Fagerström test for nicotine addiction. How the smoking test works Text and interpretation of the Fagerström test

To get the test result, answer all questions.

  • You no big dependency from nicotine, so you can try to quit smoking without the help of medication.
  • You probably won't have nicotine starvation when you stop smoking. However, you can still experience strong cravings from time to time: in moments of boredom, when talking on the phone, when stressed, in the company of smokers, etc. Watch for situations that provoke you to smoke and prepare for them.
  • When you quit, the support of family and friends will be very important. Secure it in advance.
  • You are addicted to nicotine to a weak degree.
  • Consider how you will deal with the urge to smoke and the emotions that will come up when you quit. It is worth considering the use of medications for smoking cessation.
  • You probably won't have severe nicotine starvation when you stop smoking. However, you can still experience strong cravings from time to time: in moments of boredom, when talking on the phone, when stressed, in the company of people who smoke, etc. Watch for situations that provoke you to smoke and prepare for them.
  • When you quit, the support of family, friends, and qualified professionals will be very important. Secure it in advance.
  • You average degree of dependence from nicotine. Consider using medication to quit smoking. They will ease the symptoms of nicotine starvation and smoking cravings while you work on your habits. Medications double your chances of coping.
  • You high dependency from nicotine.
  • Consider using medication to quit smoking. They double the chances of getting through. Many of these products are sold without a prescription.
  • Even when using pharmacological agents, there are times when you want to smoke or other symptoms appear. Get ready for it.
  • Get support from your family, friends, and other ex-smokers. Call 8-800-200-0-200 for expert advice.
  • You very high dependency from nicotine
  • We strongly recommend that you contact a specialist and discuss with them the appropriate medications for smoking cessation. They will help you deal with smoking cravings while you work on changing your habits. Medicines double the chances of success.
  • Most people say that medication makes it easier for them to quit smoking. However, many people have moments when they want to smoke or have other symptoms, so be prepared for how you will deal with the urge to smoke.
  • Get support from your family, friends, and other ex-smokers. Explore smoking cessation materials on this and other websites and call 8-800-200-0-200 for expert advice.

Dr. Karl Fagerström studied at the University of Uppsala and graduated as a licensed clinical psychologist in 1975. He then started working in a nicotine addiction clinic. In 1981, he received his Ph.D. and a thesis on nicotine addiction and smoking cessation. K. Fagerstrom is one of the founders of the Society for the Study of Nicotine and Tobacco.

Take a nicotine addiction test

Please leave your results in the comments to the test.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

The principle of the NRT method is to replace nicotine from cigarettes with nicotine from various dosage forms. This helps to prevent or minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking and increase the chance of successful quitting. In our country, nicotine replacement therapy drugs are registered by the Pharmaceutical Committee and approved for free sale: nicotine-containing chewing gum, inhaler, nasal spray and patch.

Basic principles of NRT:

  1. Provide sufficient nicotine intake to reduce withdrawal symptoms that appear soon after smoking cessation.
  2. Consistently reduce the intake of nicotine in the body, facilitating the gradual complete withdrawal from it.

Indications for NRT:

  1. Complete cessation of smoking.
  2. Gradual cessation of smoking by consistently reducing the number of cigarettes smoked daily.
  3. Prevention of withdrawal syndrome during prolonged stay in places where smoking is prohibited.

Text and transcript of the Fagerström test

The test itself

  1. How soon do you reach for a cigarette after you wake up?
    1. during the first 5 minutes.
    2. after 6 - 30 minutes.
    3. after 31 - 60 minutes.
    4. more than 60 minutes.
  2. Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where it is prohibited?
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
  3. What cigarette would you find the most difficult to abstain from?
    1. From the morning.
    2. From the next.
  4. How many cigarettes a day do you smoke?
    1. Up to 10.
    2. From 11 to 20.
    3. From 21 to 30.
    4. More than 30.
  5. When do you smoke more - in the morning or during the day?
    1. In the morning.
    2. Throughout the day.
  6. Do you smoke when you are sick when you should be on bed rest?
    1. Yes.
    2. No.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Points are awarded according to the following scheme: 1a - 3 points, 1b - 2, 1c - 1; 2a - 1; 3a - 1; 4b - 1, 4c - 2, 4d - 3; 5a - 1; 6a-1.

The maximum score is 10.

Interpretation of test results

From 0 to 3 points - low level of dependence. When deciding to stop smoking, the focus should be on psychological factors.
. 4-5 points - the average level of dependence. The use of nicotine replacement drugs is desirable.
. 6-10 points - high level of dependence. Abruptly quitting smoking can cause discomfort in the body. Nicotine replacement drugs will help to cope with them.

Millions of people around the world have such a bad habit as smoking. It not only causes dependence, but also greatly harms human health. It is especially bad for teenagers. Many parents want to know everything about their child: what he does at school, where he goes after school, and most importantly, whether their child has started smoking. Today it is not difficult to recognize a smoker, there are special devices. The smoking test is often carried out not only by anxious parents, but also by many companies that fight against smoking in the team of employees.

A smoking test can be purchased at a pharmacy

Reasons for teenage smoking

Teenagers start smoking for a variety of reasons. Experts identify such factors that affect the onset of smoking in adolescence:

  • communication problems;
  • stress or depression;
  • desire to become or appear older;
  • family problems, family problems;
  • problems at the psychological level;
  • desire to gain authority among friends;
  • adaptation to a new environment, school, home.

Possible consequences

When a teenager wants to relieve nervous tension with a cigarette, he must know what the consequences can be. Nicotine is a neurotropic poison. It quickly kills a young organism and causes health problems. Based on the studies conducted, we can say for sure that smoking causes such pathologies:

  • impaired vision, hearing;
  • a decrease in muscle activity;
  • retinal detachment;
  • diseases of the endocrine organs;
  • malfunctions in the brain;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the heart, nervous system, respiratory organs, stomach, intestines and genitourinary system.

To reduce the chance of developing various diseases, it is necessary to quit smoking.

The real harm of smoking

Description of fixture

The cigarette smoking test is an immunochromatographic study. It is very easy to carry it out. He will be able to determine the presence of nicotine in the body, even if a person has not smoked for about half a day. There are also tests that determine that the use of cigarettes was a couple of weeks ago. This is a regular strip that looks like a pregnancy test. For the procedure, it is lowered into the urine. In order for the test to give the most accurate answer, it is better to buy it at a pharmacy.

These tests are often used by parents for their children. It helps to find out about the presence of nicotine addiction in a teenager at an early stage.

Parents will be able to start treatment on time, protect the health of the child and prevent nicotine addiction. But it should be understood that if the test showed a positive result, it is not worth attacking the child right away, the devices may be wrong.

Principle of operation

During use, the presence of cotinine is determined. This is an alkaloid element that is present in tobacco and is a product of its metabolism. It is used as a biomarker to determine whether a person has smoked or not. The substance can be in the body, organic fluids for a long time. The substance begins to disintegrate after 8-40 hours, and nicotine after about 30 minutes.

Cotinine is not addictive. It appears after nicotine metabolism. Therefore, it is used to determine tobacco use. If there is a suspicion that a student smokes, you can quickly check this fact with the help of a rapid test. The procedure is based on immunochromatographic analysis. If cotinine is present in the urine, a reaction begins, which can be seen on the strip.

The test does not give 100% accuracy, it can show a positive result even if smoking was passive. For example, if a father or mother smokes in the house, the device will show that the child also smokes.

The test can also detect passive smoking.

Application features

The nicotine addiction test shows the most accurate results. At the time of the procedure, you need to know some rules and adhere to them. At the time of the test for smoking, pay attention to important points.

  1. Material for analysis in the form of urine must be warmed to room temperature before the procedure.
  2. The container must be clean, the amount of urine must be taken in the range of 1.5-2 ml.
  3. The strip is immersed to a certain mark in the urine for 30-60 seconds.
  4. After that, it is transferred to a dry place. The result will appear in 5-6 minutes.

The next step is to evaluate the result. If 1 strip appears and it is pink in color, cotinine is present in the urine, and the test is positive. If 2 stripes of any other color appear, there is no cotinine, the result is negative. You can re-check the result with the help of laboratory tests in the hospital.

Fixture Benefits

Nicotine addiction to cigarettes occurs in humans as a result of psychological, emotional and social upheavals. By conducting self-analysis after such a test, any person can determine for what reason he began to smoke: due to stress, communication problems or emotional factors. Among the latter are the following:

  • cigarette relieves anxiety, nervousness;
  • lifts a person's mood and relaxes after a hard day.

Among the social factors are the acquisition of the status of solidity through smoking, the desire to be like everyone else and keep up with the team. Psychological factors:

  • boredom or depression;
  • experiences of a different nature;
  • communication with a stranger;
  • other problems.

A rapid test will help you understand why a person started smoking. After that, it will be possible to find a way to quit smoking, get rid of addiction.

Erroneous results

Many tests may show incorrect results. The error is present only if the bar appeared 1 and it is above the control line. Usually this result is displayed if the child is a passive smoker. Studies have shown that children whose parents smoke also receive a considerable dose of nicotine. Sometimes its amount reaches 1-2 cigarettes. Passive smoking is also very harmful to health.

Children of smoking parents can test positive

Probability of cheating

It is possible to cheat a schoolchildren's smoking test, but it is not so easy to do it. A teenager can change his urine to the urine of another family member, brother or sister. You can also pour some substance into it: whiteness, cleaning agent or liquid powder. Such components change the chemical structure, and the test gives a negative result.

Parents need to strictly control the collection of material if they want to know the exact answer. You can also calculate whether a child smokes or not by contacting the laboratory. Devices will help to detect nicotine in the body in time and prevent the problem until it threatens the health of the child.

Electronic Cigarette Test

The strips will show positive results if a person smokes regular tobacco products and not electronic cigarettes, as they often use nicotine-free formulations. But the result can be seen if the smoke from an electronic cigarette contains this element.

E-cigarettes do not always contain nicotine

Important Information

Parents need to know that the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is studying new rules that apply to tobacco control. Now all schoolchildren must pass tests to establish nicotine addiction from the age of 10. The following materials are taken for analysis:

  • air exhaled by the child (examined for the presence of carbon monoxide);
  • blood (special analysis).

Air is examined using special equipment. It is successfully used today in clinics. The device also detects the presence of carboxyhemoglobin. Smokers have this element at a high level.

The task of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is to make sure that every child, starting from the age of 10, has a negative result during the diagnosis. If the result is positive, the student will be treated immediately.

Now control is carried out not only by parents, but also by specialists in this field and the state.


Progress does not stand still. The range of such tests is increasing every day. Smoking spoils health, causes various serious diseases. To cope with addiction, you need to determine its presence at the initial stage in time.

Not every teen will admit to smoking, so a quick test is a great option for anxious parents. It is important that a small person realizes that smoking is harmful to health and begins to fight. It is worth remembering that for a high-quality result, it is better to purchase strips at a pharmacy and follow the attached instructions.

Fagerstrom test - determines the relationship between the individual score and the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Includes 6 questions: the higher the score, the stronger the abstinence will be.

The test was developed by Dr. Carl Fagestrem, one of the leading experts on the effects of smoking on the body.

Dr. Karl Fagerström studied at the University of Uppsala and graduated as a licensed clinical psychologist in 1975. He then started working in a nicotine addiction clinic. In 1981, he received his Ph.D. and a thesis on nicotine addiction and smoking cessation. K. Fagerstrom is one of the founders of the Society for the Study of Nicotine and Tobacco.

Instruction. Answer the questions and add up the points in parentheses.

1. How soon do you reach for a cigarette after you wake up?

1. within the first 5 minutes (3)

2. after 6 - 30 minutes (2)

3. after 31 - 60 minutes (1)

4. more than 60 minutes (0)

2. Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where it is prohibited?

3. Which cigarette would you find the most difficult to abstain from?

1. From the morning (1)

2. From next (0)

4. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

2. From 11 to 20 (1)

3. From 21 to 30 (2)

4. More than 30 (3)

5. Do you smoke more in the first hours after waking up than during the rest of the day?

1. Morning (1)

2. Throughout the day (2)

6. Do you smoke when you are sick, when you should be on bed rest?

Interpretation of test results

The maximum score is 10. The degree of dependence:

  • 0-2 points: Very low
  • 3-4 points: Low
  • 5 points: Average
  • 6-7 points: High
  • 8-10 points: Very high

From 0 to 3 points. When deciding to stop smoking, the focus should be on psychological factors.

4-5 points. The use of nicotine replacement drugs is desirable.

6-10 points. Abruptly quitting smoking can cause discomfort in the body. Nicotine replacement drugs will help to cope with them.

Download the original questionnaire in English: Fagerstrom Test for Cigarette Dependence

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Do you want to quit smoking without suffering? This simple and harmful habit will no longer haunt you, and cigarettes will leave your life forever. Are you still thinking?

What test for nicotine

And thousands of people are currently quitting smoking, not getting sick, a personal program. Actually answer the questions provided in the online test and get a customized smoke-free regimen.

If you pass this psychological smoking test offered by highly qualified doctors, you can forget about this bad habit and get rid of incessant smoking forever.

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Nicotine addiction test

This test will help you understand how dependent you are on smoking and whether you need medication and professional help to quit.

Test questions

1. How long after waking up do you smoke your first cigarette?

  • In the first 5 minutes
  • 6 to 30 minutes
  • 31 to 60 minutes
  • Over an hour

Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where smoking is prohibited?3. What cigarette do you find the most difficult to give up during the day?

  • From the first morning
  • From the other (not the first)

4. How many cigarettes do you smoke during the day?

  • 10 or less
  • 11 to 20
  • 21 to 30
  • 31 and over

5. Do you smoke more in the morning than in the afternoon?6. Do you continue to smoke when you are very sick and have to stay in bed all day?


To get the test result, answer all questions.

  • You no big dependency from nicotine, so you can try to quit smoking without the help of medication.
  • You probably won't have nicotine starvation when you stop smoking.

    However, you can still sometimes experience strong cravings for smoking: in moments of boredom, when talking on the phone, when stressed, in the company of smokers, etc. Watch for situations that trigger you to smoke and prepare for them.

  • When you quit, the support of family and friends will be very important.

    Secure it in advance.

  • You are addicted to nicotine to a weak degree.
  • Consider how you will deal with the urge to smoke and the emotions that will come up when you quit.

    It is worth considering the use of medications for smoking cessation.

  • You probably won't have severe nicotine starvation when you stop smoking.

    However, you can still experience strong cravings from time to time: in moments of boredom, when talking on the phone, when stressed, in the company of people who smoke, etc. Watch for situations that provoke you to smoke and prepare for them.

  • When you quit, the support of family, friends, and qualified professionals will be very important.

    Secure it in advance.

  • You average degree of dependence from nicotine.

    Smoking addiction test (for nicotine)

    Consider using medication to quit smoking. They will ease the symptoms of nicotine starvation and smoking cravings while you work on your habits. Medications double your chances of coping.

  • Even when using pharmacological agents, there are times when you want to smoke or other symptoms appear. Get ready for it.
  • Call 8-800-200-0-200 for expert advice.

  • You high dependency from nicotine.
  • Consider using medication to quit smoking.

    They double the chances of getting through. Many of these products are sold without a prescription.

  • Even when using pharmacological agents, there are times when you want to smoke or other symptoms appear.

    Get ready for it.

  • Get support from your family, friends, and other ex-smokers. Call 8-800-200-0-200 for expert advice.
  • You very high dependency from nicotine
  • We strongly recommend that you contact a specialist and discuss with them the appropriate medications for smoking cessation.

    They will help you deal with smoking cravings while you work on changing your habits. Medicines double the chances of success.

  • Most people say that medication makes it easier for them to quit smoking. However, many people have moments when they want to smoke or have other symptoms, so be prepared for how you will deal with the urge to smoke.
  • Get support from your family, friends, and other ex-smokers.

    Explore smoking cessation materials on this and other websites and call 8-800-200-0-200 for expert advice.

Can you quit smoking?

Needless to say, it's a bad habit. A small psychological test will give you the answer - what smoking is for you.

A little prank or a global health threat. The questions are simple, you will be able to answer them in five minutes, if not less. So, honestly and sincerely, to every question.

Let's discuss the result, or does it not correspond to what you expected? Why is this happening? The simplest explanation is that you were not honest in your answers and tried to embellish.

Test for nicotine addiction

Second, you don't really care. You do not consider your habit threatening and treat it a little strange. On the one hand, you understand that smoking is harmful. Another facet is that you don’t have the strength to quit smoking at the moment. If at least this opinion is inherent in you, all is not lost.

Although, we will not insist on one point of view.

In the end, each person has his own opinion and the right to control his life. If a person likes to smoke, then, until it takes on a globally negative dimension, let him smoke. No one can force a person to do what he does not want to do.

This is not mania or any disease, this is a property of human nature. Do you personally smoke? What do you feel about it. The position of a non-smoker is understandable - I am for a healthy lifestyle and everyone should lead the same. I don't want to breathe cigarette smoke and everyone should keep me safe from the risk of secondhand smoke. And in general, life is short, your cigarettes shorten it even more.

This means that immediately everyone and everywhere should leave this pernicious attachment in the past. This is clear to everyone.

And what is the beauty of smoking directly for the smoker? You haven't thought about it (if you don't smoke). Lighting a cigarette and inhaling the smoke, everyone who smokes experiences a variety of feelings. Tranquility, tranquility. Lighting the first cigarette "bite" with the first cup of coffee, a person peacefully and leisurely ponders the coming day.

And now he knows exactly how his day will end. Returning home after a hard day, having a pleasant dinner and taking a refreshing shower, he will go out onto the balcony and slowly light his last cigarette. It's a ritual, it's a tradition. This is a constant in a person's life, and, therefore, at the present time he needs it.

Let's return to our psychological test. A small lyrical digression did not tire you? Have you "split" a little or have you remained with your firm and unshakable opinion?

Then take the test again, and be honest. No one forces you to change your habits immediately and forever, but to think about your health and the people around you.

Maybe it is wiser to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked to begin with? Let this be the first small step on the big road. In fact, you do not consider yourself weak and helpless. If a person had the strength to start smoking, then he too can quit. You just have to make a little more effort, because it is difficult to refuse what you like.

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Similar tests and just interesting information

You will quit smoking when you find out WHAT tobacco manufacturers go to for the sake of producing products!

We probably will not open America for you when we remind you that any product that is intended for human use must first be tested for safety. Moreover, often large manufacturers make such checks on those who cannot stand up for themselves - on our smaller brothers.

What does a nicotine test tell you?

The fact that almost all cosmetics that can be found on store shelves is initially tested on animals is known to the whole world. You may be surprised, but the cosmetics industry is far from the only industry where manufacturers practice such blasphemous practices.

No matter how terrible it is to talk about it, but such terrible experiments on animals are carried out and ...

manufacturers of tobacco products. When you look at these photos, I think your attitude towards smoking will change. It's impossible to watch!

For dogs, cats, primates, rabbits, rodents, toxic substances are forcibly rubbed into the eyes and skin.

Moreover, the unfortunate animals are forced to inhale smoke through a tube inserted into their throats.

Terrible experiments are being done on animals.

At the same time, unscrupulous manufacturers of tobacco products immobilize animals by placing them on special platforms or in narrow containers.

Primates very often become victims of this kind of testing. By the way, as a rule, such experiments lead to the painful death of the animal.

Rabbits are usually connected to a special machine that blows smoke through a hole cut in their neck.

According to statistics, most often after such experiments, animals open the chest and remove the lungs to check the effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory tract.

Most recently, monstrous experiments were carried out on Greyhound dogs (greyhounds) at St. Thomas' Hospital in London.

The animals were forced to breathe smoke through a tube inserted into their trachea. To measure the effect of various substances on the body, some of them were injected with radioactive drugs, while others were surgically implanted with a polystyrene capsule near the main femoral artery, and also inserted tubes into the blood vessels of the neck.

“We prefer not to test our products on animals, currently we are talking only about isolated cases, ... when there is no other alternative, we need animal testing with laboratory rodents from time to time ...

None of our laboratories are equipped to work with live animals. Experiments on animals are performed for us by a specialized research organization exclusively on a contract basis,” according to the website of one of the largest manufacturers of tobacco products, British American Tobacco.

The world knows another terrible example of the monstrous treatment of animals.

This time the victims of bullying were rodents. At the Royal Brompton Hospital (London, UK), rats were kept in special cages into which 25 cigarette smoke was pumped every four hours. Animals were subjected to this test for 14 days, after which they were brutally killed, and their organs were sent for examination for further research on the effects of tobacco on internal organs.

“We only do animal experiments on those rare occasions when there is no other alternative…

We will continue to look for ways to reduce animal testing to zero where possible. If we could conduct research without using animals, we would, but this is currently not possible… We use the minimum number of animals necessary to obtain reliable results… In addition, we use the least invasive methods to minimize pain and suffering,” admits representatives of Philip Morris International, one of the largest tobacco companies in the world.

Looking at these pictures, you involuntarily think: why has no one stopped these terrible mockeries of our smaller brothers so far?

I think many even wanted to quit smoking after this! It is necessary to immediately draw public attention to this problem - perhaps by joint efforts it will be possible to save many innocent animals! Don't be indifferent to such cruel treatment of animals - be sure to share this article with all your friends, especially those who smoke.

According to statistics, every day the ranks of smokers are replenished, and today people with nicotine addiction make up approximately 17% of the world's population. This is a real problem that is discussed by the world community, however, the number of nicotine addicts does not decrease from this. The terrible thing is that nicotine has a devastating effect on organic structures, provokes pulmonary oncology and other life-threatening pathologies, and takes the lives of still young people. Smokers know this, but they do not want to give up their addiction and do not even try. The promotion of nicotine harm does not prevent teenagers from taking up cigarettes. Even especially attentive parents will not always be able to detect the presence of nicotine addiction in their beloved child. But if there are still such suspicions, then they can be confirmed or refuted using specialized express tests for nicotine.

Express tests for nicotine

Nicotine tests are, in fact, an immunochromatographic study. This rather simple procedure, available to any layman in the home, is able to determine the presence of nicotine metabolites. Moreover, nicotine will be detected, even if more than a day and a half has passed since the last cigarette was smoked. There are also tests that detect tobacco use a few weeks ago.

Express tests are strips similar to pregnancy tests. For diagnostics, they also need to be placed in the urine. To avoid counterfeiting, you need to purchase test strips in pharmacies.

Such products manufactured by Med-Express Diagnostics, which can be bought at a pharmacy, are especially popular.

The approximate cost of such tests depends on the number of test strips in the package:

  • Immunochrome-Kotinin-Express 1 strip ≈ 40 rubles;
  • Express test for the detection of cotinine 10 strips ≈ 400 rubles;
  • A set of nicotine detection tests of 20 or 50 strips will cost about 800 rubles. or 2,000 rubles. respectively.

Operating principle

When using the test, cotinine is detected. This alkaloid substance is present in tobacco and is a product of its metabolism. Cotinine is used as a biomarker to detect the fact of nicotine use. Cotinine has been consistently present in the organic fluids of the human body for a long time. The half-life of cotinine is carried out in about 8-40 hours, while nicotine breaks down in about half an hour to an hour.

Cotinine does not depend on the influence of external factors and is formed only as a result of nicotine metabolism. Therefore, this alkaloid is used as the most indicative indicator of tobacco use. Therefore, if you suspect a nicotine addiction in a child or loved one, you can check it using this express test.

The determination procedure is based on the principles of immunochromatographic analysis. When urine is absorbed into the appropriate area of ​​the test strip, if cotinine is present in the analyzed sample, a reaction with monoclonal cotinine antibodies occurs.

Features of use

For maximum reliability of the results, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  1. The studied biomaterial must be brought to ambient temperature, as well as the test strip itself;
  2. About 1.5 ml of urine is poured into a clean and dry dish;
  3. Immerse the test strip to the desired level for about half a minute to a minute;
  4. Then put the test in a clean and dry place for 5 minutes;
  5. Rate results.
  6. If one pink strip appeared on the test in the area of ​​the control zone, then this indicates the presence of an increased amount of cotinine in the urine, i.e. the result is positive;
  7. If two lines of any color brightness and clarity appear on the strip, then the result should be regarded as negative.

According to the feedback of those who have used the tests, sometimes they can be wrong. If the test showed one strip in the test zone without a control line, then the test is considered erroneous. Don't lash out at a teenager by brandishing a positive test. The bottom line is that the presence of cotinine may be due to the fact that someone smokes daily in the house, and at least 1-2 packs per day.

In children living in such an atmosphere, the presence of nicotine in the body, equivalent to 1-2 cigarettes smoked, is found. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that passive smoking does not pass without a trace and is harmless to others, especially children.

Especially smart teenagers can deceive the nicotine test, for example, they will replace the biomaterial with the urine of their younger sister / brother, so it is worth following the collection of the biomaterial. In addition, some detergent, salt, whiteness and other household chemicals can be added to the urine, which will affect the chemical composition and ruin the express test. Therefore, it is worth checking the receipt of biomaterial.

If the result is negative, but doubts still remain, then nicotine can be detected using laboratory diagnostic methods, which are carried out in specialized medical institutions.

In general, the use of express tests not only helps to timely detect the presence of addiction in adolescents, but provides an opportunity to help get rid of the emerging addiction in time.

As for the test, the test will only show the fact of smoking those that are filled with nicotine, nicotine-free cigarettes, do not leave visible "traces of crime" in the urine.

Given the wide range of various drugs and methods offered today to combat nicotine addiction, dealing with such a problem is quite simple, especially in the initial stages of its formation. The main thing is to choose the right way and the necessary words to convince the novice smoker not to become like herd instincts, not to try to smoke like everyone else and to assert themselves in this way among peers.