Harmless remedy for constipation. constipation tablets

In every pharmacy you can now buy pills for constipation, since the choice of laxatives in modern pharmacology is simply huge. Naturally, each such drug has its own recommendations for use and contraindications, and they all have different impact to the intestines. The main difficulty is that the laxative has only a one-time effect, helping to cleanse the intestines, but still does not eliminate the first.

It is not difficult to find a good laxative, although people suffering from constipation still have doubts about whether it will be addictive and will not cause additional harm to the body. First of all, it is still recommended to find out the cause of stagnation. stool. Often, constipation is a symptom of digestive diseases, and they should be treated not with laxatives, but with other medications. Before taking them, you need to try to change the situation with bowel movements in better side using alternative methods:

  • Drink a glass of yogurt before bed
  • Drink coffee and honey (they have a laxative effect)
  • Regularly massage the abdomen, improving intestinal motility
  • Move more, exercise more, stick to principles healthy eating(include in the diet foods with a laxative effect: prunes, beets, apricots, raw vegetables and fruits)
  • Castor oil is a quick and natural laxative.
  • Drink a glass or two every morning on an empty stomach clean water room temperature. Thirty minutes before tomorrow you can drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water to improve the digestive process.

Medications for constipation are divided into several types: irritants, osmotic agents, prebiotics, and bowel fillers. When choosing laxatives for constipation, you need to undergo a preliminary examination by a doctor and get a consultation to find out which type is right for you. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects and contraindications. When buying pills for constipation, follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Irritant laxatives should not be used for a long time.
  • When buying tablets, be sure to read the instructions and information about the active substance.
  • To quickly empty the intestines, you can do. Oil microclysters are also effective.
  • In chronic constipation, the choice of laxative should be taken especially carefully. The remedy should be safe, non-addictive and act quickly. It is better to opt for prebiotics, which restore the intestinal microflora, improve peristalsis and have a lasting effect.

Below are the most effective drugs for dealing with constipation, divided into categories.

Delayed laxatives - prebiotics

Prebiotics are considered the most safe means to fight constipation. They can be used by pregnant women, and immediately after childbirth, and even during breastfeeding. In fact, these are food components-carbohydrates that are not digested in the stomach, enter the intestine and stimulate the growth of its beneficial microflora. Prebiotics include fructosaccharides, inulin and lactulose. Prebiotics do not count potent means immediate action. They begin to act slowly, but have a persistent and lasting effect, unlike other types of laxatives.
Due to the fact that prebiotics accelerate the growth of intestinal microflora, they are able to restore the functions of this organ, while at the same time having a weakening and irritating effect, stimulating the movement of feces. During the fermentation of prebiotics, organic acids are produced, which improve peristalsis. The most well-known prebiotic is Lactulose. The desired effect occurs within one and a half hours after taking 50 ml of the drug.

Good pills for constipation are inexpensive and effective drugs. It is these criteria that patients are guided by when choosing drugs. But can they combine these two factors, and is it even worth abusing them at the slightest discomfort? More on this later.

Inexpensive medicine from constipation should also be harmless and gentle to the body. Such drugs can be used immediately after the birth of the baby. Even lactation is not a contraindication to use. They are actually dietary carbohydrates that contribute to the reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Prebiotics- mild laxative for constipation. They affect human body gently, but the result will be persistent and long lasting. Means lead to the restoration of the efficiency of the intestine, provide a relaxing and softening effect, stimulating the movement of feces. This is facilitated by the production of organic acids that stimulate peristalsis. The result will come within half an hour after taking the medicine.

Prebiotics - mild laxative for constipation

Means are prescribed for such a diagnosis as, in any form, as well as a violation of the intestinal microflora. These drugs are also aimed at removing toxic components, improving digestibility nutrients and suppress the spread pathogenic flora. Medicines have almost no restrictions on their use. From side effects worth noting flatulence.

Consider the most popular and effective prebiotics:

  1. Powder lactitol. Qualitatively affects hardened feces, contributing to their softening. The effect occurs a day after administration. It is taken with food during meals.
  2. Lactulose simplifies intestinal peristalsis, thins the stool, stimulates the secretion of bile.


Fast acting and cheap pills for constipation are irritant drugs. There are a lot of them on the shelves of pharmacies. It is necessary to drink medicines at low intestinal peristalsis. They are in different forms: suppositories, syrups, tablets, herbal remedies. If you take a pill at night, then the next morning you will have the desired result.

The drug acts on the large intestine, thereby stimulating its peristalsis. But in no case should you regularly drink such funds. Such actions can lead to sad consequences:

  1. laxative pathology.
  2. Changes in nerve cells.
  3. Atony of the intestine.

In addition to everything else these drugs are addictive.. Soon, to achieve the desired result, you will have to take an increasing dose of the drug. People complain of unbearable pain in the intestinal area, which leads to the abolition of the medication.

These drugs should be taken acute form constipation. If unexpected this problem arose, then it is permissible to accept such a remedy.

A contraindication to taking the medicine is:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Breast-feeding.
  3. Unknown pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. in the acute stage.
  5. and proctitis.
  6. Bleeding.
  7. Obstruction.
  8. Perforation.
  9. Problems with water-salt balance.
  10. Cystitis.

List of fast-acting drugs

Fast acting constipation remedies :

Osmotic preparations

Osmotic drugs for constipation- this is the best solution for a single problem getting rid of or eliminating food intoxication. In addition, such drugs are excellent for preparing the patient for various interventions.

In chronic constipation, this laxative is not suitable, especially if the hardening of the feces was provoked by some pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. However, such drugs included in the list of the most harmless, because they do not lead to the development of lazy gut syndrome. They can be used for a long time. Medicines will not eliminate the root cause of constipation, but will only affect the symptom that has arisen.

Such funds are aimed at retaining fluid in the intestinal lumen, help soften the feces and increase its volume.

As a rule, such drugs are used for constipation and different kind intoxications. Medicines with polyethylene glycol can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also worth noting that this excellent laxative for chronic constipation, but if the treatment lasts longer than three months, the patient may lose sodium salts and other beneficial substances.

What are osmotic laxatives made of?

The most powerful laxatives for constipation of osmotic action include the following components:

Means - intestinal fillers

Effective laxatives for constipation are artificial and natural intestinal fillers. They are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, are difficult to digest and lead to an increase in the volume of feces, provoking defecation.

People suffering chronic constipation not recommended for regular use.

This is due to the fact that the reception drugs leads to soreness and rumbling, but do not improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such drugs are characterized by the ability to absorb water, increase the volume of feces and stretch the intestines. This, in turn, affects the emptying process, but with poor functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, they do not give the desired results. When using them, it is advised to drink about two liters of liquid.

Examples: phytolax (biological supplement consisting of senna, apricot, plantain and dill); sea ​​kale - drug mamoclam; plantain seeds - the drug mucofalk, naturolax.

Such drugs belong to the group of drugs with delayed action, sometimes it takes a few days for the desired result. Therefore, if you need an instant remedy for constipation, it is better to choose something else.

Sometimes there are adverse reactions from the use of these funds. They manifest themselves as excessive gas formation, rumbling, flatulence.

Fillers are contraindicated for use during pregnancy, people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, neurological problems. Such artificial and natural laxatives for constipation for the elderly bedridden patients are not used.

herbal remedies

Phytolax preparation

Some believe that the best laxative for constipation is herbal preparations. They are preferred not only by amateurs alternative medicine, but also those who wish to get rid of the problem quickly. You should ask your doctor about such remedies:

  1. Rhubarb palmate. It can be tablets, syrups, various extracts.
  2. Buckthorn is an integral part of many preparations. Brewed as a tea or applied in the form of drops.
  3. Senna is included in more than 50 products.
  4. Phytolax constipation chewable tablets are food additive containing fruits and herbs.

Pick up effective medicine in modern world not hard at all. However, many people hesitate and think carefully before buying any remedy.

Only a doctor should prescribe such drugs after determining the cause of the pathology.

Before taking medication, you should use the following tips:

  1. At night, drink a glass of kefir.
  2. Drink coffee with honey.
  3. Do a belly massage.
  4. Lead an active and sporty lifestyle.
  5. After waking up in the morning, drink a glass warm water, can be mineral.

Only a doctor can prescribe proper treatment constipation

Be sure to take into account all possible adverse reactions and limitations. When purchasing drugs, you must adhere to the elementary rules:

  1. Do not take regularly irritating medications.
  2. Before taking, read the instructions.
  3. It is recommended to do enemas for quick emptying.


If you are suffering chronic form constipation, then keep in mind that the medicine should not be addictive, and its effect should be instantaneous. It is better to choose prebiotics that have a long-term effect.

The absence of a bowel movement in an adult within 3 days is constipation.

It is worth distinguishing between the chronic variant of this disease, as well as situational ones that have arisen due to malnutrition or other circumstances.

Most effective means to soften feces are medicinal drugs from constipation, although folk remedies can give quick results.

Funds classification

Before you start treating constipation with drugs, you need to understand their action.

There are several groups of laxatives for adults, each of which has its own effect.

  1. Laxatives that increase stool volume . These are drugs with the most mild action, they are usually assigned in the very first place. They help stool retain water, increasing in volume. This helps the feces move easily through the intestines.
  2. Osmotic . If, after the use of funds from the first group, the feces are still solid, then osmotic laxatives are prescribed. They also keep more water in the intestines, but they act more powerfully. When using them, you need to drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Stimulants . If the stool in an adult is soft, but there is still constipation, then stimulants are prescribed. They help to stimulate the bowels, gradually moving the feces to the exit. It is necessary to use such funds with caution, the effect of them is usually achieved after 6-12 hours.
  4. Laxatives, stool softeners . These are surfactants that reduce surface tension feces. With their help, softening of feces is achieved by increasing the amount of water and fat in the stool.
  5. Salt laxatives . Preparations of this group are used only in the most extreme cases. They cause osmotic retention of fluid in the stool, stimulating the muscles of the intestine and increasing the amount of water in it.

What means are better? Drug Overview

To soften the feces for constipation in adults, you need to drink drugs prescribed by a doctor.

The most efficient and popular means presented in the table:

Tool typeNamePropertiesAverage price, rub.
Laxatives that increase stool volumeMukofalkNatural herbal remedy which is based on fiber. Adults are prescribed 2.5-7.5 g of the drug, which must be diluted in water and drunk 2 to 6 times a day, the frequency depends on the severity of constipation.320
NormacolThis drug is a mini enema based on sterculia. It is necessary to use once 5-20 minutes before the desired bowel movement.550
OsmoticDuphalacGood emollient. Assign 15-30 ml per day.270
FortransFor home treatment is used extremely rarely, more often used to prepare for operations and endoscopic research. One package of the product is diluted in 1 liter of water and drunk within an hour.550
StimulantsSenadexinCheap remedy for constipation. Assign 1 tablet per day.20
BisacodylAvailable for both rectal use in the form of suppositories for softening, and for oral administration. When taken orally, adults use at a dosage of 5-10 mg, and when rectal application 1-2 suppositories per day.30 tablets
Candles 50
PicolaxAvailable both in the form of drops and in the form of tablets. Assign 10-25 drops or one tablet per day.Tablets 60
Drops 110
Laxatives to soften stoolsnorgalaxIt is a mini enema that enhances intestinal motility.90
EspumizanAn effective remedy that quickly relieves constipation by softening the feces. Available in the form of an emulsion and capsules. The emulsion is taken 2 scoops 3 to 5 times a day. Capsules will be used in a dosage of 2 pieces 3-4 times a day.Capsules 300
Emulsion 340
SaltMagnesium sulfateHelps relieve constipation quickly. It is used in a dosage of 10 to 30 g of powder diluted in water.40

At present, constipation cannot be called a rarity.

This condition is increasingly disturbing people and occurs due to various reasons: unbalanced diet, metabolic problems, long-term use of antibiotics, childbearing or pathology of internal organs.

A person who decides to cope with the problem on his own and purchase a cure for constipation often consults with loved ones or with pharmacy workers about which drugs are effective and inexpensive.

This is due to the fact that the windows of pharmacies have a very large assortment of medicines.

It is worth considering that any medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects, so it is recommended to always consult with specialists and not self-medicate.

Also, fast-acting pills for constipation will not get rid of the underlying cause of constipation. unpleasant phenomenon, but only contribute to defecation.

But the people who long time suffer from constipation, rarely think about the fact that you need to treat the cause, and not the consequence, so they are trying in every possible way to find inexpensive and effective constipation pills that are suitable for themselves.

But this cannot be done, because self-medication can lead to an exacerbation of chronic processes or aggravate an acute pathology.

Medications to help solve a problem with bowel movements

If a person is faced with a choice of which pills to buy for constipation, then he must study the entire list of drugs, and only then choose the most suitable one. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the groups of drugs in more detail.

Irritant laxatives:

Here experts include candles, tablets or drops, which are based on herbal extracts or synthetic substances.

Such drugs cope well with bowel problems due to the fact that their chemical components irritate the intestinal receptors and increase its peristalsis.

The desired effect of taking the medicine for constipation occurs after 6-10 hours. But do not get too carried away and take such pills regularly. Although they are effective, they have enough side effects.

One of them is laxative disease, which is characterized by a violation of the water and electrolyte balance. The disease is manifested by atony - a weakening of muscle tone in the intestines.

Osmotic laxatives for constipation:

The medicines in question are considered means fast action and provoke an increase in fecal masses in volume. Most often, these drugs are prescribed for the treatment of idiopathic constipation.

This group of medicines includes the following substances:

  • sodium sulfate - used in the treatment of acute episodic constipation and removes excess salt from the intestines. This action increases the amount of fluid in the intestines and thins the feces;
  • magnesium sulfate - used as medicinal product from constipation in adults and helps to cleanse the intestines before diagnostic measures or surgical interventions;
  • geyser Karlovy Vary salts - a preparation from the Karlovy Vary resort, located in the Czech Republic. Salt of mineral origin has an effect on the intestines positive influence, weakens it. In addition, salt changes osmotic pressure in the rectum and helps with constipation;
  • polyethylene glycol - is considered a high-molecular drug, which is commonly used in the treatment of constipation in both adults and children. Completely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

If you regularly take osmotic drugs for constipation, then an electrolyte imbalance may develop in the body.

In addition, elderly people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases are strictly prohibited from taking such funds.


Prebiotics are included in complex therapy constipation in both adults and children. They are considered the safest in the treatment of constipation at home.

The drugs in question consist of lactulose, which is found unchanged in the colon and has a laxative effect on it.

Prebiotics have several benefits:

  • ridding the intestines of pathogenic microflora;
  • an increase in feces in volume;
  • restoration of peristalsis;
  • reduction in the formation of gases in the intestines;

But despite all these benefits, it is better to take prebiotics for constipation after consulting a doctor.

Bulk preparations that increase the amount of feces:

These agents can be natural or synthetic, are not digested by the stomach, are never absorbed into the bloodstream, and are relatively inexpensive. The effect of their reception is noticeable after 9 hours.

This group of remedies for constipation includes such natural substances and synthetic polysaccharides:

  • agar-agar is a red algae that grows in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, which contain in their composition a lot of protein, carbohydrates and coarse fibers. The substance in question relaxes the intestines and promotes the release of feces. Similar actions are observed due to the fact that agar-agar swells in the intestine, thereby increasing the volume of feces;
  • methylcellulose - a synthetic polymer with which you can quickly get rid of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome in adults;
  • flaxseed is a remedy for constipation. Its use has long been proven to be effective and safe.

Due to the fact that on the shelves of modern pharmacies you can find a large number of various drugs, helping to eliminate constipation, a person is often lost and cannot decide on their choice.

This is what is additional reason a visit to a specialist who will tell you which laxatives are the most effective and help you quickly choose the best option.

Laxatives of plant origin

Experts have compiled a list of the most effective means from constipation, having a vegetable origin. They are:

  1. Buckthorn. For the treatment of constipation, the fruits, bark and syrup of this plant are used.
  2. Kafiol - effective and inexpensive remedy, consisting of leaves and fruits of senna and fruits of figs.
  3. Proctophytol - tablets containing senna, licorice root, buckthorn bark and yarrow.
  4. Ramnil is a herbal remedy based on the fruits of joster.
  5. Phytolax is a dietary supplement, which consists of the fruits of dill, apricot, senna and plantain leaves.
  6. Rhubarb root is a remedy that is available in the form of tablets, extract or syrup.
  7. Licorice root is a powder containing senna, fennel fruit, sulfur and licorice root.
  8. Laminaria thallus is a remedy that can be purchased in the form of tablets, granules or extract.
  9. Laxative fees. No. 1 - a combination of yarrow, bark and buckthorn leaves. No. 2 - bark and fruits of buckthorn, senna, anise, licorice.
  10. Ogarkov's special drops, which are often prescribed for constipation. Their healing actions are unique composition: senna, licorice, rosehip, nettle, aloe.

Before using such quick-acting remedies, you need to take into account the fact that even they may have contraindications and side effects.

In order not to harm the body with constipation, it is better to get the advice of a qualified specialist.

List of drugs for adults

If a person has experienced episodic constipation, then he may be advised to apply fast funds and tablets included in the group of osmotic drugs or prebiotics.

The most effective include the following substances:

  1. "Hilak Forte" is a prebiotic that normalizes the pH level in the intestine and eliminates pathogenic microflora in it. The remedy, although not cheap, is indispensable for symptomatic constipation in adults.
  2. "Duphalac" - the drug acts quickly and is well tolerated by the body. Its active component - lactulose - puts in order the microflora in the intestine. In addition, the tool increases the volume of fluid and stool. Its cost is relatively low.
  3. "Laktofiltrum" - tablets completely plant origin. They are commonly used in the treatment of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

But here it should be noted that such a drug cannot be used in patients who have pathologies of the kidneys and liver, spastic constipation or hemorrhoids.

An elderly person should carefully monitor their health and try to refuse self-medication.

Laxatives for pregnant women

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods life for women. In this happy and at the same time difficult time, a girl must watch what she eats and how she is treated.

Everyone knows that during pregnancy it is forbidden to use almost all medicines, so doctors should be attentive to such patients and take care not only of their health, but also of the condition of the fetus.

If constipation occurs, a woman should try to adjust her diet: eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, bran bread, cereals, prunes. The drinking regimen is very important.

In the event that it is not possible to get rid of constipation, then you should tell the doctor about the problem and listen to his recommendations.

Most often, specialists do not prescribe laxative pills that provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and carry the threat of miscarriage, but safe candles based on glycerin.

In addition, women who are carrying a child are allowed to take folk remedies for constipation, fast and effective: a decoction of prunes, dried fruits with honey.

It should also be clarified here that a large number of herbs, which are preferred by ethnoscience during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

Remedies for constipation in the elderly

Constipation in old age may result from anatomical changes in the human body.

This is due to the fact that the intestine increases in length, and muscle mass the rectum weakens. But do not exclude constipation, formed due to the intake of certain medications.

rid the person of unpleasant symptoms The following laxatives of directed action will help:

  1. "Gutallax" is a substance that gently affects the intestines and begins its action already in the rectum. The cost of such a tool is low, so it is available to all categories of citizens.
  2. "Prelaks" - laxative tablets from the group of prebiotics, which are recommended for the treatment of adults. Such products can be used at home, because they are completely safe.

In addition to these drugs, older people often treat constipation with irritants and salt remedies.

Preparations for bedridden patients

People who are bedridden for whatever reason almost always suffer from constipation. Most often this is due to a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, to the already existing problems, joins pernicious influence medications and stress.

In order to deal with such a problem, people are prescribed to drink osmotic, softening bowel movements and stimulating the release of feces. They are:

  1. Substances that contain psyllium are psyllium seeds from India. These tablets are rich in fiber and are well tolerated by the elderly in the postoperative period.
  2. Laxative suppositories and enemas based on glycerin are ideal for patients with cardiovascular pathologies. Their prices are affordable, which is a significant plus.
  3. Candles based on bisacodyl and tablets, which include sodium picosulfate and anthraquinone. These are laxatives that stimulate peristalsis and restore the process of defecation.

The most important thing is to get expert advice and understand what exactly can be used as a treatment for constipation in bedridden patients.

Enemas for bowel problems

In the treatment of constipation, a separate place is occupied by therapeutic enemas. They are used when defecation needs to be called as soon as possible. For example, poisoning or emergency surgery.

In order to thoroughly rinse the intestines, you can use 60 milliliters castor oil, 1 liter of warm water and a mug of Esmarch. After the liquid has been injected into the rectum, the person will want to go to the toilet.

Chronic constipation is "afraid" of the action of microclysters. To set it up, you should make a decoction of lemon balm, chamomile, calendula or some other healing herb with anti-inflammatory action.

The selected raw materials should be mixed, separate 1 tablespoon and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water over it. Then the mass must be boiled, cooled and filtered. The prepared liquid is injected into anus using a special pear or Esmarch mug.

But despite the low cost and good efficiency procedures, she has several side effects and contraindications. They are:

  1. Enemas can provoke the development of the “lazy gut” syndrome, which is characterized by the fact that intestinal motility is not restored, and an enema must be used regularly to release it from feces.
  2. Manifestation of dysbacteriosis. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the procedures in question wash out all beneficial microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract.

All these factors indicate that it is better to start treatment with the use of pharmaceutical preparations a wide range actions or explore folk remedies for constipation in adults.

Traditional medicine in the fight against constipation

Stagnation of fecal masses are often provoked by natural degenerative changes in the endothelium. For older people, this condition threatens with palpitations, intoxication of the body and general weakness.

In the absence of bowel movements for a day or more, doctors advise starting treatment. The first step is to try to get rid of the problem with folk methods, because they are cheap and safe.

  1. Drink a tablespoon of sunflower oil daily. Such actions normalize peristalsis, put in order cardiovascular system saturate the body with vitamins A and E.
  2. Apply herbal mixtures, which are an excellent prevention of constipation and in an efficient way his therapy.
    You need to take 10 grams of buckthorn, licorice, flax and fennel, add a glass of water to the mixture and simmer it in a water bath for about 40 minutes. Then the mass should be cooled and filtered. They drink such a folk medicine 100 milliliters before dinner.
  3. Use aloe, which eliminates inflammatory processes on the rectum and is the prevention of hemorrhoids. This treatment for constipation is relatively cheap and fast acting.

The flower is placed in a dark place and left for 14 days. After that, several lower leaves are torn off, crushed, honey and lemon juice are added to the mixture.

To use such a folk substance should be a tablespoon before the first meal. Be sure to drink it with water.

All of these folk recipes are harmless to adults. The only contraindication in the treatment of constipation is an allergy to honey or certain herbs.

Common recipes from the people

An effective result in the fight against constipation can be achieved with folk recipes that are available in adults. You can prepare various cheap decoctions and infusions from such folk remedies:

  1. Rowan fruits, which stimulate intestinal reflexes, eliminate signs of intoxication and inflammation. Rowan should be put in a half-liter jar and covered with sugar. Insist should be at least 30 days in a dark place.
    After the specified period, the mass must be filtered, add 20 milliliters of pure alcohol to it. Drinking syrup during constipation costs 25 milliliters before the first meal.
  2. Rosehip bark, which is good for digestive problems. You need to take 3 teaspoons of bark, 1 teaspoon of yarrow and 2 tablespoons of nettle. All mix and boil. Use 100 milliliters before meals.
  3. Flax seeds - substance safe action which instantly eliminates constipation in adults. The brewed broth should be consumed on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon. Keep such folk medicines allowed no longer than 2 years.

Alternative methods of treating problems with bowel movements have several advantages: low cost, availability, ease of preparation and high efficiency.

But, even despite these advantages, one should take into account the fact that such treatment can cause allergic reaction in women, so tablets are sometimes considered more appropriate.

Before using folk remedies for constipation in women and men, you should consult your doctor.

Only a specialist will reveal true reason, which caused constipation, will conduct an examination of the body and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Useful video

Constipation is not a serious pathology. But he brings a lot discomfort, which greatly interferes with normal life.

Prolonged neglect of constipation can lead to its development into a chronic form.

Therefore, at the first signs of this disease, it is required effective treatment. Consider what means for constipation are better.

Hemorrhoids go away in a week, and the "bumps" dry up in the morning! Before going to bed in the basin with cold water add 50 grams....

The best remedies for constipation depending on the cause

In order to choose the most effective drug that will help get rid of this delicate issue, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence.

When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to such points:

  • drug tolerance, side effects;
  • estimated bowel time after taking it;
  • the remedy should not be addictive.

Which laxative is best for constipation depends on the cause that caused it:

Important to remember! Before choosing a specific laxative, you should consult a specialist! It will help to identify the cause of constipation, thereby choosing the most effective drug.

The best laxatives with osmotic action

The mechanism of action of this group of drugs is aimed at increasing the osmotic pressure in the intestine. They retain water that enters the rectum, thereby helping to soften the feces and increase their volume. Osmotic preparations are suitable for long-term use but should not be used for more than 3 months. Consider the most effective drugs in this group.


This drug is available as a powder for preparation medicinal solution. Sachets have a volume of 10 g and 4 g for adults and children, respectively. Daily dose drug for an adult 2 sachets, which should be dissolved in 50 ml of purified water.

Take 1 sachet in the morning and evening. As for children, they need to take Forlax 1 sachet, diluted with water. A child over 8 years old should be given 4 sachets per day.

The main contraindications to the use of Forlax are:

  • intestinal perforation;
  • individual intolerance or high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diseases of the rectum of an inflammatory nature.

The disadvantage of this medication is that it can cause bloating and nausea. As for the benefits, it has increased efficiency with constipation by increasing and thinning feces.

The cost of the drug varies within 280 rubles.


The drug preparation is produced in the form of a substance for the preparation of a solution. 1 sachet contains 14 g of powder. Its action is to increase the volume of feces, thereby improving intestinal motility.

To eliminate constipation, you need to use 1 sachet dissolved in 1 glass of purified water. After a couple of hours, the urge to defecate is already felt. If a person has not gone to the toilet, then the medicine should be drunk again.

Contraindications to the use of Lavacol:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • toxic expansion of the rectum;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the stomach;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • impaired functioning of the renal system;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • age under 15 years old.

The disadvantage of this medicinal product is that it is not suitable for long-term use. But, nevertheless, it has high efficiency in the fight against constipation.

The price in Russia for Lavacol averages 180 rubles.


“I have been treating hemorrhoids for many years. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, hemorrhoids can degenerate into cancerous tumor already 2-4 years after the onset of the disease.

The main mistake is tightening! The sooner treatment for hemorrhoids is started, the better. There is a tool that the Ministry of Health officially recommends for self-treatment hemorrhoids at home, as many patients do not seek help due to lack of time or shame. This is Zdorov cream-wax based on Propolis. It is extremely effective - it removes hemorrhoids in just a week, including even advanced cases (except for very critical ones). ”

Irritant Colon Cleansing Medications with Quick Result

Medicines in this group are usually produced on the basis of natural ingredients. The principle of their action is to irritate nerve fibers intestines.

As a result, there is an improvement in peristalsis, due to which there is a more active movement of feces.


This drug is available in several forms, namely: dragees, suppositories, tablets. How to use them:

  1. Dragees and tablets. They should be taken orally 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1-3 tablets, washed down with plenty of purified water. AT childhood up to 7 years - no more than 1 tablet 2 times a day, up to 14 years - 1-2 tablets or dragees.
  2. Rectal suppositories. Enter into the anus 1-2 suppositories per day. Children under 7 years old should use 0.5 candles, up to 14 years old - 1 candle each.

Bisacodyl is contraindicated in such cases:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • sharp inflammatory diseases digestive system;
  • peritonitis;
  • cystitis;
  • constipation caused by spasms;
  • hemorrhoids during an exacerbation;
  • age up to 2 years.

Bisacodyl is one of the most effective drugs for constipation. It quickly acts on the intestines, improving peristalsis. Downside of using this tool are that it can cause diarrhea.

You can buy Bisacodyl for an average of 40 rubles.


This is one of the most popular laxatives that irritates the intestines. It is produced in the form of drops for internal use. For an adult, the dosage is 10-20 drops per day. The child should take 5-10 drops. To normalize bowel movements, it is better to take the drug at night.

Guttalax should not be used in the treatment of constipation in such cases:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal diseases caused by inflammatory processes;
  • nausea with vomiting.

In other cases, Guttalax helps to get rid of constipation within a few hours after taking it. This drug should be used according to the instructions for use. Since its overdose can cause severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting and dizziness.

You can buy Guttalax drops at average price 200 rub.

Effective prebiotics

Medicines in this group are aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora. They have a complex effect.

In addition to restoring the balance of bacteria, they provide osmotic pressure and stimulate peristalsis.


The drug is a viscous syrup for oral administration. To eliminate problems with bowel movements, you should take the syrup for 2 days. The dosage for an adult is up to 45 ml. In childhood, Duphalac should not be drunk more than 10 ml per day.

Duphalac has practically no restrictions in use. The only contraindication is intestinal obstruction. In other cases, it is an effective and safe laxative. It can even be used to treat constipation in pregnant women and nursing mothers.

You can buy Duphalac in pharmacies for about 800 rubles.


This medicine is sold as a syrup. active ingredient is lactulose. In order to get rid of constipation, you need to take up to 25 ml per day. As for children, their maximum dosage is 10-15 ml.

It is forbidden to use Normaze in the fight against constipation in such cases:

  • bleeding from anus not caused by hemorrhoids;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • appendicitis;
  • individual intolerance to galactose and fructose;
  • colostomy.

This drug has the advantage that it can treat constipation in children. infancy. As for the disadvantages, Normaze in some cases causes nausea and diarrhea.

The cost of Normaze in pharmacies averages 280 rubles.

natural fillers

These funds are made on the basis of natural ingredients. The essence of their action is to increase the volume of feces, resulting in increased pressure in the intestines.


This laxative preparation is a granule for the preparation of a solution. To combat constipation, take 1 tsp. granules 4-6 times a day. They need to be dissolved in 1 glass of water.

You should not use Mucofalk in such cases:

  • age up to 12 years;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.

advantage this medicine is its natural basis. As for the shortcomings, Mucofalk cannot be used to treat children.

The cost of the drug is approximately 570 rubles.


This is a medicine that promotes an increase in fecal masses. Citrucel is available in capsule form. For the treatment of constipation, take 2 capsules per day.

Citrucel is contraindicated:

  • diabetes;
  • age up to 15 years;
  • intestinal obstruction.

You can buy Citrucel for about 700 rubles.

Which of the presented medicines to choose?

Laxative - which is better? In order to answer this question, it is better to contact a specialist. Since it is required to identify the cause of the development of this ailment. Depending on this factor, a laxative is chosen.

Modern pharmacology offers a variety of laxatives various groups. So do right choice not difficult, even considering their cost.

Stories from our readers

Defeated hemorrhoids at home. It's been a month since I forgot about my bumps. Oh, what methods I did not try - nothing helped. How many times I went to the doctors, but I was prescribed useless drugs again and again, and when I came back the doctors recommended surgery. Finally I got over the disease, and all thanks to this article. Anyone with hemorrhoids should read this!