Online consultations. Ureaplasmosis reanalysis - At the origins of health

It should be remembered that in the cure of sexually transmitted infections (including ureaplasma), self-activity is completely unacceptable. Treatment has the right to prescribe only a specialist doctor and only after a well-conducted laboratory diagnostics: detection of antibodies to this infection in human blood and PCR (polymerase chain reaction method, the material for which are smears from the vagina, cervix, urethra). It is especially important to cure the disease for pregnant women, since the probability of infection of the child is high.

Reducing the risk of side effects of antibiotic therapy

Currently, in order to achieve the greatest effect in the treatment process, potent antibiotics are actively used in impressive doses, which, in turn, have an extremely negative effect not only on ureaplasma (and other infections), but also on the liver and on the microflora of the vagina and / or intestines. Destruction beneficial bacteria in these organs is fraught with the emergence of harmful (pathogenic) bacteria after the treatment of ureaplasma, which eventually leads to the appearance and development of other diseases. Antibiotics are also toxic to the liver. Therefore, when prescribing therapy, the reception is also prescribed additional drugs, which are aimed at restoring the microflora to compensate bad influence medicines. Probably the appointment of biostimulants and adaptogens that improve metabolic processes in the affected organs.

Control diagnostics of cure

After treatment of ureaplasma, it is necessary to find out how effective the treatment was. Control diagnostics- a method of detecting the presence or absence of infection by testing for treated diseases. Even professionally constructed therapy leads to a cure only in 80-90% of cases. This is not the fault of the doctor, but due to the characteristics of the patient's body.

The method of diagnosis is at the discretion of the doctor. Most often, 2-3 weeks after the end of antibiotics, an analysis is given (often using PCR). Even in case of a negative result, a second test (in a month) is recommended. If the results of this analysis are also negative, the doctor may prescribe a test with a provocation (after another month). Only then can the doctor say with confidence that you are healthy. It is important to remember that your partner must also undergo therapy and control of cure. Only in case negative results both you and your partner are allowed unprotected sex without the risk of infection.

If at least one result turned out to be positive, you need to re-treat, coordinating the course of treatment with your doctor. But even in high-precision analyzes there is a margin of error. Often positive result checked to avoid errors. It is important to know that if successful after treatment of ureaplasma, some signs of the disease may appear for a long time (several weeks or even months).

Reasons for failed treatment

The most common causes of treatment failure are re-infection due to unprotected sexual contact with a new partner or an infected untreated partner. Much less often there are cases of incorrectly diagnosed or incorrectly designed course of treatment. You should be aware that in such matters self-medication or following the advice of a doctor who does not specialize in this field is strictly excluded. Also probable cause is the unfair execution by the patient of the instructions of the doctor. You need to trust your doctor we are talking about your health. A very rare cause of unsuccessful treatment is the resistance of the infection to the prescribed antibiotic.

Prevention of ureaplasma

Absence obvious signs diseases are by no means a reason to trust a person with their health. It is important to remember that the symptoms of many infections are mild or do not manifest themselves at all! Here are some tips for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (including ureaplasma):

1. do not give in to the temptation of "casual" connections;

2. practice only protected sexual intercourse;

3. refrain from sexual intercourse with people who are in the category of possibly infected.

Hello! Help with advice, because My doctor is on vacation ... They found ureaplasma (in an amount above the norm), and my husband and I underwent treatment. Tell me, when can I take a re-analysis (sowing a smear from the circulatory canal) to check for the presence of this "infection"? Treatment: 10 days of antibiotics (etc.) and then 13 days of continued injections of cycloferon + clotrimazole (these two drugs, I understand correctly, are not antibiotics?). The doctor said a month after the treatment, but I did not specify: a month after specific antibiotics or "full" treatment? Also interests, whether it is possible to start not to be protected (we plan pregnancy)? Thanks in advance!

Elena Kartashova, Russia Moscow

ANSWERED: 08/04/2014

Elena, good afternoon! Control tests should be taken 4 weeks after the end of the course of the main treatment, that is, antibiotics. News sexual life without contraception, I recommend only after passing control smears and receiving test results. All the best! Sincerely, obstetrician-gynecologist Chernysheva Yu.V.

clarifying question

Clarifying question 04.08.2014 Elena Kartashova, Russia Moscow

Yulia Viktorovna, is the control analysis for the determination of ureaplasma in this case the same as when it was detected - "sowing a smear from the circulatory canal"?

ANSWERED: 08/04/2014

Yes, of course, the same analysis that was taken when ureaplasma was detected ( quantitative analysis). And PCR (qualitative analysis) for all types of ureaplasmas identified in you or your spouse.

clarifying question

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It should be remembered that in the cure of sexually transmitted infections (including ureaplasma), self-activity is completely unacceptable. Treatment has the right to prescribe only a specialist doctor and only after a high-quality laboratory diagnosis: detection of antibodies to this infection in human blood and PCR (polymerase chain reaction, a method for which smears from the vagina, cervix, urethra). It is especially important to cure the disease for pregnant women, since the probability of infection of the child is high.

Reducing the risk of side effects of antibiotic therapy

Currently, in order to achieve the greatest effect in the treatment process, potent antibiotics are actively used in impressive doses, which, in turn, have an extremely negative effect not only on ureaplasma (and other infections), but also on the liver and on the microflora of the vagina and / or intestines. The destruction of beneficial bacteria in these organs is fraught with the emergence of harmful (pathogenic) bacteria after the treatment of ureaplasma, which eventually leads to the appearance and development of other diseases. Antibiotics are also toxic to the liver. Therefore, when prescribing therapy, additional drugs are also prescribed, which are aimed at restoring the microflora in order to compensate for the harmful effects of drugs. Perhaps the appointment of biostimulants and adaptogens that improve metabolic processes in the affected organs.

Control diagnostics of cure

After treatment of ureaplasma, it is necessary to find out how effective the treatment was. Control diagnostics - a method of detecting the presence or absence of infection through testing for treated diseases. Even professionally constructed therapy leads to a cure only in 80-90% of cases. This is not the fault of the doctor, but due to the characteristics of the patient's body.

The method of diagnosis is at the discretion of the doctor. Most often, 2-3 weeks after the end of antibiotics, an analysis is given (often using PCR). Even in case of a negative result, a second test (in a month) is recommended. If the results of this analysis are also negative, the doctor may prescribe a test with a provocation (after another month). Only then can the doctor say with confidence that you are healthy. It is important to remember that your partner must also undergo therapy and control of cure. Only in the case of negative results for both you and your partner, unprotected sex is allowed without the risk of infection.

If at least one result turned out to be positive, you need to re-treat, coordinating the course of treatment with your doctor. But even in high-precision analyzes there is a margin of error. Most often, a positive result is rechecked to avoid errors. It is important to know that if successful after treatment of ureaplasma, some signs of the disease may appear for a long time (several weeks or even months).

Reasons for failed treatment

The most common causes of treatment failure are re-infection due to unprotected sexual contact with a new partner or an infected untreated partner. Much less often there are cases of incorrectly diagnosed or incorrectly designed course of treatment. You should be aware that in such matters self-medication or following the advice of a doctor who does not specialize in this field is strictly excluded. Also, the probable cause is the unfair execution of the doctor's instructions by the patient. You need to trust your doctor, because it's about your health. A very rare cause of unsuccessful treatment is the resistance of the infection to the prescribed antibiotic.

Prevention of ureaplasma

The absence of obvious signs of a disease is by no means a reason to trust a person with their health. It is important to remember that the symptoms of many infections are mild or do not manifest themselves at all! Here are some tips for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (including ureaplasma):

1. do not give in to the temptation of "casual" connections;

2. practice only protected sexual intercourse;

3. refrain from sexual intercourse with people who are in the category of possibly infected.

Andrey Viktorovich Zhuravlev

Candidate medical sciences, doctor of the highest category

Ureaplasma - the causative agent of ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasmosis - inflammatory disease urinary system.

Previously, the process was referred to as sexually transmitted infections.

The disease is caused by ureaplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum) - a single-celled organism.

If at least one of the results is positive (above 10 to the 4th degree), the therapy of the disease will have to be repeated.

If a woman has been diagnosed with ureaplasmosis, then her partner also needs to be diagnosed and treated before planning a pregnancy.

It is important to remember that other sexually transmitted infections can also join ureaplasmosis. They must all be cured by the time pregnancy occurs in order for the fetus to develop properly and be born at term.

How soon after the treatment of the disease should I take tests?

After the patient has drunk all the drugs, the control period begins. It lasts about 3 months.

The most accurate way to find out if the pathogen has remained on the mucous membranes is the cultural method (sowing biological material on nutrient media).

The material is a scraping from the urethra or vagina. In women, it is taken a couple of days before the onset of menstruation.

This method can be used no earlier than 2-3 weeks from last day treatment. You need to repeat the analysis at least 2 times.

You can also use PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The method determines the presence of ureaplasma DNA in a mucosal smear. The analysis should be repeated at least 2-3 times (for women - three menstrual cycles).

When can I have sex after ureplasmosis treatment?

Ureaplasmosis is sexually transmitted. Therefore, if one partner is diagnosed with it, then the second one must also be tested. Very often two partners have to be treated.

During treatment, sexual intercourse is prohibited to avoid reinfection - reinfection. It is also necessary to exclude sex during the control period (2-3 months). This is enough long period, and not everyone will agree with such recommendations.

Because ureaplasma does not penetrate through a condom, then (after the permission of the doctor) sexual intercourse using a barrier method of contraception is acceptable. During intercourse, a man should be very careful not to damage the condom.

Oral-genital contact is best avoided altogether.

Is it possible to have sex during ureaplasmosis?

Because the disease is transmitted by contact, then having sex, you can infect your partner.

It is believed that ureaplasmosis is not transmitted through a condom, therefore, in extreme cases, you can use a barrier method of contraception.

But still there is a certain risk, because. the condom may break or slip during intercourse.

You can masturbate with ureaplasmosis.

The bacterium lives only on the mucous membranes, and will not multiply on human skin.

What is the result?

Ureplasmosis is infectious disease. The process is transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. To avoid the spread of infection, ureaplasmosis must be treated. If one of the partners has ureaplasmosis, the other should also be examined.

Drugs, their dosage and method of application for the treatment of ureaplasmosis are selected by the doctor individually for each patient. Do not self-medicate!

Ureaplasma is a fairly common disease. As a rule, a woman finds out about him when she gives up necessary tests in preparation for conception. The question arises, "Is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma and should it be treated?".

Ureaplasma is an infection that occurs in 60% of women and 30% of newborn girls. Often it does not manifest itself in any way, therefore it is considered by doctors as conditionally pathogenic.

In some cases, if the concentration of bacteria is small, then it is not even treated. To what extent ureaplasma is hostile to humans has not been fully studied.

Features of the manifestation and course of ureaplasmosis

The incubation period can last up to one month, but if the immunity of an infected person is reduced, then it can be significantly shortened.

The bacterium is transmitted sexually or during childbirth. It is believed that it is not transmitted by household contact, since the bacterium does not live long without a carrier.

Once in the human body, the infection may not manifest itself for a long time. Natural physiological barriers do not allow it to multiply intensively. Protects against the spread of infection normal microflora. As soon as the balance is disturbed and the acidity of the environment decreases, the bacterium multiplies rapidly and causes inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Often, women ignore the symptoms of ureaplasmosis, because they are minor and do not cause severe discomfort. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • itching and burning of the external genital organs.

If the immune system is not able to stop the infection, then it can move further along the genital tract and cause endometritis or adnexitis.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterus. Its symptoms: failure menstrual cycle smearing bloody issues, menstruation longer and more abundant than usual, pain in the lower abdomen. Adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages. Dangerous because it affects the fallopian tubes where adhesions may form. These scars do not allow the egg to pass through the tube, which makes fertilization impossible.

Chronic ureaplasmosis can provoke:

  • Colpitis. The infection is localized in the vagina and causes inflammation;
  • Cystitis. Inflammation of the urinary system;
  • Pyelonephritis (pathology of the kidneys).

In men, the disease is characterized by discharge from the urethra, pain during urination. If the infection spreads to the prostate parenchyma, then there are signs of prostatitis.

The manifestation of the virus after infection is usually insignificant. He goes into chronic form attaches to cells urinary organs and waits for the right moment to start breeding.

In representatives of the strong half of humanity, ureaplasma causes the development of prostatitis, urethritis, inflammation passes to the testicles, seminal vesicles as a result can provoke male infertility.

With oral sexual contact with a carrier of the pathogen, there is a possibility of the appearance of a follicular or lacunar form of tonsillitis (soreness in the throat, purulent plaque on the tonsils).

Ureaplasma itself does not cause infertility. It is dangerous because with a decrease in immunity, malnutrition, with vaginitis, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis, it is activated and provokes inflammation of the genital organs. If an inflammatory process is detected, then treatment should be started immediately in order to prevent irreversible changes in the affected tissue.

Is there a chance to get pregnant with ureaplasmosis?

Some are wondering, "Is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasmosis, and is it worth treating it at all?". If an infection is found in the body, this does not mean that ureaplasmosis will be diagnosed. The bacterium must be in such a concentration that it can cause Negative influence on the human genitourinary system.

Ureaplasma and conception are indirectly connected. The infection itself does not affect reproductive function, but it can cause inflammation, which will lead to disruption of the ovaries or the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Therefore, it is possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma, but if it provoked an inflammatory process, then it is more difficult to do so. As a rule, a woman finds out that she has ureaplasma only during pregnancy, if she did not undergo an examination before conception.

The effect of ureaplasma on pregnancy

If a woman takes a responsible approach to conception and consulted a gynecologist before pregnancy, then she will be asked to undergo a series of tests. Identified ureaplasma when planning pregnancy requires treatment.

During pregnancy, the body experiences a strong load, immunity is reduced, so chronic diseases often worsen. Ureaplasma can also become activated and cause ureaplasmosis. Adequate and timely therapy will help to endure and give birth to a strong and healthy child.

Ureaplasma does not cause developmental pathologies in the fetus, however, it threatens the pregnancy itself. May cause miscarriage or premature birth, ectopic pregnancy, polyhydramnios. It is the cause of fetoplacental insufficiency, that is, the placenta is not able to provide the fetus enough oxygen and nutrients.

The child cannot become infected, because the virus is not able to penetrate the placental barrier. But infection occurs when passing through birth canal. In half of the cases, the bacterium colonizes the genitals or the nasopharyngeal mucosa of the newborn. The child may develop the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • pyelonephritis.

In order for the pregnancy to go smoothly and the risk of infection of the baby to be minimized, the infection is treated after the 22nd week of pregnancy. It is not recommended to start therapy earlier, since in the period up to 20 weeks all the organs and systems of a new person are being formed, and antibiotics can affect this process.

Ureaplasma and IVF are incompatible things. Since in vitro fertilization is, one might say, last resort in the fight against infertility, then the couple, before resorting to it, goes through all the tests and studies that help to find out and, if possible, eliminate the cause.

No one can give guarantees that a fertilized egg will take root. Chances are about 1:3. And it will be even more insulting if the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage due to the presence of an infection that could be cured in just a couple of weeks, and for its detection it was required to pass one analysis.

Establishing diagnosis

It is not difficult to determine the presence and type of infection. To do this, several methods are used that provide reliable results:


Treatment is given if bacteriological examination revealed titers of more than 10 * 4 CFU. Prevention is carried out only if a woman is planning a pregnancy and a small amount of bacteria is found in her.

Ureaplasma is able to quickly adapt to the action of an antibiotic. Therefore, sometimes one course of taking the drug is not enough. If a woman does not bear a child, then tetracycline antibiotics or fluoroquinolones, or macrolides are prescribed. During pregnancy, only some macrolides can be treated, for example, Erythromycin, Vilprafen, Rovamycin.

If necessary, in addition to the antibacterial course, immunomodulators are prescribed and local treatment. The sexual partner should also take the medicine against ureaplasmosis. During therapy, it is recommended to refrain from sexual contact, keep a diet, give up alcoholic beverages.

In order to help the body cope with the negative effects of antibiotics, it is advised to take vitamins and remedies that help restore the microflora.

If all medical prescriptions are met, the infection can be dealt with in 10-15 days. After 14 days after treatment, you need to pass a control analysis to confirm the successful fight against the infection.

How long after ureaplasma treatment can I try to conceive a child?

After undergoing treatment, the doctor will prescribe a second analysis for the presence of ureaplasma in genitourinary system. Research that will show more reliable result carried out after 2 months. If the results are positive, which can happen if the bacterium was able to adapt to the antibiotic, then a second treatment will be required. If the analysis is negative, then the body should be given time to recover after taking strong medications.

Antibacterial substances can have a negative effect on the body and lead to dysbacteriosis. It is better to get pregnant when all medicines are completely removed from the body. The bulk of the drug will go away in 2-3 days, but something will remain in the spermatozoa. Sperm is renewed within 72 days. Therefore, conception after treatment of ureaplasma is advised to postpone for 2-3 months.

Pregnancy after treatment of ureaplasma may not occur immediately, because after taking tetracycline antibiotics, temporary infertility is sometimes observed. It goes away in a couple of months. Do not forget that conception does not always occur exactly when it is planned. And absolutely healthy couples try to get pregnant for a long time. Sometimes it takes more than a year.

Answering the question, “Is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma?”, We note that there are a lot of chances for conception. Ureaplasma itself, if there are no symptoms, does not interfere with fertilization.

And if there are signs inflammatory process, then close your eyes to it will not work. In order to avoid infection of the child and unforeseen situations during pregnancy, the infection will still have to be treated. And therapy will cost significantly more, since not many drugs are allowed to be taken by pregnant women. After taking strong drugs doctors advise to postpone pregnancy for 2-3 months.