What are the benefits of rosehip decoction? What is the secret of a life-giving drink from Mother Nature’s pantry? Video: Specialist on the rules for preparing rosehip drinks. Recipe for a concentrated decoction of rosehip roots for preparing a medicinal bath

Rosehip has useful qualities, which contribute to the healing and toning of our body. The berries of this plant are widely distributed, but in modern world people even learned to prepare roots, petals and seeds. It is very important not to lose those original, beneficial components when preparing an infusion or decoction. Therefore, you need to know all the secrets of brewing rose hips.

Useful properties of rose hips

Rosehip is a real treasure trove of useful components for our body. This plant contains a large number of vitamins (C, A, K, P, E, B). Also, it contains microelements that perform a number of important functions in the human body system.

Due to such rich content, it is vital important components, rose hips are used as a strengthening agent. During the cold season, a decoction of these berries is effective for preventing colds. If you are concerned about problems with the intestines or kidneys, then rose hips will become your indispensable friends for cleansing the body of toxins.

The fact that rose hips have a large number of healing properties has been proven for many years. If compared with other plants, these berries will break all records for content useful substances. Rosehip can be used both as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

Brew fresh rose hips

We can brew fresh rosehip only during its flowering period. However, even in such a short period, we can get the most from these fruits. With fresh fruits you need to be careful and strictly follow the instructions. Because in this form they are more tender and lose their beneficial substances faster. But if you learn how to prepare a decoction correctly, you will get a drink from all the healing ingredients. Let's get down to business:

  1. The first step is to rinse the berries well, preferably with warm water.
  2. We uncover and remove external hairs that irritate the mucous membrane and can cause discomfort in the throat.
  3. After receiving clean and peeled seeds, we begin to mash them with a fork.
  4. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, pour it into a glass container and fill it with water, the temperature of which should not exceed 60 degrees.
  5. Let the resulting solution sit. It is advisable to withstand 40 minutes, more is possible, but not less. To make drinking the infusion more pleasant, you need to strain it.
  6. Again, take the rose hips and fill them with water in the following ratio: 1 tsp = 0.5 l. water. Boil for 40 minutes.
  7. Cool the broth to an acceptable temperature and mix it with the prepared infusion. According to your taste preferences, you can add a little honey.

One of the points stated that during the preparation of the infusion, the water should not exceed 60 degrees. Such designations were chosen for a reason. The fact is that if the temperature is higher, vitamins will begin to be destroyed, and, accordingly, the drink made from rose hips will become useless.

Brew dried rose hips

We brew dry rose hips much more often. In principle, the cooking method itself is no different from the principle with fresh berries. However, there are also some nuances here. So, we prepare dried rose hips:

  1. We wash the berries with lukewarm water. If in the version with fresh fruits we used warm water, then lower temperatures are used here.
  2. There is no need to peel the hairs from the berries; we immediately begin chopping. You can use equipment: starting with a regular blender and ending with a coffee maker.
  3. We should get a flour-like mixture, which must be poured into a thermos, filled with water and left for an hour.
  4. Now boil 1 tsp. mixture in 0.5 l. water. Pass the broth through a sieve and mix with the infusion.

If you do not have the opportunity to chop the fruits, you can use whole berries. But then you must understand that the cooking process will take longer. It has been repeated more than once that when cooking you need to use glassware. This factor is due to the fact that in the metal all beneficial features.

The easiest way to prepare a drink from dry whole berries: pour water over the fruits and leave for no more than 12 hours. In order not to keep track of time, you can simply leave the drink to steep overnight. This option is also more economical, since the berries can be reused. The same berries can be used no more than four times, otherwise they will then lose their vitamins, minerals and other useful components.

All the above recipes are indicated for preventive purposes. If you want to use rose hips for a specific disease, you need to take prescriptions exclusively from your doctor. Since in business with various diseases, recipes and proportions are always changing.

Preparing the infusion

The advantage of the infusion is that the fruits retain more vitamins and minerals. In this case, the rosehip should not be boiled, but infused. Fresh berries need to be washed, crushed to a pulpy state and do not forget to remove the lint. If you are dealing with dry fruits, then you just need to rinse them.

You need to pour warm water over the berries, not boiling water. This is done in order to preserve as many useful properties as possible. Water must be used at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, and in all cases of cooking. You need to insist for at least four hours, but no more than a day. After the time has passed, the infusion should be passed through a sieve or gauze and then drunk. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add a spoonful of honey, but not sugar.

Preparing the decoction

It is rosehip decoction that people most often prepare. And all because you don’t need to wait for certain hours, but after a short time receive healing drink. But this method also has its own negative sides, for example, one of them is the fact that during boiling some of the vitamins lose their beneficial properties.

Rose hips should be thrown into boiling water for no more than 15 minutes. You need to leave the resulting decoction for at least three hours. To get a more effective result, wrap the container with the drink in something warm. This way, you will save heat for a longer time. Don't forget to pass the drink through a sieve or cheesecloth. You can add honey or a small amount of sugar if you don't like the original taste.

If you are dealing with fresh berries, then first you need to rinse them in lukewarm water and remove any lint. Since the villi have Negative influence on the condition of the mucous membrane, causing itching and discomfort in the throat. Sometimes there is even a cough.

Rosehip is useful plant, this is already clear from everything described above. But not many people find its taste acceptable. Very often children do not like to drink such a healing drink, without taking into account everything positive sides. For a long time the adults were looking for the very way in which they could force the child to drink the decoction. Through trial and error the following recipe emerged:

  • Take dry berries and wash them.
  • Grind everything to get a whole mass.
  • Pour everything into a thermos and add any dried fruits to your taste.
  • Pour boiling water over everything and leave for about eight hours.

As a result, you get a whole cocktail with healing properties. Children enjoy this drink, and adults... less problems. Moreover, this method of preparation does not affect the quality of the product in any way, that is, all useful substances remain in place.

It has been repeated more than once that it is imperative to remove lint. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t remove them all. That is why it is so important not to forget to pass the infusion and decoction of berries through a sieve or cheesecloth. For preventive purposes, this drink is consumed for a month, after which a couple of weeks of break are taken and the circle is repeated. You should consume the prepared decoction or infusion no more than three times a day, preferably before meals.

Pregnant women should use this product carefully. 15 medium berries contain a daily dose of vitamin C, so you need to monitor your drink intake. Doctors recommend using an infusion of dried fruits. Before you start consuming rose hips, it is better to consult your doctor. Since each girl’s pregnancy takes place under individual conditions of the body. The rosehip drink is especially recommended for pregnant women to drink during the cold season to replace drugs harmful to the body and protect themselves from colds and other infections.

At the beginning of the article it was said that you can brew not only berries, but also, for example, roots. The recipe for preparing rosehip root is as follows:

  • Grind the root and take a tablespoon of the mixture.
  • Cook for twenty minutes in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Leave for no more than 15 minutes in a closed container and, if possible, wrapped in something warm.
  • Pass it through a sieve or cheesecloth and enjoy the wonderful taste.

Rosehip can help people suffering overweight. This effective remedy only if the person is obese. Berries contain many substances that have a positive effect on our metabolism. In order for the body to begin to cleanse itself of toxins and to speed up metabolism, use one of the above recipes and drink a decoction or infusion three times a day for two weeks. The course of administration for the purpose of losing weight should not exceed four weeks.

So, there are two ways to prepare rose hips: decoction and infusion. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add honey or dried fruits. Each recipe has its own nuances, but in general they have the same formula: wash - chop - infuse or boil - drink. If the drink is used to cure a specific disease, then a prescription must be taken from a doctor.

Video: treating with rose hips

In our age latest technologies and universal progress, people are increasingly turning to folk medicine. The reason for this paradox is quite clear: they have been tested by many years of experience and consist only of natural ingredients. One of the wonderful gifts of nature is the rose hip. Its ruby ​​berries are of great value for human health.

Healing properties of rosehip decoction

Rosehip decoction was widely used by our ancestors in ancient times; many beautiful legends are dedicated to it. In those distant times, rosehip was called “wild rose” and was considered a panacea for all ailments. This wonderful drink was used to treat diarrhea and even wash non-healing wounds.

Today, rosehip decoction is a popular immunomodulator, tonic and general strengthening agent. It is used in the treatment and prevention of colds, ARVI and influenza. IN winter time day, doctors recommend regularly taking a decoction of rose hips, because they contain ten times more ascorbic acid than lemon and currants. In terms of the amount of vitamins and microelements, so necessary for people, these berries are rightfully considered champions among fruits, plants and herbs.

The chemical composition of the healing decoction includes many useful substances:

  1. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, E, PP
  2. Trace elements: Iron, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum and Manganese
  3. Macroelements: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Sodium

At the same time, the product contains only 18.7 kcal per 100 g of concentrated unstrained drink, provided that it is prepared without added sugar. Therefore, people who are watching their weight and figure can afford to enjoy the decoction.

A drink made from rose hips has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular health. vascular systems, helps restore the functions of almost all internal organs, ; improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolic processes in the body, thereby preventing aging.

Rosehip decoction is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, has hemostatic, diuretic and choleretic effects, helps strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, and therefore prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

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Selection and proper consumption of tea during pregnancy

The secret of making a medicinal drink

The main goal of any healing agent is the maximum benefit for the body. Proper preparation of rosehip decoction will preserve more vitamins and other useful substances. You should start with the selection of berries.

The ideal drink is obtained from fresh ripe rose hips, but, alas, the possibility of its use is limited to two short summer weeks. It is better to collect rose hips with your own hands, in the forest or at the dacha, most importantly, away from highways, factories and steamships. Fresh berries are very delicate and need to be handled with care.

It is recommended to cut them in half, remove seeds and coarse fibers that can cause a sore throat, irritation of the larynx and digestive organs. The halves should be washed and dried with a towel, then poured into a thermos and poured boiled water, heated to 60 degrees. They should not be boiled, because... can't stand it high temperatures. The recipe calls for brewing 1 tablespoon with one glass of water, infusing the drink for an hour, then be sure to strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Dried rosehip is the most accessible; it can be purchased at the market or pharmacy all year round. It is worth paying attention to the color of the berries; if they are overdried, they are of no value. Dried fruits need to be washed and dried well. The most useful will be a mixed decoction; it is prepared as follows:

Pour seven berries into a glass warm water(about 60 degrees) and leave for about 40 minutes. Strain, add seven more berries to the remaining thick mass, add a glass of water and boil for 15-20 minutes, then let it brew for three to twelve hours. Mix the prepared broth with the previously prepared infusion. Vitamins will be preserved in such a drink, and other useful substances will be obtained through digestion.

You should not prepare the decoction in a metal container, as the oxidation process is inevitable. All harmful results of this chemical reaction will get into the drink, and accordingly into the human body. Adding sugar to the broth is not recommended, but honey is welcome, if not negative reactions for this product.

Correct use and dosage

To achieve this, it is better to take rosehip decoction in courses of two to four weeks, with equal breaks. Unless, of course, the doctor prescribes an appointment according to a different regimen.

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People who do not have problems with organs gastrointestinal tract You can drink the decoction in the morning on an empty stomach. If the stomach is not inclined to acidic foods, it is better to drink the drink after meals and in small batches, dividing the daily dose into three or four doses.

Due to an excess of ascorbic acid, rosehip decoction can harm tooth enamel; therefore, after drinking, it is worth rinsing your mouth with boiled water, and it is better to drink through a straw.

As cholagogue The decoction should be taken strictly on an empty stomach, albeit in small quantities. And for general strengthening of the body and as a tonic drink, best time taken in the morning and on an empty stomach. How depressant, and also for better absorption of calcium, it is better to drink the decoction immediately before bed.

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Everyone knows that rose hips are rich in vitamins and help strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and flu. However, in order to get the entire supply of this vitamin, you need to know how to properly prepare rosehip infusion. If you make an infusion in a thermos on hot water or alcohol, then all vitamin C will be destroyed.

How do we destroy vitamin C in foods?

Despite the fact that vitamin C is found in almost all vegetables and fruits, not only rose hips, we may not get enough of it from food.

This happens because this vitamin easily oxidizes and breaks down.

It can be destroyed:

  • long-term storage in light and fresh air
  • heat treatment of vegetables and fruits

If you are sick, for example with a cold, then Almost all of the incoming vitamin is spent on destroying pathogenic microbes and you get nothing.

If someone smokes in your family and you inhale this smoke, then Each cigarette takes up to a quarter daily dose vitamin C.

Therefore, we remember the main thing: do not fry, do not steam, do not cook, do not cut finely in the air, do not store for a long time, do not “smoke”, during illness - take 2 times more!

What are the benefits of rose hips?

Rose hips are champions in vitamin C content!

  • 100 grams of fresh fruit contains 426 mg of vitamin C
  • 100 grams of dried rose hips – 1000 mg

Daily dose of vitamin C:

  • For adults 90 mg/day
  • For pregnant women 70-95 mg/day
  • For children 30-90 mg/day

Thus, to get your daily dose, 8 grams of dried rose hips (about 1 tablespoon) or 22 grams of fresh rose hips (about 2.5 tablespoons) will be enough for you.

Today we will not talk about fresh rose hips, since they are not sold all year round, but there are no such problems with dried ones.

How to preserve vitamin C in rose hips?

We remember that you can’t cook, which means Do not pour boiling water over rose hips and drink, hoping to get vitamin C.

You can’t drink rosehip tincture with alcohol., since this option during pregnancy is one harm. You yourself understand that there is more harm in alcohol than there is left in that rosehip.

You can't drink pharmaceutical syrup from rosehip, because it is boiled with big amount sugar for a long time at a temperature of 70-75 degrees C. It no longer contains any vitamin C.

The most useful thing is to drink rosehip tincture at cold water .

If you buy dry rose hips, grind a few pieces right before use, pour cold water, cover with gauze and place in a dark place, then after 8-12 hours (overnight) you will receive a very tasty, slightly sour extract of rose hips, while retaining maximum vitamin C!

This is the recipe I offer you today! I use the same one myself. A very simple recipe, this drink can be easily prepared at home every day.

Recipe for rosehip infusion in cold water

1. Take berries

We take several whole dry rose hips, per 700 gram jar. About 20 berries. (No need to take ground ones, in bags, just whole ones.)

2. We wash the rose hips

Rinse: to do this, soak the berries in cold water for a few minutes (1-2 minutes) and then rinse one at a time under running water.

3. Grind

Then we grind (either in a coffee grinder or in a Magic Bullet blender), since the berries are quite hard.

4. Soak

Then fill the ground berries with cold water and leave the jar to steep for 12 hours. It is best to cover the jar with gauze in several layers to prevent dust from settling and allow some air to enter and put it in a dark place, but not in the refrigerator.

After 12 hours, the tincture will be ready, it tastes very pleasant, slightly sour, all the rosehip particles will settle and you can drink this infusion without even expressing it.

What are the benefits of vitamin C in rose hips?

Let's look at the main functions of this vitamin in our body:

  1. Increases the body's resistance to infections and poisoning chemicals, overheating, cooling, oxygen starvation.
  2. Protects the body from many viral and bacterial infections.
  3. Synthesizes and preserves collagen, a protein that serves as the basis for the formation of connective tissue. Collagen holds blood vessels together bone tissue, skin, tendons, teeth.
  4. Regulates blood clotting, normalizes capillary permeability, is necessary for hematopoiesis, increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.
  5. Accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, bleeding gums.
  6. Helps cleanse the body of toxins, starting with cigarette smoke and ending with snake venoms.
  7. Activates work endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands. Participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones and catecholamines.
  8. Improves liver condition.
  9. Reduces the impact of various allergens.
  10. In the presence of vitamin C, the stability of vitamins B1, B2, A, E, pantothenic and folic acids significantly increases.
  11. A powerful antioxidant that can resist toxic effect free radicals, prevents cell aging.
  12. Vitamin C protects low-density lipoprotein cholesterol from oxidation and, accordingly, the walls of blood vessels from the deposition of oxidized forms of cholesterol.
  13. Effective in treating most diseases.

As you understand from the listed functions, vitamin C is the most important water-soluble vitamin for humans.

Which is not formed independently in the body. Therefore, it is very important for all of us to monitor our daily intake. sufficient quantity this vitamin with food.

This infusion has no contraindications, you can drink it yourself and give it to your household. The main thing is not to overdo it, about 50-100 grams will be enough for you of this infusion per day. For a cold, double the dose!

About the benefits of rosehip drinks

Everyone who cares about their health should know how to brew rose hips correctly, because this berry contains a lot of benefits.

In nature, you will not find a plant as rich in vitamin C as the fruits of rose hips.

As a rule, the content of this vitamin in plant products measured in thousandths of a percent (so-called milligram percent - mg%).

Lemons, for example, contain approximately 50 mg% vitamin C.

Much richer ascorbic acid black currant berries and red pepper: 100-400 mg%. In the best rosehip variety, Rosa Beggeriana, this figure increases to an absolutely incredible 17,800 mg%! But also in “simpler” varieties that grow on the edges of forests and along country lanes, healing vitamin enough.

In addition, this plant contains whole list other vitamins, as well as organic acids that help improve digestion, needed by the body microelements, including those that make up the hematopoietic group.

How to brew rose hips correctly

The most delicious drinks are obtained from ripe fresh berries that have been touched by the first frost, and the healthiest ones are obtained from dried fruits.

Before brewing, dry rose hips are often crushed - it is better to do this in a stone or wooden mortar.

Contact of the product with metal is acceptable, but some organic matter at the same time decomposes.

The beneficial substances are best preserved if you brew rose hips in a thermos or prepare a decoction in a water bath without boiling.

Please note that whole fruits take longer to brew.

Healing decoction

Traditionally, a decoction of scarlet berries is prepared in a water bath.

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry fruits
  • 2 tbsp. hot boiled water
  • 2-3 slices of lemon.

Chop the berries and place them in an enamel saucepan or glass fireproof container. Fill with water.

Place the dishes in a water bath, closing it with a lid. After a quarter of an hour, remove, add lemon, cool slightly and strain.

This method of preparing a decoction is good because the drink does not need to be boiled. After all, as we know, vitamins, especially C, do not “like” high temperatures.

To strengthen your immune system, take this healthy drink 100 ml twice a day for 2 weeks.


This is another way to brew dried rose hips.

To prepare a broth that is excellent in its own way taste qualities ancient healing drink, you will need:

  • 20 dry berries
  • 2 tbsp. hot water
  • dry leaves of rose hips, strawberries, blackberries, currants (to choose from or assorted).

Place the berries in an enamel container, pour hot water. Let it simmer for 3 minutes. Remove, add dry leaves, cover. Let it soak in the aromas for about a quarter of an hour. Drink it hot or refresh yourself with a chilled drink.


Infusions are prepared with water or an alcohol-containing product.

An infusion of water is prepared as follows: dried berries (1 tablespoon) are crushed and poured with boiling water (200 ml).

Cool covered to room temperature.

Then filter and drink 100 ml 2 times a day.

For medicinal alcohol infusion you will need:

  • 25 fresh rose hips
  • 300 ml water
  • 200 ml alcohol
  • 200 g honey.

Boil water and immerse the fruits in it. Boil for 10 minutes, let sit for 4 hours.

Strain, mix with alcohol and honey.

Drink 1-2 tbsp daily (2-3 times). spoons half an hour before meals.

Thermos: a great way to preserve vitamins

Many people prefer to brew rose hips in a thermos because it is convenient. But this method of preparing the drink also helps to preserve the rich “ inner world» healing berries. A thermos is a vessel that ensures tightness. If you are interested in how to brew rose hips correctly to preserve vitamins, then this brewing method can be considered the best option.

How to brew rose hips correctly in a thermos? There's nothing complicated here. Usually whole fruits are taken. They will be needed 4-5 tbsp. l., boiling water - about a liter. Leave the brewed berries overnight. By the way, if you don’t know how much rosehip to brew per 1 liter of water, then write down these proportions - they will be suitable for any method.

Add sugar or honey directly to the cup.

If you want to treat yourself to a drink quickly, chop the berries.

It is advisable to brew rosehip tea in a thermos with a glass flask. Many beneficial substances contained in the plant are not “welcome” to contact with metal.

Healing rosehip tea

Rosehip tea is an effective remedy for vitamin deficiency and hypertension.

It is appreciated by dieters and caring mothers protecting their children from colds.

Healing tea is brewed in teapots and thermoses.

2 tbsp. l. dried crushed berries are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left for about 10 minutes.

You can add hawthorn, a little natural tea or hibiscus to the brew.

When treating children to tea, adjust its strength, taking into account their age.

Vitamin berries are included in many natural mixtures for weight loss: their structure contains elements that accelerate biochemical processes in the body and help “burn” fats.

Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. chopped berries with boiling water (800-1000 ml) and leave to steep overnight. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. By adhering to other diet conditions, in the first 10 days you can get rid of a couple of kg of excess weight.

Rosehip has a diuretic effect - part of the weight loss is liquid.

How to brew rose hips for children

Since the aroma and taste of rosehip drinks are neutral, children are not very willing to treat themselves to them. Unless your child is extremely conscientious or simply obedient. You have to resort to tricks and add sugar, raisins, dried apricots, lemon or other tempting ingredients to the healing fruits.

Rosehip infusions can already be given one year old child, but not more than 80 ml throughout the day. As the baby grows, the amount healthy drink increase.

Rinse the fruits under cold running water, crush or chop (preferably in a mortar) and place them in a thermos. Add aromatic dried fruits, lemon, sweeten and pour boiling water (400 ml of water for 2 tablespoons of fruit). Leave for 7-8 hours.

To sweeten, you can replace sugar with honey, which is tastier and healthier to add immediately before drinking. Don't forget about - then this one bee product This healthy rosehip drink will make just a vitamin bomb!

Such infusions are also very useful for expectant mothers. They strengthen the immune system and protect against colds, which are especially dangerous during this period. In addition, most women suffer from edema during pregnancy, and rosehip drinks rid the body of excess fluid. But you should not drink more than 200 ml per day.

Delicious and delicious for nursing mothers healthy drink will also be beneficial. Correct usage Rosehip infusion improves lactation. You should drink it in portions (50 ml several times a day). It will be more convenient to brew the berries in a thermos, pouring them not with boiling water, but just with hot water.


Children, pregnant and lactating women should not use infusions prepared with alcohol-containing products.

Is it possible and how to brew fresh fruits?

Drink brewed with fresh berries superior in taste healing infusions and infusions of dried fruits.

It is especially good if the rosehip is frostbitten.

In frostbitten fruits, the concentration of nutrients is much lower than in those collected before frost, but a delicious, refreshing tea made from them will in any case bring more benefits than store-bought products.

Berries (simply ripe or frozen) must be mashed before brewing. You can put them in a teapot, pour boiling water over them and use them as tea leaves.

But it will be tastier if you grind the crushed fruits with sugar, lemon, add hot water and let it brew. Determine the proportions yourself. This drink is very good chilled. If you like hot drinks, prepare it in a thermos.

Rose hip root drink

In folk medicine, a drink prepared from rosehip roots has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps with joint diseases and removing kidney stones.

To prepare a universal drink you will need:

  • 150-160 g of dry root;
  • 1 liter of water.

Grind the root. Place it in an enamel saucepan and cover with water. Boil under a closed lid for about a quarter of an hour.

Pour into a jar, wrap it up. Let it sit for 5 hours.

Strain and take 200 ml 3 times a day for medicinal purposes for 10 days.


Drinks based on rosehip root are contraindicated for children.

  • When buying dried berries, remember: fresh fruits should be orange or scarlet in color, without mold, dried fruits should be brownish-red. The almost black crumbly berries are clearly overdried, and it is futile to expect any benefit from them.
  • It is highly advisable to strain the drink from crushed rose hips (2-3 layers of gauze). This is done to get rid of the hairs located in the middle of the berry.
  • Whole fruits can be brewed twice, especially if you choose a thermos as a vessel. A third fill is not recommended.
  • Crushed berries immediately give up their beneficial “richness”, so there is no point in brewing them a second time.
  • If you drink rosehip drinks regularly (with therapeutic purpose), rather than occasionally, limit yourself to one month of use. Then consult your doctor.

Useful video

According to many doctors, rosehip drinks, including in combination with other fruits - hawthorn, apples, apricots, should be drunk regularly. The video contains advice from an experienced doctor:

Rosehip is known for its healing properties. The fruits of this plant are used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

The drink helps boost immunity not only for adults, but also for small children; the main thing is to properly prepare the rosehip decoction so that everything useful microelements preserved.

In contact with

It is not difficult to prepare a healing elixir; the only ingredients you need are water and dried berries of the plant. It is possible to add honey and a sweetener to improve the taste. At the same time, the drink does not lose its properties, but rather acquires new taste and medicinal qualities.

The decoction requires the following components:

  • dried berries – 100 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar or honey – 50 g.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Before preparing a decoction of dried rose hips, they should be washed with plenty of running water.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add hot water and cover.
  3. Place on a hot stove and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave to infuse.

The drink is ready for use after 12 hours. Experts advise brewing a rosehip decoction, and you can take it in the morning.

Ripe rose hips

How to take it for the benefit of the body?

Many people do not know how to drink rose hip decoction, so they try not to use it. It is worth saying right away that it is possible to take this remedy on your own only for the purpose of preventing various diseases and maintaining the immune system in proper condition. For medical purposes, only a doctor can correctly draw up a dosage regimen based on individual data.


  • You need to drink the decoction before meals three times a day, half a glass;
  • if an infusion is used, then 150 ml 10 minutes before meals;
  • can be taken 35 drops alcohol tincture 4 times a day.

If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then the body may react negatively to the medicine - rose hips contain a lot of acid. You should not refuse treatment, as you can take the healing elixir immediately after eating.

Are there any contraindications and is there any possible harm?

The benefits of rosehip decoction for the body are obvious. It can help with numerous diseases, but it also has contraindications, for example:

  1. Individual intolerance to components.
  2. Exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum 12.
  3. From constant uncontrolled intake drink suffers greatly tooth enamel– the acid contained in the berries corrodes it. Doctors recommend drinking the broth through a straw or rinsing your mouth clean water after each appointment.

Before starting treatment with rosehip decoction, you need to study what benefits and harm it can cause and learn how to take it correctly. When used correctly healing drink, it will help get rid of many diseases, increase immunity and strengthen general state. Before starting the course, consult your doctor.

Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to drink rosehip decoction during pregnancy. Why is it useful:

  • improves metabolic processes;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • diuretic effect - swelling goes away in pregnant women.

Rosehip decoction, like a magic elixir, helps to improve the health of the mother’s body and nourishes the baby with vitamins and microelements.

How to properly prepare rosehip decoction during pregnancy:

  1. Rinse dry rosehips well.
  2. Crush 2 tbsp. l dried fruits.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture.
  4. Leave for about 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.
  6. Add a glass of boiling water to the pulp again and boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Strain the broth through a cloth and combine with the infusion.

As a result of these manipulations, you will get a drink that contains vitamins from the infusion and minerals. You need to drink the healing elixir before meals three times a day, half a glass. Even therapists advise pregnant women to drink this drink if they suffer from severe swelling.

How is rosehip useful for humans?

Our ancestors also knew how beneficial rosehip decoction is for the human body; it can help with many diseases.

Adaptogenic properties

Rosehip stimulates the immune defense system, has a general tonic effect and normalizes processes in the nervous system. Thanks to these properties, rose hips can be used as prophylactic against viral and bacterial diseases, with increased fatigue and high stress load.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

For heart diseases, take in small doses. After the course of treatment, you should take a month's break. The fruits of the plant contain potassium, which supports main body human body. This component helps strengthen blood vessels, but does not deprive them of elasticity.

Daily use of 40 g of rosehip powder for 6 days reduced blood pressure in obese people by 3.4%. A slight decrease in blood pressure was also observed in those patients who ate fresh berries.

The decoction is taken to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Honey can be added to the slightly cooled drink to taste.

Fatty liver

In experiments on mice, rose hip extract was shown to increase the rate of oxidation fatty acids in the liver. This leads to a decrease in the accumulation of triglycerides in this organ, which is beneficial for fatty liver disease of various origins. And .

Joint diseases

Taking 2500 mg of rosehip powder twice a day for three months has a beneficial effect on people suffering from arthritis of the knee and hip joints. There is a decrease in pain that appeared during moderate physical activity.

Long-term use of rosehip decoction has a positive effect on treatment rheumatoid arthritis. All the above examples are only a small part of the diseases that rose hips relieve. It has a beneficial effect on every organ and the body as a whole.

Review Reviews

Numerous reviews speak about the benefits of rosehip decoction. Everyone declares its undeniable benefits. Someone gives a child colds, others drink it themselves in order to boost immunity or recover from some disease.

There are women who claim that rose hips helped them lose weight, although this is not surprising. Rosehip decoction improves digestion and metabolism. Against this background, weight loss occurs.

Many pregnant women note that this drink helped them get rid of swelling, dizziness went away, and blood pressure normalized.

As for older people, many drink the drink instead of tea and note general improvement well-being and a surge of strength. If we consider negative reviews patients, some experienced gastrointestinal upset accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. When the dose of the drug was reduced and the rules of administration were revised, these symptoms completely disappeared.

Other recipes

There are a huge variety of ways to prepare healthy and vitamin drink from rose hips, it is impossible to list them all in one article. We will try to consider the most popular recipes, how to make tea and rosehip infusion from dried fruits.

Prepared in a thermos. To do this, 60 g of fruits are washed, poured into a container and filled with 250 ml of liquid heated to 80 degrees, left for 6-8 hours, shaking the thermos periodically.

The elixir turns out rich with great taste and a dark shade.

Instead of a thermos, you can use a multicooker

In order to brew tea, rose hips need to be prepared. The berries are washed, cut in half and the seeds and lint are removed. The resulting mass is transferred to a colander and washed again - this will completely remove the hairs.

Then grind the berries in a mortar to a homogeneous consistency. Tea is prepared as follows: pour 2 tbsp into a steamer. l of fruit, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes - the tea is ready.

The berry infusion can be prepared with both water and alcohol. The water infusion takes 12 hours to prepare. To do this, pour boiling water over the fruits and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then place it on the stove and simmer for about half an hour, without letting it boil. Remove from heat and leave for 10 hours.

Young children love to drink rosehip syrup. Usually give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It helps strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery from colds.


  1. The fruits of wild roses have no equal in content useful elements for human health, which help with diseases of the liver, heart and joints.
  2. Rose hips can be considered as a herbal adaptogen, the intake of which has a beneficial effect on well-being, stimulates the immune system, helps normalize metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight.
  3. For rosehip decoction to really help, it should be taken in long courses with short breaks in treatment.