The chest changes with dexamethasone injections. Dexamethasone and other pain medication withdrawal prevention

Dexamethasone withdrawal syndrome is a very dangerous condition, which is a consequence of addiction to the drug, and can threaten the life of the patient. Therefore, before starting treatment with this medicine, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics and rules for use.

What is Dexamethasone?

This is a glucocorticosteroid - a hormonal agent that has the following effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antiallergic.
  3. Antitoxic.
  4. Desensitizing.
  5. Antishock.
  6. Immunosuppressive.

It is used in various fields of medicine. Indicated for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Endocrine disorders associated with insufficient functionality of the adrenal glands;
  • Arthritis;
  • Connective tissue pathologies;
  • Dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen;
  • Ophthalmia;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • aplastic anemia;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Leukemia;
  • tuberculous meningitis;
  • Polyps in the nose;
  • swelling of the brain;
  • Allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma.

This list is only a small part of the full list of problems for which Dexamethasone is prescribed. It is also used in gynecology, even during pregnancy, if the need for treatment outweighs the possible risk from taking the drug.

The remedy also has a lot of contraindications, for example, autoimmune conditions - AIDS, HIV. It is forbidden to use any form of the drug for infections. Side effects from taking the drug also appear in various systems and organs.

The withdrawal syndrome is listed in the official instructions for Dexamethasone as a deadly condition.

The drug is sometimes used in childhood. There must be good reasons for its appointment, and the dosage is calculated from the condition and parameters of the child.

Why does the syndrome occur?

A painful reaction of the body to the abolition of any drug indicates that an addiction has formed. Addiction to the drug is a consequence of the introduction into metabolic processes. The body needs hormones to carry out certain actions. When the corresponding substance in large quantities and for a long time comes from outside and covers the needs of the body, then it ceases to be produced independently. If you abruptly stop providing the drug, then there is nothing to fill the functions of this hormone, since the body did not have time to rebuild, and a serious condition sets in - a total endocrine failure. When vital processes are affected, the outcome can be fatal.

Do not be afraid of those who are prescribed small doses of the drug that do not cover the natural needs of the body. In this case, the medicine acts as an aid to normalize its own processes. Injection blockades in the spine or joint do not cause dependence either.

Manifestations after the abolition of Dexamethasone

A syndrome is a symptom complex that consists of the following symptoms:

  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Exacerbation of the inflammation that is treated with this drug;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Depression of the psycho-emotional state;
  • Discharge from the nose;
  • Fever;
  • Headache;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Aches in the joints and muscles;
  • Irritability;
  • Decrease in body weight;
  • convulsions;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • Death.

When using the drug by injection, the syndrome is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Numbness, burning and pain at the injection site;
  • Tissue necrosis in the area of ​​​​administration of the agent;
  • infection;
  • Scar formation;
  • Atrophy.

How to avoid the negative effects of Dexamethasone?

The main measure for the prevention of the syndrome is the correct determination of the dosage of the drug, which will not lead to dependence. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. A doctor should take care of the gradual withdrawal, who will draw up a scheme for reducing a single amount of the drug. The duration of the period can be from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the initial daily volume of the drug. Usually the dose is divided in half, after 5-7 days, similarly, they reach 1/8 or 1/16.

Attention! Abrupt discontinuation is justified if serious side effects are found. Then the medicine is replaced by another, so as not to get manifestations of the syndrome.

What to do if Dexamethasone syndrome manifests itself?

When the drug is just canceled, and the phenomenon is already noted, the medicine should be returned in a reduced dosage. When several days have passed, it is better to consult a doctor, because the condition is too dangerous, and hormones are very unpredictable substances. It is impossible to choose steroids on your own, as well as to correct unsuccessful therapy. How long the symptomatic manifestations of the syndrome will have to endure depends on many factors: the patient's condition, the duration of treatment, the dosage of the drug, and so on.

It is impossible to predict the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome and get rid of it on your own in the case of hormonal drugs. Need help from an experienced professional. If there is no confidence in your doctor, you should undergo additional diagnostics from other doctors.

11.06.2017, 12:26

Hello dear doctors.
Please help me in my difficult situation.
Male, 45 years old, height 165 cm, weight 67 kg before illness (now 54).

In December 2016, he underwent surgery for an inguinal hernia, after which health problems began to grow like a snowball ... After the operation, a complication came out - varicose veins of the penis, when running to the doctors, the urologist checked the hernia through the scrotum from the side of the operation - something happened, wild pains began ... against the background of these pains, for some reason problems with the joints came out - specifically entosopathies, they were diagnosed in Chelyabinsk at the regional hospital.
At the moment, I can’t walk, I’m lying at home ... there is a very rapid atrophy of the muscles ... of the legs, feet, hands, arms, pelvic muscles, abdomen, back, neck and throat, as well as in the area
It all started with squats, where apparently weakened ligaments and joints with arthralgic pains over the past 4 months I have overloaded. There was pain in the knee when going down the stairs, thinking that it was the meniscus, I went to the traumatologist. They took a picture, everything was not so bad with the meniscus, so I was diagnosed with arthrosis and prescribed treatment. Further, the pain in the knee began to progress and the tendons on the left thigh began to hurt and the muscles swelled, and a strong spasm appeared in the popliteal fossa. The lower leg and foot began to swell. I began to walk on the other leg, on crutches ... After the load of the whole body began to fall on one leg ... after a while, she fell ill according to the same principle. Some kind of symmetry appeared ... Against this background, night attacks on the tendons returned with pain, heat and temperature, almost all joints and adjacent tendons were twisted, I think I call them correctly. Then they brought me a walker and I began to walk leaning on them, saving my bad leg, and began to lean on my hands with all my weight. After some time, I disabled my hands in this way ... mostly the hands were affected, then a little elbows and shoulders.
The pains began to bother me so much, I couldn’t really move… that I decided to be hospitalized in a polyclinic, but they didn’t admit me there, citing the fact that there were no specialists in rheumatology… and that I needed to be examined. The doctor from the emergency room prescribed me 5 injections of dexamethasone, saying that it would put me on my feet and I could at least walk and be examined myself. I pricked half of the ampoule, it turns out 2 mg.
After the injection, after a while, I felt bad ... the pressure kept around 190/125 all day and did not fall ... in the evening the pressure dropped and the worst thing began ... I noticed how the ligaments on my legs began to weaken first, then on the lower leg the muscle began to weaken from below, then in front near the bone began to push down...
And from that day on, thinning of the muscle mass began ... the skin began to stretch ... it became dry and thin ...
It became especially scary when the stomach began to weaken ... first on the sides ... the center is still holding on, a downward deflection appeared between the pubic part and where the navel is. Belly fat began to accumulate ...
As a result, I ended up in the city hospital ... there I was purged for a week, saying that I didn’t look like Cushing ... TSH was normal - they checked for parateriosis and that was it ... The examinations were very slow ... and their main verdict was that I was not enough I go. They did not believe my story about dexamethasone… that he gave me such a picture.
I checked out home ... hoping that here I could do something faster, because muscle mass was lost every day, and at night there were constant attacks with sweating, pain and burning in the affected tissues near the joints, pressure + copious discharge of cloudy urine, well it's mostly during the day.
Being already at home ... I seemed to feel at least a little better ... and in one of the tests, I discovered that I had a vitamin D deficiency, about 8 at a lower rate of 30. After consulting with an endocrinologist, it was recommended to take vitamin D3, 20 (10000ME) drops 2 times per week. However, I did not dare to take such a dose ... and took 10 drops ... and again ... I felt bad again ... the symptoms are almost the same as after dexamethasone ... the pressure of 170/110 practically did not go astray for a day ... increased urination (cloudy urine 300 ml at a time) . And at night, the loss of muscle mass began to progress again. My teeth started hurting...
Immediately the next day I passed phosphorus and calcium. They turned out to be elevated Ca (ionization) - 1.35 (1.17-1.29), Mb, P -1.51 (0.81-1.45). This is the only thing that I could identify from the deviations that are clearly striking. When I was in the city hospital, these indicators were normal.
In the urine, mucus +++, oxalates +++, hyaline casts 4-6 (should not be normal), there is no protein and leukocytes ...

At the moment, the loss of muscle mass continues, something is also happening to the skin ... as if subcutaneous fat is being destroyed, the skin becomes thin, wrinkled and dry. The temperature is almost always 37, in the morning it is normal. Very cloudy urine continues to flow ... I have never had this before. Seizures happen, especially after exercise physical. burning in the whole body, pain, feeling that they are aching, bones ... teeth.
Some kind of vicious circle ... I understand that it’s impossible to lie down, however, the slightest attempt to load the muscles leads to an even greater aggravation ... pain in the muscles and joints, and after a while, as the inflammation subsides a little, you understand that you still have lost muscles.
What to do? How to be examined, what to do? And why is it so aggressive...
Sorry for the big text.
There are a lot of tests, if you need something I can lay out or quickly pass.

11.06.2017, 18:00

How specifically (literally) was the diagnosis of enthesopathy formulated in Chelyabinsk? Better scan.
Dexamethasone has long been withdrawn, the reason is not in it. Creatine kinase (CPK), LDH, albumin, globulins?
Neurologist examination? Rheumatologist? Muscle biopsy, EMG done?

11.06.2017, 19:24

I agree that it has been weathered for a long time ... but the process started after it. And very abruptly, by the end of the day, the right shin was already hanging in a rag and the tendon on the heel became like a rope ...
I thought that it was some kind of side effect from him and waited 3 days for it to “weather”. But the process went further ... did not stop. Maybe he gave way to something by lowering immunity? I don’t know what to think… but judging by my skin, something hormonal…
Before the injection, I suffered from pain in the joints ... or rather, not even in them, but in the periarticular tissues and tendons, and after the injection, it was as if polyuria began to torment me ... for 1 time, urine was 300-400 ml. and very cloudy ... if the white sediment stands right at the bottom, the skin ... the skin became not normal, on the palms it is dry, thin, it wrinkles in water after 3 minutes like a child’s, subcutaneous fat began to disappear in some places ... I probably understand. If earlier I had a body on my forearms ... now there is wrinkled paper in thickness.
All this is accompanied by some kind of inflammation ... that is, it does not look like a neurological one.

I am enclosing an ultrasound examination (March, Chelyabinsk) and an examination by a rheumatologist. But then I suffered nightly attacks on the tendons near the joints. I remember the rheumatologist said you don’t have rheumatoid or other arthritis ... the joints are calm - look for an infection with urologists.

The neurologist with our local endocrinologist in the city hospital came to the conclusion that I was just lying down for a long time and I had normal atrophy. I’m tired of proving to them that this is not so and that it’s not only atrophy that torments me ... well, in general, like this ...
Well, they looked at me in a paid clinic, they caught on that testosterone was 9.0 and low vitamin D was 8.75. Well, in general, the urologist made a diagnosis that I have all the problems because of testosterone, sarcopenia has developed and I need replacement therapy + a rocking chair and walking.
I bought all the drugs, but ... I think it’s some kind of nonsense, everything around my joints becomes inflamed, what does testosterone have to do with it? I have friends who have him and have a lower hormone than me ... but no one has wild muscle wasting.

By the way, I can add my subjective opinion that there are affected areas to the touch, as if the structure of the tissue is enlarged ... separate swollen fibers, large to the touch and very flabby.

I myself am from Kostanay, our town is not big and you can’t do a biopsy with EMG here ... To come to Chelyabinsk in person ... now of course it’s a problem, since I can’t get up on them ... immediately all the tendons become inflamed, not only the legs ... yes and the muscles have already atrophied - weak ...

But the vicious circle needs to be broken somehow ...

According to the analyses:
KFK - 47 (0-192)
LDH - 124 (0-232)

Yes ... and another marker of osteoporosis beta-cross labs - 0.807 (0.06-0.7)

There is no albumin and globulins ... I will do it tomorrow ...

Ultrasound (Only the elbows were done, but I complained more about them):

11.06.2017, 19:37

You have lost 13 kg. Do you have fresh blood sugar and TSH? On a HIV handed over, for certain, before operation.
I couldn't find a blood donation date. Also fresh...
How much fluid do you drink/excrete?

11.06.2017, 19:56

All analyzes are very fresh ... oak dated 06/08/2017.
There is sugar and TSH ... but they are from May 26, that is, after the injection of dexamethasone (it was done on May 6, 2017), but before taking vitamin D, if it could change something:
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I want to note that since January I have been taking a lot of tests ... but after the injection they have changed ... not critical, but hemoglobin fell into the bloodstream (it was 145), erythrocytes (it was about 5, a little less), immediately after the injection, monocytes were overweight, a little more ten.
I had a lot of sugar ... 5.6 is almost always ...
Now it has collapsed to 4 ... also some misunderstandings with phosphorus and calcium ...
Major problem with urine...
Well, this is what I noticed ... I'm not a doctor, maybe this is not particularly important.

11.06.2017, 20:00

Major problem with urine...

11.06.2017, 20:02

I didn’t measure the liquid ... but the excretion of urine at a time is up to 400 ml maximum ... if pressure is pressing, then I go often ... urine is always light and very cloudy. There is no polyuria at night, I go 1-2 times maximum, in the morning urine is a little more concentrated ...
I drink 1.5-2 liters. But it seems to me that the total allocation, if it exceeds it, is not much.
There are days when the pressure rises to 170/110 and nothing goes astray ... then it pours from me ... but still I think no more than 2.5-3 liters ...
There is no thirst ... if you cling to diabetes.
I drink water ... but in this way I tried to remove all the calcium from myself ...)))

11.06.2017, 20:05

I wrote in detail about urine ... it is very cloudy ... as if it was collected from a dirty puddle ... whitish dust ... it settles if it stays for a long time. I have never seen anything like this in my home before ... and what is interesting, this turbidity does not stop at all ... at least sometimes it goes transparent ...

11.06.2017, 20:10

From what age do you suffer from arterial hypertension and what medications do you constantly take? Did you quit your job due to illness?

11.06.2017, 20:16

I've had AH for 15 years...maybe more. I take the equator in the morning at 10 mg. In normal life, this is enough, the pressure is well stopped. At the moment I am a pensioner (soldier), for a year now. He left because of his health… the diagnosis was also with hypertension…

11.06.2017, 20:24

Was arterial hypertension so severe that he had to leave? Maybe you forgot to mention something?

11.06.2017, 20:30

The main thing with health was hypertension, but of course it did not proceed so hard, although there were crises up to 200.

11.06.2017, 20:33

I would like to add that I have lost 13 kg since the New Year approximately, after the operation. And after a hormonal injection for a month, 5-6 kg has already gone.

11.06.2017, 20:47

Judging by the topics over the past years, you have repeatedly had similar conditions with polyuria, weight loss with reduced appetite and rise in blood pressure and endocrine pathology was excluded. Of the new symptoms, muscle weakness and atrophy appeared. I think that the only option is to find an opportunity to come to the Chelyabinsk CHOKB and visit a rheumatologist and psychotherapist to exclude fibromyalgia (as an option.)

11.06.2017, 22:18

Yes… in 2013 I had something similar… pressure, weakness… muscle pain…
But there were no hormonal injections and there was no muscle atrophy ...
Now, for some reason, I woke up, at night ... both thighs were inflamed from above ... the pressure was 180/120. Some kind of nonsense, like he didn’t load his legs ...
Well, thanks for that too...
By the way, my appetite is absolutely not reduced ... I eat, it seems not bad ... but zero sense.

11.06.2017, 22:20

Once again, dexamethasone 2 mg once did not affect your condition.

12.06.2017, 05:50

Taki for yesterday was measured, drinking regimen:
Total liquids drunk - 2.0 liters
Went to the toilet - 2.3 liters

The minimum portion is 300 ml, the maximum is 450. Which is a lot for me.

I may not understand my situation correctly, but something is happening to me. And such an aggressive loss and atrophy of muscle mass threatens disaster in the near future.

For now, I will pass additional tests and will look for the possibility of a trip to Chelyabinsk.

12.06.2017, 07:38

There will be no muscle atrophy due to a single dose of dexamethasone.
If in doubt, check your blood cortisol at 8 am.

12.06.2017, 07:44

Cortisol in the blood passed 2 times ... once I felt good: 376.6 (171-536)
Once worse: 814.9 (200-600)(09.00-11.00)
Today I collected daily urine ... I went and passed ...

12.06.2017, 14:07

Dear doctors, please comment on the situation with possible osteoporosis ... which also developed after dexamethasone, or became pronounced.

Of the complaints - periodic pains in the bones, on palpation of some bones they became not as smooth, but like a "washboard", not even ... more like a battery ... or it's the periosteum rolling over the bone and the whole thing has become loose .. Well, yes, you can guess, but I, feel the changes… this was not the case a month ago.
The enamel of the teeth also became painful, of all ... and some of the teeth moved, the bite changed, I think the legs grow from here.

According to the analyzes, PTH is normal, vitamin D is deficient, calcium and phosphorus are at the upper limit (before taking vitamin D, 10 drops were normal), the bone resorption marker is greatly increased, bone formation markers are closer to the lower limit. Testosterone total 9.15. Well, accordingly, I also lie down ... I just sit down and roll around in bed, I sit on chairs ... I don’t go into the sun ... everything seems to be.

Why is calcium and phosphorus at the top with low vitamin D? And they were promoted.

12.06.2017, 14:35

Sharp weight loss and bone loss are inextricably linked. I carefully read your topics over the years - and caught a clear pattern: You are prescribed some kind of drug (corticosteroid, vitamin D, antidepressant - you take them for no more than a week, then tell the episode that has arisen having a panic attack and dropping the technique while drawing deeply false conclusions about cause and effect!
Go to Chelyabinsk - to see a psychotherapist and a rheumatologist, and try to complete at least one treatment!

12.06.2017, 14:45

At the expense of panic attacks, this is of course a moot point ... but you definitely noticed about the drugs ... I have some kind of intolerance to many drugs, I don’t know why, this didn’t happen before.

I so understand, what on the line of endocrinology it is not necessary for me to undertake anything?

12.06.2017, 14:53

No. And you have described panic attacks only in this topic four times and very colorfully.

13.06.2017, 21:23

So I want to raise my topic and draw attention to my problem again ...
Passed the analysis for cortisol in the daily urine ...
Here is the result:
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In severe cases, when it is necessary to relieve inflammation or stop swelling, and conventional medicines do not have the desired effect, the doctor prescribes the steroid drug Dexamethasone. But sometimes, after the end of treatment with a glucocorticosteroid, the symptoms of the disease return. The patient's condition worsens sharply, and the clinical picture is much more pronounced than before the start of therapy. If the patient is not treated in time, coma and death may develop due to cardiac arrest. This is how Dexamethasone withdrawal syndrome manifests itself with a sharp cessation of the use of the drug.

Glucocorticoids are hormones produced by the adrenal cortex (the most active are hydrocortisone and cortisone). The structures of the brain - the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus - are responsible for their production. Steroids affect many processes in the body, regulate all types of metabolism, the endocrine system, blood pressure, urine outflow. They also affect muscle mass, are responsible for inflammatory and allergic reactions and immunity.

Due to the peculiarities of the effects of hormones of this group, systemic and local preparations of the glucocorticosteroid series (GCS) were created, which are analogues of endogenous hormones, which include Dexamethasone. The active use of these drugs in medicine is justified by the ability to stop the entire chain of clinical and allergic inflammation, to influence autoimmune reactions, and often the processes occur at the cellular level. Glucocorticosteroids have the following effects:

  • They relieve the symptoms of inflammation, eliminating redness and swelling, exudate, spasm and itching.
  • They reduce the sensitivity of cells due to the strengthening of their internal structures and membranes, which prevents the release of histamine and other mediators of allergic reactions.
  • They spasm capillaries, preventing excessive penetration of plasma into them, counteracting edema.
  • They increase pressure and the level of catecholamines, which allows you to deal with shock conditions and blood loss, activate the work of the heart.
  • They inhibit the release of immune cells of leukocytes, which helps to treat autoimmune pathologies.
  • Stimulate the enzymatic activity of the liver, promote the elimination of poisons and toxins.

All these properties of hormonal drugs help to cope with a wide range of health problems, which is important if the patient's condition is threatening. Medicines are prescribed in the form of local and systemic therapy, they are administered by intramuscular or intradermal injections, intravenous administration, a short course to quickly eliminate negative symptoms. Long-term treatment is carried out according to indications. When a therapeutic effect is achieved, the dosage is reduced gradually.

Along with the elimination of many pathological processes in the human body, glucocorticosteroid therapy is characterized by a negative effect on the systems, especially with a long course of treatment. This is due to a negative effect on metabolic processes, since active protein breakdown leads to a decrease in growth rates in children and a decrease in muscle mass in adults, causes ulcers in the stomach and redistribution of fat deposits on the body.

The ability to inhibit the division of atypical cells affects the difficulty of regeneration of healthy tissue, immunosuppression leads to susceptibility to infectious diseases. The dissimilation of fats and protein structures is accompanied by gluconeogenesis, which maintains a high level of glucose in the blood. Water-salt metabolism suffers, as a result, sodium and fluid are retained in the body, and potassium and calcium are actively washed out, which is manifested by edema, increased pressure, heart rhythm disturbance, osteoporosis. Also noted:

  • nosebleeds;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • nervous excitability;
  • hair loss;
  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • violation of menstruation in women;
  • fungal lesions of mucous membranes;
  • increase in pressure;
  • muscle weakness.

Therefore, the peculiarity of medications should be taken into account, because an overdose of the drug threatens with serious consequences. Drugs are not prescribed:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with diabetes and thrombosis;
  • with neuroendocrine pathologies associated with increased production of hormones of the adrenal cortex;
  • with stomach ulcers;
  • with thrombosis;
  • with mental illness;
  • with systemic mycoses and exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • with renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • immediately before or immediately after vaccination;
  • with syphilis, purulent processes and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Steroid drugs require medical prescription only according to indications, as well as control when taking and strict adherence to dosage.

Treatment with a glucocorticosteroid drug group causes a withdrawal syndrome that develops when the drug is abruptly discontinued or the dosage is reduced. The situation is developing against the background of suppression of the adrenal function in the production of endogenous hormones due to the use of replacement therapy. The body does not have time to adapt to changes in hormonal status, as a result, hypocorticism develops. In some cases, the appearance of the reaction is influenced by the developed dependence on the drug.

The condition manifests itself in various symptoms, the severity of which depends on the type of drug, dosage, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, as well as the age and comorbidities of the patient.

The occurrence of a symptom complex does not always occur immediately after a sharp cessation of drug administration. When hormonal therapy continues for 30 days or more, then in a stressful situation, the risk of developing the condition will persist for up to 3-6 months due to a functional deficiency of the adrenal glands.

The drug belongs to synthetic glucocorticoids. It is a methylated product of fluoroprednisolone with the active ingredient sodium orthophosphate. Dexamethasone is a powerful drug, its effectiveness is 34 times higher than cortisone, it is available in the form of injections, tablets and eye drops. It has a wide range of effects, it is prescribed:

  • with insufficiency of the adrenal cortex;
  • in shock conditions;
  • with cerebral edema;
  • with rheumatoid diseases;
  • with endocrine disorders;
  • with systemic pathologies of connective tissue and acute dermatoses;
  • in diseases of the blood, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs;
  • in oncological processes.

For children, inhalation with a solution can be used. Drops are used for injuries and diseases of the eyes and allergies. When taken orally, the substance is absorbed by 80%, the therapeutic effect occurs within an hour, a maximum of two after ingestion. In the body, a single dose is stored for almost three days. The drug is metabolized in the liver, decomposed in the cells, the main part is excreted by the kidneys. It should be canceled gradually, gradually reducing the dosage.

The sudden cessation of the drug, especially when prescribing high doses, leads to the appearance of symptoms of the Dexamethasone withdrawal syndrome, which are expressed as follows:

  • nausea;
  • general malaise;
  • anorexia;
  • mental depression;
  • temperature rise;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • generalized muscle and joint pain;
  • severe relapses of the disease.

When complicated by acute diseases - injuries, infectious processes, heart attack - the patient has a sharp deterioration in the condition, up to the adrenal crisis, which is accompanied by convulsions, vomiting, a critical drop in blood pressure.

The drug is also included in the group of glucosteroid hormones, is available in ampoules for injection, in the form of a suspension or solution, the active substance is betamethasone. In addition to glucocorticoid activity, it is expressed in a slight mineralocorticoid effect. The main component of "Diprosan" acts in a combination of salts:

  • sodium phosphate. It is quickly absorbed, provides a therapeutic effect immediately after penetration into the body and is excreted a day later.
  • Dipropionate. Provides a long-lasting effect, is slowly absorbed and excreted up to 10 days.

It is prescribed as part of the main and additional therapy for such conditions:

  • diseases of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • dermatological pathologies of non-microbial origin;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • GCS deficiency.

The withdrawal syndrome of "Diprospan" manifests itself, depending on the field of application, in the following:

  • muscle weakness;
  • fever;
  • skin itching;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • hair loss;
  • swelling and increased pain in the joints;
  • convulsions.

A sign of the condition may be the activation of the inflammatory process.

The drug is a GABA-B agonist, has a muscle relaxant effect due to inhibition of neurotransmission of impulses and a decrease in muscle fiber tension. The active substance is baclofen. The drug is prescribed for spasms, convulsive manifestations and muscle tension in pathologies of the central nervous system or the musculoskeletal system. But with prolonged use of Baklosan, addiction develops, so self-treatment is unacceptable, and the dosage is reduced gradually over 10–14 days. Otherwise, an abstinent state is observed. The withdrawal syndrome of "Baklosan" is expressed as follows:

  • depression and depression of the state;
  • sweating and tremor;
  • apathy and suicidal ideation;
  • anxiety and fear;
  • decreased mobility of the limbs and spine.

It seems to the patient that the pains have become stronger, although they remain the same. Usually the cause of addiction is an incorrect dose, mental illness, other addictions. For mentally unstable individuals, it is impossible to survive the problem on their own, it is necessary to contact a narcologist or psychiatrist, since, most likely, the problems will worsen.

The drug is included in the GCS group, is available for external use in the form of an ointment. It has an anti-allergic effect, reduces the release of exudate, eliminates inflammation and itching. It is prescribed in complex therapy for adults and with caution for children with skin dermatosis: psoriasis and eczema, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Used to treat discoid lupus erythematosus, burns and insect bites. Reviews of its effectiveness are mostly positive. The ointment should not be used during pregnancy.

The therapeutic effect is provided by the active substance - fluocinolone acetonide, which interacts with plasma proteins. Absorbed into the body through the skin, the drug breaks down in the liver and excreted in the urine. A low concentration of the substance does not harm the adrenal glands, but the uncontrolled use of the ointment for more than 5-10 days is addictive. With the withdrawal syndrome "Sinaflana" the following phenomena are observed:

  • exacerbation of the process;
  • the appearance of new rashes;

The medicine contains fluorine, belongs to the drugs of the old generation. Not all doctors treat him unambiguously. But many new drugs are able to compete with Sinolfan in terms of speed and effectiveness, so it is often prescribed when other methods are ineffective.

Other ointments based on corticosteroids are also used to eliminate allergies, skin rashes and hyperemia. Their action differs in the degree of effectiveness and concentration of the active substance, but the withdrawal syndrome with prolonged and uncontrolled use is inherent in everyone. In this case, a reaction occurs that resembles allergies and inflammation, accompanied by swelling, redness, activation of acne, and the return of the original symptoms.

Degree of activity Maximum terms of use
for adults (weeks) Multiplicity of processing per day

With prolonged use on the face, hormonal ointments cause not only symptoms of addiction, thinning of the deep layers of the skin leads to rapid aging.

The main way to reduce the risk of withdrawal and addiction when using glucocorticoids and antidepressants is to take medications only when prescribed by a specialist. Since schemes have been developed for gradually reducing the dose of these drugs, the human body gradually adapts to a decrease in the volume of exogenous hormone, restoring the production of its own steroids.

But if negative signs appear due to stressful situations after a long course or when hormone therapy is stopped on its own, you should immediately consult a doctor. Usually, the introduction of a hormonal agent is resumed, and mineralocorticoid therapy is also recommended because of the likelihood of a failure in the production of the mineralocorticoid group responsible for water-salt metabolism.

Glucocorticosteroid drugs are able to fight severe manifestations of inflammation, allergies, restore health to the skin and joint mobility, and cope with shock conditions. But the prerogative of choosing a drug, dosage and duration of use belongs only to the doctor. Otherwise, the development of a withdrawal syndrome can become a serious problem, even lead to the death of the patient.


Dexamethasone is a systemic glucocorticosteroid. This is a synthetic hormonal drug that is similar to the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. It has a strongly pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-shock and anti-allergic action. It is used in many pathologies accompanied by serious disorders. When used correctly, Dexamethasone quickly stops inflammation and allergic reactions, improving the patient's condition. But the problem is that for this you need to choose the exact dosage. If the treatment is carried out without a doctor's prescription or the patient violates medical recommendations, serious side effects may occur.

Dexamethasone among other hormonal agents is very popular because of its low cost and high efficiency. Its action is based on the fact that the drug binds to glucocorticoid receptors of cells and penetrates into them. It blocks the production of certain enzymes, interferes with metabolic processes, and inhibits the activity of the immune system. The result of this is a decrease in inflammation and pain, the disappearance of itching, swelling and redness of the skin, and easier breathing.

This drug is effective in many pathologies, its timely administration can save the patient's life or significantly improve his condition. But it is necessary to use it only as prescribed by the doctor after the examination. Sometimes careful monitoring of the patient during treatment is required. After all, some chronic pathologies can worsen against the background of the use of the drug or provoke the appearance of side effects.

Caution in the treatment of this drug and the use of the lowest possible doses is necessary for such pathologies:

  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • heart failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychosis.

With caution, Dexamethasone is also prescribed to elderly patients and children. After myocardial infarction, they try not to prescribe the drug, as it slows down the formation of scar tissue and can accelerate the development of necrosis. And if you need long-term use, you must constantly monitor the level of potassium and glucose in the blood.

Sometimes Dexamethasone is prescribed in emergency cases, for example, with anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. In this case, the drug can save the life of the patient, so usually do not pay attention to the presence of contraindications. This use of this medicine is short-term, so it rarely causes negative reactions. But, if the situation is not critical, a full examination is necessary.

There are such contraindications to the use of Dexamethasone:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • severe degree of obesity;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • osteoporosis;
  • mental illness;
  • ulcers on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • kidney failure;
  • infectious diseases.

It is contraindicated during treatment with Dexamethasone to be vaccinated. In addition to the fact that they will be useless due to a decrease in the functions of the patient's immune system, vaccination with a live vaccine can lead to the development of the disease. Therefore, the drug can be used no earlier than 2 weeks after vaccination, when antibodies are already formed. And after the course of treatment, at least 2 months must pass before the start of therapy with Dexamethasone.

When choosing the right dosage of the drug, it is well tolerated by all patients. Therefore, it is prescribed to everyone, regardless of age, even to newborns. Dexamethasone causes side effects most often when used incorrectly. This happens when the patient uses the drug without a doctor's prescription, does not take into account contraindications or exceeds the recommended dosage. In this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Some people may have individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug. In this case, after its introduction or ingestion, an allergic reaction soon appears. It could be hives or even bronchospasm. Often the drug also affects the immune system. This usually manifests itself in increased susceptibility to infections. The patient is susceptible to bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. And infectious diseases such as measles or chicken pox are very severe.

If side effects occur, even if they are not severe, it is undesirable to use Dexamethasone. After all, it acts at the cellular level and accumulates in the body, affecting the work of various organs for several weeks. And the more the drug enters the cells, the harder the negative reactions will be later. Therefore, even with the appearance of a slight malaise, nausea or discomfort, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. You may need to change the drug to another. But you also need to do it right. Often the cause of side effects is the abrupt withdrawal of the drug.

Dexamethasone acts at the cellular level by binding to glucocorticoid receptors. And they are in all organs and tissues of the body. Therefore, the side effects of Dexamethasone may be different. They can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems; when taken orally, the digestive organs most often suffer; when injected, local reactions may develop. This drug also has a strong effect on metabolic processes, often leading to the accumulation of body fat, increased sugar levels, loss of calcium and potassium.

When using Dexamethasone injections, negative local reactions often develop. This is usually skin redness, swelling, burning sensation or soreness at the injection site. There may also be a violation of pigmentation, atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue, scarring.

The most dangerous consequence of the use of Dexamethasone is the suppression of adrenal function. Moreover, such a condition may not develop immediately, but a couple of months after treatment. The risk of this disorder is especially high with prolonged use of the drug in high doses.

Dexamethasone also has a strong effect on carbohydrate metabolism. This is most pronounced in a decrease in glucose tolerance. Because of this condition, the development of steroid diabetes mellitus or an exacerbation of its latent form is possible, as hyperglycemia develops.

The drug affects fat metabolism. Dexmetasone binds to lipids and increases their absorption, which accelerates the accumulation of body fat. Therefore, the consequence of treatment with this drug may be weight gain.

One of the rare, but still possible side effects is Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. It manifests itself with such symptoms:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • moon face;
  • muscle weakness;
  • obesity;
  • dysmenorrhea.

When using the drug in childhood, there is a high risk of growth retardation and development of the child. Especially strongly it affects the growth of bone tissue, so the development of skeletal deformity is possible. The sexual development of children also slows down.


Dexamethasone withdrawal syndrome is a very dangerous condition, which is a consequence of addiction to the drug, and can threaten the life of the patient. Therefore, before starting treatment with this medicine, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics and rules for use.

This is a glucocorticosteroid - a hormonal agent that has the following effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antiallergic.
  3. Antitoxic.
  4. Desensitizing.
  5. Antishock.
  6. Immunosuppressive.

It is used in various fields of medicine. Indicated for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Endocrine disorders associated with insufficient functionality of the adrenal glands;
  • Arthritis;
  • Connective tissue pathologies;
  • Dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen;
  • Ophthalmia;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • aplastic anemia;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Leukemia;
  • tuberculous meningitis;
  • Polyps in the nose;
  • swelling of the brain;
  • Allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma.

This list is only a small part of the full list of problems for which Dexamethasone is prescribed. It is also used in gynecology, even during pregnancy, if the need for treatment outweighs the possible risk from taking the drug.

The remedy also has a lot of contraindications, for example, autoimmune conditions - AIDS, HIV. It is forbidden to use any form of the drug for infections. Side effects from taking the drug also appear in various systems and organs.

The withdrawal syndrome is listed in the official instructions for Dexamethasone as a deadly condition.

The drug is sometimes used in childhood. There must be good reasons for its appointment, and the dosage is calculated from the condition and parameters of the child.

A painful reaction of the body to the abolition of any drug indicates that an addiction has formed. Addiction to the drug is a consequence of the introduction into metabolic processes. The body needs hormones to carry out certain actions. When the corresponding substance in large quantities and for a long time comes from outside and covers the needs of the body, then it ceases to be produced independently. If you abruptly stop providing the drug, then there is nothing to fill the functions of this hormone, since the body did not have time to rebuild, and a serious condition sets in - a total endocrine failure. When vital processes are affected, the outcome can be fatal.

Do not be afraid of those who are prescribed small doses of the drug that do not cover the natural needs of the body. In this case, the medicine acts as an aid to normalize its own processes. Injection blockades in the spine or joint do not cause dependence either.

A syndrome is a symptom complex that consists of the following symptoms:

  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Exacerbation of the inflammation that is treated with this drug;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Depression of the psycho-emotional state;
  • Discharge from the nose;
  • Fever;
  • Headache;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Aches in the joints and muscles;
  • Irritability;
  • Decrease in body weight;
  • convulsions;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • Death.

When using the drug by injection, the syndrome is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Numbness, burning and pain at the injection site;
  • Tissue necrosis in the area of ​​​​administration of the agent;
  • infection;
  • Scar formation;
  • Atrophy.

The main measure for the prevention of the syndrome is the correct determination of the dosage of the drug, which will not lead to dependence. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. A doctor should take care of the gradual withdrawal, who will draw up a scheme for reducing a single amount of the drug. The duration of the period can be from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the initial daily volume of the drug. Usually the dose is divided in half, after 5-7 days, similarly, they reach 1/8 or 1/16.

Attention! Abrupt discontinuation is justified if serious side effects are found. Then the medicine is replaced by another, so as not to get manifestations of the syndrome.

When the drug is just canceled, and the phenomenon is already noted, the medicine should be returned in a reduced dosage. When several days have passed, it is better to consult a doctor, because the condition is too dangerous, and hormones are very unpredictable substances. It is impossible to choose steroids on your own, as well as to correct unsuccessful therapy. How long the symptomatic manifestations of the syndrome will have to endure depends on many factors: the patient's condition, the duration of treatment, the dosage of the drug, and so on.

It is impossible to predict the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome and get rid of it on your own in the case of hormonal drugs. Need help from an experienced professional. If there is no confidence in your doctor, you should undergo additional diagnostics from other doctors.


Hello. I have PCOS, androgenital syndrome. She has been taking dexamethasone since November. I am slowly canceling now. Cortisol was increased almost twice, as well as increased 17 OH, LH. I took 1 tablet in the morning. As a result, in 2 months I recovered by 6 kg, overgrown with hair so that it becomes scary to look in the mirror. On the issue of the side effects of Dex, I talked with the doctor, she said he should remove all andrenogenital signs, including hair climbing from all places, reduce testosterone, but for some reason it’s the other way around for me. The only plus is the decrease in cortisol. Now it is even less than normal. I also take duphaston from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle according to the scheme. In early January, I did folliculometry - no ovulation. The gynecologist persistently sends for laparoscopy, not seeing the further sense of stimulation. I'm afraid to go to the operation, and generally go out into the street. Trouble with the hair, for the place of the fluff on the lips, hefty black hair appeared on the neck. Girls, how to deal with them? Okay, you can shave your legs, but your face. Yesterday I seriously asked my husband for a razor, he laughed and sympathized, but it’s not funny to me.

Hello everyone. So I got better from this medicine. And my face became moon-shaped and the hair crawled out on my beard. And I got covered with acne. Now I don’t know what to do.

I had Quincke's edema with drops in my nose against the background of an exacerbation of my allergy. Half the face swam in my right eye was not visible at all. She called an ambulance, she gave me 8 ml of dex and offered to go to the hospital. go for a swim. In the hospital, I was given 250 ml. I passed the tests and went home. They prescribed 2 injections of 8 ml for 3 days a day. Today is the last day. There are no allergies. But I don’t really like the condition after the injection. My head is in a fog. But it's better than dying from anaphylactic shock.

People, help me, since February they put me on dexamethasone at a horse dose, I drank 14 tabs of 0.5 mg per day. now on the decline according to the scheme. from size 46 to 52 p. I look in the mirror and cry, I can’t even talk normally, my cheeks are all stretched. brings down the face. I can’t step on my heels normally, they hurt wildly. I walk in such edema in my mother's winter boots, and she is a large lady 60-62 times. I feel like I've been drugged with helium. I don't sleep at night. And under this doctor says diuretic cannot be. Maybe someone else has experienced similar issues. very hard and bad.

Anna is a crazy dose! Of course you will be drummed, why so much. See a different doctor! I drink 0.5 tablets at night, for more than a week, I don’t see any side effects yet, and the results are also great

I've been on Dex for 5 years. Asthmatic. I poke him. Gained 13 kg. I go in for sports now for 4 months I threw off only 3 kg. Without it, because it is hormone-dependent and the doctors hooked me on it. During attacks, his prick is three times a week 1 mg with eifullin. I don't know how to get rid of it

Good afternoon! After unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant for more than a year, I was diagnosed with infertility (endometriosis) in one clinic. I went to another, the doctor reassured me and said that there are many ways (at least three) to get pregnant. We started with Dexamethasone therapy. After 3 months - minus 5-6 kg and. 2 strips)))). The threat of miscarriage haunted the entire pregnancy. The doctor did not decide to cancel their appointment until the end. I just lowered the dose. She herself gave birth to a son with 9 points. After 3 weeks, we are already 8 years old.))) I consider the doctor who gave life to my son a second mother! Now we are planning a second one. Tomorrow again on Dexamethasone.))) Good luck to everyone and believe in the best.

Good day! The gynecologist prescribed me dexamethasone - 1 tab / day increased stress hormone - cortisol, for 10 days, then take tests for it. I’ve read so much, it’s terrible, it’s scary not only to buy it, but also to drink it (Tell me, in such a short line as 10 days, something can appear? Otherwise, I’m very worried.

2 days ago I had an asthma attack, an ambulance injected Dex, my appetite disappeared, I don’t want to eat at all. minus 1 kg. And this despite the fact that I did not suffer from a lack of appetite. And why did he act like that?

I take 1/2 tablet a day from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle, acne and blackheads began to come out with terrible force, and I only drink the first month, I think I’ll drink another month and stop, I’ll go to the gynecologist only after 2 months, about the weight I don't feel any gain

Hello! I was prescribed Dexamethasone in tablets 1/2 tablet every other day, because. the DHEA hormone is elevated. I began to rapidly gain weight, my face became covered with acne. The hairiness is not going to go away, so I think it’s worth continuing to take them. (((

Hello))) I was prescribed deesamethasone injections for 5 days, I did them with lidakoin and salcoseryl i.m., now my stomach is growing and gaining weight. Tell me how to get rid of excess weight. Someone may have come across the same assignment. Thank you.

Accidentally got into the women's forum. According to deson, I want to write the following drug of synthetic origin and very difficult for the body. For 48 years, my back ached, the doctor prescribed dexamethasone naturally, one dropper every other day. The following happened to the body. , insomnia slept for 2 hours a day, pressure up to 170 upper did not go astray with any pills, loss of vision in both eyes, the left one recovered, the right one remained 70 percent. a side effect, almost the entire back got out and it hurts now the diagnosis is diabetes and vision. If you want to be healthy, don’t take Dexon, think about yourself and your children. .I'm 48 years old, I've never really been sick with anything.

Follow the sugar and pressure, everything is as instructed. Everyone's body has a different side effect too. Read the instructions there, all the side effects are described. Some women write about weight gain, do tests for sugar in the blood and urine. The wife works in the hospital, some sugar reaches 30.!

Hello girls!
I want to gain weight up to 60 kg, 52 kg, will dexamethasone help me here?

Hello everyone, I am 21 very thin, I wanted to improve a little, one pharmacist advised dexa-zol. 1/4 tab at night gave 10 tab. I'm already scared after reading your comments what to do advise pliiz

A very serious drug. Should be taken only after weighing all the pros and cons. Walking last fall in cold weather, in the morning I discovered that something was wrong with my face. The clinic diagnosed - neuritis of the facial nerve and gave direction to the hospital. There, for 14 days, I was given droppers with dexamethasone at a dosage of 24 mg. for 51 kg. my weight. As it turned out, that was a serious enough dose for me. During the treatment itself, there were problems with sleep. At first I slept for 6 hours at night, then 4, and then 2. The hair on my chin began to grow. The most “interesting” thing began when the drug was canceled and discharged. Vision plummeted. It was -3, it became -4.5. Inability to concentrate on any object and a veil before the eyes. Complete lack of sleep. Terrible depression. I remember sitting at home on the couch and thinking I was going crazy. Everything fell down and hands, barely walked and did not understand what was happening to me. The doctors at the clinic did not say anything, only one said that it was most likely a withdrawal syndrome. And a familiar doctor said that this happens from dex and you just have to wait. All this horror lasted 3 weeks, and then it began to let go a little. The general condition began to improve after about a month, vision began to return gradually after 2 months. A year has already passed, but I still remember all this with a shudder.


Dexamethasone(Dexamethasone): 10 doctor reviews, 14 patient reviews, instructions for use, analogues, infographics, 4 release forms.

It reduces intracranial pressure in oncological diseases of the brain, therefore it is prescribed as a symptomatic remedy, 1 tablet 2 times a day. Removes swelling of the nerve root with radiculopathy.

It has many contraindications for the appointment, among which arterial hypertension and stomach ulcers are the most serious.

I use "Dexamethasone" in solution for the relief of acute allergic reactions, such as urticaria, eczema, psoriasis. It is well tolerated by patients and provides a good therapeutic effect. Available and inexpensive drug for patients.

Some discomfort in the form of a burning sensation in the groin.

The injection form is most available in the pharmacy chain.

I have been using Dexamethasone for 29 years as a rheumatologist. As a steroid hormone, it has a rapid membrane-stabilizing effect, which is used in the urgent therapy of shock conditions. For pain musculoskeletal syndromes, I use it in the form of combined injections with anesthetics. Fast effect, good tolerance.

Like all steroids, it is limitedly used for diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency. In case of an overdose, it causes hormone dependence and hypercortisolism syndrome (Itsenko-Cushing).

Included in combined preparations for the treatment of pain syndromes in neurology and rheumatology (Ambene, Germany, Merckle).

"Dexamethasone" is a strong analgesic with a pronounced antihistamine effect, which acts very quickly. I prescribe for paravertebral blockades if it is impossible to relieve pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the patient does not have the time or desire to undergo a full course of treatment for the disease that causes pain.

The drug has a serious side effect and it is simply dangerous to take it without medical supervision. With long courses, glucose tolerance is developed and steroid diabetes mellitus may develop, as well as weight gain, sweating, and depression will appear.

So when prescribing this drug, I first look for any other options, the use of steroids is the last option.

I use it for radicular syndrome with analgesics and vascular drugs intravenously, it relieves inflammation, pain syndrome well. It is used in short courses. Within 3-5 days, a good therapeutic effect is observed.

Carefully appoint patients with hypertension, gastrointestinal ulcers, diseases of the endocrine system.

An indispensable, old, well-known remedy. I use it to relieve pain and inflammation in diseases of the joints and spine. I almost always use it for paravertebral blockades to relieve acute pain in radiculitis. Unfortunately, it cannot be used for a long time.

Excellent helps with inflammatory processes, pain syndromes of various origins. In the form of injections, it helps perfectly, including as part of therapeutic blockades.

You need to take it under the strict supervision of a doctor. Abuse can be very dangerous. Uncontrolled intake can lead to various complications.

When used correctly, according to the indications, it is an excellent tool.

Quite an effective drug. It is a standard preparation for premedication before cytostatic therapy. Effectively used to relieve cerebral edema in tumors of the central nervous system.

It has a wide range of adverse events. With prolonged use causes Cushing's syndrome. Requires a stepwise drug withdrawal regimen.

Difficult to tolerate in elderly patients.

At the moment, it is practically the only drug (injection form) available in pharmacies of the Krasnodar Territory (namely, in the villages).

A wide range of eye diseases for which the drug is used. Low price, availability in pharmacies. Sufficiently high efficiency. Comparative security.

Do not use for a long time as there are side effects.

Can not be used for erosion of the cornea and conjunctiva, purulent processes, increased IOP.

My neck hurts, sharp pain when turning, osteochondrosis. She gave 3 injections intravenously, the pain remained in the neck.

"Dexamethasone" was used in the treatment of pseudotumor of the left eye. The doctors did not pick up another medicine for me. Actually, the drops themselves didn’t help me at all right away, but in tandem with intravenous injections and injections of Dexamethasone into the orbit of the eye. But after 1.5 months of torment, my left eye became quite similar to the right one. Unfortunately, these drops have one huge drawback - they are addictive. And it is very difficult to undo them. In my case, I used them for 1.5 months daily, 8-10 times a day. Then very slowly she abandoned them. A year has passed since then, but I still bury my eye a couple of times a month with Dexamethasone diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Dexamethasone is a serious drug that aroused my respect, it literally saved my mother, helped me survive until the operation to remove a recurrence of a brain tumor. There was a partial cerebral edema, the tumor progressed rapidly and my mother's condition worsened every day before my eyes, and the operation was postponed and postponed: sometimes there were no places, then the doctor had a vacation. When it became clear that it was no longer possible to wait just like that, they began to give my mother Dexamethasone in injections. By the change in her behavior, it became almost immediately noticeable that there was a result from taking the hormone. Thanks to the person who suggested what to do in our situation, and, of course, thanks to the medicine.

Mom developed severe pain in the lumbar region, they tried to inject Voltaren, but it did not help. The neuropathologist prescribed "Dexamethasone" in the course with "Revmoxicam", "No-Shpa" and vitamins B6 / B12. From the very first day, the result was noticeable. On the second day in the morning, severe pain was still noticeable, after the injections it significantly decreased. And already from the third day, even walking up the stairs became almost painless. The drug is inexpensive, but really effective. Good value for money.

Hello, I have gout and the attack happened such that I could not get out of bed for more than 10 days. As for evil, the doctor treating me was on vacation and could not get through right away. When I got through, she recommended "Dexamethasone" intramuscularly 8 mg once a day, only 3 injections. After the first, he began to walk around the apartment, and after the third he was (almost young) and healthy. The drug works wonders.

Good drug. It’s like first aid for me (after irradiation), it normalizes the whole body, relieves swelling, pain, nausea. Take strictly according to the instructions, do not abruptly throw. There are side effects. In a month I gained 28 kg, but then just as quickly and dropped it.

Acquaintance with this drug was due to our pet - a cat. She started to flake her skin. The vet said to inject dexamethasone. And in just a week the cat recovered. The drug helped a lot. And according to the reaction of the cat is not painful. In general, if I need more, I will definitely buy without hesitation. Moreover, it is not so expensive.

There was an acute allergy in a 2-year-old child (urticaria and allergic conjunctivitis). Treated 5 days "Dexamethasone" for injection intramuscularly, "Tavegil" intramuscularly, and eye drops "Dexamethasone" (prescribed "Maxidex", but it is 10 times more expensive). The swelling of the eyes subsided the next day after the start of use, and the redness of the eye disappeared on the second day, another 3 days were dripped to consolidate the result. Recently, the father-in-law, while working with a grinder, drove a small metal shaving into his eye, they pulled it out in the hospital, but conjunctivitis began, again he saved Dexamethasone in just 3 days. Dexamethasone is an inexpensive and effective drug.

Drops "Dexamethasone" - a hormonal drug for local use. Well relieve redness and itching of allergic origin. They have good anti-inflammatory properties. The effect comes within the first minutes. It is prescribed with caution, it is not indicated for permanent use, since the likelihood of systemic action and inhibition of the adrenal cortex, the development of glaucoma, etc. increases. From personal experience, I can say that this drug was my drug of choice for a long time, since it is quite inexpensive and excellent for removing redness and puffiness of the eyes with allergies. But over time, I had to refuse, since Dexamethasone drops have a number of contraindications and side effects. This was manifested by increased intraocular pressure.

The doctor prescribed dexamethasone to a child (2.6 years old) in the form of injections of 4 mg intramuscularly. We have been allergic since birth, but this time it sprinkled heavily. At first we were treated with those drugs that helped us with exacerbations, but the treatment dragged on for a long time. The rash did not go away, the child combed the spots to the blood: on the legs, on the arms, on the back. Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug, I have a negative attitude to this, but it saved us. Already after the first injection, the spots faded, after the 3rd one everything completely disappeared and there were no adverse reactions. The constant nasal congestion disappeared. The medicine costs a penny, and the result is excellent.

Dexamethasone was prescribed to the child in the postoperative period for the removal of a congenital bilateral cataract, then we were only three months old. No droplets helped to remove redness from the eyes, as there was an inflammatory process, as a complication after the operation. First, the doctor prescribed drops three times a day for two weeks, then another two weeks twice a day and another week once a day. Inflammation of the eyes disappeared, cured. There were no side effects from taking the medication. More than three types of drops dripped together - no itching, no redness, no other allergic reactions were present.

I have a terrible job - I'm an accountant. 12 hours a day I either sit at a computer or in papers. I come home - my eyes are red, red, and far away when I look everything is blurry. They advised me dexamethasone and decided to try it. After I put it in my eyes, I feel much better. Dripped for 10 days at night. The result pleased.

With any cold, I have a very severe runny nose. This drug was recommended to me by an otorhinolaryngologist, it is mixed with two components of ekteritsid and mezaton 2:1:1 and excellent nasal drops are obtained. After two days, all swelling disappears and the nose begins to breathe. The main thing is that this drug heals. It's very cheap and very effective. Now I always buy several ampoules and keep them in the refrigerator.

Dexamethasone helps me out in the summer, as I often suffer from allergic conjunctivitis. A couple of drops and the itching goes away, the inflammation begins to subside. And these drops save my husband when he picks up "bunnies" after welding. It drips 2-3 times in the evening, and the pain in the eyes becomes less, and the next day it completely calms down. So dexamethasone constantly takes its place in the refrigerator. The only pity is that it is stored only a month after opening the bottle.

Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It is produced in several dosage forms at once: solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, eye drops, tablets. In terms of glucocorticoid activity, it is 25 times superior to hydrocortisone, and 7 times superior to prednisolone. Inhibits the activity of white blood cells and resident mononuclear phagocytes. Prevents the migration of the first to the inflammatory focus. Stabilizes lysosome membranes, thereby reducing the level of proteases in the inflammatory focus. Eliminates the effect of histamine on the walls of capillaries, thereby reducing their permeability. Inhibits the proliferative activity of fibroblasts and inhibits collagen synthesis. Reduces the intensity of the formation of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Inhibits the release of cyclooxygenase-2. Promotes the migration of leukocytes from the blood into the lymph. With direct interaction with blood vessels, it exhibits a vasoconstrictive effect. Influence on protein metabolism: reduces the content of globulins in serum, stimulates the formation of albumin in the kidneys and liver, activates catabolic processes in skeletal muscles. Influence on fat metabolism: promotes the formation of fatty acids, redistributes adipose tissue from the limbs to the abdomen, face, shoulder girdle, increases the level of lipids in the blood. Influence on carbohydrate metabolism: promotes the absorption of carbohydrates from the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood glucose levels. In submaximal doses, it makes brain tissue more excitable and increases the risk of seizures. With systemic use, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, suppresses immunity and excessive cell proliferation. Local forms of the drug exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, reduce the intensity of exudate flow to the inflammation site (due to the vasoconstrictor effect).

It is metabolized by microsomal liver enzymes. The half-life is 2-3 hours. Eliminated by the kidneys.

Bacterial, viral and fungal infections require constant medical monitoring of the patient's condition while taking Dexamethasone. Severe forms of infectious diseases allow the drug to be taken only in combination with specific therapy. Diseases and conditions in which the drug should also be taken with caution are: immunodeficiency diseases, BCG vaccination, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, inflammation of the diverticulum, etc.), cardiovascular pathology, endocrine diseases. Before starting drug therapy using Dexamethasone, it is necessary to monitor blood counts, glucose and electrolytes in the blood. With a sharp discontinuation of the drug (especially if it was taken in submaximal doses), rebound syndrome often develops, the manifestations of which are nausea, loss of appetite, musculoskeletal pain, and chronic fatigue. While taking the drug, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure, water-salt balance, and also be observed by an ophthalmologist.

When combined with certain medications, Dexamethasone can cause a number of unwanted side effects. So, its joint administration with azathioprine or antipsychotic drugs can provoke cataracts, and with anticholinergics - glaucoma. In combination with oral contraceptives, testosterone preparations, female sex hormones, anabolic steroids, Dexamethasone can cause acne, increased male pattern hair growth. In combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, taking the drug increases the risk of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

GKS. Suppresses the functions of leukocytes and tissue macrophages. Limits the migration of leukocytes to the area of ​​inflammation. Violates the ability of macrophages to phagocytosis, as well as to the formation of interleukin-1. Contributes to the stabilization of lysosomal membranes, thereby reducing the concentration of proteolytic enzymes in the area of ​​inflammation. Reduces capillary permeability due to the release of histamine. Suppresses the activity of fibroblasts and the formation of collagen.

Inhibits the activity of phospholipase A 2, which leads to suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Suppresses the release of COX (mainly COX-2), which also helps to reduce the production of prostaglandins.

Reduces the number of circulating lymphocytes (T- and B-cells), monocytes, eosinophils and basophils due to their movement from the vascular bed into the lymphoid tissue; inhibits the formation of antibodies.

Dexamethasone inhibits the release of pituitary ACTH and β-lipotropin, but does not reduce the level of circulating β-endorphin. Inhibits the secretion of TSH and FSH.

When applied directly to the vessels, it has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Dexamethasone has a pronounced dose-dependent effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Stimulates gluconeogenesis, promotes the uptake of amino acids by the liver and kidneys, increases the activity of gluconeogenesis enzymes. In the liver, dexamethasone enhances the deposition of glycogen, stimulating the activity of glycogen synthetase and the synthesis of glucose from protein metabolism products. An increase in blood glucose stimulates the secretion of insulin.

Dexamethasone inhibits the uptake of glucose by fat cells, which leads to the activation of lipolysis. However, due to an increase in insulin secretion, lipogenesis is stimulated, which leads to fat accumulation.

It has a catabolic effect in lymphoid and connective tissue, muscles, adipose tissue, skin, bone tissue. Osteoporosis and Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome are the main factors limiting long-term therapy with corticosteroids. As a result of the catabolic action, growth suppression in children is possible.

In high doses, dexamethasone can increase the excitability of brain tissue and help lower the seizure threshold. Stimulates excess production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach, which contributes to the development of peptic ulcers.

With systemic use, the therapeutic activity of dexamethasone is due to anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive and antiproliferative effects.

With external and local application, the therapeutic activity of dexamethasone is due to anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative (due to the vasoconstrictor effect) action.

By anti-inflammatory activity exceeds hydrocortisone by 30 times, does not have mineralocorticoid activity.

Plasma protein binding - 60-70%. Penetrates through histohematic barriers. A small amount is excreted in breast milk.

Metabolized in the liver.

T 1/2 is 2-3 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

When applied topically in ophthalmology, it is absorbed through the cornea with intact epithelium into the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye. With inflammation of the tissues of the eye or damage to the mucous membrane and cornea, the rate of absorption of dexamethasone significantly increases.

1 ml - dark glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (5) - cardboard packs.
250 ml - ampoules (50) - blisters (5) - cardboard boxes - shipping boxes (in bulk)

Individual. Inside for severe diseases at the beginning of treatment, up to 10-15 mg / day is prescribed, the maintenance dose can be 2-4.5 mg or more per day. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. In small doses, take 1 time / day in the morning.

For parenteral administration, it is administered intravenously in a slow stream or drip (in acute and emergency conditions); i / m; periarticular and intraarticular administration is also possible. During the day, you can enter from 4 to 20 mg of dexamethasone 3-4 times. The duration of parenteral use is usually 3-4 days, then they switch to maintenance therapy with an oral form. In the acute period for various diseases and at the beginning of treatment, dexamethasone is used in higher doses. When the effect is achieved, the dose is reduced at intervals of several days until a maintenance dose is reached or until treatment is stopped.

When used in ophthalmology in acute conditions, 1-2 drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac. every 1-2 hours, then, with a decrease in inflammation, every 4-6 hours. The duration of treatment is from 1-2 days to several weeks, depending on the clinical course of the disease.

With simultaneous use with antipsychotics, bucarban, azathioprine, there is a risk of developing cataracts; with agents that have an anticholinergic effect - the risk of developing glaucoma.

With simultaneous use with dexamethasone, the effectiveness of insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs decreases.

With simultaneous use with hormonal contraceptives, androgens, estrogens, anabolic steroids, hirsutism, acne are possible.

With simultaneous use with diuretics, it is possible to increase the excretion of potassium; with NSAIDs (including acetylsalicylic acid) - the incidence of erosive and ulcerative lesions and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract increases.

With simultaneous use with oral anticoagulants, the anticoagulant effect may be weakened.

With simultaneous use with cardiac glycosides, the tolerability of cardiac glycosides may worsen due to potassium deficiency.

With simultaneous use with aminoglutethimide, a decrease or inhibition of the effects of dexamethasone is possible; with carbamazepine - a decrease in the effect of dexamethasone is possible; with ephedrine - increased excretion of dexamethasone from the body; with imatinib - a decrease in the concentration of imatinib in blood plasma is possible due to the induction of its metabolism and increased excretion from the body.

With simultaneous use with itraconazole, the effects of dexamethasone are enhanced; with methotrexate - possibly increased hepatotoxicity; with praziquantel - a decrease in the concentration of praziquantel in the blood is possible.

With simultaneous use with rifampicin, phenytoin, barbiturates, it is possible to weaken the effects of dexamethasone due to an increase in its excretion from the body.

On the part of the endocrine system: reduced glucose tolerance, steroid diabetes mellitus or manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, suppression of adrenal function, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome (including moon-shaped face, pituitary-type obesity, hirsutism, increased blood pressure, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, myasthenia gravis , striae), delayed sexual development in children.

From the side of metabolism: increased excretion of calcium ions, hypocalcemia, weight gain, negative nitrogen balance (increased protein breakdown), increased sweating, hypernatremia, hypokalemia.

From the side of the central nervous system: delirium, disorientation, euphoria, hallucinations, manic-depressive psychosis, depression, paranoia, increased intracranial pressure, nervousness or anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo, cerebellar pseudotumor, headache, convulsions.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: arrhythmias, bradycardia (up to cardiac arrest); development (in predisposed patients) or increased severity of chronic heart failure, ECG changes characteristic of hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, hypercoagulation, thrombosis. In patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction - the spread of necrosis, slowing down the formation of scar tissue, which can lead to rupture of the heart muscle; with intracranial administration - nosebleeds.

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, steroid ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, erosive esophagitis, bleeding and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, increased or decreased appetite, flatulence, hiccups; rarely - increased activity of hepatic transaminases and alkaline phosphatase.

From the sensory organs: posterior subcapsular cataract, increased intraocular pressure with possible damage to the optic nerve, a tendency to develop secondary bacterial, fungal or viral eye infections, trophic changes in the cornea, exophthalmos.

From the musculoskeletal system: growth retardation and ossification processes in children (premature closure of epiphyseal growth zones), osteoporosis (very rarely, pathological bone fractures, aseptic necrosis of the head of the humerus and femur), rupture of muscle tendons, steroid myopathy, decreased muscle mass (atrophy).

Dermatological reactions: delayed wound healing, petechiae, ecchymosis, thinning of the skin, hyper- or hypopigmentation, steroid acne, striae, a tendency to develop pyoderma and candidiasis.

Allergic reactions: generalized (including skin rash, skin itching, anaphylactic shock) and topical application.

Effects associated with immunosuppressive action: the development or exacerbation of infections (the appearance of this side effect is promoted by jointly used immunosuppressive drugs and vaccination).

Local reactions: with parenteral administration - tissue necrosis.

For external use: rarely - itching, hyperemia, burning, dryness, folliculitis, acne, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, skin maceration, secondary infection, skin atrophy, stretch marks, prickly heat. With prolonged use or application to large areas of the skin, systemic side effects characteristic of GCS may develop.

For oral administration: Addison-Birmer disease; acute and subacute thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, progressive ophthalmopathy associated with thyrotoxicosis; bronchial asthma; rheumatoid arthritis in the acute phase; NUC; connective tissue diseases; autoimmune hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, aplasia and hypoplasia of hematopoiesis, agranulocytosis, serum sickness; acute erythroderma, pemphigus (common), acute eczema (at the beginning of treatment); malignant tumors (as a palliative therapy); congenital adrenogenital syndrome; cerebral edema (usually after preliminary parenteral administration of corticosteroids).

For parenteral administration: shock of various origins; cerebral edema (with a brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical intervention, cerebral hemorrhage, encephalitis, meningitis, radiation injury); asthmatic status; severe allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, dermatosis, acute anaphylactic reaction to drugs, serum transfusion, pyrogenic reactions); acute hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, agranulocytosis; severe infectious diseases (in combination with antibiotics); acute insufficiency of the adrenal cortex; sharp croup; joint diseases (humeroscapular periarthritis, epicondylitis, styloiditis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, compression neuropathy, osteochondrosis, arthritis of various etiologies, osteoarthrosis).

For use in ophthalmic practice: non-purulent and allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis without damage to the epithelium, iritis, iridocyclitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, episcleritis, scleritis, inflammation after eye injuries and surgical interventions, sympathetic ophthalmia.

For short-term use for health reasons - hypersensitivity to dexamethasone.

For intra-articular injection and injection directly into the lesion: previous arthroplasty, pathological bleeding (endogenous or caused by the use of anticoagulants), intra-articular bone fracture, infectious (septic) inflammatory process in the joint and periarticular infections (including history), as well as common infectious disease, severe periarticular osteoporosis, no signs of inflammation in the joint (“dry” joint, for example, in osteoarthritis without synovitis), severe bone destruction and joint deformity (sharp narrowing of the joint space, ankylosis), joint instability as an outcome of arthritis, aseptic necrosis of the joint joint of the epiphyses of bones.

For external use: bacterial, viral, fungal skin diseases, skin tuberculosis, skin manifestations of syphilis, skin tumors, post-vaccination period, violation of the integrity of the skin (ulcers, wounds), children's age (up to 2 years, with itching in the anus - up to 12 years), rosacea, acne vulgaris, perioral dermatitis.

For use in ophthalmology: bacterial, viral, fungal eye diseases, eye tuberculosis, violation of the integrity of the eye epithelium, acute form of purulent eye infection in the absence of specific therapy, corneal diseases combined with epithelial defects, trachoma, glaucoma.

Caution should be used within 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after vaccination, with lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination, with immunodeficiency states (including AIDS or HIV infection).

With caution should be used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, esophagitis, gastritis, acute or latent peptic ulcer, recently created intestinal anastomosis, ulcerative colitis with the threat of perforation or abscess formation, diverticulitis.

Caution should be used in diseases of the cardiovascular system, incl. after a recent myocardial infarction (in patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction, the focus of necrosis may spread, slowing down the formation of scar tissue and, as a result, rupture of the heart muscle), with decompensated chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia), with endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus ( including impaired carbohydrate tolerance), thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, with severe chronic renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, nephrourolithiasis, with hypoalbuminemia and conditions predisposing to its occurrence, with systemic osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis, acute psychosis , obesity (III-IV degree), with poliomyelitis (with the exception of the form of bulbar encephalitis), open- and angle-closure glaucoma.

If necessary, intra-articular administration should be used with caution in patients with a general severe condition, ineffectiveness (or short duration) of the action of 2 previous injections (taking into account the individual properties of the GCS used).

Before starting and during GCS therapy, it is necessary to control the complete blood count, glycemia and plasma electrolytes.

With intercurrent infections, septic conditions and tuberculosis, simultaneous antibiotic therapy is necessary.

Dexamethasone-induced relative adrenal insufficiency may persist for several months after its withdrawal. Given this, in stressful situations that occur during this period, hormonal therapy is resumed with the simultaneous administration of salts and / or mineralocorticoids.

When using dexamethasone in patients with corneal herpes, the possibility of corneal perforation should be borne in mind. During treatment, it is necessary to control intraocular pressure and the condition of the cornea.

With the sudden cancellation of dexamethasone, especially in the case of previous use in high doses, the so-called withdrawal syndrome occurs (not due to hypocorticism), manifested by anorexia, nausea, lethargy, generalized musculoskeletal pain, and general weakness. After the abolition of dexamethasone, relative insufficiency of the adrenal cortex may persist for several months. If stressful situations arise during this period, they are prescribed (according to indications) for the time of GCS, if necessary, in combination with mineralocorticoids.

During the period of treatment, control of blood pressure, water and electrolyte balance, peripheral blood patterns and glycemic levels, as well as observation by an oculist is required.

In children during long-term treatment, careful monitoring of the dynamics of growth and development is necessary. Children who during the period of treatment were in contact with patients with measles or chickenpox are prescribed specific immunoglobulins prophylactically.

Dexamethasone is one of the most powerful glucocorticoid drugs. It is produced in the form of drops, tablets or solutions for injection.

This drug is characterized by pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, and immunosuppressive effects. Dexamethasone is prescribed both as an independent treatment and in combination with other drugs.

This tool is used for a number of diseases, including pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Consider patient reviews about this drug.

Feedback from patients taking dexamethasone

“I have had problems with my spine for a long time. Recently I went to the doctor, because he can no longer endure all this, he prescribed dexamethasone. It seems that he needed to be pricked to relieve the inflammatory process.

After the fifth injection, I noticed that I noticeably recovered, especially in the abdomen. However, the back pain has eased a bit as well.”

“I was prescribed dexamethasone for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Everything would be fine, but no one warned that canceling it is not so easy. How much I should inject this medicine, the doctor somehow did not say, so I used it until I decided that I was already cured.

Since it is extremely doubtful pleasure to constantly sit on it, I just did not take an injection one fine day. After that, dizziness, nausea, weakness appeared. Back to injections.

I started reading the instructions. It turned out that it is necessary to cancel this medicine gradually. After a while, I tried again to "jump" off the hormone. This time it seemed to be successful, for a couple of days I feel good. Although today nausea and weakness began to appear, although much easier than the first time.

The drug is generally effective and reliable, but I strongly recommend contacting competent doctors and gradually withdrawing the medicine under the supervision of a specialist.

“I took it with an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. This product has been a real lifesaver for me. He quickly relieved me of pain and returned me to a normal life. I know it’s a hormonal remedy, but if you need it, then you need it.”

“I quite often have to inject dexamethasone to eliminate inflammation in the joints. I can’t help but do this, because the pain in the joints somehow provokes the development of Quincke’s edema.

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug with a bunch of contraindications and side effects. An increase in blood pressure is even beneficial for me, since I usually have low blood pressure.

A small weight gain is also good for me, although it does not last for a long time. But I don’t like the development of osteoporosis and problems with the work of the nervous system at all.

With frequent use of the drug, these complications can develop. This drug is strong and effective, but some of the side effects are frightening.”

“I took dexamethasone tablets for 3 weeks. I have rheumatoid arthritis. After a course of treatment, I was able to walk again. For me, this is really happiness, I did not even expect that the effect could be so strong in just 3 weeks of treatment.

“Do not self-medicate and do not use dexamethasone for too long. My friend herself prescribed this medicine for the treatment of joints. It all ended with excess weight, non-healing wounds and a significant decrease in immunity.

“My left elbow hurts a lot. The doctor prescribed dexamethasone in combination with ketorol. I forgot about the pain in my elbow after the third injection, as my stomach began to hurt and somewhere in the liver area. Due to constant nausea and pain, she stopped injecting dexamethasone. Now I am treating everything else, except for the diseased joint. ”

“A month ago, I had a severe seizure in the lumbar region. The doctor diagnosed osteochondrosis, prescribed treatment for a week. There was no effect at all, only tormented in vain. Then she called a neurologist at home. He gave one injection with 4 drugs, which was very surprising: nicotinic acid, dexamethasone, lidocaine and cyanocobalamin.

After one such injection, I was able to turn on my side. The next morning I even got out of bed. The course of treatment is 5 injections. I really hope that after them I can finally go to work.

By the way, she also took ranitidine three times a day. He was advised in a pharmacy in order to protect the stomach from the action of the drug.

“For more than six months I have been stubbornly engaged in weightlifting. The main load falls on my knees, as I mainly do squat exercises with a barbell.

But lately I have been faced with the inability to perform these exercises due to serious pain in the knee area. In addition, the ligaments on the outside of the thigh are strongly pulled when I do a deep squat.

He regularly took chondratin, but the effect is minimal. Tried other drugs, but they are even less good. If you take a break from squats, the pain disappears, but I can’t give up training for a long time, because there are important competitions ahead. I started taking dexamethasone, pricking it under the knee, and the pain went away, as if it hadn’t been.”

“I took dexamethasone for some time, but I had to refuse because of the development of Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, myastic syndrome, and so that life would not seem like a raspberry, a year after refusing to take it, bilateral necrosis of the right head of the femoral bone occurred.

I haven’t taken it for two years, but I can’t recover from the side effects. ”

“A year ago, I complained to the trainer in the gym about constant pain in the joints, and he advised me on a proven remedy - dexamethasone. Now they just start to hurt - I prick one cube in a painful place and the pain relieves like a hand.

Another plus of the drug is a quick weight gain, especially if you drink proteins at the same time. The main condition is not to exceed the dosage, otherwise there will be side effects.


“I suffered from arthritis in my elbow for many years, until a friend suggested a hormonal remedy that instantly relieves pain. She began to inject dexamethasone into the elbow joint and the pain disappeared. However, without reading the instructions, I made a terrible mistake.

From the frequent injection of dexamethasone into the joint, the latter was greatly weakened, and the doctors diagnosed osteonecrosis. As they explained to me, the medicine in large quantities begins to destroy the tissues of the joint.


“I took dexamethasone for general strengthening of the body and the fight against rheumatism. However, as a result of taking it, she gained 15 kilograms in the first month, hair began to grow on her chest, and, on the contrary, began to fall out on the top of her head. I had to throw the medicine, but the hair did not go anywhere.

“I am 31 years old and recently my knees and spine began to hurt. I had to see a doctor who prescribed dexamethasone drip.

I passed the course without problems, but after the end, my whole face was terribly sprinkled. Now I don’t know how to get rid of this purulent rash.”

“For a year and a half, I regularly injected myself with intramuscularly dexamethasone in half a milliliter. A couple of months ago I decided to “get off” the drug and live without it.

Oddly enough, everything went painlessly - at first I reduced the dosage, and then completely stopped. I did not notice any withdrawal syndrome, but a couple of weeks ago I began to rapidly gain weight (12 kg in a week). And a week later, the temperature rose sharply and is now at the level of 37.7.

In addition, strange pigment spots appear on the skin, hair falls out on the head, appetite disappears and the spine hurts. Now I don’t know if I can start taking the remedy again.”

“The doctor put me on dexamethasone tablets. I had a rash on my face and body, as well as lower back pain. I drank two courses and acne disappeared.

Only now strange black hairs appeared in different parts of the body and recovered by 7 kg. But the worst thing is that my breasts have decreased by 1 size and problems with libido have developed. The guy doesn’t get along, I’m constantly freaking out and angry that I was so worried about some kind of rash there.

“A rheumatologist prescribed dexamethasone intramuscularly to solve problems with the spine. The effect of injections began to appear literally after the first injections.

The pains are gone, the body is in good shape, I feel like in my youth, men's health has improved. Of course, the bald head is now larger, but this is not a problem, because women like me even more.


“Took dexamethasone after knee surgery. The seams were tightened very quickly, I feel just fine, but my periods disappeared. Doctors say that my balance of male and female hormones is disturbed, so I need to continue taking the drug.

From the repeated course, she began to recover and gained 24 kg in just 3-4 months. Now I don't know how to take them off. After giving up dexamethasone, the weight did not recover.”

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Injections for arthritis are made mainly in the later stages of the disease, when there are pronounced signs of a degenerative-dystrophic process in the joints. At the beginning of the development of the disease, as a rule, it is enough to use drugs for topical application in the form of ointments and tablets.

Intramuscular injections

Depending on the severity of the disease and the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease, intramuscular injections for arthritis are included in the complex treatment.

For this, the following groups of drugs are actively used:

  1. NSAIDs. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, affecting the pathological focus. In addition, they provide a pronounced analgesic, anti-edematous and antipyretic effect. Thanks to the relief of the main symptoms of the disease (pain, tissue swelling and limitation of movement in the affected joint), it is possible to achieve an improvement in the patient's condition. In rheumatoid arthritis, injections should be prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that drugs from the NSAID group have a rather large list of contraindications that must be taken into account. Mostly drugs based on diclofenac or ibuprofen are used. The required dosage, frequency of use and duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor based on the examination of the patient and the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease.
  2. Analgesics. They are able to slightly alleviate the patient's well-being, but at the same time they do not relieve inflammation and swelling of the tissues. For this purpose, Analgin, Baralgin and others are mainly used.
  3. Antispasmodics and muscle relaxants. Indicated for use in case of severe pain due to muscle spasm. By relaxing the muscles, a person calms down, discomfort decreases. The most popular drug from this group of medicines is Mydocalm.
  4. Glucocorticosteroids. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, antipyretic effect. The use of these drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, since there is a high risk of complications. In no case should the recommended dosage and duration of treatment be exceeded. The ideal option is the combined drug Ambene, which, in addition to dexamethasone, includes lidocaine, vitamin B1, B6, B12.

Intra-articular administration of glucocorticosteroids

In rheumatoid arthritis, injections are also made inside the joint capsule. Due to this, the medicine enters directly into the pathological focus. As a result, the therapeutic effect is achieved in a short time.

Intra-articular administration of glucocorticosteroids is used in the absence of a positive result from other methods of treatment. The main goal is to remove a strong inflammatory process and make the patient feel better. After all, the use of other important stages of the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is impossible during an exacerbation of the disease.

For intra-articular use, the following glucocorticosteroids are mainly used:

  • Kenalog;
  • Celeston;
  • Diprospan;
  • Hydrocortisone etc.

Intra-articular administration of drugs is carried out only in a medical institution, since this requires certain knowledge and professional skills. Otherwise, you can damage the capsule and provoke the development of complications.

The course of treatment is from 1 to 5 injections. For each patient, this is an individual indicator, since everything depends on the severity of the pathological process. Injections are made in 7-12 days. This is necessary in order to adequately assess the presence or absence of a positive effect of glucocorticosteroids. As a rule, the result is clearly visible after the first application. Therefore, if the drug is not suitable for the patient, its use should be discontinued.

Despite the fact that glucocorticosteroids do not have a systemic effect when administered intraarticularly, they must be used very carefully due to the large number of contraindications and side effects.

Repeated use of the drug can provoke a backlash - further worsen the metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue. And also aggravate the general condition of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, renal failure.

Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid

With arthritis of the knee joint, intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid is increasingly used. This is a unique remedy, which is a kind of substitute for natural synovial fluid. Its other name is "liquid prosthesis". Hyaluronic acid prevents bones from rubbing against each other, increases the range of motion in the affected joint. Contributes to the restoration of the normal quantity and quality of synovial fluid.

The sooner you start treatment with hyaluronic acid, the higher its effectiveness. In the later stages of the disease, the use of the drug will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but the results will not be so noticeable.

For intra-articular administration, the following preparations are mainly used, which include hyaluronic acid: Crespin - gel, Synocrom, Ostenil.

Lubrication works almost instantly. Once in the joint capsule, the drug is quickly distributed over all surfaces, preventing them from rubbing against each other. It activates metabolic processes, thereby improving the flow of all necessary components into the cartilage tissue.

Hyaluronic acid is successfully used in the treatment of arthritis of the knee joint, as well as other joints: elbow, hip, shoulder. In some cases, it is advisable to use in the treatment of pathologies of small joints. The main condition for the successful use of hyaluronic acid is that it is administered only after the severity of the inflammatory process has been removed and stable remission has been achieved.

The course of treatment with this drug is from 1 to 5 injections, depending on the doctor's prescription. It is necessary to observe the recommended intervals between injections - at least 6 - 10 days. The therapeutic course should be repeated annually, for several years. You do not need to wait for the next deterioration in well-being in order to consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

The main disadvantage of hyaluronic acid is the high price, but it's worth it. Moreover, even under the condition of long-term use, the drug does not have a negative effect on cartilage tissue.

Intra-articular injection of chondroprotectors

In severe rheumatoid arthritis and severe degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joints, the doctor may prescribe intra-articular administration of chondroprotectors.

The following drugs are mainly used:

  • Alflutop;
  • Hondrolon;
  • Target-T.

These drugs are administered for arthritis of the shoulder joint and other joints. Thanks to this method of application, the drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Prevents further damage to cartilage, promotes its restoration and regeneration. The use of chondroprotectors in the form of tablets is much less effective, even with long-term use.

The composition of chondroprotectors includes glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. The course of treatment is about 5 procedures. Each injection should be carried out with a break of 1 - 2 weeks, after which the patient is transferred to oral administration of drugs. The cycle should be repeated annually. This is the only way to preserve the cartilage tissue and restore the functionality of the joint.

The use of injections in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is an unpleasant procedure. However, in severe cases of the disease, this is the only method of treatment with which you can achieve pronounced results and improve the patient's well-being.

Drug treatment of gout: an overview of drugs

To eliminate pain in the legs with gout, diclofenac, ibuprofen, nise, meloxicam as injections, ointments or tablets, dimexide for lotions and compresses, as well as dexamethasone, movalis, diprospan are used.

In order to correctly determine what kind of drug treatment of gout is needed, what and why drugs are prescribed, diclofenac, ibuprofen, nise or movalis are more suitable, whether dexamethasone or dimexide should be added to them, you should first understand what this disease is.

Gouty arthritis is a change in the articular tissues caused by deposits of urate, salts of uric acid. The causes of pathology are mainly in metabolic disorders associated with age-related changes in the body and malnutrition.

Men suffer from gout several times more often than women, but drugs such as dexamethasone or movalis and dimexide are used in treatment regardless of gender.

Clinical picture and features of the disease

The first symptoms of gout usually appear after the age of forty. Salts can be deposited in all joints, but most often and most of all they accumulate in the legs and hands.

The patient experiences sharp pain in the legs or arms, the joints swell and become hot. Mobility becomes very limited.

Gout is often accompanied by:

  • Acute arthritis;
  • Tophi.

If the disease is not treated, it will progress, affecting other organs, and here it is necessary to immediately take either movalis and dimexide, or dexamethasone.

Comprehensive gout treatment

This disease, despite the threatening symptoms and complications, is quite treatable, but on condition that the patient consults a doctor as soon as possible and adheres to his recommendations. An integrated approach is required, the basic program consists of the following steps:

  1. Reducing the pain syndrome.
  2. Elimination of the inflammatory process, dexamethasone or movalis is suitable for this.
  3. Dissolution and excretion of uric acid salts.
  4. Restoration of the functionality of the joints.
  5. Relapse prevention.

If the disease is at such a stage when a full recovery is no longer possible, then it is necessary to at least stop its further development, that is, the destruction of the joints. For this, various drugs are primarily prescribed, such as movalis, dimexide or dexamethasone.

Medication treatment for gout

Medicines in the treatment of gout are used at almost every stage.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines act in several directions at once, effectively relieving pain, eliminating swelling and fever, and stopping inflammation. The most common drugs from this group:

  • indomethacin,
  • ibuprofen,
  • Nise.

All of them have various active substances in the composition, which ones are best suited, the doctor always evaluates on an individual basis. It should be remembered that these drugs cause a number of side effects, so treatment should always be carried out under medical supervision. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage or increase the duration of the course of treatment on your own.

It must be remembered that diclofenac, indomethacin, nise and other similar drugs are also available in the form of ointments and gels for external use. If they are used simultaneously with tablets containing the same active substance, the dosage increases accordingly.

Non-steroidal drugs are not as dangerous as steroids or antibiotics, but they can also cause serious complications, especially from the digestive system in the first place.

In addition, preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid have a negative effect on gout - it prevents the excretion of urates from the body. Very popular, if you study the reviews, such a new generation drug as Colchicine. Patients suffering from even an advanced form of gout feel significant relief the very next day after the start of the course of treatment.

You can use it for the prevention of the disease, but with very great care. If side effects are noted, the doctor reduces the dosage or selects other drugs.

Analgesics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve pain, but if they are very strong, analgesics may also be included in the drug treatment. The scheme of taking medications is then compiled and corrected only by the doctor. As soon as the patient's condition improves, one of the types of drugs is removed.

Means that promote resorption and removal of salt deposits. It:

  • allopurinol,
  • thiopurinol,
  • milurite,
  • olorotic acid.

They reduce the synthesis of uric acid in the body, prevent the deposition of salts and thus prevent the development of the disease. Salts are better dissolved and excreted, the patient's well-being improves significantly.

Some of these drugs may be taken for a long time. Therefore, even when an acute attack of gout has passed and diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen, nise, or meloxicam are no longer prescribed, allopurinol or thiopurinol remains in the treatment program.

In parallel, drugs are taken that stimulate the kidneys - this helps to quickly get rid of salt deposits and prevents their further formation.

Antibiotics are needed if the disease is accompanied by infections. It can be injections or systemic tablets. Be sure to take vitamins during this period to normalize metabolism and maintain immunity.

Dimexide is used externally for compresses, the treatment is supplemented by classic medicines for gout - movalis, dexamethasone, diprospan.

Diet therapy for gout

The action of drugs will be faster, and the result will be stable if the patient suffering from gout adheres to proper nutrition. This point is very important and should not be overlooked.

The first thing to do during an exacerbation of the disease is to exclude all meat and offal from the diet. This is a protein that contributes to the production of uric acid if it is poorly absorbed by the body. Diet for gout implies that the following fall under the ban:

  1. Any canned food and smoked meats;
  2. Fried fish;
  3. Legumes - lentils, peas, beans;
  4. Meat and mushroom broths;
  5. spices;
  6. Cheeses with a sharp or salty taste;
  7. Coffee and black tea;
  8. Alcoholic drinks, especially wine and beer;
  9. Confectionery and chocolate.

Vitamins are needed during this period in large quantities, so you need to eat as many boiled or fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, you only need to limit the use of cabbage of any variety, celery, bell pepper, radish and radish. In any quantities, berries and nuts will be useful.

Sweets are allowed only in the form of jam, preserves or marshmallows, if sweets, then without chocolate. As for dairy products, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, unsalted and low-fat cheeses are allowed.

If ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac, nise or meloxicam were taken for a long time, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines suffers greatly. Milk can protect it, but not whole milk. It is better to use it in a diluted form as the basis for viscous cereals and kissels. Any cereals and pasta can be included in the diet.