Is hookah harmful or not? Pros and cons of hookah smoking. Why do people smoke hookah and is it dangerous for health

Hookah smoking came to us from the East - it is an exotic, beautiful and mysterious ritual. Many coffee houses, bars, nightclubs and restaurants offer visitors this type of smoking, many people have a hookah at home. It is smoked during relaxation and to relieve stress. Consider whether this fashionable hobby is so harmless, as its supporters claim.

hookah addiction

What is addiction: This concept of 50:50 consists of physiological and psychological indicators. Smokers develop a physiological dependence on nicotine over time. Nicotine is an ingredient in tobacco and is a powerful neurostimulant. The body very quickly gets used to its presence, and it is very difficult for smokers to do without the next dose of nicotine.

Did you know? In the XVII century, the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was under fear death penalty Smoking is prohibited for subjects of tobacco. People who were caught smoking a hookah were threatened with torture on the rack when they asked for information about the seller of this smoking device.

A hookah is a device with which tobacco is also smoked. The only difference between such smoking and cigarettes is that in the process the smoke is purified in a water filter. Manufacturers of hookah tobacco and just adherents claim that such smoking is harmless, non-addictive and does not harmful effects on human health. Regarding the emergence of a bad habit, they may be partially right. Some sociological research, as a result of which it turned out that 90% of hookah smokers (smokers once every two days) and 60% of smokers (smokers once a day) have no addiction. Dependence is quickly developed in people who smoke hookah up to four times a day.
Fans cite this fact as an argument that this type of smoking is safe. However, smoking ordinary cigarettes in the amount of one piece a day is also not an addiction to nicotine - it is more like following fashion or imitating friends. It all comes down to how often and how much you use. The desire to smoke a hookah is not physiological need but rather psychological. This is a beautiful and unhurried ritual. In the same way, he takes up an ordinary cigarette in order to think slowly, a person who does not have nicotine addiction. It's just a way to relax. The situation worsens when hookah is combined with alcohol, or even worse, tobacco is replaced by drugs (marijuana, hashish). Some "aesthetics" fill the water filter with wine or vodka. According to connoisseurs, wine only improves the taste of the hookah, but alcohol vapors are added to the outgoing vapors. When a person simply drinks alcohol, the alcohol, entering the body, is partially filtered by the liver, and in the case of a symbiosis of alcohol and hookah, alcohol vapor immediately penetrates into the lungs, through them into the blood and into the brain. Thus it is very easy to acquire a strong alcohol addiction. Such a situation is quite common - a person who smokes a hookah every day is no longer satisfied with the fruity aromas of tobacco, and the idea arises to try not so harmless mixtures. After all, in the East this device is intended for smoking hashish, not tobacco ... So maybe try? This is how addiction is acquired not only from a hookah, but also a drug one.

Did you know? With the onset of emancipation (in late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century), among the ladies of high society, the hookah was extremely popular. His smoking was a fashionable and exotic hobby. At that time, it was customary for fashionable ladies to be photographed in oriental clothes, languidly stretched out on an ottoman, holding a mouthpiece from a nearby hookah.

Harmful properties

It is undeniable that this type of smoking also takes a toll on human health.
Changes in physical condition smokers:

  • heartbeat quickens;
  • malfunctions occur cordially- vascular system;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • a person suffocates after running or intense physical exertion;
  • fainting spells are quite likely.
Smoking hookah kills your lungs and harms your entire body. In this, its effect on the body is similar to the effect of smoking regular cigarettes. Every type of smoking has tobacco. And tobacco contains nicotine and harmful resins that lead to oncological diseases (laryngeal cancer, lung cancer). Hookah vapors have a strong toxicity that provokes cardiac diseases(weakening of the trachea, dystrophy, coronary heart disease) and lung disease. Human, smoking cigarettes, shoots his body with a small scattering of daily and numerous nicotine shocks, and a person, smoking hookah, deals a powerful blow to the internal organs in one go.

Harm to health

Here are a few reasons for hookah:

  • in tobacco hookah mixtures is much less harmful substances than in the products of tobacco factories;
  • tobacco for a smoking device is taken wet and sticky, it does not burn out, but shrinks - while carcinogens practically do not enter the body.
This is absolutely not true, besides, hookah tobacco mixtures do not contain any information about harmful substances on the packaging at all.

Important! Statistics say: people who smoke regular cigarettes and hookah smokers have the same chance of acquiring heart disease, oncological diseases and respiratory diseases.

What happens to tobacco in a hookah? The coals are heated and acquire a temperature of up to 650 ° C, a person inhales the smoke, and with it nicotine and benzapyrene (a carcinogen that promotes cancer) enters the lungs. This carcinogen belongs to toxic substances of the 1st hazard class and is formed in the process of combustion of any kind of substances. It can be liquid, solid or gaseous. Benzopyrene tends to gradually accumulate in the body. It is this carcinogen that causes lung cancer in people who smoke tobacco.
One of side properties the presence of this carcinogen in the body - DNA mutation and the transmission of the resulting mutation to offspring. Salts also get into the lungs of a smoker heavy metals mixed with carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is emitted in large volumes by burning tobacco and coals. If you do not remove carbon monoxide from the hookah every 15 minutes using a valve, then there is a possibility of poisoning with it. Carbon monoxide absorbs large amounts of oxygen in the blood, after which the smoker begins oxygen starvation(hypoxia). First of all, the human brain and heart suffer from hypoxia.

Did you know? American archaeologists have found in Africa the remains of the predecessor of the hookah. It looked like a round clay vessel in the form of a ball. The remains of hashish were found on the walls of the vessel, which indicates that this device was by no means used for smoking tobacco. American finds date back to the 14th century.

Although others internal organs also suffer from lack of oxygen. The heart, which is in a state of hypoxia, begins to contract rapidly in order to overtake blood through the lungs and thereby saturate it with oxygen. But the hookah smoker again takes a breath and instead of air inhales carbon monoxide and other toxic substances. It turns out a vicious circle. The heart muscle of a smoker contracts like a biathlete, but, unlike an athlete receiving oxygen and health, the smoker's heart experiences oxygen starvation.

If you are not going to part with this habit, then you can minimize the harm caused to the body by this type of smoking:

  • smoke only one hookah per session;
  • limit session time to one hour;
  • make it a rule not to smoke daily;
  • do not combine with alcohol-containing drinks and cigarettes;
  • use tobacco without nicotine in the smoking device;
  • make sure that there is water cooling the smoke in the smoking device.


During smoking, severe headaches often occur, this unpleasant feature is most common in rare smokers. Together with hookah smoke, nicotine toxins penetrate into human lungs. The body gets strong, the vessels narrow, and as a result - the strongest migraine. The person begins to worry severe nausea, shooting at whiskey, can throw into heat or into cold sweat, there will be weakness in the legs and arms. The symptoms will be very similar to the morning consequences after stormy nightly gatherings with alcohol: a strong intoxication of the body is clearly traced.

The headache is most likely caused by an overdose of nicotine. If you smoke an ordinary pack of cigarettes in one go - there will be similar symptoms. A hookah is smoked for a long time (from one and a half hours and longer), in one session of such smoking the human body receives loading dose nicotine. In combination with smoke and steam, nicotine penetrates the mucous membrane of the larynx and esophagus faster, so a critical nicotine overdose is possible.
Headache can also be caused by the fact that the water that filters the smoke is replaced by alcoholic beverages. Alcohol vapors easily penetrate the body, acting much stronger and faster than just drunk alcohol. This can also cause intoxication, only alcohol. The tobacco used in hookah mixtures contains many more flavors and flavor enhancers than regular cigarettes. Their impact is also negative: both on the larynx and bronchi, and on the central nervous system person.

Important! The room where the hookah is smoked is saturated with tobacco smoke and smog from coals and thus harms the health of non-smokers. passive smoking.

Airborne infection

When smoking a hookah in large companies, where people are well acquainted with each other, the mouthpiece of the smoking device is often passed in a circle, which can serve as a carrier of a viral droplet infection, leading to diseases such as:

  • hepatitis;
  • and ODS;
  • hepatitis B (jaundice).

Effect on potency

For a strong half of humanity, this type of smoking threatens with a loss of potency, a decrease in attraction to fair sex manifestation of sexual dysfunction. This is not counting oncological, cardiological and infectious diseases. Sexopathologists warn in all seriousness that the passion for smoking hookah will sooner or later end with impotence for the smoker.
With the help of such a smoking device, you can remove the consequences nervous stress, calm the nerves. That is why its action is sometimes compared with the action of alcoholic beverages.

Did you know?The word "hookah" Persian roots and in literal translation means: "a tiny pot in which the jewels and incense of Arab women are stored."

A sane person who values ​​his health and the health of future offspring should not smoke a hookah. If this "miracle device" is in your home, then the most reasonable thing is to throw it away. If, nevertheless, the opinions of others and fashion trends are too important for you to completely abandon dangerous pastime, then we strongly recommend that you do this as rarely as possible (preferably once a year). The main thing is not to forget that the harm from this type of smoking is huge and that you should not worsen your health. Summing up all of the above, it becomes clear that, despite the exotic and unusual ritual of hookah smoking, it deals the same devastating blow to human health as conventional traditional smoking. Hookah, like cigarettes, can cause psychological and physiological dependence, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.

Hookah smoking is a popular fashion recent years common even among teenagers. How harmful is hookah, and what are the health consequences of smoking it?

Hookah fashion - where did it come from?

Smoking is an addiction that affects more than a third of the world's population. Because smoking does not create visible danger for society, in most countries tobacco is not banned at the legislative level. However, inhalation of harmful smoke is extremely harmful to the health of the smoker and the people around him in the long term.

Perfectly aware of the harm of tobacco, smokers themselves are trying to find an alternative to their addiction. One of these alternatives has become a hookah - over the past few years, its popularity has greatly increased.

At first glance, this smoking device really looks quite attractive. First of all, hookah mixes have a pleasant aroma, not at all like the bitter smell of cigarettes. Inhaling fragrant fumes, smokers get real pleasure from the process. In addition, a hookah is associated with relaxation - you can’t smoke it on the run, but it comes in handy in a friendly company that wants to unhurriedly relax after a hearty meal.

Hookah can be found in many restaurants and cafes, more and more often small devices are purchased for home use. Both adults and teenagers use such devices - the last smoking device seems to be an opportunity to touch the "adult" world without harm to health.

Thus, the vast majority of smokers do believe that hookah is safe - or, according to at least much less harmful than cigarettes. But is it true or is it for real? To understand this issue, first consider the principle of operation of the hookah device.

The principle of the hookah

What does any hookah consist of? Its main elements are a flask, a metal shaft, a cup for tobacco and a saucer for coals, as well as a flexible hose that extends from the bottom of the flask - smoke is inhaled through it.

Before using the device, do not fill the flask with a large number of water, then moist fragrant tobacco is placed in a cup, and coals are kindled on a special saucer. Since the saucer and cup are located close to each other, under the influence high temperature tobacco begins to smolder - and gives off a thick fragrant smoke. Through the shaft, this smoke descends into a flask filled with water, passes through a kind of water filter - and then enters the smoker's lungs through a hose.

Proving the safety of a hookah, smokers use exactly two main arguments. fundamental differences this device from a cigarette. They argue that not burning, but quietly smoldering tobacco emits much less harmful substances - and moreover, half of them settle on the walls of the mine and are filtered out by water. In the human body, an already purified mixture of essential oils and water vapor.

Is smoking hookah harmful?

Who is right in this dispute - smokers or doctors who claim that the use of the device is harmful to health? As much as smokers would like to believe otherwise, studies show conclusively that hookah is indeed harmful. And besides - much more than ordinary tobacco smoking.

  • The composition of the tobacco mixture for a smoking device is no different from ordinary tobacco. Nicotine, harmful tar, formaldehyde and benzene - hookah mixtures also contain all these substances.
  • When smoking a hookah mixture, a person inhales much more smoke than with several cigarette puffs. After all, if a cigarette takes only a few minutes, then you can smoke a hookah for an hour or longer - getting a hundred to two hundred times more nicotine and other harmful substances.
  • When using a smoking device tobacco smoke saturates huge amount carbon dioxide. In fact, for a long time, smokers voluntarily inhale carbon monoxide - which immediately affects their well-being and is harmful to health. To understand the scale, it is enough to say that in an hour a smoking device produces the same amount carbon monoxide how much is released when you smoke a whole pack of cigarettes.
  • When puffing on a cigarette, most people inhale the smoke shallowly. With a hookah, the situation is different - in order to feel the taste and aroma of smoke, you need to make a significant effort to inhale. Because of this, smoke and all harmful substances fall not only into the upper, but also into lower divisions respiratory tract.

And finally, there is another danger - at first glance, not obvious. If the hookah is used not individually, but in big company, then between the participants of exotic smoking there is an exchange of saliva. This can lead to infection with colds, infectious and even sexually transmitted diseases- You can hardly say with certainty that all your friends are absolutely healthy.

Even using your own mouthpiece does not eliminate the problem - after all, microparticles of saliva during smoking also fall on the walls of the hose, mixing with steam at the next puff.

What are the consequences of frequent hookah smoking?

We have established that hookah is unequivocally harmful and cannot be considered a "harmless" substitute for cigarettes. But what exactly are the consequences for the body caused by the frequent use of a smoking device?

  • First of all, a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the smoking mixture is harmful to the heart and vascular system of the body. Many smokers, especially inexperienced ones, complain about headache, dizziness and nausea after inhaling fragrant smoke - this is how an overdose of carbon dioxide manifests itself. At constant use smoking device leads to increased blood pressure and contributes to the development of heart disease.
  • The smoke inhaled when smoking wet tobacco mixture adversely affects health respiratory system. As we remember, in its composition, hookah tobacco is no different from ordinary tobacco - but the dosage of harmful substances is much higher. Resins and carcinogens settle on the walls of the larynx and lungs, provoking persistent cough and increasing the risk of developing oncological diseases. Hookah smokers are much more prone to seasonal colds because their immunity is reduced.
  • By negatively affecting blood vessels, hookah mixtures impair brain function. Concentration of attention is disturbed, the ability to intense intellectual work is lost. That is why the hookah is especially dangerous for young people - it affects the quality of education.

Separately, it should be noted that passive inhalation of hookah fumes is just as harmful as the active use of a smoking device. By analogy with cigarette smoke, the smoke from the hookah does not enter the lungs of the smoker completely - some of it is dispersed in the air. Accordingly, everyone who is nearby is also forced to inhale the harmful fumes from smoldering tobacco.

What is more dangerous - hookah or cigarettes?

We studied the principle of the hookah and found that it is definitely unhealthy. It remains to be seen how. Is this harm comparable to the negative effect of cigarettes - or is hookah even more dangerous than the usual way of smoking?

Physicians unanimously argue that in the short and long term negative effect hookah is definitely more harmful than the usual cigarettes. The danger is primarily the duration of smoking - it is customary to sip fragrant smoke from a hose for 30 - 60 minutes. Thus, a person does much more deep breaths- and, accordingly, receives huge dosages of harmful substances and carbon monoxide.

Another danger of hookah is the rapid formation of a bad habit. Dependence on regular cigarettes develops more slowly, and it is a little easier to control it - because a person feels when he begins to lack nicotine. In the case of hookah, the situation is more complicated - most smokers justify the resulting cravings by saying that they simply want to try a new tobacco or enjoy their favorite flavor. quit bad habit It turns out to be very difficult - a strong dependence has time to form.

We can draw the following conclusion - it is best not to acquire such a habit as smoking at all. However, if the choice is between cigarettes and a hookah, it must be remembered that the smoking device is much more harmful, and cannot be an “easy” replacement for ordinary cigarettes.

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Probably everyone who has ever smoked a hookah has heard about the harm it does to health. However, more experienced smokers know that a hookah can be different (on water, on milk), and it depends on many factors - the quality and brand of tobacco, dressings, smoking blends, bowls, type of preparation, and whether it is a hookah without nicotine , or with him. It is on these points that you can determine what harm this product carries. For example, mixtures made from fruits, or steam stones soaked in syrup beforehand, are prepared without tobacco and do not contain harmful ingredients. The only way they can harm a smoker is the carbon monoxide released from the coal used to heat the mixture. However, the amount of this gas is quite small, so do not worry about it.

Harm from a hookah for girls and men - what to fear

However, not every hookah can be smoked without harm to health. Some options this product can seriously harm users, especially badly they affect the body of a girl. This, first of all, concerns standard types prepared with tobacco mixtures. There are many videos on the net that show how to prepare such mixtures at home.

Smoking hookah can cause the following negative consequences:

  • Although there is a water filter in modern hookahs, which is responsible for cleaning the product from most of the nicotine and tar, however, on average, the smoking period lasts about half an hour or more. During this time, the number of harmful ingredients is still growing, and manages to harm health, so the harm from smoking hookah still exists.
  • It has been proven that smoking hookah can be just as addictive as smoking regular cigarettes. Therefore, do not get too carried away in this way of rest. But the difference is that a person smokes cigarettes regardless of where he is, smokes them throughout the day in large quantities. Smoking a hookah is also often not possible, so cigarettes in this sense "overtake" a hookah in terms of harmfulness. In general, comparing a hookah with cigarettes is purely scientific point vision is hard. If you look at the problem globally, you can see that cigarettes are much more harmful, since they are smoked much more. more people and smoke them only because they are addicted to them. Hookah is smoked mainly not because the body asks for tobacco, but just to relax and spend a pleasant time with friends.
  • In extreme cases, this habit can put you at risk of getting lung cancer.
  • It is not recommended to smoke this product through a common mouthpiece to avoid the risk of infection with various ailments.

During smoking, catonin enters the user's body, which reduces protective function organism. That is, it harms immune system person. The smoke from the hookah itself can also cause harm, because the concept of passive smokers is present here.

Positive sides

After reading such information, many will decide that it is better never to pick up a hookah pipe again in their lives. But don't jump to conclusions. The thing is, you just need to know the measure. After all, if you don’t get carried away too much, then a hookah can even be useful. For example, some doctors argue that hookah smoke can have positive influence on the vocal cords smokers, because it is able to destroy germs and bacteria from the respiratory tract. In fact, its action is somewhat similar to the action of an inhaler. This effect is due to glycerin, which can turn hookah smoke into steam.

In the end, we can say that, of course, there is more harm than good from a hookah, however, if you follow the rules of hygiene in using this product and do not get carried away with it, then no large-scale negative consequences not worth the wait.

For many, hookah is one of the ways to have a good time. But people often do not even think about what this activity really is and how dangerous it can be. Let's try to figure it all out.

What is a hookah anyway? In fact, this is a vessel intended for smoking various mixtures, with its help the smoke inhaled by a person is moistened and cooled. The hookah is filled with water, spirits, milk or other liquids, which creates the necessary taste and filters the smoke. A small tube is placed inside, through which the smoke enters the liquid and is discharged through a second tube, located slightly higher. Then, with the help of a long cord, the smoke enters Airways.

Note! Hookah, being created in India, soon gained popularity among Muslim countries. In Europe, they became interested only after the fashion for everything oriental came.

In fact, a hookah is a fairly primitive device in which the filter is a liquid. Many of his fans have no idea if he is harmful, in fact, they do not even try to figure it out. The hookah is especially popular among young people, for them it is a completely harmless and, in a sense, even useful thing.

Compare hookah and cigarettes

Supporters of the hookah assure: its main advantage is that you do not get used to it. But this opinion is not true, because even the special tobacco used for this contains nicotine (there is about 0.05 percent of it). This means that, for example, in a 100-gram package of tobacco there is about 0.05 g of nicotine, and such a package is usually enough for eight to ten treatments. So it turns out that in each such dressing there is approximately 6.2 mg of nicotine, and in a regular cigarette it is no more than 0.8 mg. We conclude: compared to cigarettes, hookah tobacco contains eight times more of the described substance.

Tobacco in a cup - photo

Note! Nicotine is an addictive alkaloid with powerful neurotoxic effects. Indeed, because of nicotine, hundreds of thousands of smokers are unable to overcome a bad habit, and all attempts to quit cause severe discomfort (both physically and morally).

You can argue that a hookah has a liquid filter that traps all harmful impurities, but, logically, one can come to the conclusion that cigarettes also have a filter, moreover, a more efficient one (coal), but it still does not retain nicotine. And water is not the best filter, because it is unable to clean the smoke at the proper level.

So, when smoking a hookah, nicotine still enters the body, therefore, over time, dependence on this alkaloid appears. Therefore, even if people who do not respect smoking become addicted to hookah, they become addicted. And here the transition to cigarettes is only a matter of time. Indeed, smoking a hookah too often will not work, because this requires money and time, and cigarettes are more affordable, they are always there.

Even hookah adherents say that there are much fewer carcinogens in tobacco for it than in cigarettes. Another myth, because there are a lot of dangerous impurities in smoking mixtures, although most smokers do not even know about it, because it is not always possible to find the composition or information about possible dangers on the packaging. In addition, adherents talk about allegedly less harmful tobacco- it is wet and sticky, does not burn, but, as it were, dries and smolders. There is an opinion that because of this, the smoke contains fewer harmful substances, but in reality, both nicotine and other poisons, say, benzapyrene, get into the lungs anyway. Who does not know, this is extremely dangerous carcinogen, formed during the combustion of any substance, regardless of its (substance) state.

Note! Even in the smallest amounts, benzapyrene is very dangerous, because it tends to accumulate in the body over time, which is why smokers get cancer. In addition, benzapyrene is mutagenic, it provokes DNA mutations that are quite stable and can even be inherited.

What else is dangerous hookah?

When tobacco is burned, metal salts, CO and CO₂ (carbon oxides) are released, and all these substances, respectively, remain in the lungs. Moreover, there is a possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, because of which it must be released using a special valve every fifteen minutes.

Oxygen combines with incoming carbon monoxide, in connection with which oxygen starvation begins. human tissues are deficient in the required substances (including oxygen), which is dangerous for the heart and brain. Blood vessels narrow, and to those parts of the tissues that are located remotely, oxygen does not enter at all, which is why the heart beats faster, the volume of blood pumped increases, the lungs work more actively, but at the same time they inhale carbon dioxide. In a word, a vicious circle is created.

Despite the assurances of hookah adherents that the smoke that passes through the liquid is enriched with oxygen molecules, studies show that in reality nothing of the kind happens. Because of this, the heart has to work at a frantic pace. According to statistics, hookah fans are more likely to suffer from cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases than cigarette lovers.

Risk factors

So, we found out that hookah smoking is not harmless, and sometimes dangerous. Consider the key hazards of such an occupation.

  1. There is much more nicotine in the smoking mixture than in ordinary cigarettes, therefore, dependence on a hookah will develop several times faster.

  2. Smoking hookah provokes the development of heart disease, what can we say about those smokers who already have a sick heart.

  3. When coals and tobacco burn, powerful toxic substances. These substances accumulate over time human body and can cause cancer.
  4. Also, the described occupation is fraught with passive smoking, since even non-smoking people who are in the same room with a hookah get their own dose of carbon monoxide and carcinogens.

  5. Due to the wide popularity of hookah smoking, the number of people suffering from hepatitis and tuberculosis has increased, because the pathogenic bacteria remaining inside the pipe can be destroyed only with the help of special disinfectants, and, as you know, no one usually uses them. Especially dangerous is smoking in special hookah establishments!

Note! In the United States, studies have been conducted that have shown that water filters tobacco smoke very poorly. This was also confirmed by the research of scientists from Germany dealing with cancer.

It is also necessary to remember that hookah tobacco is not tested for compliance with quality standards, which means that there can be no guarantees of safety. People have no idea where tobacco was grown, how it was stored, and how dangerous it is.

But young people usually do not care about this, since the main thing for their representatives is to have fun, relax and just have a good time, although such a pastime may negatively affect their health in two or three years. As a result, men have erectile dysfunction, and in women - hormonal disorders that affect both appearance and the menstrual cycle.

Reversing the damage that smoking has already done is a complex procedure, and treatment can take several years. For this reason, it is better to prevent the development of diseases and give up hookah in time. It can save both health and even life!

Video - About the dangers of smoking hookah

Today, smoking with a hookah is quite popular, especially among young people. The majority refuse traditional way smoking cigarettes, preferring fashion trends, believing that the harm from hookah is minimal, and considering this method to be safer.

What is the difference between hookah and cigarettes

The main difference between the considered smoking device lies in the composition of the smoke. As a rule, an ordinary cigarette (regardless of its price) contains a lot of nicotine, dangerous impurities. Also, the quality of cigarettes is affected by the paper from which they are made. The harm of a hookah is much lower, all available carcinogens remain in the water when smoking, and the amount of harmful resins is also reduced. Another important comparison criterion is tobacco. Exquisite hookah filler is often supplied with chemical flavors, which, in addition to the beautiful smell, also poison the body.

Is it harmful to smoke hookah without nicotine?

Naively believing that the transition to a nicotine-free form of smoking will help to forget about a bad habit, people only aggravate their situation. Despite many various options(creamy fillers, gels, fruit bases), the absence of tobacco leaves makes it possible to reduce the harmful effects of the product and reduce toxicity in general, but harm is still done to the body.

The apparatus itself is designed in such a way that during the process only the substance that is in the bowl of the hookah acts on a person. To heat it, coals are used, which simply smolder at the bottom and do not come into contact with the tobacco mixture. It should be noted that natural ingredients also do not cancel Negative influence carbon monoxide, regardless of filtration and cooling when passing through a liquid, the smoke cannot be 100% cleared.

How often can you smoke hookah

The smoke emitted from a hookah is much softer, since it consists of almost 90% water vapor, which is facilitated by moist tobacco. However, due to the impressive volume of the liquid, a large amount of impurities are attracted and for this reason it is problematic to know the exact proportions of the resin. The alternative does not cause such significant damage to health as cigarettes, if you smoke a hookah once a day, there will be no serious deviations. Although consensus on this account no.

While some argue that the hookah should be used no more than 2 times a day, others say that the frequency should be reduced to 2 times a week, otherwise the harm from the hookah will become more noticeable.

Experts recommend only not to smoke on an empty stomach and control the duration of the intake, especially for a girl. Plan a classic device with a clay bowl for 30-40 minutes, and if the container is carefully cut out of fruit, then the time allotted for the session can be increased to 50 minutes.

Harm from hookah smoking

Carbon monoxide

According to official medicine, carbon monoxide leaves an irreparable imprint, because it affects the state of all organs, not only the lungs.

According to experts, for 1-2 hours of leisure with a hookah, 10 times more tobacco smoke gets inside a person than from an ordinary cigarette, which causes:

  • weakness in the body;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting.

Due to its moisture and ductility, toxic secretions penetrate the lower respiratory tract much easier, and with excessive use, there is a risk of complete poisoning.

saliva exchange

Large companies are a separate danger, because when smoking, the glands begin to intensively produce large quantity saliva, which, upon contact with the elements of the device, penetrates into the filter itself and the mouthpiece of the device, passing on along with the smoke. Ultimately, each participant in a hookah session can be infected with germs. The list of diseases that can be obtained in this way is very wide even for a man. To avoid this addiction, organizations offer special disposable nozzles along with the hookah when ordering.

Second hand smoke

Fans of noisy places who don't smoke themselves but have to coexist with a bunch of hookah lovers are 50% smokers who also inhale the combination of nitrogen and carbon monoxide into their lungs, just in a different way. Many people think that there is much less nicotine and toxins in moist smoke and passive smokers get practically no harm, but this is not true. According to the reports of scientists, the device under consideration has a similar amount of harmful substances. Due to the long stay in the room (several hours in a row), a significant part of the smoke also goes to the non-smoking visitor.


Significant harm in the form of hookah addiction can manifest itself as unexpectedly as cigarette use. Many factors are closely intertwined with the device model, although it cannot be confidently asserted that the most expensive type has a positive effect on the body - any dependence eventually begins to require an increase in the usual dose. Nicotine can build up and someone who is hookah addicted can easily switch to e-cigarette or regular cigarettes soon.

How harmful is hookah for men and women and are there any advantages to hookah smoking

There is an opinion who such a pastime is completely harmless. But in fact, the fact how harmful a hookah is is repelled by the fact that tobacco smoke in a hookah is filtered by water and smoking in this way is considered solely in comparison with the danger of a cigarette, and not as an independent procedure.

Headaches or hookah hangover

With frequent and prolonged inhalation of smoke, inexperienced beginners begin to experience severe headaches, because a large amount of nicotine toxins are in the lungs, due to which the body suffers from stress, which invariably entails discomfort. Those who are not adapted to such a load are not at least physically ready to cope with such an “attack” from the outside. For example, if you risk using this harmful device on an empty stomach, without even drinking a little water 2-3 hours before, then the person will definitely feel bad, nausea will suddenly appear, it will stir up and throw you in a fever, and the skin will instantly become covered with sweat.

Airborne infections

Even in the company of good friends, smoking hookah through a common mouthpiece can provoke infections. Often, infection occurs with diseases such as:

  • herpes;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • meningitis;
  • syphilis;
  • SARS;
  • tuberculosis (for therapy this disease Terizidone may be prescribed.

At first glance, the risk of contracting the listed ailments is minimal, but no one is immune from such a result. Therefore, it will be useful to adhere to the elementary rules of hygiene and monitor the level of service of establishments that offer such a service.

Harm from a hookah for men

Arguments about how harmful or useful a hookah is for men is already a classic topic for debate. Due to the fact that the airways are overfilled with moist smoke, resin slowly collects in the vessels near the stronger sex and causes poor blood circulation.

Due to such negative interventions, portions of oxygen necessary for normal life activity do not reach the brain. The heart also begins to work worse, malfunctions occur in the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. Yes, and the most main question- the effect of hookah on potency - in the future develops just as rapidly and in a negative light.

After frequent hookah smoking, already later a short time the sexual function of a man is noticeably reduced, potency worsens, weakness and dysfunction in bed often occur. Men who love to smoke hookah often are almost always doomed to impotence in the future.

Harm from a hookah for girls

If we consider how such smoking affects girls, first of all it is worth evaluating the fact how harmful a hookah is for beauty. First, this appearance- poor enamel and yellowing teeth, early wrinkles, brittle nails and hair, bad smell from mouth. It is also impossible to write off the internal component of health, because scientists have come to the conclusion that the passion for this addiction for the fair sex can adversely affect future generations.

If a woman cares not only about her own well-being, but also about the health of the child she is carrying, she should cross out hookah smoking from her life even after childbirth - this adversely affects milk for feeding. According to statistics, babies are born from smoking mothers with birth defects hearts, all kinds of allergies and asthma, visual impairment, weak immunity, and sometimes even mentally retarded babies or cases of miscarriage.

Pros of hookah smoking

Despite the disadvantages, hookah smoking has its advantages. After all, the taste of smoke through the device is much more pleasant than that of ordinary cigarettes, it can be found in different variations and flavors, and besides, it is not very bitter. If you believe the description of the process, then smoking with water reduces the percentage of harmful components in the smoke, phenols are reduced by 90%, and benzopyrene and polycyclic - by 50%. In a hookah installation, tobacco is dried by temperature, and not by combustion, so harmful particles (carcinogens) are not observed there.

Taking a sensible judge of how harmful a hookah is, one way or another, it is important to remember that this is one of the permissible subspecies of smoking, and not a simplified replacement, and it is a mistake to consider it completely safe for health. And therefore, the conclusion whether it is worth smoking in this way, in what quantities and how often to do it, or whether to switch to cigarettes - everyone decides for himself.