Symptoms make you feel very sleepy. What to do if drowsiness develops

Everything floats as if in a fog, the computer monitor, text, walls and colleagues. You are at work, but two forces are fighting - drowsiness and the need to get work done. If you begin to feel sleepy more often at work, there are reasons for this, be it overwork, lack of sleep, stress, or just laziness.

It's time to adopt methods that will allow you to cheer up if you feel drowsy in the middle of the working day.

Massage or workout

If you know how, give yourself a massage of your ears, neck and hands. It also helps to stand up and start stretching - first your back, then your legs and arms. If you are embarrassed by your colleagues, go to the restroom. A five-minute exercise for the eyes can invigorate you; you need to close your eyes and move your eyes counterclockwise and clockwise, then eyes closed"look" up and down. Then close your eyes tighter and open your eyes. After some time, repeat the exercise.

But first of all, take care of your night's sleep. Do everything so that you can sleep comfortably and well - if necessary, buy a new good mattress, pleasant satin bedding, and a comfortable pillow. The better it will be night sleep, the less you will feel sleepy during the day.


Everyone knows the invigorating power of herbs and herbal combinations. You will be invigorated by lemongrass tincture or ginseng tincture. You can ask them at the pharmacy. They are usually not expensive.

Another key moment in the use of tinctures for drowsiness: it is worth understanding that if you have not slept one or two hours from your norm and take a herbal tincture for drowsiness, this is one thing, but if you have not slept for a day, it would be wiser to abstain from energy drinks and tinctures and go to bed.

Essential oils have invigorating properties

Sage has a particularly invigorating effect. In most cases, essential oils are poured into a special lamp and set on fire, and since not all of your colleagues will be happy with the smells, there may be disputes over the advisability of lighting something in the office. It’s better to clarify in advance who will be against odors essential oils in the office. Some oils can be simply applied to the skin, for example on the wrist, and the aroma will be with you for a long time during the day. Another advantage of oils is that they are good antidepressants.

Green tea

Many people recommend drinking green tea when drowsy at work. It is recommended to buy high-quality green tea, find out the nearest store that sells green tea by weight and go choose a type of tea, consultants will help you. Like herbs, tea can affect the body in different ways, so next time you drink green tea, monitor your state of alertness. If you notice an increase in strength, then this method of combating drowsiness is suitable for you. Experts say that the caffeine content in some types of tea is even higher than in coffee. Tinctures can be effectively combined with green tea and get an even more invigorating effect.


During periods when vegetables, fruits and sun become scarce in our lives, take a complex of vitamins. Vitamins work most effectively if you combine them with healthy eating and sports. Even after 15 minutes of exercise (running, strength training or yoga) you will experience vitality in your body. Cheerfulness will remain with you throughout the day and, most likely, will be enough for the next one.

Look for new and enjoyable methods to combat sleepiness. Don't let the environment and stress make you indifferent to the world around you and your health!

It often happens that we feel sleepy at work. It seems like you got enough sleep at night and are busy with interesting things, but still, closer to lunch, you constantly feel sleepy. Why does this happen, and how to avoid falling asleep at work?

There may be several reasons why we feel sleepy during the day, usually after lunch, and specifically in the workplace:

The first reason is that lack of oxygen slows down the functioning of the body. Perhaps the room is simply hot, stuffy and lacks fresh air. As a result, mental and physical activity decreases, and one tends to fall asleep at work. Please note: if you yawn frequently, it means that you really do not have enough oxygen. The solution is to ventilate the room more often, and it is better to open the windows rather than turn on the air conditioner.

Satiety is another one possible reason, along which you are drawn to sleep. If you feel sleepy after eating, this is normal. Not in vain in Spain for afternoon rest there is a siesta, and in Japan there are beds near workplaces.

However brain performance and energy directly depends on what you ate. In order not to lose activity, give preference to protein foods (meat, eggs, cheese, etc.), after such a meal, performance increases by 40%. Carbohydrate foods (cereals and grains, potatoes, flour, etc.) increase performance by only 5–10%. And fatty foods even reduce energy metabolism, which is why after such a meal you feel very sleepy.

The reason why you feel sleepy during the day may be a decrease in atmospheric pressure. This happens when the weather changes and there is a decrease in oxygen in the air. In this case, it is recommended to take tonic drinks made from ginseng, lemongrass, etc. You should also avoid stressful situations and do not physically overwork yourself. And sometimes it’s better to take a day off and rest.

In general, you need to be prepared for changes in the weather, and the best preparation is hardening. You don't have to douse yourself ice water, just make it a habit to take a contrast shower. If you have heart and vascular diseases, it is better to consult your doctor so that hardening does not bring harm instead of benefit.

And finally, the fact that you constantly feel sleepy at work may be due to normal overwork. The means of combating this are the most common: get enough sleep, rest periodically and go to school more often. fresh air.

P.S. Lack of sleep and sleep deprivation increase the risk of making short-sighted and risky decisions. So, if you want to feel cheerful and energetic throughout the day, you must get enough sleep and train yourself get up without an alarm clock. And if you suffers from insomnia, find out how to deal with it in the article - “ How to fall asleep quickly".

Most people, having felt such disturbances, rush to the doctor, psychologist, or pharmacy in order to urgently correct the tone of the body and bring emotional condition back to normal. However, before deciding whether drug intervention is advisable, you should understand the cause of the disorder.

Disruption of natural rhythms

Experts believe that a well-known reason for the decrease in the general tone of the body, in which there is always no strength and one wants to sleep, is a disruption in the natural rhythms of the body, in accordance with which all physical, mental and behavioral changes occur. Rhythm disruptions, as a rule, occur against the background of regular work according to a complex schedule, when night shifts alternate with day ones. Also, such violations are typical for people whose lives are spent constantly traveling and on business trips.

Common cause work disorders natural cycles Apnea, or temporary cessation of breathing during sleep, is also considered. Such forced pauses significantly disrupt the cycle. good sleep, and because of such a disorder, a person does not fully rest, despite the fact that he goes to bed on time and sleeps all night.

CNS disorders

Less common, but quite serious cause increased sleepiness is considered a disturbance in the functioning of the central nervous system. Neurologists call this disorder hypersomnia, or excessive sleepiness. Even though a person sleeps peacefully at night, he has difficulty waking up in the morning, and after some time he wants to sleep again. Another central nervous system disorder called narcolepsy is characterized by the brain's inability to regulate sleep cycles. During the day, the patient experiences unexpected attacks of loss of strength, becomes sleepy, and decreases muscle tone, in rare cases, hallucinations appear. Such disorders require the intervention of a neurologist and drug treatment of the disorder.

Physiological consequence of the load on analyzers

In some cases, the central nervous system, acting for the benefit of the body, forcibly initiates inhibition processes. This happens during certain overloads of the body. First of all, a person becomes sleepy after a long continuous load on the visual analyzers. This happens when working with a computer for a long time, watching TV and other continuous loads. To protect the organs of vision and brain, forced inhibition of activity is activated, which leads to a slower reaction. No less often, the brain turns on protection during auditory overload: strong noise in the office, at work. In these cases, a person may repeatedly fall into short-term drowsiness and apathy during the day, which is considered a natural reaction healthy body to overload the analyzers.

Drowsiness after eating

Sometimes sudden drowsiness catches a person immediately after a hearty lunch. At the same time, before lunch his activity did not cause concern, the man demonstrated good spirits and body, but after a hearty lunch in the middle of the day he suddenly really wanted to sleep. The reasons for this condition lie in the active energy costs required by the body to digest food. Many organs and their systems are simultaneously involved in the process of processing and assimilation of nutrients, which causes a kind of energy hunger against the background of food satiety. In addition, the brain itself, at the moment of overeating, turns off the signaling system aimed at producing special substances. In turn, they prevent a person from falling asleep when he is hungry and will stimulate his activity, directing him to search for food. In a well-fed person, these processes are temporarily inactive, which explains why you want to sleep in the middle of the working day.

Reaction to stressful stimuli

Experts also believe that the cause of sudden drowsiness is the body’s reaction to stress factors. A modern person experiences stress repeatedly throughout the day: in a crowded subway, minibus, queue at a clinic and supermarket, at work and in the office. These factors, accumulating, threaten to cross the threshold of stress resistance, and the person himself is already threatened by a state of strong nervous breakdown. The body’s natural reaction to emotional overload will be to slow down mental processes, which experts believe defensive reaction brain and psyche. This explains why you want to sleep at work or at college, but at home on a day off such symptoms are not observed.

Waiting for a miracle...

Doctors identify pregnancy as a common cause of constant drowsiness in women, especially in the first trimester. In some cases, the periods of night sleep lengthen, the woman begins to sleep not 7-8 hours, but 10-12, and only then feels rested. But more often it happens that during the day they appear several times. characteristic symptoms: you want to sleep, there is a feeling of physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion, attacks of dizziness and apathy. This condition occurs against the backdrop of a stormy hormonal changes an organism that requires a break to restore energy balance. After noticing similar symptoms in their patients, gynecologists usually prescribe a course of vitamins to support the body.

Physical illnesses

At the time of illness with infectious or viral infections The body’s immune system suffers, and its maximum activation is required to fight infection. If during an illness against a background of elevated temperature you always want to sleep, this is normal symptom, considered a response and help of the body in the fight against viruses. A recovering person may also notice increased sleepiness and loss of energy. This condition accompanies the recovery period, since during sleep the need for energy expenditure is significantly reduced. During sleep, the body of a recovering person directs all its forces to recovery. immune system, normalization of blood picture characteristics, including hemoglobin. It is anemia in Lately becomes a frequent answer to the question of why you want to sleep during the day.

Drowsiness due to intoxication

Sometimes a person does not even realize that his state of pathological drowsiness is directly related to his own bad habits. Spicy and chronic poisoning the body cause severe and prolonged drowsiness not only at night, but also during the day. Few people think about the fact that alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, and toxic substances. The most common household poison alcohol is considered, so many may feel drowsy even after drinking a couple of bottles of beer.

Nicotine, in turn, is an equally common cause of sudden fatigue and the answer to the question of why you want to sleep. Smoking causes vasospasm, which worsens blood supply and slows down the flow of oxygen to the brain. That's why about a third smoking people suffer from chronic sleepiness syndrome.

As a consequence of diseases of the internal organs...

Sometimes increased fatigue and tiredness are a direct consequence of the emerging pathology internal organs. First of all, this concerns diseases of cardio-vascular system, in which the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Diagnostics will also help you understand why you want to sleep at the most inopportune times. renal pathologies. The latter cause a retention of nitrogen salts in the blood, which disrupts the normal functioning of the sleep-wake phase. Liver diseases also have a similar effect on the body, and such pathologies tend to develop into coma, since a high content of toxic substances accumulates in the blood. Untimely and uncontrolled drowsiness can also cause internal bleeding, cancerous tumors, mental disorders. Timely diagnosis of the body’s condition and correct diagnosis will help the doctor determine what to do. If you want to sleep at an unusual time of day and this condition occurs more and more often, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Consequence of endocrine disorders

Endocrinologists, for their part, warn that often the cause of severe drowsiness and decreased emotionality is precisely hormonal disorders or pathologies at work endocrine glands. For example, a pathology such as a drop in activity level thyroid gland, causes strong and constant fatigue, apathy and drowsiness due to severe brain starvation. Adrenal insufficiency also leads to hormonal imbalance, so it may also be the answer to the question of why you want to sleep during the day. This symptom is also one of the signs of a terrible endocrine disorder entitled diabetes. Thus, people experiencing constant pathological sleepiness should be seriously concerned about such a disorder and promptly seek medical help.

Trivial lack of sleep?

The fact that a person cannot live without sleep is an axiom known since ancient times. Doctors regularly draw the attention of the population to the fact that it is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, so as not to want to sleep at the most inopportune time. If a person regularly deprives himself of a full night's rest, then during the day the brain will voluntarily turn off for a few seconds in order to make up for the lack of night sleep. Before you start looking for the cause of pathological drowsiness in physical pathologies and diseases, it is necessary to analyze the organization of the regimen and optimize it if necessary.

Head and brain injuries

A less common cause of abnormal loss of consciousness is considered to be head or brain injuries: concussions, open and closed head injuries and hemorrhages. Sudden and unexpected drowsiness against the background of a severe head injury should be the reason for immediately going to the hospital for help. Such a symptom is considered quite serious against the background of injury, and only a doctor can decide what to do. If you want to sleep after strong blow head, then most likely this is due to a disorder of consciousness, and this is already serious reason for concern, signaling serious violations and threatening no less serious consequences. This condition suggests that without qualified medical care no longer possible.

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Why do you feel sleepy during the day?

Why can it make you very sleepy during the day? It's simply impossible. At night I slept 7 hours.



from banal lack of sleep to sexual insufficiency.

Nutrition also plays a role. a lot of carbohydrates makes you sleepy. a few carbohydrates with a predominance: protein, fats - you will be at a neutral level.


Why have I been wanting to sleep all the time lately? I feel sleepy all the time, like I’m not pregnant!


Man - you are the World, you are Eternity.

Laziness, fatigue, irritability, aggression, depression, lack of energy, good nutrition. The body is acidified and polluted. Metabolism is disrupted.

Disease is the result of dysfunction of the body as a whole. And disturbances in the body occur from poisoning of the body with toxins coming from outside and from the waste products of microorganisms.

There is an energy product - microhydrin-antioxidant, it has no analogues in the world, silicon, will add energy, protect the body, 100% natural product.

Restore acid-base balance The mineral additive to Alka Main water will help the body, eat 100% fully natural food which gives energy.


Vitamins are missing

Personal Account Removed

if you go to a fortune teller or some other non-traditional types healers, that’s even good!


Probably the weather is cloudy and there is a lack of vitamin FF :)

Personal Account Removed

I have the same situation. They said either vitamin deficiency, low blood pressure, or sleep disturbances.


Personal Account Removed

In spring there is always a shortage of vitamins! So eat more vegetables, fruits and drink juice, preferably freshly squeezed!

it’s the same and even the vitamins don’t help much, but I still advise you to drink them and walk a lot

Tatyana Konogorova

Most likely vitamin deficiency or chronic fatigue.

It's time for you to go on vacation!! To a warm country where the sun shines. Constantly cloudy days and general fatigue after winter are all the reasons.


It also makes me sleepy all the time. You're not getting enough sleep either! or you're just very tired and nervous

Why do I always feel sleepy during the day, how do I deal with it (I sleep at night)


Mansur Garalev

This is normal. You just need to lie down and sleep for an hour if it’s a day off. And good for health. During work it is more difficult. Only strong, tasty tea will help here.

Eduard Evdokimov

They don’t fight it, they use it!

Elena Vidyakina

You probably have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You need to strengthen your immune system and drink vitamins with microelements.

Natalia Vodnikova

Possible vegetative-vascular dystonia or low blood pressure. Chronic fatigue can also be caused by the presence of a virus in the body, which I don’t remember what it’s called. In general, it is better to consult a doctor, he will determine for you exactly.

. Nice Lady.

I had this too, vitamins, especially with iron!:))))))))))))))))) And like a cucumber.)))))))))))))) Neither one eye:))))))))))))))) Sober as glass:))))))))))))

Why does it make you sleepy in the heat?



People are exhausted in the heat, weakened, and so they want to sleep.

Alexandra Alexandrova

Pavel Polyakov

Reaction to discomfort.

Alien from planet Kepler-22b

On the contrary, in such heat you don’t even want to sleep, maybe your head is hot?


Because when it’s hot, the body becomes exhausted.


And I won’t be able to sleep at night in the heat. but during the day the truth makes you drowsy.

Nadezda *


It's like the blood is thickening, life processes slow down... a state similar to suspended animation... It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fall asleep... So, there’s only one tossing around.



Green tea helps in the heat, but you shouldn’t drink mineral water, especially cold water, it goes into the stomach, the stomach signals to the brain that it’s cold!! ! the blood vessels narrow, it gets even worse, and the seagulls are just right

Why does eating meat make me sleepy?


Er Iluvatar

There are really two reasons:

1) As already said, the body expends energy on digesting meat, meat foods (proteins).

2) Any meat in split form contains amino acids (glycine, alanine, valine, etc.). Amino acids have a calming and analgesic effect. Almost everyone knows these calming pills like glycine. This is another reason why you want to sleep after eating meat.

Try making a strong meat broth from lamb or beef or pork. This will be a solution of amino acids in boiling water. After a good broth, I also feel sleepy.

Official|Armen Ayrapetyan

Eat less, just meat fatty product, and there may also be health problems, check your liver, stomach

Larisa Bystrova

It’s just that the body spends enormous resources on digesting and assimilating meat food.


my stomach needs a rest, otherwise it’s overtired :)


This is fine! Archimedes' principle applies: "after a good meal you should sleep."

White Mouse

If for hemoglobin, then you should not only want to sleep about meat. When it's low it always makes you feel weak and sleepy

Adelaide Vyazemskaya

Eat the meat with mushrooms and the devil with a shovel will run after you all night)))

Why do we feel sleepy during the day?

The human brain, unlike the TV or computer, cannot be turned off so that it can rest properly. That is why our body is designed in such a way that the brain fully rests only during sleep.

But to be completely precise, during sleep the brain does not rest, but begins to work in a completely different way.

When we sleep, the blood flow passing through the vessels of our brain is reduced by almost half, which results in a simplified functioning of the brain, which tries to fall asleep as quickly as possible in order to restore physical strength body. It often happens that a person suffers from drowsiness even in daytime days.

Constant sleepiness

The causes of drowsiness can be very diverse, but despite this, the desire to sleep is an absolutely natural desire, in which there is nothing wrong, because in this way our body independently fights various diseases without any intervention.

Many have probably heard that during sleep, all vital processes in our body slow down, which allows our brain to devote all its strength to restoring the body and achieving harmony. All forms of physical fatigue send special signals to the brain, which it perceives as a need to restore strength. In particular, drowsiness takes over our body in the following cases:

Immediately after eating or during rain

When a person has a hearty lunch, literally after five to ten minutes he begins to feel sleepy. The thing is that after eating most of blood flows to the intestines and stomach, but on the contrary it flows away from the brain.

As a result, human brain cells, due to the lack of the required amount of blood, begin to work not at full capacity. This is why a person begins to feel sleepy. The opposite phenomenon is considered to be overexcitation, after which the blood in a huge number rushes into the brain, which naturally interferes with normal sleep.

This can happen due to an upcoming event or a nervous breakdown. In this case, our brain cells work more than intensely and do not allow us to fall asleep normally.

When it rains, atmospheric pressure drops, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air. As a result, the brain cannot receive the required amount of energy and the person is drawn to sleep.

In winter time

At this time of year, the air is very thin, and the oxygen content in it decreases significantly. Thus, in winter a person receives less oxygen than is required for active image life.

Among other things, in winter people cannot eat enough vegetables and fruits, which in turn leads to vitamin deficiency. Taken together, the lack of vitamins and oxygen greatly affects the body’s performance. As a result, brain activity decreases and the person becomes sleepy.

Often, a constant desire to sleep occurs in those people who spend a long time in an unventilated room. In winter, this problem is more than relevant, since people very rarely ventilate their apartments in order to save money. In addition, heating means greatly dry out the air, which ultimately leads to a significant oxygen deficiency. Thus, we can conclude that for normal life activities the room must be constantly ventilated.

Chronic lack of sleep

Many people, without noticing it, constantly lack sleep, leaving too little time for sleep. In such cases, being surprised by severe sleepiness during the daytime is, to say the least, stupid.

Probably everyone knows that our brain includes special “ The biological clock”, which count the daily cycles. After fifteen to sixteen hours of wakefulness, a person begins to feel sleepy, which is completely natural, since the brain switches to recuperation mode.

If a person violates his sleep pattern, then he naturally begins to experience drowsiness during the daytime. To combat drowsiness, first of all, of course, you need to establish a sleep schedule. You need to wake up and fall asleep at a certain time. In this case, brain function will improve, health will increase, and drowsiness will disappear.

Motion sickness

Any parent tries to rock their child to sleep so that he falls asleep as quickly as possible. But according to psychologists, there is absolutely no need to rock children to sleep, because they already fall asleep perfectly, and this bad habit, instilled by their parents, remains with them for the rest of their lives.

It is for this reason that we tend to fall asleep on buses, trains and other means of transportation. The program that the child acquired as a child in this case works flawlessly.

In this case, it is almost impossible to get rid of drowsiness, especially if you have a long trip ahead. You can try to stock up energy drinks or put some strong coffee in a thermos, but this is not a panacea for drowsiness.

Taking various medications

Frequent cravings for sleep are often associated with taking medications, and in particular with sedatives. Also, causes of increased sleepiness include abuse alcoholic drinks and cigarettes, influence household chemicals, consumption of preservatives and chemicals in food.

All modern medications have side effects, but the most common one is drowsiness. If this drug is taken regularly, constant drowsiness may develop, which can be relieved by stopping the medication.


This is enough dangerous disease, manifested through a short-term nocturnal cessation of breathing. In this case, the patient’s sleep is always accompanied by severe snoring. The snoring, which subsides for a few seconds, is replaced by a cessation of breathing.

Such sleep is not complete and does not restore strength, so the brain tries to compensate for lack of sleep during the daytime. Long course The disease leads to the fact that a person develops constant drowsiness, which can only be overcome by curing the disease that provokes it.

It is impossible to identify such a disease on your own; a relative, spouse or partner can help with this. You can also consult a doctor if you suspect you have a similar illness; the doctor, based on the results of tests and examinations, will be able to say for sure whether the disease exists or not.


If your craving for sleep is not due to any of the above reasons, then it is best to visit a highly qualified doctor for consultation. Often, constant drowsiness is a symptom of a more serious illness such as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, anemia, depression and other things.

You should not turn a blind eye to constant drowsiness, because this is a kind of signal (symptom) of the body about chronic fatigue. Be sure to put your life in order, start with sleep and nutrition, rest and following the rules healthy image life. Never abuse pills, drugs or alcohol. If possible, drink only purified water.

Try to eat only organic foods free of preservatives and chemicals. Perform periodically physical exercise. Don't take away your sleep time to work or exercise. If constant drowsiness is allowed to occur, it can subsequently result in health problems, deterioration of attention and memory, poor perception of life and depression.

Don’t try to sleep on your day off, it’s unrealistic. Avoid tea, coffee and other tonics that interfere with normal sleep.

Thank you for the article. I have constant drowsiness and fatigue, I rummaged through the internet and realized that I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I also have a headache and spots in my eyes, they write that taking the vase helps, I tried it, and it really did make me feel better. It’s still good that there are people who leave reviews on the Internet

How did you receive it? Otherwise I have the same problems as you ((((

I start to feel good myself when I follow the regime. You need to fall asleep before midnight, then the quality of your sleep improves and you get better sleep. And having tried to give up tea and coffee, I noticed obvious improvements in my well-being. Energy appeared nervous condition stable, generally complete peace :)))))

I am constantly sleepy during the day, even though I get enough sleep at night. I go to bed no later than 24:00 and get up at 7:00. I noticed that if I drink tea with lemon balm at night, I sleep much more soundly and don’t walk around like a zombie the next day.

If you constantly feel sleepy, here's what you can do

Lack of energy, heavy eyelids closing, the desire to sleep for a couple of minutes in the middle of the working day, everyone experiences it from time to time. Even drinking coffee doesn’t help – it makes you uncontrollably sleepy. A good rest at night ensures productive work during the day. With a constant desire to sleep, the quality of life is disrupted, the level of stress increases, and neuroses may develop. Drowsiness is dangerous condition, signaling brain hypoxia and insufficient oxygen supply. You can cope with functional failures on your own by restoring your energy potential.

Causes of drowsiness

Disturbance of night rest is one of the main factors in the occurrence of drowsiness. Unstable breathing during dreams, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine system lead to decreased sleep quality. When body temperature drops to critical levels, the use of certain drugs is also observed similar condition. A common cause of increased sleepiness is the lack of a daily routine. With regular daytime siestas, insomnia is observed at night, physiological rhythms and dream phases are disrupted.

Reasons why you constantly want to sleep:

  • When staying in one position for a long time, blood circulation is impaired, working in a static position requires large energy resources, fatigue sets in faster than during activities related to light physical activity;
  • apnea – pauses in breathing occur during sleep, lasting from a couple of seconds to several minutes, oxygen starvation also accompanied by headaches, a chronic feeling of fatigue;
  • overwork, stress - the modern rhythm of life requires lightning-fast decisions, it starts to make you sleepy, if the body needs a reboot, they turn on defense mechanisms immunity, to prevent the development of pathologies of the nervous system;
  • drowsiness is also observed with depression, a lack of neurotransmitter hormones leads to an apathetic state, drug treatment is required;
  • taking medications to normalize blood pressure may cause side effects, the desire to sleep also occurs during the treatment of allergies, mental and neurological disorders;
  • hidden inflammatory process in addition to drowsiness, it is accompanied by frequent mood swings, pressure surges, headaches, and digestive disorders;
  • vitamin deficiency, anemia lead to circulatory disorders, weakness, irritability, pallor are observed skin, the condition of hair and nails worsens;
  • addictions - drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking, illegal drugs often have sedative properties;
  • diseases of the internal organs cause daytime sleepiness, these include ischemia, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia.

The reason may be not only the disease, but also simple stress.

Drowsiness after eating

After eating, relaxation sets in, and a natural desire to sleep arises. The body's forces are aimed at digesting food, the heartbeat slows down, and the brain gives a feeling of peace.

Why you may feel drowsy after eating:

  • use simple carbohydrates leads to sharp jumps sugar, energy is enough only for half an hour, after which apathy sets in, a loss of strength is observed, the introduction of complex carbohydrates into the diet ensures the maintenance normal condition for 3-4 hours;
  • large portions and irregular meals lead to overeating, there is a desire to lie down and sleep until the entire volume is digested, the optimal frequency is considered to be after 2-3 hours;
  • the lack of vegetables and fruits causes not only vitamin deficiency, but also problems with the absorption of nutrients, there is a deficiency important elements, which reduces energy potential, to restore which you want to lie down;
  • disturbances in water balance lead to disruptions in metabolic processes; when dehydrated, blood pressure decreases, the pulse becomes weak, and dizziness is possible; if you feel sleepy, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters daily clean water to maintain energy throughout the day.

What to do

Decrease in mental and physical activity occurs when there is insufficient or ineffective rest. If you constantly feel sleepy, it means that your body needs a full vacation. You should review your daily routine, nutrition, habits, and working conditions. But first of all, it is better to get enough sleep and only then begin your usual duties with renewed vigor.

How to deal with sleepiness:

  1. It is important to establish a routine, get up and go to bed at approximately the same time. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. An evening walk down the street helps restore a full night's sleep.
  2. Worth giving up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol cause oxygen deficiency, the body works under stress and needs additional rest.
  3. It is necessary to reconsider your diet, be sure to introduce fruits and vegetables as the main sources of vitamins. They increase energy potential and increase working capacity. To feel energetic, your diet must contain easily digestible proteins. Lean meats (turkey, rabbit, chicken), fish, seafood.

Watch your diet and water balance in your body.

4. You should limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates - sweets, bakery products, sweet carbonated drinks, snacks.

5. Increase the amount of time spent outdoors. Walking on sunny days is especially useful. Vitamin D is synthesized, which is necessary for feeling cheerful.

6. Sports activities activate the brain, speed up blood circulation, and provide a sufficient amount of oxygen. 15 minutes of physical activity daily is enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Rational nutrition plays a decisive role in the formation of immunity, resistance to stress, and also affects mood. Physical and psychological condition must be maintained by taking vitamins. It is important to know which elements will help restore energy potential and relieve drowsiness.

  • vitamin A – provides protection against viruses and bacteria that can cause loss of strength and weakness, maintains hemoglobin levels, preventing the development of anemia;
  • B vitamins – affect resistance to stress, are responsible for the balance of tension and relaxation processes in the nervous system, normalize the psychological state, eliminate the feeling of fatigue and depression;
  • vitamin D – deficiency weakens protective properties body, increases susceptibility to the influence of infections, viruses, allergens; in case of deficiency, sharp changes mood, frequent respiratory diseases.

Medicines are prescribed after consulting a doctor; you may need to undergo additional tests to select the optimal complex.

Essential oils

The world of aromas can soothe, immersing you in deep dream, or fill with vital energy, activating the body's resources. You can use ethers different ways. Add to a spray bottle and spray in the room, lighting the aroma lamp. Also, to quickly cheer up, you can add 1-2 drops of oil to 5 grams. cream for hands, face, for men - aftershave lotion. In case of severe drowsiness, it is recommended to open the bottle and inhale the aroma.

You can buy oils in pharmacies or specialized stores.

  • herbal – rosemary, thyme, mint;
  • citrus fruits – grapefruit, orange oil;
  • spicy - cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon.

Massage or workout

If in the midst of a working day it is impossible to concentrate due to the desire to sleep, you should use the secrets of acupuncture. By activating special points, it is easy to replenish energy potential, improving brain activity.

  1. Press the point above the upper lip, repeat once.
  2. Gently knead your earlobes with your thumb and index finger.
  3. The middle finger is at the inner corner of the eye, the index finger is at the outer corner. Apply light pressure for 3-5 seconds.

It is useful to massage the head, neck, and shoulder area. Massage the skin of the hair area intensively, slightly pulling the roots towards you. Good result Gives kneading to the back of the head and ears. If you are in a static position throughout the working day, you should not give up physical activity. Every half hour it is recommended to change your position, rotate your head, arms, and squats.

If it is not possible to do light exercises, finger exercises will help get rid of drowsiness. You need to bend all 10 fingers one by one, then straighten them. It is useful to massage the nail plates and phalanges. You can easily feel a surge of strength by intensively rubbing your palms, feeling the characteristic warmth, and you can begin your work duties.


Traditional green tea is no less effective against drowsiness than strong coffee. You can also use the gifts of nature to cope with fatigue and restore the body’s protective properties. Medicinal plants rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, allowing you to restore strength.

  • Baikal skullcap – relieves stress and tension, effective remedy against loss of strength, brewed and taken with honey;
  • valerian tincture is taken in the morning and evening, no more than 40 drops, the intake allows you to normalize night sleep, restore the functioning of the nervous system;
  • borage infusion increases energy potential, increases performance, 3 tbsp. spoons of dry herb pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, take between meals;
  • tincture of ginseng with honey is a natural energy drink, take a teaspoon an hour after meals;
  • Linden tea helps boost immunity and improves brain activity.

Do not ignore the desire to sleep; this may be a sign of a serious illness. If this is the result of poor nutrition or lack of physical activity, it is necessary to adjust the daily routine. For quick recovery express methods are also used in the form of aromatherapy, massages, and medicinal herbs.

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If you are constantly weak and want to sleep, this is not a whim or laziness. Perhaps this is a sign of not the simplest disease. But most often he is guilty of this wrong mode and inability to plan your own time.


Why you always want to sleep, your body can answer. Let's consider only the supposed reasons. First of all, these are diseases and pathological conditions.


If the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells has dropped, the transport of oxygen to the brain will slow down. Here we observe such a phenomenon as hemic hypoxia of the brain, that is, decreased ability to work, craving for sleep, bad memory, fainting.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

This is another answer to the question of why you always want to sleep. At large quantities plaques in the cerebral vessels, oxygen starvation in the cerebral cortex is possible. And this headache, tinnitus, memory and hearing impairment, unsteady gait. Sometimes it can provoke a stroke.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy

Two similar illnesses in which the sequence of sleep phases is disrupted. The reasons are unknown.

Endocrine system diseases

They may also be to blame for the fact that you are always drawn to sleep. One common cause is hypothyroidism. With this thyroid disease, the level of all hormones drops, and this also provokes brain starvation. Also, with hypothyroidism, fluid accumulates in the brain tissue, and this can also cause drowsiness.

Hypocorticism. Adrenal insufficiency is one of the causes of general lethargy and weakness.


It also affects the blood vessels of the brain. The cerebral cortex can also be damaged by insulin and sugar fluctuations.


If you constantly want to sleep, you may have poisoning. The cortex and subcortex are very sensitive to them. Both nicotine, alcohol, and psychotropic substances impair the supply of oxygen to the brain and cause vascular spasms.

And these are not only brain tumors, but also any others: exhaustion from cancer and infection with its decay products do not make you more energetic.

Mental and nervous system disorders

Neurological diseases, as well as depression and cyclotomy will not give us vigor.

Severe blood loss, dehydration, shock and intestinal obstruction. All this disrupts the movement of blood to the brain.

What are we to blame for?

We ourselves can disrupt the functioning of our internal clock and our biorhythms. For example, if your work involves constant changes in daily routine, time zones and climatic conditions: when you yourself don’t know when it will be night and when it will be day, the brain even gets lost and tired. This can happen to those who alternate day shifts with night shifts, as well as those who constantly travel or go on business trips.

The culprit may also be stopping breathing during sleep, that is, apnea. They disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting a full night's sleep. Stress is also implicated in sleepiness. By the way, strict diets, hunger strikes can also make you sleepy. And no one but yourself is to blame for the fact that you are tired, overworked, and instead of sleeping normally, you watch TV shows or mindlessly surf the Internet when you need to have your tenth dream.

What to do?

  • It’s trite, but to find out the causes of unbearable drowsiness, you first need to go to a therapist and examine the body: thyroid disease or intestinal obstruction is a serious threat to health, quality of life and life in general.
  • Secondly, as far as possible, you need to improve your daily routine and sleep patterns. Try, for example, to find the number of hours of sleep you need. Not everyone can live like Alexander the Great, that is, sleep 4 hours. If you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep, then don't be shy about it: it's better to sleep at night than to be unproductive during the day.
  • Also try to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time and avoid eating too heavy meals in the afternoon.
  • If something needs to be done right now, it definitely shouldn't be coffee.
  • To get rid of drowsiness, you can, for example, move: do simple exercises or take a walk, if possible. The release of endorphins will allow you to remain productive in the near future and not fall asleep.
  • Take breaks every half hour. You can clean up or visit colleagues at this time, the main thing is to change your type of activity: boredom can also cause drowsiness.
  • If you are still at home (or working from home), run into a cold shower. At least spray your feet, face and hands. If you master the contrast, then well done too. You will come to life immediately! You also need water inside: drink plenty of it so that dehydration does not ruin your plans.

And finally, try the so-called “Stirlitz dream”, that is, a short rest among all the bustle of the world. If you unbearably want to sleep, then do not deny yourself: find a quarter of an hour and fall asleep.

Why do you always want to sleep - physiological and pathological reasons, what to do - here is our program for today for conversation on the website.

Dream- as a physiological state of rest and rest, in which consciousness is partially (half-asleep) or completely (deep sleep) switched off, is considered a completely natural and necessary process.

This phenomenon suggests that the body is able to take care of itself: during sleep, its vital activity slows down, and the released energy goes towards its restoration.

But sometimes there are people who suffer from increased sleepiness. Drowsiness, medical term - doubtfulness, indicates a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, a state of “falling asleep on the go” or, in extreme cases, a desire to do nothing or even the inability to do anything.

Why do you always want to sleep?

Usually, drowsiness is explained simply: and overwork. True, sometimes, but very rarely, boredom and the monotony of passing days can make a person fall asleep.

Medicine divides this condition into two types:
1) physiological;
2) pathological.

The first type of drowsiness most often occurs due to a completely banal, but understandable lack of sleep (getting carried away by watching a late-night movie show), which in a way signals to our brain that it needs a break.

At this time, the body's inhibitory systems seem to turn on protective regime, in which not only the speed of a person’s reactions decreases, but also their perception of external stimuli is dulled.

There is a kind of blocking of both all sense organs and the cerebral cortex, which, in turn, falls into a state of drowsiness or drowsiness.

But there are situations when the constant desire to sleep turns into a pathology and a problem. It will most likely indicate anemia, kidney disease, as well as different ways intoxication of the human body.

So why do you have to fight sleep, why do you always want to “take a nap” somewhere? We will try to find answers to these and other questions.

But first, let's look at the main causes of drowsiness.

Physiological reasons - why you constantly want to sleep

The human body is designed in such a way that it can only rest during sleep. Or rather, he is able to restore lost strength only at this time. Therefore, fatigue (both physical and emotional) signals to the brain: “It’s time to sleep.” This often happens in the cases presented below.

  • Firstly, after a hearty lunch a person is definitely drawn to sleep. And this happens regardless of his desires. It’s just that after eating, blood flows more intensely to the stomach and intestines. Accordingly, blood drains from the brain.

The brain and its cells, having received unwanted, or rather, incorrect information, begin to produce energy at half strength, and the person practically falls asleep. To prevent this, it is enough to follow the simplest rules:
1) do not overeat;
2) eat only light food.

At the same time, excessive overstimulation of the nervous system should not be allowed. This leads to more intense blood flow into the brain, increasing its performance. Because of this, a person cannot fall asleep on time. He simply cannot do this. The person begins to get nervous and freak out.

Having fallen asleep in the morning for only a few moments, he wakes up depressed and irritated, experiencing during the day a state of “overwhelm” and a desire to fall asleep, such that he would at least stick matches in his eyes so that they would not close spontaneously.

Secondly, in winter. It is in winter, when the air contains less oxygen and the activity of the vital energy of the human body drops noticeably, the person begins to experience drowsiness.

  • In addition, winter, when less fresh food is consumed, may well cause increased sleepiness.

By the way, residents of the northern regions of Russia suffer from vitamin deficiency most severely from March to early June. Thus, a lack of both oxygen and vitamins leads to a decrease in brain activity, which leads to the described condition.

  • The reason may also be absence sufficient quantity air in work rooms: the brain does not receive the energy it needs, and a person has a desire to sleep.

One piece of advice: ventilate office premises more often.

  • In the rain, when atmospheric pressure decreases and the air becomes rarefied, our brain also does not receive additional energy. And this also affects the human body: drowsiness occurs.
  • One of the most dangerous reasons increased sleepiness may become .

This is how it is. Our brain stores what is called a clock that measures life cycles. They are called biological.

According to the schedule they set, after being awake for 16 hours, the human body needs to go to sleep. If this does not happen, a period of sleep begins.

There is only one piece of advice here: train yourself to go to bed and get up at a strictly defined time.

  • Drowsiness can also be caused by ordinary travel by transport.

The fact is that many parents, wanting their child to fall asleep faster, begin to rock him to sleep. But the child does not need motion sickness. And yet the habit of falling asleep “to the sound of wheels” is developed. For many it remains forever.

  • Taking medications, and the disease itself, can also cause drowsiness. They especially suffer from this antihistamines, tranquilizers, drugs used for mental disorders.
  • Psychostimulants (energy drinks, coffee, tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus) often and in large quantities can subsequently, when the nervous system is exhausted, which cannot be endlessly stimulated and not allowed to rest, lead the body to a constant desire to sleep during the day, even after coffee or strong tea.
  • After a serious emotional tension, stress, when the body moves away from the increased level of readiness for troubles, it relaxes.
  • Sleep disturbance, night work, frequent changes in time zones due to business trips.

Having considered the main physiological problems daytime fatigue of a person, we have to admit that the constantly arising desire to sleep can also be caused by various pathological problems.

Pathological causes of drowsiness

  • First of all, we are talking about a syndrome, the term of which is almost never used by doctors, but it exists.

Main symptoms: powerlessness, apathy, indifference to what is happening around, causeless lethargy, weakness.

  • The feeling that you want to sleep all the time, you feel lethargic, tired, and weak can also indicate asthenic syndrome.
  • To one of the most severe forms sleep disorders include narcolepsy, a disease that is practically untreatable.

During the day, it causes an irresistible desire to fall asleep on the spot, but at night it creates obstacles to proper rest: when falling asleep, a person begins to suffer from hallucinations. Both auditory and visual.

  • Pathology also includes starvation, called oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

It is caused by a common lack of iron; this condition manifests itself in the blood.

  • Both human diseases and...

This causes a narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.

  • There is no need to talk about the danger of the head vessels, the consequences of skull injuries, tumors, the development of severe neurological and mental pathologies and the corresponding symptom of excessive daytime sleepiness.

Why do pregnant women constantly want to sleep?

Separately, I would like to say about a woman’s constant desire to sleep during pregnancy, especially during pregnancy. early stages, it is caused by a hormonal shift due to her condition.

If the desire to sleep constantly persists even after the 3rd month, this may indicate developing anemia, and after the 5th month - a complication of pregnancy - eclampsia (severe degree of late toxicosis).

What to do if you want to sleep all the time

Considering that there are many causes of increased drowsiness, it is simply impossible to give a single recipe. But with some advice from both doctors and supporters traditional medicine It's worth using.

For example, a person knows for sure that he is falling asleep endlessly due to his illness, for example, drowsiness is caused (hypotension). In this case, a cup of strong coffee will not hurt him. However, excessive doses in the evening can have the opposite effect.

However, the most in an effective way getting rid of the physiological causes of drowsiness, loss of strength, nervousness, are vegetables and fruits, preferably collected from your own garden or garden and restoring sleep and rest patterns.

And also do not forget about the rules of proper moderate nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and the benefits of physical education.

I will also inform you that get enough sleep on the weekend- waste of time. It’s simply impossible to do this; it’s impossible to sleep or eat for future use. Only timely good rest able to overcome the underlying causes constant desire sleep.