What is more harmful, electronic cigarettes or tobacco? Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? Can an electronic cigarette?

The harm from smoking is undeniable, has long been proven and is known to everyone. And yet, the number of smokers is very large, and only a few of them decide to fight this addiction. Some act radically, giving up smoking once and for all, while others try to fight this addiction using various options: pills, patches and folk remedies.

Vaping – vaping electronic cigarettes – is now becoming a popular way to quit smoking. The process feels like smoking, but the steamer inhales not smoke, but the steam produced by this device. Before deciding whether to buy an electronic cigarette as a replacement for a regular one, you need to understand the vaping process and the design of the device. It is also necessary to understand whether this miracle of technology can replace habitual smoking, and to consider all the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette.

An ES is a device that converts liquid into vapor, which the user inhales. The simplest model looks like a regular cigarette with a filter.

The “filling” of e-sig consists of the following elements:

  1. A cartridge filled with vaping liquid. There is a large selection of e-liquids with different nicotine contents and flavors.
  2. An atomizer (evaporator, steam generator) is a device with a heating system; it is in it that the liquid is converted into steam, which is inhaled by the steamer.
  3. Air sensor.
  4. An electronic device that activates the operation of the device.
  5. Rechargeable battery or battery.
  6. Simulator of the smoldering tip of a cigarette.

The vaping liquid contains propylene glycol and glycerin (food additives), as well as various flavors and nicotine. The nicotine content in the liquid varies, including zero. If the steam generator is used as an alternative to cigarettes, then the liquid can be selected based on the usual strength of regular cigarettes.

In the process of classic smoking, many harmful tars, carbon toxins and toxic compounds enter the body along with smoke. During vaping, all these substances are simply not produced, since there is no combustion process. The main benefit of electronic cigarettes is that only nicotine enters the body of the smoker.


Let's look at the advantages of electronic cigarettes:

  • Smoking EC does not have such a detrimental effect on health as regular smoking. There is no plaque left on the teeth, fingers do not turn yellow, and the skin does not deteriorate.
  • There is no unpleasant smell of tobacco from the steamer, which is unpleasant to many non-smokers;
  • When switching to vaping, many note a general improvement in their condition, the absence of shortness of breath and heaviness in the bronchi, and the restoration of their sense of smell. The so-called “smoker's cough” gradually goes away.
  • Steam from ES is safe for non-smokers, as it does not contain harmful substances.
  • Vaping does not cause inconvenience to others, since the exhaled steam dissipates very quickly and has a very light odor.
  • There is no risk of starting a fire due to an unextinguished cigarette, the device is fireproof.
  • No ashes or cigarette butts.
  • Opportunity to reduce smoking costs.
  • It is believed that by gradually reducing the nicotine content in the mixture, it will be possible to quit smoking over time, as the need for nicotine will decrease.

Sometimes, having become familiar only with the advantages of vaping, vapers biasedly assess the effects of vaping on the body. Believing that vaping is absolutely harmless, beginners very often vape, forgetting that the nicotine that enters the body is far from a useful substance.

We note their beneficial qualities, but the question still remains open: are electronic cigarettes harmful or beneficial? To answer this, it is necessary to evaluate the disadvantages of smoking EC. First of all, it is worth noting that vaping does not eliminate nicotine addiction, but only helps to gradually reduce nicotine consumption by reducing its concentration in the vaping liquid. When assessing the disadvantages of an electronic cigarette, you should also pay attention to the fact that the intake of nicotine into the body, in principle, cannot be absolutely harmless.

ES is a successful replacement for cigarettes, allowing a person, following the usual smoking ritual, to receive the required dose of nicotine without the addition of harmful impurities.


These include:

  • The lack of mandatory certification for ES, liquids and flavors leads to a large number of fakes of dubious quality. When purchasing uncertified products, you cannot be completely sure that only approved and tested components were used for its manufacture.
  • Since extensive medical research has not yet been carried out, it cannot be said unequivocally that smoking EC does not cause harm. This is especially true for those who have been vaping for a long time.
  • The illusion of the harmlessness of smoking EC often leads to an increase in nicotine consumption, which can cause poisoning, the so-called “nicotine hit”, accompanied by deterioration of health, nausea, loss of coordination and headaches.
  • The propylene glycol content in ES liquid can cause allergies and, as a result, respiratory problems.
  • Often, when you try to quit, you acquire an even more persistent vaping habit. Less harmful, but unsafe. Narcologists and psychiatrists believe that with the help of electronic cigarettes you can quit smoking by using liquids without nicotine and gradually reducing the amount of vaping.
  • The passion for vaping can turn into a kind of collecting, and then there is no need to talk about saving money compared to regular smoking. Constantly purchasing new mixtures, flavors and devices for e-cig is not a cheap pleasure.

Differences between electronic and regular cigarettes

These include:

  1. ES only imitates the process of smoking; in fact, it is inhaling steam, not smoke.
  2. A regular cigarette is a paper tube filled with shredded tobacco, often accompanied by an acetate fiber filter. An ES is a device with an evaporator that converts liquid into steam.
  3. ES liquid uses purified nicotine, or mixtures without nicotine are used.
  4. They do not have a negative impact on others, unlike regular cigarettes.
  5. Electronic devices can be used in public places, while smoking regular cigarettes is prohibited there.
  6. They require maintenance, replacement of cartridges or refilling of liquid and regular battery refilling.
  7. The main thing that distinguishes ES from regular energy is the absence of combustion products, which cause great harm to the body.

Regular smoking definitely harms both the smoker and those around him. If a smoker is unable to give up this addiction, then you can replace your usual cigarettes with electronic ones. After all, an electronic cigarette, the benefits and harms of which cannot be compared with traditional smoking, is less dangerous to health. And since the process of vaping is very similar to smoking, the transition to ES will be almost painless. It can be confidently called a less harmful replacement for regular cigarettes.

To reduce the negative effects of vaping, it is necessary to carefully control the dosage of nicotine in the liquid. You should pay attention to the quality of devices, vaping liquids and flavors.


This video dispels many myths about electronic cigarettes.

Every smoker, at some point, wonders whether he should switch to an electronic cigarette? Such thoughts most often come to mind after various advertisements and stories from friends who were inspired by this device. Also, after doing the math, many understand that smoking this cigarette is much less expensive than smoking regular cigarettes. There are also advantages such as a harmless composition and, which plays a big role for many, electronic cigarettes do not cause passive smoking, that is, they do not affect others. All these points are advantages, after reading which a person, without hesitation, decides to buy such a cigarette substitute. But often, people study incomplete information, but only that which most often contains only positive reviews.

An electronic cigarette is a created alternative to cigarettes. In appearance, it is completely different from the real ones, but its properties and functions have a similar meaning. Electronic cigarettes appeared on the market in 2003. When they were created, the goal was to make a cigarette that would allow people to smoke absolutely everywhere, even indoors. The successfully created device began to gain momentum. To prevent sales from declining, the manufacturer also added to the description that they can help quit smoking. It was just a boom for sales.

What is an electronic cigarette?

This is a device designed to simulate smoking. It works from charging. The cigarette works due to a steam generator, which is installed in the housing. It begins its work when tightened. The dressing mixture is based on components such as glycerin, propylene glycol, food flavorings and various impurities and additives. They can be purchased separately, ready-made, or you can make them yourself.

This resulting liquid is poured into a special tank. When inhaled, the liquid is generated into vapor and enters the human body. At the same time, exactly the same sensations are created as when smoking cigarettes. Only the smoke from it does not have an unpleasant odor and does not cause a negative impact on others.

Electronic cigarette: harm or benefit

This device has both pros and cons, which you will now learn about in more detail.

Pros of an electronic cigarette:

  1. The very first and most important thing is that when switching to such a cigarette, after a couple of days a person will observe positive effects: the unpleasant odor from the mouth, clothes and hands will disappear; with a low concentration of nicotine, your well-being will noticeably improve, this is expressed in the elimination of headaches and difficulty breathing.
  2. Contains much less harmful components, unlike cigarettes. There are no combustion and resin impurities.
  3. Does not pollute the environment; does not spoil the air for people around; It doesn't make your teeth yellow.

Disadvantages of an electronic cigarette:

  1. The person thinks that it is less expensive. However, as statistics show, people who switch to electronic cigarettes begin to smoke even more. This is a psychological factor that obliges us to instinctively learn new things. Because of this, much more money is spent than it seemed.
  2. When you buy a ready-made liquid, you don’t know what’s added to it or whether there’s anything natural in it. A manufacturer can do everything to make its product cheaper without losing its sales.
  3. The steam that comes out of the liquid can cause an allergic reaction, and people around you don’t like it and cause irritation, which is also associated with the psyche.
    Currently, researchers cannot give an answer about the benefits or harms of this smoking. They have not fully studied the properties of the electronic cigarette, since they have not received licenses from the states.

E-cigarettes themselves are considered harmless. All the danger lies in the liquid. Therefore, to warn yourself, it is better to refill the cigarette yourself to be sure of the composition. But it is important to remember that consuming any type of nicotine and smoking any type of cigarettes is harmful to your health. Therefore it is better not at all
start smoking, and if the process has already begun, then it is necessary to stop it in time.

Having appeared on the market not so long ago, the electronic cigarette quickly became a competitor to the regular one. Some fans of the invention consider it a panacea for tobacco addiction, others – a fashion accessory, and the debate about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not does not cease. Where is the truth?

Although a patent for electronic cigarettes was proposed back in the 60s of the last century, they were invented in our usual form only in 2004 by the Hong Kong company Ruyan Group Ltd. The structure of the cigarette is quite simple: essentially it is an electronic unit and an evaporator. The shape of a cigarette can be any - from the usual thin “cigarette” to a smoking pipe.

The power supply contains batteries that ensure the operation of the device. A vaporizer or atomizer consists of a heating element and a wick, and serves to uniformly supply liquid to the heating element, where it evaporates. Externally, this vapor resembles tobacco smoke.

An empty e-cigarette is simply a safe device, but an e-cigarette with liquid is the subject of fierce debate over its dangers and safety.

So what's in this liquid?

Liquid for e-cigarettes consists of the following components:

  • glycerin, necessary for vaporization, is an essential liquid component;
  • propylene glycol (not an essential component), which acts as a solvent for other components, allowing the liquid to be fluid and enhancing its taste;
  • water, which may not be present in the composition, acts on the principle of a solvent and gives the liquid additional fluidity;
  • nicotine, unlike traditional cigarettes, is not an essential component of electronic cigarettes; it is included in liquids in different dosages and acts as a psychoactive substance;
  • flavorings that add taste and smell to the composition, but are not essential;
  • dyes that determine color are also not required components.

A liquid has an important characteristic - its thickness (or viscosity). The thickness depends on the concentration of glycerin - the more there is, the thicker the liquid. And the cheaper the cigarettes, the less thick the liquid they contain, and the less glycerin they contain, since with a weak supply, the cigarette wick does not have time to wet itself, and the coil overheats, which leads to failure of the device.

Based on the type of component concentration, liquids with the following amount of vapor are distinguished:

  • large, with an average level of irritation of respiratory receptors (30% propylene glycol, glycerin - 70%)
  • medium, with a high level of irritation (50% glycerin and propyleglycol each.)

The composition may contain 5-30% flavorings - the concentration depends on the recipe. But the nicotine content should not exceed 3.6%, but it may be completely absent.

The strength of a liquid based on nicotine content is usually indicated on a scale of 0-12 mg. The more powerful the vaporizer in a cigarette, the greater the concentration of nicotine contained in each puff.

You can make e-cigarette liquid yourself, but this has its pros and cons. The first is that the manufacturer has the ability to control the quality of the purity of the mixture and the concentration of nicotine. Secondly, the possibility of adding harmful components (including narcotic ones), which reduces the already minimal benefit of these cigarettes to zero.

Mechanism of operation

How does an electronic cigarette work? According to the mechanism of action on the body, it is similar to the traditional one. But in order to smoke a regular cigarette, it must be set on fire, and as a result of burning the tobacco, nicotine is released, which brings satisfaction to the smoker. When the electronic cigarette is turned on, the liquid heats up and the device begins to emit steam, simulating smoke. The vapor penetrates the smoker's lungs. The operating mechanism resembles an inhaler, and regardless of the design of the cigarette, it is absolutely identical in all models.

How dangerous are electronic cigarettes?

Many scientists and doctors talk about the dangers of electronic cigarettes. If the liquid contains at least a little nicotine, then, in fact, smoking an electronic cigarette is no different in its effects on the body than a traditional one. And many countries prohibit the sale of this analogue. For example, Brazil, Turkey, Italy, Canada - even advertising of such products is not allowed there. In Thailand, you can be fined or even arrested for using and possessing e-cigarettes. In Russia, the sale of electronic cigarettes that imitate traditional ones in color and shape is prohibited. Devices that differ in appearance are not prohibited by law.

Why are electronic cigarettes considered dangerous?

WHO states that e-cigarettes cannot be classified as proven nicotine replacement therapy. Moreover, experts note the popularity of these smoking devices among young people who have not previously smoked.

According to experts, the vapor emitted by electronic cigarettes and containing both nicotine (true for nicotine-containing liquids) and a whole list of toxic substances has a negative impact not only on the smoker himself, but also on those around him.

Unscrupulous manufacturers of smoking liquids, due to the lack of GOST production and supervision standards, can add harmful impurities to the product, and this is not regulated by law. And even nicotine-free liquids carry a certain threat. By trusting advertisers and manufacturers who assure that electronic cigarettes are safe, the smoker gradually becomes dependent on them. Habituation occurs both at the physical level and at the psychological level. And the lack of expected sensations forces people to use the electronic version of a cigarette more and more often.

Is it harmful to others?

Scientists from the Berkeley National Laboratory have found that when exposed to thermal current, glycerin and propylene glycol decompose, and toxic substances are released - acrolein and formaldehyde. Flavorings in the liquid can cause serious allergic reactions and exacerbation of existing ENT diseases. Thus, steam is potentially dangerous for passive smokers.

Effect on pregnant women and children

Any nicotine-containing substances are recognized as highly toxic for children. Accidental ingestion of e-cigarette liquid is especially dangerous. According to various sources, the lethal dose of nicotine is 1-13 milligrams per kilogram of a person’s weight, and due to age, a child needs very little to become poisoned. That is why it is not recommended for manufacturers to package liquids in bright and colorful packaging that is attractive to little curious ones.

Electronic cigarette or regular cigarette: which is more harmful?

Perhaps the question of which is more harmful - an electronic cigarette or a regular one will remain controversial until research gives definitive results. Expert opinions are mixed. WHO assures that the harm from electronic cigarettes is no less than from regular ones. And British scientists believe, based on the results of their own research, that electronic cigarettes are safer than traditional ones. In their opinion, quitting smoking in favor of glycerin, even with an admixture of nicotine, in the long term significantly reduces the craving for smoking.

One cannot but agree with the fact that e-liquid contains much less toxic substances than tobacco. But at the same time, when heated, the components of the smoking mixture release many carcinogens. Although, perhaps, there is an aesthetic advantage from electronic cigarettes - they do not cause the icteric plaque on the teeth typical of ordinary smokers.

  • Much fewer carcinogens enter the lungs compared to tobacco smoke.
  • However, addiction to nicotine-containing liquid causes no less persistent addiction than classic cigarettes. In fact, smoking electronic cigarettes with nicotine does not help wean ourselves off this poison. Unless the smoker has the illusion of the safety of such a hobby.

    When deciding whether it’s time to leave traditional cigarettes in favor of electronic ones, you should think carefully: isn’t such a replacement equivalent?

    Over the past decade, smoking has become a bad habit for a third of the world's adult population. Most of them are aware of its negative effects on the body. Without the strength to quit this “occupation,” smokers try to find at least some alternative.

    And this is where electronic cigarettes come to the rescue, which, according to many, are a safer replacement for standard cigarettes. In order to determine whether they are truly safe, it is necessary to study in more detail the principle of their operation and the effect on the human body.

    How do electronic cigarettes work?

    All versions of electronic cigarettes consist of seven parts:

    • A cartridge is a part of a device that a smoker touches with his lips to inhale smoke;
    • Cartridge (cartomizer) - acts as a kind of filter. But, unlike ordinary cigarettes, its properties are slightly different;
    • Atomizer - located immediately after the cartridge. It heats the cartridge with the liquid in it, thereby ensuring its evaporation;
    • Air sensor - converts air pressure into electrical current;
    • Tobacco smoldering indicator;
    • Battery;
    • Microprocessor - serves to service the indicator and sensor.

    Despite this design, the operating principle of electronic cigarettes is elementary. It is based on the evaporation of a special liquid that is located in the cartridge. In this regard, they are often called evaporators or vaporizers. The liquid contains nicotine and various flavorings. Cigarette flavors are so varied that every smoker can choose one to suit his taste.

    During smoking, the liquid heats up and the person exhales it in the form of vapor. The effect is similar to smoking cigarettes. The only difference is the absence of tobacco smoke, which may contain various harmful substances.

    Are e-cigarettes harmful to our health?

    You can talk about electronic cigarettes for hours, but it is almost impossible to give a 100% answer to the question about their benefits or harm. Many experts argue that it all depends on the liquid that fills the cartridge.

    In the absence of nicotine, it does not cause any harm; a completely different picture is obtained when the cartridge is filled. It should be noted that such products are not certified goods.

    Yes, they underwent numerous tests by various specialists, but the World Health Organization itself did not conduct any testing on them. In this regard, there is no definite position on their harm.

    Are e-cigarettes with liquid harmful?

    Today there are more than 7,000 types of different liquids for electronic cigarettes. Each of them has its own taste, smell, there is one with nicotine, there is one without it, and so on. Taking into account all the characteristics of liquids, we will try to highlight the pros and cons of this method of smoking. Strengths include:

    1. Not a bad way to quit smoking. By choosing cartridges with different fillers, you can gradually reduce the dose of nicotine. And over time, completely abandon it;
    2. They do not contain combustion products and resin, which does not damage your lungs;
    3. Complete absence of odor when smoking;
    4. The cost of cartridges is approximately the same as regular cigarettes, which will not hit your wallet hard. The only thing you will have to spend money on is purchasing the cigarette itself;
    5. Practical: they do not require ashtrays, because they do not leave garbage.

    Among the disadvantages we highlight the following:

    1. When a person quits smoking tobacco, he still has a psychological dependence on smoking; accordingly, only the subject of dependence will change;
    2. There are times when a smoker realizes the safety of such a method, which increases his craving for such cigarette options;
    3. There is no guarantee that the liquids are completely free of harmful impurities, because WHO has not conducted any studies;
    4. Quite often you can find fakes, for the quality of which no one bears any responsibility.

    Is it true that they help you quit smoking?

    In order to get a reliable answer to this question, you need to analyze a lot of information. And as the search shows, there is simply no official data or statements from specialists. All available anecdotal evidence suggests that e-cigarettes help reduce smoking addiction or quit smoking completely.

    But is this true? After all, the manufacturers themselves have not yet been able to provide the results of large studies in which volunteers would take part. All we can rely on is data from small research centers.

    Electronic cigarettes, just like cigarette cigarettes, contain nicotine, which is the main cause of addiction. Of course, its quantity is much less, but you can compensate for it with a large number of puffs.

    There is also a psychological side to the issue. After all, the process of smoking itself still remains, it does not matter what type of cigarette the smoker smokes.

    Plus, this method of smoking has no territorial prohibitions. After all, a smoker can appear with a cigarette in his hands in public places, in transport, and indoors.

    “Can e-cigarettes help you quit smoking?” - this is an individual question. And if you set a goal for yourself: quitting smoking, then you must have desire and willpower, and you should not completely rely on the electronic assistant.

    E-cigarette safety: what the science says

    The opinions of most specialists and doctors contradict each other.

    The thing is that this is a fairly new product that appeared not so long ago and requires massive research.

    At this stage, a significant part of the opinions of experts boils down to the following:

    The conclusions of the World Health Organization on the safety of electronic cigarettes have not yet been published, since, according to international requirements, any conclusions are made after ten years from the date of release of the new device. But the preliminary results that are available indicate that this type of smoking is prohibited for children, pregnant women and people who have never smoked.

    And in conclusion, a short video about the dangers of electronic cigarettes.

    If you still don’t understand my point, read it again: ENDS is an electronic nicotine delivery system! This is the main purpose of a plastic tube with liquid and an LED at the end, and the main function of this “gadget” is to make a person remain addicted to nicotine.

    How to quit smoking yourself at home?

    The real harm of electronic cigarettes with nicotine on the human body

    The goal of e-cigarette manufacturers is to create the illusion of pleasure. Just look at the packaging of electronic cigarettes. You will see beautiful and bright labels, a variety of flavors: fruit, menthol, pina colada and other exotic ones that attract not only children and teenagers. Of course, electronic cigarettes use the same chemical compounds that are artificially added to regular cigarettes - flavorings. First of all, nicotine is highly addictive and, among other things, is a strong neurotoxin, that is, poison. And this is far from an exaggeration! What harm does it do? It gradually destroys both the nervous system and the immune system, which is the most powerful tool that helps us fight various diseases and infections. And of course, there is already information about the “popcorn disease”, talk has already begun about sarcoidosis, which is provoked by electronic cigarettes.

    Surprisingly, many of those who smoke e-cigarettes and contact the Allen Carr Center say that they should not blindly rely on studies and statistics that prove the harm of e-cigarettes. At such moments it becomes funny to me, because over several years of work I have seen hundreds of people who cough and choke, but continue to repeat that the harm has not been proven.

    Be honest with yourself and ask yourself whether you need to be a scientist to understand this simple thing: our lungs are not designed to inhale either smoke or propylene glycol fumes. Of course, daily inhalation of chemical compounds that you are not even aware of is dangerous and can cause serious harm to your health. Take care of yourself and be free!

    Contact the Allen Carr Center - here they will help you quit smoking electronic cigarettes and vaping, and will also give you the opportunity to get rid of your addiction to nasvay, snus or regular cigarettes! Don't waste time, sign up right now!

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