Causes and treatment of infertility in men with folk remedies. We treat male infertility with folk remedies

Before turning to folk recipes for infertility in men, you need to find out exactly the cause of this very infertility. Men's health in the genital area is not as difficult to diagnose as women's, so several simple tests and consultation with a qualified andrologist or reproductologist will give quite reliable results.

If a man has no anatomical abnormalities or mechanical damage, injuries, severe hereditary, endocrine or immunological diseases, then, most likely, conception does not occur due to inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or due to poor sperm quality.

The main "male" analysis is a spermogram - an analysis that tells about the quantity, quality and motility of spermatozoa. Based on the results of the spermogram, methods of treating male infertility are selected.

No fertility treatment folk remedies or methods official medicine will not succeed if men's health is treated carelessly.

The centuries-old experience of our ancestors is confirmed by numerous medical research, in this regard, science and people's councils united:

  • Quit smoking and drinking Or, at the very least, keep them to a minimum. Billions of words have been written about the dangers of nicotine and alcohol, we will only clarify that in addition to the general damage to health, these addictions harm male fertility and potency.
  • Keep track of your nutrition. Avoid marinades and smoked meats, spicy, fatty and fried food, an excess of sweets. Nutrition should be as healthy as possible, because the quality of sperm depends not least on what you eat. The male diet needs red meat, liver, legumes, nuts and pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, parsley and celery, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • go in for sports or at least exercise, walk. Especially if you have sedentary work, after which you also grow into a chair at the computer for several hours at home. Especially if you are already over 30 and you have forgotten when you last showed physical activity. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs not only radically reduces your chances of becoming a father, but also leads to impotence, hemorrhoids and other terrible and shameful phenomena for any macho. Even a few dozen squats and bends a couple of times a day can improve blood circulation in the genital area. And in combination with a half-hour walk from work, they will also saturate the blood with oxygen.
  • Leave your swimming trunks for the beach, and skinny pipe jeans for those who don't care about the prospect of fatherhood in the foreseeable future. Nothing should fetter and squeeze your manhood. Tight underwear or tight pants interfere with the natural cooling of the scrotum, which is vital for sperm quality. When the scrotum overheats, the spermatozoa slow down or even die.
  • Sauna abuse, baths and hot baths are extremely harmful to men's health. For the same reason as above, overheating of the semen must be avoided. Our ancestors knew about this, sometimes they even used a hot bath as a method of contraception, “burning out” all viable spermatozoa.

If you decide to turn to folk methods for the treatment of male infertility, then you need to understand that herbs and infusions do not give an immediate result and are not as active as industrial drugs. The action of folk remedies should be supported the right way life and conscious selection useful products in the daily diet. Some foods on their own can help improve sperm count. We tried to find the most necessary products for men's health that will improve your well-being and help you become a father soon.

  • eat tomatoes, they contain lycopene, powerful antioxidant. It is paradoxical, but true - specifically for men's health, tomatoes become much more useful after heat treatment. It is in the process of boiling, quenching that the most large quantity of this wonderful and useful substance for the prostate. Lycopene is not only beneficial for sexual health, but is also an excellent prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. So you, with a clear conscience, can generously pour over food with tomato sauce, the main thing is that it be natural and without various extraneous additives.
  • Basil, parsley and celery have the glory of powerful aphrodisiacs, but they affect not only the desire of men, but also their capabilities. Eating this useful and delicious greens improve potency, increase the amount active sperm and get rid of prostatitis.
  • Walnut- one of the most famous folk remedies for men. Healthy fats, many trace elements and great amount vitamins, among which the most important for men zinc, calcium and magnesium, contribute to the production of testosterone. According to the reviews of those who have taken a miraculous mixture of honey and walnuts, the effect of this folk recipe exceeded all expectations. Popular recipes for infertility also include similar mixtures, where lemons, dried fruits, and bee pollen are added to nuts and honey.
  • Rose hip containing record amounts of vitamins, led by vitamin C, is also considered a proven remedy for male infertility.

How were our grandfathers treated?

you lead healthy lifestyle life and follow all the advice above, but the results of the spermogram are still not encouraging? If the doctors did not find any visible reasons for this, you can try unconventional methods infertility treatment before starting to take industrial drugs.

Bee products can not only cure male infertility and improve potency, but also generally have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthen immunity and give energy. A real treasure trove useful substances, among which dozens of names of vitamins and trace elements are:

  • pollen;
  • perga;
  • royal jelly of bees.

Surely many know one of the traditional men's recipes vitamin mixture, consisting of walnuts, filled with honey. It is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of this delicacy per day, and the state of health will noticeably improve.

Perga - pollen extracted from honeycombs will cure prostatitis and inflammation, improve blood circulation in the genitals and significantly improve sperm quality and sperm motility with regular use.

Usually bee bread is taken 0.5-1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Pollen is no less useful, take it in the same way as bee bread, before eating. You can stir the pollen in a small amount of juice or milk, or mix it with honey. Folk remedies for infertility based on bee products are very diverse and depend on the specific problem, but reviews of such treatment are consistently positive.

No less popular is the treatment of infertility with herbs, their decoctions and tinctures. The most famous herbal remedy for male infertility is sage. The hormones contained in its leaves plant origin, phytoncides, acids and resins can cure:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • remove puffiness and stagnant processes;
  • stimulate the production of testosterone;
  • improving the quality and quantity of sperm.

Usually, an infusion of sage leaves is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, after which it is cooled. The cooled infusion is filtered, topped up boiled water up to the volume of a glass and take ¼ cup 3 times a day, before meals.

Contraindications to taking sage are kidney disease and hypothyroidism, in addition, sage should not be taken constantly, it is better to drink it in courses of 2-3 weeks with the same breaks. Combined with infusion lime blossom, sage infusion will become even more effective and increase the chances of conception.

Most good feedback in the treatment of men deserve such common herbs as:

  • knotweed;
  • plantain.

Knotweed grass is brewed dry or raw in a thermos: pour 4 tablespoons of grass per liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. You can drink knotweed infusion 0.5-1 cup 3 times a day.

Psyllium seeds promote sperm activity and strengthen men's health in general. Take a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water and boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 2 tablespoons of decoction 4 times a day for 3 months.

Fireweed narrow-leaved or Ivan-tea has been famous for several centuries as one of the best restorative and healing remedies. Our ancestors drank it like tea, but you should not abuse it, but it is better to drink it in courses of 1-2 months with breaks of several weeks. High content:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins;

make fireweed universal remedy from inflammatory processes, and essential oils beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Ivan-tea is popularly called " male grass”, and quite deservedly, because teas and infusions from it strengthen health, give vital energy and have a beneficial effect on the potency and functioning of the reproductive system. Fireweed is also useful for female infertility, so if a couple cannot conceive a child for some time, then Ivan-tea should be drunk during family tea parties.

Many couples (according to statistics, 10-20%) cannot conceive a child. In almost half of the cases, the culprit is a man. Male infertility can be caused by endocrine disorders, diseases of the genital organs, intoxication, neurological and mental disorders and common diseases. Also, no doubt, important role play chromosomal and immune factors.

If your couple has such a problem and passes month after month, and long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, possibly, resort to the experience of ancestors and try to cure male infertility with folk remedies.

It has long been known that getting rid of infertility is a rather long and laborious process. With any method of treatment, it does not matter if it belongs to official or traditional medicine, one must start from the root cause of the disease.

Alternative treatment male infertility has a long history of use, and the most effective are passed down from generation to generation. They have gained recognition as natural remedies practically cannot harm the body (with correct use), a positive influence home methods tested for centuries.

Treatment of male infertility with leeches

Hirudotherapy often used in the treatment a large number organ diseases internal system including reproductive. This therapy has been used since early XIX century.

Treatment of male infertility with leeches helps to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, reduce congestive processes that develop in the prostate, reduce pain, enhance spermatogenesis and erection.

A specialist can prescribe hirudotherapy for you, taking into account the underlying disease. Sometimes leeches can only have a general strengthening effect.

If the cause of infertility is associated with ailments of the reproductive system, then the "bloodsuckers" are installed in the area of ​​​​the perineum and anus. The number of leeches used, the number of sessions and their duration is determined by the doctor, taking into account age and reason.

Important to know when treating male infertility with leeches

Before the manipulation, a man should not use toilet water and spirits, because strong smell repel leeches. The procedure should take place after lunch, as then rest is needed. It should be noted that pain during hirudotherapy is definitely stronger than from a mosquito bite.

Complications after manipulations are practically excluded. Rarely possible allergic reactions. Procedures are contraindicated in malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis, diseases circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract, anemia.

Drugs for the treatment of male infertility

Treatment methods for male infertility are varied and most often use a combination of them. Usually a combination is used folk methods and taking medication. Innovative medicine has in its arsenal many medicines, and the search for new, more effective ones does not stop for a day.

The most used groups of drugs for the treatment of male infertility:

  • Gonadotropins: profasi, pregnil, menogon, pergonal.
  • Multivitamins, vitamins of groups E and C, zinc preparations, agents that improve microcirculation (actovegin, trental).
  • Antiestrogens: clostilbegid.
  • Phytopreparations: food supplements, speman.
  • Testosterone preparations: proviron, andriol.

When contacting a doctor, it is highly likely that he will prescribe you clomiphene. It enhances the formation of spermatozoa in the testicles and improves the quality of sperm. It is necessary to take it from six months to a year. Parlodel, bromocriptine and other dopamine antagonists are used to increase the level of prolactin in the blood.

Steroid hormones (corticosteroids) are prescribed when antibodies to spermatozoa are detected in the semen or blood of a man. You need to take the drug for up to six months. Antibiotics may be needed if an infectious agent has been identified in the tests.

Speman promotes semen volume, reduces its viscosity, enhances sperm motility and microcirculation in the prostate gland.

Tribestan prescribed with a decrease in erection and libido, with a decrease in the number and quality of spermatozoa. It also helps increase testosterone levels.

Pergonal used to treat both female and male infertility. It activates the activity of the gonads and spermatogenesis. Menogon and menotropin increase the concentration of testosterone and stimulate the formation of male germ cells. Menogon used in combination with human chorionic gonadotropin.

In the treatment of infertility, many other medicines are also used. Treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of male infertility with herbs

There are many herbs that are used to treat male infertility. Identify plants that have a regulatory effect on hormonal background. This quality has sage, which also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action helps in the treatment of prostatitis.

To prepare an infusion of sage, you need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves, brew them in a cup of boiling water, insist and drink throughout the day. Treatment is carried out no more than a month.

Peony, as well as sage, restores the level of hormones and also regulates the work nervous system. The tincture of this plant can be bought at almost any pharmacy. It is necessary to take 40 drops 3 times a day. The duration of the course is the same as that of sage.

Herbs for the treatment of prostatitis

Very often the causes of infertility are various inflammations and prostatitis. In this case, herbs such as plantain, knotweed and St. John's wort.

Plantain has an antibacterial and antispasmodic effect. To prepare a decoction, boil 1 tbsp. l of seeds and after filtering use 2 tbsp. l 4 times a day up to 2 months.

Knotweed and St. John's wort still perfectly relieve swelling. To prepare the infusion, take 1 cup of boiling water for 1 tbsp. l herbs. Drink for 2 weeks half an hour before meals.

There are herbs that can curb autoimmune processes. Before use, be sure to consult a specialist. These properties are possessed by fees that combine leaves of plantain, nettle, coltsfoot, lingonberries, birch buds, tansy flowers, St..

To treat male infertility with herbs, you can brew and drink teas made from Adonis, Adam's root, sage, hogweed, hawthorn and elderberry.

Alternative treatment of male infertility

Home remedies are often based on the principle of general health promotion and restoration of processes in the body. Alternative treatment of male infertility usually involves the use of various herbal ingredients, as well as bee products that activate the body's natural functions.

Sometimes honey, flower pollen, wax moth tincture, mummy, propolis and royal jelly used in combination with apple cider vinegar, sea buckthorn or carrot juice and medicinal plants.

bee products help with infertility for many reasons, as they contain many vitamins, trace elements and acids. Due to which they perfectly strengthen the immune system, soothe, heal, restore metabolism, relieve inflammation, itching and swelling, anesthetize and prolong the remission of chronic diseases.

There are a lot of methods for treating male infertility, for example, it is recommended to eat grenades or pomegranate juice, pine nuts and even burn St. John's wort while inhaling the smoke.

There are several more recipes for how to treat male infertility with herbs:

  • 12 pieces of asparagus are brewed in a glass of boiling water, the broth is divided into 4 parts and washed down with fenugreek seeds, collected on the tip of a teaspoon.
  • Pour tubers of love with a glass of boiling water. Drink during the day.
  • 5 st. l of wormwood seeds, insist in a bottle of vodka for 3 weeks, then take 4 times a day on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l.

Alternative treatment of infertility with aromatherapy

With male infertility, treatment with folk remedies includes such unusual way like aromatherapy. Essential rose oils, jasmine and geranium oil help normalize hormonal levels, increase body tone, potency and libido, and relax. You can add decoctions of herbs when taking a bath.

  1. Sexual contacts should be at least 1 time in 4 days.
  2. Give up alcohol and smoking, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked to 10, and the volume alcoholic beverages per day up to 60 gr.
  3. Stress contributes to a decrease in testosterone and sperm. So try to avoid stressful situations or take sedatives.
  4. Swap out tight underwear for loose-fitting swim trunks, as overheating your testicles can negatively impact spermatogenesis.
  5. Temporarily refuse to visit saunas and baths. Hot baths are also contraindicated.
  6. Regular exercise helps keep the body in good shape, including sexual activity.

Nutrition for male infertility

Alternative treatment of infertility cannot but affect proper nutrition. Both doctors and traditional healers agreed that a certain diet with the inclusion of certain vitamins and certain foods significantly increases the chances of becoming a father.

It is very important for a man to control his weight, since in parallel with overweight body, there is an increase in estrogen and a decrease in testosterone, and leptin (a hormone of adipose tissue) inhibits the production of male hormones.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that many vitamins and trace elements important for men's health are found only in animal products. In this regard, vegetarians may experience a deficiency in their content. This can greatly affect the ability to have children.

Vitamin E

Some vitamins are especially beneficial for the male sex, such as vitamin E (tocopherol). It slows down the aging process, is a natural antioxidant, stops Negative influence free radicals, protects testosterone from destruction, correcting the hormonal background of a man. Also, tocopherol has a positive effect on blood circulation, increased potency and fertility in men.

Vitamin E is found in the liver, eggs, green onions and peas, vegetable and butter, cereals, milk, fish and nuts. It must be remembered that when heat treatment about half of the tocopherol is destroyed.

B vitamins

B vitamins regulate the digestibility of protein food and its distribution throughout all organs and systems. If possible, it is better to consume foods containing this vitamin without heat treatment.

B vitamins are found in fish, meat, buckwheat, cabbage, liver, beans, cherries, potatoes, carrots, nuts, mushrooms, tomatoes and strawberries.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps to strengthen the activity of the immune system and is the best vitamin to increase potency. Andrologists and sexologists recommend that men use it at any age.

Retinol takes part in the construction of tissues, increases the production of testosterone and stops the formation cancerous tumors. Vitamin A is found in liver, fish, sour cream, milk, apricots, tomatoes and melons.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important supplement for boosting energy and vitality men. Stress, drinking alcohol and smoking reduce the resources of the body. Scientists have also shown that daily use vitamin C helps in the normalization of increased blood pressure and the fight against cardiovascular disease. This is very important for men over 40.

Vitamin C slows down aging, neutralizes free radicals, fights stress, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol and smooths out the negative effects of nicotine. It is found in green onions and peas, peppers, cabbage, kiwi, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, rose hips and black currants. They are best eaten fresh or baked.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies will not help eliminate all existing problems, since there are a number of points that require medicinal or even surgical treatment. But, nevertheless, these methods help in the main treatment of infertility and perfectly restore overall health.

One of the main components of marital happiness is common children. But how can you become a happy father if a man suffers from infertility? This problem is solvable. Since ancient times, it has been possible in our land to treat male infertility with folk remedies. In this article, we will look at the main causes of male infertility and the most effective folk remedies for its treatment.

Male infertility is often the result of some negative factors that affect the human body.

Causes of male infertility

The main sources that provoke male infertility in earlier healthy men :
inguinal hernia;
sexually transmitted infections;
work in factories harmful conditions;
sources of radiation and strong radioelectronic exposure;
excessive temperature effects;
some pharmacological preparations;
low atmospheric pressure.

Inadequate testosterone levels can also be attributed to the causes of this problem. To increase it, you must first get rid of overweight. This can be achieved by regular physical activity and moderate diet the minimum amount food of animal origin.

Also, the obstruction of the vas deferens can become the cause of infertility. Infertility in this case is treated only surgically. folk medicine it is guaranteed that male infertility caused by low sperm motility or their non-viability can be cured.

It is considered normal if in one milliliter of semen there are 20 or more million spermatozoa, of which half are active.

Modern techniques can not always cure male infertility. In addition, many patients refuse surgical intervention and prefer the treatment of male infertility with folk remedies.

But, first you need to accurately determine the main source of the disease. In this matter, a blood test and a spermogram will help to determine the level of testosterone. This disease may soon go away if you add certain products or plants in the diet.

Folk remedies for the treatment of male infertility

Foods and plants that can cure male infertility:
1. Surepka upland uterus(To stand for 20 minutes a decoction in the proportion: 10 g per glass of boiling water. Drink 3 times a day, a tablespoon 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days.).
2. Cloves (increases sperm motility).
3. Persimmon (increases testosterone levels).
4. Seeds: colza, coriander, plantain, carrot, parsley and onion. (These seeds must be mixed in the same proportion to get a total mass of 2 tablespoons, then pour it with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 90 days.
5. Seafood and oily fish.
6. Poultry meat.
7. Bird eggs.
8. Beef liver.
9. Milk, kefir and fermented baked milk.
10. Hard cheeses.
11. Nuts.
12. Vitamins: A, B, E.
13. Olive and peanut butter.
14. Avocado.

Lifestyle during treatment

  • Also, for the treatment of male infertility, sleep is important, lasting at least 6-8 hours.
  • Do not allow the testicles to overheat.
  • It is forbidden to wear tight underwear and trousers.
  • You can't be nervous.

Any disease can be cured, but you need to firmly understand that there are no incurable diseases, but there are incurable people.

Honey can safely be called universal medicine from all diseases. The topic of today's article will not do without it.

In case of infertility, it is necessary to take honey for 2 months. The daily dose, and it is about 250 grams, can be divided into several doses. Dissolve honey in a glass warm water and drink three to four hours after eating.

Do you want to become a happy father of a large family? Pay attention to the waste products of bees. Cope with the problem of conception will help homogenate (larval milk). However, royal jelly can be a good alternative to it. These products must be consumed with bee bread. And to extend the shelf life of milk, mix it with natural candied honey.

This is done as follows: combine half a glass of honey with 20 grams of larval or royal jelly and spread the product over small ceramic or enameled bowls. Top the mixture with melted wax (it will protect the medicine from fermentation) and put the bowls in the refrigerator. This medicine should be taken daily, one teaspoon after meals. Dissolve honey with milk for half an hour, in no case without drinking it with water.

Here are some more recipes based on royal jelly:

  • combine 50 grams of royal jelly and 25 grams of honey syrup, mix everything thoroughly and take one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. Do not prepare the mixture for the future, it is better to make small portions;
  • connect 250 gr. vodka and 110-120 grams of royal jelly, leave the mixture to infuse for a day. Drink exactly the same as the previous remedy.

    You can also prepare this medicinal composition: mix honey (200 grams), red wine (200 grams), juice of three lemons and three fresh yolks. Place the jar with the mixture in a cool dark place. Take one tablespoon twenty minutes before meals twice a day.

Herbs for healing

As a rule, healers and traditional healers use medicinal herbs and all kinds of roots that can help a person cope with the disease no worse than an expensive pharmacy drug.

  1. Proved well and decoction of hawthorn: pour two tablespoons of dry raw materials with 400 grams of boiling water and leave to infuse for about one hour. Then strain the infusion and take half a glass three times a day.
  2. Black elderberry tea: pour one tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and drink instead of regular tea.
  3. Prepare the next collection: take equal amounts of white mulberry leaves, walnut leaves, pine tops, icelandic moss. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of flax seeds and heat over low heat for about ten minutes. When the broth has cooled completely, it should be filtered. Take the medicine three times a day instead of tea, adding a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey to a cup.
  4. Use astragalus root: 30 grams of grated root pour 200 grams hot water and boil until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half. Drink this remedy once a day chilled.
  5. asian ginseng- a plant that has long been used to treat impotence and infertility. Ginseng normalizes the hormonal background, activates the production of healthy hormonal secretion and provides more sperm. As for the dosage, it should be determined only by a specialist.
  6. Another very a good remedy from infertility is considered purple foxglove, or rather, its root. It must be crushed into powder and taken with goat or cow's milk(5-10 grams of powder per 200 grams of milk). At regular use of this potion, you will be able to tidy up the reproductive system and resist premature aging.
  7. In the fight against infertility, plants such as carrots, asparagus, goryanka, gingko biloba, and damiana will also help. But you can take them only under the supervision of your doctor.
  8. Few people know that basil- this is not only a popular spice, but also an excellent tonic. Well, those who dream of becoming a dad need to eat fresh basil as often as possible, with salads, meat and fish dishes.

    You can also prepare such an infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of dry basil herb with 200 grams of boiling water, cover the container with a lid, and wrap it with a towel on top. After half an hour, the infusion can be filtered. Drink it daily before meals for half a glass.

  9. Continuing the theme, one cannot fail to recall hawthorn. From its flowers they also cook very effective infusion: Pour 100 grams of dried flowers with one liter of vodka, close the jar well and leave it to infuse in a dark place for ten days.

    Remember to shake the container daily. After the specified period, the infusion must be filtered. Now it can be used for healing. To this end, take 1 teaspoon of the remedy every day half an hour before meals. You can drink it with water.

  10. Used to treat infertility and cinquefoil root: 100 grams of crushed and dried root pour 1 liter of vodka and put in a dark place for fourteen days. The infusion must be shaken every day. After two weeks, strain the tincture and take it for forty days by the hour (16.00, 18.00, 20.00). Drink a teaspoon of the product and drink it with clean water.
  11. Experienced gardeners know that creeping wheatgrass refers to weeds.

    Meanwhile, the root of this plant can help you get rid of health problems. Pour two tablespoons of dried and chopped root with 400 grams of boiling water and boil for about ten minutes. Then strain the broth and take 4 times a day for half a cup.

  12. Can also be used plantain seeds. Pour one tablespoon of raw materials with 200 grams of water, set them aside for half an hour and a warm place, and then boil (five minutes). After this, the infusion must be strained and drunk 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  13. Very useful for men's health tea from birch leaves and buds, as well as from linden flowers. This tea should be brewed in a ratio of 1:1.
  14. Enter into your diet walnuts : eat them separately, add them to pastries, salads, main dishes, sauces and toppings. There must be a lot of nuts!
  15. Try an herb called Euphorbia Pallas. She is involved in the exchange of male sex hormones and helps to conceive a baby. Just be very careful! An overdose of this plant can lead to severe poisoning. So, pour ten grams of crushed Pallas spurge root into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave it to infuse in a dark place.

    The infusion will be ready in eight to ten days, after which it will need to be filtered.

    Take three times a day according to this scheme: start with 15 drops and add one more drop to this dose daily. Having reached 30 drops, gradually reduce the dose to 15. Then take a mandatory 3-month break and repeat the course of treatment again.

  16. Help improve sperm quality anise seeds: pour half a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of boiling milk and leave to infuse in a thermos all night. In the morning, the infusion should be filtered and drunk on an empty stomach.

Fruits and vegetables

Mummy and its use

Pay attention to the mummy. This is unique remedy help to get rid of a lot of diseases, including those related to reproductive system. Mumiyo should be taken within a month along with carrot juice (proportion - 1:20). Drink the medicine only on an empty stomach, 200 gr. twice a day.

We treat infertility with mud!

Suitable for mud silt or peat mud. It will need about 2.5-3 kg. The procedure for mud therapy is very simple: spread a bedspread, oilcloth and a large piece of cloth on the bed. It is on this fabric that the dirt needs to be distributed. Now lie down on the bed in such a way that in the layer of dirt is top part hips and lower back.

Do not forget to carefully smear the front of the thighs and abdomen with mud, cover yourself with a cloth, oilcloth and wrap yourself in a blanket. Lie down like this for twenty to twenty-five minutes, then take a warm shower and rest for about an hour. Repeat the procedure daily for 18 days.

Plantain bath infertility treatment

Plantain baths will enhance the effect of decoctions and infusions and you will be more likely to conceive a baby.

To prepare such therapeutic bath you will need 50 grams of leaves and plantain roots. They need to be poured with one liter of boiling water and insisted for about forty-five minutes. Then the infusion must be filtered and added to bathing water (one liter of medicine per bath). The course of treatment is 15 days. Repeat the process every three months.

To obtain maximum effect, give up smoking and alcohol, eat more vitamins and remember about sports. We hope that thanks to these recipes, children's laughter will soon sound in your home.

Infertility is the inability to conceive a child by a married couple during a year of sexual activity without contraceptives. Both women and men can be childless. What should you do if you can't get pregnant? Contact a doctor.

Problems of male infertility are the prerogative of urologists, andrologists, sexologists. With female infertility, the cause will be established by a gynecologist, a reproductive specialist. Taking into account the result of the examination, the spouses will be prescribed treatment, it is recommended to make changes in the daily routine within a few months that give chances for success. This article presents some of them.

Causes of infertility in men

Male infertility is the impossibility of gynecological healthy woman get pregnant from a partner within a year and more regular sexually active unprotected intercourse. There is only one symptom of male infertility: a woman cannot become pregnant. Infertility in a man, the causes and treatment of the disease, the topic of our conversation today.

The fertility (fertility) of a man is affected by his ability to introduce a sufficient volume of sperm with viable spermatozoa into the woman's body. If earlier a woman was accused of childlessness, now a violation reproductive function found in about 20% of men childbearing age who seek medical help.

The main causes of male infertility include:

  1. Pathological condition of sperm: small volume of ejaculate with insufficient number of spermatozoa, short term their viability and immobility, inability to penetrate into the egg.
  2. Anatomical abnormalities that interfere with normal ejaculation (ejaculation), such as adhesions after operations on the pelvic organs or prostate gland, blockage of the vas deferens (consequences of inflammatory diseases, especially gonorrhea).
  3. Problems in immune system. Some men develop antibodies that perceive their own sperm as a foreign substance. Especially often (in every second case) this is observed after a vasectomy (surgical sterilization of a man with the preservation of sexual function). Even if the reverse operation of a vasectomy is performed, it does not always restore the ability to bear children, and one of the reasons is the failure of the immune system.

Asymptomatic ailment

There is only one symptom of male infertility: a woman cannot become pregnant.

infertility is not independent disease, and one of the manifestations of any disease:

  • brain pathologies (tumors, injuries, inflammatory processes);
  • mental illness(neurosis, depression);
  • disease endocrine system(thyroid, pancreas);
  • inflammatory diseases testicles and appendages, trauma to the penis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • infections (mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • drug use, alcoholism, nicotine addiction;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • impact toxic substances(bad ecology, hazardous production);
  • consequences after operations of the pelvic organs (rectum, testicles, prostate gland);
  • the physical state(fatigue, stress, lack of sleep).

In almost many cases, after the elimination of the underlying ailment, the fertility of a man is gradually restored.

The most promising is a comprehensive recovery. Initially, you need to streamline your lifestyle:

  • fully rest;
  • exercise;
  • eat environmentally healthy food with regular inclusion in the menu of products containing unsaturated fatty acids(fatty fish);
  • in a man's diet, what vitamins help a woman get pregnant quickly? First of all, vitamins A, E, B 12, C, as well as trace elements zinc and selenium, which will improve spermatozoa, increase their number;
  • give up smoking, alcohol abuse, especially beer (this drink contains a huge amount of female phytohormones, which can be compared with contraceptive male remedy);
  • You can not expose the body to regular psychological and physical stress(adrenaline rush, hypothermia or hot bath).

Depending on the cause that led to the disorder of reproductive function, treatment is selected. The most common medical interventions:

  • therapy (hormonal, antibacterial) with simultaneous reception a complex of vitamins and microelements, dietary supplements;
  • homeopathy (reception) homeopathic medicines, stimulating the function of the sex glands, the activity of the nervous system, increasing efficiency);
  • adaptogenic herbal medicine: pantocrine, tinctures of eleutherococcus, lemongrass, zamanihi root, ginseng root, aralia; the dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor; You should know that adaptogens are used before 7 pm, as they lead to disruption of falling asleep and insomnia;
  • physiotherapy ( good result give sessions in a pressure chamber, acupuncture, laser and magnetic physiotherapy, EHF);
  • therapeutic fasting(recommended for neurotic patients who are obese, with hypertension or chronic prostatitis) only under medical supervision;
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) - only a doctor prescribes and conducts sessions.

It is possible surgical intervention(with pathology and injuries of the penis, with varicocele disease). Medication or surgery prescribed only by a doctor.

Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies

What should a man do if a woman cannot get pregnant due to his infertility? What to do? Folk remedies will restore male power.

Help the bees

Compensation for the lack of male sex hormones in the body and the improvement of the quantity and quality of sperm is facilitated by apitherapy and the intake of bee products:

  • use bee venom- a course of treatment is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor and with the help of an experienced beekeeper;
  • 4% royal jelly daily in the morning on an empty stomach, keep 5-8 drops of the substance in the mouth until it is completely absorbed; course - 2 months; take a break for 10 days and repeat the treatment;
  • dissolve three times a day on an empty stomach flower pollen or bee pollen (better absorbed) 1-2 teaspoons, the treatment period is the same as during treatment royal jelly;
  • extract wax moth increases sperm motility;
  • propolis - chew daily 1-3 g of the substance, swallowing the secreted saliva.

Preparations with bee venom for injections, royal jelly in tablets can be bought at pharmacies, wax moth preparations are offered by phytopharmacies.

Garden herbal medicine

  1. Healers advise to use persimmons, prunes, walnuts in increased volumes. It is recommended to add to the diet (in salads, as a seasoning for meat dishes) the roots and greens of celery, parsley.
  2. Parsnip is useful - a dry root crop as a seasoning for meat, and an infusion of seeds.
  3. At healthy liver and kidneys, be sure to eat onion and garlic daily.
  4. Before going to bed, drink a carrot-milk cocktail: 1 tbsp. l. freshly grated vegetable is poured with 150 ml of boiled milk. Infuse the drink for 40 minutes. Treatment for 2 weeks with the same interval between courses.
  5. Turnip porridge. Rinse a vegetable weighing 100 g (the size of a small apple), boil it with a peel in milk, skip in a meat grinder. Mix with honey and carrot juice (both 50 g each). Divide the gruel into 3 daily doses before meals.

Herbal infusions

Equal parts of dry raw materials: rose hips, oat straw, thyme herb, knotweed herb, herb and chicory roots. Chop and mix ingredients. From the collection take for the treatment of 1 tbsp. l. mixture per day. Pour the powder into a thermos, pour 2 cups of water there. Insist 4 hours, filter. The liquid is drunk in the morning and evening.

Medicinal lungwort. Dried herb 2 tbsp. l. poured with boiling water 0.5, the infusion languishes for 15 minutes in a water bath, 40 minutes to insist under the lid, strain. Treatment 1 month: half a glass of decoction half an hour before meals three times a day.

Dried raw materials are required: 6 parts of violet 3-color and 6 parts of burdock roots, 4 parts of rhizomes of couch grass and veronica (grass). Grind. In a bowl with 4 cups of boiling water, pour a mixture of 3 tbsp. l., boil for a quarter of an hour. Strain after 3 hours of infusion. Daily dosage: 5 times 0.5 cups.

For men with infertility problems, rosehip broth is very useful as the main drink for the whole day. Helps lime tea, an infusion of rose petals of dark red or burgundy color.

healing seed

Plantain helps with low sperm motility: seeds 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water, the drug is kept in a water bath for 5 minutes, filtered. Drink during the day 4 times 2 tbsp. l., warming up a little. The course of treatment is 90 days.

coriander seeds . Prolongs the viability of sperm infusion of coriander seed: 3 tbsp. l. brew seeds with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drain. Divide the liquid equally over 2 days. Drink 2 sips throughout the day.