All about royal jelly “Apilak. Therapeutic royal jelly Tablets with royal jelly and pollen


The natural pharmacy has reserved for a person many wonderful potions to maintain and strengthen health. An important place among natural remedies is occupied by bee products. Put knowledge about royal jelly into the piggy bank of your experience - information about its beneficial properties and areas of application will certainly come in handy!

What is royal jelly

This super-healthy product has other names: royal jelly or white honey. Royal jelly is a secret produced by working young bees (5-15 days old). This substance is formed in the pharyngeal glands of insects when they chew bee bread (pollen) and honey. Bees use this product to feed their larvae, and the most selected milk is sealed in special wax flasks. Such food is intended only for the queen bee, which will consume this concentrate throughout her life.

On such a diet, the queen of the hive grows twice as large as ordinary insects, lives for about 6 years and during this period actively performs its function - it lays eggs every day, providing the swarm with new workers. Due to the high concentration of valuable substances in this bee secret, it is also very useful for people. This product is obtained in apiaries for further use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The necessary scrupulousness in the preparation and storage of white honey affects the fact that it has an expensive price, but it pays off with a lot of useful qualities.

Royal jelly - medicinal properties

The main indication for the use of such a product, which is suitable for everyone, is the strengthening of the body's defenses, the effective prevention of bacterial and viral infections. The healing properties of royal jelly are also manifested in the impact on specific organ systems. bee product:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract, affecting the enzymatic composition of gastric juice, bile secretion, intestinal motility;
  • helps regulate blood sugar levels;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis, effectively lowering cholesterol levels;
  • balances the hormonal background;
  • promotes muscle building;
  • has a healing effect on tissues;
  • positively affects the work of the central nervous system, as a result of which concentration of attention improves, memory is strengthened.

Royal jelly - composition

What useful substances are laid down by nature in the basis of this product? The composition of royal jelly includes:

  • proteins similar in properties to blood serum proteins;
  • fats: phospholipids, sterols, glycerols, decenoic acids;
  • carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • a wide range of macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins A, E, D, C, group B;
  • mineral salts;
  • hormones: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone;
  • the neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  • enzymes;
  • other important biologically active substances.

Royal jelly - application

Due to a wide range of valuable active ingredients, this product is widely used in traditional medicine recipes as an effective tonic, tonic. The use of royal jelly has an effective therapeutic and prophylactic effect in diseases:

  • blood;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory tract;
  • eye;
  • organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • organs of the urinary system;
  • endocrine system;
  • sexual sphere;
  • skin and hair.

Royal jelly for men

What is the special benefit of such a product for the stronger sex? Royal jelly for men is not only a valuable supplement that helps maintain optimal physical and mental shape. The effectiveness of this product on male fertility has been proven: it increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which has a positive effect on potency and spermatogenesis. Treatment with royal jelly is also successfully used for prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

Royal jelly for women

White honey is extremely useful for strengthening women's health and maintaining a beautiful appearance. In addition to general strengthening properties for the whole body, royal jelly for women increases the chances of becoming pregnant and bearing a healthy baby. It is good to use this product for nurses - it improves the functioning of the mammary glands during breastfeeding, and the high content of iron here prevents the risk of anemia during lactation. The property of royal jelly is also known to soften PMS and hot flashes during menopause.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this substance, extracted from beehives, explains the widespread use of such a remedy by women for self-care. For example, pantothenic acid will help maintain a slim figure, and biotin will bring great benefits to hair, skin, and nails. In order to maintain beauty, white honey can be used both internally and externally - as part of masks and creams.

Royal jelly for children

There are many reviews about the benefits of using this product, even for babies. Royal jelly for children is valuable in that it can increase their appetite and strengthen immunity. With the help of this secret, malnutrition is effectively treated, the baby begins to gain weight well. Wiping the skin with an alcohol solution of bee milk will help rid the child of diaper rash.


You need to know that in certain cases this extremely useful product should not be taken so as not to harm the body. Contraindications for royal jelly are:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to bee products;
  • infectious diseases at an acute stage;
  • kidney failure;
  • Addison's disease;
  • tumor processes.

How to take royal jelly

To get the maximum benefit from this bee secret, you need to know how to properly use such a concentrate. Today, this product can be bought via the Internet or in a pharmacy in dry form in the form of tablets, granules, capsules. It is also sold as part of a lactose-glucose mixture or a mixture with honey. For the manufacture of these preparations from the native substance, a large percentage of all useful components are adsorbed. It is more convenient to take royal jelly in this form, because natural royal jelly quickly deteriorates under improper storage conditions.

Manufacturers in the instructions for the drugs indicate the specific dosage and duration of administration, but before starting the treatment course, it is recommended to agree on the daily dose and duration of treatment with the doctor. Pay attention to the important features of the intake of the absorbed product.

  • These drugs are not drunk with water, but are taken sublingually - they are kept under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • Such a drug should be taken in the first half of the day, 20-30 minutes before meals, due to its inherent pronounced tonic effect.

The price of royal jelly

The cost of such a valuable general health product varies depending on the manufacturer and how many grams of the secret itself is in the package. To make a bargain, check out the approximate prices for drugs in this segment.

Tablets containing royal jelly are a useful tool that is simply necessary to maintain human health. The main component of this form - royal jelly - is a secret, the development of which is carried out by working young bees. The formation of this component occurs in the pharyngeal glands of insects during the process of chewing perga (pollen) and honey.

Note! Usually bee royal jelly is used to feed the larvae, it is due to this product that the larvae can fully develop. These properties are provided due to the high level of nutrients. For this reason, this bee remedy is included in many pharmacological agents.

Mother's milk has a positive effect on the human body. Thanks to this beekeeping product, the following important life processes are provided:

  • the activity of the organs of the digestive system is normalized;
  • the properties of the immune system increase;
  • blood sugar levels are regulated;
  • the hormonal background is normalized;
  • vision is restored;
  • the level of breast milk rises, so royal jelly tablets are useful for lactation;
  • improves the activity of the nervous system.

How to choose

When choosing tablets with royal jelly, it is recommended to pay attention to the following important qualities:

  1. Compound. The composition must contain royal jelly. In addition, the presence of other bee products is also allowed, for example, beeswax, propolis, honey;
  2. Package. Tablets can be placed in cell blisters or packaged in plastic base bottles;
  3. Quantity. Usually 25 tablets are produced in blisters, in bottles they can be 30, 50, 100 pieces. It all depends on the drug;
  4. Producing country. Preference should be given to well-known brands, because in the countries that manufacture these pharmaceuticals, all the necessary rules and regulations are observed. It also uses high quality raw materials.


  • ischemic heart disease;
  • recommended for use in atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis;
  • with a lag in growth and development;
  • indicated for use with signs of gastritis and gastroenterocolitis;
  • with a metabolic disorder;
  • in the presence of ulcerative lesions of the stomach and small intestine;
  • to eliminate the symptoms of colds;
  • to reduce pain during menstruation;
  • royal jelly helps to eliminate various failures in cardiac activity;
  • with various anomalies of the vascular system;
  • with diseases of the skin;
  • help to eliminate signs of toxicosis;
  • for the treatment of infertility;
  • with violations of the reproductive system in women and men;
  • with neurosis, asthenia, hysteria.

Royal jelly can be used regularly to strengthen a reduced immune system. When using these forms, there is an increase in the body's resistance to various diseases.


Be sure to carefully read the instructions for the drug, because royal jelly tablets have some contraindications:

  1. Not recommended for allergies;
  2. In the presence of individual intolerance;
  3. In infectious diseases in acute form;
  4. In the presence of formations with oncological character;
  5. With Addison's disease;
  6. If there is increased blood clotting.

Important! Tablets are used with caution in the presence of severe diabetes mellitus, sleep disorders, namely insomnia, thrombophlebitis, and increased excitability.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of royal jelly are directly related to its rich composition. It contains an increased level of vitamins, minerals and other necessary elements that are necessary for the human body.

So what are the benefits of royal jelly tablets? Let's highlight the most important ones:

  • due to the fact that royal jelly contains such an element as vitamin A or retinol, regular use of tablets allows you to quickly restore the health of the skin, hair, nails
  • vitamin D strengthens the structure of bones, makes it strong and saturates with calcium;
  • eliminates depression, as well as oncological diseases;
  • the low energy value of the bee product allows the use of pills for weight loss, while the process of reducing excess weight is accelerated;
  • has a stimulating effect on the immune system, increases the protective properties of the body;
  • cells of damaged tissues of bones, skin, internal organs are quickly restored;
  • the activity of the heart and blood vessels is normalized;
  • reproductive functions of women and men are improved.

How to apply

Before you start taking pills, you should carefully study the instructions for their use. Usually these forms are accepted according to the following scheme:

  1. It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets per day;
  2. Tablets are not recommended to be swallowed, because when they enter the stomach, they dissolve in the gastric juice and the active ingredients do not have time to exert their positive effect;
  3. The tablet must be placed under the tongue and sucked until it is completely dissolved;
  4. You need to take it within 2-3 months.

With the correct and regular use of tablets with royal jelly, there is a rapid recovery of health, an increase in immunity, and a strengthening of protective functions. The main thing is to follow the instructions and dosages correctly, you can first consult with your doctor. The specialist will be able to prescribe the optimal dose of these drugs.

Royal jelly is extremely beneficial. For a very long time, people began to use the healing properties of a unique product. In this article, you will learn about different ways to use royal jelly to treat various diseases.

Royal jelly treatment

The list of ailments in which "royal jelly" provides effective help is incredibly long. Because of this, it is likely that not all the diseases for which it usually has a curative effect will be here. You should remember that royal jelly alone will not cure you completely. For a speedy recovery, you should consult a specialist.

The definition of royal jelly is understood as the secret of the pharyngeal gland of a bee (non-flying), whose age reaches from five to fifteen days. Its main purpose is to feed the uterine larvae and the uterus until the end of her life.

Having reached the age of three days, absolutely all the larvae of the bee colony receive milk. For exclusively medicinal purposes, it is collected from open queen cells, which are laid by bees in the summer.

For almost a hundred years, a valuable product of bees has been used in the treatment of various diseases. In 1848, the naturalist and scientist from Poland, Dzerzhon, studied the real role of healing milk in the daily life of bee families. Later, in 1922, another scientist R. Chauvin was the first to put this healing substance into practice.

Toward the middle of the 20th century, there was a trend of widespread use of the so-called "royal jelly" in medicine. Almost all polls singled out exceptionally useful medicinal properties in it, considered it a panacea that relieves any ailments. It was also believed that "royal jelly" has a rejuvenating property.

What diseases are treated with royal jelly?

Due to the fact that royal jelly has a wide range of therapeutic effects, its scope is quite extensive.

First of all, it's great. stimulates the immune system. Often it is recommended to take it for prevention purposes. From this, the protective reactions in the human body are significantly enhanced, and it becomes less susceptible to colds.

An emulsion of royal jelly mixed with alcohol is excellent for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, influenza. It is instilled sublingually, no more than 20 drops, or the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is irrigated. It also lubricates the nasal mucosa.

Secondly, if there are problems with cardiovascular system often resort to the use of bee "elixir" for their treatment. Quite often, anemia is treated in this way.

Due to its rich composition, it is able to start and maintain the metabolism in the heart, the strongest human muscle, and accelerate regenerative processes.

In addition, there is often a decrease in the level of triglycerides in the blood in patients treated with milk.

To health digestive system the patient is very positively affected by the use of preparations from royal jelly. They relieve gastritis, liver diseases, ulcers, diseases of the kidneys and intestines.

Most often, bee preparations are prescribed for patients with asthma or bronchitis. Due to the considerable amount of acetylcholine in the milk itself, it does an excellent job of easing the symptoms of the above ailments.

The use of the "elixir" extends to some other ear, nose, throat diseases: with bronchitis, runny nose, laryngitis, tracheitis.

The active substances found in the valuable bee product start and support extremely accelerated metabolism. This property is quite successfully used for children suffering from hypo- and atrophy, premature babies. As for adults suffering from excessive thinness, for them, royal jelly helps to get rid of this ailment very quickly.

Due to the antibodies to insulin contained in the unique drug, it is considered especially useful. in the treatment of diabetic patients. The duration of the course of treatment is rather big - most often it reaches six months. The doctor may decide to reduce the dose of insulin or to completely cancel it, due to a significant decrease in blood glucose levels.

Where else is treated with royal jelly?

The next area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication of milk is dermatology. It is most often used for skin diseases associated with changes in fat metabolism.

When they appear problems with the central nervous system caused by vascular disorders or trophic changes, royal jelly is often used for their treatment. They can cure asthenic syndrome, neurosis, involutional psychosis, consequences of encephalitis and schizophrenia.

Treatment of diseases peripheral NS also does not do without the use of preparations based on royal jelly, tk. it has performed well in this area as well. The most effective of all is the complex treatment of certain diseases with bee venom with royal jelly: arthritis, polyneuritis, myositis, neuralgia. Both products mutually reinforce each other's action.

Ophthalmology also did not leave the healing, and especially the bactericidal properties of the bee "elixir" untouched. It is actively prescribed for the treatment of traumatic keratitis, eye burns, and purulent ulcers.

Considerable interest in the use of milk as a natural stimulant has been observed for a very long time. The phrases "elixir of youth" and "royal jelly" were simply synonymous in the Middle Ages.

Even to this day, there are often people who seriously think that the "elixir" is really a rejuvenating agent.

Nevertheless, the properties of milk are already known today: tonic, antispasmodic and trophic. It can improve mood, appetite, vision and memory.

In addition, "royal jelly" increases not only physical, but also mental performance.
It is considered the most effective when mixed with other bee products: bee bread, honey or propolis. A mixture with various medicinal plants similarly increases the effectiveness of treatment, reduces its time.

And from the video below you can learn about the "medicine of the future", according to the federal Russian channel.

Treatment of children with royal jelly

In Soviet times, royal jelly was given to children from the age of 18 days. There was a significant increase in immunity in children who received it regularly. It showed excellent results in premature and malnourished children. Noticed an improvement
appetite reduction and good weight gain.

During the training period, during sports, exams and serious tests, it is necessary to support the young body. With this work, royal jelly is just able to cope.

In such cases, it performs
the role of an adaptogen, thereby accelerating the process of adaptation to the requirements of circumstances.

It is customary to give it in courses of 2 weeks a couple of times a year. The most optimal application is a mixture with honey in a ratio of 1:100. Then at one time exactly half a spoonful of the drug will fall.

Royal jelly against cancer

Biologically active additives (BAA), which are obtained from various raw materials (animal, mineral, vegetable), are very often used by scientists in many developed countries as anticarcinogenic agents.

It is not unfamiliar that royal jelly consists of an exceptionally large number of useful components, therefore it is ranked among a number of active additives.

Relatively recently, in 1957, a medical congress convened in France recommended the use of milk as a remedy for tumors. Scientists have proven both restorative and protective effects on DNA molecules in living cells in cancer patients.

Nucleic acids together with nucleotides determine the main influence of the bee product on the processes of cell division, protein synthesis and other important processes. This is appreciated in diseases in oncology, due to the fact that these processes help to grow and renew new cells in a weakened body of a cancer patient.

Thus, the use of a healing bee product is really relevant, as it does an excellent job of maintaining immunity after a variety of treatments for cancer. You can find out more about cancer treatment with bee products.

Royal jelly for eyes

"Royal jelly" undoubtedly has a positive effect on the human body in general and on its organs in particular. Eye health is no exception. It helps to cure severe cases and can improve visual acuity.

In ophthalmology of the modern world, many preparations made from royal jelly are known. They provide people with the opportunity to have good eyesight if they have any problems with it.

Due to the fact that eye problems are often associated with increased intraocular pressure, royal jelly can give a chance to avoid these problems. It perfectly copes with the normalization of pressure, which is very important in the treatment.

Medicinal preparations from royal jelly

Many years ago, people had to make their own medicines based on royal jelly. Terer, in order to simplify the lives of many people, pharmaceutical companies have taken over a large share of the work for themselves. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a small list of the most common medical preparations in Russia from royal jelly.

Preparations based on royal jelly:

  • honey (Apitok, Apitonus);
  • tablets (Apilak, Apifortila, Vitadon, Polenovital);
  • ointments (Apifor, Apilak);
  • drops (KolGel);
  • candles (Apilak).

Thus, the medicinal properties of royal jelly have been used for almost a hundred years. This only once again proves the exceptional uniqueness of the bee product.

Updated: 18.09.2019 23:36:29

Judge: Boris Kaganovich

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Royal jelly: how to choose a good product and protect yourself from fake?

Royal jelly is a product of natural origin, unique in its properties, produced by the salivary glands of nurse bees. Due to its incredibly valuable composition (fructose, proteins, hormones, minerals), royal jelly is considered not only useful, but healing, and the demand for it is constantly growing.

By the way, about his collection. This procedure is quite complicated, time-consuming and requires compliance with special temperature conditions, since daylight and heat are detrimental for the “royal jelly” and already a couple of hours after being removed from the cells of the mother liquor, it loses its properties. Such difficulties not only affect the price of the product, but also cause a considerable number of counterfeits.

In order to choose a really worthwhile drug and not accidentally stumble upon a fake, it is necessary first of all to understand in what form royal jelly can be delivered to the end consumer. After collection, it can be stored in this form:

  1. Frozen- immediately after harvesting, "royal jelly" is a jelly-like mass with a specific smell and sour taste. This is exactly what a frozen product should be, since frozen royal jelly is sold mainly by beekeepers (almost immediately from the apiary). The problem is that it is not so easy to check its quality. Ask the seller for a quality certificate or buy "royal jelly" only from trusted beekeepers.
  2. Canned- it is not so easy to prolong the “viability” of royal jelly, and honey is an excellent preservative that allows you to literally “seal” all valuable components. The question is that the content of the desired component in honey will be a meager 2%. In addition, it is difficult to test for the presence of "royal jelly" in honey. This can be done only by external and taste characteristics. Honey should be bitter / sour in taste, have a light yellow, almost white (but not white!) color.
  3. Adsorbed- in simple terms, excess moisture is removed from the product, after which it is mixed with an adsorbent in a ratio of 1:4. Adsorbed royal jelly is sold mainly through pharmacies, which usually request documents confirming the quality. Therefore, the likelihood of acquiring a low-quality drug is minimal.
  4. Lyophilized- in the process of lyophilization, the most concentrated of all the listed options is obtained. Accordingly, the number of valuable components obtained at a time is the largest and the course of taking the drug is minimal. Manufacturers of lyophilized milk preparations always confirm their quality with certificates.

Rating of the best preparations with royal jelly

The American company has been producing organic honey and bee products for almost 25 years. The brand was the first in the United States to sell certified organic. Consumers mostly note the typical taste qualities (sour taste) of honey with royal jelly from Y.S. Eco Bee Farms and light cream shade. As the manufacturer himself notes, allergic reactions are possible. In individual cases, according to consumer reviews, intolerance to the drug was observed.


  • certified;
  • democratic price;
  • taste / external correspondence to a quality product.


  • not detected.

The Royal Jelly capsules from a North American supplement manufacturer contain a freeze-dried concentrate. Does not contain foreign additives. Consumers note the high effectiveness of the drug and the absence of side effects after its use. True, some say that there is no positive effect.


  • high concentration of royal jelly (120 capsules contain a product equivalent to 1500 mg of fresh "royal jelly");
  • no harmful additives, including soy and GMOs;
  • does not contain gluten.


  • not detected.

Since its founding in 1968, a small family business from the USA has been successfully engaged in the production of organic products, guided by an integrated approach: the company offers consumers vitamin supplements in combination with organic cosmetics and natural oils. Now Foods Royal Jelly is available as a freeze-dried concentrate softgel. Designed for adults only, not suitable for pregnant or lactating mothers.


  • the maximum concentration of "royal jelly" in one dose;
  • no harmful additives, GMOs.


  • not detected.

A Latvian-made tableted product containing lyophilized royal jelly is ideal as a safe remedy for lactation disorders, safe for children (recommended for babies with malnutrition and lack of appetite), and is prescribed for digestive disorders. An allergic reaction is possible.


  • the absence of any additives;
  • suitable for children and during pregnancy;
  • democratic price.


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Even ancient healers wondered why the queen bee lives much longer than worker bees? Observations have shown that the whole thing is in the special diet of the “queen” - and it includes royal jelly, or apilak. This substance, produced by the submandibular glands of bees, ensures the large size of the uterus, its longevity and phenomenal fertility.

Alternative medicine uses a unique product as a biostimulant. It increases the reproductive ability of men and women, kills pathogenic microbes, heals wounds and improves immunity.

What is royal jelly? Compound

To feed the larvae that have not reached the age of 4 days, the bees synthesize a special product. They secrete a white liquid with a sour taste and a honey aroma from the submandibular glands.

The grown larvae no longer need it, and the hive queen feeds on milk all her life. Moreover, in the first days of life, the “queen” lives in a wax cell completely filled with apilac. As a result, she grows 2.5 times larger than her subjects and lays 2,000 eggs per day.

The effect is explained by the unusual composition of royal jelly. It is 28.5% composed of nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The rest of the volume is represented by water with bioactive substances dissolved in it.

The most active components of apilac:

  • Royalactin. This unusual bee protein stimulates cell division and growth.
  • Adenosine triphosphate. Promotes the production of proteins, the movement of nutrients to the cells.
  • Vitamins of group B. Direct metabolism, support the work of the heart, the functions of the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter activates the activity of the brain.
  • Gluconic acid. Kills pathogenic flora, strengthens skin and nails.
  • 10-hydroxy-2-decanoic acid. Protects the body from radiation.

The collection of the product is carried out during the period of active hatching of young bees - in late spring and early summer. Beekeepers prepare wooden planks with queen cells - miniature bowls in the form of natural honeycombs.

Here, on the bar, a cage for the uterus is fixed. The device is placed on a grafting frame. The “queen” is put in the cage and the bar is lowered into the hive.

A day later, when the bees fill the bowls with apilac, the frame is moved to the bee colony, and the cell with the queen is placed on a new bar with empty cells-bowls.

By the time the larvae are 4 days old, they are removed from the apilac with a wooden stick. The liquid from the queen cells is collected with nicot - a special plastic spoon.

For medicinal purposes, natural milk is most effective. It can be purchased in several forms:

  • Native - fresh, packaged directly in apiaries.
  • Adsorbed - dried under special conditions, presented in granules.
  • Freeze-dried - subjected to soft drying and dehydration.
  • Mixed with honey.

All types of product are sold in specialized beekeeping stores. To be sure of the quality of the goods, it is enough to require a certificate.

There is a second purchase option - directly from the bee farm. Here you should pay attention to the volume of products that the manufacturer offers. Since the production and collection of milk is limited, a large amount of the product indicates a fake.