How to fix a faded item? How to wash a faded white item

What to do if it is the WHITE item that has faded? ?

You can and should try to revive your favorite thing! Both modern whitening products and time-tested “grandmother’s” methods can help us with this. That's where we'll start.

If a white thing has faded, use home remedies for whitening:

  • If a white item has faded and acquired colored stains, you can boil it in water with the addition of laundry soap for 1 hour. If stains still remain, we prepare a special mixture for whitening. It consists of: 1 tbsp. laundry soap shavings, ? cups regular coarse salt, 1 tbsp. citric acid solution and 1 tbsp. starch. Apply the resulting product from the inside out to the stains. After 12 hours, rinse the item in plenty of water and wash it. Divorces should disappear.
  • Another long-standing bleaching method that our mothers and grandmothers used is soaking faded laundry in a hot aqueous solution of ammonia. To do this, you need to pour 1 bottle of ammonia into a container with hot water and place the damaged item in it for a while. A significant drawback of this method is the pungent odor of ammonia. After soaking, the product should be washed with powder.
  • Hydrogen peroxide in combination with a solution of baking soda (2 liters of water, a little soda and 1 tsp of peroxide) can also help save a faded snow-white item. The resulting solution is poured into the product and heated to 70°C. It is recommended to mix everything thoroughly for 10 minutes to achieve optimal effect. After bleaching, the item should be rinsed thoroughly with cool water.
  • Potassium permanganate also perfectly bleaches fabrics. To do this, add washing powder and a little potassium permanganate to a bucket of hot water until it turns light pink. Faded items are soaked in the resulting solution. The bucket should be covered with a bag or plastic wrap and left for several hours until completely cooled. Bleached items should be rinsed well.

Today, store shelves are full of a variety of names of laundry bleaching products; I recommend using them if you are not a fan of “folk” methods.

A white item has faded - how to wash it using store-bought bleaching products:

  • Modern oxygen-containing fabric bleaches are gradually replacing their chlorine-containing counterparts from the consumer basket. This is due to the complete transition from hand washing to machine washing. Chlorine bleaches are known to destroy fabric fibers and are not recommended for use in the washing machine. Therefore, if you choose chlorine-containing bleach to restore your faded white item, do not overdo it with the amount, 1 cap will be enough.
  • Also in stores you can see universal products for bleaching accidentally colored items. They do not damage the structure of fabrics and are suitable for any type of washing. Follow the instructions carefully, and your damaged item will look its best.
  • Another modern way to return whiteness to clothes is to use a color restorer. It can be used both for manual soaking and for washing in a machine. When soaking items by hand, be sure to wear gloves.

All the proposed methods for saving a faded item can only help you if they were applied immediately after it faded. If it has been damaged for a long time, it is unlikely that you will return it to its original whiteness. But even in this case, don’t be upset – there is a way out! You can easily repaint it a different color. To do this, you can take the product to a studio or use store-bought fabric dyes.

After washing, each housewife takes the laundry out of the machine and then hangs it out to dry. It would seem that nothing is out of the ordinary. However, sometimes this procedure ends very sadly - the clothes change their color, faded spots appear on them.

It’s doubly offensive if a new item immediately fades when washed and can only be worn at home or in the country.

You probably carefully studied the recommendations indicated on the attached label before loading your laundry? One of the reasons for such shedding of clothes is the unscrupulous attitude of manufacturers towards the clothes they produce, when applying low-quality dyes to fabrics.

There is an opinion that if you purchased an item from a well-known brand, you should not encounter such a problem as faded items. A refutation can be made due to the large number of counterfeits in stores. It is difficult for the average buyer to distinguish a quality item from a fake at first glance, so many people mistakenly buy an item in the hope that it will not fade.

How to get rid of paint stains if the item has faded after washing? They can be washed at home, so for you we have collected the most effective ways to wash faded clothes.


It is through repeated washing of faded clothing, both colored and white, that you can get rid of paint stains. The trick of the method is this: if the item has faded after washing, then the paint on the fabric has not yet had time to penetrate deeply into its fibers, which means it is quite possible to get rid of it.

The main thing in this matter is not to waste time, because getting rid of old or dried paint stains on clothes will be much more difficult.

Bringing back the whiteness of clothes

What to do if you don’t want to think about the question: why did the clothes fade after washing? After all, there may be many answers, we advise you not to waste your time on this, but to try to restore the whiteness of your clothes in several ways.

  1. Soak the faded item in chlorine bleach for several hours.- a simple way to bleach faded white things. For some white fabrics, bleach cannot be used; this is usually indicated on the clothing label. In this case, to bleach items that have faded, use another product. If things have faded after washing with colored clothes or jeans, then this method will help you restore the whiteness of things.
  2. If your white clothes faded during washing, which you washed together with colored ones, then you can remove paint stains from white fabric soaking for a couple of hours in diluted lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. If your clothes have faded, then deal with stains on white cotton items can be boiled for an hour in a solution of water and soda. To do this, add a teaspoon of soda for every liter of water.

We restore colored fabrics

You often wonder why your favorite item faded after washing, because you spent a considerable amount on buying it. Perhaps the manufacturer saved on the fixative that should have been used to treat the fabric after dyeing, or maybe you loaded things into the drum of the machine without considering the washing recommendations on the labels?

It can take a long time to find out the reasons for the loss of color of clothes after washing, but let’s let's move on to restoring colored fabrics after molting with a budget option, which will definitely answer the question - how to correct the situation.

A product for restoring the tone of colored fabric consists of a mixture of starch (a tablespoon), laundry soap shavings (a tablespoon) and citric acid (half a tablespoon). How to wash faded clothes in this product?

After you combine all the components, dissolve them in 100 ml of water, the result should be a paste. Apply the resulting product to the wrong side of the clothing and leave for 10 hours, then wash the item after color restoration with powder in cold water.


If you don’t follow the rules for washing clothes, you run a big risk, because you never know what color your spouse’s snow-white shirt or your daughter’s colored dress will turn into. Your loved ones are unlikely to like “new colors,” so don’t upset them and carefully load only white things into the drum, separating them from colored ones.

If you are not sure whether an item will fade after washing or will remain the same, then wash it separately from others.

Let's look at how to wash a faded item. Changing the color of clothes during the washing process is often an unpleasant surprise. Especially if the jeans, blouse or T-shirt are new, expensive or loved by the owner. In order not to encounter a similar phenomenon or to correct an existing situation, it is important to know a few simple tricks.

Why do things shed?

When buying your next new thing, you need to pay attention to a special tag, located, as a rule, in one of the inner seams of the clothing. It indicates the methods of washing and pressing by hand or in a washing machine, and the ironing temperature.

If these rules are not followed, the original appearance of the underwear or dress is quickly lost, the item fades and becomes completely unusable. The cause of product damage may be an incorrectly chosen washing mode, too high a temperature, or poor-quality fabric with weak coloring.

If you cannot remove stains and revive the item, in most cases you can try to wash the faded item at home.


First, it is necessary to sort the laundry into white, black and colored and wash them separately.

Are you unplugging your washing machine?

Oh yeah!No

White things

In case of severe contamination, you can use SMA and use detergents with a bleaching effect and chemicals according to the instructions.

Colored linen

To wash colored items without damaging the color, it is important to sort them correctly. Ideally, you need to load things of the same color into the machine.

For the procedure, it is important to use powders only for colored fabrics that do not contain bleaches that can damage clothes.

When rinsing, you can add table vinegar to the water - it will refresh and fix the color of the fabric.

Resuscitation of white tissues

When a white item has faded, not all housewives know what to do and with what. There are several ways to restore snow-white color.

If light-colored clothing fades immediately after washing, it should be immediately immersed in ice water, adding 1 cup of table salt. This cold water will quickly help remove excess paint. Then wash the item again and rinse thoroughly.

Whitening paste for all types

To remove colored and yellow stains, you can use a universal paste, which can be easily prepared from available ingredients:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. starch, citric acid and shaved laundry soap and add 0.5 tbsp. l. table salt. Add a little water to make a paste. Instead of soap, you can use bleaching powder.
  • Apply the mixture to the stains and leave for 12 hours. Wash and rinse the product.

Intensive wash

The Domestos product, well known to housewives, has an almost immediate effect. It is poured onto problem areas for a few minutes and wait for the result. Since the product contains aggressive components, you need to rinse the item thoroughly in cold water.

For all types of fabrics, the special Antipyatin soap works well, with which you can rub problem areas and leave for 0.5 hours to remove dirt. Next, wash and rinse as usual.

Traditional methods

  1. Baking soda can help remove stains on denim pants and jackets. It is applied in the form of a paste to problem areas and left for 10 minutes, then washed off.
  2. Colored fabrics can be resuscitated with medical alcohol. 100 ml is added to 2 liters of water and the item is soaked for 2 hours. At the end of the exposure time, the item should be wrung out and rinsed thoroughly.
  3. You can get rid of small stains using baking soda and vinegar. Combine the components in equal parts and apply directly to problem areas. Leave for 1 hour and wash.
  4. Home remedies include mustard powder. Cover the laundry with it, pour boiling water and let it sit for several hours, and then wash it with any detergent.


If clothes cannot be restored to their proper form after a series of manipulations, it is recommended to give them a second life by dyeing the fabrics. This method of resuscitation is also good for those products that have faded or faded from time or washing.

Improper washing leads to various negative consequences. Things become deformed, shrink or, conversely, stretch, lose their presentable appearance and are painted a different color.

Don’t rush to throw away your favorite item if it accidentally gets stained. In this case, you can use several methods that will help restore the previous appearance and color. Let's look at how to wash a faded item and restore its original shade.

What to do to prevent things from fading

To avoid negative consequences, carefully sort your laundry before washing. Wash colored, dark and white items, artificial, natural and delicate fabrics separately. Even a small colored insert in clothing, which you may simply not notice, can color the material. Therefore, select your underwear most carefully!

Follow the washing cycle recommended by the label on your clothing. Do not wash in hot water above 60 degrees. In boiling and hot water, fabrics shed more. Fabrics with rich shades, including blue, green, red and orange, shed the most.

In addition, denim materials, cheap synthetics and new items fade. Natural materials shed less often. To avoid staining, wash new clothes and jeans separately at first. Always wash synthetics separately at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. How to properly wash synthetic items, see for more details.

First aid for stained items

If the item does become stained, try to correct the situation immediately. Do not dry or iron clothes, otherwise the paint will penetrate into the structure and fibers of the material. As a result, it will be more difficult to fix the problem. Boiling is recommended to be used only in extreme cases, since many materials, when exposed to hot temperatures, become deformed and lose their attractive appearance.

As soon as you take out your clothes and see that they are dyed, immediately take emergency measures. Before it is dry, wash the item again in a washing machine at 60 degrees. After this, rinse and leave to dry.

After an unsuccessful wash, place still damp clothes in a metal basin or other metal container, add water with stain remover, washing powder and laundry soap shavings. Place the container on the stove and boil for three hours, stirring occasionally. After the procedure, rinse things thoroughly in cold water.

Choose high-quality stain removers that match the type and color of the fabric. The most effective and safest stain removers are those containing oxygen. They act softly and effectively, while maintaining the structure of the fabric and returning the original color.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are universal ways to restore color to faded colored items and white clothes. Dilute a tablespoon of ammonia in five liters of water. Place clothes in the solution and bring to a boil, then rinse in warm water and set to dry. White and colored items will return to their original color.

To save a faded dress, jacket or other clothing, take 6% hydrogen peroxide. Place the product in a saucepan or other large container, pour five liters of water and add 20 grams of peroxide. Put on fire and boil for half an hour. As a result, the paint will go into the water, and the item will become white again. This method will help to correct even the situation when the product is not painted evenly, but in parts and spots.

Instead of boiling, you can wash faded items using hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add 20 grams of peroxide per five liters of water, add a small amount of suitable washing powder and soak the dyed item for several hours. Then wash as usual and rinse thoroughly.

Soda and starch

Baking soda works well for thick denim. Note that even high-quality jeans are dyed the first time they are worn and washed. Therefore, be sure to wash your pants separately from other items.

If the paint has not yet penetrated into the structure of the fabric, use starch to restore a white or colored item. Mix a tablespoon of the product with salt, citric acid and laundry soap shavings in equal quantities. Pour the mixture into a small amount of water and stir thoroughly.

Apply the resulting mixture to the stains from the inside of the painted area. Leave for 12 hours, then rinse and dry the clothes.

Six ways to bleach dyed white clothes

  1. If white or light-colored clothing has completely lost its color and presentable appearance, take potassium permanganate. Dissolve a small amount of product in water, add powder suitable for the type of fabric and stir. Soak the item in the resulting mixture for half an hour, then rinse;
  2. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can take classic powder for white things and bleach. Dilute four cups of powder and a capful of bleach in water. Place the clothes along with the solution in a metal container and bring to a boil, leave on low heat for another half hour. Leave the laundry in this water for 6-8 hours and then wash it using the usual method;
  3. Laundry soap is an effective, affordable and easy-to-use product that whitens fabric. For maximum results, thoroughly lather affected clothing after washing and leave for several hours. In this case, the fabric should not dry completely, it should remain slightly damp. Then wash the product as usual with the addition of fabric softener;
  4. Lemon has high whitening properties, while having a gentle and gentle effect. It will help eliminate color stains and whiten the item completely. At the same time, lemon is suitable for delicate materials and products. Such as a white shirt or blouse, silk underwear, etc. Rub the colored stain with the solution or soak the item completely in water mixed with citric acid or lemon juice. Leave the item like this for two to four hours and then wash it using the usual method;
  5. If a white T-shirt or other item is slightly stained, dissolve four tablespoons of soda in five liters of water and stir the solution thoroughly. Soak the affected clothing in the resulting mixture for four to six hours and rinse several times. The color will go away with the water;
  6. You can use special products to restore the color of clothes, including classic bleaches and whiteness. However, be careful when using these methods, as they are quite aggressive. You cannot wash things using bleach or white more than three times in a row, otherwise the material will deteriorate.

Using bleach

Bleach should not be used on silk, wool, leather or colored items. This product is ideal for bleaching faded white items made from natural materials. Synthetics are difficult to process in this way. In addition, when treating artificial fabrics with bleach, you may not get the desired result.

Choose bleaches that contain oxygen in liquid gel form. They act gently, carefully and effectively. When washing with bleach, be sure to read the label and follow the recommendations! Do not abuse this product!

If washing by hand, soak the item in bleach for six hours and then wash. If using, soak for 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the material thoroughly in clean, cool water. For a washing machine, use this product carefully, and only if the instructions allow it.

To bleach in a machine, choose bleach in the form of a chlorine-free gel and slightly dilute the composition with water, then pour it into the drum before laying clothes or into a special compartment for conditioner. Wash at low temperature and rinse several times.

To remove colored stains from thick fabrics such as linen, calico or denim, apply pure undiluted bleach to the affected area and leave for a minute. Then soak the product in a solution with bleach diluted according to the instructions. Wait 20-30 minutes and wash.

If your jacket or down jacket has faded

If washed or dried incorrectly, colored and unsightly stains may remain on the jacket or down jacket. It is almost impossible to remove such stains. In this situation, only repainting will save you. It is better to go to a dry cleaner, but you can do the procedure yourself.

For painting, buy special textile paint. Clean the down jacket thoroughly and unfasten the fittings. To prepare the coloring solution, dilute the powder in ten liters of water, add 150 grams of table salt and stir thoroughly. When preparing the solution, follow the instructions in the instructions!

Dip the down jacket completely into the resulting mixture and straighten the material so that there are no creases left. Leave the clothes in the dye for the time indicated in the instructions. Then pull out and hang without squeezing or twisting. Leave at room temperature and wait until completely dry.

We looked at what to do if the item faded during washing. But if none of the methods help, try coloring the material entirely, either by painting, drawing or appliqué. Suitable options would be acrylic paint, special fabric paints or embroidery.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when colored clothes lose their color when soaked and become dull. Young housewives, faced with a problem, begin to wonder how to wash the item so that it does not fade or become unusable.

How to properly prepare clothes for washing

The basic rule of washing is to sort things. Do not load everything into the drum.

  1. White linen should always be washed separately.
  2. Black can be combined with gray and dark blue.
  3. Yellow material can be washed with orange fabric, and pink item with red fabric.
  4. Blue clothes can be scrolled in the machine along with green ones.
  5. Try not to put colorful items with plain fabrics in the drum.

Take a closer look at the tag on your T-shirt or tank top. There are recommendations for caring for the item, do not violate them. Another condition on how to wash colored items so that they do not fade is that they need to be sorted by material. Linen washes well together with cotton, synthetics with silk, but a woolen jacket needs to be put in order separately from everything else.

Checking if the item is shedding

New clothes often lose their brightness the first time they are soaked. How to wash a colored item without fading? First, check the strength of the paint on the fabric. Pour cool water into a basin, immerse the product there and leave for a quarter of an hour. If the water is no longer clear, the paint must be fixed before washing.

Fill a bucket with water, dissolve half a glass of salt there and soak the colored laundry for an hour. Vinegar is sometimes used instead of salt. For 10 liters of liquid add 2 large spoons of the product.

If you received poor-quality dyed cotton, you can wash something made from it so that it does not fade by first soaking it in a special solution:

  • measure out 50 ml of turpentine;
  • add it to a five-liter basin of water;
  • stir and place the cloth in the liquid for half an hour.

Don't worry about the peculiar smell. It will disappear completely during normal washing.

Powder selection

To wash colored items, purchase the necessary powder so that they do not fade. You can use a universal product to preserve the brightness of the fabric. Such powders are usually marked color.

There will be no questions about how to wash so that nothing fades if you use liquid gels. Their structure helps strengthen color and maintain brightness. For black and colored products, remember to purchase separate powders designed for those colors.

Most importantly, do not soak faded clothes in bleach, and avoid stain removers. Poorly dyed fabric will not withstand such exposure and will lose color.

How to wash faded clothes

Don't wonder how to wash your clothes without fading. To do this, follow some recommendations.

  1. Be sure to wash in cool water. On the washing machine display, select a temperature setting of no more than 40 degrees. Good powders do a great job of removing stains and don’t require high heat. The exception is washing light-colored cotton or linen bed linen and towels.
  2. If you suspect that the material will stain the water, a reliable way to wash clothes without fading is to use special napkins to catch the dye. They are produced by Dr. Beckmann. For colored material that is prone to shedding, you need to put 3 napkins in the drum along with the clothes and start the delicate mode. The napkins will absorb the dye, and things will become clean and bright.

To prevent laundry from fading, you need to wash it, twisting it at low speed. For delicate items, it is advisable to use a laundry bag. In it, the fabric is less deformed and curled.

How to wash a jacket

Many people are concerned about how to wash a jacket that fades. It is better to put this thing in order manually.

  1. Fill a basin with cool water, pour in the required amount of washing gel, soak your outerwear and quickly wash.
  2. When rinsing, add enough vinegar to make the water sour.
  3. Try to wring out the item well and hang it on a hanger to dry.

The denim jacket can be washed in a washing machine. Turn it inside out, fasten the zippers, buttons and set the delicate mode with low temperature. Dry by laying it horizontally on a towel. If the denim gets a lot of water staining in the first few washes, it won't have much effect on the brightness of the jacket.

How to buy something that doesn't fade

To do this, you need to be careful and choose the right item when purchasing. What fabric does not fade when washed? Resistant to color loss:

  • polyester;
  • Jersey;
  • smooth knitwear.

High-quality cotton and other dense materials also shed less.

Sometimes you can tell if a fabric is fading by touching it. Crumple it in your hand. If it “crunches” a little, this indicates that excess paint was used to paint it. This means that when washing there is a high chance that the clothes will fade.

A label can say a lot. When it warns you to turn the item inside out when washing or wash it in cold water, the fabric is most likely poorly dyed.

On a note

If you purchased an item and it faded in the wash, try to return it to its original color.

  • To do this, chintz, cotton and other natural fabrics must be washed with powder and rinsed in hot water with the addition of a few tablespoons of salt.
  • Ammonia will help pink clothes. To rinse, you will need 3-4 drops of product per liter of water.
  • Blue and red fabrics return to color after contact with a soda solution. Mix a spoonful of baking soda in two liters of water and rinse the item.
  • The color of the black material can be restored in salt water.

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