The dog got food poisoning, what should I do? Poisoning in a dog: how to help your pet? Gastric lavage for food intoxication

Food poisoning in dogs is common. Therefore, the owner needs to constantly monitor what his dog eats. It is important to know how to provide first aid before the veterinarian arrives.

Sometimes the owner himself can give spoiled food to the dog and often the animal can suffer because of this. Food from the table is not the main nutrition of the animal. For example, if she eats a piece of spoiled meat, this can cause significant complications, including death.

Types of intoxication in animals

Experts identify two types of intoxication in students, differing in the method of exposure to toxic ingredients:

  1. Food - toxic elements enter through the digestive tract. This includes the consumption of spoiled food, chemicals. elements, pharmaceutical substances and more. Not only direct contact with the element, but also licking the toxin from the paws or fur will show signs of food poisoning in the animal.
  2. Non-food - toxins enter through breathing, skin. This type of intestinal infection includes inhalation of unsafe fumes or gases, and bites of toxic insects. To provide first aid, you need to detect signs of illness in time. Obvious signs intestinal infection can be observed after 3-7 hours depending on the type of toxin. Gradual intoxication, slowly poisoning the body, can manifest itself only after a couple of weeks.

Causes of dog poisoning

The reasons may be:

You should provide first aid and consult a doctor. It is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Signs of food poisoning

The very first signs are:

  • General weakness. The dog does not wag its tail, does not respond to noise and does not react to food from the table;
  • She doesn't react when you even step on her tail;
  • Sudden powerlessness - the dog is not able to get up or move, he simply does not have enough strength to do so.

After such signs of weakness, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Unexpected, severe vomiting;
  • Random twitching of the head, tail, convulsions;
  • Diarrhea with a characteristic odor;
  • If the stomach is already empty, the animal continues to vomit foam;
  • Protein intoxication.

You can understand that a dog has been poisoned due to eating low-quality food or meat food by the following indicators:

  • loss of hair on the back, above the tail, on the muzzle;
  • the coat is dull;
  • itches regularly;
  • weight loss occurs;
  • urine is darker with a pungent odor.

These signs of intestinal infection occur 4 weeks after the introduction of cheap food. Therefore, in this case, the owner must switch to another food that is more suitable in composition for the pet. Moreover, the pet’s diet should not contain a lot of meat.

What a breeder needs to know about first aid

Observing a deterioration in health, any owner begins to panic and does not always understand how to help. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to treat a dog for poisoning.

Providing first aid in case of poisoning of a dog has a clear sequence:

  1. The first step is to remove the toxic substance from the body. You should induce vomiting by pouring salt liquid into your mouth (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water at room temperature) or hydrogen peroxide with water (1:1).
  2. If chemicals come into contact with the skin, they must be washed off with water, and in addition, the animal must be taken to a ventilated place. When inhaling gasoline vapors, your dog may experience seizures and vomiting. Therefore the owner should give a couple of tablespoons vegetable oil, and later - a laxative.
  3. After vomiting caused by a salt substance, you can pour half a glass of vegetable oil into the mouth or give 1-3 grams activated carbon(based on 1 kilogram of animal weight).
  4. In case of chemical poisoning, the dog is given an injection of vitamin B6, then given Corvalol: thirty drops per 40 kilograms.
  5. It is also necessary to actively feed the animal to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood.

How to protect your dog from poisoning with liquid:

  • Having detected signs of poisoning in dogs, they are soldered with saline and other solutions that provoke vomiting;
  • Then you can give the animals strong tea, mucous decoctions, and purified water.

And, of course, at the first signs of poisoning in a dog, you should urgently call a veterinarian or go to the hospital.

If a dog is poisoned by food or low-quality food, first of all, any adsorbent (activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta or atoxil) is given orally and a semi-starvation diet is prescribed. It often happens that such actions are enough to normalize the condition. Then it is preferable to consult a veterinarian or show him the animal to make sure that the pet is not in danger.

How a doctor can help in a veterinary clinic:

  • to remove all the toxic substance, the doctor will perform a gastric lavage using a tube;
  • can use a salt water enema;
  • administers drip infusions of glucose solutions.

For treatment, substances for the heart and diuretics are used.

Treatment of the consequences of poisoning

When the dog has been poisoned, the first measures have been taken and further therapy should be carried out. Treatment of a dog with food poisoning is carried out in a certain sequence. The stomach should be cleansed. Adsorbents are used for this. You can use activated carbon, or you can use burnt magnesia, egg white or kaolin. It is good to give the dog milk and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Next, you should perform gastric lavage. As a rule, a probe is prescribed. When a couple of hours have passed after the poisoning, in this case it is permissible to do an enema with salted water. Approximately one tablespoon of salt is added to a glass of water. It is important that the water is not warm.

Next, you should follow the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. These may include antidotes, drip solutions (glucose), the use of iron, diuretics, and cardiac medications. Over time, the animal will return to normal.

Diet for dogs

During and after treatment, it is necessary to restore nutrition. For a quick recovery, the menu should be easily digestible and include all the required vitamins and microelements.

After poisoning, the mucous membrane should be maintained intestinal tract, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, liver. Gastrointestinal tract after poisoning is generally very sensitive because the enzymes required to process the food are not produced in the proper way.

Immediately after poisoning, it is necessary to formulate a diet for the affected animal. The first day the dog must eat not very fatty meat, such as beef, chicken (without bones) and porridge in broth - buckwheat, oatmeal. Later, you can supplement the menu with boiled fish, include cottage cheese, and also chicken eggs. From fats, you can only give a little oil. You should not cook “heavy” porridges - semolina, millet.

It is important to comply correct mode nutrition. The dog must be fed every two hours, the food should be warm and slightly salted. Over time, it is necessary to resume the two-a-day diet and restore the microflora of the intestinal tract (it is preferable to use bifidokefir, which has stood in the refrigerator for 2-3 days). You should not feed your pet pork, bones, bread, rolls and sugar. Organ meats, canned foods and raw vegetables are also prohibited during the diet.

Poisoning prevention

It is better not to get sick than to be treated later. Based on this, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of poisoning. You should explain to the dog (and get it to understand) that picking up food from the ground, accepting food from strangers it is forbidden. If after training the animal still does not understand that it is forbidden to pick up food on the street, then it is best to buy a muzzle.

The dog must be fed with vitamins and minerals so that it does not have a thirst to pick up something on the street or take food from strangers. When walking with an animal, carefully observe what it is doing and whether it is taking inedible or toxic elements into its mouth.

To prevent poisoning in a dog, an integrated approach is necessary:

  1. Monitor the completeness and balance of the dog’s menu, then he will not have the desire to pick up edible pieces lying around and chew plants.
  2. The dog should be trained to be under control. Then the owner will avoid many difficulties with street poisoning (Enterosgel will help).
  3. Everyone is at home dangerous means household chemicals, medications must be kept out of reach.
  4. There is no need to self-medicate your pet.
  5. Under no circumstances should you give your dog chocolate as a treat, and any other food from the table may be unsafe.

Feeding an animal is one of the moments for a comfortable and healthy life dogs in the house. If she is poisoned and you don’t know what to do, go to the veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to provide first aid, since in many cases the animal’s life really goes by the clock. Be careful and monitor your dog's behavior, especially after walks.

Little puppies are very sociable, inquisitive and active. Exploring the world around, they often try everything to their teeth. Poisoning in a puppy occurs quite often, unlike in adult animals. U big dogs taste and sense of smell are well developed, which allows them to avoid dangerous substances.

A little puppy faces danger at every turn

A puppy can be poisoned through the fault of the owner, due to neglect of the animal. Household chemicals can be dangerous medications and some food items that are eaten by animals unknowingly. Not only chemicals can be toxic to a puppy, but also ordinary chocolate, for the absorption of which there are no specific enzymes in the dog’s body.

Dogs are not picky eaters; they chew and grab everything on the fly. The main factors causing poisoning in a puppy are:

  • Poisonous substances from spoiled foods, rat baiting chemicals, intentional poisoning, misuse medications for deworming;
  • Medicines from the human medicine cabinet, household chemicals, alcohol, poisonous plants, residual pesticides, special reagents for sprinkling ice in winter;
  • Poisoning by poisonous gases - vapors carbon monoxide, gasoline or kerosene;
  • The action of a toxic substance is of a contact nature through the skin. Such cases include flea control products and petroleum products.

The very first signs of poisoning in puppies are similar to illness infectious nature. Dog owners are often confused initial stages poisoning with viral enteritis. In order to understand, you need to understand that with viral enteritis, the animal experiences vomiting white, intensifying with the development of symptoms. And in case of poisoning, there are symptoms of damage nervous system.

Symptoms of poisoning in puppies

Any change in the puppy’s behavior and well-being should alarm the owner

After poisoning, the puppy experiences persistent refusal to eat and constant salivation. Symptoms from the nervous system may appear - the puppy begins to stagger when walking, the limbs twitch convulsively, and the pupils narrow or dilate. Basic symptoms are:

  • Eruption of gastric contents;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Stool disorder;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Weakness in the muscles of the limbs, gait disturbance, twitching;
  • Convulsive phenomena and paralysis;
  • Loss of consciousness, coma;
  • Changes in heart rate and breathing disorders;
  • When exposed to certain poisons, blindness may occur.

Important! Eruption of gastric contents does not always indicate the presence of health problems. One-time vomiting can also occur in a healthy animal.

There may also be a decrease in general body temperature, a slower pulse, and the puppy circling in one place. There is also a cough with blood, the presence of blood in the excreted portions of urine, severe thirst, cyanosis, jaundice and pallor of the visible mucous membranes.

Protein poisoning is placed in a separate category, since the development occurs gradually. The owner of the animal is sure that he feeds him meat and this has a positive effect on the functioning of the puppy’s body. In fact, protein poisoning is quite common, and the main characteristic features are:

  • Loss of hair on the face and in the area above the tail;
  • Changes in coat quality;
  • Constant itching and scratching in a specific area;
  • Pungent odor of excreted urine.

Note! Symptoms of protein poisoning are observed no earlier than a month after the accumulation of breakdown products in the bloodstream.

Protein poisoning is the most common cause feeling unwell animals

Urgent Care

Many toxic substances have a prolonged effect and do not appear immediately after penetration into the animal’s body. It is important to know what to do if the puppy is poisoned so that it can be treated as soon as possible. therapeutic measures. Treatment at home will quickly free your pet’s body from the effects of toxins, preventing the disease from progressing. First of all, you need to:

  • Stop the puppy from coming into contact with the toxic substance.
  • If poison enters the body, it is necessary to induce a gag reflex, provoking an eruption of gastric contents. To do this, you need to pour in a solution of salt or soda. The amount of liquid should be at least a glass.
  • If toxic substances get on the fur and skin covering, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the animal under warm water using baby soap.
  • In case of carbon monoxide or other types of gas poisoning, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air. The effect of carbon monoxide is reduced by washing the mucous membranes of the eyes and oral cavity using a 3% soda solution.
  • Need to call veterinarian or, if possible, take the animal to a veterinary clinic.
  • Before the specialist arrives, you can give the puppy enterosorbents, which will help toxic substances bind faster and be removed from the digestive tract.
  • After feeding the animal enterosorbents, after 30-40 minutes, it is necessary to give the animal a laxative and a special enveloping agent.

Note! You need to clearly know what caused the poisoning. The fact is that if a puppy is poisoned by petroleum products, caustic alkaline and acidic liquids, it is forbidden to induce a gag reflex. When toxic fluids flow back, a burn to the esophagus is possible.

A consultation with a veterinarian will help you correctly assess the animal’s condition and decide on treatment.

Treatment methods for puppy poisoning

It is important to remember that treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist – a veterinarian. When a puppy is poisoned, it is important to accurately determine the cause of poisoning and know the specific symptoms. This is necessary in order to assign the maximum adequate treatment with a narrow focus.

When an animal arrives at a veterinary clinic, it will undergo a number of procedures, the main of which are:

  • Gastric lavage;
  • Deep cleansing enema;
  • When the cause of poisoning is determined, an antidote (antidote) is administered;
  • Diuretic medications are prescribed to quickly remove toxins from the bloodstream;
  • Carrying out symptomatic treatment aimed at restoration functional features liver structures;
  • Medicines to maintain normal myocardial activity;
  • Administration of drugs to normalize respiratory processes;
  • In case of convulsive phenomena in an animal, it is necessary to administer special anticonvulsant medications;
  • In case of toxic infection caused by food poisoning, it is necessary to take antimicrobial agents.

Basic treatment methods

Treating a puppy on your own

It happens that a person knows what exactly caused the poisoning of his pet. In such cases, you can treat the animal yourself. Self-medication can only be justified if poisoning occurs with the following substances:

  • Poisoning with rat baiting chemicals. The basis of the chemical, a substance that interferes with blood clotting. The basic sign of intoxication is the presence blood clots in ejaculated vomit, during defecation, as well as the presence of discharge from the nose and mouth with blood impurities. acts quite slowly - from 2 to 12 days. Manifestation characteristic symptoms may begin 3-6 days after eating rat bait. The animal needs the administration of Vikasol, which contains vitamin K.
  • active ingredient tablets for tuberculosis. This type chemical preparation used by people to kill dogs. The effect of toxic substances occurs half an hour to an hour after eating the poison. There may be disturbances in the coordination of movements, as well as the occurrence of convulsive phenomena in the limbs. In order to neutralize toxins, vitamin B6 is administered intravenously in an amount of 30 ml of a 1% solution.
  • When acids and alkalis penetrate the stomach, it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting. But neutralization of the substances should occur by feeding the puppy a solution baking soda or citric acid, depending on the type of toxic substance. In addition, you need to wash your nose, mouth and tongue sufficient quantity water. It is important to perform gastric lavage using a special probe.
  • Arsenic poisoning is characterized by the presence of an odor from the mouth. After providing the first auxiliary measures against poisoning, little puppy you need to drink a prepared special mixture of magnesium oxide and iron oxide.

Treatment methods directly depend on the cause of poisoning

After any type of poisoning, you need to keep the animal on a starvation diet. The duration of fasting should be at least 24 hours without food. But at the same time you need to give the puppy a lot to drink. Feeding begins with small doses of food. Easily digestible food is considered:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Liver;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Curdled milk;
  • Boiled meat of non-fatty varieties.

In order to cure a puppy it is not recommended to use folk remedies– vodka, hawthorn tincture and other “medicines”. This may worsen the situation and cause severe complications. Milk can only be given if the owner is sure of heavy metal poisoning.

How to protect an animal from poisoning

In the room where the puppy lives, you should remove everything that could cause poisoning - various medications and household chemicals. While walking outside, always keep a close eye on what your puppy picks up. Even if the puppy was treated for poisoning at home, it is important to consult a veterinarian. The thing is that toxic substances have different structure. Symptoms may go away and the pet owner may not notice a change.

Rules to help avoid poisoning in your puppy:

For feeding, you should choose only high-quality food from trusted manufacturers

  • Bathing the animal should only be done with special shampoos. If you can't buy special remedy For bathing, it is advisable to use laundry soap.
  • Strictly monitor the expiration dates of medications intended for the prevention of helminthiases.
  • It is important to strengthen the puppy’s body by giving him special vitamin supplements to his main food.
  • Give preference to feeding high-quality dry food, as it is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You need to be as attentive as possible to what your pet eats and remove substances that are dangerous to its life from sight. If symptoms of poisoning are detected, immediately call a veterinarian. Puppies do not have as strong an organism as adults, so the clock counts. Having managed on your own, it is still worth visiting a veterinarian and examining the animal to identify possible consequences poisoning

Poisoning in dogs is common. They can be caused by both poor quality food and toxic substances. Intoxication with some toxic substances can lead to death in a matter of minutes. This article tells you what to do if your dog is poisoned, what symptoms you should pay attention to, and when to take your animal to the vet immediately.

Causes of dog poisoning

Dogs are not very picky about food. They love to try everything, put it in their mouth and chew it. Poisoning can occur for many reasons:

  • when eating stale and low-quality food. A dog may eat rotten or spoiled meat; some animals are even attracted to the smell of such food. A dog can also be poisoned by expired dog food;
  • your pet swallowing medications or narcotic substances, left by the owners in an accessible place;
  • consumption of dog poison or toxic substances. Nowadays, cases of intentional poisoning of dogs are very common. People who do this are called dog hunters. They place poison in places where pets walk, and can mix it into pieces of meat and bread;
  • dog eating household chemicals, detergents. For example, an animal can drink from a bucket containing floor cleaning liquid, or eat a piece of soap;
  • chemical gases. It could be fumes cigarette smoke, chemical weapon. If a dog lives on the territory of an industrial enterprise, it may inhale chemical fumes;
  • due to contact of toxic substances with mucous membranes, fur or skin. This could be an incorrectly applied tick or flea treatment to the animal's skin;
  • house plants that are poisonous to animals are rhododendrons, daffodils, tulips, azaleas;
  • sweetener xylitol - it is fatal to the animal's body. Just one tablet can lead to hypoglycemic coma and death of the dog.

Please note that poisoning of a puppy can be caused by food that is incorrectly selected for its age.

Suspicious food - immediate action

If you notice that your dog has eaten something on the street and it seems suspicious to you, be vigilant. This is not the case when you should count on luck. Under no circumstances should you feed your dog immediately after poisoning. This can significantly worsen the situation by accelerating the absorption of the poison into the body.

When it comes to first aid, there are several steps you need to take. Follow the step by step instructions.

  • In every case of poisoning, the first step is to rid the body of further exposure to toxic substances. Induce vomiting in the animal. This can be done in several ways. Big amount water (but not with a salt solution, as this can lead to another type of poisoning in the dog). You can use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Check the dosage with a specialist, as much depends on the breed of the dog, its weight and age.

Some owners are able to induce vomiting mechanically. You just need to press on the root of the tongue. But be careful! You yourself know firsthand about the power of your pet’s jaws. Do not use popular methods (salt, mustard, soda, etc.).

  • Unfortunately, even vomiting is not able to completely rid the dog’s body of the toxic substance, so you need to use sorbents. Activated carbon is perfect for this purpose. You need to give your dog medicine at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Other sorbents applicable to humans (enterosgel, smecta, polyphepam, etc.) are also suitable. All these remedies are applicable even if you fail to induce vomiting.
  • Give the animal a saline laxative. The dosage is also clarified by a specialist. Thus, toxic substances will be eliminated from the body as quickly as possible.

After that, all you have to do is watch the dog. It is better to repeat the use of sorbents after some time. If deterioration is observed, repeat the operations. In parallel with providing first aid, try to contact a veterinarian.

Main clinical manifestations

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs develop within the first 24 hours after the toxic substance enters the animal’s body. Clinical manifestations depend on what exactly the dog was poisoned with, how the poison entered the body and its amount.

Below are the main signs of dog poisoning with various substances.

Food poisoning

If a dog is poisoned by food, the first symptoms may begin to appear within a few hours after eating. They may develop faster in a puppy.

Clinical manifestations of food poisoning:

  • general weakness of the animal, it becomes inactive, lethargic, refuses to play with its favorite toys;
  • poor appetite, the pet refuses to eat the food offered to it;
  • vomiting, first there may be food debris in the vomit, and then mucus, gastric juice and bile;
  • profuse diarrhea, stools are thin, watery, and may have a foul odor;
  • increased passage of gases may be accompanied intestinal colic, pain in the abdomen, while the animal whines and groans.

Poisoning with rat poison

  • impaired coordination of movements. The first thing owners notice is that their pet staggers when walking; it can fall to one side, crash into walls, or hit corners;
  • the appearance of cramps in all muscle groups. In this case, the animal’s head tilts back, its paws stretch out, and convulsions may be accompanied by the release of white foamy saliva from the mouth;
  • severe vomiting and diarrhea, which may contain blood.

Rules for providing first aid to a poisoned dog

All owners should know what to do if their dog is poisoned. When poisoned by drugs or poisons, there is no time to think, since the pet can die in a matter of minutes. First aid for a dog in case of poisoning is provided by the owners, after which the animal should be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

Remember that if a dog has been poisoned by an acid or alkali, it is forbidden to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach yourself! This will lead to further damage to the walls of the esophagus and stomach and severe internal bleeding.

Products that should always be in your first aid kit

There are several medications that a dog needs in one case or another. In order not to run headlong to the pharmacy to get them after an illness has occurred, always keep them in your first aid kit:

  1. Vitamin B6 injections. It is also called "Pyridoxine". Available at any pharmacy.
  2. Vitamin K1. Can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Only K3 can replace it (and even then partially). Special veterinary drug not sold in Russia (but better check, times change).
  3. Unithiol. This is an excellent antidote. It is quite expensive and can only be used with the permission of a doctor.
  4. Atropine. It is only needed in exceptional cases. You most likely will not be able to purchase it, and this is correct, since the drug is extremely toxic. It should only be used by a qualified specialist.
  5. Medicines that can cause vomiting. They are also quite dangerous to your dog's health if you use them incorrectly. Therefore, a doctor should supervise the intake.
  6. Laxatives.
  7. Furosemide or other diuretics.
  8. Syringes.

There are several types of poisoning, and each of them requires a special approach to treatment. Below we describe in detail how to save your dog from poisoning and what to do before going to the vet.


As soon as you notice changes in your pet's well-being that resemble poisoning, remove his food bowl. On the first day of illness, the dog should fast. You can start eating only after the veterinarian's permission.

Hunger is necessary to rest and unload the digestive system. When poisoned by poisons and chemicals, there is a high risk of developing internal bleeding, it can be triggered by food.

Gastric lavage

Treatment at home should begin with gastric lavage. To do this, you will need a 20 ml syringe and clean table water at room temperature. Inject 20-40 ml of water into the dog's mouth and press with your finger on the root of the tongue. Don't be upset if you can't induce vomiting. Water will dilute the toxic substance in the stomach, reduce its concentration and Negative influence to the mucous membrane.

Gastric lavage is contraindicated when:

  • coughing and black vomiting (symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding);
  • etching with acids or alkalis;
  • impairment of the animal's consciousness.

Do not add medications, potassium permanganate or herbal decoctions to gastric lavage solutions. Potassium permanganate is prohibited for use in animals; even in low concentrations it can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

When your dog consumes acids and alkalis, do not try to neutralize these substances. For example, if a dog that has been poisoned by vinegar (acid) tries to neutralize the contents of the stomach with a solution of peroxide (alkali), a powerful shock will occur in the stomach. chemical reaction, as a result of which is formed a large number of gas The gastric mucosa may not be able to withstand it and burst.


You can give your dog an enema yourself. Take a small bulb (50-100 ml volume), fill it with plain water at room temperature and insert it into the dog’s rectum.

Then you should wait until the animal goes to the toilet and repeat this procedure again. An enema should be done until clear water appears. Do not add medications or other substances to the colon cleanse solution.

Sorbents are a group of drugs whose action is aimed at binding and removing toxins from the digestive system. There are a lot of sorbents. They all differ in dosage. We will consider the rules for taking the simplest and most common sorbent - activated carbon. This drug can be found in almost every home medicine cabinet.

The dosage should be calculated based on the weight of the animal: per 10 kg – 1 tablet. For example, if the weight of an animal is 5 kg – half a tablet, if it is 30 kg – 3 tablets. You can give a little more, it won't do any harm. For example, if your dog weighs 17 kg, take 2 tablets rather than 1.5. Grind required amount activated carbon and stir it with 5-10 ml of plain water. Pour the resulting solution into the pet’s mouth through a syringe (without a needle).

Drinking regime

The process of soldering off a poisoned animal is long and painstaking. After vomiting and diarrhea, the dog is dehydrated. She should be given water little by little and often. Pour 5 ml of water into her mouth every 5-10 minutes.

Please note that in case of isoniazid poisoning, the dog must be given an antidote - vitamin B6 - within the first 30 minutes. If there are cases of intentional poisoning of dogs in the area where you live, buy this vitamin and always carry it with you. If necessary, administer it to your animal immediately. Consult your veterinarian in advance about the rules of dosing and administration of this antidote.

Treatment at a veterinary clinic

Only a veterinarian can determine exact reason if the animal is feeling unwell, make a diagnosis and tell the owners how to help the dog in this situation.

If the animal's condition is critical, it will be left in the hospital. When mild poisoning The doctor will write down the rules of diet, drinking and schedule visits to the clinic for injections and IVs.

Treatment for poisoning may consist of the following groups of drugs:

  • antispasmodics;
  • sorbents;
  • corticosteroids;
  • enzymes;
  • laxatives;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • solutions for intravenous rehydration;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Do not self-medicate your pet. Even if he feels a little better after the first aid you provided, take him to the vet for an examination and consultation. Treatment at home can only be carried out after a doctor's prescription.

Prevention of dog poisoning

According to statistics, the most main reason acute poisoning in dogs is the carelessness and inattention of the owners. Below are tips to help you protect your pet from poisoning:

  • check the manufacturing date of the food you feed your dog, do not give it expired food;
  • walk your pet in a muzzle, so you will be sure that he will not swallow anything on the street;
  • stop your puppy from picking up and eating something during walks;
  • Keep medications, detergents, cosmetics, and alcohol out of the reach of your dog.

Poisoning in dogs can lead to severe consequences and death. First aid is provided by the owners, after which the animal must be taken to a veterinarian. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also life-threatening for your pet.

In order to notice signs of poisoning in time and provide the right help dog needs to know clinical picture, as well as treatment methods.

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs vary and depend on individual characteristics dog's body, causes of poisoning. But some signs are general character, and therefore are observed in all types of intoxication:

  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • frequent shallow breathing or, conversely, deep, but rare;
  • strong thirst;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, prolonged lying down;
  • chills;
  • change in body temperature;
  • increased salivation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Main reasons

Poisoning can be divided into 2 categories: food and non-food.

Food poisoning is caused by dangerous toxins entering the stomach. Poisoning in a puppy and adult dog in this case it comes from the use of:

  • spoiled or poisoned products;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics (shampoo, perfume, varnish, hair dye);
  • poisonous plants, mushrooms;
  • medicines;
  • preparations for exterminating rodents, insects, etc.

Sometimes it is enough for an animal to lick a poisoned surface once (it can even be its own fur if poison has gotten on it) or take a deep breath of contaminated air for intoxication to occur.

Non-food poisoning is considered to be poisoning caused by external factors. Toxins enter the body through Airways and skin. Worth fearing:

  • gasoline vapors;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • bites of poisonous reptiles and insects;
  • pesticides.

Types of poisoning and how they manifest themselves

To help your pet, you need to find out exactly the cause of the poisoning.

Poor quality food

The symptoms of food poisoning in dogs are almost always the same. The animal has:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • chills;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • bloating;
  • weakness;
  • stomach ache;
  • rapid/decreased breathing;
  • copious amounts of saliva;
  • blueness of mucous membranes;
  • sometimes – convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Rat poison

Recognize this dangerous condition possible based on the following criteria:

  • blood in stool (usually liquid), vomit and saliva (usually foamy);
  • elevated temperature;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • rapid pulse;
  • loud moan due to strong painful sensations in the abdominal area.


Poisoning with the strongest poison strychnine in dogs has severe manifestations:

  • spasms that cause contraction of the neck and back muscles;
  • seizures that the animal cannot control;
  • muscles become poorly mobile and limbs become stiff;
  • vomiting begins;
  • tachycardia appears;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe.

Medicines and drugs

It is difficult to identify clear symptoms in this case, since all drugs are different in the strength of the nature of their effects. We present to you only the most common signs of intoxication of a dog’s body with drugs and drugs:

  • vomit;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • blue or pale mucous membranes;
  • constriction/dilation of pupils;
  • overexcited or, conversely, unusually lethargic state;
  • inappropriate behavior of the pet;
  • convulsions;
  • deep sleep or loss of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • poor coordination.


A dangerous substance that affects the central nervous system and brain, so without timely treatment the animal can die in a matter of hours. To recognize intoxication with this drug as early as possible, you need to know its characteristic symptoms:

  • the dog moves chaotically around the house, with an unsteady gait;
  • breathing is barely perceptible;
  • foam mixed with blood flows from the mouth;
  • there may be vomiting, also bloody;
  • convulsions;
  • high risk of coma;
  • consciousness is confused;
  • in especially severe cases, paralysis occurs or death occurs.

Carbon monoxide or exhaust gas

Clinical picture of poisoning harmful gases looks like that:

  • mucous membranes acquire either a blue or bright red tint;
  • movements are uncoordinated;
  • shortness of breath, cough, vomiting of blood appears;
  • pulse and breathing increase;
  • tears begin to flow;
  • saliva is produced profusely;
  • the dog is in a sleepy state.

Excess protein

This happens when the owner incorrectly prepares a diet for the pet. If an animal's menu includes a lot of protein, the kidneys begin to suffer.

Protein poisoning is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • baldness (most often occurs in the ridge and tail area);
  • the appearance of dandruff;
  • change in the smell and color of urine;
  • in advanced cases, renal failure develops.

Tick ​​and flea repellents

In addition to the fact that your pet stops being active and playful, you may notice other signs of intoxication:

  • thirst appears, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea;
  • salivation increases;
  • loss of appetite;
  • breathing becomes heavier;
  • pupils become wider.


Be the first to notice alarming symptoms the dog walker can after half an hour. It is important to provide timely medical care, otherwise the outcome will be fatal. Poisoning with arsenic compounds is manifested primarily by changes in the pet’s behavior:

  • the dog begins to rub its muzzle with its paws;
  • movement becomes difficult, so the animal most time lies;
  • limb spasms appear;
  • barking becomes hoarse or almost silent;
  • severe vomiting;
  • diarrhea appears (the stool may take on the color of rice water).

Boric acid

Recognize entry into the animal's body boric acid possible based on a number of signs:

  • body temperature decreases (36-37 °C);
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system worsens;
  • a red rash appears on the skin;
  • diarrhea occurs, which is often accompanied by bloody discharge, and vomiting;
  • the animal hides in a corner so that no one touches it.


This substance is a subtype of rat poison, and therefore it is very dangerous for your pet. Treat your dog immediately as soon as you notice the following symptoms:

  • pale mucous membranes;
  • bloody discharge from the nose, gums and rectum;
  • when coughing and blood clots come out in the urine;
  • no appetite;
  • There is general weakness and shortness of breath.


If this toxic substance gets in, death will not occur instantly. However, the animal will suffer, and after 5-10 days without assistance necessary assistance will die. Mercury intoxication is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, depressed state;
  • diarrhea;
  • urine does not flow into bladder, accordingly, there is no urination;
  • the animal refuses to eat, which leads to exhaustion of the body;
  • convulsions begin;
  • coordination of movements is impaired;
  • at chronic course poisoning and lack of timely assistance, paralysis occurs.

First aid rules

If a dog is poisoned, the owner will have to provide first aid to the injured animal himself. Until the pet falls into the hands of a veterinarian, the dog breeder will need to act quickly and correctly.

Therapy will differ depending on the type of poisoning. Let's consider all its stages in detail.

Gastric lavage for food intoxication

The first step is to cleanse the poisoned pet's body of toxins by causing him to vomit. To do this, mix a weak solution of potassium permanganate or dilute it in boiled water hydrogen peroxide (proportions – 1:1). Give the cleanser 1 tbsp. l. for every 3 kg of dog weight.

If you know for sure that the animal has been poisoned by petroleum products, acids or alkalis, do not induce vomiting! This will further injure the gastrointestinal tract and burn the larynx. In case of such intoxications, consult a doctor immediately and do not self-medicate.

Therapy for non-food poisoning

Helping a dog with poisoning, when the poison has entered the body through the skin, involves bathing the animal. Water your pet generously with running water and wash away toxic substances from the fur using baby or laundry soap. No shampoos or detergents should be used!

If you are bitten by a poisonous insect or snake, apply ice to the injured area.

Intoxication through the respiratory tract requires that the animal be urgently taken to Fresh air or allowed to stay in a well-ventilated area.


After gastric lavage, the pet needs to be given absorbents. The most affordable are Enterosgel, Enterosorb, Polyphepam or activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).


The body must be allowed to recover, so the menu of a weakened dog will have to be adjusted. On the first day after vomiting and diarrhea, do not feed your pet, but leave access to clean water free.

After a day, you can start feeding the dog. Choose food that is easily digested in the stomach. Broths and decoctions of cereals are suitable, add them to the diet a little later chopped meat and liquid cereals.

You can also give easily digestible food, but it is better to soak it. Portions should initially be small. As the animal recovers, the volume of food can be increased by including in the menu additional products: boiled eggs, chicken liver, cottage cheese.

Drinking regime

If a dog is intoxicated, it should drink a lot of water to reduce the amount of toxic substances in the body. During the first 24 hours, the pet is given water mainly with solutions that provoke vomiting, after which they give a lot clean water, strong tea or cereal infusions.

Treatment at a veterinary clinic

When first aid has been provided, call a veterinarian immediately. On your own, you are unlikely to make a correct diagnosis and figure out what kind of poisoning your dog has. Don't waste precious time so it won't be too late later.

A specialist, having found out the cause of intoxication, can prescribe:

  • antidote;
  • diuretics, anticonvulsants;
  • enema to cleanse the intestines;
  • medications or procedures aimed at maintaining the functioning of vital organs;
  • antibiotics;
  • droppers;
  • vitamins;
  • antispasmodics, etc.

Prevention measures

We offer simple precautions that every dog ​​owner should follow:

  1. Remove medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, pest control and rodent control products to a height where animals cannot reach.
  2. Do not feed your pet low-grade, cheap food or spoiled leftover food.
  3. Train your dog to rummage in the ground, trash can, or pick up anything on the street.
  4. Always keep an eye on your pet, especially when you go for a walk or find yourself in an unfamiliar place.
  5. At home, be sure to keep all the necessary first aid medications in your first aid kit.
  6. When relaxing in nature, do not allow your animal to run around pesticide-treated garden plots and poisonous plants.

Following the rules will help avoid poisoning and its serious consequences.

Dog lovers will confirm that poisoning among their pets is a common illness. And the dog is not always sick because your neighbors planted something on him. It also happens that your pet grabs something inedible while walking.

Poisoning is very dangerous for your dog's life. So, if you don’t want to worry about your pet later and waste your time and money on its treatment, it’s better to keep an eye on it.

If you don’t want to treat your dog, keep an eye on your pet

Dogs are not very good at taste qualities food, unlike cats. They eat almost everything that is given to them. They also love to chew on everything they see on their way. And it turns out that some dog owners themselves doom their dog to unnecessary suffering.

  1. This applies to those who feed their pet spoiled food. Many people believe that a dog's stomach is stronger than a human's and can digest almost anything. This is wrong. Don't feed yours four-legged friend what you are going to throw away.
  2. Owners improperly hide disinfectant and cleaning products. This also applies to mixtures that are intended for treating flowers and plants, as well as chemicals and toxic substances.
  3. Poisoning in dogs is often caused by incorrect dosage. medicines– these could even be anti-worm tablets.
  4. There is no need to feed your pet food of dubious production, just to save your money.
  5. The dog should not be allowed to roam without supervision.. If you let your pet go for a walk near your entrance in the city, there is every chance that he will eat, for example, rat poison or “test” a garbage can. At the dacha, the pet can try vegetables that villagers or village residents treat with chemicals.

Types of poisoning

Poisonings that occur in dogs are divided only into:

  • food;
  • non-food.

Food poisoning is when toxins enter the dog's body, that is, its digestive system. This is a very common problem.

Non-food poisoning is when harmful substances enter the organs on the mucous membranes, skin, fur and respiratory organs, as well as after the bite of poisonous animals.


Poisoning in dogs can occur in different ways. It depends on what caused the disease. But there is also general signs, characteristic of all types of poisoning - vomiting and drooling.

These symptoms, if the dog is not treated, will only begin to get worse, and this can very quickly lead to death.

Other common symptoms of animal poisoning, in addition to the above, are:

  • trembling and weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • overexcitement;
  • depressed state;
  • breathing is shallow and rapid;
  • loss of appetite.

Rat poison

In addition, in case of poisoning rat poison, then diarrhea and salivation may also be accompanied by blood, and the dog’s mucous membranes begin to turn pale. The animal begins to moan and you can hear that it has tachycardia.

Isoniazid poisoning

If a dog is poisoned with isoniazid, then other symptoms appear. Her consciousness begins to become confused, she staggers, and loses orientation.. The pet begins to run erratically, mouth goes bloody foam, respiratory depression and convulsions appear. As a result, coma may occur.

First aid for poisoning

What can be done loving owner who is worried about the condition of his pet? It is very good if it is possible to understand what caused the poisoning of your four-legged friend.

But you need to act very quickly so that the poison does not penetrate deep into the body.

  1. The first thing to do is remove the poison. If this food poisoning, then you need to do everything to induce vomiting. To do this you can give your dog brine(1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water) or half a glass of vegetable oil.
  2. Next, the sick animal is given an adsorbent: white clay or activated carbon. It binds and removes those toxic substances that did not come out with vomiting. If it is activated carbon, then the calculation is one tablet per 10 kilograms of dog weight.
  3. The next step is a laxative. You can give Vaseline oil or magnesium sulfate.
  4. And finally, intestinal lavage. It would be good if it was already done by a veterinarian.

In case the dog bitten by an insect, then a compress, always cold, or ice is applied to the affected area. If it is the bite of a poisonous animal, such as a snake, then all the poison must be removed.

If this chemical substances , and they get on your pet’s skin - they need to be washed off a huge amount clean water. If the dog has inhaled vapors of chemical compounds, then it is taken outside or into a well-ventilated room. The dog is also given vegetable oil in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons, and then a laxative.

Did you know, ? 5 effective ways dog training.

Has your pet gotten into the habit of peeing at home? wean him off his bad habit.

Another disease manifested by vomiting and bowel dysfunction is helminthiasis. Our article will tell you about it.

Animal treatment

If this is food poisoning, then, as mentioned above, an adsorbent is given after induced vomiting. This is not necessarily activated carbon or kaolin. You can also force your dog to eat egg whites, drink milk or strong tea. With medications - a solution of potassium permanganate or magnesium. Then you can use a probe or an enema to flush the stomach.

All further treatment prescribed by the doctor based on the dog’s condition.

If this is poisoning with rat poison, then it is also necessary to give an adsorbent, but not when the animal is lethargic and lethargic or is already in comatose and he gets convulsions. Adsorbents can be given, in addition to activated carbon, such as:

  • polypepham;
  • enterosgel;
  • enterosorb.

You can also rinse your dog's stomach before the veterinarian arrives. To do this, take an enema and warm water.

The specialist will already prescribe an antidote to the animal, that is, vitamin K1, K3 the right dosage. If the owner does not have time to wait, then the approximate dosage is as follows: 5 mg/kg of the K1 drug for large and 2.5 mg/kg for small dogs. It is administered once under the skin or orally, but not intramuscularly.

The next step is a dropper with solutions of glucose, Trisol and Ringer-Locke. Diuretics, iron supplements, and cardiac medications are prescribed.

If possible, it is advisable to take a sample of the poison with you., then it will be somewhat easier for the veterinarian to decide on antidotes and the dosage of the medicine.

If the cause of poisoning is isoniazides, then after inducing vomiting, you need to do the following:

  • give adsorbent;
  • introduce an antidote - vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
  • Corvalol is also prescribed - 30 drops per weight of 40 kilograms;
  • the animal must constantly drink - this can be milk, which is diluted with water.

In case of any poisoning, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic or call a specialist at home.

What to feed during recovery?

Initially, in the first couple of days, the dog cannot be fed at all - it must be on a starvation diet. The pet is only allowed to drink. This diet will benefit the sick animal.

You need to start feeding your dog with simple meat broth, to which you can gradually add rice. The diet should be easy to digest at first. Under no circumstances should you give foods containing milk.

At this time, the veterinarian prescribes medications that will support the kidneys and liver.

How to protect your dog from unexpected poisoning

The main thing that the owner can do is to train his pet and develop in him the concept that it is impossible to pick up food from the ground, just as it is impossible to take it from someone else’s hands.

It is necessary to walk your dog constantly and not send it alone into the yard. You also need to monitor the behavior of the animal. If the dog cannot understand that it is forbidden to pick up anything from the ground, then it is better to walk it with a muzzle.

She needs to be given food that has all the minerals and vitamins she needs. If the animal gets everything necessary substances with food, then it will not feel a lack of anything, which means it will stop grabbing everything from the ground. Only the owner can make sure that the animal has everything it needs in its diet, and how healthy your pet grows and develops depends only on him.