic – greenish-brown round, without shell; forte - raspberry-red, triangular, herbaceous core.

Despite the name, the amount of Speman in the drug active ingredients more. But Rauwolfia serpentine was introduced into Speman Forte. Therefore, it is recommended for the treatment of sexual disorders, normalization of erections, and restoration of fertility. Dosage regimen: 1-2 tablets. also 3 times a day for at least 2-4 weeks.

Packages of 100 tablets were sold in Russia. in a plastic jar. In India, Speman is sold in 60 pcs., in Bulgaria (Spimen) you can find packs of 40 tablets.


There are no analogues in Russia that are 100% identical in composition to Speman. Some have separate components, others are identical in group and have similar effects. Most of them are biological active additives to food.

To improve sperm quality, pharmacies sell:

  • Spermaplant for recovery reproductive function(manufactured by Evalar, in the form of sachets containing nettle extract, amino acids);
  • Tribestan for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, infertility, to normalize blood cholesterol (tablets based on Tribulus terrestris extract);
  • SpermActin is used in complex therapy of spermatogenesis disorders (composed of the amino acid L-carnitine and fructose);
  • Spematon also normalizes the composition of the ejaculate (it is a vitamin-mineral complex in increased dosages for men);
  • Vitrum Antioxidant (improves men's health under increased stress).

If it was not possible to get the original Speman, what to replace it with, taking into account possible side effects and contraindications, your doctor will help you choose.

I'll start right away with the background. My wife and I were married for 2 years, and for some reason we were unable to conceive a child. In the end, I went and had a spermogram, and it turned out that it was not entirely good, so I didn’t take any medications and didn’t go to any doctor.

After visiting a lot of doctors, I realized one thing is real good specialists few. There are many inexperienced doctors who do not prescribe medications. So I turned to a young urologist, and in the end he listened to me carefully and began prescribing medications. I gave injections and so on. He prescribed it for me taking into account the spermogram. And he prescribed me this drug, took it for a relatively long time, and, as they say, the results are obvious.


This drug prescribed. and I started taking it, on the first spermogram active sperm it was less than half. And so I drank for a long period of time, then I took the test again, and re-analysis the picture has already changed better side, my wife and I were happy, because many of the medications that I took did not help. And I took this drug strictly as prescribed by the doctor and according to the instructions. In general, judging by today's times, many healthy families can’t have children, it seems to me that everything depends on the environment, on what foods we eat and what kind of lifestyle we lead. After all, before you drink Speman and start treatment, you must first think about your bad habits, you must first get rid of them. What good will it do if you take this drug and at the same time lead a bad lifestyle? Alcohol should be avoided altogether, as it specifically inhibits the movement of sperm; smoking also has a bad effect on the body. After all, many people smoke now, starting with cola, and women smoke especially a lot. Although this drug Speman works well, when taking it, you must simultaneously healthy image life. We need to be there more fresh air, play sports, such as running and so on. In general, we should try to lead active image life, so that stagnation does not form in the pelvis, because everything depends on how neglected the body is. And in general, if people are worried about their descendants, then it’s time for them to give up bad habits and lead an active lifestyle in order to successfully conceive a child and so that the child develops normally. I think we need to find good doctor andrologist, so that he correctly and normal treatment appointed. Since I had several of these doctors, some of them, without even studying my tests, prescribed medications that they routinely prescribe to everyone. Of course, I gave so much money to such ignorant doctors, and spent so much money on these treatments, which turned out to be ineffective. There are good clinics where payment is made only after the services have been provided, but there are not normal ones that first take money and then only provide the service. After all, there are clinics that are not entirely satisfied with the provision of services, but everything has already been paid for, and in order to get the money back you have to go around so much when you can simply not pay if the service was poorly provided. In general, I think that the drug is very good, since it has a beneficial effect on the human prostate and eliminates inflammation and congestion that exists. It also helps promote sperm, which is exactly what it was made for, since many people have sperm that is simply not active, and this makes it difficult to conceive a child. This drug normalizes male reproductive cells and thins viscous sperm. Therefore, lead a healthy lifestyle and help your body with drugs that are harmless. I wish everyone good health!