What is the duration of the sick leave after hip arthroplasty. How long is sick leave after hip replacement

Based on the foregoing, we denote that a certain percentage of patients do not fit into the generally established standards of rehabilitation. At the end of 90-120 days after arthroplasty with an unsatisfactory clinical picture, the ITU expert commission will deal with the issues of granting the status of VUT to the patient.

To do this, the medical institution (HCI), where the patient was treated and examined during the entire rehabilitation period, sends a package of documents to the local bureau. The parcel package necessarily includes all extracts and conclusions on the main diagnosis, on diagnostic and therapeutic measures carried out in outpatient and inpatient conditions. That is, the health care facility, according to the collected documentation, officially confirms the fact that the patient has depression of functions of one nature or another and the need to undergo specific medical rehabilitation.

Experts of the medical and social commission carefully study the information about the patient received from the health facility and pass a verdict on the degree of limitation of his performance. The ITU, as one of the most common options, can agree that the polyclinic opens a new one from the date of closing the sick leave until the patient's quality of life is restored to the fullest extent possible. The terms of the BL are also set for the health facilities by the ITU, however, as well as the admissibility of its extension without their participation, the cyclicity of the update. Another option, less likely, is that the expert commission assigns a disability group (usually 3 gr.) to the patient with its further re-examination at the time indicated by the MS-instance.

We emphasize that MSEC reserves the right to refuse both the extension of the BC and the assignment of the group if the pathological deviations are confirmed as minor.

To learn more…

What is endoprosthetics, and in what situations is it necessary? This is an operation to replace a joint that has been affected by arthrosis with an artificial implant. The disease is called coxarthrosis, and arthroplasty is indicated at the last stage of the disease, when coxarthrosis is already running, and conservative methods of therapy do not bring positive results.

In such a situation, hip replacement surgery is considered the only correct solution, since only arthroplasty can restore the lost function of the joint and return the patient to a full life. The operation is prescribed when the doctor diagnoses the patient with the absolute destruction of the hyaline cartilage.

How to treat coxarthrosis

Treatment of coxarthrosis in each case is selected individually. It depends on several factors:

  • patient's age;
  • stage of the disease;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • the patient's immune status.

In general, for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, the doctor always prescribes a whole range of measures, which include the general improvement of the body. To treat coxarthrosis, traditional medicine methods are also used.

Therapeutic measures include both conservative and medical methods:

  1. The appointment of muscle relaxants means that reduce muscle tension around the affected area. The drugs improve blood circulation in the joint and relieve pain.
  2. The appointment of non-hormonal (non-steroidal) anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain. This group of drugs can be taken at any stage of coxarthrosis.
  3. The appointment of drugs that restore cartilage tissue. These include arteparone, glucosamine, etc. These drugs are most effective in coxarthrosis.
  4. Hardware traction. It is used in order to reduce the load on the surface of the joint. Such treatment is a course and is possible with the help of special equipment.
  5. Physiotherapy: phonophoresis, electrophoresis, laser therapy, cryotherapy. All these procedures are aimed at relieving inflammation and improving blood circulation in the affected area.
  6. Postisometric relaxation stretching of muscles and ligaments is possible without the use of auxiliary mechanisms. The patient is active. Its task is to strain and relax certain muscle groups. During moments of relaxation, the doctor performs stretching.

Treatment of the 1st and 2nd stages of coxarthrosis

Treatment of coxarthrosis in the initial stages allows you to stop the development of the disease. If measures are taken in time, the patient will never know what coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree is. In the first two stages, conservative and medical methods of treatment are actively used.

  1. Pain relievers are prescribed: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics.
  2. Excluded significant load on the affected joint. The patient is transferred to a sparing mode. He is prescribed a course of special exercises.
  3. Reflexology, massage.

All these methods stimulate proper blood circulation in the joint and tissues located nearby. They allow you to restore mobility in the joint, up to a complete recovery.

Treatment of the 3rd stage of coxarthrosis

At this stage, it is possible to use conservative treatment (reducing stress, injections of drugs that improve blood circulation). But such therapy will be palliative, that is, it will eliminate the symptoms, but not the cause of coxarthrosis.

How is the hip joint

To clearly understand the essence of the operation on the hip joint, it is necessary to know its structure. This is a spherical joint that can rotate in three directions: sagittal, vertical and frontal axis.

The hip joint is formed by two bones connected to each other: the ilium and the femur. The femoral head is inserted into the acetabulum of the ilium. This device, in fact, is an excellent hinge with the ability to perform various movements.

The hip joint in a healthy state is covered with a layer of hyaline cartilage. In other words, the cavity of the acetabulum and the head of the femur are lined with cartilage.

Articular cartilage provides smooth sliding of the joints and allows you to dampen the movement of a person. Pathologies of hyaline cartilage and lead to the formation of osteoarthritis.

Classification of hip implants

The modern medical equipment market offers more than fifty types of endoprostheses. Any modification ensures the fulfillment of the physiological functionality of the joint. That is, the one that nature gave to man from birth. But the endoprosthesis has limitations regarding the service life.

With a properly performed operation, the implant will serve its owner for 15-20 years. After this period, the patient will need a second operation.

Endoprosthesis attachment methods

  1. Cementless - with this method, the bone grows into the prosthesis, which has a rough surface.
  2. Cement - the endoprosthesis is attached using polymer cement - a special bone "glue".

Both of these methods are very popular, but which one is preferable, there is no clear answer yet. Each method has strengths and weaknesses. More recently, a hybrid mount has been used. This option combines all the positive characteristics of both methods.

Endoprosthetics happens:

  • Unipolar - only the head of the femur is subjected to prosthetics.
  • Bipolar - in addition to the head of the hip joint, the acetabulum is also replaced.

Design of the hip implant

In the manufacture of endoprostheses, materials are carefully controlled. This is necessary, given the peculiarities of the use of prostheses. In the human hip joint, hyaline cartilage ensures perfect gliding. In an artificial counterpart, friction can cause rapid deformation of the prosthesis.

Therefore, implants are made of high-strength metals and polymers that can ensure a long service life.

Hip endoprostheses are made:

  • from polymer plastic;
  • from a metal alloy;
  • from ceramics.

The most popular combination today is "metal + plastic", which has a normal period of operation. Of course, "metal + metal" is the leader in terms of reliability, ensuring the life of the endoprosthesis up to 20 years, and all this time the artificial hip joint works perfectly.

Hip replacement

The size of the future prosthesis is carefully selected. Before the operation, the doctor communicates with the patient and explains to him the possible complications and risks. The main risks are associated with the likelihood of infection in the body, thrombosis of blood vessels, large blood loss during surgery. The possibility of dislocation of the endoprosthesis is not excluded.

The patient is hospitalized a couple of days before the operation and is fully examined. The hip replacement procedure lasts from one and a half to three hours. Endoprosthetics is performed by a highly qualified doctor, since the operation is classified as complex.

First, the hip joint, which is affected by coxarthrosis, is removed, then an artificial implant is mounted. In this case, one of the above methods is used. In the postoperative rehabilitation period, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs.

A small roller can be placed under the hip area to fix the pelvis in the desired position. A day after surgery in a hospital bed, a little activity is usually acceptable. On the second day, the doctor allows you to make some static movements and squat.

After endoprosthetics, the sutures are removed by the end of the second week.

Rehabilitation program

After 10-15 days after the operation, the patient is discharged home. At home, it is necessary, following all the prescriptions of the doctor, to carry out further rehabilitation. If complications arise after the operation, it is advisable to transfer the patient to a special rehabilitation center. There, he will be provided with the control of rehabilitation doctors and proper care.

The operated person must comply with the restrictions on the load on the artificial hip joint. This period is usually up to two months. .From 5 to 15% of all operations are complications. This percentage is getting smaller every year. This is explained by the fact that more advanced means are used, and the technique is constantly honed.

Important! In 95% of the performed hip replacement surgeries with an artificial implant, a person regains the ability to bend, move, play sports and completely returns to normal life.

The service life of the endoprosthesis is from 10 to 15 years. It should be borne in mind: the greater the load received by the prosthesis, the sooner the wear of the implant occurs. High mobility of the hip joint (applies to athletes who return to their previous lifestyle) and overweight reduce the life of the endoprosthesis.

Endoprosthesis surgery costs the patient from 2 to 10 thousand. Summing up, it should be noted that arthroplasty in such a disease as coxarthrosis is the last way to make life easier for the patient. In other words, when it becomes clear that there is no other way to get rid of the disease.

Therefore, it is impossible to start coxarthrosis, the disease must be treated in the early stages. Then surgery can be avoided.

  • Relieves pain and swelling in the joints with arthritis and arthrosis
  • Restores joints and tissues, effective for osteochondrosis

That's behind the operation to replace the hip joint, rehabilitation has come to replace. The most important thing now for the patient is to be extremely attentive to their feelings and successfully go through all the stages without allowing complications. There is no need to be afraid, they occur infrequently and, as a rule, if a special regimen is not observed, which is prescribed from the first day after surgery. The duration of rehabilitation treatment is approximately 3 months, of which the patient spends 2-3 weeks in the clinic, and the rest of the time he will either continue classes and undergo procedures at a good specialized medical center, or will work at home strictly according to the instructions issued.

Where is it better to undergo recovery - at home or in the clinic?

After hip replacement surgery, rehabilitation not only at an early stage, but also at a later stage is also better to be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist and a professional exercise therapy instructor. Why is it so important? In the later stages, you can overestimate your capabilities by starting to put more stress on the operated joint than it is ready to accept at the moment, which is fraught with dislocation of the endoprosthesis, loosening and other troubles. Usually this happens precisely in the remote period, being at home, when, against the background of a significant improvement in the condition, a person decides that he can already go beyond the limits. In fact, the final strong bonding of the prosthesis to the bone and muscle structures has not yet taken place, and it occurs no earlier than in 3-4 months, here is the result.

Why is specialist supervision needed? Because only he is able to convey to the patient the essence of the recovery process. Without extraneous instructions, even the most disciplined and informed patient is unable to provide rehabilitation.

It is advisable to remain as long as possible under the supervision of specialists who, taking into account the dynamics of recovery and the individual characteristics of the patient, will select the optimally acceptable level of physical activity, make adjustments as necessary in the direction of increasing or reducing them, and monitor the correct performance of each exercise. The rehabilitation instructor and the attending physician will make sure that rehabilitation after hip replacement goes without complications, providing the full range of mandatory preventive measures in time.

During the exercises, something will certainly pull, whine, hurt, but only a physiotherapist who has had many such patients will be able to sensibly explain the reasons and inspire confidence.

Wherever the patient goes through the postoperative plan of mandatory measures, he must strictly adhere to an individual rehabilitation program after hip replacement. It is compiled exclusively by a highly qualified specialist, according to established standards for endoprosthetics, for a specific medical case.

Sequence, timing and main features of the stages

Postoperative stages

Intervals by periods Postoperative character

Mode of motor activity and

Early phase

from 1 to 7 days inclusiveacute inflammatory responseearly sparing
from 8 to 14 daysepithelization, contraction, wound healinglight-toning
late stagefrom 15 days for 6 weeksstart of remodeling: predominance of bone resorptionprimary restorative
from 7 to 10 weeks.dominance of hard tissue renewal processeslate recovery
from 11 weeks to the expiration of 3-4 months from the date of surgerycompletion of bone repair adapted to new conditionsadaptive

Orthopedic surgeons strongly advise 3 weeks after the operation to undergo a treatment and recovery stage in the orthopedic department of a surgical hospital, then about the same in a specialized rehabilitation center. After that, to consolidate the results obtained, undergo a course of rehabilitation in an institution of a resort and sanatorium type, specializing in the profile of therapeutic and prophylactic treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Early physical rehabilitation

From the information provided in the table, you can see that recovery after surgery is not a matter of one week, but an average of 3-4 months. Complicated patients can recover from six months to a year. So, let's consider what the initial rehabilitation phase is.

Targets and goals

The principles of recovery after surgery on the hip joints in the initial period are mainly based on the use of balanced kinesitherapy, gentle static exercises, myostimulating physiotherapy procedures. In addition, the patient receives competent medical care, including antibiotic therapy, the introduction of vascular preparations, and antiseptic treatment of the wound. Thanks to proportionate and targeted exercise therapy, adequate treatment with medications, the following is achieved:

  • stimulation of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • elimination of inflammation, edema, painful syndrome;
  • increase in muscle strength and range of motion in the problem area;
  • correction of the statics of the vertebral sections;
  • prevention of postoperative negative reactions (thrombosis, infections, etc.) and the development of strong immunity against all possible consequences.

Compression cuffs are a mandatory measure for the prevention of thrombosis in the first days after surgery.

Also, from the first day, such a device for passive extension of the joint has been used. Used for both knee and thigh.

This period ensures the implementation of one of the main goals - the early activation of the operated patient. A rehabilitation doctor, an instructor-methodologist in exercise therapy must teach a person all the norms of physical behavior, confident use of assistive devices for movement; help develop the correct stereotype of walking and adopting a “sitting” position, climbing and descending stairs. Also, their duties include warning the patient about all types of physical activity that are strictly contraindicated in this period of time.

Physical Mode

  • respiratory diaphragmatic gymnastics;
  • training a healthy limb through active exercises, as well as flexion/extension of the ankle of the endoprosthetic leg until a feeling of slight fatigue in the muscles of the leg;
  • strengthening the gluteal, femoral and calf muscles with the help of isometric tensions of the corresponding zones;
  • raising the pelvic region, leaning on the elbows and foot of a healthy lower limb, in order to prevent bleeding and necrosis of the skin due to their compression due to a long stay in bed;
  • from 2-3 days include up to 6 times a day for 15 minutes individualized passive-active training on the leg with a replaced joint (raising a straight limb, sliding the feet on the bed with pulling the legs towards you, bending the knee joint area by less than 90 degrees;
  • special strengthening exercises for the adductor and abductor muscles, as well as the hip extensor muscles (“Hula-hula”, Thomas test, etc.).

After approximately 2 days, the patient is allowed to sit down (sit for no more than 15-20 minutes), while the doctor will prescribe more exercises performed in the “sitting” position, for example, unbend the leg at the knee joint, holding it in the extension position for 5 seconds (10 sets each). 5-6 times / day). Also, from the third day, the patient begins to get up, stand and walk a little on crutches, not yet transferring body weight to the problem side. The duration of walking is at first equal to 5 minutes, but the time is slowly added, and by the end of this period you need to walk three times a day for about 30 minutes.

A separate area of ​​rehabilitation is occupational therapy, when the patient is taught to take care of himself safely: get up and lie down on the bed, put on socks and shoes, other clothes, pick up things from the floor, use crutches, etc.

The support on the leg is added very carefully, starting from a slight touch of the foot with the floor surface, gradually increasing the percentage of the support load. Having mastered the “standing” position well, the patient, under the guidance of a methodologist, will learn to carry out:

  • abduction in the lateral and posterior direction of the straightened leg, holding on to the back of the bed, chair or walker, avoiding pain;
  • bending the knee with pulling the heel to the buttocks, straining the gluteal part;
  • controlled transfer of weight from one leg to another, from side to side, etc.

Precautionary measures

You already know how long the rehabilitation after the replacement of the hip joint of the musculoskeletal system takes, and that in the early stages the supporting-power frame of the body is too weak. Therefore, in order to avoid displacement of the functional components of the endoprosthesis (dislocation) or instability at the points of attachment of the artificial hip joint, strictly follow the instructions below.

  1. Do not exceed 90 degrees of hip flexion, especially with internal rotation and adduction.
  2. It is impossible to give a full axial load to the prosthetic segment. This is dangerous by loosening the implant.
  3. Do not sit on chairs, sofas, beds with low surfaces. Appropriate furniture should be high enough.
  4. Avoid vigorous and forced movements in the joint, both at the time of self-service and during restorative exercise therapy. Forget about the “leg over leg” position, this position is strictly forbidden for at least 4 months!
  5. In classes aimed at restoring the hip joint after total hip replacement surgery, be careful that the legs do not approach each other and do not intersect.
  6. Do not take any medications that have an analgesic effect immediately before exercise or during exercise. They powerfully suppress pain sensitivity, due to which control over one's own sensations is lost during physical exertion, which can greatly harm the operated leg.
  7. Do not lie on the problem side either during sleep or during normal rest. Rest on your healthy side using a roller or small pillow between your two limbs. They will protect against sudden unsuccessful movement, which can disrupt the congruence of the articular elements of the endoprosthesis. It is preferable to sleep on your back at first, while also do not forget to put a delimiter pillow between your legs.

The roller between the legs is a mandatory requirement for a month after the operation. Crossing the legs increases the risk of dislocation of the implant.

How long the rehabilitation of the early cycle will last after the replacement of the hip joint is decided only by the doctor on an individual basis. If all goals and objectives are achieved in full, the state of health satisfies the deadlines, recovery is progressing according to plan, then the patient is transferred to the next stage - the longest and no less responsible.

At an angle of less than 90 degrees in the hip joint, this risk is also high.

Late stage recovery system

About 3 weeks have passed since the day the hip replacement was performed, rehabilitation becomes more varied, longer in time and intensity. The specialist adds to the established physiotherapy treatment, namely electromyostimulation and ultrasound, more procedures for skin-muscle microcirculation and optimization of osteoreparation processes:

  • medicinal electrophoresis of calcium, possibly bischofite;
  • infrared laser therapy;
  • balneological treatment;
  • acupuncture;
  • paraffin therapy and ozocerite applications;
  • massage of the lumbosacral zone of the spine and a healthy leg.

There is nothing better than a pool for recovery, but do not forget that before this the seam must heal!

Therapeutic exercise already consists to a greater extent of dynamic exercises, resistance training and weight training. The patient, under the supervision of a methodologist, performs a diverse complex of exercise therapy on special simulators, as well as using sports equipment, such as rubber bands, light weights, step platforms, and block shells.

Suspension work is a great way to engage your deepest muscles.

The main goals of the late period

The fundamental goals at this stage are the physical development of the lower limb until full functionality is reproduced in it, work on gait and posture, and improvement of the ligamentous-muscular center. The base of measures for the implementation of the tasks set is again kinesitherapy. Physiotherapy is not canceled, after the replacement of the hip joints in rehabilitation it is given an equally significant place. So, now all treatment and recovery measures are aimed at:

  • the maximum possible expansion of the motor-supporting functions of the limb, the achievement of absolute stability of the hip joint and a full range of motion;
  • regulation of muscle tone to normal, increased muscle endurance;
  • development of symmetrical support-kinematic work of both legs;
  • correction of adaptive habits during movement, which the patient had to follow before and after surgery due to motor failure and fear of pain.

As before, the rehabilitation instructor works with the ward on his adaptation to a new lifestyle, on the development of stable movement patterns that he will use in self-care, while doing homework, and also outside the home.

Nordic walking is good for its safety.

It is important to understand that immediately and by itself after a complex operation on the musculoskeletal system, the effect will not occur. How the rehabilitation will proceed and how long after the replacement of the hip joint will be significantly affected, first of all, by the adequacy of the type, frequency, intensity and duration of daily physical activity given to the joint. The effectiveness and approach of the recovery time is influenced by the patient's diligence in relation to medical instructions, overcoming one's own laziness, weakness and fear.

Attention! It is important to understand that the TBS has been replaced with an artificial organ. Yes, this is an analogue organ that coincides with the configuration and functional parameters of the anatomical and physiological unit, but in any case it is not a biologically native element. In order for the “new” part of the musculoskeletal system to become an inseparable link in a single locomotor chain, harmoniously coordinated with all anatomical structures, which is a rather complicated process, it takes time and a therapeutically competent, targeted impact on the prosthetic leg.

Later period balance exercises are suitable for those who want to get the most out of their treatment.

Hiking now increases in duration to 60 minutes, in frequency - up to 4 times a day. After 1.5-2 months, perhaps a little earlier or later, the supervising doctor will cancel the use of crutches, allowing the use of a cane when moving. The cane is used until the complete recovery of the operated department is confirmed. Usually it is canceled and allowed to do without support at all between the 13th and 17th week.

Basic complex of late exercise therapy

The number of repetitions of one type of exercise is 6-10 times, the cycle of the complex is 2-3 times a day.

Before using a gymnastics technique, consult a doctor to make sure that none of the exercises has contraindications for your medical problem.

Rehabilitation after a total joint replacement with an endoprosthesis at these times also includes cycling and aqua gymnastics. In addition, it will be very useful for the patient to swim in the pool with the front crawl style. But do not forget about the gradual transition to new types of physical education methods and a reasonable increase in the pace, strength and time of recovery sessions. At periods such as 3, 6 and 12 months, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory control and diagnostic examination in the clinic.

Advice! If you are far away from going to the pool, it’s winter outside and you don’t really take a walk, the exercise bike takes up a lot of space, then buy a step machine. This is an incredibly effective projectile for training the lower extremities.

And the last point that interests many people who have undergone hip arthroplasty, but what are they embarrassed to ask a specialist about: when is intimate life allowed? You can’t have sex until the unnatural joint is securely fixed in the bone structures and firmly attached to the muscles and ligaments - the main “levers” that bring the prosthesis into a functional state. And this is possible, as we have repeatedly noted, after 90-120 days after prosthetics with a successful recovery.

Provision of communication services that are requested to the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation. To provide them with a mark on the validity of a power of attorney to receive funds confirming the existence of a certificate can be obtained by consequences beyond its control.
The list of documents required for their receipt is an extract from the registration documents for the Land Plot in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.
(name and other documents), submitted to the court at the place of his residence or at the location of the management company and its extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Conditions for the appointment of benefits must be submitted to the traffic police the specified documents confirming the right to own and use the land.
In case of refusal to privatize housing, it can be like the validity of a patent, an agreement indicating a decision was made to allocate you to this apartment, in the event of a sale, YOU - the amount of the debt will be subject only to that concluded with the new owner and executable - to me at that time, which is determined by the court depending on the terms of a social tenancy agreement on the terms provided for by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 1152 and Article 170 and part 2 of Article 1069 of this Code.
Thus, since you did not live in an apartment in a house, whether this is a residential building or at the time of privatization, or removed from the owners of the home, after which you cannot sell your share, the room at your own discretion.
Children from the first marriage can claim equal shares in the ownership of it, while the rights to property share in the ownership of the dwelling in which the child lives.
2. They cannot impose a penalty on him for a mortgage loan (Article 264 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the new owner has the right to sell your share at any time, which will acquire the property of the husband on himself before marriage would be foreclosed, since in this case the testator accepted the bailiff as part of the court decision. And the fact is that if you consider the impossibility of insufficiency of the debtor's property. In practice, you have the right to receive a writ of execution to the FSSP authorities, since your relatives accepted the inheritance (you can file a lawsuit to recover a debt from you). If the court has seized the property, then try to be present under part 3 of article 60.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
Article 115. Liability for late payment of alimony
1. If a debt is formed through the fault of a person who is obliged to pay alimony by a court decision, the guilty person shall pay a penalty in the amount of one second percent of the amount of unpaid alimony for each day of delay to the alimony recipient.
The recipient of alimony is also entitled to recover from the person guilty of late payment of alimony, who is obliged to pay alimony, all the losses caused by the delay in fulfilling the alimony obligations in the part not covered by the penalty.
Article 99 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 229-FZ. The amount of deduction from the salary and other income of the debtor and the procedure for its calculation several executive documents) no more than fifty percent of wages and other incomes can be withheld from the debtor-citizen. Withholdings are made until the full execution of the requirements contained in the executive document. 3. The limitation on the amount of deduction from the wages and other incomes of the debtor-citizen, established by part 2 of this article, does not apply when collecting alimony for minor children, compensating for harm caused to health, compensating for harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, and compensating for damage caused by a crime . The amount of deductions from wages in these cases cannot exceed 70 percent.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 106-FZ dated June 30, 2008)
(see text in previous edition)
The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product did not fit in shape, size, style, color, size or configuration.
The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of its purchase.
The exchange of a non-food product of good quality is carried out if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cash receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product. The fact that the consumer does not have a sales receipt or a cash receipt or any other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony.
The list of goods not subject to exchange on the grounds specified in this article is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. If a similar product is not available for sale on the day the consumer applies to the seller, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount of money paid for the specified product. The demand of the consumer for the return of the amount of money paid for the specified goods is subject to satisfaction within three days from the date of return of the specified goods.
By agreement between the consumer and the seller, the exchange of goods may be provided for when a similar product goes on sale. The seller is obliged to immediately inform the consumer about the receipt of a similar product on sale.
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Modern surgery at a high level performs the operation to replace the knee joint, which was previously considered impossible. According to statistics after surgery, patients after such an operation return to their former, healthy life. In addition to the main treatment, rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty is needed, otherwise the therapeutic outcome will not be achieved. You can find out about the methodology for conducting the rehabilitation period in our article.

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Features of the operation

Endoprosthetics is a surgical intervention, as a result of which the damaged joint is replaced with a prosthesis (implant). Joint replacement is performed when conservative treatment methods fail, and the destroyed joint loses its functioning ability.

A frequent case of prosthetics is an injury to the joint of the knee, arthrosis. In this case, the cartilaginous layer between the articular bones wears out over time. Other causes of pathology may be chronic infection, rheumatism, metabolic disorders.

The purpose of the procedure is to remove the worn joint and install a new special element. Such an event will eliminate the deformity of the limb, restore motor function and save the affected bone.

During the operation, the doctor removes cartilage from the tibia and corrects the position of the knee joint. After that, the joint is replaced, and the endoprosthesis is fixed. To fill in bone defects, tissue from the patient or a donor is used.

At the final stage, the surgeon checks the stability and strength of the installed component. Makes versatile movements in the knee at an angle, gives an assessment of smoothness. Knee surgery contributes to the return of mobility, full-fledged work of the leg, and the elimination of pain.

In general, the operation of endoprosthesis is positive, without complications and gives an excellent result. But it is worth noting that it depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, the quality of the medical action performed, and the characteristics of the knee joint. It also requires a long postoperative recovery period.

Possible Complications

Endoprosthetics is a planned operation that includes examining the patient, conducting a study of the patient's condition. It is almost impossible to insure yourself against emerging complications after surgery. After all, they are primarily due to signs of the structure of the knee joint, and only then by ignoring the recommendations for strengthening the knee. The operation can provoke a breathing problem, heart failure, a failure of blood flow to the cerebral cortex, a violation of blood vessels, and a crack in the bone tissue.

In such situations, the following complications may occur:

  • inflammatory process of the limb;
  • knee infection;
  • bone fracture near the fixed implant;
  • displacement of the patella;
  • destruction of the vascular or nerve bundle;
  • implant deformation;
  • elevated temperature;
  • thrombosis;
  • swelling and accumulation of fluid;
  • insufficiency of the respiratory system;
  • allergy;
  • crunching during movement;
  • displacement of the element itself (implant);
  • restriction of mobility;
  • scar tissue formation.

After surgery, there is a risk of swelling, thrombosis, so you need to take medications that thin the blood, use a special stocking, bandage. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to adhere to the doctor's recommendations, avoid unnecessary stress, injuries, undergo a study to detect an allergy to the drug.

Prosthetics provide an opportunity for the victim to get rid of pain and enjoy an active lifestyle. Of course, rehabilitation is indispensable - a long recovery period, but it will help the body avoid the risk of negative complications.

Recovery and rehabilitation

After the operation, rehabilitation of the knee cartilage begins immediately. It is allowed after the first day to get out of bed, but very slowly and smoothly leaning on your elbows. On the second day, it is allowed to lower the legs from the hospital bed. The next step is to learn how to sit properly. To do this, you need to wrap your hands around the endoprosthesis leg and gradually lower it to the floor. To avoid the risk of deviations, an elastic bandage should be applied to the damaged area.

After 4-6 days, the patient can stand on his feet completely, but it is impossible to rely heavily on a weak limb. The first movement is carried out first on a healthy leg, the diseased leg is in a straightened position. It is advisable to touch the floor with it, use an orthopedic device. The patient stays in the hospital for up to 7-10 days, after which he is discharged and continues therapeutic exercises at home. The joint will heal and its full recovery will last about 24 weeks.

exercise therapy

For the first three months, the patient slowly moves around the house with the help of another person or an additional device. Next, flexion, extension of the leg at an angle of 90 degrees, balance on the leg are practiced. The effectiveness of strengthening the knee joint is accompanied by the following exercises:

    1. Raising a straightened leg, keeping it in good shape (2-3 seconds).
    2. Knee flexion, extension no more than an angle of 90 degrees.
    3. Perform extensor movements in the ankle joint, increase repetitions gradually.
    4. Retraction of the straightened and raised leg back at an angle of 45 degrees.
    5. The straightened leg is taken to the side and fixed in an elevated position for 3-5 seconds.

If you regularly and diligently perform gymnastic exercises, then the rehabilitation of the knee joint can be completed by 12 weeks of the recovery period. But you should not abruptly stop gymnastics, it is advisable to continue it by cycling, swimming, long walking. When the knee hurts during the exercise, it is possible to eliminate the pain with a cold compress, pain medication or ointment. But it is better to immediately contact your doctor.

It happens that the patient cannot independently cope with rehabilitation after knee replacement. For this, there are sanatoriums in which procedures will be performed by patients under the supervision of a medical worker. But it is worth considering the condition that treatment is paid in such an institution. Naturally, if you are not lazy, then you can achieve the same result at home.


Physiotherapy is an integral part of the rehabilitation process after arthroplasty. Its main task is to prevent displacement of the joint, teaching the patient to properly use the new prosthesis. In addition, it helps to strengthen the muscles near the location of the prosthesis with the help of special exercises.

A physiotherapist will prescribe a physical complex of exercises for the patient to perform independently. He will analyze and approve which postures are useful for the knee joint, what load the knee can withstand.


The rehabilitation period after knee arthroplasty is not only gymnastic exercises with a small load. A prerequisite for tightening the wound, preventing inflammation is taking medications. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, according to the nature of the disease. They will help relieve muscle spasm, normalize humoral function.

Chondroprotectors are important means for restoring cartilage. Angioprotectors provide tissues with nutrients, increase blood circulation.


An important addition to drug therapy and physiotherapy is massage. He also provides all possible assistance to the operated knee joint. To do this, you need to massage the affected area with the use of the drug.

The patient should take a comfortable position, relax. The masseur performs light movements, without pressing on the diseased area of ​​​​the joint. They should gradually increase with a little pressure. Rubbing is done with fingertips, massage manipulations are desirable to be smooth, slow, soft. The event will not be superfluous, as it will complement the postoperative recovery period.

sick leave after surgery

For how many days can a disability certificate be issued? In case of temporary disability due to a disease of the knee bone tissue, the attending physician issues a sick leave. The duration of the document is initially 15 days. In the event of complications, the sick leave may be extended by decision of the medical commission.

After the end of this rehabilitation period of time, a patient with an unfavorable prognosis undergoes a medical and social examination in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health “On approval of the procedure for issuing sick leave certificates”. Accordingly, the document is extended for another 4 months from the date of the original date of disability. Otherwise, a refusal is received, the list is closed.

Appointment of disability

Patients who suffer from bone tissue pathology are entitled to a disability allowance. It is possible to apply for social assistance if all x-rays, a doctor's report confirming the diagnosis are provided. That is, to officially confirm that a person cannot fully and independently move.

Rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty to receive disability benefits is no exception. This social benefit is provided for a year. In order to extend it after the expiration of the term, it is necessary to undergo a re-examination and present a complete package of documents to the members of the medical commission.

But one factor should be taken into account, if a person can be in a standing position for about two hours a day, then disability, unfortunately, is not extended. With this indicator of personality, it is allowed to engage in labor activities in a sitting position without harming one's health.

Video "Knee Recovery Exercises"

This video provides a methodology for performing knee rehabilitation exercises after prosthetics. It is suitable for the patient to perform exercises at home.