What is better for angina for adults. Additional drugs for the treatment of angina

Today, each pharmacy provides a certain amount of medicines intended for coursework.

Based on statistics from various medical institutions, it turns out that for every thousandth of the population there are one hundred infected people, including preschoolers and young children.

Provoke swelling of the tonsils can be caused by fungi known as Candida, viruses, bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci). In addition, there are also other factors, for example, such as: hypothermia, the presence of other acute diseases, weakened immune defense of the body. Nutritional deficiencies and vitamin complex It is also fertile ground for pathogenic bacteria, which become detonators of angina.

Common forms of the disease

This disease can develop in 3 forms:

  • - on the tonsils there is a plaque in the form of pus, the temperature on the first day reaches high value on the thermometer, pain in the throat is most pronounced. This form of tonsillitis is severe.
  • - sore throat, weakness, aching joints, redness and swelling of the tonsils. The temperature is within 38 C. The detonators of the inflammatory process are viruses.
  • the development of the disease has an acute onset, which is expressed in an intoxication syndrome, increased regional lymph nodes, and is also characterized by swelling of the tonsils and the presence of purulent follicles on them. Hence the name - follicular.

In order to start treatment and subsequent preventive measures, you must contact the local clinical institution, where they will conduct laboratory tests and take tests for this. At the end of these procedures, the specialist will be able to prescribe the only true and effective medicine.

Angina is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • High body temperature;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes on the neck and in the lower jaw;
  • Redness of the palatine tonsils and the presence of purulent plaque;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea accompanied by vomiting.

Treatment of tonsillitis can be of 2 types: specific and symptomatic:

  1. In the first case, treatment is prescribed for angina caused by streptococcal infection. Therapy is associated with the use of antibiotic agents designed to suppress the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. In another case, palliative therapy is aimed at reducing discomfort, which includes the use of painkillers, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. In addition, the patient is prescribed bed rest, gargling and inhalation procedures. Throughout the rehabilitation course, it is extremely important to consume foods with a high content of protein and vitamin C. It is also important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions in order to achieve a speedy recovery.

Often, when falling ill with this ailment, people ask themselves the question: “?”, Which should be answered by a person with a higher medical education, that is, a doctor. But in most cases, a person falls ill with viral tonsillitis, which is cured on its own, but not without using the recommended regimen and the use of symptomatic medicines. Its duration is from 4 to 10 days.

Topical antibiotics for the treatment of angina

If it flows into mild form, treatment is carried out through the use of local antiseptics, such as Falimint, Strepsils, Sebedin and some others, which are available at all pharmacies. These drugs are designed to relieve pain syndrome in the throat, but does not guarantee 100% protection of the body from the penetration of foreign microorganisms into it. Therefore, experts do not recommend their abuse.

These drugs are taken as follows:

  • The recommended dose of Falimint is 10 tablets;
  • Every 2 hours, you should take 1 Strepsils lozenge. Maximum allowable dose- 8 pieces;
  • For 7 days, take Sebedin tablets. 4 tablets per day.

For the use of Septolet there is an individual instruction:

  • For children under 4 years old - no more than four pieces per day;
  • Children over 10 years old - 6 pcs. in a day;
  • Adults up to 8 pieces.

For very young children who do not know how to dissolve tablets, it is recommended to use sprays (Stopangin, Geksoral and others). It is necessary to carry out the procedure for irrigating the throat with extreme caution and care, as they can provoke a spasm of the larynx.

Bacterial angina, how to treat?

For prevention, antibiotics are prescribed for ten days. Usually it takes so much time to heal with Penicillin and its analogues. In the event that it has an allergic reaction, which is observed with individual intolerance, it is replaced with Erythrominacinol. When you receive modern means course duration may be shortened.

Important! Improvement can occur literally in 2-3 days, but antibiotic treatment cannot be interrupted. Such actions are fraught with a relapse of the disease and serious complications. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the course until the very last day assigned by a specialist.

In addition to them, doctors advise taking such means as:

  • Penicillin. It is intended for oral administration. Course - 10 days;
  • Benzathine benzylpenicillin. For intramuscular injection;
  • . Adults take 1 tablet 3/day, children ½;
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin. ten days course. So, adults take 1 tablet 3 times a day, children weighing less than 25 kg - 1/3, if more - ½. Reception is carried out 1 hour before meals;
  • Cefadroxil. Children 30 mg per 1 kg per day (1 dose), adults - 0.5 g 2 times a day. General course ten days;
  • Amoxiclav. The scheme for its use can be found in the package or follow the recommendations of a specialist.

If there is an individual intolerance to any the above drug, it is necessary to find a worthy replacement for him among such groups as: Macrolides and Lincosamines. These include Erythromycin, Spiramycin, Lincomycin, Azithromycin, Clindamycin and some others that pharmacists will advise or a doctor will prescribe.

With viral, in fact, as with bacterial tonsillitis, antiseptic, analgesic and antipyretic drugs should be taken.

Angina, the detonators of which are streptococcal infections, can provoke complications such as sepsis or peritonsillar abscess.

The staphylococcal form of the disease also does not pass without a trace with improper or untimely therapy and has complications that affect the musculoskeletal system, heart, and kidneys.

Whatever the disease, medicines must be taken until the last day complex treatment and to observe bed rest, because this disease cannot be carried "on the legs". In the event that for some reason it is impossible to issue sick leave at work, and it should be provided at the first request of a sick subordinate in order to avoid infection of other workers, then you should take a day off at your own expense for at least 1 day after the first intake of an antibiotic agent.

Gargling is an effective remedy for sore throats

In order to choose how to gargle, you need to choose a folk remedy that will help relieve pain and moderate the swelling of the palatine tonsils.

It is possible with the following compositions:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile (calendula) flowers into 200 ml of boiled water;
  • Buy at the pharmacy and Rotokan. Rinse them bare alternately;
  • Solutions can be prepared from 1% Boric acid, 0.1% Potassium permanganate, baking soda or salt.

To relieve pain and inflammation in the throat, iodine is used, which is used to treat the tonsils, but if there is no allergy to it, alcohol compresses are also made. To do this, soak gauze with 40% alcohol, apply to the throat and apply on top wax paper or cellophane to prevent it from evaporating. Tie the compress with a woolen scarf and remove the next morning.

In no case should you increase the concentration of the alcohol solution! After all, this will not speed up the healing process, but will lead to chemical burn skin cover.

Attention! If the tonsils are so swollen that food enters the nasopharynx and makes breathing difficult, immediate hospitalization is needed followed by surgery. No need to try to relieve inflammation at home!

What drugs are used to treat angina - to summarize

Regardless of the reason that contributed to the appearance of the inflammatory process in the throat, it is recommended to take Suprastin, Citrine, Loratadin, Fenistil.

To reduce high temperature bodies with any type of tonsillitis, even if it is purulent tonsillitis, the following drugs are used: Ibuklin, Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. At bacterial form diseases, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

What are the best antibacterial agents?

The first course is the penicillin group, which includes:

  • Amoxicillin in tablet form, injections are prescribed only if the treatment is carried out in a hospital. It also comes in the form of a suspension and powder;
  • . It contains Amoxicillin in its composition. Applies to various age categories thanks to its tablets, which dissolve quite quickly in water and can be used to prepare a syrup or solution. Being out of the house, they chew and drink large quantity liquids;
  • Augmentin is a highly effective throat remedy containing clavulanic acid. It helps fight bacteria that develop resistance to the use of this drug.

If there are contraindications, an allergic reaction, an individual intolerance to any component, proceed to taking second-stage drugs.

The second course of the antibiotic series - Macrolides:

  • Azithromycin. It is prescribed for adults, the course of therapy does not exceed six days;
  • suitable for the treatment of angina in children and their parents. It comes in the form of tablets and suspensions.

But what drug is more effective? This question can be answered independently after the end of the rehabilitation course and the onset of recovery.

Third course - Cephalosporins:

  • Suprax - oral administration;
  • . It is prescribed in combination with other drugs and as monotherapy;
  • Lizobakt, Strepsils, Neo angina - tablets, Mirastin and Chlorhexidine - solutions. Used for local therapy.

If it is difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another medication, the doctor will tell you which medicine is suitable in all respects, taking into account individual indicators.

Perhaps the most important question that interests people who have been diagnosed with angina is what medications to take? After all, it is hardly possible to find a person who does not want to recover as soon as possible.

The correct answer to this question can be searched on the Internet or asked from friends. But the most correct decision, of course, will be an appeal to a specialist doctor.

To date, there is an impressive range of drugs that can help a patient with angina. However, in the treatment this disease both adults and children are very important point is an accurate diagnosis of the nature of the disease. Subsequently, the doctor, based on the diagnostic data, can draw up an adequate treatment regimen with the appointment of suitable medications.

  • The first of them is the mandatory prescription of antibiotics in case of 100% established diagnosis. We can say that this is the basis of the foundations of the therapy of this disease.
  • The second principle is the obligatory symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease that disturb the patient. For example, with a sore throat, these are means that relieve pain and reduce perspiration, with pain in the ears - the appropriate ear drops. Highly good results achieved through the use of rinses. And at high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed.

Sore throat drugs are available in various dosage forms. Medicines general action most often used in tablets or as injections. Local funds produced in the form of solutions or sprays.

However, it is worth noting that cheap medicines for sore throats are in no way inferior to expensive medicines in terms of their effectiveness.

What antibiotics should be taken for angina

Many believe that the best medicine from angina - these are antibiotics. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, not all patients with this disease require the appointment of these drugs. In such a matter, the doctor is always the best adviser. Only he can determine in which cases it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs, what kind of drugs they will be, because this group of medicines is quite extensive, in what dosage and in what way they should be administered, and also when it is necessary to stop taking them.

Self-medication in this case is best avoided. After all, without information about the pathogen, pick up the right antibiotic with angina for an adult, and even more so for a child, it is almost impossible.

Such difficulties are associated with the fact that microbes can be both sensitive to certain drugs and have resistance to them. In other words, not all drugs can act on any specific microorganisms that cause angina.

In addition, patients themselves may develop intolerance to certain drugs, which, moreover, have a bunch of contraindications and side effects. And this is far from in the best way can affect health, already undermined by this disease.

Another argument against self-appointment and uncontrolled intake medicines for sore throats for adults and children is that, according to statistics, a good half of patients stop taking antibiotics immediately after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Such non-compliance with the course duration of taking drugs exacerbates the situation: patients actually remain untreated and pathological process develops from new force and may be complicated by the resistance of the pathogen to the treatment drugs.

So, if you have a sore throat, it is best to consult a doctor. After confirming the diagnosis, he will be able to say exactly which antibiotics for angina should be taken in this particular case. In this case, the main goal of antibiotic therapy will be not only the fight against the pathogen, but also the prevention of the occurrence of early and late complications. These drugs do not have a significant effect on the timing and severity of the main clinical manifestations of this disease.

The list of antibacterial drugs that can be prescribed to a patient with a sore throat is very large. There are many groups of these drugs, each of which is characterized by a specific specific action.

What medicines to treat purulent tonsillitis: Penicillin injections

Traditionally best antibiotic with angina - Penicillin and its derivatives (in particular, benzylpenicillin). The best results in the treatment of these drugs are achieved by intramuscular administration.

For example, with a diagnosis of streptococcal purulent tonsillitis, the drug gives a good effect at a daily dose of 4 million units (for children, the dose is reduced to 400,000-600,000 units). Such treatment is carried out for 10 days, after which they switch to a prolonged form of the drug.

In the absence of the ability to inject drugs into the muscle, they are prescribed in tablets. However, with this method of delivering drugs to the body, the effect of their action is somewhat worse than that given by injections for angina.

Antibiotics for angina in children and adults with the names: Amoxiclav and Amoxicillin

Among the drugs used in the treatment of angina, a special place is given to Amoxiclav. This drug is more effective than many antibiotics. This is due to the fact that it combines the action of two substances at once: the above-mentioned amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

The first is the main active ingredient, and clavulanic acid gives it resistance to the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this, Amoxiclav, used for angina, retains its properties for a long time. medicinal properties and acts faster than amoxicillin. In addition, the acid itself has a small antibacterial activity.

Both components of the drug penetrate into all tissues and body fluids, including the tonsils, which makes the treatment of angina with this tool more efficient.

One of the widely used penicillin preparations is Amoxicillin, usually prescribed in the form of tablets. This is a long-used and well-established remedy, one of the advantages of which is that it does not dissolve when it enters the stomach, so it can be taken regardless of the meal. However, despite the latter fact, doctors still recommend doing this after eating. The drug begins to act half an hour after ingestion. Its action lasts almost 8 hours, so this medicine is usually taken three times a day.

The frequent use of a drug called amoxicillin for angina is associated with its high activity against gram-positive as well as aerobic gram-negative bacteria, certain representatives of which cause this disease.

The drug is excreted from the body quickly enough, mainly through. During normal operation last antibiotic doesn't do much harm.

What are the medicines for angina: antibiotics Augmentin and Flemoxin solutab

Another medicine that a doctor can choose from the whole variety of antibacterial agents for the treatment of angina is Augmentin.

This drug, just like the above Amoxiclav, is an improved form of Amoxicillin, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of clavulanic acid.

When prescribing Augmentin for angina, the doctor knows for sure that the effect of its action can occur quite quickly, because the additional component of the drug (clavulanic acid) does not allow the waste products of bacteria to inhibit the activity of the main active substance (Azithromycin).

This drug has low toxicity and, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients.

Flemoxin solutab for angina is prescribed almost as often as Amoxiclav. After all, this antibacterial drug also performed well in the treatment of this disease.

For both adults and children, doctors prescribe Flemoxin in the case when there is no time to wait for the results of seeding for sensitivity to antibiotics, when the patient's condition requires immediate treatment.

The indicated medication is rapidly absorbed and in just an hour its maximum concentration is observed in the blood. The drug gradually accumulates in the mucous membranes and bone tissue, exerting its therapeutic effect.

The drug is also excreted quite quickly: 8 hours after the last dose, it practically does not remain in the blood.

Antibiotics for angina and their names: Azithromycin and Bioparox tablets

A very effective and very common antibacterial drug is Azithromycin. With angina, doctors actively prescribe, and patients are very willing to use this medicine due to its low cost and at the same time high efficiency.

The drug has other names, of which, first of all, Sumamed is heard, and is an antibacterial agent with a very a wide range action, well penetrating into the respiratory tract, as well as the skin and soft tissues.

It is known that for the most part, antibiotics for angina should be used for at least 10 days. If such a duration of the therapeutic course is not observed, it is practically impossible to cure the disease. Azithromycin is an exception to this rule. It has a prolonged action, which is why it is prescribed for only 5 days.

Such a short duration of treatment is one of the main advantages of the drug.

According to doctors, Azithromycin or Sumamed with angina are much better tolerated than penicillin. This antibiotic belongs to the class of macrolides, due to which it is effective in the treatment of the chronic form of the disease.

In the diagnosis of purulent tonsillitis, drugs from the group of macrolides are also very effective. These drugs are rapidly absorbed and in large numbers concentrated at the site of inflammation, which leads to the death of bacteria, and thus to recovery.

Antibiotics for sore throats in tablets, the names of which, in particular, are given above, have a good effect due to their systemic action. However, apart from these, there are medicines limited, and more specifically, local action, which are also very often used in ENT practice for the treatment of angina.

Among such drugs, not the last place is given to a remedy called Bioparox.

This antibiotic is often prescribed in the case when the patient has a sore throat and the temperature begins to rise, but upon examination, abscesses on the tonsils are not found.

Bioparox with angina allows you to quickly eliminate the onset of the disease, preventing it from developing fully. The drug is active against bacteria from the genus staphylo- and streptococci and is available in the form of an aerosol, in which the main active ingredient is Fusafungin. As a supplement, various auxiliary components and an aromatic component are added to the preparation.

Unlike tablets for angina, antibiotics in the form of an aerosol are distributed directly through the pharynx and tonsils, exerting their therapeutic effect. At the same time, adults are shown 4 inhalations 4 times a day.

When using the balloon for the first time, you need to press its base 4 times, then fix the white nozzle on it. The latter must be tightly covered with lips and pressing the balloon to carry out inhalation.

As a cure for purulent tonsillitis Bioparox is not effective. The appearance of a purulent plaque on the tonsils indicates a far advanced disease.

In this case, more effective drugs for angina are already needed: antibiotics that affect the entire body.

Antiviral drugs for angina

In order to understand which drugs for angina will give the best effect, you need to know exactly the real cause of this. It doesn't have to be bacteria. It is likely that the disease will develop due to the pathological effects of viruses on the body.

Angina viral etiology differs from the usual one in that its manifestations are not accompanied by the appearance of plaque on the tonsils. The latter only swell and become a reddish inflammatory hue.

Antibiotics are unlikely to help in this case. This form of the disease should be treated with antiviral drugs. It must be remembered that antiviral drugs for angina will be effective only in the first 24-48 hours after the onset of signs of the disease.

Today there is a fairly wide range of anti-virus tools. In particular, these drugs include Arbidol and Ingavirin. You can also use Anaferon or Kagocel. In many ways, such a drug as Tamiflu is also known.

However, even timely initiated therapy with these drugs will not give a full guarantee that during the course of the disease, bacterial flora will not join the existing pathology. This is where the antibiotics discussed above will help.

How to gargle with purulent sore throat for a child and an adult

Local antiseptics have always been considered a good addition to an antibiotic in the form of a tablet for angina. They can lubricate, irrigate or gargle a sore throat.

Lugol is traditionally used for irrigation or lubrication, and Chlorhexidine and Miramistin have proven themselves well as a rinse. All these, as well as many other drugs, can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

However, before doing this, you should consult with experts on. He knows exactly how to gargle with purulent sore throat for an adult and what to use for this.

Very often, with the development of a sore throat, a person, even without consulting a doctor, tries to start gargling, using either medications or folk recipes. This is because it is possible to give a 100% guarantee that after going to the doctor, rinses will be prescribed, because doctors include this method of treatment in the treatment of this disease without fail.

Rinsing is very important procedure with inflammatory processes in the throat. This fact is explained by the fact that various microbes live on the tonsils in a fairly large number, including pathogens. A person with good immunity is not afraid: the defense systems of his body cope well with the infection. On the tonsils of people with weakened immune systems, staphylo- and streptococci feel at ease, filling the gaps.

For regular cleansing of the tonsils from uninvited guests, for washing out the waste products of microflora from the lacunae with the remnants of dead cells that fight infection, washings are just the same. At the same time, it would be nice to know how to gargle with sore throat, and not use "grandmother's" recipes.

Rinsing should not be neglected, even though this is just an auxiliary measure. Similar procedure can significantly improve and facilitate the healing process.

Almost all the means used for rinsing have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and analgesic effects. If the procedure is performed correctly, the outer surface of the tonsils is well cleaned, and purulent plugs are washed out of the lacunae.

Not all drugs for angina in adults are suitable for use in a similar disease in children. For example, the use of Chlorhexidine to combat this disease in young patients is contraindicated. But Miramistin is quite suitable for childhood due to its low toxicity and negligible absorbability.

Given this, as in the case of adults, the doctor should be entrusted with the decision on how to gargle with a sore throat for a child. But parents should pay attention to how to gargle correctly.

It is quite difficult for young children to do this procedure themselves. They need help. In particular, it is possible to irrigate the throat with a douche, while tilting the child's head over the tub or sink. It must be remembered that too loud intense and loud rinsing can not only not help, but even harm, driving microbes into the depths of lacunae. Therefore, children should be taught to gargle quietly and carefully, avoiding swallowing the remedy itself.

How to gargle with purulent sore throat in a child, the doctor will also tell you. Usually, the same means are used for this as in other forms of angina, but only with more caution.

It is not for nothing that doctors insist on the use of this method for a sore throat. Despite the fact that one cannot do without antibacterial agents (after all, they are considered the main resource in the fight against the disease), rinsing significantly speeds up the healing process. With the help of rinsing, it is possible to destroy the nutrient medium for pathogenic microbes. Plus, it allows you to moisturize and quickly restore the damaged mucosa.

That is why, in the diagnosis of angina, topical drugs are no less popular than antibiotics.

Cheap medicine for Lugol's angina

Lugol with angina is an effective and time-tested remedy. It has a local antiseptic effect and is used quite often.

Main active ingredient this drug- iodine, which has an active bactericidal effect on the pathogenic microflora.

Until recently, this drug was produced by pharmacists only in the form of a solution. Today, pharmacy chains offer to purchase Lugol spray, which is much easier to use. And given the cheapness of the drug when answering the question of what drugs to treat angina, it may be one of the first on the list.

The drug is applied topically from 2 to 6 times a day. It is sprayed with one push on the spray head. Before this, you need to take a deep breath to hold your breath, and after irrigation, do not drink or eat anything for half an hour. In case of accidental contact of the drug with the eyes, rinse them with water and then with a solution of sodium thiosulfate.

In the case of using Lugol in the form of a solution for lubricating the oral cavity and tonsils, it is most convenient to use tweezers with a cotton swab or simply wrap cotton wool around a pencil. In the end, you can simply dip a sterile cotton wool into the solution and suck it for a few minutes.

Rinsing with Chlorhexidine for angina

Considering drugs for the treatment of angina by rinsing, it is worth, first of all, to highlight such a drug as Chlorhexidine. AT recent times the use of this substance has become quite common. Due to its properties, it perfectly copes with microbes in the tissues of the tonsils. Moreover, the drug is so strong that only a 0.05% solution is enough for the rinse to be effective enough.

However, this medicine also has side effects. In particular, when swallowed in large quantities, especially with a high concentration of the solution, it can cause poisoning or stomach ulcers. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution, and it is best to check with the doctor whether Chlorhexidine can be used for angina in this particular case.

To receive best effect from the drug before rinsing, it is necessary to prepare the oral cavity: thoroughly clean it from food debris and rinse with warm water.

Rinse is carried out 2-3 times a day for 20-30 seconds using one tablespoon of the drug. After the procedure, the medicine is spat out and, in the next 2 hours, the patient is advised not to eat or drink.

What medicines to take for angina: Miramistin

The use of Miramistin for angina is widespread in modern ENT practice. It's broad spectrum medicinal substance has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial effect of action. In addition, the drug perfectly copes with fungi and increases defensive forces organism.

An important fact is the ability of this medication to reduce the overall resistance of harmful microbes to antibacterial drugs, which means that with the help of Miramistin even those microbes that did not succumb to the action of antibiotics can be destroyed. The main function of this drug is the fight against strepto- and staphylococci.

Miramistin can be safely included in the list when answering the question of what medications for angina can be used by pregnant women. It is safe to use, does not cause local irritation, and is almost not absorbed into the blood, due to which it is also indicated for children and women during lactation.

Children's antibiotics for angina with names: Amoxicillin, Sumumaed and others

As in the case of adults, in order to achieve the maximum effectiveness of angina therapy in childhood treatment should include two directions at once: drugs for general treatment must be supplemented with a local sore throat medicine for children.

General therapy involves the use of antibacterial medicines, and local - antiseptics.

However, use local preparations from a sore throat for infants is almost impossible. Topical treatment, although it has an excellent effect and speeds up recovery, can only be prescribed to those who are older than 2 years. For younger children, the emphasis is usually on common methods. Moreover, antibiotics are often used parenterally.

This disease in children is usually caused by streptococci. In relation to these pathogens, drugs are very good. penicillin series. For example, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, etc. Such antibiotics for angina in children are quickly absorbed and do not have a strong effect on the body as a whole.

If after 2-3 days the child does not feel better, then it is necessary to raise the question of changing the drug.

In severe disease and drug intolerance penicillin group, and also in the case when there is a risk of complications, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone. They have low toxicity and fairly high efficiency. Course reception usually lasts at least 10 days.

Antibiotics for angina in children, whose names were indicated in the previous paragraph, belong to the group of cephalosporins. However, there are other groups of antibacterial drugs, representatives of which can be used to treat this disease. In particular, these are the so-called macrolides, of which Azithromycin and Sumamed are the most famous. Along with penicillins, they are the most popular, and perhaps the most effective remedies for this disease.

A children's antibiotic for angina, whose name sounds like Sumamed, is essentially the same Azithromycin, as mentioned above. Its peculiarity is that it is able to accumulate in the body and due to this it has more long-term action, the effect of which persists even after the completion of the course of administration.

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When some symptoms occur, most people try to diagnose themselves and prescribe treatment on their own, which often leads to complications. To eliminate misconceptions, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe a series of tests and the correct treatment.

In most cases, tonsillitis is provoked by staphylococci and streptococci, much less often the disease occurs due to the ingestion of viruses and fungi. Infection can occur in several ways: airborne and through household items. No less risk of infection exists when in contact with a person who has recently had the disease, since the pathogen in the body can persist for 2-3 weeks.

The first thing that gets in the way of bacteria is the mucous membrane of the tonsils, on the surface of which bacteria settle, which leads to the active work of the lymphoid tissue, releasing antibodies against bacteria. The main peak of the incidence occurs in the spring-autumn period, since at this time the risk of hypothermia is high, immunity is reduced, the body lacks vitamins. This leads to the inability lymphatic system cope with the pathogen that provokes inflammatory process in the tonsils.

Signs of tonsillitis in adults

The doctor makes a diagnosis not only on the basis of tests, but also on symptoms, which may vary depending on the form and severity of the disease. The main symptoms of angina include:

  • heat ( catarrhal form can pass without raising the temperature);
  • sore throat;
  • acute pain in the throat, increasing when swallowing;
  • chills;
  • signs of intoxication: headache, nausea, weakness;
  • increased fatigue, poor health;
  • sometimes vomiting;
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion (only with the addition of other infections or with);
  • smell from the mouth;
  • enlarged and painful lymph nodes.

In adults, the development of angina can occur with a decrease in the body's immune defenses and malnutrition.

You should immediately contact a specialist if you develop the following dangerous symptoms:

  • the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the neck and tongue;
  • increased tone of the muscles of the back of the head, difficulty opening the mouth;
  • inability to swallow saliva.

Depending on the form and severity of the disease, treatment is prescribed, which in some cases may not be required at all.

What to drink for an adult with angina

If the first signs of the disease occur (sore throat, weakness, fever), you should consult a doctor for advice. In most cases, with the timely start of treatment, the disease can be dealt with in a short time, and this will also help to avoid the development possible complications. After external examination oral cavity, throat and get the results of the analysis, the doctor can put accurate diagnosis, shape and severity of angina. Only on the basis of the data obtained, treatment can be prescribed, which can be carried out at home, taking into account the absence of complications.

Also, during treatment, the patient should observe the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to limit communication with others as much as possible in order to eliminate the risk of infection;
  • food should be light and correct;
  • treatment should be subject to bed rest;
  • follow all the procedures prescribed by the doctor;
  • use folk remedies for gargling;
  • take the necessary medicines: antibacterial, antiviral, antipyretic.

Treatment and dosage of drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor, based on the form of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Bed rest

With the development of angina, the patient needs good sleep and rest, it is highly undesirable to carry out treatment on the legs, as this can worsen the course of the disease.

Under conditions of home treatment, the patient is required to drink enough fluids to help flush out toxins and harmful substances from the body. To do this, you can cook various berry and fruit fruit drinks, compotes, use warm mineral water, tea with honey and lemon. It is impossible for the liquid to be too cold or hot, this will increase the unpleasant and painful sensations in the throat.

The diet should be useful products in the form of liquid and puree: curd, mashed potatoes, soups, broths, cereals. At the time of treatment, it is necessary to exclude spicy, smoked and salty foods.

To strengthen the immune system, in addition to using pharmaceutical complex vitamins You need to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Antibacterial therapy

To eliminate the risk of side effects, taking medications should only take into account the recommendations of a specialist (prescription of the drug and its dosage). Treatment includes primarily the use of antibacterial agents, which are aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms.

What antibiotics to take with angina for adults

angina refers to infectious disease, in which the inflammatory process is localized in the tonsils, so the disease requires a thorough approach and treatment. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed by the attending physician, based on the form, type of pathogen and severity of the disease. An antibiotic is prescribed on the following basis:

  • with purulent tonsillitis: penicillins;
  • with lacunar tonsillitis: cephalosporins;
  • streptococcal tonsillitis: cephalosporins, penicillins;
  • : penicillins;
  • catarrhal tonsillitis: macrolides;
  • lacunar tonsillitis: cephalosporins.

When diagnosing a disease, in most cases antibiotics of the penicillin series are prescribed, but in view frequent occurrence allergic reactions, this group of drugs can be replaced by macrolides, and only in severe cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes cephalosporins.

This drug is prescribed for acute angina. After entering the stomach, the active components of the drug are quickly absorbed into the blood, reaching a maximum concentration. The drug is available in the form of white tablets or yellow color, dosage of 125,250,500 and 1000 mg. The dosage and duration of administration depends on the severity of the course of the disease; in moderate and severe forms, up to 2 g per day is taken for 2 weeks.

When using Flemoxin, the following side reactions may occur:

This drug can be prescribed for the treatment of angina, both in adults and in children. It is effective in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, in particular staphylococci and streptococci. After application, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed into soft tissues, skin and respiratory tract. The course of therapy is 5 days, during which it is necessary to take 1 tablet per day. Azithromycin is a long-acting drug, so the destruction of bacteria continues for about a week after the end of the intake.

During treatment with the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • headache;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • sometimes vomiting.

Augmentin has a wide spectrum of action, helps to fight various pathogens that provoke the development of angina. The drug is available in the form of suspensions, tablets, syrups and formulations for injection. For children over 12 years of age and adults, the drug is prescribed three times a day for 125 or 500 mg, depending on the severity of the disease. The course of admission should last at least 7 days, if necessary, treatment can be extended up to 2 weeks.

While taking the drug, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • exhaustion;
  • flatulence;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • allergic rash;
  • edema.

Augmentin should not be taken during pregnancy, penicillin intolerance, jaundice and chronic kidney disease.

It is prescribed for severe tonsillitis, including purulent. The drug is administered intramuscularly, which provides rapid antibacterial action, including microorganisms resistant to penicillin drugs. For adults, the drug is prescribed twice a day for 1 g, lasting at least one week.

During use, the following side effects may occur:

  • bloating;
  • stomatitis;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fever;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • skin rash.

The development of these reactions must be reported to the doctor, in most cases the drug is continued, after the completion of treatment, the symptoms disappear on their own.

This antibacterial drug has a wide spectrum of action and is taken only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Sumamed is aimed at the destruction of bacteria, therefore it is impractical and dangerous to treat acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections with this drug. It should be taken with caution in patients with high sensitivity to the components of the drug, a few days after the start of treatment, the patient feels improvement. Sumamed is prescribed once a day for 500 mg in a course of 5 days.

During the reception, side effects may occur:

  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • hearing and vision loss;
  • loss of appetite.

Sumamed is contraindicated during breastfeeding, with diseases of the kidneys and liver, intolerance to the substances of the drug.

The drug is one of the most effective in the fight against microorganisms resistant to penicillins. Macropen is used before meals, after penetrating into the blood through the stomach, the effect of the drug begins after 2 hours. The course of using this therapy is from 5 to 10 days, depending on the form of the disease and the presence of complications. For adults, it is prescribed three times a day with a total dose of 1.6 g, changing the dosage and duration of treatment is carried out only by a doctor.

During the reception, some patients note the development of weakness, the appearance of headache, nausea and intestinal disorders.

Duration of antibiotics

Many are concerned about the question: how many days do you need to take antibiotics? Duration antibiotic therapy depends on the form of the disease, the severity of the course, the type of pathogen, as well as the prescribed drug. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe the duration and dosage of the drug on your own. In addition, in most cases, a few days after treatment, the patient may feel relief, which is mistakenly perceived as the end of the disease. Therefore, it is important to bring the treatment to the end, fully following all the recommendations of the doctor.

Antibiotic sprays for angina

The choice of remedy is based on the characteristics of the disease and the preferences of the patient. It is important to know that antibiotic sprays are local therapy and cannot be used as the main treatment, since their action is aimed at destroying bacteria in the tonsils, relieving inflammation and discomfort. In addition, irrigation products help to cope with dry throat, burning and perspiration. The disinfectant effect is due to the presence of antiseptic and antifungal components in the preparations. Some of the most effective and popular topical preparations are:

  • Hexoral;
  • Hexaspray;
  • Stopangin;
  • Bioparox.

Bioparox Hexaspray Hexoral Stopangin

Only with a mild course of the disease, the doctor can prescribe a spray as the main treatment without the use of additional drugs.


Treatment of angina includes the use of antimicrobial sulfa drugs, which have a wide spectrum of action and are effective in combating microbes. These funds include:

  • Sulfalen;
  • Sulfadimethoxine;
  • Biseptol.

Duration of admission antimicrobials is at least one week.

Medicines to relieve the general condition

In rare cases, there are no symptoms and does not cause discomfort in the patient. To help you feel better, your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic: Citramon, Amidopyrine;
  • painkillers and antipyretics: Paracetamol, Analgin, Aspirin.

Depending on the manifestations of symptoms, drugs can be prescribed for up to 5 days.

In addition to high temperature, the patient may experience allergic reactions while taking antibacterial drugs. In this case, the following antihistamines may be prescribed:

  • Suprastin.


These drugs are prescribed at the risk of allergies, as well as with exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.


No less important in the treatment of angina is local therapy, which includes gargling. Regularly carrying out the procedure will not only improve the condition of the tonsils, but also recover faster. Rinsing helps to get out purulent plugs, relieve soreness and inflammation in the throat.

One of the popular compositions for. To prepare, dilute 1 tbsp. l. drug in a glass of water. The procedure with this solution allows you to reduce the amount harmful bacteria not only in the mouth, but throughout the body.

Also no less effective for rinsing are the following compositions:

  • Furacilin, Dioxidin: dissolve 2 ampoules of one of the preparations in a glass of water and rinse;
  • a decoction of calendula: brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. herbs and let cool to room temperature;
  • chamomile decoction: brew 1 tsp with a glass of boiling water. herbs and let cool;
  • soda-saline solution: stir ½ tsp in a glass of water. soda and salt, in the absence of an allergy to iodine, add 10 drops to the solution.

These components of the solutions have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing effects.

To attain maximum effect, it is necessary to carry out the procedure correctly:

  1. For rinsing, you can use several solutions at once.
  2. Take the liquid in your mouth, rinse and spit it out.
  3. Take another sip, tilt your head back and rinse, then spit out the solution.
  4. Carry out the procedure until the solution in the glass runs out.

After the procedure, the mouth can be rinsed plain water. Means must be used until the symptoms disappear completely, at least 5 times a day.

Antiseptic preparations

Comprehensive also includes the use of disinfectants:

  • Strepsils;
  • Antiangin;
  • Pharyngosept;
  • Hexalysis.

These funds must be used 15-20 minutes after rinsing.

Antibiotics for angina are the main therapeutic measure, since the main causative agents of the disease are bacteria. With inflammation of viral etiology, immunomodulating, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. Doctors assign a significant role to means local application: decoctions for rinsing, aerosols and sprays.

Antibacterial therapy for angina

In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed for the disease. However, it is worth remembering that these drugs are effective only in the elimination of bacteria and fungi, but are powerless against viruses. For angina, culture or PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to determine the pathogen are rarely carried out, only in the case severe course, atypical symptoms, complications. By prescribing antibiotics a priori, the doctor most often “plays it safe”, because even with angina of viral etiology, general and local immunity decreases, which makes it possible for autoinfection by representatives of the microflora of the pharyngeal mucosa (,).

General principles antibiotic therapy are as follows:

  • Reception of drugs begins with the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease.
  • The course of treatment of angina with antibiotics lasts an average of a week, but it can be extended on the recommendation of a doctor.

Important! The duration of admission is calculated as follows - after the cessation of the main symptoms (decrease in temperature, elimination of sore throat, plaque on the tonsils), it is necessary to drink antibiotics for another 2-3 days.

  • Antibiotics to achieve optimal concentration in the affected tissues must be taken at regular intervals (usually 5-8 hours).
  • Additionally, it can be assigned drug nystatin with antifungal activity. Since both pathogenic and symbiotic, “beneficial” bacteria living on different human mucous membranes suffer from antibiotics, their ecological niche can be occupied by fungi of the genus Candida. They cause harmless but unpleasant disease called candidiasis or thrush.
  • Children's antibiotics for angina should be the least toxic and allergenic.

  • When choosing drugs, it is necessary to proceed from the characteristics of the pathogen characteristic of the area. For example, in some regions of Russia, according to local scientists, certain strains of streptococci and staphylococci have developed resistance (insensitivity) to erythromycin.
  • It is possible to cure angina with the right choice of the drug in 7-10 days. In the absence of improvements on the 3-4th day of therapy, it is necessary to prescribe another more effective antibiotic.

Antibiotics of the penicillin series

It is these drugs that are recommended for the treatment of angina in the first place. As the professor writes T.V. Palchun: “Preference [in the treatment of tonsillitis] is given to penicillin and its semi-synthetic derivatives, sinceβ -hemolytic streptococcus is most sensitive to penicillin”. However, Western colleagues are very skeptical about the appointment of this antibiotic as a primary measure. So C. Zwatr in an article on penicillin, states: “ Due to the fact that in Western countries... antibiotic resistance is growing, with acute tonsillopharyngitis it is recommended to prescribe treatment with penicillin only in severe cases (impossibility of swallowing, threatening paratonsillar abscess) ” .

Note. In Russian medical practice, it is customary to distinguish between tonsillitis and, while Western doctors combine them into one disease - tonsillopharyngitis.

As seen from the above , the expediency of taking penicillin drugs in case of - a debatable issue. The same Zwatr recommends abandoning them in countries where complications such as rheumatoid fever, etc., are rare, believing that it is possible to cure tonsillitis without antibiotics if it is mild.

The principle of action of penicillins

Antibiotics of this series penetrate into the bacterial cell through channels in the membrane. They affect the systems of murein peptidoglycan synthesis, disrupting its individual bonds and making the substance unstable, sensitive to external influences. It is the main component of the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria have very little murein, usually less than 10%. This is due to the selectivity of the antibiotic action.

A bacterium that is not protected by a cell wall from external influences quickly dies. Those species that have additional substances in its composition (proteins, lipids, special polysaccharides) may be resistant to penicillins. These antibiotics are prescribed for phlegmonous, and.

Used drugs

Depending on the severity of the disease, the condition and age of the patient, one of the following antibiotics is chosen:


They are prescribed for intolerance to antibiotics of the previous row, for some acute tonsillitis - for example, phlegmonous. They act on bacterial and mycotic cells in a manner similar to penicilli. Some drugs of this class have earned positive reviews from practitioners due to their valuable properties:

  • The most active against cocci is ceftriaxone. The big advantage of the drug is a long period its removal from the body, which allows you to take it only once a day. It is only available as a powder for solution for injection. Adults and children weighing more than 50 kg are prescribed up to 4 g per day. For more younger age the dose is 20-80 mg/kg. For newborns, it should not exceed 50 mg / kg. From the class of cephalosporides for the treatment of angina, it is considered the best antibiotic.

  • The drug cefazolin has a bactericidal effect against staphylococci. Used for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Adult dose - up to 6 g per day (possible increase according to indications), children - 25-50 mg / kg. Newborns (up to 1 month) the drug is contraindicated.
  • Cefuroxime-axetil used against cocci resistant to ampicillin. It can be used for internal administration or through injections, droppers. In the first case, the maximum one-time adult dose- 500 mg, children's - 250 mg. It is administered at regular intervals twice a day.


Macrolides are characterized by low toxicity and allergenicity. Their action is mainly bacteriostatic, ie. they inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, preventing protein synthesis, but do not cause their death.

The drugs are active against cocci, which makes their use possible with the corresponding tonsillitis. Some experts highly appreciate the role of macrolides in the treatment of respiratory diseases. So doctor medical sciences Yu.L. soldier notes: "A major advantage of macrolides is their non-antibiotic effects - anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory."

The following drugs are indicated for use in angina:

  1. Clarithromycin. When administered internally, food can slow absorption, so optimal time reception - shortly before meals. Maximum daily dose for adults - 1 g, for children - 500 mg.
  2. Klacid. The drug is complex. In addition to clarithromycin, it contains a number of excipients. They define a high degree penetration of the antibiotic into the affected tissue. In internal environment organism, it is able to attach a hydroxyl group to itself. The resulting metabolite and clarithromycin effectively suppress even resistant coccal flora, mutually complementing each other's action. For mild sore throats adult dosage is 250 mg twice a day. At severe forms inflammation, its increase to 500 mg is possible.

Preparations for the treatment of angina of viral etiology


With angina, the following drugs are prescribed:


At respiratory diseases and, in particular, with angina, the following groups of drugs have shown themselves to be effective drugs:

  • Amiksin. It causes the formation of interferons in human immunity cells, which trigger a cascade of reactions aimed at removing the virus from the body. In addition, amixin prevents the synthesis of viral subunits and reproduction (multiplication) of the pathogen. The drug is suitable for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children from 7 years. The regimen for adults is the introduction of 1 tablet per day in the first 2 days of illness and the subsequent administration of 4 more with an interval of 48 hours. For children, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet for 1, 2, 4 days of treatment.
  • Kagazel. Stimulates the synthesis of "late" interferon, especially active against viruses. The course of treatment lasts 4 days, the drug is taken three times a day. For the first two days, adults need to drink 3 tablets at a time, children from 6 years old - one at a time. Next days 1 tablet is taken per dose. Children from 3 to 6 years old should drink the drug twice for the first 2 days, 1 time for the second.
  • Viferon. Is an complex drug which contains human interferon. Additionally (depending on the form), vitamins C, E may be present. The drug has no age restrictions. Dosage and treatment regimen is calculated individually depending on the body weight, the patient's condition, the type of pathogen and the severity of the infection. Side effects of the drug are rare and are expressed in allergic reactions.

  • Isoprinosine. The drug is recommended for use in treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children older than 3 years. It enhances the activity of lymphocytes (immunity cells) and stimulates the synthesis of antibodies. Isoprinosine has good absorption rates in the gastrointestinal tract, is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The dosage is 50 mg / kg of weight per day, the medicine is taken in 3-4 doses.

Often, immunomodulators are prescribed as a preventive measure, to prevent viral tonsillitis and in the autumn and spring periods. However, some modern doctors are negative about this practice. The fact is that the immune system after taking these drugs enters a state of increased activity, which can provoke the development of allergies, make it worse, complicate the course of autoimmune diseases.

Topical preparations

Local therapy is sometimes preferable to general therapy and in any case complements it well. With a point effect on the affected tonsils, there is no risk of complications for the whole organism, side effects, and the likelihood of allergic reactions is lower.

Important! A significant disadvantage of local therapy is its low efficiency, which in the case of angina allows it to be evaluated only as a secondary measure.

As a means of treatment, it is customary to separate chemically synthesized and natural drugs.

Synthetic drugs for the local treatment of angina

The most effective and harmless include the following antiseptic drugs:

natural medicines

From preparations made from natural raw materials (shoots and roots of plants, beekeeping products, etc.), for the treatment of angina, the following can be prescribed:

The use of H1-histamine blockers for angina

Antihistamines are used to relieve symptoms of the disease. They reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of inflammation - swelling, sputum formation, itching and burning in the throat. With angina prescribe:

  1. Dimedrol. Produced in the form of tablets, it has a hyposensitizing, analgesic effect. May cause drowsiness, lethargy. Used even for treatment infants. The dosage depends on the age of the patient, the purpose of administration and the route of administration of the drug.
  2. Suprastin. Fast-acting drug, the effect occurs within 15-30 minutes after taking it. Maximum dose should not exceed 20 mg/kg per day. When taking, you must be guided by the recommendations of your doctor, because. the instructions usually indicate schemes for the treatment of allergies.
  3. Tavegil. The drug has a long-term effect: its effect lasts up to 12 hours. Reception is carried out before meals, twice a day. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed 0.5 tablets at a time, at an older age - a whole one.

Complex therapy, combined with the control of the main body systems, will allow you to cope with a sore throat quickly and without unnecessary complications. It is important to take the treatment of the disease seriously and follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

Video: angina, “School of Dr. Komarovsky”

Commonly referred to as angina, it is not serious enough, preferring to dispense with drugs that relieve the symptoms of the disease. In fact, angina is an ailment that, if not properly treated, can subsequently lead to severe complications(diseases of the heart, joints), therefore, with the appearance of severe pain in the throat, even if they are not accompanied by any common symptoms(fever, weakness, etc.), it is better to visit a doctor.

We bring to your attention the classification and review of drugs for the treatment of angina.

Antibiotics for angina

Antibacterial therapy will be effective if angina has bacterial origin because antibiotics have no effect on viruses. visually distinguish viral sore throat from bacterial can be quite difficult, so the doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics based on clinical picture without waiting for test results.

If the doctor diagnosed acute tonsillitis and prescribed antibiotics, then you need to take them. Also, despite the improvement in the condition, the reduction of pain and the normalization of body temperature, it is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment. This will lead to the fact that the bacterial flora that caused the development of tonsillitis will not only not be destroyed, but will also become resistant to this species antibiotic. At the same time, the inflammatory process in the throat from acute form can go to . In the future, with an exacerbation of tonsillitis, which has already become chronic, the patient will have to take more “strong” antibiotics. Also, refusal of antibiotic therapy can lead to the spread of infection and the development of complications (, and even).

In most cases, antibiotics from the penicillin group are prescribed for angina, most often the drug of choice is amoxicillin and its analogues or combination drug combining this antibiotic and clavulonic acid. If penicillins are intolerant or there are other contraindications to their use, the doctor may prescribe drugs from the macrolide group (azithromycin, erythromycin, etc.).

There is a local antibacterial drug Grammidin neo, which includes the antibiotic gramicidin. It is available in the form of lozenges. There is also Grammidin neo with an anesthetic, which, in addition to antibacterial, also has an analgesic effect, as well as a children's form (Grammidin for children).

Antiviral drugs for angina

With the development of angina on the background viral disease the doctor may prescribe an appointment. It should be remembered that antiviral therapy is effective at the beginning of treatment, in the first 24-48 hours after the onset of symptoms of the disease. To date, the range of antiviral drugs is quite wide: Ingavirin, Arbidol, Kagocel, Tamiflu, Relenza, Anaferon, etc. Even the timely start of therapy with these drugs does not guarantee that bacterial flora will not join, which may require antibiotics.

Local antiseptics for angina

In addition to antibiotic therapy, if it is prescribed, with angina of any etiology, it is necessary local treatment, which is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

Means for rinsing and lubricating the throat

by the most harmless means, which can be used to gargle with sore throat, are, of course, herbal decoctions and soda-saline solutions, in the absence of contraindications, with the addition of. Of the herbs, decoctions of chamomile, sage and calendula are most often used, which have no restrictions on use, except for individual intolerance.

An old, proven, inexpensive, but still quite effective remedy is furatsilin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of tablets or a ready-made solution. Also, for gargling, drugs such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Givalex, Furasol, Geksoral, Chlorophyllipt, etc., which have an antiseptic effect, are used.

Sometimes solutions that can be used for gargling are also used to lubricate the tonsils. Most often, Lugol's solution and Chlorophyllipt's oil solution are used for this purpose.


It is not always possible to gargle, so most medicines used to treat angina, are available in several forms. Sprays are convenient to use in the treatment of young children who do not know how to gargle. Irrigate a sore throat medicinal solutions you also need 3-4 times a day. To date, there is a large selection of drugs in the form of sprays: Geksoral, Miramistin, Strepsils plus, Tantum Verde, Yoks, etc.

Tablets, lozenges and lozenges for sucking

This is perhaps the most popular form of drugs used in the treatment of angina. Anti-angin, Strepsils, Pharyngosept, Septolete, Geksoral tabs, Tantum Verde, Lizobakt - this is not a complete list of absorbable tablets for the treatment of acute tonsillitis.

Most of the funds, in one way or another applied directly to the tonsils inflamed with angina, have practically no contraindications for use. Most often, their use is limited by individual intolerance to any component that is part of the drug. Particularly carefully study the composition of drugs for the treatment of angina should be people suffering from anesthetics and essential oils. Also, be careful with drugs. People suffering from thyroid diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating women, can only use them as directed by a doctor.

Symptomatic treatment of angina


Apart from severe pain in the throat, sore throat is often accompanied by an intoxication syndrome (fever, headache, chills, weakness, etc.). If it is necessary to reduce the temperature with angina, antipyretics from the group are used (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Panadol, Aspirin, Coldrex, Fervex, etc.). In addition to antipyretic, these drugs also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These drugs alleviate the condition with angina, but do not affect the cause of the disease.

Other drugs for angina

Homeopathic preparations

Recommended in complex therapy together with other treatments. An example of such a drug: Anginit-GF, which is used for both adults and children from 2 years of age. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect.


To maintain and restore the body after a sore throat, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes (Multitabs, Pikovit, Alfavit, Biomax, Vitrum, Complivit, etc.) It is also useful to take some biologically active additives based on natural immunostimulants (eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea purpurea and etc.).


If antibacterial therapy was prescribed for the treatment of angina, then for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to take drugs containing bifido- and lactobacilli (Linex, Acipol, Acylact, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Probifor, Normoflorin, etc.). For women, taking probiotics is especially relevant, since against the background of antibiotic therapy, a violation may also occur. normal composition vaginal microflora and development.