Blue and white clay for acne - recipes for clay face masks. Which clay is best for acne on the face - recipes and tips

Natural cosmetic clay for acne continues to gain popularity: small bags of masks can be found in every pharmacy.

Masks based on blue, white, pink, green, black or gray mineral clay are an inexpensive but very effective remedy for facial skin care at home.

The color of clay depends on the set of minerals included in its composition. Mineral salts determine not only the shade of a substance, but also its beneficial properties.

What it is

Cosmetic clay is an indispensable product for facial skin care, especially valuable due to its healing properties, which allow you to get rid of common dermatological problems.

Clay is a natural toxin absorber (adsorbent) that cleanses the skin of waste products.

There is an opinion that clay is just dirt that clogs pores and only causes harm to problem skin. This is a misconception, cosmetic clay is a unique natural cocktail of minerals and trace elements that helps fight bacteria on the surface of the skin that multiply in metabolic products and cause rashes and other problems. Natural cosmetic clay is even added to baby powders.


The complex properties of mineral clay have made it an important component of cosmetic face masks.

  • Cleaning and drying– sebum and sweat accumulate on the surface of the facial skin, causing the growth of bacteria and rashes. The product dries out oily skin, but does not dry out dry skin.
  • Bactericidal property– clay is often used in pharmacology as part of anti-inflammatory ointments; it can enhance the disinfecting effect of certain drugs.
  • Whitening property– a natural remedy can easily compete with expensive branded products in terms of evening out skin tone and in the fight against red spots.
Fighting wrinkles, improving blood circulation and restoring skin tone - regular application of cosmetic masks tones the epidermis layer, and the minerals that make up the clay easily pass through cell membranes and saturate the cells with nutrients and oxygen.

Indications for use

  • For dry skin, choose green or red clay. The time for applying the mask should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • For normal and sensitive skin, prepare a mask based on blue, white or red clay. Rinse off after 10 minutes.
  • For oily and problem skin – yellow, blue, white. Application time – up to 20 minutes.
  • For mature skin prone to loss of tone - blue, green, red, white.
  • Pigmentation problem - blue.
  • Skin that requires regular moisturizing is pink and gray.

Rules for applying a mask to the skin

  • The mask is applied to dry, previously cleansed skin.
  • Sensitive skin of the lower and upper eyelids does not need to be cleansed. The mask is not applied to this area of ​​the face to prevent dryness and the formation of fine wrinkles.
  • The clay is diluted with clean cold water to a thick cream, thoroughly kneading the lumps.
  • Remove the dried mask with warm water, after soaking the top layer.
  • After the procedure, the skin will feel dry, so use a moisturizer.
  • For normal and oily skin, apply the mask once a week, for dry and sensitive skin - once every 10 days.


Mineral cosmetic clay has no contraindications for use and does not cause allergic reactions.

But if the mask contains natural allergens or pharmaceutical products, it would be a good idea to try the mask on a small area of ​​skin and only then proceed with application to the face.

Do not use the product if you have chronic dermatoses. During periods of remission, you can try applying the mask to a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction. If there is no deterioration, apply the mask in a thin layer over the entire face.

The application time limit, regardless of skin type, is 30 minutes. If the time is exceeded, a burn is possible.

If during application of the mask the skin experiences severe discomfort, burning or tingling, immediately wash off the mask and find an alternative to the procedure. The reason for this reaction may be the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.

A clay mask is not effective for solving spinal problems, treating eczema, psoriasis or osteoporosis.

Diseases and conditions of the body in which the application of clay is strictly contraindicated:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • fever, high temperature;
  • heart disease;
  • fungal diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy.

Which is better for acne on the face

A mask made from white, blue or yellow clay in combination with a small amount of table salt will help cope with the problem of rashes.

Rock salt crystals are pre-dissolved in distilled water and filtered through a fine sieve covered with a double layer of gauze. The procedure is necessary to remove all foreign impurities: sand and stones.

Clay is added to the saline solution and stirred until it becomes a thick cream. After the procedure, you may experience a feeling of tight skin. Be sure to apply an acid cream or moisturizer to your skin.

Getting rid of spots that the skin inherited from disappeared acne is quite simple: prepare a mask of white or blue clay with the addition of ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Blue clay mask

Compared to other cosmetic analogues, blue clay copes best with oily skin problems.

Cleansing, healing, drying and improving tone - excellent results.

  • Mix equal parts blue clay with milk to moisturize and cleanse.
  • Combine the ingredients in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. spoon of blue powder + 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil + 1 teaspoon of honey. Cool the resulting mixture, apply to the skin, rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.


Kaolin is simply created for the care of oily and combination skin. The complex of properties allows you to simultaneously clean and disinfect the skin, whiten and dry problem areas.

The result of regular use is velvety and moisturized skin, as well as a fresh and even complexion.

Video: Face mask


The clay acquired its characteristic black color thanks to minerals such as magnesium, iron and strontium. Effectively affects both dry and oily skin.

The main beneficial property is cleansing the skin of dirt, fat, toxins and bacteria. The best remedy for combating teenage acne, acne and excessive sebum production.


The clay has a green tint due to iron oxide. A mask based on green powder is successfully used to saturate skin cells with microelements and moisturize. It is worth noting the adsorbing, softening and cleansing effects on the skin.

A mask based on green powder can cleanse pores, eliminate shine and improve blood circulation in the upper layer of skin.


Universal clay - suitable for all ages and skin types - the result of a combination of white and pink. Softens, tightens and smoothes. This type of mask is best for mature women: the facial contour will be tightened, and the skin will gain firmness and elasticity.


Among the minerals in the product are copper and iron oxide, which give the powder a reddish tint. Choose a mask based on red clay to care for very sensitive or dull skin.

Dry or dehydrated skin will receive enough nutrients and oxygen to regain its tone and shine with freshness.

A mask based on red clay with the addition of a few drops of lemon, olive oil and yolk will help even out skin tone, remove inflammation, and smooth out fine wrinkles.


Clay is mined by going down to considerable depths in the sea. And the result is worth it! Rich in salts and minerals, the mask based on the product tones dehydrated skin and gently cleanses away oil and impurities.


Potassium and iron give the characteristic color. Inflamed, problematic skin, which almost every teenager faces, needs regular masks based on this product.

Mature or aging skin also requires additional oxygen supply to activate metabolic processes, which a cosmetic product can handle perfectly.

Does it help?

The cosmetic product is selected according to skin type and dermatological problem. The additional ingredients you add to your clay mask can make a big difference in the end result.

It is very important to choose the color of clay that suits you. To do this, find out your skin type.

Blue and white clays are considered universal. Using a mask based on white clay, several problems are simultaneously solved: skin tone increases, fine wrinkles smooth out, complexion evens out, pimples and rashes dry out.

Blue clay is very good for combating increased sebum production, pimples, acne and enlarged pores. Red clay is suitable for very sensitive and aging skin.

Photos before and after

Inexpensive, hypoallergenic masks based on mineral clay are an excellent alternative to salon treatments.

Research your dermatological problem and skin type in detail, and read the product description before using it.

Acne clay is a proven, affordable and safe remedy suitable for use at home. You can buy it at a pharmacy or cosmetic store; the drug is suitable for preparing masks and medicinal bath wraps. There are different types of clay on sale that can solve many skin problems.

Acne is a problem that not only teenagers going through puberty face. Painful acne can occur at any age. Their appearance is provoked by too fatty or sweet foods, treatment with hormonal drugs, and some diseases of the internal organs. But most often, acne occurs due to excess sebum production, which clogs the pores. Dust, dirt, dead particles of epithelium and cosmetic residues mix with sebaceous secretions, causing inflammation.

You need to fight acne comprehensively. The most important thing is to thoroughly clean the skin. It is necessary to remove all dirt and excess sebaceous secretions from it daily, as well as regulate the fat content of the epithelium. Cosmetic clay, from which masks, scrubs and other healing products are made, can cope with all these tasks.

You need to look for a high-quality and harmless drug in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Clay can be white, black, blue, green, pink, red or yellow. The natural product does not contain dyes, preservatives or other foreign additives; it is a fine, odorless powder. Clay is packaged in bags, jars and boxes; before use, it is mixed with water or other liquid in the required proportions.

Does clay help with acne? It depends on the nature of the inflammation. The powder relieves external manifestations well, but is not always able to affect the cause of acne. If the disease is caused by a hormonal imbalance or an infection that has penetrated into the upper layers of the skin, you should not count on masks and wraps.

You will have to undergo complex treatment from a dermatologist, take antibiotics, and apply pharmaceutical ointments with a high content of active ingredients to your face.

An experienced cosmetologist can tell you which clay helps with acne. Experienced specialists have many useful recipes in their arsenal that are quite suitable for home use. They can be alternated, combined, combined with other procedures aimed at cleansing and healing the skin. It is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. At the first sign of irritation or allergy, treatment should be interrupted.

When used correctly, white, red, blue or green facial clay can:

  • deeply cleanse the pores of excess sebaceous secretions, dirt, dust and epithelial particles;
  • dry out existing pimples and prevent new ones from appearing;
  • saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements;
  • gently exfoliate dead epithelium, stimulating cell renewal;
  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • even out the relief of the face;
  • improve your skin color by restoring its healthy glow.

Clay masks for acne can be used 2-3 times a week. Too frequent procedures contribute to dry skin and can cause irritation. After washing off the mask, you can apply a non-greasy water-based cream or gel to your face, which will help maintain lipid balance.

Product selection

The shade of clay depends on the minerals included in its composition. They affect not only the color, but also the medicinal properties of the product, so you need to be especially careful when choosing it. In each case, you will get a different result from the impact:

  1. White acne clay contains zinc, titanium and aluminum salts. It has drying properties and is perfect for treating inflamed skin with enlarged pores. This remedy is one of the most powerful; it should be applied locally, applying only to inflamed areas. This approach will help avoid flaking and redness of healthy skin.
  2. Red powder is rich in iron and copper oxides, aluminum salts, magnesium silicate and various trace elements. It acts very gently and is suitable for restoring sensitive, allergy-prone skin. The rich formula helps remove blemishes, blackheads, acne marks and noticeable scars.
  3. Green acne clay contains salts of silver, copper and inclusions of gold. It can be used to revitalize sluggish, dull skin that has lost its tone, prone to irritation and redness. The drug is suitable for preparing wraps, masks and scrubs; it is used for washing and medicinal baths.
  4. Blue acne clay, rich in a variety of minerals, is good for restoring skin affected by severe acne. It helps get rid of blemishes, blackheads and single pimples. It goes well with other types; when preparing masks, the product can be diluted not only with water, but also with herbal infusions, milk, fruit or vegetable juice.
  5. Yellow powder is an effective restorative and rejuvenating agent for dull, irritated skin with decreased tone. The product contains chromium and copper salts, which help increase the elasticity of the epidermis, remove unevenness, small single acne and minor damage.
  6. Pink acne clay is a product that does not exist in nature. It is obtained by mixing white and red powder. The product is gentle, but quite effective, it does not dry out the skin, and works well against painful acne, enlarged pores, and unsightly blackheads.

The question of which clay is best for acne on the face is difficult to answer unequivocally. It all depends on the problems to be solved. Cosmetologists recommend a course of treatment, while wraps and masks made from different powders can be alternated.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you start applying the mask, you need to thoroughly prepare your skin. Makeup is removed using cosmetic milk, hydrophilic oil, foam or gel. After this, the face is washed with a mild cleanser. Oily skin is treated with a scrub based on salt, sugar, and soft polymer granules. You can take a steam bath, which opens the pores and improves the penetration of beneficial elements into the deeper layers of the skin. The cleansed face is wiped with tonic or floral hydrosol. After the procedure, the remnants of the mask are removed with a damp cotton swab, after which the face is thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Clay powder is not recommended to be mixed with tap water, as it contains chlorine and can weaken the healing properties of the mask. It is better to use pre-purified, bottled or at least boiled water. The product can be diluted with green tea, herbal decoction, warm milk, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. The mixture is ground in a porcelain or glass container; it is not recommended to use metal or plastic containers. The mask should be prepared immediately before use; the diluted mixture is not intended for long-term storage.

A properly prepared preparation has the consistency of sour cream. The mask should spread easily over the face and not drip off it. If the product turns out to be too thick, the amount of liquid can be increased.

The best deep cleansing products

The green clay acne mask is ideal for oily skin. It is better not to use it for girls with a tendency to allergies. Mix 1 tbsp in a porcelain or glass bowl. l. powder with the same amount of aloe juice and fresh cucumber. The mass is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the skin. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off first with warm and then with cool water.

A good anti-acne clay mask can be made from a mixture of blue and white clay. 2 tbsp. l. The powder is mixed with an equal amount of chamomile, string or calendula decoction. A few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice or lavender essential oil are added to the finished mass.

For dry skin, a nourishing and cleansing egg mask is suitable. It removes minor irritations, evens out complexion, eliminates peeling and redness. 1 egg is ground in a glass or porcelain bowl, yellow clay (2 tablespoons) is added. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little warm water. The mass is distributed over the face; a little product can be applied to the neck and décolleté.

Among the most effective remedies is a paste made from white powder. It is applied to the inflamed areas for 10 minutes, after the procedure the skin is lubricated with a soothing gel. It’s easy to prepare a mask: 1 tsp. white clay is mixed with warm water until it becomes a paste. When used correctly, acne quickly fades and becomes less noticeable.

Alternative options

Clay powder is suitable not only for masks, but also for other procedures. 1 tbsp. l. The product can be added to a glass of water, the resulting liquid is used for compresses. Gauze folded in several layers is moistened in clay water. It is applied to thoroughly cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. The liquid can also be used for daily washing. This application removes excess oil, gives the face a beautiful even color and a delicate blush.

Cleansing scrubs are very useful, gently removing dead skin particles, regulating the water-lipid balance, and refreshing the complexion. Yellow, red or blue clay is mixed with an equal amount of coffee grounds (for oily skin) or ground oatmeal (for dry skin). Warm boiled water is added to the mixture. The result should be a thick paste, which is spread over a damp face. The skin is massaged with your fingertips for 3-5 minutes, then the composition is washed off with warm running water. The procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week, it will be an excellent prevention against acne.

Anti-acne clay can be used to prepare medicinal baths. This procedure helps get rid of acne on the back, chest and other parts of the body. Anti-acne facial clay (500 g) is dissolved in warm water and mixed thoroughly. For therapeutic baths, it is better to use green or blue clay; the chosen option depends on the reaction of the skin and its type. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, it is better to do it before bed. The course depends on the individual condition of the patient; usually, for significant improvement, it is enough to take baths every other day for 1-2 weeks.

The question of which clay is the best for acne can be answered by an experienced dermatologist. He will select the appropriate drug, recommend a course of use, and monitor the skin reaction. If necessary, masks, wraps and scrubs can be supplemented with pharmaceutical drugs that increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Good afternoon My name is Oksana, I am 29 years old, and I am a dermatologist. Most often, young girls come to me, less often boys, from 16 to 23 years old, suffering from skin rashes and their consequences.

I have always put first place the natural methods of treatment that nature gives us. These include herbs, oils or healing clays. Not long ago, a 17-year-old girl came to me with marks on her face that were left from acne.

Based on many years of practice, I can say that getting rid of rashes and acne can be much easier than getting rid of spots, scars and scars that remain after improper treatment of skin rashes. In addition to pimples, my patient had many red spots on her face, which greatly spoiled the girl’s beautiful appearance.

This is where my love for traditional healing came in handy. From practice, I know that if herbal decoctions and essential oils help get rid of acne faster, then the stains that remain after them are removed with the help of clay and masks based on them. Today I will talk about which clay removes acne marks and how best to use it.

I note that at first, my client did not believe in such a treatment system, but the disbelief evaporated when, after the course of treatment, her face cleared up and acquired its former beauty and freshness. I hope to be useful to everyone who needs a complete healing of their skin and wants to forget about their facial problems forever.

Rules for applying clay to problem skin

The main advantage of this product in the treatment of skin diseases is the combination of high efficiency and low price. There are many types of cosmetic clay, but to combat acne marks, the most effective is the miracle powder in four colors: white, blue, green and black. Before you begin a not-so-short but useful course of therapy, you should remember the basic rules for using clay mixtures:

  1. Dilute the powder only with clean boiled water at room temperature.
  2. Stir the mixture until the powder is completely dissolved and lumps have formed.
  3. Do not use metal utensils.
  4. Apply the prepared mixture from this component only to a cleansed face, dried with a towel.
  5. When applying the mask, position yourself horizontally; you can lie down on a comfortable, flat bed.
  6. Do not add too much water, the mixture should not be too thick or too thin.
  7. Avoid getting the product into the area around the eyes.
  8. Apply the mask for up to 20 minutes for oily skin, 10 to 15 minutes for normal or combination skin, and only 5 minutes for dry and sensitive skin.
  9. Rinse off the residue with water at room temperature, and lubricate the skin on your face with a nourishing cream.

Now you can proceed directly to therapeutic procedures using cosmetic clay.

White and blue clay for acne spots

Clay helps not only get rid of acne, but also removes stains well after improper treatment of skin formations. White has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, and blue is a storehouse of elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium.

Blue kills germs on the affected areas, prevents the appearance of new pimples and effectively fights the most difficult consequences after their unsuccessful removal. It should be used for oily or normal skin types.

It won’t be difficult to prepare a mask from this powder at home. To do this, mix one tablespoon of blue clay with a teaspoon of natural honey and add 20 g of olive oil to the mixture.

All ingredients should be mixed until thick sour cream and applied to a clean face. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining mass using water at room temperature.

White clay is applied to dry skin. A white powder mask is used to whiten spots left behind by acne. You can prepare it by mixing one beaten egg white with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a portion of clay, which you need to add enough to get a thick mass. The mask is applied to a cleansed face and washed off with warm water after 5-10 minutes.

Procedures with white clay are allowed to be done up to three times a week, and with blue clay - once, maximum twice during the same period.

How does green clay help against acne spots?

Green clay contains silicon, which promotes skin cell rejuvenation and maintains skin elasticity. The absorbents contained in green powder penetrate deeply into the pores, cleanse the skin of the face, tone it, eliminate inflammation and irritation.

To forget forever about the imperfections of the dermis on the face, you need to use a vitamin mask made of green clay, which effectively eliminates scars and other marks from acne. To prepare it, you need to take the following steps:

  1. mix one tablespoon of clay and water;
  2. Add one teaspoon of vegetable oil to the well-beaten mixture;
  3. add the pulp of one ripe kiwi fruit to the resulting mass;
  4. apply the mask to your face in an even layer;
  5. rinse with warm water after ten minutes.

Patients with allergies to tropical fruit should not use this recipe.

How effective is black clay for acne marks?

Black clay will be a real find for people with oily skin. Black powder reduces inflammation in damaged areas on the face, cleanses the skin, regulates oiliness, softens the skin and renews the epidermis.

If you mix a couple of teaspoons of black, one teaspoon of dry badyagi and four of the same spoons of water, and then apply the well-mixed mixture to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes, you can see after just a few procedures that the marks will decrease in size and noticeably lighten .

Contraindications to the use of clay

Cosmetic clay of any color in its natural pure form has virtually no contraindications. Difficulties may arise when mixing the powder with other components to which a person may have an allergic reaction. Therefore, before use, the prepared mass should be applied to a small area of ​​the body, preferably on the elbow, and wait about 15 minutes.

If an area of ​​the skin turns red, starts to itch, or feels a burning sensation, you should immediately wash off the mixture and cover the skin with a moisturizer.

And remember that you should use clay in the fight against acne marks regularly, from one to two to three months. I can tell you from experience: persistence and patience equal a good result.

Thank you for attention!

Having a beautiful and well-groomed appearance is the natural desire of any representative of the fair sex. Whatever means are used: all kinds of scrubs and masks, creams and tonics, lotions and sprays - anything to preserve the beauty and health of facial skin.

However, the notorious pimples, spots, blackheads and acne constantly strive to appear at the most inopportune moment. Cosmetic clay can help in the fight against such skin imperfections.


Since ancient times, this remedy has been used to eliminate skin defects not only on the face, but also on the entire body. Depending on the type of problem, the color of the clay is chosen, since substances of different colors have different cosmetic properties. Apart from the standard problems of acne, blackheads, blemishes and pimples, many different skin conditions can be cured.

This is a completely safe acne treatment option that does not require special preparation for use and does not cause allergic reactions.

In addition, masks are so easy to make that it can be done at home. In this case, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules so as not to cause irritation.

Effect on the skin

Naturally, the properties depend on the color of the substance, but there are a number of general properties and effects that can be observed with frequent use of clay masks:

  1. Antiseptic. This is a very important property that directly helps prevent the occurrence of purulent acne;
  2. Effects of nutrition and toning. The substance contains a large number of microelements that help enrich the layers of the epidermis with the missing nutrients;
  3. Bleaching. This is the very property that will help you if you have dark pigment spots after acne. A substance of almost any color will fight them;
  4. Rejuvenation. It has long been no secret that many types of clay have a rejuvenating effect. With the right treatment options, even very deep wrinkles can be reduced.

These are the basic properties inherent in clay of any color. In addition, one can note a noticeable narrowing of pores with prolonged use, a slight drying effect, etc.

In many cases, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of a substance. This can be done using traditional methods - adding special essential oils and various herbal decoctions. Additional components are selected according to the problem that needs to be solved.

Acne clay

It is impossible to definitively answer the question of which clay is best for acne. This is mainly due to the fact that each type has the desired effect to some extent, but not every type of treatment is suitable for every skin type.

To find out which product is best for you, you need to study this issue in more detail.

Blue clay

The most common and, naturally, the most popular. Perfect for cases where acne is very widespread and requires intensive treatment.

This type of product produces a powerful cleansing effect, accompanied by relief of inflammation. After just a few uses, these masks will make acne lighter and less noticeable.

White clay

It is effective when severe blockage of pores is clearly visible. It rids the epidermis layer of excess dirt and sebum. Helps get rid of small pimples.

However, this acne treatment option will be powerless if the acne is very widespread, as well as when large acne occurs.

Green clay

Like blue, widespread in Russia. It has a general effect on the skin of the face. It not only helps to significantly reduce the number of acne, but also produces an anti-aging effect. That is why this type of clay has gained great popularity among girls aged 25 and older. This product smoothes out small wrinkles and significantly improves metabolism in the layers of the epidermis, which allows you not only to clear your face of acne, but also to maintain this effect for a long time.

In addition, by constantly making masks from this product, many girls and women notice a noticeable narrowing of their pores.

Black clay

It is a very effective cleanser.

Most often it is used in the fight against acne and comedones, since, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, this product has a very strong cleansing effect. However, it is not recommended to use this option for treating blemishes for people with very sensitive skin.

So you can see that the answer to the question “which clay is best to help get rid of acne” lies in your problem: for severe acne problems - blue, for minor imperfections - white, to effectively cleanse the face - black, and for general cleansing and rejuvenation, a green product is best suited.

At the same time, do not forget that there are red and yellow options, which are very often used as auxiliary ones and added to the mask to the main color.

Terms of use

Quite simple and do not require much effort to perform.

However, it is very important to follow them in order to achieve the best result and not aggravate the situation.

  1. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face;
  2. The maximum duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, so as not to provoke irritation;
  3. Removal of the mask is done either with warm water or wet wipes without the use of additional cleansers.

Mask recipes

Clay masks themselves are very effective. Pharmacies and cosmetic stores sell both ready-made options and powder, which can be diluted with water.

However, to get a better result, you can add several components.

  • Recipe 1. Bodyaga. The blue product and bodyaga are mixed in proportions of 1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon, respectively, and poured with boiled water until the desired consistency is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and removed with a damp cloth after it has completely dried.
  • Recipe 2. Herbs. Blue and white clay are diluted in equal quantities with a decoction of specially selected herbs and the resulting mixture is applied to the face as a simple mask.
  • Recipe 3. The yolk of one egg, a small amount of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey must be mixed and a white product added to them until the desired consistency is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin.

It doesn’t matter how pronounced the skin defects on your face are. A properly selected product will help cope with this deficiency if you make masks regularly and according to the instructions. If you yourself cannot determine your skin type or the type of product that you need, then it is better to contact an experienced cosmetologist for advice.

Clay is a product that is highly effective at a relatively low price, so its use will not only help you look amazing, but also will not cause noticeable damage to your wallet, unlike expensive cosmetic procedures.

Clay is a natural product whose properties cannot but be used in home cosmetology. It is also an affordable product that is easy to find on sale today. And it helps not only to take care of the youth of the skin, but also to cleanse it from such a scourge as acne.

Clay mask for acne: properties

For treatment and skin care, mainly types of clay such as white and blue are used. They differ, of course, not only in color, but also in composition.

White clay

It copes better than others with eliminating various skin defects. For example, at home, it solves not only the problem of acne, but also eliminates even small scars on the skin. This product can be used for oily and normal skin. But for large acne, very severe inflammation, this product is not suitable.

Blue clay

It is considered a powerful antiseptic, therefore it is used as a component of masks for problem skin. A clay mask heals, disinfects wounds, tightens and cleanses pores, saturates skin cells with moisture.

Blue clay is actually used only as a remedy, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it. This product is too heavy for sensitive skin, so if this is your case, it is better to find something gentle.

Clay mask that cleanses pores: application rules

Clay mask against acne also has the effect of narrowing pores. And, as reviews show, in this regard it is very effective. But it is also important whether you apply the mask correctly.

How to apply a pore-cleaning clay mask:

  • Clean your skin of makeup and impurities, and use a mild makeup remover, not soap;
  • Mix the mask according to the instructions on the package;
  • When applying the product, relax your facial skin as much as possible - otherwise the clay will crack and then crumble;
  • You should not keep the clay on your face for more than 15 minutes;
  • The mask is washed off with clean water, but you should not rub the skin.

One of the most popular recipes for cleansing and tightening pores is clay and chamomile infusion. You need to mix two tablespoons of white clay and chamomile infusion until smooth. The mask is kept on the face for the same 15 minutes. You need to repeat the course weekly, 10 masks in total. Then be sure to take a break and the course can be repeated.

There is another version of a clay mask with herbal decoction. Mix white and blue clay in equal parts, dilute to a paste with a herbal decoction of calendula, St. John's wort or nettle. 10-15 minutes of mask on the face once a week will be enough.

Black clay for blackheads: masks at home

Not only black clay fights comedones (that’s what blackheads are called), white and blue clay are also effective. But what is good about black clay is that it not only removes blackheads, but also prevents their further occurrence.

Step by step recipe

  • Take a tablespoon of black clay and fill it with calendula infusion;
  • The result should be a mass similar to thick sour cream;
  • You need to pour the clay with a warm broth, but not hot;
  • Apply the paste on your face, only on problem areas with blackheads.

Wash off the mask with warm water after 12-15 minutes. Clay will cleanse, refresh and nourish the skin.

Features of clay masks

Clay is used very often specifically for facial skin - it helps get rid of acne, spots and marks that they leave, irritation, inflammation and blackheads. But for some reason many avoid recipes with clay, thinking that there will be a lot of fuss with it. This is not true, just prepare for working with this product in advance so that no questions arise during the process of mixing the mask.

How to work with clay

  • The clay is applied evenly to the skin of the face, always avoid the skin around the eyes - it will dry out and wrinkle very quickly if it is also spread.
  • The thicker the layer of clay on problem skin, the better. But, of course, it shouldn’t fall off or fall off either.
  • The mass should not have lumps or lumps, an even consistency - and only then can you apply the mask.
  • On oily skin, the maximum exposure time for the mask is 20 minutes, and on dry skin, you can keep the clay for no more than 5 minutes. For combination and normal skin, the optimal time is 10 minutes.
  • To make it easier to remove clay from your face, moisten it with water. It will become moisturized and can be easily removed with napkins or cotton swabs. There is no need to rub the skin.
  • To prevent your skin from becoming dehydrated after removing the mask, be sure to apply a moisturizer to it.

Remember that clay can dry out the skin, so do not over-expose the mask and do not use it more often than recommended.

Mask made of clay from acne on face (video)

If you don't have clay in your beauty kit, you're seriously missing out. Try pampering yourself with preventative clay masks once a week, and in case of problem skin, feel free to do treatment courses of 10 weekly procedures.

Radiance and freshness to your skin!